13 11 120809 a sju dow wp11 v2 3 final 170611

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SWP 11.2 – Meteorological Services Description of Work (DoW)

Version 2.3

Final 17/06/2011

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Table of contents WP 11

Flight Operations Centre-Wing Operations Centre / Meteorological Services .................................................................................................... 4

Sub-Work Package 11.1 FOC/WOC and Projects overview.................................. 11 Sub-Work Package 11.2 MET Services and Projects overview............................. 11 SWP 11.2 Meteorological Services ....................................................................... 12 P 11.2.0 P 11.2.1 P 11.2.2

Co-ordination and Management ........................................................... 18 Requirements for MET Information ...................................................... 20 MET Information Systems Development, Verification & Validation...... 30

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Level 1 – Work Package Description

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WP 11

Flight Operations Centre-Wing Operations Centre / Meteorological Services

Introduction WP11 addresses Flight/Wing Operations Centres and Meteorological Services in two Sub-Work Packages. Both are treated as “standalone” for the purposes of the Description of Works, the Call for Tender, Contract Awards and the subsequent works performed. The Management and Co-ordination for each Sub-Work Package (SWP) addresses both the Work Package Leader role and Sub-work Package Manager role combined (as defined within the SESAR Programme Methodologies). This section of the Description of Works (DoW) will provide a brief overview of the Context for Work Package 11, the high level Work Breakdown Structure, the applicable SESAR Programme methodologies and the generic typology of expertise for WP11. Within each Sub-Work package, the DoW will describe the required: 

Management & Coordination


Concept and Objectives

Work Breakdown Structure

Main Deliverables

Risks Management

Work Flow and Dependencies


For each Project within a SWP, the DoW will detail the: 

Necessary Expertise

Concept and Objectives

Description of Work

Work Flow and Dependencies


Indicative EUROCONTROL/SJU Furnished Input

Risks Management

Context The SESAR target Concept of operations is a Trajectory-based Concept. All partners in the ATM Network will share in real time trajectory information with the required precision in all 4 dimensions (latitude, longitude, altitude and time) to to the extent required from the earliest trajectory planning phase through execution and post-execution activities. SJU DoW WP11 v2.3 Page 4 of 40

The Business/Mission Trajectory expresses the specific intentions of Airspace Users. The Airspace Users own the Business/Mission Trajectory, thus in normal circumstances they have primary responsibility over their operations. In circumstances where ATM constraints need to be applied, the resolution that achieves the best business/mission outcome within these constraints is left to individual users. A trajectory integrating ATM constraints has to be collaboratively elaborated and agreed for each flight resulting in the trajectory that the user agrees to fly and the ANSPs and Airports agree to facilitate in line with performance requirements. As part of the overall ATM System, innovative Flight Operations Centres (FOC)/Wing Operations Centres (WOC) features need to be defined and validated together with other ATM solutions developed within the other Work-Packages of SESAR Programme. One of the major uncertainties in operating the trajectory-based concept is the effect of Meteorological conditions on the predictability of agreed 4D trajectories. As a consequence, it was decided to address the meteorological service component (MET) seen from a transversal perspective throughout the SESAR Work Programme in this procurement procedure. As weather conditions can seriously restrict aircraft operations and levels of service available to system users, the manner by which weather-related information is collected, managed, disseminated and utilised in decision-making is of paramount importance. In the context of this DoW: “FOC/WOC” scope covers the following processes and supporting systems: 

Aircraft/Mission Scheduling

Flight Planning

Operations Control

Post flight performance analysis and reporting

"Airspace User" scope includes both Civil and State Airspace Users (AUs): 

Civil Airspace Users are commercial airlines (Scheduled Mainline, Regional, Low Fare, Charter/Leisure and Cargo), business and general aviation.

State Airspace Users are grouped into 4 categories: o

Military Airspace Users as defined in accordance with the main categories of aircraft they use i.e. operators of large aircraft (military transport type aircraft),


Operators of fighter aircraft,


Operators of light aircraft (light civil and military aircraft, helicopters, paramilitary aircraft),


Different types of UAS.

“Airport” scope includes: 

Civil Airports,


Military Airports.

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“ATM Network” addresses suitably equipped civil aircraft and state aircraft including UAS (operated by Airspace Users) flying through regulated airspace following SESAR compliant concepts of operation and procedures. Work Breakdown Structure

The following diagram shows the WP11 Work Breakdown Structure:

Applicable Methodology and Reference Documents WP11 shall adopt the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) Programme methodologies applied in the rest of the programme. It shall apply the Programme steering documents, and in particular the Programme Management Plan (PMP), the System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) and strategies to perform its work. The SESAR Programme has to marry the top down approach linked to the management of the ATM Master Plan, the Strategies and Policies, with bottom up innovative thinking from WP11. The SESAR Programme lifecycle is divided into three main SESAR Concept Storyboard Steps: 

Step 1: Time Based Operations (quick wins)

Step 2: Trajectory Based Operations

Step3: Performance Based Operations.

In order to achieve overall Programme objectives 3 deadlines are set for 2012, 2013, and 2015 setting the pace for the entire programme community. These deadlines are called “Definition Maturity Targets” (DTMs) and can be described as follows: 

At the latest before the end of 2012: o

Step 1 maturity V3 (Step 1 validation completed)


Step 2 maturity V1

At the latest before the end of 2013:

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Step 2 maturity V2


Step 3 maturity V1

At the latest before the end of 2015: o

Step 2 maturity V3 (Step 2 validation completed)


Step 3 maturity V2 to V3

The general sequence of R&D activities for each of the three Concept Storyboard Steps is depicted in the diagram below:

WP11 is expected to deliver within the following deadlines: 

At the latest before the end of 2012: o

Step 1 maturity V3 (quick wins - Step 1 validation completed)


Step 2 maturity V1

At the latest before the end of 2013: o

Step 2 maturity V2 (validation completed)


Step 3 maturity V1

At the latest before the end of 2015: o

Step 2 maturity V3 (Step 2 validation completed)


Step 3 maturity V2 to V3

WP11 deliverables must be linked with the 3 Concept Steps and be delivered before the programme SJU DoW WP11 v2.3 Page 7 of 40

deadlines (DMT’s). Validation and Verification All the operational R&D activities require moving the operational improvements of the Business/Mission Trajectory operating context and supporting system developments in FOC/WOC and MET to the maturity level V3. Depending on the maturity level of the operational/system improvements, different validation techniques may be used. The R&D activities to be performed and the associated main deliverables shall be aligned with the SJU V&V strategy and supporting reference documentation (see section below).

