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November-December 2013


Extraordinary Profiles 4

Exceptional People Magazine’s Top Seven Innovators and Inventors — Impacting the Way We Live, Work and Think

Cover design by Jeff Hayes Empowerment

Minding My Business

24 Become the Best Possible Version of Yourself

14 Think Globally When Promoting Your Message, Products and Services

25 Crucial Research to Catapult Your Interview Performance and Your Career

14 Understand Your Workers’ Personalities in Order to Motivate Them

26 Fight, Flight, or Loving Action

15 Personal Branding: Is Authenticity Important? 17 Building Supportive Relationships with Accountability Partners 19 Dr. Corwin Littell — afsfsafasfas Think 20 Negativity In A Negotiation Can Be Positive

27 Seven Easy Ways to Make A Difference in the World 29 6 Strategies for Helping Kids Overcome Dark Thoughts 30 The Four Most Important Things You Need in a Life Partner 31 Investing When Financial Times are Difficult

“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to our own..” Robert A. Heinlein

Publisher’s Letter Dear Friend, It is my pleasure to welcome you to the November/December issue of Exceptional People Magazine. This year has practically come and gone but I hope each season has brought you lots of love, compassion, wonderful lessons learned and much success. Are you ready to receive 2014 with open arms? What are you doing right now to prepare for new opportunities next year?

If your goal or dream is to:  Write and publish a book, have you begun the process yet or are you waiting until January?  Start a new business venture, what’s your plan? Have you developed your blueprint for success or are you putting it off until after the holidays? It’s never too early to begin planning for growth and success.  Increase your knowledge in a specific niche or industry. You can research your topic of interest online and gain valuable information while waiting to attend that course or seminar scheduled for next year. It will put you ahead of the game. What’s my point? Don’t wait for next year to arrive to begin planning for next year’s opportunities. There’s no better time than right now. Those who achieve abundant success are always planning and preparing for it. I hope you take some time during this holiday season to not only enjoy the closeness of family and friends, but also elevate your dreams to the next level by taking some action that will bring you closer to achieving them. That was the approach and the mindset that each of the innovators and inventors featured in this issue had. Thienna Ho, Dr. Keith L. Black, Scott Jochim and all the others were actionaires. No matter the season, they consistently took action and as a result, thousands of people have been impacted by their ingenuity. With every wish for great achievements,

Exceptional People Magazine is not just a magazine. It is a life-changing experience. November-December 2013 | Exceptional People Magazine | 3

An Innovator Discovers Beauty Skin Deep As an innovator, Dr. Thienna Ho, Ph.D., has developed what is known as the FAIRSKIN Method, a line of natural products to help people of all ethnicities drastically improve the appearance and health of their skin. Her passion and desire to correct her own skin problems also became her passion to help others with skin problems. After years of testing, research and an intensive labor, Dr. Thienna uncovered the secret to healthy glowing skin without the aid of chemicals. http://www.thienna.com/

A Medical Genius and Innovator His exceptional innovations and desire to help people suffering from brain cancer has earned him accolades as one of the world’s top neurosurgeons. Dr. Keith L. Black, M.D., is an elite neurosurgeon who performs hundreds of successful brain cancer surgeries each year, of which many are often considered inoperable. “One of the things that we’ve developed is what we call a therapeutic vaccine for brain cancer, where we actually take proteins from brain tumors and use those proteins to activate the immune system against the tumors to destroy them.” http://cedars-sinai.edu/Bios---Physician/A-G/Keith-L-Black-MD.aspx

America’s Brilliant Dentist Brightens Smiles and Lives This innovative and brilliant entrepreneur is widely recognized as one of America’s leading dentists. As the founder of Discus Dental, Inc., his amazing ingenuity enables him to develop and distribute award-winning products to his patients. He’s invented several products, including Nite White, Day White, Zoom! and Brite Smile, as well as other oral hygiene and dental products. As a dedicated humanitarian, for over 15 years Dr. Dorfman has also helped restore the smiles of drug addicts, former prostitutes, abused wives, rape victims and children, as well as restoring hope and self-esteem in children around the world. http://www.billdorfmandds.com/

Technological Ingenuity That Transforms How Kids View the World As a technological extraordinaire, Jochim also developed a product called Krysalis, a virtual reality cancer relaxation system to help cancer patients during chemotherapy. The success of Krysalis lead to a new product, the Virtual Reality Development Lab, which allows kids to create virtual field trips around the world. As the founder of Digital Tech Frontier, LLC, Scott’s products have facilitated many groundbreaking developments in the public sector and in corporate America. http://augmentedrealitydevelopmentlab.com/

An Ingenius Inventor Among Pet Lovers Rich van Engers has invented what is known as the world’s most popular innovative design for pet carriers. It’s been almost 20 years, since Rich Van Engers discovered what is now the most popular innovative design for pet carriers. SturdiBag, has become the preferred pet carrier for professional trainers, breeders and animal lovers worldwide. His company Sturdi Products, Inc., a family owned company, has gained a stellar international reputation for designing durable, yet uniquely attractive products for cats and small dogs. http://sturdiproducts.com/

A Fusion of Humanity and Technology A pediatric ophthalmologist and the President and co-founder of VisionQuest 20/20, Dr. James W. O’Neil’s list of accomplishments is a testament to his dedication to serving humanity. He has committed his life to protecting children and their families from the devastating consequences of undetected vision disorders. Dr. O’Neil is also the co-founder of EyeSpy 20/20, a new technology he co-founded with partner Richard S. Tirendi. Together they have developed next generation technology that is on the verge of replacing the 150 year method of vision testing. As a visionary for optimal eye care in children, he is certainly making his mark on the world. http://www.visionquest2020.org/

A Fusion of Humanity and Technology Richard S. Tirendi is the CEO and co-founder of VisionQuest 20/20, and an extraordinary computer engineer and technology genius whose chance meeting 10 years ago with Dr. James W. O’Neil has turned into an amazing partnership that is having an unbelievable effect on humanity, especially children. “I was convinced that we could develop technology to detect amblyopia. However, once I began studying childhood vision and vision disorders, it became immediately evident that we needed to develop technology that could detect any problem affecting a child’s ability to see.” http://www.visionquest2020.org/

Minding My Business

To know your target market you must know who they are, what they need and desire, when they want it , where they live, and why you are the person to provide the service or product.

Minding My Business

Think Globally When Promoting Your Message, Products and Services By William R. Patterson Many executives and entrepreneurs are missing huge opportunities and throwing away at least a 20% increase their income by not thinking about their businesses globally.

Action 1: Think about your business internationally. Get help from experts and establish local partnerships to overcome any language or cultural barriers.

Ask yourself, what it would mean to your bottom line if your company could:

Action 2: Don’t reinvent the wheel. Look for concepts that are working well in international markets and bring them to your market or vice versa.

 Do even a fraction of its domestic sales in the UK, India, China, Japan and other countries?  Reduce the overhead of time consuming and expensive business processes by outsourcing to high skilled labor pools for 20-80% less than you are spending now?  Differentiate yourself from competitors and generate 30-100% more income per customer interaction by selling international products and services in your domestic market? If you are one of the savvy executives and entrepreneurs ahead of the curve already operating internationally, the next question you should ask is, how can your company partner with others to generate more income from more countries abroad? With billions of people and millions of companies in the world, if there is someone who has not heard of your product or service, there will always be an opportunity for you to expand your business, generate more income and lower your overhead costs. The entire world awaits! BARON Wealth and Business Success Actions:

Action 3: Outsource overhead and non-business critical functions internationally when appropriate to reputable vendors. Even small business owner can take advantage of this strategy by hiring lower cost virtual assistants, programmers, designers and transcription services outside their home country. Action 4: Use the internet and collaboration tools as a low cost way to build your business globally and maintain contact with your vendors and customers. Action 5: If you sell retail products, explore international trade shows as a way of connecting with international buyers. Also, look to establish distribution and private label opportunities which would allow others to sell your products internationally. Learn more ways to accelerate your wealth now. In all you do, continued success! With every good wish, William R. Patterson

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Understand Your Workers’ Personalities in Order to Motivate Them By Donna Carletta Writing in Incentive magazine, Shari Frisinger, author of Communication Replugged, says understanding employees helps you know how to motivate them. For example:  Commanding Drivers: They take charge and make decisions but can be blunt, rude or sarcastic. They speak loudly and confidently. Have them work on lone projects and praise what they do to motivate them.  High-Energizers: They may become impatient with those who don’t work at their pace. Let them lead group meetings, especially for brainstorming. Give them projects that need strong leaders. Motivate by giving them bottom-line outcomes.  Supporting Cheerleaders: They avoid conflict and can smooth the ruffled feathers of co-workers, but may have difficulty staying focused. Engage them in small talk before discussing the business at hand.  Dependable Stabilizers: Are teamfocused, flexible, shy away from conflict and like routine. They think through a project or request before moving forward. Give them time to think matters through.  Analyzing Perfectionists: Like to work alone and at a slow pace. They check and recheck their work. If there are any flaws in information, they find them and provide solutions. They need stepby-step processes. Praise their consistency, accuracy and teamwork. 

Minding My Business

Is authenticity really that important? When it comes to personal branding and YOUR personal brand – I think it’s critical. That’s the reason why you’ll often see me tweet things like:

But hey, “she was keeping it real.” The second story was about a businessman that was loved by everyone. He took the time to listen when others spoke and regularly shared funny jokes, which always made everyone laugh.

Interesting. Authenticity: Being ‘Who You Are’? Let me present another scenario to you about my understanding of the meaning of authenticity as it relates to

Personal Branding: Is Authenticity Important? By Annemarie Cross

“Business Owners: nothing stands out more powerfully than an authentic brand. Is the real ‘you’ showing up in your brand?”

Little did these people know that he didn’t have a sense of humor. In fact, he would search for jokes and just repeat them; with no idea why people found them so funny.

you and your personal brand. Joy Tanksley sums it up perfectly in her article ‘Finding Your Ideal Writing Voice’ as she quotes Dolly Parton:

And, if the truth be known, he didn’t really care about what people were talking about either.

