Exceptional People Magazine-September/October 2018

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September/October 2018

Keep Your Eyes on the Wise

Nancy Kim

From Stuck to Unstoppable: 5 Reasons Why You Should Build a Strong ClientCapturing Brand Mass Media Advertising: Is it Killing Your Profitability?

Founder and Publisher Editor-in-Chief Monica Davis Writers & Editors Jon Crump Marla Gem Suzanne Harris Company Writers & Contributors Donna Carletta Kathy Kentty Pat Markel Other Contributors Andrew Horton Greg Williams Jack Canfield Annemarie Cross Art and Graphics Designer Jenette Antonio Sityar Exceptional People Magazine is published bi-monthly by Atela Productions, Inc. The opinions of the contributors are not necessarily those of Atela Productions, Inc. Exceptional People Magazine is a copyright of Atela Productions, Inc. The contents of this publication may not be printed, copied or distributed without the express written consent of the Publisher. Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved.

Letter from the Publisher A New Season for Change Fall; it arrived so quickly. Sometimes, I ask myself what happened? Where did the time go? Many of us often ask that question. But when you think about it, that is not the question we should be asking. Instead we need to ask ourselves how did we use the time we were given? How did we use every single day of this year up to this point to make a difference, to be productive, thankful, impactful, and kind to others? It’s important that we use our time wisely by improving our own lives and seeking to enhance the lives of others. The leaves of trees change colors and shed every fall. It’s a sign that change is in progress, and we’re heading into a new season. Just as a tree sheds its leaves in the fall, so should we begin the process of identifying all those things that hindered us from living our best lives throughout the year, and begin shedding them so that we can go into a new season with passion, confidence, a new plan, and a new purpose. There’s no need to wait until the New Year to start the process of change. Change is welcome anytime. We should constantly be asking ourselves, “What is the best value I can offer the world?” So, in keeping with the fall season, seek to find something that you can remove or shed from your life everyday so that by the time the New Year arrives, you are well on your way to becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be. With every wish for great achievements,

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Monica Davis


05 Nancy and Kim Keep Your Eyes on the Wise If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.

Maya Angelou

Nancy Kim

Keep Your Eyes on the Wise



ancy Werteen was not a hugger. She didn’t even like discussing her feelings. Like many women, she had a bit of a protective shell around her emotions. In her case, it had developed while she was a news reporter for WFMZ-TV in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley. Investigating stories and reporting from crime sites, she’s seen some bad things. She’s also seen many good things. Her family, for one. And her students. For eight years, she served as adjunct professor at Lafayette College, instructing broadcast journalism students on their live television shows. The Master of Communication Arts grad also writes, produces, and hosts WFMZ’s morning newscast health and wellness series. Enter Kim Howie, certified Health Coach, health and wellness author, and designer of the Pure Energy Program. Howie works with women, in groups or one on one, creating personalized health roadmaps around their lifestyles, preferences, and goals. Howie’s expertise includes degrees and certification in psychology, hormonal imbalance, Reiki, and integrative nutrition. And like Werteen, Howie is also a wife and a mom. As Werteen and Howie’s friendship developed, they realized that women everywhere have very similar - and crucial - needs. First and foremost: Many women lack the core belief that they are valuable human beings, worthy of self-love and self-care. Next, women often don't have an emotionally safe place where they can reboot, refuel, and recharge their inner batteries. Howie and Werteen also saw that many women were missing practical tools that could help them learn to live joyfully, no matter what their circumstances. Women, whether working in the home or in the office, needed to know they had the right and the power to choose joy. That was a few years ago. And then it dawned on the two women that combined, their respective backgrounds could be the force behind a true movement. A next phase, if you will, to women’s liberation. They called it The Wisdom Coalition, and women from all corners of the world have been flocking to join them ever since. The Wisdom Coalition’s mission is to “create a collaborative community to help women flourish, thrive, and find joy in the journey of life.” So far, so good. Serving as a haven from the stresses of daily life, the Wisdom Coalition’s monthly forums and networking 6

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events feature panels and speakers covering the gamut of women’s physical and emotional issues. What sets The Wisdom Coalition apart, though, is the safe environment Howie and Werteen have nurtured. Discussing personal issues can be scary in a group, but they’ve created a space where women’s unique assets and insights are coaxed out, recognized, and celebrated. And that’s when women stop competing, and start supporting each other openly and generously. The Wisdom Coalition feels so safe, in fact, that Werteen now emotes - and hugs - regularly. In addition to a website chock-full of free written materials, podcasts, even a “Well of Wisdom,” Howie and Werteen have published The Power Of A Pivot: How Changing Your Mindset Can Bring You More Joy In Every Aspect Of Your Life. Available on Amazon, the book provides women with practical tips and universal tools for living a life of knowledge, confidence, and joy. Howie and Werteen are regularly featured on television, radio, in magazines, and at speaking engagements. They recently took time out of their busy - and joyful schedule to tell us more. We hope their words elevate your day and your life. Monica:  What inspired you to focus on wisdom and create a movement around it? Kim:  We started to recognize that we all have wisdom to share, regardless of our age or stage in life. And we recognized that everyone had something to share that could help each other. And we said, "Wow. Wouldn't it be great if there was a place where we could come and share wisdom with one another?" And then we thought, "Well, why don't we create that?" Nancy:  We feel that everyone has wisdom to share with each other. We are very interested in this whole subject of women supporting other women. There are plenty of professional groups that do that, and we do serve professional women. But we liked the idea of women supporting other women with the idea that joy is a choice that you have to make every day in your life. That's what our message is. It’s what we work into all of our presentations and podcasts; everything's focused around this idea that joy is a choice and here's how you choose it.

The Power Of A Pivot

Helping you find more joy in every aspect of your life.

Written by the Co-founders of The Wisdom Coalition


Monica:  What is the overall purpose and mission of the Wisdom Coalition? Kim:  To create what we call this collaborative community of women uplifting each other, supporting each other, and helping each other find more joy. We’d noticed a lot of competition amongst women, and we wanted to find a place where we could come together, be collaborative, and support each other rather than compete against each other. Nancy:  It’s really to talk about the issues that make differences in our lives. To talk about how to change your mindset so you can find more joy. We're saying: Take a moment, breathe, and figure out the life that you want to lead. Then go get it. Instead of just letting life happen to you, we like to say life is happening for you. That's our purpose and our mission; to bring women together in a collaborative community with the idea that we can help each other find more joy by changing our mindset. Monica:  Where do you think competition between women stems from? Nancy:  One reason is that women are really hard on themselves. We talk about those things. Why are we trying to be perfect all the time? How can we work through that, so we don’t have to worry about pushing another woman out of the way to be able to get what we want, whether in business or in life? Kim:  It comes down to being enough and being worthy. Do I feel worthy to have a seat at the table? That's where the competition comes from - instead of recognizing that we're much stronger when we work together. Monica:  What does it mean to have wisdom? Sometimes people mistake wisdom for knowledge. Is there a difference between the two? Kim:  There absolutely is. I like to tell the story about my daughter, who is now 13. At the time we started talking about this she was 10. And she had some wonderful wisdom to share with us when we were trying to figure out what to name our company. She said to me, "You know, Mom, as soon as you stop thinking about it, it's just going to come to you." And I thought, "That's wisdom. From a ten-year-old.” It's just amazing. All ages, all stages; everyone has wisdom to share. 8