A System Engineering, Enterprise Architecture (EA) and Service Oriented Approach (SOA) are integral to the SESAR development phase and are further described in the Programme Management Plan (PMP) and System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP). Reference Documentation applicable to WP11 SESAR Programme Management covers the overall management activity of the SJU Work Programme, and is responsible for the definition, planning and organisation of the SESAR Programme and the monitoring of its execution according to the agreed objectives (results, financial, planning, etc). As the SESAR Programme has started, WP11 shall align to the guidance and policies already in place. Related reference documents are listed hereafter (references are indicative including lattest available versions. Note that reference documentation will be brought to evolve over the life time to achieve the objectives of the SESAR Work Programme): 

SESAR Steering Documents o SESAR PMP v02.00.00 – SESAR Programme Management Plan, Edition 02.00.00 o SESAR SEMP V2.0 – SESAR System Engineering Management Plan V2.0

SESAR Policies and Strategies o SESAR Architecture Strategy 01_00_00 o SESAR Validation and Verification Strategy 01_00_00 o SESAR Validation and Verification Roadmap 02_00_00

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SESAR Framework Description Documents o WP3 Revision Framework V 01.01.00

The tenderer is asked to take knowledge of these Reference Documents (in their latest versions). Generic typology of expertise For performing WP11 activities the following generic type of expertises has been identified. 1) Operations:  SESAR ConOps,  Aircraft performance modelling (incl. environmental impact),  Aircraft/Mission scheduling,  Flight planning,  Operations control,  Post flight performance analysis and reporting,  Applicable regulations and standards. 2) System:  System engineering, prototyping and verification for Aircraft/Mission Scheduling, Flight Planning and Operations Control systems,  System Architecture, SOA (Service Oriented Architecture),  Applied mathematics, optimization algorithms, aircraft performance modelling,  Datalink/data communication,  SWIM technical infrastructure,  Information modelling. 3) Management and coordination:  Understanding of SESAR Programme objectives and work breakdown structure, ATM Master Plan and Target Concept & Architecture,  Safety, security and environment performance measurement,  Performance management and analysis, business case analysis,  Project management,  Quality management. 4) Meteorological Expertise:  ATM Network operations and supporting systems (MET-ATM),  SWIM technical infrastructure (MET-ATM),  Aviation Meteorology addressing global, regional and local applications,  Ground, Airborne and Space MET sensing and observation systems,  Environment and physics of the atmosphere,  Numerical assimilation, analysis and forecasting techniques,  Applicable regulations and standards.

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Level 2 & 3 – Work-Package Description

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Sub-Work Package 11.1 FOC/WOC and Projects overview Sub Work package n째

Sub Work Package title

Project n째

Project title

SWP 11.1

Type of activity (MGT/Project)

Flight and Wing Operations Centres


Co-ordination & Management



Transversal consistency of Business/Mission Trajectory Requirements (across WPs)



FOC/WOC Operational Requirements Definition



System Specification & Architecture



Prototype(s) Specification, Development & Verification



Pre-Operational Validation


NOTE: The Sub-Work Package 11.1 has been awarded and is subject of a separate Contract.

Sub-Work Package 11.2 MET Services and Projects overview Sub Work package n째

Sub Work Package title

Project n째

Project title

Type of activity (MGT/Project)


Meteorological Services (MET)


Co-ordination & Management


Requirements for MET Information



MET Information System Development, Verification & Validation


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SWP 11.2 Meteorological Services SWP 11.2

Title: Meteorological Services

Necessary expertise For general expertise please refer to overall WP description, section “Generic typology of expertise”. Specific expertise for the Operational Requirements Definition: 

Good knowledge of Operational Concepts developments, and in particular of the SESAR Concept of Operations Document (CONOPS).

Comprehensive understanding of the ATM Network (actors, operations, architecture and business drivers).

Broad experience in operational concept analysis.

Good knowledge of the Airspace Users, Network Operations, En-Route, TMA, and Airport operational context.

Good knowledge of procedures, processes and systems relevant to this SWP.

Specific expertise for the System Definition & Development: 

Methodologies of system/software engineering (system definition, enterprise architecture design and development).

Organisation and management principles, structures & processes.

Business process design & modelling.

Verification and validation expertise

ATM system manufacturing

Specific expertise for Pre-Operational Validation: 

Aviation Meteorology, Meteorology in ATM operations and ATM systems;

Meteorology addressing global, regional and local applications;

Numerical assimilation, analysis and forecasting techniques;

High level of experience in concept and operational validation.

Good validation expertise (methodologies, techniques and associated tools).

Comprehensive understanding of the civil and military ATM Network (actors, operations, architecture and business drivers).

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Concept & Objectives The provision and utilisation of Meteorological Services needs to be enhanced to achieve the performance requirements of the future ATM system. Within WP11, the MET SWP is created to define and validate those needed Meteorological Service improvements and the way to integrate these MET services into the different processes and systems that will support the future ATM system. This needs to be done in all phases of trajectory management, from planning to execution. This SWP needs to ensure that the development of the MET infrastructure and services that support reliable MET Information Services from multiple contributors can be integrated into the various User decision support systems. The general objectives of the MET SWP are to: 

Consolidate and ensure consistency of the operational and system requirements for MET (across all the SESAR Work Packages);

Develop prototypes ensuring the provision of the required MET Information Services to all ATM stakeholders;

Integrate MET into the SWIM ATM Network;

Contribute to the Validation of MET infrastructure and (information) services.

In particular, the MET Sub-Work Package activities should be conducted in adherence with the defined concept architecture by WPB and include: 

Consolidation of the Operational requirements for MET information from the Operational Work Packages (4, 5, 6, 7, and 11.1) across the whole scope of the SESAR Operations (Airport, ATC, Network, FOC/WOC, Aircraft);

Consolidation of the System requirements on MET Information Services integration for all System Work Packages (9, 10, 11.1, 12, 13 and 15)on the SESAR programme;

Development of prototypes of MET infrastructure and services ensuring the provision of the required MET Information in support of MET Information Services to all ATM users;

Integration of MET infrastructure and services into the SWIM ATM Network and such in support of WP8 and WP14 ;

Contribution to the Validation of MET infrastructure and (information) services into the ATM system in under WP3 co-ordination.

The chosen structure provides a clear separation of concerns and associated roles and responsibilities. This is a structure fully in line with the Enterprise Architecture (EA) and Service Oriented Approach (SOA) adopted in the scope of the SESAR development phase and the deployment phase to follow. The figure below provides an illustration of the SESAR ATM System against the MET infrastructure & services, and their interactions through the SWIM network (the “4D Weather Data Cube” within similar initiatives outside SESAR):

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ATFM Flow Management ATC En-Route, Approach

MET infrastructure & services 4D Weather Data Cube



SWIM network

FOC/WOC Airspace Users

Work Breakdown Structure SWP11.2 Meteorological services

MGT11.2.0 Co-ordination & Management

P11.2.1 Requirements for MET Information

Requirements Definition

P11.2.2 MET Information Systems Developemnt, Verfication & Validation

System Definition, Development & Pre-Operational Validation

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It’s important to note that the following activities are not in the scope of SWP11.2: 

The activities required to integrate MET Information Services requirements in operational concept components both from an operational and systems perspective. This is primarily the responsibility of the respective Operational, SWIM and System projects in the SESAR Work Programme;

The development and prototyping of generic MET infrastructure & services (capabilities) that have no clear demonstrated link in supporting MET Information Services for ATM;

The development and prototyping of solutions that are tied to a single MET provider capability. This could restrict interoperability from a MET information delivery perspective in the deployment phase.

Deliverables Deliverables from the projects within SWP11.2, in reference with the E-OCVM development model, will be the results of the Phase V1, V2 and V3 for the development of the prototypes by the projects. Main deliverables for each of the 3 Story Board Steps are the following: 

Definition of operational and performance requirements (reports)

Prototype development and verification (prototypes, reports)

Support to Pre-Operational validation (support to validation exercises, reports).

The list of deliverables per project is further detailed in SWP11.2 projects’ descriptions. Risks Detailed information about risks identification, opportunities and mitigation are expected within the Final technical proposal. Work Flow and Dependencies Major external SWP11.2 dependencies with other WPs are depicted in this section.