“Figure out who you are; then do it on purpose. Strive for authenticity instead of popularity. Don’t try to sound like anyone or anything except who you already are.”

Or: “Building a strong brand? Authenticity and integrity are vital. Don’t try to be something you’re not. It’ll show.” Authenticity: ‘Keeping it real’ or ‘Acting as if’? I did a search to see what other people thought about the meaning of ‘authenticity’ and found some interesting opinions. Brian Clarke – from Copyblogger presented two different scenarios in his article: Do People Really Want Transparency and Authenticity? The first story was of a loud-mouthed young marketing consultant who was attending a party. She’d had a little too much to drink, was using foul language and insulting others, while also trying to convince people to hire her.

What he did realize, was the importance of ‘acting as if’ he was interested so that people would like him. It was important for business. Do either of these scenarios portray the real meaning of authenticity? Authenticity: Not ‘Who you are’ but ‘Doing what you promise’? If we look at Seth Godin’s thoughts on Authenticity, he paints a similar picture of the businessman in Brian’s article. Seth believes that authenticity is not being ‘who you are’ but rather – doing what you promise. This is because we can be quite vague about ‘being’ who we are due to our struggle in being able to see and understand our ‘internal vision’ clearly. So ‘doing’ is an act – a behavior that others can see. Hence the ‘doing what you promise’.

Authenticity: ‘Acting as if’ can be exhausting When working with clients (previously in my role as Career Coach and now as a Business Coach) I see the impact ‘acting as if’ has on my clients. Trying to sound like anyone or anything other than themselves is exhausting. AND, trying to be someone you’re not, especially if it’s the opposite of who you really are (like Brian Clark’s businessman) can often stand out like a sore thumb once people get to know you a little better. Authenticity isn’t about ‘keeping it real’, especially when the behavior you are exhibiting is inappropriate. Just because you can get drunk, abusive and offensive, doesn’t mean you should. That’s not being authentic

November-December 2013 | Exceptional People Magazine | 15

Minding My Business

– that’s just being rude and obnoxious. If you believe being authentic means that you can say what you like, act how you like, whenever you like without any consideration for basic manners – then think again.

Trying to be someone they were not was wearing them down and unfortunately not only impacted negatively on their self-esteem, but was also showing up in their performance levels and in their relationships with their colleagues.

 Like the woman who had a bubbly Everything you say and do; the photos you share online; the groups you join; the people you associate with, all impact your personal brand. Wouldn’t want a prospective client to read that comment? Don’t post it! It’s as simple as that. I’ve known colleagues to miss out on lucrative opportunities because of inappropriate behavior. Authenticity: Identify your strengths, gifts and talents According to my Thesaurus, authenticity means: being genuine, not false or copied; trustworthy. Authenticity is about being true to yourself and who you are. It’s about identifying your strengths, your gifts and your talents. It’s about working with clients YOU want to work with, doing work that you love and making an impact in the lives of those people you want to serve/ support. Authenticity: Don’t try to be someone you’re not In my work as a Career Coach, I found that one of the most common reasons people disliked their jobs was because their work did not allow them to use their preferred strengths and skills. The environment they worked in and the tasks they performed did not align with their core values.

personality, however kept it subdued because she believed it may annoy people around her, who were typically very somber.  Or the man who had an extremely positive outlook on life, however he conformed to the rest of his team who were constantly criticizing other people and looking for reasons to complain. He didn’t want to upset the apple cart, nor did he want to be the next person who became the brunt of their callous jokes.  Or the young girl who had an amazing gift of transforming situations of conflict into calm, bringing people together so that they worked toward the common goal. However, she kept this to herself because it wasn’t something that was valued highly by her supervisors and the corporate culture in general. Just like these people, are you hiding your strengths, gifts, talents, passions and quirky characteristics. Embrace them. Because when harnessed correctly they can become an integral part of your personal brand – the elements that are uniquely ‘you’ and that will differentiate you in a powerful and positive way from other people. Personal Branding & Authenticity: The Real You

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For me personally when it comes to my personal brand, authenticity is very important. Getting clarity around my desires, passions, strengths and gifts has enabled me to be authentic in everything that I do in my business, from how I show up to an event, the way I interact with people, right through to what I write in my marketing materials. I can sum up my personal brand and what I stand for in one word: Inspire. This is why I constantly share inspirational and motivational quotes and articles with my community. Was I always so clear about who I was? Heck no. It’s been quite a journey – but a journey that has been worth each and every step. Personal Branding & Authenticity: Permission to be you Because I now know exactly what my brand essence (the heart and soul of my brand) and my brand promise is I can continue to bring this message to the world confidently and authentically. It’s me. It’s what I stand for. I don’t need to ‘act’ as if I’m being authentic. I KNOW it’s authentic. It doesn’t feel fake and I’m not draining my energy trying to be someone I’m not. It’s also what I desire for my clients.

 Once the people who hated their jobs (because their career values did not align with their company’s values) were clear about their values, strengths and talents, they were able to find a job they loved.

Minding My Business

 The business owners and entrepreneurs who struggled to grow their business finally realized that everything they were doing in their business just wasn’t them. The clients they were trying to attract, the marketing messages they were sending out – just didn’t feel right. Once they discovered and gave themselves permission to be themselves (and stopped listening to people telling them what they couldn’t/shouldn’t do) – it felt like a huge weight had been lifted. It felt real. They were being honest with themselves. They embraced what was authentic and real for them. Staying on-brand and being authentic When it comes to my business, does that mean I don’t have my down days? Of course I do. BUT, I won’t let loose and openly criticize or complain openly about someone. That’s just not me. Nor would I do something that would jeopardize my brand and reputation. I know that everything I do and say, the people I associate with etc, impact my brand, so I’m very mindful that I am on-brand all the time. To me though – that’s just common sense. That’s not about being authentic and real. Being authentic and real is about having a strong awareness and clarity about one’s self so that you can incorporate that into every element of your life; your relationships and your work. Seth Godin ends his article by saying: “You could spend your time wondering if what you say you are is really you. Or you could just act like

that all the time. That’s good enough, thanks. Save the angst for later.” Thankfully, I don’t have to wonder about whether who I say I am, is really me. I KNOW I am who I say I am. I know what is authentic and real for me. And I am able to confidently bring my message to the world in everything I do and say, to the people I meet and interact with. What about you? What’s your take on authenticity when it comes to your personal brand? Let me know by adding your comment below. I’d love to hear from you! Till next time, stay inspired! 

Building Supportive Relationships with Accountability Partners By Jack Canfield

If you want to be more successful, one of the most vital relationships you can develop is with an accountability partner. Accountability partners hold us responsible for meeting deadlines, accomplishing goals and making progress. They are a powerful combination of cheerleader and coach who make it easier to achieve our goals – and have more fun along the way. How Accountability Relationships Work When you enter into a relationship with an accountability partner, you agree to hold each other’s feet to the fire. Talking on a regular basis is essential for maintaining momentum and making steady progress toward your respective goals. Ideally, you should check in with your accountability partner every day with a five-minute call. During these brief conversations, you’ll each state your goals for the day, as well as update your partner about whether or not you kept the commitments you made the previous day. Your partner will take notes about what you commit to achieving by day’s end and will ask you about them the following day.

November-December 2013 | Exceptional People Magazine | 17

Minding My Business

Once a week or every other week, schedule a longer call with your partner so that you can provide a deeper level of support to each other. Use the time to get your partner’s input on a challenge you are facing, brainstorm ways to achieve a particular goal you’ve set, or tap into your partner’s network of resources. Many accountability partners find that the Mastermind meeting structure outlined in Principle 46 of The Success Principles works well for their longer calls.

 What motivates you?

4 Most Essential Traits of a Good Accountability Partner

 What do I need to know about you that will strongly

When evaluating potential accountability partners, look for someone who: Is committed to growth. Accountability partners must be as interested in their own growth as they are in the partner’s growth. Without such a fundamental commitment with you, they will have a hard time providing the proper support. Keeps agreements. Entering into an accountability relationship requires making a commitment of time and energy. If you agree to speak every morning, it’s critical that your partner keeps that agreement. Can hold you accountable. One way we sabotage our success is by making excuses to ourselves when we don’t keep our agreements. Accountability partners must be able to listen to our justifications with compassion and kindness, yet not buy into them. They must strongly hold a vision of our success and challenge us, if necessary, to do the work necessary to achieve our goals. Is interested in results. At times, you will slip and not keep your daily commitment. Your accountability partner must be able to keep an eye on the ultimate results you say you want to achieve and support you in recommitting to your goal. Questions to Ask a Potential Partner When you find someone with whom you would like to partner, have an honest conversation about what you each want from the relationship. The more candid you are about what you need and what challenges have prevented you from achieving goals in the past, the better equipped your partner will be to support you. Here are a few questions to discuss with your partner at the start of your relationship: 18 | Exceptional People Magazine | November-December 2013

 When you have set goals in the past, what worked to keep you focused and moving forward when you were met with obstacles, or you weren’t achieving as much success as you wanted?

 What do I need to know about you that might present challenges for our relationship?

support our relationship? Working with an accountability partner is similar to climbing a mountain range with a buddy. They help to hold a vision of the summit when we are in dark valleys. They encourage us when we get tired and feel like quitting. And they celebrate our successes when we achieve a new peak. It may be possible to make the climb alone, but it’s far easier and more enjoyable with someone by your side. 