September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine

Nancy:  It's also about listening to other people. Think about our society and how we undervalue the elderly. Think about the wisdom they have to share. Wisdom is about being really quiet for a while, just listening and hearing and taking in other people's experiences. Listening to yourself and your own voice, and asking, “What am I saying to myself that's damaging? What am I saying to myself that's good?” Being wise is about being quiet, reflective, and listening for all of the messages that are out there. Kim:  Letting go of judgment of ourselves, and of others. Listening to our own intuition, being open to what others have to say, and being respectful of our differences. We don't all have to agree. It’s about listening to others, not judging it, and recognizing it's okay to have different opinions. Monica:  How do values impact your wisdom? Kim:  Currently, I'm working towards my Master's Degree in Positive Psychology and it's a lot about strengths and values. We actually have dedicated several events to getting to know your values and then living according them. It's part of living an authentic life: You may know what you value, but if you're not living those values, then you're not being authentic. It’s also recognizing that people have different values. There's no judgment in that. If your core values are different than my core values, that doesn't mean either of us is right or wrong. It just means that we have different values, and that's okay. Nancy:  But you have to take the time to figure out what your values are, instead of just plunging forward with no idea. So, when situations arise, you can say, "You know what? This is what I value and this is what I don't value. So, I'm going to take a stand - or I'm not." Monica:  Can adversity help make you wise? Nancy:  Absolutely. Knowing what we don't want makes us much clearer about what we do want. I say that to my children all the time. When things happen or they don't appreciate the way something unfolded, I say, "Well, now you know exactly what you don't want. You don't want to treat anyone that way because you know what it feels like."


Nancy Choosing joy is easy when things are going right in your life. The challenge comes when you're experiencing obstacles, having a crisis, having difficulties. Getting through difficult times, you learn a lot about yourself, what you're capable of, how to build resilience, and many things that help you going forward. Monica:  Sometimes I wonder whether some people really learn from their adversity. Oftentimes, we repeat behaviors and reactions that we shouldn't. Nancy:  Our book is called The Power of a Pivot. It takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery. Whether you've been through an adversity or not (and who hasn’t?) this is how you learn who you are, what you want, and how to change your mindset. Chapter four is about crisis. What is a crisis? How do you define a crisis? How do you manage a crisis? Our book provides very helpful tools for dealing with crisis and adversity. Kim:  Adversity is when you actually really get to know who you are. It's in those dark times that you get to

Kim see the light shining through the cracks. Those are the most pivotal times in people's lives. Our journey is living the lessons and actually learning the lessons. Until you build awareness around it, you can't make a lasting change. Nancy:  We wrote the book in our two separate voices because we have very different voices and writing styles. At the end of each chapter there are some self-reflection questions. And one of the questions in the crisis chapter is, “What have you learned from a specific crisis in your life?” Monica:  Some people seek joy for years but can't seem to find it. Why do you think that is? Kim:  People often look for joy on the outside instead of on the inside. One of our core messages is that you can be joyful regardless of the circumstances around you. It's taking that time to look inward. It’s knowing what's inside of you, tapping into your own core energy, and fueling that with joy because you can't get it from other people - and you can't get it from things. You have to make the choice that this is something you want, and to seek it.

Exceptional People Magazine  |  September - October 2018



Nancy:  We call it living your life from the inside out. When you have that understanding, the world can do what it wants to do but you're still able to tap into your own core energy, and fill your core energy with joy. Monica:  What changes do you see in women after they start working with you? Nancy:  A lot of women have read our book and have said it totally changed their life. They keep it in the glove compartment of their car. They highlight it. They come back to certain passages. That was our hope for it -- to make a difference. Kim:  We talk a lot about this concept of shared humanity and recognizing that we're really all on a journey – our own individual journeys – but collectively, we’re together. People are feeling the joy of connecting with others on a soulful level. Nancy:  Our followers are very loyal. And you're right. We do see a difference in them. We like to continue to be able to have touch points with them, and enjoy watching them spread the word. We go to book clubs as invited guests. It's great to hear feedback about what these women liked about the book. Monica:  How have these women enhanced your lives personally and professionally? Kim:  I love this whole topic of joy. We have to school ourselves to make sure we're living the lessons we're teaching. To see that other people are coming on this journey with us feels good and it's so rewarding. Nancy:  Kim and I are always saying that we're living the lessons. Kim is a very joyful person, and is much farther down the pike than I am on this journey. When I met her, I loved her energy and her positive attitude. I'm a journalist, so I'm a little more negative. Journalists hear some pretty nasty things. When I first met Kim, I remember she'd hug everybody. I'd say, "I'm not a hugger." I was very firm on that. But at one of the last events we had, I started hugging this one woman before Kim did, and everyone started laughing. Kim:  The other thing she said was, "I'm not talking about my feelings.” Then we write this book and it's all about her feelings.


September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine

Nancy:  Kim's life has changed in that I've invited her into my world of television and podcasts. Her life has changed. She's got a beautiful spirit and a beautiful message. I'm thrilled to have been able to give her this platform, join with her, and find ways to give people an opportunity to hear the message and to connect with them. Sometimes people ask, "Why are you doing so many things? Your TV show, your podcast, your book. You're doing events, presentations, and newsletters." It's because certain people don't listen to podcasts. Certain people don't read books. So, we've expanded. Writing the book was an incredible experience. And the podcasts are great fun. So, we've grown professionally and personally by being able to see the differences in ourselves and other people. Kim:  We were going at a pretty swift pace with a lot of things on our plate and we did recognize that. As a health coach, I'm all about self-care. I knew that I was burning the candle at both ends and I needed to take a step back and start honoring my body a little bit more. Nancy:  We try to make decisions based upon a number of things. We just can't say yes to everything. We need to have boundaries. We have children. We have husbands. I work for the television station. Kim is a health coach. We have other jobs besides The Wisdom Coalition. So, we have to make sure we set limits. Kim:  It's important for us to be role models. If we're saying to other people, “You have to take care of yourself and take time out for you,” then we have to do the same. Nancy:  Being able to say no is a skill. It takes practice like any other skill. Monica:  Do you mainly reach out to women in the U.S., or are you thinking about going abroad? Nancy:  We have no limits. Kim:  Our podcast is actually quite popular in Tokyo. Nancy:  Our book is called The Power of a Pivot. In tennis, you have to pivot hard to get the shot that you want. But we can go anywhere. That's the beauty of the Internet. Our book is available on Amazon so anybody can get it. This message is universal. There's no reason that we couldn't be everywhere.


Monica:  A lot of us need that extra push and encouragement to realize that we are worth more than we sometimes think we are. Kim:  Negativity is contagious. But so is positivity. When you get women together and you start spreading joy, before you know it, it grows. We've seen it in our families, and we see it in the people we interact with. It's nice to be around positive people. Nancy:  And there are so many people in pain. We do a lunch and learn series called The Power of the Pivot Workshop. Every time we have one, within five minutes somebody's crying. People are hungry for an opportunity to be themselves, confront their pain, take a step back, look at their life, and get what they want, finally. Kim:  And move forward with some joy and positivity -recognizing that there are people who want to help and support them. There's always something positive to find in your life, and most times in a situation. And even if you can't find something positive in a situation, you can look around and find other positive things to focus on. Monica:  Do you consider The Wisdom Coalition to be a movement? Kim:  Yes. We're gathering women together and building this community where we're collaborating and uplifting each other. It’s definitely a movement.