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Transversal Thread 

WP16 The direct dependency of SWP11.2 is two-fold. Firstly, WP16 will provide guidance on the Safety, Security, Environment, Human Performance and Business Case issues with respect to developing MET Systems and Infrastructures that are envisaged to be deployed in an ATM setting. The second tier of dependency is related to the tasks on Environmental sustainability in WP16, these projects could have a direct impact on the required MET Information (Services).

WP3 Validation Infrastructure will capture, analyse and monitor the validation infrastructure requirements versus the capabilities of the existing validation infrastructure, recommending and managing the necessary adaptations and developments. Depending on WP11 validation needs (both SWP11.1 and SWP11.2), WP3 will be fed with V&V needs identifying validation infrastructure requirements and will coordinate the availability of the validation platforms or tools. When elements are missing for satisfying a validation need, WP3 and SWP11.2 will agree on the most appropriate way to develop them.

WPB High Level Target Concept and Architecture Maintenance will maintain the related definitions and descriptions, increasing the maturity of the Target Concept & Architecture by taking into account work conducted in the context of SWP11.2. SWP11.2 has no direct responsibility for the integration of MET information in operational concept component and associated architecture. As such, the results of the associated activities in operational and system projects are the main driver for assessing and consolidating the Overall ATM Network

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performance requirements by means of the Performance Framework trough the performance results from associated Work Packages' validation activities. With respect to the MET Infrastructure and Systems and interfaces with SWIM validation, it is the responsibility of SWP11.2 to provide the required feedback for WPB. 

WPC The interface with WPC is foreseen to be handled primarily through WPB. According to the validation results, SWP11.2 will continuously elaborate recommendations on changes to be brought to the Target Concept by WPB and the ATM Master Plan by WPC Master Plan Maintenance.

Operational Thread 

SWP 11.2 receives and provides necessary inputs from/to Operational Work Packages (WP4, 5, 6, 7 and SWP 11.1.) to define and validate a consistent set of WP11 MET operational requirements

System Thread 

SWP 11.2 receives and provides necessary inputs from/to System Work Packages (WP9, 10, 12, 13, 15 and SWP 11.1.) to define and validate a consistent set of WP11 MET system requirements

SWIM Thread 

Development of Information Services and the harmonisation of relevant SWIM aspects will be conducted with respect to the needs of all Users: o

WP8 Information Management, development of relevant MET Information Services based on operational requirements consolidated by P11.2.1, reflected in the ATM Shared Information Services Reference Model (ISRM) and ATM Information Reference Model (AIRM). The prime interaction between SWP11.2 and WP8 is with P08.01.06 and P08.03.03 and potentially with the projects P08.03.04 to P08.03.07.


WP14 SWIM, to harmonise the technical architecture and as such to develop SWIM compliant technical solutions.

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P 11.2.0

Co-ordination and Management

P 11.2.0

Title: Co-ordination and Management

Necessary expertise For general expertise please refer to overall WP description, section “Generic typology of expertise”. Specific expertise:    

Significant experience in large Programme Management. Multi cultural management experience. Comprehensive understanding of SESAR Programme and of the ATM Network. Comprehensive understanding of procedures, processes and systems relevant to this Sub-Work Package both from an ATM and MET domain’ perspective.

Concept & Objectives The Project 11.2.0 “Co–ordination & Management”, has the objective to carry out the management activities at SWP level. It plans and controls the progress of the SWP and Projects activities for ensuring the achievement of the objectives and for delivering on time, with the required quality and making the best possible use of available resources by defining and applying relevant project management practices. It organises the review process leading to the acceptance in the view of delivering the Deliverable to Eurocontrol/SJU. It coordinates the work of the different partners involved in the SWP. It reports progress, issues to Eurocontrol/SJU and proposes mitigation actions as necessary. It ensures application of common SESAR methodologies and tools across the WP and provides assistance to that aim to all SWP11.2 projects. It ensures the interface with WP B, WP C to propose update to the concept of operation or architecture and to the Master Plan and the work program. It also ensures interfaces with any other appropriate Work Packages and SWP11.1 to ensure consistency across WPs. The tenderer shall, in the final offer, provide evidence that: 

the project’s concept and objectives have been understood and how they are implemented

the proposed team has the required expertise to fulfil the project’s requirements.

Description of Work The Sub-Work Package 11.2 shall comply with the Programme Management Plan (PMP) for the SESAR Programme. It shall be integrated within the SESAR Programme and shall apply the same methodologies. SJU engineering methodologies are the procedures, processes and tools that will be uniformly applied to ensure an overall consistency and coherence throughout the SESAR Work

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Programme. Each WP has to comply with the engineering methodologies defined within the SEMP (see reference documents). The SJU will ensure consistency of the activities within and between the Operational Work Packages (WP), the SWIM WP, and the System WP, and consolidate their results throughout the development lifecycle at the program level. In implementing the methodologies, SWP11.2 has to ensure its representation at the required level of expertise in working arrangements as defined by the SJU. Generic Work Package, SWP, and Project Leader role and responsibilities are described within the SESAR PMP (see referenced documents list). Without affecting the Project Leader roles the SWP11.2 Leader role differs from the SESAR PMP in the sense that it combines both Work Package and SWP Leader roles. The tenderer shall, in the final offer, provide a draft PMP outlining SWP11.2 main projects/tasks and dependencies (detailed WBS, Gantt Chart and methods), and how they will be managed and coordinated. Deliverables The following deliverables will be provided: 

D11.2.0-1: Management Initiation Report (within 60 calendar days after awarding of the Contract)

D11.2.0-2: Project Management Plan (including detailed Work Plan)

D11.2.0-3: Risk Management Plan

D11.2.0-4: Progress Reports.

The list of identified deliverables will be subject to refinement during the Initiation Phase for final agreement. Risks The procedures and rules guiding risks and opportunities identification, management and mitigation shall be gathered in the SWP11.2 Risk Management Plan. The Sub-Work Package Risk Management Plan shall be in line with the risk management procedures described within the SESAR PMP. A draft version of it will be provided as part of the final offer and will be updated during the Initiation Phase.

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P 11.2.1

Requirements for MET Information

P 11.2.1

Title: Requirements for MET Information

Necessary expertise For general expertise please refer to overall WP11 description. Specific expertise:           

Good knowledge of Operational Concepts developments, and in particular of the SESAR Concept of Operations Document (CONOPS). Comprehensive understanding of the ATM Network (actors, operations, architecture and business drivers). Broad experience in operational concept analysis. Good knowledge of the Network Operations, En-Route, TMA, Airport, and Airspace Users operational context. Good knowledge of procedures, processes and systems relevant to this Work Package. Meteorology (more specifically Aviation Meteorology including associated areas of expertise ATM Operations and Systems Ground and Space MET sensing and observation systems Knowledge of the environment and physics of the atmosphere Numerical assimilation and forecasting techniques International regulations and standards in the MET domain

Methodologies of system/software engineering (system definition, enterprise architecture design and development).

Organisation and management principles, structures & processes.

Business process design & modelling.

