Cambridge City Bereavement Guide

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Introduction CONTENTS The Crematorium and Chapels page 1 The Cloisters and Gardens page 2 Memorials page 3 Burials and Cemeteries page 5 Funeral Arrangements page 7 Non Religious and other services page 8 Charter for the Bereaved and Guiding Principles page 9 Useful Contacts page 11

The office of the Cemetery and Crematorium Service for Cambridge City Council is located at Cambridge Crematorium, 5 miles from the centre of Cambridge, on the A14 westbound. From here the council's two cemeteries and the crematorium are administered and any public enquires answered. A team of administrative and operational staff ensure that someone is available Monday to Friday to assist the bereaved and Funeral Directors. We hope this guide will be of use to you at this difficult time. Forms of application for cremation, burial and memorials are also available to download from our website: Bereavement Services provides a caring, sensitive and high quality service for people at a difficult time in their lives. Losing a loved one presents many challenges and our staff can give helpful advice and guidance about all aspects of funeral arrangements and memorials.

The Crematorium and Chapels Cambridge Crematorium occupies a peaceful site, with its beautiful gardens, natural woodland, and tranquil water areas, all containing an abundance of wildlife. The Crematorium was opened in 1938 as a private concern before being taken over in 1950 by Cambridge City Council. There are two Chapels at the Crematorium, the East which, was opened in 1938 and the West in 1991. Adjacent to the Crematorium is the Huntingdon Road Cemetery.

The East Chapel Facing the Crematorium entrance and situated between two cloistered areas is the traditional East Chapel, which retains many of its original features and can seat approximately 55 people. This Chapel is equipped with a Johannes Organ as well as the Wesley Music System, which allows flexibility of choice for families when arranging the music content of a service. The Wesley System also allows for services to be audio or visually recorded and a web cast of the service can also be arranged if desired. The chapel has an induction loop system and is on a single level giving easy access for wheelchairs.

Adjacent to the Chapel on one side of the walkway, is a small waiting room for mourners. In the same position on the other side is a small Chapel of Remembrance, which contains the Book of Remembrance and Columbarium, where cremated remains rest in inscribed caskets. The West Chapel The completion and dedication of the second, more modern, Chapel in November 1991 has extended the service provided by the Crematorium. It enhances the existing environment and provides seating for 193 people, with 139 in the main body of the Chapel and 54 on the balcony. The Council has embellished the Chapel with a wall hanging in order to provide a focal point for the services. Local artists were commissioned to carry out this work together with landscape pictures of East Anglia, which hang in the waiting room and Vestry. The main body of the Chapel is also embellished with kneelers made by the Cambridge Townswomen's Guild and by local branches of the Women's Institute. The West Chapel has a Norwich Electronic Organ and the Wesley Music System, which allows flexibility of choice for families when arranging the music content of a service. The Wesley System also allows for services to be audio or visually recorded and a web cast of the service can also be arranged if desired. It is equipped with an induction loop system for the hard of hearing and caters for the needs of physically disabled visitors. Adjoining the chapel is a waiting room that overlooks the tranquil Gardens of Remembrance and Memorial Woodland.

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The Cloisters and Gardens

The Cloisters Floral tributes are displayed in the cloisters with one devoted to each Chapel. The floral tributes remain on display for one week and are removed on the morning of the 7th day. The Cloisters also have Memorial Stone Tablets, which may be inscribed and/or personalised. For a Permanent Memorial to the deceased there is the Book of Remembrance situated between the Columbarium and East Chapel. The Books of Remembrance are beautifully bound in leather, richly tooled, and the leaves are of the finest paper. The Book of Remembrance This is the only permanent type of memorial. The books are displayed in cabinets in the Chapel of Remembrance. The books have been fashioned by hand in traditional style with the permanence and artistic excellence of medieval illuminated missals. A page is devoted to each day of the year in order that inscriptions can be viewed on the appropriate anniversary. The pages to the Book of Remembrance are turned daily, including all Bank Holidays.

If you are not be able to visit on the anniversary you can now view the entry on the electronic Book of Remembrance located in the Chapel of Remembrance or online at http:// index2.php?site=cambridge We have a Book of Remembrance dedicated for babies and children which is beautifully presented in its own cabinet. Recordia Panels Leather panels located in the Chapel of Remembrance can be dedicated to the memory of one or two people for a period of one year.

Memorial Cards Copies of each entry are also available on individual Memorial Cards, which are suitable for keepsakes or for sending to friends and relatives.