Negativity is contagious. But so is positivity. When you get women together and you start spreading joy, before you know it, it grows.

Monica:  Can you mention again how people can get your book? Nancy:  Yes. Our book is available on Amazon. It's called The Power of a Pivot: How Changing Your Mindset Can Bring You More Joy in Every Aspect of Your Life. Monica:  Thank you for this enlightening experience. It’s been a pleasure. 

Monica:  How can women be a part of this movement? Nancy:  The best way is to subscribe to our website, TheWisdomCoalition.com because you can get all the information from us. We send out a newsletter once a month. We don't overwhelm people. We also send our podcasts out, or you can subscribe to our Well of Wisdom podcast on SoundCloud and iTunes. Kim:  The Well of Wisdom, on our website, has all kinds of information. It has all of our previous newsletters, podcasts, and television show episodes. Whatever your needs are, you can come to The Well of Wisdom with your cup or your bucket and get what you need. Nancy:  Some days you can pour into the well and some days you're going to need to take out of the well. But we're all dipping into the same well.

Exceptional People Magazine  |  September - October 2018




September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine

September/October 2018

Susan Harrow

Teaching Girls Verbal Self-Defense Break Through Limiting Beliefs to Achieve Greater Success Your Success As a Leader Depends on Your Circle of Influencers

Contents Extraordinary Profiles

15 Susan Harrow Teaching Girls Verbal Self-Defense

Empower Yourself 22 Break Through Limiting Beliefs to Achieve Greater Success 24 Classic Tips to Closing the Sale 25 From Stuck to Unstoppable: 5 Reasons Why You Should Build a Strong Client-Capturing Brand 28 To Negotiate Successfully Become Proficient at Conflict Resolution 30 Mass Media Advertising: Is it Killing Your Profitability? 32 Your Success As a Leader Depends on Your Circle of Influencers 35 How to effectively Deal with Challenging Co-Workers 37 Influence: A Powerful Way to Quickly Boost Your Business!

Ligher Side of Life 40 Recipes 41 Jobs I Could Never Do

Wherever there’s hope, a ray of light will always shine through and direct your path. Never give up.

Teaching Girls Verbal

Self-Defense Susan Harrow

Photography by Abigail Huller



aybe Susan Harrow’s vision was conceived long ago, when she was nearly sold to a Bedouin sheik in Israel.

Maybe it developed while she was teaching tennis in California. Maybe it flourished while she was conducting behavioral assessments for Pacific Bell. But one thing is clear: The True Shield Program is inextricably connected with Harrow’s long career as a PR powerhouse. For well over twenty years, Harrow has worked closely with success-driven entrepreneurs and authors who want to get heard - and featured - by major media outlets. Along the way, she’s discovered that women often struggle because they’ve been trained from birth into “pathological niceness.” What’s wrong with being nice? Nothing, unless it’s delivered - or interpreted - as weakness. It’s no secret that women are repeatedly dismissed as employees, entrepreneurs, aspiring thought-leaders, or influencers. It’s hard to toot your own horn or stand up for yourself when you’ve been taught that that’s just… not nice. And then there’s sexual harassment, misconduct, and rape. Not big news to most women. Sadly, these have been a fact of life since the dawn of time. That this elephant in the room has recently been spotlighted in the media helps. But Harrow clearly believes that more can and should be done. Through her long success as a publicist, Harrow has repeated to her women clients that the way they speak, stand, and express themselves makes all the difference in the way they are treated by themselves and by others. Can women be nice too? Absolutely. Harrow’s mission is to teach girls how to gracefully yet firmly eliminate the chance of their own victimization. True Shield is the result, and Harrow means to change the world with it. This groundbreaking program is licensed to schools, universities, self-defense associations, companies, and other organizations keen on empowering girls age 12-24 to carry themselves with confidence and pride on their way to success. It’s an easily-implemented 6 hour “verbal self-defense training in a box” which gives women the practice and necessary tools to say no, prevent assault, and stop rape. 16

September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine

A longtime martial arts practitioner, Harrow believes in the benefits of physical self-defense. She also knows that verbal self-defense can virtually eliminate the chances of physical attack. She’s not the only one, either. Longtime victim advocates are rallying around True Shield as an important program that can decrease violence by men against young women, whether on campus, on the street, or in the workplace. As if True Shield wasn’t enough, Harrow’s prsecrets.com website includes a Prevent Sexual Assault Vault, featuring helpful tips and short instructional videos to help women learn how to prevent sexual assault, harassment, or any uninvited or unwanted contact. It’s all in line with Harrow’s “day job” - helping people turn their books into bestsellers, get mentioned in Oprah’s “O” Magazine, and become sought-after guests on TV talk shows. Her book “Sell Yourself Without Selling


Your Soul” talks to women about how to promote themselves “without bragging, begging, or whoring.” She also offers publicity courses, eBooks, podcasts and press release templates that help women grow their brands. Susan Harrow has lived an exciting, varied life and she doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon. We caught up with her recently to learn more about her mission and her passion. Monica:  Behind every ingenious idea is a visionary with a passion - someone who sees a way to impact society in a profound way. As a visionary, what was your inspiration behind True Shield? Susan:  It was really for my women clients. We are trained to be pathologically nice from a very young age. It's really drilled into us. Training thousands of women in corporations, I saw that it didn't matter how skilled or how brilliant they were. I found that when it came to asking for what we want or being in a situation that we don’t want, we often default to being nice and not embarrassing another person, or just thinking that we have to take it. One of my clients is a doctor in a husband-wife team business. When a press release was coming out about their book that they didn't agree with, they didn't think that they could do anything about it. I said, "It's your reputation. It's your book. And you have every right to tell the publisher that you'd like it to be written in a different way and to suggest something that you want instead." That is the basis of True Shield - and the basis of any kind of negotiation. The focus of Aikido is taking someone's energy and moving it in the direction that they think they want to go but it's really the direction that we want to go. That's where the skill comes in. We don't even have to say “no.” You can say, "I would prefer that we say this and we do it this way." That's really the art of negotiating any situation, whether it is verbal or physical. Monica:  How does self-esteem impact women under age 20 in terms of how they act in certain situations?