Concept & Objectives Whilst it is clearly recognised that weather is a significant factor to consider in air transport today and weather and knowledge on the state of the atmosphere will become even more important in time-based, trajectory based and performance based operations, it remains to be non trivial to develop operational concepts that could benefit from using weather information; and as such contribute to an overall performance improvement of the ATM System. Consequently, it is seen necessary to raise the awareness and understanding of the contributors to the Operational and System Work Packages with respect to the current and foreseen capabilities of MET service providers. Not only from a MET phenomena perspective, such as convective weather, low visibility, etc., but also from the perspective how-to potentially handle non deterministic information (intrinsic to meteorology) in an ATM environment and how real-time weather monitoring applications could improve situational awareness and as such improve performance and safety. Based on the raised awareness, a dialogue with the Operational Work Packages’ contributors needs to be established to explore conjointly the potential of integrating MET information in the Operational Work Packages’ contributions to operational ATM concept component. Operational Work Packages are responsible for their contributions to the different ATM Service Levels and

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associated Story Board Steps. The decision to include MET information in such a concept and the exploration of associated MET expertise to do so does not change these roles and the responsibilities. Likewise, the start-up of new or alteration of existing projects to include MET information or processes to accommodate the use of MET information remains in the scope of the respective Operational Work Packages’ projects. The role of project P11.2.1 is in the support the Operational Packages in the development of their contribution to an ATM operational concept component with respect to the integration of MET information. A key component in P11.2.1 is to assist in the development of requirements for MET Information Services by Operational Work Packages’ projects. However, the responsibility to formally list requirements remains with the respective projects of the Operational Work Packages. The P11.2.1 leadership will list, assess the feasibility from a MET perspective and report on potential improvements seen from the P11.2.1 perspective but not acknowledged by a respective Operational Work Package. Together with already known requirements for MET Information Services, identified in existing DoWs, PIRs or project deliverables, the newly derived requirements for MET Information Services need to be consolidated and integrated into an Operational Analysis Document. The Operational Analysis Document will be used by WPB, WP8 and other SWP11.2 projects to respectively keep the overarching system architecture consistent, to support the development of appropriate MET Information Services and to develop the MET service provision capability to support the required (MET) Information Service. The development of operational requirements for MET Information Services will potentially lead to new or changed operational concept components and as such new or revised requirements for the supporting system of systems. The role of project P11.2.1 is also to support to System Packages in the development of the contribution of the System Packages to ATM system components with respect to the integration of MET information. Together with the already known system requirements for the integration of MET Information Services, identified in existing DoWs, PIRs or project deliverables, the newly derived system requirements for the integration of MET Information Services need to be consolidated and integrated into a System Analysis Document for MET Information Services and the integration of these services in systems. The System Analysis Document will be used by WPB, WP14 and P11.2.2 to respectively keep the overarching system architecture consistent, to support the development of appropriate system integration of (MET) Information Services and to develop the systems required to support defined (MET) Information Service. The responsibility for system developments and Information Service integration from a system’ perspective remains with the respective projects of the System Work Packages. Furthermore, the project liaises between already identified MET system capabilities developments (initiated or dormant) for meteorology in the SESAR programme and P11.2 as a whole. This ties the developments on MET sensing capabilities for the TMA and Airport environment and the aircraft being utilised as a ‘MET sensor’ with the overall context provided by SWP11.2 in developing the best fit for purpose MET capability for the MET Information Services required to be integrated in operational ATM decision making processes. Consequently, the main objectives of this project are to: 

Provide a first order of priorities for developing required MET capabilities and as such

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the associated MET Information System(s); 

Perform an analysis of the MET interfaces and functions that SESAR Programme will require from WPB and the following Operational Work Packages: o










Support the definition of operational, performance & safety requirements and interoperability specifications by the Operational Work Packages with respect to required MET Information Services;

Consolidate the MET Information Services requirements including coordination with already performed activities within the Programme;

Support the definition of system, performance & safety requirements and interoperability specifications by the System Work Packages (initially focused on the federating and transversal projects) with respect to the required MET Information Services and the system integration of these services;

Consolidate the system integration requirements with respect to MET Information Services including coordination with activities already performed within the Programme;

Liaise between the existing projects within the System Work Packages on ‘MET’ sensor capabilities in the widest sense and SWP11.2.

In order to achieve this, it will be necessary to: 1. Raise awareness with respect to current and foreseen MET services capabilities that potentially could improve the overall performance – including safety - of the ATM System;

2. Establish a co-operative dialogue between MET and ATM and as such between the Operational Work Package leads and contributors and P 11.2.1. The tenderer shall, in the final offer, provide evidence that: 

the project’s concept and objectives have been understood and how they will be implemented

 the proposed team has the required expertise to fulfil the project’s requirements. Description of Work

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P11.2.1 Requirements for MET Information

Utilisation of MET Information

Operational Requirements Definition for MET Info Services

System Integration – Definition of MET Info Services

Requirements Definition

The need for MET information supporting the SESAR concept of operations across the multiple ATM Service Levels will be extensively explored. The following main tasks have been identified: Task Utilisation of MET Information: raising awareness 

Initial prioritisation of required MET capabilities and associated MET Information services The (sub-) task will provide an initial mapping and prioritisation of required MET information needs versus needed MET Information services and the required MET capability. This will provide an initial focus for the formal requirements gathering activities and provides an initial prioritisation on the high level themes for the development of meteorological capabilities in a P11.2.2 context before executing P11.2.2. The activity will be based on raising the awareness with respect to current and foreseen MET services capabilities that potentially could improve the overall performance –including safety- of the ATM System and the co-operative dialogue between MET and ATM and as such between the Operational and System Work Package leads and contributors and P11.2.1. It is recognised that the outcome of the initial prioritisation could impact the three themes currently selected and listed below as important to raise awareness. One of the three topics for the ‘raising awareness’ themes could, as a consequence, be replaced by a higher demanding topic as an outcome of the initial prioritisation after approval by the Programme leadership.

Convective Weather information for ATM The focus of the (sub-) task is on facilitating the process of making available operational requirements for convective weather information by operational projects by introducing, promoting and educating about the current and foreseen MET service provider capabilities with respect to convective weather. Over the last years, a significant rise in en-route delays for parts of the core airspace of Europe have been observed, where convective weather appears to be the main contributor. Whilst the extent of convective phenomena and its impact on air transport is not comparable with the US, climate change trends and today’s experiences over Europe indicate that a better use of convective weather information could improve ATM performance significantly over summer time. The task should deliver insights in the sensitivity of the ATM System for convective weather from a MET service providers’ perspective and will be used in subsequent tasks on stimulating debate in an Operational Concept environment with the end-goal to develop the consolidated requirements for the (MET) Information Services needed.

Use of Probability Forecasts in ATM The focus of the (sub-)task is in contributing to the awareness about the ‘nature’ of MET information, especially the intrinsic uncertainty associated with MET information, how operational concepts could handle better the uncertainty and how this needs to be

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reflected in requirements for MET Information Services. Important to address is also the relationship between uncertainties in general, risk (or cost/lost) distributions and some MET phenomena that can only be classified as an extreme but were we are extremely interested in from an ATM perspective. The outcome will be used in subsequent tasks on stimulating debate in an Operational Concept environment with the end-goal to develop the consolidated requirements for the (MET) Information Services needed. 

Real-Time weather monitoring in ATM The focus of the (sub-)task is to demonstrate the capabilities with respect to real-time monitoring (and associated short-term forecasting) of hazardous weather, the potential utilisation in an ATM environment and providing insights on how the use of these applications could improve situational awareness for all stakeholders involved and as such contribute to the performance and safety. The outcome will be used in subsequent tasks on stimulating debate in an Operational Concept environment with the end-goal to develop the consolidated requirements for the (MET) Information Services needed.