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Memorials The Gardens of Remembrance and Memorial Woodlands The grounds have been fully landscaped and provide a secluded and peaceful environment where cremated remains can be strewn. Ornamental shrubs, rose bushes and trees contribute to make a relaxing area where people can sit on seats dedicated to the memory of loved ones. The woodland is a most tranquil and beautiful area with a variety of dedicated trees and shrubs. Relatives and friends can, if they wish, participate in the garden’s developments through the dedication of roses, tablets, trees and from time to time the garden seats. Two large granite books of remembrance are placed at the entrance of the woodland, where the bereaved will be able to place a small memorial plaque on the face of the book to commemorate their loved one, whose cremated remains have been strewn in the woodland. The more formal areas contain memorial vaults for the placing of cremated remains, which are situated under the pergolas and by the ornamental ponds. Family Gardens Family gardens are located beside the pergolas in the Garden of Remembrance and can accommodate up to 4 sets of cremated remains. The fee for these gardens includes all interments, the first dedicated memorial and a small shrub. The gardens are available for a dedication period of 25 years.

Memorial Shrubs and Trees Stone tablets may be placed in the memorial shrub borders for a dedication period of 10 years. Memorial trees are also available for a dedication period of 30 years. Granite Mushrooms Granite mushrooms are located beneath trees in the Garden of Remembrance and the circular plaques can be inscribed for dedication periods of 5, 10 and 25 years. Memorial Tablets Memorial Tablets are situated in the Cloisters, opposite the Garden of Remembrance, and in the Sunken Garden in the new Garden of Remembrance. They are available on a 5 or 10 year lease, which is renewable for a further period. The Tablets in the Cloisters are fashioned of Stone while those in the sunken Garden are Slate. Primarily intended to be dedicated to one person it is possible to inscribe two names, however space available will remain the same and is sufficient to take approximately 75 letters. Woodland Memorial Book The Woodland Book is a lasting memorial to those whose cremated remains have been laid to rest in the woodland. An inscribed tablet can be dedicated for an 80 year period.

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Memorials Continued

Babies and Children’s Area The Babies and Children’s Area was officially opened over the summer of 2010. The area has a teddy bears picnic theme, and whilst it is an area for quiet reflection, there are also memorials that can be dedicated. There are two Wendy houses. One is for visiting families to leave memorabilia and the other is a small playhouse for accompanying children.

Memorial Vaults

Sunken Garden Area

Sanctum 2’s – The vaults are situated beneath the pergolas and can receive two sets of cremated remains for a dedication period of 25 years.

In 2011 the expansion of the sunken garden will include a landscaped strewing area, a rotunda as a central feature that will incorporate seating and memorial tablets for families to lease. The dome of the rotunda is of ornate powder-coated steel work, the design being replicated in the memorial wall, which will incorporate memorial plaques, available for dedication. The dome will be further enhanced with dedicated copper butterflies, the colours of which will intensify with age. Cremated remains can still be placed beneath the sunken garden plinths.

Sanctum 2000’s – These vaults are above the ground and are located by the ornamental ponds and also within the Huntingdon Road Cemetery. They can receive two sets of cremated remains and are available for 5, 10 or 25 years. Memorial Roses The beautiful Gardens of Remembrance contain many pre-planned rose beds and each rose is available for dedication. Dedication lasts for 5 or 10 years and is available for renewal at the end of this initial period. The fee includes the maintenance of the rose and rose beds (including replacement plants should this be necessary). Memorial Seats Teak memorial seats are situated in the Gardens of Remembrance and the Memorial Woodland and a limited number can be dedicated for 10 year periods.

Donation Scheme The Crematorium is always pleased to receive donations for the general embellishment of the chapels and gardens. These will be used to enhance the general appearance and environment by providing works of art and flowering bulbs etc. Donations are recorded in a Special Memorial Book on permanent display in the West Chapel.

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Burials and Cemeteries

Memorial Headstones Cambridge Bereavement Services maintains two cemeteries: Huntingdon Road (Adjacent to the Crematorium) Newmarket Road. Huntingdon Road cemetery is an open site and offers unlimited access. Newmarket Road offers unlimited pedestrian access everyday including Sundays and Bank Holidays. Vehicle access is restricted to: 1st Nov-31st Mar 0900 to 1600 1st Apr -31st Oct 0900 to 1800 Burials may be arranged to take place Monday to Friday (except public holidays) between 0900 hours and 1500 hours (winter) and 1530 hours (summer) It is important to realise that the bereaved have responsibilities for ensuring that they comply with the rules and regulations, which have been formulated for the benefit of all who visit the cemeteries.