Susan:  It's such a big question right now. In our day the question was social impact. But right now, with social media, there's so much more pressure on girls. There's group pressure in person and group pressure online. True Shield: Verbal Self-Defense for Girls, is a course for ages 12 to 24. We're working toward developing self-esteem; recognizing what feels good to you and how to respect yourself. We’re helping to set those parameters and instill in girls that they have the right to say what they feel, and they have the right to be asked to be treated in a certain way. Part of that is accomplished through role play, to develop the mental and muscle memory. It's really about role playing those situations so we can have real-life experience when they happen. Because they will happen. It's like trying to imagine all these different situations that your daughter or these girls will be put in. Neuroscience experts say that the teenage brain isn't fully developed until around age 24, and the decisions that they make in the moment are not necessarily good ones. It's not their fault. It's because the brain hasn't fully developed. So, by doing the role plays in these particular situations, you are building those neural pathways in the girls and automatically developing that self-esteem through practice. Monica:  How is the True Shield course implemented? Susan:  It's a done-for-you course, which means that everything is digitally downloadable. There are videos. The course tells you what to say and what to do during the ten most difficult and dangerous situations that girls are typically in. It can be taught by anyone. It's in Boys and Girls Clubs, Girl Scouts, Girls, Inc., shelters, and schools. Anyone who has any kind of teaching experience can teach the course. The materials are all there. It's an annual license and they can teach as many facilitators as they like. They can teach as many girls as they like, as many times as they like, for an entire year. It's set up to be implemented in the most dramatic way so you can train Exceptional People Magazine  |  September - October 2018



1,000 girls, 10,000 girls, whatever the size of your organization. It's also set up so we can measure and get evidence that it’s working. There's an input survey and an outtake survey, and then a survey again in six months. My dream is to have teens training teens, college girls training each other, and it going viral that way. Monica:  Does it require one-to-one interaction? Susan:  The ideal ratio is ten girls to one instructor. The girls also work with each other. One plays the role of the challenger and the other responds. Then they switch. They go through each scenario at least three times during the six-hour course. It can also be broken into several one- or two-hour sessions, if that's what works best for a school or an organization. Monica:  What does the feedback tell you about how confident they feel? Susan:  Kids between the ages of 12 to 24 learn fast. By redoing a situation 3 or 5 times, they can readjust their behavior in every single scenario. So, they improve super quickly. In the facilitator’s guide I share positive reinforcement only and suggest what teachers need to look for. It can be as simple as “raise your voice.” “Make your eyes more intense.” “Stand up straighter.” “Notice your body.” It's about becoming aware of the messages that we're giving and making sure that they're 100 percent in sync with what we're saying. Are your eyes, face, body, voice, and tone, all giving one message? For example, some girls are not aware that they are saying “no” with their head cocked to the side. That is what we do when we flirt or are submissive. It's a natural inclination. But when you're saying “no,” or you want somebody to take you seriously, you want your head to be completely straight. That's starting to become aware of our behaviors, so we can be conscious and control them consciously. Monica:  Do you plan to create a program for women over age 24? Susan:  I am working on that right now, with a book and a course. I want it to be both an online course and a course trained in person by a team. It will be for any woman interested in speaking in corporations or out in 18

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the world. I want to create a large team of people who can teach this on location or in their communities. Monica:  How have the women you’ve worked with over the years impacted your life personally and professionally? Susan:  I’ve learned so much from both the girls and the women. Women are so inventive. I'm always looking for those opportunities and thinking, "Wow. I never would have thought of that. That's really brilliant." I'm always learning from each different woman how we can stand up for ourselves without being harsh - unless the situation calls for that because some situations do. How can we do that in a way that is graceful?

I'm really curious about the shelters. To me, it’s to prevent sexual slavery. Perpetrators can identify people who are easier targets and that there is something about them that they can perceive right away. So, it's about shifting all of that, energetically and physically, to prevent sexual slavery and repeated assaults. People can shift on the spot. As soon as you understand what your default response is, you can go, "Oh. That's the way I respond naturally but I can choose a different response. And if I don't choose a different response this time, I can choose a different response next time." That's the beauty of it -- to have girls understand that they have a choice, and awareness: Awareness of yourself and of your surroundings.

Trust yourself.

Monica:  Some men look at how a woman carries or presents herself and believe they can take chances with some but not others.

Really think about the question, "Is this a full-body ‘yes’? Is this a full-body ‘no’? Am I growing into the person that I want to be?"

Susan:  That is so true. That is part of what we want to work on as women too. Are you giving off unconscious signals that allow people an opening where you don't want there to be one? Start to understand what that is. Is it something physical? Is it something energetic? Is it just who you are because of your personality? You might have to modify that in a situation in order to prevent such things.

Monica:  What kind of feedback are you getting from the organizations using your program? Susan:  It's still in its initial stages. One school on the border of Mexico has been saying that the girls are loving it and starting to implement and use it in their daily lives. That's my dream, too: for girls and women to put it into action ­— to make it an integrated part of yourself, so that it becomes engrained into your behavior. The practice is super important. We need to recalibrate and think about how we could have handled a situation differently. That's what I do with my clients in my media training. “What did you do well in your media appearance? And how do you want to shift next time?” Well, let's practice that to get that engrained, so the next time you respond in a way that feels best to you.”

Monica:  Can the course also help them online? Susan:  Yes. I wrote an eBook that deals with texting, social media, and the law. For example, if someone posts a picture of a minor, it's a felony. You can invoke the law once you know that, and it has to be taken down instantly.

This course can be translated to online, but I also have an eBook that goes with the course, with specific strategies for online and texting. It's a different strategy online than physically. But we have to employ some of the same strategies. One of those strategies is ignoring the negative. It’s super simple, but not easy to do. Things can get out of hand really quickly on social media with that kind of negativity. Monica:  You are an accomplished media trainer. You're a women's empowerment expert. You're a teacher, bestselling author, a former tennis pro, and you have a black belt in Aikido. What is the greatest value you can bring to the world? Susan:  That is something I ask myself every day. I think that my biggest value is to be able to stand behind other women and give them the incentive, the materials, and the support to be able to stand up for themselves and get what they want. That's my motto: "Speak your mind. Stand your ground. And sing your song." Exceptional People Magazine  |  September - October 2018



That is what I see as my biggest mission. If we start to shift every woman and have every woman be able to speak up in her own way, then it's going to shift things globally in every culture. That's my vision. It's going to take a cultural shift, and it's going to take education. Men have been able to behave in a certain way for a very long time without protest and without punishment in many cultures. Some of it is behavioral training that has not happened. That's where we can each take a stand and say that when something is not okay with me – if it's a situation that's not of an extreme danger, but it's more of a situation of education versus punishment – then we as women need to start doing that. The culture, the laws, and the policies are going to take a long time to change to support us. Monica:  How can people learn more about True Shield and get involved? Susan:  Go to prsecrets.com, select Courses, then select True Shield: Verbal Self-Defense for Girls. Send me a message. Any way that anybody can contribute or bring it into their community would be really wonderful. My big dream is to have ambassadors within communities to teach it, especially in communities that can't afford it. For anyone who would like to sponsor it for an organization, please contact me. That's the model I'm moving toward - more sponsorships so I can give it away free to organizations and schools. Some Boys and Girls Clubs can't afford it. However you want to contribute, whether you want to be a teacher, or you want to bring it to your school or organization, or you want to donate as a sponsor or a corporate sponsor, I have a non-profit arm that supports that. It is already in Australia and in the next six months it'll be in Dubai. This is a skill that they're going to need in aerospace, STEM, and space exploration and in technology. Monica:  Can you offer a few words of empowerment and encouragement to help women become inspired to live their best lives? Susan:  Some of us are really encouraged to follow our passions, but we don't even know what that is. I love that


