5 i4d in practice results from trials

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I-4D in practice: results from trials

SESAR 4D Trajectory Technical Workshop 7 March, 2012 RAI Amsterdam

Plan • What is I-4D? • I-4D Validation Setup for Step 1 • I-4D Flight Trial Results • I-4D Complementary Validation Activities • Conclusions

I-4D Presentation for SESAR Internal Meeting

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What is I-4D? • Share and synchronise airborne and ground trajectory. • “Flying to Time constraints” to optimize sequences as defined by the ATC.

CTA at metering point

SESAR 4D Trajectory Technical Workshop

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SESAR Step 1 I-4D validation until 2013 2010

Operational partners Maastricht-UAC, NORACON and AIRBUS 2011 2014 2012 2013 Flight Trial Simulations

I-4D Step C


I-4D Step B Flight Trial Simulations

I-4D Step A SESAR 4D Trajectory Technical Workshop

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Nordic Unified Air Traffic Control • 3 NORACON ATC Centres and 2 Airports. • Combined Swedish and Danish airspace. • Datalink communication with aircraft. • Implemented on Thales full ATC IBP.

Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre • Data Link: • Testing & Validating since 1997 • Operational provider since 2003. • I-4D: a natural evolution. • Upgrade for I-4D, together with INDRA and EGIS AVIA. I-4D Presentation for SESAR Internal Meeting

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I-4D Flight Trial – Preliminary Feedback/Results Datalink Communication • ADS-C Periodic/Event/Demand contracts working well. • Subset of new CPDLC and ADS-C messages validated.

Sharing and synchronising air-ground of I-4D data. • …via ADS-C downlinked trajectory welcomed. • Downlinked trajectory: Measured improvement over ground trajectory predictor. • Route uplinks via data link improved task sharing. • Use of data link increased automation on ground and in the air. ©Thales Air Systems S.A. 2012

SESAR 4D Trajectory Technical Workshop

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I-4D Flight Trial –Preliminary Feedback/Results Use of Time Constraints • Concern about significant speed changes after issuing time constraint. • All time constraints were met within 10 seconds tolerance.

Operationally • With one flight trial – difficult to draw any conclusions. • Within NUAC airspace, flights vectored away to provide separation. • Some difficulties involved in the amount of time needed prior to ToD for assigning CTA. • Beneficial to have downlinked aircraft trajectory information. ©Thales Air Systems S.A. 2012

SESAR 4D Trajectory Technical Workshop

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Complementary Validation Activities • Results • Potential of ADS-C EPP for operational use and feeding (new) tools confirmed. • Integrated MUAC-NUAC-AIRBUS platforms enriching simulations.

• Challenges • Is meeting the time constraint “holy”? • Traffic increase; ATCO fall back to known separation techniques. • Mix of control techniques time/speed. • Pre-merge and overtaking points. • Handling level constraints in cruise phase. • Negotiations on Time Constraints. SESAR 4D Trajectory Technical Workshop

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Conclusions • Technically and operationally, the flight trial was successful and provided valuable results. • Aircraft met the time constraints. • New data link techniques worked all ok.

• Airborne data availability on the ground is essential. • 4D Trajectory (Extended ADS-C) can be the foundation for the future air-ground synchronisation.

• Good cooperation between all partners and systems, a solid basis for going forward. • Coupled and non-coupled mixed mode validations are an essential part to provide the “full assessment”. • More I-4D validations planned up till end 2013 to validate more in detail. • Validation of Interoperability-Ground  Flight Object. SESAR 4D Trajectory Technical Workshop

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I-4D PARTNERS realised the first validations in early 2012. We will continue until the end of 2013 to validate the I-4D concept And pave the way for the

further 4D Trajectory evolutions. Use menu "View - Header & Footer" for Presentation title - Siglum - Reference

month 200X

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