If you are considering a headstone we advise you to wait for a period of at least nine months after the burial before an approved Memorial Mason installs the headstone. However, you can place your order with your chosen Memorial Mason prior to the nine months. Please contact us if you have a memorial within our cemeteries and believe we may not have your current address because of the following: All memorials are inspected over a 5-year rolling programme. Details of individual memorials will be recorded and the memorial tested in accordance with best practice to ensure that they are stable. A programme will be developed prior to the commencement of any testing prioritising areas considered to contain any memorial likely to provide a higher potential risk for causing injury. The inspections will identify and record all unsafe memorials. Where a memorial poses an imminent danger the City Council will undertake all necessary temporary safety work. The principle responsibility for maintaining a memorial in a safe condition is that of the owner, who will, wherever, possible, be contacted.

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Huntingdon Road Cemetery was dedicated in 2003 to be the extension to the City Cemetery at Newmarket Road, which has very few new graves available. The first interment took place in 2005 and families have the choice of lawn, traditional or green burials. There are also Children’s, Catholic, Jewish and Muslim sections.

City of Cambridge Cemetery Newmarket Road The City of Cambridge Cemetery was opened in 1902 and the first Superintendent of the Cemetery is buried there. The Cemetery is primarily for Cambridge City residents, but also contains War Graves from World War's I and II as well as notable people such as Choudhary Rahmat Ali (one of the founders of Pakistan) and Barbara Yung (Chinese actress) Green Burials A Green Burial area has been designated within the City Cemetery and is currently being landscaped prior to the first burials taking place. Cremated Remains Garden A new cremated remains garden will be officially opened during the spring of 2011. The area will include seating, memorial tablets for dedication and Sanctum 12 and Sanctum 2000 vaults for the placing of up to two sets of cremated remains. There will also be a scattering lawn, for those who wish to have cremated remains laid to rest within the Cemetery.

Memorial Vaults Sanctum 2000’s have been installed within Huntingdon Road Cemetery. The vaults will take up to two sets of cremated remains and can be dedicated for 5, 10 or 25 year periods. Buxton Benches Memorial granite benches are being placed within Huntingdon Road Cemetery in between sections of the memorial vaults. The benches are available for families to dedicate for periods of 5, 10 and 25 years. The benches are adorned with an inscribed tablet of dedication, which may be enhanced, if wished, with a small motif or a photo plaque.

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Funeral Arrangements The choice of a firm of Funeral Directors is important, as you should feel comfortable and confident with them. They could be: • Known to you personally • Recommended by a friend • Recommendation from GP or religious adviser • Good reputation in your area. There are a number of local Funeral Directors available at Yellow Pages or alternatively contact the following for advice; • •

The National Association of Funeral Directors Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors

They may feel that passing the body of a loved one over to strangers is wrong whereas some feel that personally organising a funeral is their final tribute to the deceased person. Others may simply wish to save money by doing everything themselves or may have used a funeral director on a previous occasion and found the experience unsatisfactory. The bereaved family can handle the entire funeral and we are able to assist in facilitating this. Such a funeral is referred to as 'Personalised' or 'Independent’ Consequently, personalise funeral arrangers use their own vehicles or alternative suitable transport in lieu of a hearse.

Your Funeral Director can make all the arrangements for the funeral, burial or cremation, religious or secular service. The Funeral Director can also advise on all the procedures and documents needed to register the death. It is often assumed, quite wrongly, that funerals can be completed only with the use of the services of a Funeral Director. Although a Funeral Director will be invited to organise the majority of funerals, some people prefer to organise funerals themselves that allows for greater personalisation. Some people do not wish to use a Funeral Director, for a wide variety of reasons.

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Non-Religious Services There is no requirement to have a religious ceremony, or any kind of ceremony at all at a funeral. People that regard religion to be unimportant or have made a decision to live their lives without it may prefer a Humanist or Civil Ceremony. The bereaved may wish to personalise the funeral by contributing and/or conducting the service. This type of ceremony is not intended to oppose a religious funeral, but to provide a dignified and respectful celebration of the life of the deceased.

Non-Christian and Minority Group Funerals Information on the practices of other faiths are included below. Islam

The British Humanist Association offers advice on all aspects of humanist ceremonies and produces the booklet Funerals Without God — A Practical Guide to Non-religious Funerals.