September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine

Elizabeth Gilbert says to follow your curiosity and let that lead you. It's really about just asking, "What is my next step and how can I serve best?” Sometimes we put a huge amount of pressure on ourselves like, "I've got to figure out my whole life's purpose and my entire path." My path has changed about 20 million times and it continues to change. I'm kind of shy, so I really don't want to be the person in the spotlight, necessarily. That's why I'm a media trainer. I will support people who are in the spotlight and who are doing really great things – socially conscious things, or things that are incredibly fun, or chocolate, or food. I love to have food clients to sort of balance it out. But I want that for each person. Where is it that you shine, that really makes you come alive? Monica:  Anything specific that you want to mention about True Shield that we haven't talked about? Susan:  True Shield is for any woman from 12 to 24. We've talked more about younger girls, but I think it's really important for girls in college, too, if they haven't had that kind of training before they get into college. Monica:  Would you mind closing the interview with your last word? Susan:  My last word would be: Trust yourself. Really think about the question, "Is this a full-body ‘yes’? Is this a fullbody ‘no’? Am I growing into the person that I want to be?" You can shift anything in the moment. One of the things that I really love about Aikido is the idea that you are being reincarnated every moment. You have a chance to reinvent yourself in the moment, in the very next choice, in the very next second. To me that's really inspiring, not only on the mat, because Aikido was so difficult for me, and still is – but in my own choices. I can choose something different in any moment, including my thoughts. Monica:  Well, this certainly has been a pleasure. Susan:  Thank you so much, Monica. I really appreciate it. 



succeed Thrive and

Professional and Personal Development Exceptional People Magazine  |  September - October 2018



Break Through Limiting Beliefs to Achieve Greater Success By Pat Markel


September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine



long any self-development journey, it eventually becomes obvious that the biggest enemy you encounter is yourself. Between your limiting beliefs and negative habits, there really isn’t anyone in your way besides yourself. We often ask too little of ourselves and doubt our ability to succeed based on our previous struggles. The following techniques will help you break through your limits:


•  Spend at least 30 minutes practicing the piano or whatever instrument you love •  The things you do each day matter. If you look at your average current day, it’s easy to see why your life is exactly as it is. What can you do each day that will guarantee that next year will be amazing?


Find a quality mentor. Good mentors can be hard to find, but it’s one of the best ways to rise above yourself.

Decide what you will no longer tolerate from yourself. You put up with a lot from yourself. The late-night snacking, procrastination, and making excuses for not making it to the gym regularly may be common scenarios in your life. When you accept poor behavior from yourself, you’ll get poor results.

•  You think you know your weak spots, but you only see some of them. Your ego is hiding them from you.

•  Make a list of all the things you will no longer do or accept. If you want to rise to a new level in any endeavor, it’s important to eliminate attitudes and behaviors that get in the way.



Define your goals. Make your goals bigger and better and stick with them. Think about the worst parts of your life and start there. It’s the lowest-rated parts of your life that create your limits and stifle your happiness. •  Raise your standards. Most people set goals that are too small. Set bigger goals and then figure out how to attain them quicker. With a good enough plan and hard work, you can accomplish a lot quickly.


Define the five most important behaviors for your future. What are five things you can do each day that will transform your life? Look to your goals for guidance. A few examples include: •  Cold call or email at least 10 potential clients each day. •  Eat less than 2500 calories. •  Do 50 pushups. •  Talk to one new person that could either be a potential friend or lover.

•  There may also be a few things you think you’re good at but aren’t. •  A mentor will be able to see the truth.   Evaluate each day in writing. At the end of the day, make a list of the things you did right and those things you did wrong. Promise yourself to do fewer of the wrong things and more of the good things going forward.


Learn. Determine the three things you need to learn this year to have a great year. Where are you lacking? What skills do you want to develop or strengthen? You should always be learning something, but ensure you’re learning what will matter the most and have the greatest impact.


Enhance your ability to focus. If you can’t focus, you can’t accomplish much of anything. Try using a timer, learn to meditate, make lists, or try another method. The ability to focus comes with practice. You know you can do better than you have been. We’d like to think there’s a secret to succeeding - a quick trick that will suddenly make our dreams come true. But the truth is uglier. It’s necessary to dig into your weaknesses and get to work on yourself. Raise your expectations and personal standards. Evaluate yourself daily and find a mentor. You are your greatest enemy. Break through your self-imposed limits and discover that success can be yours! 

Exceptional People Magazine  |  September - October 2018



Classic Tips to e l a S e h t g n i s Clo By Jon Crump


f you are selling, you have to close. It’s that simple. If you can't close, you don't sell.


Ask for the business when the client is ready. Don't close too soon.


Don't wait too long to close. There's a natural point in a sales conversation where it's time to ask for the business. If you go beyond that point, you'll raise issues that didn't exist before.


Make sure you are talking to the person who can make purchasing decisions.

Shut up and close. Customers sometimes signal that they're ready to buy right now. Stop selling and take the order.


Focus on the issue the customer has and don't raise others, unless the issue is essential to the purchase.

Here are the classic tips for closing the sale. Worth remembering: Customers buy after they talk with you and have discussed their needs. Sales materials are just conversation starters. Follow up promptly with email.


September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine



Close and then shut up. When a customer buys, it's a mistake to continue to talk about your product or services. Take the order. 



From Stuck to Unstoppable:

5 Reasons Why You Should Build a Strong Client-Capturing Brand By Annemarie Cross

Exceptional People Magazine  |  September - October 2018




So, what is a brand? Your brand is your reputation. It’s the promise of value you offer a client and the immediate thought that a prospect and/or client has when your business name is mentioned.

re you running a service-based business and believe your branding is all about your logo, tagline and brochures? While these are important elements of your brand’s ‘touch points’, when I refer to your business’s brand what I am talking about goes much deeper than your stationery and tagline.

While it can take time and commitment to build a strong brand, it is well worth the effort if you want to build a thriving business.

Here are 3 signs that your service-based business has a weak and incoherent brand:

1 Your ideal clients/prospects are not investing in your services Sending out weak, mixed messages will only confuse a prospect and a confused mind says ‘no’. If you are unsure of what makes you unique, what sets you apart from your competitors, and the value/benefits you offer your clients, then your brand communications will be ineffective in showing your prospect why they should be investing in you and not your competitors.




You feel on the verge of marketing burnout, exhaustion and desperation

You struggle to charge what you’re worth

What often occurs when businesses are not generating the results they desire is that they increase their marketing efforts. However, the problem is not the amount of marketing being done but the fact that their marketing message is confusing and not speaking to the needs of your prospects, which leads us back to our previous sign of clients not investing.

A business owner with a weak brand will often find it difficult to charge a premium fee because they fail to demonstrate the value, benefits and results clients will achieve through hiring them. For this reason, the level of income the business generates is often considerably lower than a business with a strong reputation and brand.

September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine


Here are five benefits of building a strong, authentic brand:

1. Position yourself as an expert Having a strong brand will enable you to position yourself as a specialist to build a reputation as a credible authority in your field. Showcasing your knowledge and expertise in your articles/blog posts and through sharing your success stories and that of your clients is important. Q: What are your strengths and talents? What makes you unique and sets you apart from your competitors? What stories can you share to showcase your expertise?