Task Operational Requirement Definition for MET Information Services 

Logical Architecture Consolidation The (sub-) task will deliver consolidated requirements at the level of Logical Architecture’ Operational Domains or whenever appropriate already at the level of ‘operational user environments’, as used by Task, per Step (1 to 3). Providing an oversight of the Information Services requirements for: o

MET Information for En Route Operations


MET Information for TMA Operations


MET Information for Airport Operations


MET Information for Network Operations


MET Information for Flight and Wing Operations Centres

It includes: o

Review Operational Work Packages SESAR Operational Work Packages (WP 4, 5, 6, 7 and 11.1) will be reviewed in depth in order to identify the nature of MET information which would enable (or improve) any of SESAR operational concept or procedure. A cooperative dialogue between the project and the Operational Work Package contributors will be conducted in order to avoid a pure top-down or pure bottomup approach, but foster a real exchange between the two communities. This includes potential requirements as such, but also clears indications for the priorities to be applied in the rest of the project and associated (S)WPs in the Programme. Based on an initial analysis of the actual impact of weather but also on the state of ‘readiness’ to integrate weather in a considered operational concept component. The right of initiative for the set-up of the cooperative dialogue is with P11.2.1. This is envisaged to be meetings between the project contributors and the identified Operational Work Packages’ leadership. The work packages leadership are responsible for the communication within their package, the selection of the key contributors to these meetings and follow-up activities;


Airspace Users Requirements

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Expectations from the stakeholders will be refined through a wider consultation of Airspace Users (Airlines, Business/General Aviation, State Aviation and Military) through the framework arrangement between SJU and Airspace Users. P11.2.1 has the right of initiative to request SJU for meetings or other forms of support in consolidating Airspace Users requirements for MET Information Services; Special emphasis should be put on identifying the MET information needs which will allow for a) the accurate management of the Business Trajectory, at any stage of its lifecycle, from the flight planning to execution process (e.g. prediction of waypoints and arrival time, determination of the best trade-off for a route being simultaneously safe, environment friendly, and economically efficient,…) and b) an efficient collaborative decision making process, especially at airports. This will relate to parameters impacting on e.g. AMAN / DMAN procedures, taxi routing, etc. o

Existing standards Identified needs will be put in perspective with the current and foreseen status of ICAO and WMO and other relevant international and European standards and guidelines, regarding the provision and use of MET information to aviation; gaps will be identified and potential resolutions proposed.

Task System (Integration) Requirements - Definition for MET Information Services 

Logical Architecture Consolidation The (sub-) task will deliver consolidated requirements at the level of Logical Architecture’ Operational Domains or whenever appropriate already at the level of ‘operational user environments’, as used by Task, per ATM Service Level. Providing an oversight of the system requirements for the Information Services and services integration of: o

MET Information for En Route Operations


MET Information for TMA Operations


MET Information for Airport Operations


MET Information for Network Operations


MET Information for Flight and Wing Operations Centres

It includes: o

Review System Work Packages SESAR System Work Packages (WP 9, 10, 12, 13 and 15) will be reviewed in depth in order to identify the nature of how MET Information Services could be integrated in systems that answer the Operational needs of the Programme described by the Operational Work packages and delivered by the System Work Packages. A cooperative dialogue between the project and the System Work Package contributors will be conducted in order to avoid a pure top-down or pure bottom-up approach, but foster a real exchange between the two communities;


Airspace Users Requirements Expectations from the stakeholders will be refined through a wider consultation of Airspace Users (Airlines, Business/General Aviation, State Aviation and Military …) through the framework arrangement between SJU and Airspace Users;

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Special emphasis should be put on identifying the integration of MET Information Services in the systems which will allow for a) the accurate management of the Business Trajectory, at any stage of its lifecycle, from the flight planning to execution process (e.g. prediction of waypoints and arrival time, determination of the best trade-off for a route being simultaneously safe, environment friendly, and economically efficient,‌) and b) an efficient collaborative decision making process, especially at airports. This will relate especially to parameters impacting on e.g. AMAN / DMAN procedures, taxi routing, etc. o

Existing standards Identified needs will be put in perspective with the current and foreseen status of ICAO and WMO and other relevant international or European standards and guidelines, regarding the provision and use of MET information to aviation; gaps will be identified and potential resolutions proposed. This activity needs to be aligned with P08.01.06.

The tenderer shall, in the final offer, provide a detailed WBS and Gantt Chart outlining project’s tasks and dependencies, and how they will be managed and coordinated. Deliverables

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The deliverables related to task are in the form of reports and by their nature should be considered as V1 Initial Business Case Reports according to the E-OCVM development model and will be supporting the three identified (Story Board) Steps. The deliverables include at least: 

D11.2.1-0: Project Initiation Report

D11.2.1-1: Report containing the MET service provision’ perspective on the potential impact of convective weather on ATM performance and how improved information could improve the overall performance. The intended audience for the report is in principal the contributors to all the operational work packages inclusive of the subpackages and projects.

D11.2.1-2: Report containing the MET service provision’ perspective on the potential use of uncertainty/probability with respect to MET information for ATM. The intended audience for the report is in principal the contributors to all the operational work packages inclusive of the sub-packages and projects.

D11.2.1-3: Report containing the MET service provision’ perspective on the potential use of real-time weather monitoring applications, the foreseen impact on ATM decision making and how these applications will improve ATM performance and safety. The intended audience for the report is in principal the contributors to all the operational work packages inclusive of the sub-packages and projects.

D11.2.1-4: Report on MET Capability development prioritisation providing an initial mapping and prioritisation of required MET information needs versus needed MET Information services and the required MET capability. The intended audience for the report is in principal SESAR Programme management and P11.2 management and contributors.

The deliverables related to task are in the form of operational and performance requirements reports and reports that reflect the outcomes of the coordination activities with the Operational Work packages, sub-package or project. Per Step (1 to 3) there will be at least the delivery of a V2 Preliminary Operational Requirements document and a V3 Final Operational Requirements Document (according E-OCVM) per Logical Architecture Operational Domains (Route Operations, TMA Operations, Airport Operations, Network Operations and Flight and Wing Operations Centres). The foreseen structure of deliverables is: 

D11.2.1-5: [Step 1 Preliminary Operational and Performance Requirements document and high level outlook on Step 2 and 3]

D11.2.1-6: [Step 1 Final Operational and Performance Requirements document and high level outlook on Step 2 and 3]

D11.2.1-7: [Step 2, Preliminary Operational and Performance Requirements document and high level outlook on Step 3]

D11.2.1-8: [Step 2, Final Operational and Performance Requirements document and high level outlook on Step 3]

D11.2.1-9: [Step 3, Preliminary Operational and Performance Requirements document]

D11.2.1-10: [Step 3, Final Operational and Performance Requirements document].

The deliverables related to task are in the form of system requirements reports and reports that reflect the outcomes of the coordination activities with the System Work packages, sub-package or project. Per Step (1 to 3) level there will be at least the delivery of a V2 Preliminary Technical Specification document and a V3 Final Technical Specification document (according E-OCVM) per Logical Architecture Operational Domains.

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The foreseen structure of deliverables is: 

D11.2.1-11: [Step 1, Preliminary System Specifications document]

D11.2.1-12: [Step 1, Final System Specifications document]

D11.2.1-13: [Step 2, Preliminary System Specifications document]

D11.2.1-14: [Step 2, Final System Specifications document]

D11.2.1-15: [Step 3, Preliminary System Specifications document]

D11.2.1-16: [Step 3, Final System Specifications document]

The list of identified deliverables will be subject to refinement during the Initiation Phase for final agreement. EUROCONTROL/SJU Input EUROCONTROL Furnished Input EUROCONTROL proposes to support the execution of this project by providing contribution in areas/tasks where EUROCONTROL believe the expertise brought will be the most useful to the project and adequate with EUROCONTROL resource availability. The activities identified and proposed to perform are the following :   

Provide the SESAR Programme with general MET-ATM expertise; Provide support to consolidating Operational and System requirements; Provide support to the SESAR Programme regulatory (roadmap) activities with respect to MET service provision and in close coordination with other relevant work packages such as WP8, this includes the provision of the appropriate liaison for the SESAR Programme with: o ICAO on all aeronautical meteorology related aspects o World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and other intergovernmental organisations such as ECMWF and EUMETSAT on the non-technical MET capability aspects of service provision, and;

US NextGen Programme (FAA, NOAA, etc.) on the non-technical MET capability aspects of service provision.