Minding My Business

Exceptional People Magazine interviews Dr. Corwin Littell, Inventor of Ready Made, The World’s Only Single Use Ready To Serve Baby Bottle Monica: How did the idea of creating a disposable baby bottle come about? Dr. Littell: Several years ago while driving my nephew around town; he threw his baby bottle out the window. After I stopped at the convenience store, it occurred to me that there was not an ‘off the shelf’ ready-to-serve baby bottle that I could run into the store to purchase. I thought this would be a great option for parents. It was while researching the idea that I realized the need in the humanitarian community. Monica: What was your thought process and purpose behind developing the product? Dr. Littell: After the initial research, I saw that this was something that had commercial potential to give parents a better option over old fashioned baby bottles, but that there was also a global need for this type of product in humanitarian and disaster relief. As a veteran engineer for some large public companies, I used my experience to design and patent the concept. My wife and I have been involved with non-profits that help feed the hungry and this seemed like the ideal project for us to work on that was in line with our values and has some real potential to have a positive social impact. Monica: I appreciate the fact that you will be using the product to serve humanity as well. In what ways can parents benefit from the disposable bottle other than saving time and not having to wash non-disposable bottles? Dr. Littell: Just as in the humanitarian version, parents that use these bottles will reduce the amount of bacteria that their infants consume. Of course, breast feeding is the best option for feeding, however if that is not an option, then the Ready Made bottle would be the safest formula feeding alternative. Even storing nipples and bottles in drawers in your kitchen exposes them to bacteria. They also are prone to developing mold. So a single use option eliminates the risks associated with reuse.

Monica: The disposable bottle is pre-filled with formula. Sincere there are many types or brands of baby formulas, will the formula you use work for most mothers? Dr. Littell: It is true that there are many types of formula, but there are only a few that dominate the market. Our manufacturer has the ability to formulate and replicate multiple formulations. We will begin with the most widely used formulations and as our production grows, we will consider other options such as soy based, and allergy specific options. There are also mandated formulation regulations that are specific to various countries as well as those approved by the World Health Organization for use in humanitarian operations. Monica: Who will the Ready Made product serve best? Dr. Littell: We are focused first on the humanitarian market. However, on the commercial side, our target market is busy, middle class parents that seek out a premium formula feeding solution and are concerned with the health of their infants as well as convenience. Monica: What is your long term vision for the Ready Made Bottle? Dr. Littell: Our long term vision would be to see a significant reduction in infant mortality due to bacterial contamination. On the commercial side, we would like to see Ready Made expand globally to serve the emerging markets where infant formula has a quickly growing demand. We would also like to see Ready Made not only providing bottles to humanitarian organizations and governments, but using the commercial side of our company as a catalyst for social improvement. We believe that companies have the ability help facilitate social initiatives. Monica: What has been the most rewarding experience in creating the product knowing that it will significantly change lives? Dr. Littell: The most rewarding experiences are when doctors and other caregivers working in humanitarian missions around the world reach out to us and let us know that they appreciate the work we are doing. They send us the pictures and videos of the infants that they work with and this gives us the inspiration we need to continue pushing forward.  November-December 2013 | Exceptional People Magazine | 19

Minding My Business

Negativity In A Negotiation Can Be Positive By Greg Williams When most people negotiate, they attempt to bond with the other negotiator in an effort to lay the groundwork for a positive encounter. As a result of adopting such a position, they negate the potential benefits that negativity can have during the negotiation. Since a good number of negotiators are motivated to move away from negativity and towards that which is perceived to be positive, being negative in a negotiation can have a large impact on the outcome of the negotiation. Therefore, during your negotiation planning, consider how you might utilize negativity. Also, consider how negativity might be used against you during the negotiation and how you might combat it. The following points give insight into how you might consider positioning yourself, by using negativity during a negotiation. If you know the other negotiator is trying to avoid a particular negative outcome, highlight and reinforce the negative outcome he’ll have if he adopts a position that is contrary to a position you’ve offered. In essence, reinforce the negative outcome he holds to be true in his mind, in an attempt to heighten the potential of it becoming his reality. If you’re negotiating against multiple negotiators, consider adopting a position that will undercut the positions of both negotiators, by causing their positions to become misaligned against each of them.

Use the take away to enhance your position. Anytime someone believes he’s won an outcome, mentally, that outcome becomes his; he owns it and views it in that manner. If it’s an outcome that he’s acquired as the result of a hard fought negotiation, the outcome becomes more valuable to him. If you take that outcome away from him, it will become even more valuable. Even if you just use the threat of taking it away, you’ll increase the perceived value of the outcome. Highlight how the other negotiator’s position dissimilates him, compared to what is deemed normal and rational. Since most people possess a crowd or group mentality, they want to be considered like everyone else. If you observe this characteristic in the person with whom you’re negotiating, consider how you might advantage the negotiation by utilizing this tactic. You can utilize the thought of fear, as a source of negative motivation, if you know the other negotiator is moved to action from that point of view. Fear and negativity go hand and hand, and thus to couple the two in one instance can create additional stress and tension in the other negotiator. If you look at the political process in countries that have free elections, you’ll note how effective most negative advertisements are against a candidate. Thus, from a psychological perspective, negativity sells. In a negotiation, if you use negativity wisely and strategically to promote the move away from position (move from negativity) that the other negotiator

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might possess, you’ll become more efficient when negotiating … and everything will be right with the world. Remember, you’re always negotiating. 

The Negotiation Tips Are … * Always keep in mind, there will be times when you can minimize your losses and maximize your gains by being negative in a negotiation. Just be sure the time is appropriate before utilizing the strategy of negativity.

* When using negativity, allow the other negotiator to alleviate the pressure of negativity by moving in a direction that he views as being more positive.

* In a negotiation, sometimes you can’t win for losing and you can’t lose from winning. However, you can take control of a negotiation by being able to adapt to its flow and utilizing the appropriate strategy in a given situation. Knowing when to use negativity gives you an additional tool by which to influence the outcome of a negotiation.

Surround yourself with remarkable, influential and successful people without leaving home! Fresh Perspectives * Life-Enriching Information * Proven Advice Encourage your friends, coworkers and business associates to subscribe to Exceptional People Magazine today! www.exceptionalmag.com/subscribe.html November-December 2013 | Exceptional People Magazine | 21

Food For Thought

ISSN 1944-9062 Founder and Editor-in-Chief

“Here is a test to determine whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t.” Richard Bach

Monica Davis

Editors Jon Crump Marla Gem Beatrice Roots

Company Writers

“This is the time when we must firmly choose the course we will follow, or the relentless drift of events will make the decision for us.” Herbet Prochnow

“The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to believe it possible.” Rich Devos

“Believe in yourself, and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you.” Cynthia Kersey

“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.” Carl Sanberg

Donna Carletta Kathy Kentty Pat Markel

Other Writers and Contributors Angie Brennan Annemarie Cross Catherine Galasso-Vigorito Dawn Abraham Dawn McCoy Doris Helge Dorothy Rosby Eileen Lichtenstein Greg Williams Inez Bracy Jack Canfield James Adonis Keasha Lee Margaret Paul Rosalind Sedacca Sharon Raiford Bush Shelley Riutta Sue Urda William R. Patterson

Exceptional People Magazine is published bimonthly by Atela Productions, Inc. The opinions of the contributors are not necessarily those of Atela Productions, Inc.

Atela Productions, Inc. 2961-A Hunter Mill Rd., Ste. 624 Oakton, VA 2212 www.exceptionalmag.com

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Exceptional People Magazine is a copyright of Atela Productions, Inc. The contents of this publication may not be printed, copied or distributed without the express written consent of the Publisher. 22 | Exceptional People Magazine | November-December 2013

Empower Yourself...

Professional and Personal Development

Your attitude about life is one of the most important factors for success. A good attitude can provide you with enough motivation to succeed well beyond your dreams.


Become the Best Possible Version of Yourself By Andrew Horton

There are numerous possibilities available for you to become the best possible version of your unique self. Accept that there is only one version of you on this planet; no one else has your unique mind, life experience, character, attitude and exactly the same philosophy as you. This realization sets you apart and allows you to see that you can become the best, in your own unique way. I want you to look at yourself and see your unique strengths, abilities, experience and unlimited potential as tools to begin and sustain your journey toward the future that you desire.

because of your lack of belief in your abilities. We are capable of achieving outcomes that far exceed even our own wildest dreams but we restrict ourselves to a very limited ring of possibility because we impose restrictions due to lack of belief. I want to tell you a few stories about super human performance, where circumstances and the need to save the life of a loved one propelled people to perform at levels they did not think were possible.

Begin to believe in all the possibilities that are available to you and stop limiting yourself by remaining trapped in your self-imposed comfort zone. Start to gradually stretch yourself and begin to perform in your own unique and special way, using your strengths, abilities and experience to gradually unlock your unlimited potential. Awaken your belief in yourself and start to search and discover all the opportunities that are all around you right now. This shift away from doubt and constant negative self-talk, toward belief and positive affirmation opens your mind to possibility and will reveal numerous opportunities that have been right there all along, but have been invisible because of your lack of belief and restrictive attitude.

Marie Peyton from Texas was walking behind a self-propelled lawn mower when the accelerator got stuck and the mower pulled out of her hands. The mower was out of control and was heading across the lawn right toward Marie’s granddaughter, Elsie. The mower blades were still running and it was about to run over Elsie, tearing her to shreds. In a feat of super human performance, Marie covered about 3 m, grabbed hold of the mower that weighed about 150 kg and tossed it out of the way like it was a light piece of plastic. This superhuman performance by a grandmother that struggled to empty the dustbin every day which weighed only 12 kg was well beyond the realm of what Marie thought was possible for her and highlights the unlimited potential that rests within all of us to perform at levels far greater than even we believe is possible.

