Small Steps to Big Business International Business Mailing Lists
A local business and its global network is bridged by international exposure. It is international business mailing lists that strengthen thin bonds of connection between offshore ends of domestic operators. Firstly, it's hard for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to set up business in other countries because of constrictive regulatory barriers. Then, there are tactical feasibilities that concern the business itself.
A sterile domestic business which doesn't plan to launch itself internationally, loses out on these huge prospects of global exposure. Millions of dollars' worth of business is lost every year because of poor expansion strategies and lack of international contacts. A sterile domestic business which doesn't plan to launch itself internationally, loses out on these huge prospects of global exposure. Millions of dollars' worth of business is lost every year because of poor expansion strategies and lack of international contacts.
How important is foreign expansion? US is one of the major exporting countries of the world. Foreign export serves the bread (and spread) for US industries. With some variances, US goods are traded virtually everywhere.
Where Small Businesses Fit In? Small Business Association (SBA) of America defines small businesses as, enterprises with below-500 regular workforce. Such home-bound self-employments may not capitalize the American domestic market, but small businesses comprise an important share of it with their massive 28 million population. Surprisingly, about 50% of working US residents are involved directly or indirectly with small and medium-scale businesses.
In the first quarter of 2015: US traded about 912,000 million dollars' worth goods in the international market of which about 373,000 million relied specifically on exports. Canada, Germany, Mexico, China, and Japan lies among its top exporting destinations.
Recent surveys on US businesses suggest that:
Variety of US' exporting goods range from automobiles to space-crafts, medicine to petroleum, electronics material (integrated circuits, computer peripherals) also taking a significant share.
In US, over 22 million people are self-employed under the 'non-employer' category.[Non-employers are the self-employed businessmen who don't have any payroll staffs. Non-employers are defined as businesses with $1,000-above annual business receipts and are legible for federal income taxes.]
Advanced Technology Products contributed to the exports - a total of 82,224 million dollars.
120 million US citizens work under small businesses in total.
A comparison of the last five years' (2011-2015) 1st quarter exports gives a clear picture:
US Advance Technology Exports - Q1, 2011-2015
(Estimates in millions of US dollars; Source: US Census Bureau)
52% of the small businesses are conducted from 'home'.
guarantee for business security. Low operation costs and homely connoisseurs come at the burdening price of limited customer exposure.
3 out of every 10 new 'employer' businesses withdraw operations within 2 years. Within the gap of 5 years, the figure becomes 5 in 10.
Going Global – From Home
75% of ALL businesses in US are 'non-employer' businesses.
7of 10 companies
survive first 2 years
5 of 10 companies
survive 10 years
mall businesses can equally venture into the wide world like big enterprises. Accumulating your offshore business contacts through an already prepared email list is by far the most cost-effective strategy for going global. International business mailing lists are most suited for the purpose and Lake B2B the most trusted name in the email database business. Lake B2B's master database is just a phone call away; contact 800-710-5166. Every business has its own requirements. If our list doesn't suit your needs, feel free to put in your suggestions at
survive 5 years
3 of 10 companies
more than 15 years
These days, being at home too has its own advantage. About 85% of the global mass is connected via virtual network of smartphones, tablets and portable social lives. You don't need a chopper or a jet to meet your clients thousands of miles away. All it needs, is a different approach.
2 of 10 companies
The small-business strata acts as a support system to not only self-employment but also for the country's economic stability. The last statistics especially bears proof of that, and makes it also significant for small businesses to reach out globally. While the decade began, an average non-employer had average revenues of approximately $44,000. The amount has increased significantly over the years. What this means is, albeit its massive capital inflows, large-scale businesses have been outrun by the niche reach of local businesses. It's also to note that among over-500,000 businesses that start each month, more employer businesses are shut down than are opened. Bigger business, bigger risk. Of course, that doesn't mean that working from home is a
International Business Mailing List is the first step towards big business Engaging businesses online is a separate ball game altogether. The reach is unlimited – true. But it comes with its own sets of restrictions, which differ from real world marketing strategies. Common sense and perseverance are keys to succeed here. A systematic 5-step process towards list building: 1.Detecting Online Trends: Online networking, like networking in actual sense, requires discovering its niches. Specific corners of the internet where the buzz is going, meeting spots for international business figures etc. are potential target interests for would-be global entrepreneurs. International forums are a great place to start prospect hunting. Customized email lists Chat-rooms Online groups Social Networking Sites
Such platforms provide diverse prospect intelligence in abundance. It is also convenient for the prospect to arrange meetings online, as it gives them additional options for timing and scheduling their otherwise busy manifestos. Of course, detecting trends provide businesses with varied customization choices. Asking the correct questions, thus isolating the right kind of people lies the core objective. 2.Organizing your online presence: As a small business owner, if you're thinking about arranging a set of accounts and planning the whole thing from scratch, consider checking your own arsenal first. Individuals have their own virtual lives which has a combined share of business and social networking. The personal network of SME owners can be a huge help in this regard. Professional social networks (LinkedIn) provide a meeting platform for professionals with similar business interests. Even casual social networking sites (Facebook) provide customization options for specific professional usages. Website or at least a blog justifies the online presence of a business. All other platforms act as support tools and circle around this basic platform for communication. Constant updates are required. Non-employers who are unable to hire dedicated professionals to do the development portion can divide the responsibility of learning the required skillsets between partners. 3.Webinars: Online events are a good way to capture attention of foreign prospects. An interactive webinar that highlights a relevant issue can be a good promotion tool for the business. It directly engages the participants, generates feedback and if arranged, can be used to collect information about participants. Webinars and events should also have an international flavor to them that match the interests of prospects globally. The cultural connect of networking is an important factor in setting up shops in foreign domains. 4.Contacting the Contacts: If previous steps involved collecting the prospects, the current step talks about engaging the acquired international business mailing lists. The contacting portion can be handled in any convenient form, decided on the common mode of contacts. Few tested contact methods: Emails Tele-calling Social media (professional and casual) Direct Mailing Targeted advertisements
The best way to engage customers is one-to-one communication. Since direct contacts (meeting the prospects personally) is out of the question, demand generation has to be done through an online platform. Personalized emails are best suited for the purpose. Of course, the sales probability of 10 actual interests in 100 recipients make it sure that the number of emails to be sent is huge. Sending emails individually to thousands of prospects is unproductive for the business, and practically unfeasible. Advanced automation tools that control personalization of bulk mails can be helpful. The tools also should come with advanced analytical features which assess and scrutinize success rates of intended email campaigns. 5.Seal the Deal: Once acquisition and follow-ups are taken care of, it's time for the final closing. Unfortunately, personal ground inspection is an inevitable part of the global expansion process. But now, with a running international client base, the chance of failure is minimized. Foreign trips can be made on this assurance. It also acts as a trust booster for the distant partners. As a life hack tip, small business owners often schedule their business trips at par with their yearly vacations. Advantage of being a small enterprise is that such trips don't require extensive arrangements compared to large business entourages and can be balanced between family times. Small businesses have been a basic source of employment in the country since 1995, providing about 65% of new jobs created every year in US. The unlimited potential of small-scale industries and their bold approach to venture into new frontiers should be recognized internationally. International business mailing lists expand their reach, and in return, enhance their business capacities to survive and thrive in challenging global environments. Lake B2B's customizable email list tools is a gateway for creating the just international list for the just business. Get our help at 800-710-5166 or email your queries at
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