Final technical proposals are expected to provide a first view of when and how this proposed contribution would best fist their plan. Final agreement and planning will be achieved during the initiation phase. These activities will be performed by EUROCONTROL staff under the control of the selected Contractor, and the effort would not exceed the average value of ~0,4 FTE per year, for the whole duration of the project, spread over the following expertise: 

Aeronautical Information Management (AIM-MET).

Final agreement and planning will be achieved between EUROCONTROL and the Contractor during the Initiation Phase. SJU Furnished Input The SJU proposes to support the execution of this project where necessary by providing contributions of civil Airspace User expertise in areas/tasks where the SJU believe the expertise brought will be the most useful to the project. The SJU resources will be provided through the SJU Airspace User Framework Contract (Tasking Contract) subject to availability.

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The SJU WP11 Program Manager, in co-ordination with the Sub-Work Package Leader, shall define the Airspace User Task Requirements, Deliverables, Deadlines and the respective Airspace User Categories, Expertise type and associated Effort. On an annual basis these shall be agreed between the SJU and the Project. Any execution of these activities will be under the control of the SJU, but co-ordinated by the Project. The estimated effort required by the Project should be identified during the call for tender and refined with the SJU during the Initiation Phase. Risks Risks identification, opportunities and mitigation are expected to be managed during the execution of the project according to the SWP11.2 Risk Management Plan. A first identification of them shall be provided by the tenderer within the final offer. Management The project shall be managed according to the principles described by the tenderer in the SWP11.2 PMP.

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P 11.2.2

MET Information Systems Development, Verification & Validation

P 11.2.2

Title: MET Information Systems Development, Verification & Validation

Necessary expertise For general expertise please refer to overall WP11 description. Specific expertise: 

Methodologies of system/software architecture design and development).

Organisation and management principles, structures & processes.

Business process design & modelling.

Verification and validation expertise

Meteorology (more specifically Aviation Meteorology)

ATM Operations and Systems

Ground and Space MET sensing and observation systems

Knowledge of the environment and physics of the atmosphere

Numerical assimilation and forecasting techniques

International regulations and standards in the MET domain.





Concept & Objectives Whilst P11.2.1 supports the development of the required MET Information Services to be integrated in operational concept components and associated systems, the information/data required for these MET Information Services needs a corresponding capability from a MET services provider’s perspective. This needed MET capability is inclusive of the appropriate MET infrastructure and services and including the potentially required MET application services and data store/management aspects. This enables the required MET Information Services and its connectivity with the ATM System Wide Information Management (SWIM) environment. This overall notional combination of MET infrastructure, (application) services and data management aspects like (virtual) data stores is commonly referred to as the ‘4D-Weather Cube’.1 SWIM enablement Underpinning the entire ATM system, and essential to its efficient operation, is a SWIM 1

Note: The 4D-Weather Cube is a notion used in the US NextGen context and picked up by the aeronautical meteorology domains within ICAO and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to reflect the system of systems and associated infrastructure, applications and information services that collectively make available meteorological information for aeronautical applications. The exact scope and definition of the 4D Weather Cube is not set and will probably have a different meaning in a different architectural and geo-political context. Thus the 4D WX Cube for Europe is probably not identical to the 4D WX Cube for the US. However, for the moment it is the only notional description that captures the fact that the solutions to be developed need to be open, transparent, flexible interoperable and not tied to a single provider’ capability and the information made available should really support the 4 dimensions of the flight/business trajectory, other operational ATM concepts and support activities.

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environment that includes the aircraft and ground facilities in order to provide an enabler to systems’ interconnection in line with SESAR concepts. SWIM is not in itself an ATM end-user application: it is an enabler of end-user applications that is needed in the ATM world. Thus, SWIM concept will make the information available to the end-user applications and will not constrain the implementation of end-user applications. SWIM will allow the exchange of data and ATM services across the whole European ATM System, integrating both Air-Ground (to manage the participation of the aircraft in SWIM and Ground-Ground data and ATM services exchange. With respect to meteorology, this will be instantiated by making available MET Information Services that can be accessed over the SWIM network by the relevant SWIM actors. These MET Information Services will be used by the appropriate operational services and supporting application (services) and systems (infrastructure). The MET Information Services will require a supporting MET Infrastructure and Services (‘4D WX Cube’) to deliver the data for the MET Information Services. As such, the 4D WX Cube is also one of the ‘systems’ to be connected to SWIM. Key to the successful development of MET Information Services, which are in the prerogative of WP8 (SWP8.3), is the appropriate level of interfacing and integration between the ATM Operational and System requirements, the required MET infrastructure and services and the connecting concept of SWIM. MET Capability, Infrastructure and Systems P11.2.2 supports the development of requirements for MET capabilities that will deliver the MET data that can be turned into the required MET Information Services by the appropriate projects in the Programme, i.e WP8. The project includes the prototype development and validation of several MET infrastructural and service concept elements in support of the MET Information Services required for ATM. Furthermore, it includes the previously discussed connectivity between these developed components and the SWIM infrastructure and its adherence to the information management principles developed by the Programme. The required MET capability and associated infrastructure and systems will be prototyped and verified. As such, it will provide evidence, or otherwise, that these MET capabilities and the supporting infrastructure and services contribute to the safe and efficient delivery of the required MET Information Services in support of the SESAR concept elements. Furthermore, evidence will be provided that the MET infrastructure and services solutions developed are truly interoperable and will not restrict (future) providers and users of information in using and accessing the infrastructure, services and contained information. As a consequence, the prototypes to be developed need to be close to the operation and will be targeted on three operating environments: Local, Sub-Regional and Network Management. One prototype per operating environment. In addition, the supporting shared MET infrastructure, (application) services and data management aspects like (virtual) data stores and the connection to SWIM will be prototyped (‘4D-Weather Cube’ and its SWIM adapter). The prototype(s) could consist of specific development for aviation of a numerical weather prediction capability, to make the data from this capability available and to translate the information in an information service available on the SWIM network. As such, it could be a joining of existing and new capabilities and associated new and existing systems. Support to Pre-Operational Validation P11.2.2 supports the demonstration that the defined requirements for MET information,

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translated into developed MET Information services can be integrated within operational improvements of Airspace Users, Network, En-Route, TMA and Airport operating context. These MET Information Services are made available by using the SWIM network, interconnected with an underpinning MET infrastructure and its services and as such making available the required MET capability. To demonstrate that this system will function in a pre-operational environment in conjunction with the operational concept component prototype and the required MET Information Service is one of the main objectives of the project. The ‘role’ is to support pre-operational validation as a whole, the responsibility however lies only at the level of the MET capability and underpinning infrastructure and services and the interfaces with SWIM whilst the responsibility of the validation of MET Information Integration solutions and required Information Services is with the Operational, System and (SW)IM work packages concerned. Consequently, the main objectives of this project are to: 