Learn to see all you are capable of achieving and stop limiting yourself

Angela Carvalho, was standing in her kitchen, when she heard a loud

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scream coming from outside. She ran outside and saw her son trapped under a 1964 Chevrolet, Impala. The jack had failed and the car had fallen on top of his chest. She immediately grabbed hold of the car and lifted the weight off his chest. She held the car off her son for five minutes, until the neighbors arrived and managed to reset the jack and lift the car of Angela’s son. It is estimated that Angela lifted about 545 Kg (1200 Pounds) off her son and held it off his chest for about five minutes. The current Olympic record for women for the deadlift is 228 kg (502.6 pounds). Angela held almost three times that weight off her son for almost five minutes. I have shared these two stories with you to try to highlight that you have unlimited potential and incredible unique strengths and abilities. Have the courage to start to explore the limits of your potential and become the best possible version of yourself. I know that you are working well below the level of performance you are capable of achieving. Begin believing and I know that you will begin achieving at levels that will astound you and everyone around you. ď ľ


Crucial Research to Catapult Your Interview Performance and Your Career By Annemarie Cross Millions of dollars are spent annually on marketing research by savvy companies aiming to maximize their marketing dollars when showcasing their products and services to their prospective clients. They recognize that to capture the attention of a potential customer and successfully elicit a subsequent purchase, their wares must be targeted specifically to their clients’ needs. Unprepared companies that lack thought and consideration in their marketing research and going in blindly with their promotions are often left feeling disappointed at the lack of response their advertising campaigns receive. When it comes to your job search and ‘advertising’ campaign, which company are you most like? Do you carefully plan and perform extensive research of your potential ‘buyer’ enabling you to align your experience with their needs, or do you just go in blindly? Strategic research and revealing the needs of your potential ‘buyer’ is also crucial for a job seeker. Just like the company not paying much attention to their clients’ needs, if the company’s needs are neglected by the job seeker they too may be setting themselves up for disappointment. If you are not currently performing any real research and are not convinced this process is vital to your job search and interview campaign, here are a few of the key

reasons why you should. Researching a company and job requirements will allow you to: 1. Prepare responses with relevant examples pertinent to the job’s requirements avoiding elimination as you will be positioning yourself as a serious contender for the role;

impact on salary negotiation. Large and longer established companies could have a larger revenue base and may be able to offer a larger salary base compared to a smaller/start-up organization;

2. Demonstrate a fit with the company culture;

7. What structure the interview will follow. Whether it will be a panel (who is sitting on the panel); a group panel, involving psychological assessments etc;

3. Strengthen your understanding of the company’s structure;

8. Allows you to develop powerful questions to ask the interviewer.

4. Establish whether or not you believe this position and organization is a good fit for you, to prevent a possible fallout down the track were you to accept the role only to realize that it was not as expected.

To begin your research regime you can try the following resources:

Your research should endeavor to pinpoint: 1. The company’s products and services; 2. The company’s target market; 3. The company’s competitors; 4. The interviewer and their role within the company. [If you gained this interview opportunity through one of your network contacts, you may be fortunate enough to gain inside information as to characteristics, mannerisms and communication style of the interviewer]; 5. Special projects the company is working on (that perhaps you may have been involved in during previous employment);

 Company website.  Advertising brochures and other promotional material.

 Newspaper articles, professional journals.

 Your contacts that may have dealt with, or are dealing with the company including suppliers, customers, existing/former staff.

 Business Review Websites.  Company Research Websites, and the list goes on. The information you compile will assist you in preparing relevant situations from your work experience, qualified with past performance and examples. This information should be strategically aligned to the needs of the organization, thus positioning you as the best candidate for the job.  To your success!

6. Whether the organization is a large or small enterprise which can


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While fight or flight is appropriate in the face of physical danger, it perpetuates the conflict in the face of perceived emotional danger that comes up in relationship conflicts. In this article, learn the alternatives to fight or flight. Fight or flight - our automatic response to danger. When fear is present, adrenaline pours into our system to prepare us to fight or flee - from the tiger, the bear, the lava from the volcano...

When we respond automatically to the fears of losing ourselves and losing another, we behave in the very ways that create fear in the other. Our fight or flight reactions create fear in the other person - the same fears of losing themselves or losing us. Our fighting and fleeing activates others’ fear of rejection and engulfment, creating a vicious circle of fighting and fleeing. These unconscious, automatic reactions to emotional danger were learned long ago, when we were very

and a deep desire to move out of fight or flight and into loving action. The steps we can take to move out of automatic fight or flight and into loving actions are:

1. Start to attend to your feelings, the physical sensations within your body that let you know when you are anxious or afraid.

2. Stop and breathe when you feel fear or anxiety in the face of conflict, or in the face of another’s fight or

Fight, Flight, or Loving Action

By Dr. Margaret Paul

Fight or flight - today we automatically respond this way to the present dangers, the deep fears that come up in relationships: rejection and engulfment - fears of loss of other and loss of self. Often, when we feel rejected and fear the loss of the other, we fight for love not to go away by defending, explaining, blaming, attacking, complying, fixing, or we flee through withdrawal. Often, when we feel engulfed and fear losing ourselves through being controlled by another, we flee through resistance or withdrawal, or fight by attacking, defending, or explaining. Just as our ancestors fought or fled from physical danger, we fight and flee from emotional danger. The problem is that, while fight or flight is appropriate in the face of physical danger, this same behavior in the face of emotional fear causes deep problems in relationships.

small and had to rely on fight or flight as part of our survival. Today they are no longer necessary for our survival, and need to be replaced with loving actions toward ourselves and others. What does it mean to take loving action in the face of another’s fight or flight behavior? Where do we get the role modeling for what it looks like to take loving action in the face of another’s unloving behavior? Most of us had parents who did not role model loving action in the face of conflict. We have not seen much of it on TV or in movies. How do we learn to take loving action in our own behalf when in conflict with another - action that takes care of ourselves without violating or threatening another? This role modeling exists in the form of our spiritual Guidance. Tapping into this Guidance is not as hard as you may think - it just takes practice

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flight behavior. Give yourself some breathing time to make a conscious decision rather than go on automatic pilot.

3. Open to learning with the source of spiritual Guidance that is always here for all of us by asking with a sincere desire to know, “What is the loving action? What is in my highest good and the highest good of the other?” Asking this question with a deep desire to learn opens the door to receiving information. It does not matter whether you are asking this of your own highest self within, or from an external source of wisdom. The information will come in the form of words, pictures, or feelings when you sincerely want to be loving to yourself and others.

4. Take action on the information you receive.


Examples of loving action are:

1. Move into compassion for the other person, recognizing that he or she would not be in fight or flight without being in fear. Asking the other person, again from a deep desire to learn, what he or she is afraid of that is causing this behavior may deescalate the situation and lead to understanding and healing.

2. If the other person is not open to calm discussion and exploration of the conflict, disengage from the interaction, speaking your truth without anger or blame. For example, you might say, “I don’t want to fight with you. I’m going to take a walk and let’s try to talk about it later.” Or, “This isn’t feeling good between us. Let’s take a break and get together later.”

3. If the other person has withdrawn from you, loving action may be to do something fun or nurturing for yourself. Both staying and learning together or taking some time apart to reflect on the issues or self-nurture will break the cycle of each person going into fight or flight in reaction to the other person’s fight or flight. It takes a conscious Inner Bonding practice to stop going into automatic behavior, but the payoff is well worth the time it takes to practice loving action.  

Seven Easy Ways to Make A Difference in the World By Kathy Kentty

"Be the change you want to see in the world," are words that were spoken by Mahatma Gandhi. The great thing about this is that it is possible for you to set in motion a positive chain of events. It is referred to as the Butterfly Effect by some. One tiny action on your part can affect events in all corners of the world. Be responsible for creating those changes in the world that you want to see happen. Showing everyone your intention to make a positive change will have others following you and creating a movement one step at a time. When it comes to being a force for positive change, there is no better way to do it. If you have no idea the steps you can take to improve the world, here are some things to try: 1. Listen when others speak, and do not interrupt. Seems easy, and yet it’s just as easy to jump into what someone else is saying without really listening. People will feel valuable if you really listen before giving a response, and just by doing that you’ve made a positive change.

 Exposure to you teaches them to copy your actions and spread the idea to others, who emulate you as well.

2. Donate a few of your things. Most likely you own some items that are in good condition that you no longer use. Make a box of items you aren’t using any more, and bring them to a nearby charity office.

 Your donations will go to somebody who needs them, and both of you will feel rewarded. 3. Take action to assist others. Do some homework with regard to charities in which you are interested, and let them know that you are willing to lend a hand. One thing you could do is give the local service agencies a call and offer to help at no charge.

 Perhaps you do accounting and could take care of their finances without charge. You can offer any repair services you can do as a DIY person to a charity.

 Another thing you could do is crochet or knit blankets, sweaters or caps and donate them to nearby nursing homes, hospices and hospitals. 4. Get together a group of volunteers to help a particular group. For instance, ship non-perishable food, along with blankets, to U.S. military bases around the globe. Another example of something you can do to help is to raise funds for

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Empowerment  You can give aid even before the holiday season. Missions throughout the world provide support for families that require clothes, food and school supplies. Contact local churches to find out about a person who requires assistance. 7. When you are eating at a restaurant, pay for the meal that another family is enjoying. You can just buy a meal for a family without giving away your identity and make the world a better place. construction materials that could be sent to Haiti to help the people rebuild following storm damage.

 If you know of a particular group that requires assistance, organize people locally to help. 5. Place coins in vending machines, and just walk off. An easy and fun method of "paying it forward" is to place enough money in a vending machine so that the next patron gets his snack or drink free of charge. 6. Take on the needs of a family. You don’t have to be rich to share with other people what the holidays have to offer. It is possible for you to "adopt" a local family if you contact local religious groups or social service agencies.

 The organization or church gives you the names of each family member, along with their ages and genders. This allows you to buy a couple of gifts for each person in the family. It may be that you’re offered a list that tells you the sizes of needed clothes and some gift suggestions for everyone in the family.

 Once you complete your shopping, tag the gifts, place them in a large container and deliver them to the Adopt-a-Family event sponsor. An anonymous family will receive your donation and be cheered this holiday season. 28 | Exceptional People Magazine | November-December 2013

One way to handle it is to have the waiter slip them a note on which you have written, "Pass it on." It is possible for you to cause a greater positive change in the world than you might think. Do your best to act in a caring, giving and helpful manner toward others. Showing kindness can really catch fire. Effect change in the world one action at a time, and live a life full of passion. 