2. C harge a higher fee due to increased perceived value It’s a well-known fact that experts and specialists are able to charge a higher premium for their services because of the perceived value. When I first started the career coaching arm of my business some 15 years ago and compare it to where I am now, through building my brand and positioning myself as an expert I have been able to increase my fees by over 12,000%. I would never have been able to achieve this if I had a weak and incoherent brand message. Q: What’s the value you offer clients? What solutions can you offer them to help them overcome their issues and problems? Are you writing about this convincingly in your marketing materials?

3. C reate a powerful, clear and consistent message

Q: What are the topics you are an expert in? Do these topics relate to one target market? Is your target market interested in this topic? How frequently will you connect with your audience?

4. Attract your ideal client A strong brand and brand message will enable you to attract and speak directly to the needs of your ideal clients. It’s vital you understand the problems and issues your clients are experiencing and demonstrate that you have the solutions to support your clients in overcoming these problems once and for all. My ideal clients are service-based businesses that have amazing value to offer their clients however they continue to struggle with generating the level of income they desire. My clients can see that I provide a solution to their issues in my article/blog posts and videos/podcasts and when they’re ready to take action and generate the level of income they desire they know where to find me. Q: Are your communications attracting your ideal client? If not, is your message focused on the needs of your target market? Are you explaining the benefits and results your clients will achieve through investing in you?

5. C reate a unique brand that is difficult to copy While your competitors may try to emulate what you are doing, it will be difficult to maintain because an authentic brand is one that is unique to you and very difficult to copy and maintain in a believable manner.

Having a clear understanding of your brand and your brand message will ensure that everything you write, including your articles, blog posts and social media messages continues to portray a clear and consistent message.

Q: What makes you unique? What qualities and characteristics do you possess that have enabled you to generate amazing outcomes and can become your promise of value to prospects? Remember, these things are unique to you and will become an important element in building a strong brand.

When planning my content, I know the topics I write and speak about (including branding, marketing and mindset) will help service-based business owners in getting noticed, hired and paid what they’re worth. This is a consistent message that I continue to share with my community therefore building my reputation as an expert in my field.

To start building a powerful and authentic brand, ensure you identify your unique qualities and strengths; communicate a clear and consistent message that speaks to the needs of your ideal client; and continue to showcase the value and benefits your clients will achieve through investing in you. 

Exceptional People Magazine  |  September - October 2018



To Negotiate


Become Proficient at

Conflict Resolution By Greg Williams


September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine



hen it comes to conflict resolution, some negotiators enter into such activities with neither thought nor plan for the manner by which they’ll engage the other negotiator. In so doing, they place themselves in a less favorable position than if they’d thought through the process. Whether you’re in a business or personal environment, you’re always negotiating. As such, there will be times when you’ll have to engage in conflict resolution. In so doing, consider the following:


Before you become upset by your perception of a situation that you view as requiring conflict resolution, check your perspective and seek to understand the other person’s point of view. Be sure you understand the cause of that person’s discomfort from an intellectual standpoint and if possible, assimilate that person’s emotional state of mind into your own mindset.


Observe the body language of the person with whom you think you may have a disagreement. Determine if what you see matches what you hear.

a.) Watch the eyes. The eyes may hold ‘in-sight’ to the resolution. The eyes can give insight into the real thoughts that are occurring in someone’s mind. Typically, if you ask someone a question and they look up and to the left, they’re attempting to recall a past experience. If they look up and to the right, they’re being creative with their response (making something up). Therefore, if someone looks up and to the right, when thinking about a past experience, you should become attuned to the fact that their discomfort may not relate to the situation at hand. It may be complicated by additional circumstances that are not applicable in the current situation. b.) In a conflict resolution, the feet can keep you from defeat. When addressing someone in person, observe the positioning of his or her feet. While they’re totally engaged with you, they’ll tend to have their feet pointed towards you. When they are in the process of disengaging, they’ll point one foot, or both feet, away from you. c.) Speech patterns, in person, over the phone, and via e-mail give a glimpse into the mind. When attempting to resolve conflicts, note the pace at which a person speaks. In particular, take note in

the change of their pace and at what point the change occurs. In so doing, if you’re astute, you can discern the sources of motivation that stimulates someone to take a particular action. Alter the pace and you alter their perspective.


Make sure you listen to the fact that sometimes, people just want to know that they’re being heard. If you encounter such a situation, to the degree you can, let the other person speak. Be a patient listener and don’t interrupt them.


Listen for the emotional level of the conflict for the degree of stress that’s involved. Assess whether someone is using misplaced aggression from another situation and projecting it into the situation with you. In essence, assess what the real source of a conflict is before addressing it. Conflict resolution can be difficult, in any aspect of your life. The better skilled you are and prepared to address conflicts, the more capable you’ll become at finding the appropriate solution in the appropriate situation … and everything will be right with the world. Remember, you’re always negotiating.

Negotiation Quote: Never fear to engage in conflict resolution and when possible, never engage in conflict resolution out of fear. – Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator

The Negotiation Tips Are … •  In every aspect of your life, you negotiate. So, the better you become at conflict resolution, the better you’ll become at negotiating. •  When negotiating, you give others insight into your demeanor. Therefore, always be aware of the demeanor you display. •  Conflict resolution can be unpleasant. It’s something that you may not like to do, but it can relieve tension and pressure from an otherwise irritating situation.  Exceptional People Magazine  |  September - October 2018



Mass Media Advertising: Is it Killing Your Profitability? By Kathy Kentty

ongratulations on operating a successful business! You're likely eager to start seeing great returns from your investment. As such, you're trying to find the best ways to advertise.


•  The term "return on investment" has to be a determining factor in the direction you take for your advertising. Is your bank account really feeling the benefit of this huge advertising expense?

There's absolutely nothing wrong with trying to help your business gain popularity. After all, that's how you'll start making money. But have you given enough thought to whether you're taking positive steps?

•  Always tie your income to your expense. If you find that your expenses aren't having a positive impact on your income, it's probably time to start trimming the budget!

Sure, mass media advertising seems like the quickest, most effective way to spread the word. But is it worth the expense and giving you the returns you need?


Unless you're a conglomerate with an established brand, mass media may not be for you. You may be doing more harm than good to your business by spending too much money on television and radio advertising. Take a look at how mass media advertising can actually kill your business's profitability:


Advertising costs and bottom line. If you're pursuing mass media advertising, you'll quickly realize how expensive it is! There's no getting around the cost of huge billboards and fancy graphics. •  Be sure to do your research and get quotes for multiple mass media advertising options. On their own, they’re likely pretty pricey. Consider how they impact the last line on your monthly profit and loss statement! 30

September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine

Non-responsiveness from target market. Some products and services do well with mass media advertising. But is your business the type that can get the attention of your target market through huge campaigns? •  Who is your target audience? Do they typically respond well to mass media advertising? Or do they prefer targeted marketing efforts? •  If your audience is within a community, a city, or even a state, consider localized campaigns to get better responsiveness. The last thing you want to do is spend a lot of money on campaigns that aren't effective at getting the attention of your market. •  Consumers like to feel considered. Sending a message that's way above the heads of your target market could amount to commercial suicide!



