Research: fashion architecture

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Thi sf i r stt estwasj ustapl aywi t haspeci f i cmeshf r om t hecompanyPl ast ok,andIchooset hi sonespeci f i cal l ybecausei tl ooksl i kei t woul dhavebeenweaved.I nmovi ngi tonf r ontofaspot ,wecanseesomeont r est i ngef f ect sIwi l lt r yt odevel op.

I nspi r edbyt hegameoff ul landempt yt hatt hepr evi oust estr eveal edme,It r i edt ospl i taspeci f i cpi eceofpewt er ,i nor dert oget new gamesandr ef l ect i onsofl i ght . Mor eover ,If oundi nt er est i ngt hef actt hatt hi smat er i al scant akeandkeepbyi t sownar eal l yf l ui dmovement .

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