Building Character: 6 Strategies for Helping Kids Overcome Dark Thoughts By Jean Tracy, MSS When your child has problems and his mind is filled with dark thinking, what can you do? Realize that character starts with how we think. Then teach your child how to think brighter and better. First, let’s find out the danger signs for problems and then discuss solutions. Pay Attention to Your Child’s Words: Words are signs that tell you what your child is thinking. Beware of black thoughts, victim thinking, revenge, and all the shades in between. Don’t blast your child with, “You shouldn’t say that. You shouldn’t think like that.” Words like these will shut your child down. He might stop talking. How will you help him then? Be patient. Listen. 9 Black Thoughts That Signal Your Child Needs Help: Statements like the following, reveal your child’s thoughts ~ 1. Nobody likes me. 2. I hate school. 3. You love Sis more than me. 4. I don’t care. 5. This is too hard. 6. You can’t make me. 7. It’s his fault. 8. I can’t. 9. You never give me what I want.

Of course these aren’t the only dark thoughts your child could think. But they do point to negative thinking. Negative thinking is dangerous if it becomes a habit because it will shape his character; make him unhappy, self-pitying, and angry. He may even surround himself as a teen with friends who share similar thoughts. 6 Solutions for Building Character by Changing Black Thoughts: 1. Ask and Listen When you hear a black thought, know it’s a blinking light for trouble. Pay attention. After you’ve listened patiently, ask him “How does that thought make you feel?” Listen again. 2. Empathize By empathizing you’re already taking him on the path to a brighter character. Why? We all want to feel our listener cares and understands us. 3. Guess Next, ask him if he’d like to feel happier? If he says, “Yes,” ask him how? See if you can get him to solve his own problems. Tell him to “GUESS” if he needs help. 4. Discuss Explain how happiness comes from the way we color our thoughts. If we color them black, we’ll feel unhappy. This is not to mean if something bad happens we should be filled with joy. Instead, we can say, “Yes, that’s there but I won’t let it take over my mind with unhappy thoughts.”

5. Brainstorm Teach your child how to switch his negative thoughts to positive thinking. Explain that the best thinkers look on the bright side of problems. They look for solutions. Ask your child, “What is a better way to think?” Brainstorm together. 6. Practice Have him write down the better thoughts and post them on the back of his bedroom door. Ask him to practice by reading them before he sleeps at night and when he gets up in the morning. Conclusion: Building Character by Changing Black Thoughts: Building character starts with getting your child to talk about his thoughts. Your task is easy. Get him to talk by being kind in your approach, listening well, empathizing, and guiding him toward positive solutions. Use the same method we’ve just discussed with other negative thoughts your child might reveal. Congratulate yourself for helping him become a happier person with a brighter character. And one more thing, be sure to model the good advice you give. 

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The Four Most Important Things You Need in a Life Partner By Donna Carletta Is your life incomplete without the right partner? Your quest may appear difficult, but it will be simplified if you concentrate on the characteristics that form the basis of a sound, fruitful relationship: integrity, history, personality, and attraction.

2. Talk about relationships that took place in the past. People are different in respect to how at ease they might be (or not) about sharing information about their romantic past. But it can help to know if there are any patterns in dealing with exes, so you can move forward productively. 3. Find out about the family background of the other person. The things we go through in the past with our families generally deeply color our life paths and how we face new circumstances. For instance, learning your candidate’s feelings about their parents’ splitting up could aid you in better comprehending them.

2. Make sure there’s trust. For a relationship to thrive, trust is necessary. A relationship should make you feel more secure, not be a constant source of worries. 3. Take a look at the way in which they handle conflict. You don’t have to agree, provided that you have respect for the other position. Even disagreements can be a building block in improving your relationship if you work together to get win-win solutions instead of trying to get the better of your partner. History 1. Find a way to resolve things that have occurred in the past. No matter how much baggage your partner has, what they did to overcome it is key.

3. Share interests that you have in common. You are bound to feel a greater connection if you like similar things. Your favorite activities may be as varied as art cinema or the rugged outdoors, but if you share them together, you will create precious memories that both of you will cherish. Attraction

Integrity 1. Make sure they’re available. Both partners must be open for love in order for a loving relationship to take place. Of course, it will be harder to begin if one or the other already is in another relationship! Things might change over time, but till then you have to look somewhere else.

2. Find fun things to do together. It goes without saying that you are out to find somebody you’ll enjoy being with. If you’re doing your taxes and your girlfriend has you laughing all the way through it, she may well be a keeper.

4. Establish some financial ground rules. Putting both parties’ money together is a huge step. Be sure that you and your partner are on the same page about the big financial decisions in your lives.

 Lots of happy couples differ greatly on finances, but they work at it by respecting where each of them is strong. 5. Discuss parenting, and be aware of each partner’s expectations in that regard. Parenting is one topic on which people find it hard to compromise. Be sure that you and your partner have the same wishes as far as kids and family preferences before you get too serious. Personality 1. Communication is key. When it comes to any type of alliance, constructive communication is paramount. The capability to communicate effectively can get better with practice, but it’s useful to be conscious of each others patterns and mannerisms.

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1. Allow the attraction to show. One of the most wonderful things that life has to offer is physical attraction. And physical attraction gets even better when your partner is compatible on all the other relationship levels as well. 2. Remain in good health. Physical attraction is more likely to last if you and your partner follow healthy lifestyles together. Perhaps this will result in you having additional years to spend together as well. 3. Try to view romance in a balanced manner. Stay romantic, but don’t build romance on illusion. Romantic appetites will rise and fall, but dedication and fondness can continue to build over time. A partner who stays with you for life is a gift to be cherished. Each of us enjoys feeling validated and having another person with whom to share our pleasure. When you are seeking love, it is always best to know what to look for. 


Investing When Financial Times are Difficult By Jon Crump

When times are tough and money’s tight, one of the first things you may neglect is investing. That’s also true when there’s volatility in the stock market or when real estate prices seem to be dropping. People get frightened, and they don’t want to take the risk. You don’t have to stop investing, though. You just have to be more cautious. Investing is a great way to build up a nest egg for the future. If you take the time to put money into investments that are safe, you won’t have to be as concerned about losing your cash. When the economic climate improves, the stock market and real estate market can help you make money very quickly, but that’s not the case when there are very few hot stocks and no one’s buying houses! Banks Can Help You in a Down Market You may not think of savings accounts as much of an investment because of their low interest rates. When you want to protect your money, though, it’s better to put it into something that offers a lower return and virtually no risk, as opposed to something that’s high risk. A savings account won’t make you rich, but you’ll earn a steady return and won’t need to worry. While you’re at the bank, ask about CDs and IRAs. These are both ways to save for retirement and get a

modest return while keeping your money protected. A CD, or Certificate of Deposit, typically pays a higher interest rate than a savings account. You have to leave the money alone for a while, but many CDs are shortterm investments. Other Ways to Invest Some people also make private loans to others. These can be risky, but if you know and trust the person you’re loaning money to, you can make a loan with the cash you have and get payments with interest. It’s not quite the same as investing in stocks or real estate, but you’re investing in the future of someone who needs your help - and making money in the process. Others invest their money by playing games of chance. However, it’s never safe to gamble more than you can afford to lose. In a down economy, the amount you can afford to lose will likely be at or near zero. Only when you have money to play with should you consider trying to make money by gambling, instead of saving.

Keep thinking positive and looking into new investment options. Talk to your banker or financial adviser about saving money and earning a good return on it. Listen to the suggestions you’re given, and choose the best ones for you. Remember, investing isn’t just about making a quick buck. It’s about a long-term strategy. You may need it one day. If not, you can use it to travel, help family members who need it, or make a donation to a charity that matters to you. As long as you invest carefully and don’t lock yourself into something long-term that might not be right for you, you’ll come out ahead in the end. Be prepared to lose a bit from time to time. That happens to even the best investors. By proceeding with caution and cutting losses when necessary, you should be able to continue to invest even in hard financial times. 

Giving Up is Not the Answer The most important thing to remember is that the economy will improve. While you might not be making the return on your investment that you had hoped for, that can (and most likely will) change in the future.

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November-December 2013


Extraordinary Profiles 34

CJ Scarlet—A True Passion to Assist and Protect Humanity

Inspiration 42

The Master’s Hand Will Always Care for You

The Lighter Side 45

Five Easy Steps to Eliminate Stress or Die Trying


Puzzles and Funnies


Profile Resources


Writers and Contributors

Cover Design by Jeff Hayes

“The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live.” William Hazlitt

CJ Scarlet

A True Passion to Assist and Protect Humanity

Extraordinary Profiles

It is often said that from devastation, hardship or adversity comes a renewed vision and an abundance of blessings. Our challenges are a test of our faith and our ability to persevere so we can become aware of the blessings that await us. Who knows better than CJ Scarlet what adversity means and how it can impact one’s life. From childhood to adulthood, she has experienced one devastation after another. She became a victim of sexual abuse and was raped three times, including being raped by a recruiter while serving in the Marines. Much later in life Scarlet was diagnosed with lupus and scleroderma, two debilitating and possibly deadly autoimmune diseases. It is not what she experienced that impacted her life the most but how she eventually overcame each circumstance and how she changed her mind set and perspective on life, which gave her a new attitude, deep compassion and a renewed vision to serve others. Sometimes when we experience adversity, we ask ourselves, “Why?” But “Why” is not the question to be asked. We should ask ourselves, “How can we use our challenges to gain new insights into our lives and our ability to endure difficulties? How can we use what we’ve learned to positively impact the lives others?” Scarlet is a warrior in every sense of the word. As a former Marine, she has turned her marred life experiences into a passion for protecting humanity from crime. As the founder of 10 for Humanity, she has embarked upon an amazing journey to develop her first product designed to help potential victims of crimes. The new device, called the Tiger Eye Security Sensor, (TESS) will help deter violent crimes before they occur. The mission of 10 for Humanity is to develop 10 solutions to reduce acts of crime and violence by 10% over the next decade. With TESS due to debut in Spring of 2014, Scarlet is destined to achieve her mission. The founder of Exceptional People Magazine was delighted to speak with Scarlet about her life’s passion to help protect millions of people from becoming victims of violent crimes.