Ineffective message with lukewarm returns. Even if you spend a lot of money on mass media advertising, there's no real guarantee the campaign will solicit the interest you want. Sometimes, a minor flaw in the message can ruin it all!

As you can see, there are so many ways that mass media advertising can negatively affect your business if you’re not careful about watching your budget. There's little or no room to make spending mistakes.

•  Spending money on a mass media campaign is a long term investment. Can your business afford to make a mistake with the message being sent?

Be fair to yourself and to your business. Profitability sometimes means starting small and seeing positive returns. Thereafter, you can slowly work your way up as your business starts to produce higher margins. Before you know it, you'll be in the perfect position to take on mass media campaigns if they are the right fit. But until then, try to keep it simple! 

•  It's likely that a misrepresented message can lead to lukewarm feedback from your market. As a result, you’ll see diminishing margins. •  Being creative with your advertising budget can sometimes produce better results.

Exceptional People Magazine  |  September - October 2018




reat success is seldom if ever achieved in isolation. Irrespective of how much natural talent or ability someone possesses, they still need the support of other people. This is even truer in the case of any leader who wants to successfully lead any team to greatness. The level of success, which any leader is able to achieve is determined by the people they choose to surround themselves with. No leader can possess all the skills, abilities and attributes necessary to be a great leader. They must strategically identify and invite people with strengths in areas where they have weaknesses to join their team. This will bolster and support their efforts to lead their team to succeed.


September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine

Mother Teresa epitomized this concept when she said “You can do what I cannot do, I can do what you cannot do. Together we can achieve great things.” The significance and potential for team members to support and assist one another to greatness is not a new concept, but certainly one which has become more refined as the years have passed. It is never prudent to invest energy to improve areas where you have weaknesses, but rather to focus your effort on improving your strengths. To this end it is therefore wise to find people who excel in areas where you have weaknesses and invite these people to join your team. When you


build a team of diverse people with varying levels of skill and ability, who have strengths, which support each other, you have the makings of a great team.

discovery cycle team, Lance managed to bring the best out in himself and went on to achieve levels of success not matched by anyone else in history.

A perfect example of team members with varying levels of skill, knowledge and different attributes is the team which supported Lance Armstrong to win seven Tour De France titles. He had Chris Carmichael anchoring the team with his knowledge of specific training regimens to bring the best out in Lance and Johan Bruyneel who offered the team invaluable input on tactics. Both of these men possessed strengths in areas where Lance had weaknesses. With the support of these two men, and the

To become a great leader it is imperative that you explore your weaknesses and identify people with strengths in those areas to support you. There are a number of things great leaders need to do well to successfully lead their teams to greatness. There are not many people on this planet who have the ability to do all of them exceptionally well. So, in order to grow into a great leader, you must have an inner circle of support to assist you in the areas where you need help. The

Your Success As a Leader Depends on Your Circle of Influencers By Andrew Horton Exceptional People Magazine  |  September - October 2018



people you strategically choose to bring into your circle of influencers or inner circle will make or break you and the level of success you get to enjoy will be directly proportional to their ability to support you in the areas where you have weaknesses. When you create your circle of influencers, it is crucial that you think strategically. Avoid the natural tendency to surround yourself with people you like or with whom you feel comfortable. The people closest to you most certainly impact your effectiveness as a leader and either bolster or limit your potential as a leader. If you want to form a really great circle of influencers around you, it is crucial that you are intentional in your efforts to build relationships with the right people. When selecting people to support you, keep your vision and mission in mind and identify areas where you have weaknesses which will hinder your ability to achieve your vision. Armed with this information try to identify the right people to support you and put a plan in place to invite these people into your inner circle. When selecting these crucial people to join your inner circle, see if they meet the following criteria: •  Do they have the ability to influence others? One of the keys to expand your influence as a leader is to surround yourself with people who you can influence others to move in a specific direction. Your role is then to ensure that they can then influence these people to follow your lead. •  Explore their skills, abilities and attributes and see if they are complimentary to your own and the other people in your inner circle. There is great wisdom found in bringing people in with strengths, where you have weaknesses. •  Only include people who add value to everyone on your team. When you include people in your circle who add value to everyone around them, you multiply the potential of everyone on your team.


September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine

•  When building your circle, ensure that you look at the potential for everyone to work together. Consider how team members are going to interact and try to ensure that all the people in your circle are a good fit. •  The people in your circle must complement each other and help each other to raise their game. They must be open to help each other and readily share information and wisdom. •  They must possess high integrity, consistently display excellence, maturity and always show good character. I am very blessed with the people who fill my inner circle, made up of my wife, close friends, my master mind group, admired colleagues and mentors. Every one of them adds significant value to my life and helps me to have an impact well beyond what I could ever hope to achieve alone. I have a very clear picture of what I want to achieve, keeping this in mind, I am constantly on the lookout for people to invite into my inner circle. Developing an effective circle of influencers is an on-going exercise. As your circumstances change, so too must your circle of influencers. Building a strong circle of influencers is not something that happens over night or ever stops. It is a never ending process of growth. As you expand your circle of influencers, so too will your impact and influence expand. No leader starts out with a strong circle of influencers, they need to gradually build and develop it over time. The crucial thing to keep in mind is that although it won’t happen in a day, if you are constantly focused on building your circle daily, you will eventually have really strong support from your circle of influencers or inner circle. The secret to building a strong circle of influencers or inner circle is to constantly be on the lookout for the right people, to consistently hire the best staff you can find and to invest as much as possible into developing them. 

How to effectively Deal with

Challenging Co-Workers By Pat Markel


o-workers who are difficult to deal with can have a negative impact on your mood and performance and your personal life. There may be many

reasons for your colleague's discontent, but this should not affect your emotional health. There are many approaches to promoting harmony in the workplace.


Try these strategies for more peaceful communications with difficult co-workers: 1.  Talk with your colleague first. For any workplace dispute, supervisors appreciate employees who demonstrate the maturity to resolve their own conflicts. Start by speaking directly with the individual.

•  It's easier for colleagues to develop trust in each other and work as a team if everyone is committed to being respectful and straightforward even when they disagree.

2.  Know when to consult your supervisor or the human resources department. If you and your colleague can't resolve the situation privately, you may need to escalate the issue. Follow your company's grievance policy or ensure your colleague is aware of the appropriate avenue to express their concerns. 3.  Focus on inappropriate behaviors. When speaking with your co-worker, be specific about the conduct that you think is inappropriate. If necessary, explain how it's disruptive.

•  For example, if negative statements were made in front of clients, describe how that could hurt the company's reputation.

•  Be open to any feedback about your own conduct that could be contributing to the situation and guide the discussion towards finding solutions.

4.  Help the perfectionist to be more realistic. Some people complain because they have high expectations that are difficult to meet with the time and resources available. Try to reach a consensus about what is feasible.

•  Encourage your co-worker when they do a good job and congratulate them on their successes. Let them know you recognize their talents.

5.  Introduce change gradually. Some people are resistant to change and find it unsettling. If you anticipate that upcoming events are likely to create


conflict, try to give notice or hold a staff meeting to discuss the situation. People may accept unwelcome changes more gracefully if they're notified in advance and understand the reasoning behind them. 6.  Avoid personal criticism. Making fun of others is often a sign of insecurity. If you're working with a co-worker who makes disparaging remarks about others, the situation can sometimes be improved by helping them to feel more secure and confident in their own abilities.