Address the coordination between P8.3 (and supporting packages in WP8) responsible for developing the appropriate (MET) Information Services and P11.2.1 with respect to translating the operational requirements for MET information in a MET Information Service(s) description;

Identify existing and quickly emerging generic MET capabilities that could potentially be utilised by ATM and integrated in associated MET Information (Services) requirement of deliverable D11.2.1-4 (11.2.1);

Define and consolidate the operational, system, performance & safety requirements and interoperability specifications for SWIM enabled MET Capabilities inclusive of the required MET infrastructure and services; Develop consolidated prototypes for the Local, Sub-Regional and Network Management operational environments with priority on Quick Wins (e.g. Short term benefits for Initial 4D Trajectory Management and Airport CDM) plus a prototype for the supporting “4D Weather Cube” and the integration with SWIM (SWIM adapter). This needs to address the interfacing and integration of the MET infrastructure and services system prototype with the SWIM network from a technical infrastructural perspective and from an ATM information management perspective and in close cooperation with the relevant WP8 projects. The latter includes issues such as data security, access, governance, etc.;

 

Develop underpinning MET capabilities as part of the overall required MET infrastructure and services that support the required MET Information Services defined (P11.2.1 in close cooperation with the relevant WP8 projects); Coordination with work already performed including the infrastructure and services development initiatives by existing Work Packages that could support the 11.2.2 activities; Contribute to the Validation Strategy for the WP 11.2 components in line with the overall validation strategy defined by the SJU. Contribute to the operational validation in close coordination with Operational Work Packages and SWIM Work Packages. To ensure that the MET related aspects and constraints for the various validation activities e.g. operational feasibility assessment, safety assessment, performance assessment and CBA are considered appropriately in the validation lifecycle steps.

The tenderer shall, in the final offer, provide evidence that:

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the project’s concept and objectives have been understood and how they will be implemented

 the proposed team has the required expertise to fulfil the project’s requirements. Description of Work

P11.2.2 MET Information Systems Developemnt, Verfication & Validation

Prototype Specification, Development & Verification

Integration with SWIM Technical Infrastructure

Support to Pre-Operational Validation

System Definition, Development & Pre-Operational Validation

To address the development of MET capabilities that will meet the foreseen requirements by P11.2.1, main tasks have been identified based on the following core principles to: 

Explore existing and emerging generic MET capabilities that could potentially be utilised by ATM in the required MET Information Services to improve ATM decision-making;

Explore the most cost efficient separation of MET Information Services and potential MET application services in function of ATM capability level and associated Story Board Step;

Focus on the development of the required MET infrastructure and services required for specified MET Information Services that serve the ATM Operational, ATM System and Aviation Stakeholder needs;

Consolidate and coordinate the MET infrastructure and services development with initiatives by existing Work Packages that could support the 11.2.2 activities;

Design and prototype solutions that are in principal interoperable from the MET information delivery perspective and as such not tied to a single provider’ capability.

Identified Main tasks are: Task Prototype Specification, Development & Verification The needed infrastructure and services to meet required MET Information Services will be defined taking into account considerations with respect to the required Information Services and the MET capabilities providing the data. The definition should appreciate the generic principles of Service Orientation and the notion of Information and Application Services and accepting the idea that data could reside within many systems and repositories and what will be required is standardised access to the data. By enabling applications (services) to access the data via (open) standards, service requestors can access the data regardless of provider or system. An important consideration will be to define the most efficient way to distinguish between Information Services that solely provide access to core MET information and application services that use Information Services to integrate and fuse the information of different nature and to make it fit for a user purpose application (service). When a MET application service is used by many users it could be efficient to expose this service as a

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common service and not restrict it for one specific use case. 

Consolidated MET capabilities The gathering of the required MET Information (Services) requirements (P11.2.1) is in principal done according to Logical Architecture Operational Domains as introduced by the Programme. However, applying this structure on the corresponding required MET capabilities definition activity could include the risk of duplication of activities. Moreover, when prototyped solutions will be deployed, it could lead to inconsistent and incoherent meteorological information when used in different operating environments. A first level of consolidation of the defined MET capabilities is therefore required to align the required capability, therefore the defined infrastructure and services and is a first level of assurance that deployable solutions will be coherent and consistent from a MET content perspective. The initial consolidation proposed is based on three distinct ‘operational user environments ’ and as such in three sub-tasks per Step (1 to 3): o

MET capabilities for the local operational environment: Based on the requirements for the Information (Services) set by P11.2.1, corresponding MET capability needs to be defined. Capabilities and the associated prototype development required for the local operational environment shall focus on data for Information Services in support of Airport and TMA Operations (including the F/WOC aspects of it). This requires data and associated services linked to a relatively concise geographical footprint and is usually updated rapidly, focused on short-term forecasting capabilities and tailored to trigger immediate response of stakeholders concerned. However, the strategic aspects of trajectory refinement, adherence and modification in the context of TMA/Airport operations should be considered.


MET capabilities for the sub-regional operational environment: Based on the requirements for the Information (Services) set by P11.2.1, corresponding MET capability needs to be defined. Capabilities and the associated prototype development required for the sub-regional operational environment shall focus on data for weather Information Services that primarily facilitate the refinement of, adherence to and modification of the individual flight trajectories in the en-route phase to contribute to the overall performance. This requires data and associated services that not necessarily translate into having high update cycles but more in having a right balance between the confidence level of the data, the update frequency and the impact. o

MET capabilities for the Network Management environment: Based on the requirements for the Information (Services) set by P11.2.1, corresponding MET capability needs to be defined. Capabilities and the associated prototype development required for the Network Management operational environment shall focus on data for weather Information Services that primarily facilitate the management of the European ATM Network and its distinct functions including crisis management.

Utilising new sensors for MET capabilities In support of the previous activity, the definition and prototyping of required MET capabilities, it is extremely valuable to review the potential impact of using sensors and/or other means of observation currently not utilised in the specific aeronautical application of meteorology, completely new or are under development by other projects in the Programme. This also includes using the aircraft as a sensor and the downlink of relevant information improving or in addition to the existing WMO AMDAR Programme.

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As such, the task is the interface between SWP11.2 and the respective projects working or envisaged to work on MET sensor developments, e.g. P15.04.09. The review will identify the potential improvement of MET capabilities by the enhanced exploitation of (remote) sensing techniques. It should provide a qualitative analysis of the improvement linked to the foreseen capabilities by the previous activity to justify future deployment or utilisation of these (remote) sensing techniques.

Task Integration with SWIM Technical Infrastructure  ‘4D Weather Cube’ development The task comprises of the development of a prototype for a consolidated MET infrastructure and services, supporting applications services, and integrated with the SWIM environment. The following main activities with respect to prototype development, connectivity with the SWIM environment and verifications have been identified: o Develop and provide the required ‘interfaces’ with WP8 and WP14 on MET Information Services, Information Management functions in general and underpinning information models, more specific:  Liaise between the project and the relevant (SW)IM projects on the translation between MET Information Services requirement gathered in P11.2.1, the development of the Information Service itself in WP8 and the required data as an output of the developed MET capability o Develop the required MET core (shared) functionalities and integrate them into a prototype, the ‘4D Weather Cube’ prototype; o Perform ‘4D Weather Cube’ system verification; o Consolidate results into a coherent integrated verification report (including recommendations regarding the MET infrastructure and services architecture); o Provide verification results and recommendations regarding changes on the architecture and system requirements for further improvement of the related deliverables. o Develop the ‘4D Weather Cube’ interfaces with the SWIM infrastructure o Perform ‘4D Weather Cube’ full system verification; o Proceed to the verification of the ’4D WX Cube’ integrated with the SWIM network o Consolidate results into a coherent integrated verification report (including recommendations regarding the MET infrastructure and services architecture); o Provide verification results and recommendations regarding changes on the architecture and system requirements for further improvement of the related deliverables. Task Support to Pre-Operational Validation This task will cover the following activities: 

Contribute to the application of the Overall Validation Strategy by: o

Support to the production of the initial baseline documents regarding the WP Validation Strategy with respect to integrated MET prototypes and support to the associated preparation of the validation plans for the operational and system activities (E-OCVM step 1).