Monica: You have had some amazing life experiences that have enabled you to develop faith, perseverance and a positive outlook, despite any difficulties you may face. Would you speak about some of those experiences?

CJ: As a child, I was sexually abused by a neighbor, and while a freshman in college at the age of 19, I was raped by a police officer. I was so traumatized by that experience that when I was assaulted by my Marine recruiter several months later, after initially fighting and failing to stop it, I merely cowered and whimpered. I spent the first 40 years of my life believing there was something inherently wrong with me that made good people do bad things. I thought and behaved like a victim because that was all I knew. Then I got help and took my power back, working through my issues and beginning to stand up to protect myself. I became an advocate for others who had been victimized, running a child advocacy center and serving as Director of Victims Issues for the North Carolina Attorney General’s Office. In that office I initiated and co-lead the implementation of the nation’s first statewide automated victim notification system, which notifies crime victims before their perpetrators are released from custody. I also earned a master’s degree with an emphasis on Human Violence and became an international expert on crime victim issues and technology. Monica: You served in the Marine Corps. Can you talk a little about that experience and how it has impacted your life over time in terms of who you are today? CJ: My time in the Marine Corps, while marred by the rape of my recruiter, turned out to be a positive experience. I learned discipline and respect and how to act professionally. I was a photojournalist and got to do something new and exciting every day—riding in tanks, standing on the skids of a Huey helicopter and firing a Gatling gun, interviewing generals and grunts and movie stars—it was a fun job. I believe my Marine Corps experience transformed me into a professional woman with a solid work ethic. Monica: There are not that many women who serve in the Marines. Do you believe there is a particular mindset that women must have -- one that is slightly different than what’s expected of men in order to succeed in the Marine Corps? CJ: Sadly, women in the military still face sexual harassment and assault at much higher rates than in the civilian world. It is possible to have a very positive, rewarding experience, but women need to know that they can and must stand up for themselves.

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Extraordinary Profiles

Monica: Would you encourage women to serve in the Marines or in the military today? What can they gain from the experience? CJ: I am ambivalent about whether women should serve in the military these days because of the way many are treated by their peers and superiors. I think it is very

had no idea how to help anyone in my condition, but on the way home an ambulance passed by with the siren blaring and I said a quick prayer that the person inside would find help and healing. I was thrilled to find something I was capable of doing, and began performing small daily acts of kindness toward others. In the process, I learned two of the secrets to a truly happy life—gratitude and generosity. As I helped others, I was reminded that everyone is fighting a hard battle and my heart filled with compassion and love for others. It no longer mattered to me whether I was sick or ill or even living or dying; my heart was so filled with joy that what was happening to me no longer mattered, I was just happy and content. It was at that moment that my condition went into remission. Today I feel better than I’ve felt in 23 years and I am still so happy and grateful that I hold no fear of the future.

noble to serve one’s country, but it is clear from the stories in the media that women are still treated as sexual objects by some people and that they are not always treated appropriately when sexual crimes occur. Monica: Several years ago you learned that you had developed pulmonary hypertension, a severe disease that could have a devastating impact on you and your family. How were you able to effectively deal with this emotionally, physically and psychologically? CJ: I was diagnosed with lupus and scleroderma, debilitating and possibly deadly autoimmune diseases, in 1990. I was disabled off and on over the years, and in 2000 I became totally debilitated. By 2002 I was so ill I had to crawl up the stairs on my hands and knees and I couldn’t hold a glass of water or open a door because my joints were so swollen and painful. At that point my doctors told me I was had developed the pulmonary hypertension in which the blood pressure in the lungs is too high, causing the heart to enlarge and possibly fail. Well, needless to say, I was terrified and devastated. Every chest pain brought on a flurry of panic. I became very depressed and basically curled into a ball, waiting to die. Then I had the chance to meet with a Tibetan Buddhist lama who commanded me to “stop feeling sorry for myself and start thinking of the happiness of others.” I 36 | Exceptional People Magazine | November-December 2013

Monica: Talk a little about the amazing woman who is CJ Scarlet. How do you view life and what principles do you live by everyday? CJ: The principles I live by are so simple—kindness and compassion toward others, gratitude for all the blessings in my life (even the hardest challenges; especially the challenges!) and generosity toward all. When I drive by strangers on the highway I wish them happiness. When I meet someone who challenges me, I send them gratitude for teaching me patience. And when I run across people who are unlovable, I send them love. Although I do these things for the benefit of others, I get back so much more than I give. It truly is the secret to a happy life. Monica: You have always had the desire and the passion to help people improve their lives, and the fact that you have developed a new organization called 10 for Humanity continues to prove that fact. What is 10 for Humanity and how do you plan to use the organization to change lives around the world? CJ: In February 2013, I formed a company called 10 for Humanity™, whose mission is to devise 10 solutions to reduce acts of crime and violence by 10% over the next decade. Monica: How have your life experiences had an impact on what you are doing today through 10 for Humanity?

Extraordinary Profiles

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Extraordinary Profiles

CJ: I believe everything happens for a reason, although we often can’t see that reason for some time. In my case it took 20 years to appreciate why I had gone through my victim experiences, but now I believe they made me ready and willing to do something to take on the problem of crime. Because I was a victim, other victims can relate to me as someone who understands their pain and fear. Monica: You recently began working on an amazing and truly unique project -- a device called the Tiger Eye Security Sensor (TESS) that will help deter violent crimes before they occur. Can you provide some insight on your thought process behind the device, how it came about and why you decided to move forward with it? CJ: Our first of 10 solutions is the Tiger Eye Security Sensor™ (TESS), the very first hands-free, voiceactivated personal protection device that automatically notifies police of your GPS location when you are in danger and calls out for help. At the same time, the device records audio and video of the event for use in the identification and prosecution of criminals. My team and I were trying to think of a way to protect people from crime and when we looked at all the existing devices, mace, stun guns, pepper spray, hand guns—all required people to have something with their hands and have the physical and mental wherewithal to use them in the midst of the chaos of an attack. So we decided to take a different approach, making TESS hands-free and enabling it to be either voice or manually activated. We are working on the prototype now and expect to have the device on the market in early spring of 2014. We have an Indiegogo campaign underway right now (www.indiegogo.com/projects/tiger-eye-security-sensor) to raise funds to help us complete the prototype and begin testing the device. Monica: How will the device work to protect people and keep them from being victims of violent crimes? CJ: The Tiger Eye Security Sensor will instantly summon police to the user’s GPS location and audibly warn the perpetrator that the police are on the way and to LEAVE NOW! We believe this alone will cause some perpetrators to flee without completing their crimes. For the ones that do, the video and audio recordings, which will be stored on the Internet for use only by criminal justice professionals, will be available to help identify and prosecute the criminals. 38 | Exceptional People Magazine | November-December 2013

Monica: When being faced with a potential crime, or a situation where a crime is taking place, most people usually panic. How will the device work? Will it be easy to use and readily accessible? CJ: The device will be about the size of a quarter and will look like a piece of jewelry, with different designs to go with a woman’s pink outfit or black outfit, and designs for men and young people as well. It has a magnetic back and can be worn on the clothing, preferably on the chest. When the user says certain key words in a stressed tone (help, don’t, no, stop, leave me alone), the device will ask the person if they need help. If help or yes is said again, the device will activate, calling the police and recording the incident. Monica: How quickly can someone be rescued from a potential crime? CJ: The user will still have to depend on the police to respond, but we’re also in talks with a major security company to monitor the device, meaning that when TESS is activated, there will be 2-way communication with a security agent to help warn the perpetrator away and remain online with you until the police arrive. Monica: How does TESS compare with other devices that are intended to protect people from violent crimes? Would you say this device stands out among all other protective devices? CJ: The hands-free, voice-activated components of TESS are the ones that differentiate this product from all other products on the market. Monica: Who will the Tiger Eye Security Sensor serve best? Is there a specific group of people that it will serve better than others? CJ: Our target market is urban business women over 40 who are the parents or caregivers of female college students, youngsters K-12 and elderly people over 70 (although I don’t think of 70 as old anymore). The women we are speaking with are begging for us to get this on the market so they can use it and get it for their loved ones. Monica: You have created a team of top professionals and innovators who are working with you to develop this technology. Can you briefly talk about them and the roles they are playing to make this extraordinary device a reality?

Extraordinary Profiles

CJ: I have two full-time employees and a phenomenal team of contractors who are working to make all this happen. We’re working with North Carolina State University’s Industrial Extension Service and Research Triangle Institute, one of the world’s largest humanitarian think tanks, to develop the technology and get it manufactured. Monica: It is obvious that this type of innovation requires extensive funding. How are you funding the project and how can people help you get the funds you need to develop this life-saving device? CJ: For the very first time in my entrepreneurial career, money hasn’t been an issue. In fact, banks and investors are practically throwing money at me for this! I think people see the potential and want to become part of something that will transform personal security. Most of the funding has come from my personal savings, along with a small business loan I received. We also are going after grant money and expect to take on a major investor very soon. Monica: Once the device has been developed, how do you plan to make it available to people who want purchase it for themselves, friends or for someone in their family? CJ: We will offer the device through major online and brick-and-mortar retail stores, as well as through our strategic partners. Monica: What is your long-term vision for the Tiger Eye Security Sensor? CJ: I want TESS to be available in developing countries where crime, especially sexual crimes, are a huge problem. Remember that TESS is just our first solution; there are nine more to come! Monica: What do you find most rewarding about being a part of the development and innovation of a powerful device that will help those who were once powerless in the face of criminals regain peace of mind? CJ: The most rewarding thing about being part of the development and innovation of TESS and our other solutions is that I know my company will save lives and help untold numbers of people avoid the kind of trauma that I experienced.