Most Islamic communities appoint one person to be responsible for making funeral arrangements. It is that person’s responsibility to advise on the rules and to select a suitable funeral director.

Celebrants are trained professionals who can officiate at funerals, weddings, naming ceremonies or any other rite of passage. For more information on celebrancy visit The International Federation of Celebrants.


If you do not want a ceremony at all, members of the family or close friends can attend the committal, which can be in silence or with some music being played. Non-Church of England Funerals If you have to arrange a funeral for someone who is of a faith different to your own, it is important to contact the equivalent of the local priest of the denomination to find out what needs to be done.

Hindus are always cremated, and never buried. There are many possible variations of rites, which depend on their form of Hinduism. The Asian Funeral Service can give advice on and arrange Hindu funerals. For information contact; 020 8909 3737 or email: Judaism Jewish funerals are usually arranged by a dedicated Jewish Funeral Agency, or the local community may have a contract with a Gentile funeral service. Any service arranged will be carried out under strict rabbinical control. The Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service offers support and can be contacted on: 020 8349 0839

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Charter for the Bereaved Our Mission It is our mission to provide exemplary services to the bereaved within the Cambridge City Council area and to the wider community of East Anglia. We will endeavour to deliver a caring, considerate and understanding service to people of all religions and of none. We will not discriminate on grounds of creed, colour or orientation. It is our duty to be as efficient, understanding and respectful as humanly possible in delivery of the bereavement service. We will endeavour to provide clean well-managed grounds and buildings that are safe to visit and where high standards of housekeeping are evident. It is our ambition to provide choice in everything. We will offer flexible service times, opportunities for self-expression and facilities that allow the performance of individual requests. We will offer an extensive range of memorials allowing families to choose something that reflects their loved one in a meaningful way. It is our intention to offer the best possible environmental care no matter whether burial or cremation is chosen. The Council has elected to meet the full abatement of heavy metals pollution in excess of legal requirements. We will also offer natural or woodland burials reflecting a true return to nature.

Cemeteries Cambridge City Council will operate its cemeteries for the benefit of the public in order to maintain choice and local services. In order to do this we will follow best practice as laid down by the ICCM. •

Train all our staff to ICCM qualification level, committed to recognising individual potential to support their personal development.

Seek to conserve the cemetery landscape

Encourage visitation to cemeteries

Continue to offer choice and variety

Work with Funeral Directors, clergy and officiants

Work with stakeholders and Friends organisations

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Other Services Cambridge City Council Bereavement Services provides a range of related services to the bereaved these include:

Crematorium Cambridge City Council has committed to meeting the highest standards of compliance both with the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management Guiding Principles. To do this we will: •

Operate the Crematorium in the best interests of the environment

Recycle all metals in accordance with ICCM policy

Conduct the service in a way which lessens the impact on families

Bereavement led, caring and compassionate staff

Meeting diverse cultural needs, religious and non-religious beliefs

Witness interments and strewing of cremated remains

Meeting diverse cultural needs, religious and non-religious groups and other minority groups

Educational visits

Refreshment facilities

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Useful Contacts Cruse Bereavement Care

Life Gem

Help offered includes a daily helpline, one-to-one counselling and a number of bereavement support groups.

Offering an exclusive, unique and personal memorial created from a small amount of your loved ones ashes

PO Box 800, Richmond Surrey, TW9 1RG Helpline: 0844 477 9400 Email:

Maritime House, Basin Road, North Hove, East Sussex BN41 1WR Tel: 0845 230 4962 Website:

Tel: 020 8939 9530 Fax: 020 8940 1671 Cambridgeshire Children's Bereavement Support Service Pre and post bereavement resource available to children and young people aged between 0 - 1 9 , their carers and involved professionals.

Local Cemetery ‘Friends Groups’ Histon Road 21 Bermuda Terrace, Cambridge CB4 3LD

East Anglia's Children's Hospices Church Lane, Milton Cambridge

Tel: 01223 360346 Email:

CB4 6AB Tel: 01223 815124 Email:

Mill Road


11 Guest Road, Cambridge, CB1 2AL

A support club for women that have lost their partners Lodge 3, Hartford Marina, Banks End, Wyton, Huntingdon PE28 2AA Tel: 01480 417973 Email:

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Acknowledgements Brochures UK would like to thank all the advertisers that have kindly participated in the production of this brochure. The support you have offered Cambridge City Council is greatly appreciated. Cambridge Bereavement Services have compiled this brochure to help and guide the bereaved through what can be a very difficult time.

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