Ensure that the contributions to the detailed validation plans produced are coherent with the Overall validation strategy (E-OCVM step 2).

Contribute to the Validation activities of Operational WPs that include MET prototypes on: 

Identification of validation requirements to match performance targets.

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Planning and execution of live trials validations based on pre-industrial prototype(s) developed by the system projects (within System Work Packages).

Performance and safety assessments incl. Cost-Benefit data supporting CB Analysis

Interoperability assessment

Participation to pre-operational validation exercises across all other SESAR Work Packages according to the test plan established in the Validation Strategy.

Production of detailed validation reports.

The tenderer shall, in the final offer, provide a detailed WBS and Gantt Chart outlining project’s tasks and dependencies, and how they will be managed and coordinated. Deliverables

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D11.2.2-0: Project Initiation Report

The following deliverables will be produced iteratively (Step 1 to 3): 

D11.2.2-1: Step 1 System and Architecture Requirements for Prototype Local Operational Environment

D11.2.2-2: Step 1 System-to-SWIM interfaces specifications for Local Operational Environment

D11.2.2-3: Step 1 Verified prototype Local Operational Environment available for operational validation

D11.2.2-4: Step 2 System and Architecture Requirements for Prototype Local Operational Environment

D11.2.2-5: Step 2 System and Architecture Requirements for Prototype Sub-Regional Operational Environment

D11.2.2-6: Step 2 System and Architecture Requirements for Prototype Network Management Operational Environment

D11.2.2-7: Step 2 System and Architecture Requirements for ‘4D WX Cube’

D11.2.2-8: Step 2 ‘4D WX Cube-to-SWIM interfaces specifications

D11.2.2-9: Step 2 Verified prototype Local Operational Environment available

D11.2.2-10: Step 2 Verified prototype Sub-Regional Operational Environment available

D11.2.2-11: Step 2 Verified prototype Network Management Operational Environment available

D11.2.2-12: Step 2 Verified SWIM integrated prototype ‘4D WX Cube’ available for operational validation

D11.2.2-13: Step 3 System and Architecture Requirements for Prototype Local Operational Environment

D11.2.2-14: Step 3 System and Architecture Requirements for Prototype Sub-Regional Operational Environment

D11.2.2-15: Step 3 System and Architecture Requirements for Prototype Network Management Operational Environment

D11.2.2-16: Step 3 System and Architecture Requirements for ‘4D WX Cube’

D11.2.2-17: Step 3 ‘4D WX Cube-to-SWIM interfaces specifications

D11.2.2-18: Step 3 Verified prototype Local Operational Environment available

D11.2.2-19: Step 3 Verified prototype Sub-Regional Operational Environment available

D11.2.2-20: Step 3 Verified prototype Network Management Operational Environment available

D11.2.2-21: Step 3 Verified SWIM integrated prototype ‘4D WX Cube’ available for operational validation

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D11.2.2-22: Step 1 Pre-Operational Validation o

Validation Plan for SWP11.2 MET Services


Execution of the validation plan for MET prototypes in stand-alone mode


Execution of the validation plan (MET prototypes in support to large scale, shadow mode, live trials validations, etc.) in co-ordination with WP3


Validation Reports for stand-alone validation (including input to Deployment Scenarios and consolidated input to TA Cases)


Validation Reports for Integrated validation across WPs (including input to Deployment Scenarios and consolidated input to TA Cases)

D11.2.2-23: Step 2 Pre-Operational Validation o

Validation Plan for SWP11.2 MET Services.


Execution of the validation plan for MET prototypes in stand-alone mode


Execution of the validation plan (MET prototypes in support to large scale, shadow mode, live trials validations, etc.) in co-ordination with WP3


Validation Reports for stand-alone validation (including input to Deployment Scenarios and consolidated input to TA Cases)


Validation Reports for Integrated validation across WPs (including input to Deployment Scenarios and consolidated input to TA Cases)

D11.2.2-24: Step 3 Pre-Operational Validation o

Validation Plan for SWP11.2 MET Services.


Execution of the validation plan for MET prototypes in stand-alone mode


Execution of the validation plan (MET prototypes in support to large scale, shadow mode, live trials validations, etc.) in co-ordination with WP3


Validation Reports for stand-alone validation (including input to Deployment Scenarios and consolidated input to TA Cases)


Validation Reports for Integrated validation across WPs (including input to Deployment Scenarios and consolidated input to TA Cases)

The list of identified deliverables will be subject to refinement during the Initiation Phase for final agreement. EUROCONTROL/SJU Input

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EUROCONTROL Furnished Input EUROCONTROL proposes to support the execution of this project by providing contribution in areas/tasks where EUROCONTROL believe the expertise brought will be the most useful to the project and adequate with EUROCONTROL resource availability. The activities identified and proposed to perform are the following :   

Provide the SESAR Programme with general MET-ATM expertise; Providing support to MET Information System(s) Development & Verification; Providing support to SESAR regulatory (roadmap) activities with respect to MET service provision and in close coordination with other relevant work packages such as WP8, this includes the provision of the appropriate liaison for the SESAR Programme with: o ICAO on all aeronautical meteorology related aspects o World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and other intergovernmental organisations such as ECMWF and EUMETSAT on the non-technical MET capability aspects of service provision, and; o US NextGen Programme (FAA, NOAA, etc.) on the non-technical MET capability aspects of service provision.

PQIPs final technical proposals are expected to provide a first view of when and how this proposed contribution would best fist their plan. These activities will be performed by EUROCONTROL staff under the control of the selected Contractor, and the effort would not exceed the average value of ~0,3 FTE per year, for the whole duration of the project, spread over the following expertise: 

Aeronautical Information Management (AIM-MET).

Final agreement and planning will be achieved between EUROCONTROL and the Contractor during the Initiation Phase. SJU Furnished Input The SJU proposes to support the execution of this project where necessary by providing contributions of civil Airspace User expertise in areas/tasks where the SJU believe the expertise brought will be the most useful to the project. The SJU resources will be provided through the SJU Airspace User Framework Contract (Tasking Contract) subject to availability. The WP11 Project Manager, in co-ordination with the Work Package Leader, shall define the Airspace User Task Requirements, Deliverables, Deadlines and the respective Airspace User Categories, Expertise type and associated Effort. On an annual basis these shall be agreed between the SJU and the Project. Any execution of these activities will be under the control of the SJU, but co-ordinated by the Project. The estimated effort required by the Project should be identified during the Call for Tender and refined with the SJU during the Initiation Phase. Risks Risks identification, opportunities and mitigation are expected to be managed during the execution of the project according to the SWP11.2 Risk Management Plan. A first identification of them shall be provided by the tenderer within the final offer. Management The project shall be managed according to the principles described by the tenderer in the SWP11.2 PMP.

SJU DoW WP11 v2.3

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SJU DoW WP11 v2.3

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