Monica: Are there any other projects you’re working on that you would like to talk about and how we can help you succeed in bringing them to fruition? CJ: I will be working to devise our second solution next summer when I am attending Singularity University’s summer graduate program. Right now our biggest need is contributions through our Indiegogo campaign at www.indiegogo.com/projects/tiger-eye-security-sensor. Monica: What advice or encouragement can you provide about the importance of being of service to others? CJ: I would say this: If you want to be happy, be positive toward others. If you want love, love others unconditionally. If you want peace, be peaceful. If you want to be treated kindly, treat others that way. If you want to be appreciated, appreciate others. What you put into life is exactly what you get back. I remember one day when I was feeling pretty pitiful because I felt like my family didn’t appreciate me. My pity party was rapidly morphing into a grand pity ball when I remembered the words of the lama. I grabbed the phone and randomly dialed a number, getting the voicemail of a computer tech at some company. I left him the following message, “You don’t know me, but I want to tell you that even if no one ever remembers to tell you, you ARE appreciated!” I hung up the phone and felt fantastic! I went from pitiful to powerful and happy in just five seconds… all by offering a gift to someone else. Monica: What is your last word? CJ: Love yourself above all others. If you don’t love yourself, love others with all your might and you will find that you begin to generate love for yourself. After all, if you don’t love yourself, you can’t truly love others and vice versa. Love yourself, forgive yourself, cherish yourself, and be kind and gentle to yourself. THAT is the real secret to a happy life. Monica: Thank you for taking the time to share with us, your powerful vision for changing lives through 10 for Humanity. CJ: Thank you! 

November-December 2013 | Exceptional People Magazine | 39

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“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of thing not seen.� Bible, Hebrews II:I


The Master’s Hand Will Always Care for You By Catherine Galasso-Vigorito

Beholding the handiwork of God’s mighty Hand, the glory of the sunrise claimed my attention. I watched from my window, the ever-changing panorama of the exquisite sky, welcoming the pristine morning. And I contemplated the splendor of God’s creation.

Yet, so often, we’re confronted with challenges and situations that push us down and cause us to feel worthless. We may struggle with doubt and low self-esteem and become uncertain and anxious about the future. And, sometimes, we think that God has forgotten about us.

When God’s Hand created the heavens and the earth, He had a plan and a purpose, which He carried out with great precision. God also has a master plan for you.

But, don’t be shaken. God is watching over you. So rely on Him, for you are His creation, His masterpiece, and in His Hands. Just as the prophet Elijah hid in the wilderness, and God provided his needs by ordering the ravens to bring him food, rest assured, God loves and will care for you, too.

Do you know that your life is impactful? Do you realize the extraordinary purpose God has in store for you to fulfill?

42 | Exceptional People Magazine | November-December 2013

The Bible is filled with stories showing what God can do, if we wholeheartedly trust in Him. Job was a blameless and

Inspiration upright man, and he suffered terribly, losing his family, his health and worldly goods. Nevertheless, amidst all his trials, Job never denounced God. Despite the pain, Job desired nothing more than the assurance that he was in God’s Hands. Job prayed and persevered. And God restored to Job twice as much as he had lost, bringing Job an abundance of new blessings in his future. God’s plans for you are for good. So stay open to new innovation, ideas and possibilities. A single creative thought can come into your mind that could revolutionize your life and the lives of others. Years ago, I came across a remarkable poem by Myra Brooks Welch. Confined to a wheelchair, I read how Myra suffered from severe arthritis. However, she had a gift for writing poetry and with courage and optimism; she utilized her creative thought process. Myra took one pencil in each of her badly disabled hands. Then, she used the eraser end, and one letter at a time, she would patiently type her profound words: The Touch of the Master’s Hand T’was battered and scarred, and the auctioneer Thought it scarcely worth his while To waste much time on the old violin, But held it up with a smile. “What am I bidden, good folks,” he cried, “Who’ll start the bidding for me?” “A dollar, a dollar,” then, two! Only two? “Two dollars, and who’ll make it three?

The people cheered, but some of them cried, “We do not quite understand “What changed its worth?” Swift came the reply: “The touch of a master’s hand.” Regardless of her condition, Myra Brooks Welch chose to develop the extraordinary talents God had given to her and she brought hope and encouragement to people worldwide. I think about the adorable black, two-pound puppy that we adopted a few months back. Instantaneously, the puppy went from being sick, alone and uncared for, with little hope for the future, to being safe and secure in the hands of a family who loves and takes care of him. It is the same way with God. You may feel alone, hurt and unloved, but one touch of the Master’s Hand can fill the emptiness, heal the pain, lift you up, and bring you to a place of victory. With God, it is never too late, for “the things that look impossible with man are possible with God.” (Luke 18:27). No matter where you are in life, do not fear or falter. There are wonderful blessings ahead, for God is saying to you today, “My Hand is arranging opportunities that will cause your dreams to come to pass,” “I am directing the right people to come into your life,” “I’ll renew your strength,” “I have you in the palm of My Hand,” and “Your best days are to come.” God’s arms are around your shoulders, patiently leading and guiding, taking you onto new and better things. Feel God’s love, for it will never fail you. You’re in the Master’s Hands. 

“Three dollars, once; three dollars, twice; Going for three . . . “But no, From the room, far back, a grey haired man Came forward and picked up the bow; Then, wiping the dust from the old violin, And tightening the loose strings, He played a melody pure and sweet As a caroling angel sings. The music ceased, and the auctioneer, With a voice that was quiet and low, Said: “What am I bid for the old violin?” And he held it up with the bow. “A thousand dollars, and who’ll make it two? Two thousand! And who’ll make it three? Three thousand, once; three thousand, twice; And going and gone,” said he. November-December 2013 | Exceptional People Magazine | 43

The Lighter Side

Lighter Side

Five Easy Steps to Eliminate Stress or Die Trying By Dorothy Rosby

Before you can reduce stress in your life, you must first determine if you’re actually stressed out or if you’re just naturally an irritable person. You probably don’t want to ask your family for their opinion on this matter. Instead, take the following highly scientific, psychological stress test, which I adapted (stole) from a recent workshop I attended. This will save you the stress of attending your own workshop where you would be forced to play getting acquainted games, like the "Rub the Back of a Perfect Stranger" which most people find stressful.

7. I become upset when the car in front of me is driving too slowly. (Doesn’t everyone? This is a trick question. One stress point for me, five for the people driving in front of me.)

Give yourself one stress point if the statement never applies to you, two if it sometimes applies, and three if it applies pretty darn often.

10. I have certain aggressive gestures. (Only in traffic. And during occasional news items. Oh yes, and at certain sporting events. Three stress points.)

Because many people find taking highly scientific, psychological stress tests stressful, I will print my responses and scores after the statements to show you how it’s done.

Now, unless you’re like me and you find math stressful, tally up and check yourself as follows.

8. I dislike waiting in line. (Darn tootin’ I do. And if you don’t, you obviously don’t have enough to do. You should come clean my house. Three stress points.) 9. I often try to do two things at once. (Yes, but not very successfully. Three stress points.)

10-12 stress points. You’re either lying or you’re dead. Take your pulse now.

1. I drink more than three cups of coffee, tea, or cola per day. (Yes, but I find caffeine soothing. Three stress points.)

13-20 stress points. You’re nearly perfect, and the rest of us find it stressful to be around you.

2. I don’t have the energy to do the things I need to do. (What is it I need to do? Three stress points.)

21-30 stress points. You and I have a lot in common. We should meet for coffee. (Caffeine free.)

3. I tend to take stress out on my family. (Yes, but they should be use to it by now. Three stress points for me, ten for the family.)

Well how did you do? Oh. That bad huh? Never fear! Anyone can find some relief from stress by trying the following helpful techniques:

4. I have a hard time making decisions. (I’m not sure. Three stress points.)

1. First and foremost, you must immediately lower your expectations of yourself and every body in your life. Is it truly necessary that your home be spotless, your "in basket" be empty, your family be fed?

5. I find it difficult to relax. (Who has time for that? Three stress points.) 6. I don’t feel useful or needed. (Sounds wonderful! Two stress points.)

2. Secondly, come to terms with the knowledge that you will never get everything done. If there ever comes a day when you do have everything done, you’ll find more do to.

November-December 2013 | Exceptional People Magazine | 45

Lighter Side

3. Learn how to say no! Even better, learn how to make other people say yes more often. 4. Practice deep breathing -- unless it reminds you of being in labor, which some people find stressful. Close your eyes and dream of a quiet place. Think of a sandy beach; feel the waves lapping at your feet. Or picture yourself on a mountain top; hear the breeze in the trees below. Ahhh. Oh dang. You forgot to turn off your cell phone, didn’t you? 5. Finally, whenever you’re feeling tense, anxious and uptight, gently remind yourself that stress has been proven to inhibit the immune system, cause overeating, and prevent adequate rest. It is also known to cause headaches, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, ulcers, and shortness of breath. Some medical professionals even believe that stress is associated with fat build-up around the abdomen. There now; that ought to help you relax. 

46 | Exceptional People Magazine | November-December 2013

Profile Resources Part One Exceptional People Magazine’s Top Seven Innovators and Inventors, Impacting the Way We Live, Work and Think Dr. Thienna Ho—Pg. 5, http://www.thienna.com/ Dr. Keith L. Black—Pg. 6, http://cedars-sinai.edu/Bios---Physician/A-G/Keith-L-Black-MD.aspx Dr. Bill Dorfman—Pg. 7, http://www.billdorfmandds.com/ Scott Jochim—Pg. 8, http://augmentedrealitydevelopmentlab.com/ Richard van Engers—Pg. 9, http://sturdiproducts.com/ Dr. James W. O’Neil—Pg. 10, http://www.visionquest2020.org/ Richard S. Tirendi—Pg. 11, http://www.visionquest2020.org/

Dr. Corwin Littell, Pg.19, The Founder of Exceptional People Magazine Interviews Dr. Corwin Littell, http://www.readymadeinc.com/

Photo Credits No photo credits in this issue.