•  Another option is to simply change the conversation to something positive.

7.  Follow up. Once you make progress towards a more positive workplace, maintain the momentum with constructive follow up. Inquire if your co-worker's legitimate complaints have been resolved to their satisfaction and thank people for all their efforts. Coping Strategies for Your Own Peace of Mind: 1.  Put yourself in your co-worker's place and remember their good qualities. It will be easier to maintain a pleasant work relationship with co-workers if you try to understand their point of view. Keep their strengths in mind to balance any tendencies that you find irritating. 2.  Remain friendly. Encourage constructive exchanges while avoiding griping or complaining. Keep up daily pleasantries for an amiable environment. 3.  Maintain your sense of humor. Any situation is easier if you can laugh about it. 4.  Develop a strong support network. If you still sense negativity at the office, keep yourself strong with a good support network. Get the support that works for you from family, friends, or your faith tradition. Difficult co-workers can make getting through your day and completing your work hard for you. By taking the initiative to create a more positive workplace, you can help eliminate tension and boost your own morale. 

September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine

Influence A POWERFUL WAY to Quickly Boost Your Business! By Monica Davis



id you know that having influence can have a powerful impact on your business?

Just look at Oprah, Anthony Robbins, Bill Gates, Dr. Phil McGraw, Warren Buffett, Dr. OZ and so many others. They all have tremendous influence on millions of people and they accomplished it by consistently delivering their message through various news media platforms. They used the media to help propel them to where they are today. When people perceive you as having credibility and expertise in a given field, your opinion and recommendations gain vital credibility. Your ideas, the content you create, the information you share whether delivered through audio, video, text, or some other form of media is trusted. Most importantly, people respect your experience and trust your knowledge. Doing media interviews can quickly help you build influence and credibility. Your audience will quickly recognize that there is significant value in your


July  -  August 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine

message, and that there are positive rewards for following your advice. That is the power of influence. You affect behavior because of the reputation you have earned as a leader, expert and problem-solver in your field. Here’s a quick and short checklist on how to use the media to accomplish that.

1 Build strong relationships. 2 Use your unique personality to inspire others. 3 Specialize in one area, you can’t be everything to everyone.

4 Be seen as knowledgeable, honest and with integrity.

5 Deliver the right message to the right people. The media is the perfect tool for helping you build influence and credibility with your audience and persuading them that you are the solution to their problem. 

Lighter Side of

Life 39 Exceptional People Magazine  September - October Photo by| Sean Paul Kinnear on2018 Unsplash


Balsamic-glazed Salmon Steaks Ingredients: 6 5-ounce salmon fillets

4 teaspoons Dijon mustard

1 tablespoon garlic, minced

1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

1 tablespoon white wine

6 sprigs mint

1 tablespoon honey

Salt and pepper to taste

1/3 cup balsamic vinegar

Directions: 1.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and coat with non-stick cooking spray. 2.  Coat a small saucepan with non-stick cooking spray. Over medium heat, combine the garlic, white wine, honey, balsamic vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper. Simmer uncovered for about 3 minutes or until slightly thickened. 3.  Arrange salmon fillets on the foil-lined baking sheet. Brush fillets with balsamic glaze, and sprinkle with the parsley. 4.  Bake in preheated oven for 10 to 14 minutes or until flesh flakes easily with a fork. Brush fillets with remaining glaze, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Use a spatula to transfer fillets to serving platter, leaving the skin behind on the foil. Garnish each with a sprig of mint. 5.  Each serving contains 288 calories, 15.5g of fat, and 84 mg of cholesterol.


September  - October 2018  |  Exceptional People Magazine


I Could

Never Do    By Dorothy Rosby


watched the veterinarian give my growling cat a shot, and I thought to myself, “Well, there’s a job I wouldn’t want.”

I had the same thought when I noticed that, long ago, someone braver than I am worked right up to the edge of the Grand Canyon building a low wall beside it. And when I watched a truck driver back up an 18-wheeler in a full parking lot while we all watched to see if he could do it without hitting our cars. He could and he did. Some of us can’t do as well with a compact car. I’d like to pay tribute to all the people who do jobs I couldn’t or wouldn’t do, but my column isn’t that long. So let me just highlight a few of them. For starters, I would never want one of those jobs that require you to stay calm under pressure, for example, first responders, emergency room doctors and playground teachers. I wouldn’t want a job that required precision either. I’m more of a “that’s close enough,” kind of person, and that doesn’t work if you’re building bridges, doing brain surgeries or rigging parachutes.

Sure, actors on the big screen are amazing, but what about actors on TV commercials. Now there’s a tough job. How do you keep a straight face when you have to dress up like a mustard bottle or say things like “Thanks Baseboard Buddy” while gazing lovingly at a dust mop? I sleep almost as well in a moving vehicle as I do in a bed, so I probably wouldn’t make much of a bus driver. I am a pretty good driver—when I’m awake, but that is one of the qualities you look for in a good bus driver. I appreciate fast food workers at busy drive-through windows. No matter how long the line, they still get my order right. And honestly, sometimes when I order a salad and iced tea, I wish they’d goof and give me someone else’s bacon burger, large fries and chocolate shake. And I’ve long admired people who work in those sandwich shops where they wrap sandwiches so perfectly they look like professionally-wrapped gifts. I once had a job that required I wrap gifts, and they were always a little lumpy. It’s so much easier to just toss a gift into a gift bag, but you probably can’t do that with a 6-inch meatball sub and all the fixings. There are some professionals I admire so much I’d like them to move right into my basement. One is a computer person. When I have computer problems at work, I call on our highly-trained computer staff. When I have similar difficulties at home, all I have at my disposal is a hammer and some salty language. I’d like a housekeeper to move into my basement too. They could clean up after my computer person—and me. And I do appreciate people who clean up after other people. One summer when I was in college, I cleaned cabins in Yellowstone National Park. It was hard work. It required attention to detail and commitment to quality. Plus there were all those beds and I couldn’t even nap. I’d like a proofreader to move in too. That would save me trouble and my readers some confusion. I once wrote about buying a raffle ticket for an afghan, except, without thinking, I capitalized Afghan. It looked like instead of a handmade blanket, I was hoping to win a person from Afghanistan. As it turns out, I didn’t win either one. An afghan would have been nice, but an Afghan could have cooked the food of their homeland. That would have been helpful with all those extra people living in my basement. 

Exceptional People Magazine  |  September - October 2018


Profile Resources Nancy Werteen and Kim Howie – Keep Your Eyes on the Wise www.thewisdomcoalition.com Book: The Power Of A Pivot: How changing your mindset can bring you more joy in every aspect of your life Nancy Werteen www.linkedin.com/in/nancy-werteen-5245b999 www.twitter.com/nancyw69news www.facebook.com/pages/category/News-Personality/Nancy-Werteen-WFMZ-172339779831524/ Kim Howie www.livebalancedforlife.com www.linkedin.com/in/kim-howie-35201b7b/ www.facebook.com/kim.howie.3

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“You must look within for value, but must look beyond for perspective.� Denis Waitley

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