Part Two CJ Scarlet, Pg. 34, True Passion to Assist and Protect Humanity http://www.10forhumanity.com/

Additional Credits Graphics and Cover Designs: Jeff Hayes, www.plasmafiregraphics.com

November-December 2013 | Exceptional People Magazine | 47

Writers and Contributors

William R. Patterson

Annemarie Cross

Ranked as the #1 Business Motivational Speaker by Ranking.com, William R. Patterson is a three-time award-winning lecturer and international bestselling author who uses his trademark approach, THE BARON SOLUTION™, to coach, train, and motivate business leaders, sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and investors. His breakthrough book, The Baron Son, has been translated around the world and featured in the Forbes Book Club and Black Enterprise. William is an internationally recognized wealth and business coach who has been a featured guest on over 500 television and radio programs. William’s website, BaronSeries.com, is winner of four 2009 Web Awards including: Best Speaker; Best Male Author; Best Business Advice Site; and Best WealthBuilding Site. For more information, visit http://www.baronseries.com

Annemarie Cross is a Career Management & Personal Branding Strategist, Speaker, Consultant, Radio Broadcaster, and Author of ‘10 Key Steps to Ace that Interview!’ She is also the founder/ principal of Advanced Employment Concepts – Career Management and Corporate Career Development Specialists offering powerful programs for people striving for career success and fulfillment, as well as savvy companies committed to building and retaining their most important asset – their staff.

Catherine Galasso-Vigorito

James Adonis

Catherine Galasso-Vigorito’s nationally syndicated weekly column, “A New You,” has endeared her to readers worldwide for over 15 years.

James Adonis is a people-management thinker and the author of three books including his latest, ‘Corporate Punishment: Smashing the Management Clichés for Leaders in a New World’. Thought-provoking and entertaining, James’s keynote presentations and workshops show companies how to solve staff turnover, engage all generations, and win the war for talent. He has presented to audiences across Australia, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, with an impressive list of clients including McDonald’s, American Express, CocaCola, Qantas, and Gucci. www.jamesadonis.com.

Known for her ability to uplift and encourage, Catherine has become America’s most beloved inspirational voice. Catherine is the founder and CEO of her own company, A New You Worldwide, developing and designing inspirational products. Her mission is to instill hope in the hearts of people everywhere, inspiring them to live a better life. She makes her home on the East Coast with her husband and three daughters. Visit her website at www.anewyouworldwide.com Searching for inspirational gifts - visit http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/app.nav/ params.class.K990/walk.yah.0101-K990.

48 | Exceptional People Magazine | November-December 2013

Widely considered a personal change agent and success catalyst, Annemarie has distinguished herself as being people-focused, caring, inspirational and life-changing in her approach. Annemarie can be contacted at www.a-e-c.com.au email: info@a-e-c.com.au.

Writers and Contributors

Rosalind Sedacca

Margaret Paul

Recognized as The Voice of Child-Centered Divorce, Rosalind Sedacca is a Certified Corporate Trainer and founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network for parents facing, moving through or transitioning beyond divorce. She is the author of How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook™ Guide to Preparing Your Children – with Love! which offers a unique approach to breaking divorce news to your children based on her own personal experience. She is also the 2008 National First Place Winner of the Victorious Woman Award.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is a noted public speaker, bestselling author, workshop leader, relationship expert, and Inner Bonding® facilitator. She has counseled individuals and couples, and led groups, classes, and workshops since 1968. She is the author and co-author of eight books, including the internationally bestselling Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?, Healing Your Aloneness, Inner Bonding, and Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?

As a Certified Corporate Trainer and Business Communication Strategist she provides consulting, speaking, training and Executive Coaching services to organizations nation-wide on marketing, public relations and business communication issues. She specializes in gender-related dynamics, marketing to women and employeemanagement collaboration in the workplace. To learn more about her book, free ezine, programs and other valuable resources on creating a positive ChildCentered Divorce, visit www.childcentereddivorce.com and www.howdoitellthekids.com. For more information about her customized programs, audio and videotapes, and other services, contact Rosalind at 561-742-3537 or Talk2Roz@bellsouth.net.

Dawn Abraham

She is the co-creator, along with Dr. Erika Chopich, of the Inner Bonding® healing process, recommended by actress Lindsay Wagner and singer Alanis Morissette, and featured on Oprah, and of the unique and popular website www.innerbonding.com. Their transformational selfhealing/conflict resolution software program, SelfQuest®, at www.selfquest.com, is being donated to prisons and schools and sold to the general public.

Sue Urda Sue Urda is an Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network, She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 FastestGrowing Private Companies. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are. www.sueurda.com.

Dawn Abraham is a Certified Life/Business Coach, and is an “Official Guide for Small Business Marketing at Selfgrowth.com. She also partners with professionals and entrepreneurs to help them create balanced lives while earning more money. Law of Attraction, Self Esteem, Abundance, Meditation, Motivation, Reiki, Private & Group Coaching, Free Life Changing Mp3’s and Teleclasses are offered. http://www.qualified-lifecoach.com November-December 2013 | Exceptional People Magazine | 49

Writers and Contributors

Sharon Dahlonega Raiford Bush

Shelley Riutta

Sharon Dahlonega Raiford Bush is CEO of News Archives International. This multiaward-winning journalist writes and publishes news articles about productive individuals committed to making positive changes in their lives and in the world around them. She also writes and directs live performances for young, exceptional artists throughout the Los Angeles region. Sharon shares her life with her husband, veteran actor Grand L. Bush.

Shelley Riutta MSE, LPC is a Holistic Psychotherapist and Inner Bonding Facilitator in private practice specializing in Transformational individual counseling, presentations, groups and Workshops. To get her free workbook “What Do You REALLY Want: Finding Purpose and Passion in Your Life” or for information about the free teleclasses she does every month visit her web-site www.RadiantLifeCounseling.com or call her at 877-346-1167.

To learn more about Sharon, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Sharon_Dahlonega_Raiford_Bush and http://www.linkedin.com/in/sharonraifordbush. She can be contacted at https://www.facebook.com/TVwxGirl.

Dawn McCoy Dawn McCoy is author of “Leadership Building Blocks: An Insider’s Guide to Success” http://flourishleadership.com/store/ index.html She is also is president and CEO of Flourish Leadership, LLC which provides coaching executives, public servants, and youth leaders. For author and speaker details, visit http:// www.flourishleadership.com.

Jack Canfield Jack is the founder and former CEO of Chicken Soup for the Soul® Enterprises, a billion dollar empire that encompasses licensing, merchandising and publishing activities around the globe. He is the Founder and Chairman of The Canfield Training Group which trains entrepreneurs, educators, corporate leaders and motivated individuals how to accelerate the achievement of their personal and professional goals. Jack is also the founder of The Foundation for Self-Esteem which provides self-esteem resources and trainings to social workers, welfare recipients and human resource professionals. http://www.jackcanfield.com/ 50 | Exceptional People Magazine | November-December 2013

Inez Bracy Inez Bracy is the host of her own radio talk show; Living Smart and Well and is a columnist for Senior Stuff a local ezine, the Orlando Examiner, a former columnist for the Island Voice magazine and the author of Rejuvenate Your Life in 21 Days. Bracy’s radio show, Living Smart and Well shares tips on creating your best life and is heard globally on www.livingsmartandwell.com. Bracy is an author, a masterful coach, powerful trainer, and a dynamic speaker. With more than 20 years of experience working for educational institutions and non-profits, Bracy uses her knowledge to help people create extraordinary lives. http://overfiftyfineandfancy.com

Keasha Lee Keasha Lee is President of Striking Statements, LLC a company that provides public relations and social media strategy for small to mid sized businesses. www.strikingstatements.com

Writers and Contributors

Dorothy Rosby

Eileen Lichtenstein

Dorothy Rosby is an entertaining speaker and syndicated humor columnist whose work appears regularly in 30-plus newspapers in eleven Western and Midwestern states. She is also Community Relations Director for an organization which supports people with disabilities. She lives in Rapid City, South Dakota with her husband, son, mother, and hamster. Contact her at drosby@rushmore.com or see her website at www.dorothyrosby.com.

Eileen Lichtenstein, MS Ed, CEO of Balance & Power, Inc. is a certified Anger Management Specialist, Career and Mid-Life Coach, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique ) Practitioner and a former Biofeedback Therapist and faculty at Hofstra University. “SOAR! with Resilience™: The Interactive Book for Overcoming Obstacles & Achieving Success” is the core material for many of her trainings and a motivational read for anyone struggling to take their personal or professional life to a higher level of success and satisfaction. www.balanceandpower.com

Angie Brennan

Cedric Dukes

Angie Brennan is a humor writer and illustrator from Maryland. Visit her website at www.angiebrennan.com for cartoons, spoof advice, and more.

Cedric Dukes is an international author, speaker and leader on finances and self & career development. He is the author of two books, The Power of Time – Living a Life of No Regrets and Hostile Takeover – Manifesting God’s Plan and Purpose for Your Finances. Cedric’s books can be found at www.CedricDukes.com, www.amazon.com, and most major bookstores. His career includes management positions in engineering and purchasing. He has been a keynote speaker for churches, financial literacy classes, and credit counseling clubs as well as book clubs, seminars and conferences and has written columns for several national and regional publications.

Greg Williams Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator, is an internationally sought after speaker/trainer. He provides negotiation expertise to corporate and individual clients that seek to maximize their negotiation efforts, at the negotiation table. You can sign up for Greg’s free negotiation tips at www.TheMasterNegotiator.com – You can also view his Negotiation Tip videos at http:// www.youtube.com/user/ TheMasterNegotiator - Greg’s motto is, “Remember, you’re always negotiating”.

November-December 2013 | Exceptional People Magazine | 51


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