Factsheet 01 2012 update swim airm

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N° 01/2012

ATM Information Reference Model (AIRM) Summary: AIRM – the reference for ATM information The System Wide Information Management (SWIM) concept describes a seamless and networked ATM community, enabling data exchange between information providers and users over interoperable ATM Services.

Figure 1 – SWIM Data Exchange

The information is provided by a large number of different participants and is made available to a wide range of ATM information consumers. Therefore, the information needs to be clearly and uniquely defined and well understood. In other words, there is a need for semantic interoperability. This requires a detailed definition of the information both at the conceptual level and at the level of the data that is exchanged between systems. Satisfying this need is the role of the ATM Information Reference Model (AIRM). The AIRM provides a common reference for the operational language and the data models that will be developed during the SESAR development phase. The AIRM represents civil, military and civil-military information constructs relevant to ATM. The AIRM information constructs can be used, for example:   

To define the information that is exchanged between providers and consumers (e.g. in process models); To define and manage domain models; As the reference for the definition of the payload of a shared ATM Service. -1-

What are the benefits of the AIRM? The main benefit of the AIRM is ensuring semantic interoperability within ATM. It ensures that the meaning of information is not lost or altered as it travels through SWIM. For example, when a user receives information about a ‘runway’ from different providers, this user is able to seamlessly process the information and, depending on the application context, add and combine information from other SWIM compliant information sources. The use of the AIRM as a common reference in this way will help to ensure the harmonisation of the information exchanged via SWIM. This, in turn, will help to reduce the implementation costs of the envisaged interoperable information sharing environment. The AIRM, through its foundation, also promotes ATM information standardisation on a European and a global level. Furthermore, on a practical level, the AIRM promotes consistent information and data modelling. It ensures that redundancies of information constructs are kept to a minimum e.g. by harmonising overlaps within data models such as AIXM, FIXM and WXXM. It promotes the reuse of existing constructs so that modellers no longer need to create their own constructs. This, in turn, reduces the amount of effort that has to go into creating and maintaining the information and data models throughout the ATM System.

What does the AIRM look like? The AIRM has five components.

Figure 2 - AIRM Product Structure

AIRM Primer The AIRM primer is the entry point into the AIRM. It provides an introduction to the AIRM and puts it and each of its components into context. It also outlines those documents that support the usage of AIRM. AIRM Glossary The AIRM Glossary provides a simple dictionary of general terms and definitions that are used in AIRM Models.


AIRM Foundation The AIRM Foundation consists of a Rule book and a Library. The Rule book provides principles, rules and recommendations for modellers creating contributions to the AIRM or developing and maintaining the AIRM. The AIRM Foundation Library contains reusable building blocks, such as definitions of primitive and other data types, for use in the other AIRM Models and in models that derive from the AIRM. AIRM Information Model The AIRM Information Model provides a reference model for the SESAR information concepts for operational experts. It contains entities and relationships relevant to the ATM operational discourse and concerns. AIRM Consolidated Logical Data Model The AIRM Consolidated Logical Data Model provides a reference model of the SESAR data concepts for service architects and system implementers. It contains the information elements necessary to model the shared information of ATM.

When can I expect it? The current version of the AIRM can be found on the SESAR extranet and is also available from the AIRM wiki (http://im.eurocontrol.int/wiki/index.php/ATM_Information_Reference_Model) The AIRM is constantly maturing as new operational concepts are defined. Therefore, the AIRM has a defined release plan: major releases are planned for September 2013 and 2015; Intermediate releases are foreseen following a six-month cycle and hot-fix releases occur as needed.

Figure 3 - AIRM Release Schedule

How is the AIRM used? Enterprise architects and operational experts define the information that is exchanged between actors in order to satisfy the needs of the enterprise. It is crucial that the information that is exchanged is understood and defined. The AIRM Information Model ensures a common operational language. The AIRM can then be reused in other system engineering views such as process models.


In addition to this, the AIRM is used further along the path to implementation for the design of ATM Services as part of the logical services architecture. The specific details of the service payloads are not part of the AIRM scope. The SWIM concept envisages an interoperable ATM community based on services. To achieve this vision SWIM is defined as: consisting of standards, infrastructure and governance enabling the management of ATM information and its exchange between qualified parties via interoperable services. The AIRM is one of the key SWIM standards and thus a key enabler of the SWIM concept. Similar considerations that apply within the SWIM concept apply between “non-SWIM-enabled” systems. These systems need to exchange data in an interoperable manner as well, and hence there is the same need for semantic interoperability as there is for SWIM services. The AIRM Consolidated Logical Data Model supports this need.

How do I get involved? The AIRM evolves over time as new needs become clear. AIRM Governance mechanisms are in place in order to ensure the evolution is handled in an open and managed manner. Mechanisms such as a Change Control Board are also used to build consensus. In addition, as part of the AIRM Governance, there are regular open Review Forums to:  Ensure that a review of the entire AIRM takes place;  Maintain contact with those who might have direct or indirect interest in the AIRM;  Disseminate information widely about the status of the AIRM;  Gather information about perceived problems with the AIRM. If you would like to find out about the AIRM and/or attend an AIRM Review Forum please contact swim@sesarju.eu.

Conclusion SWIM is maturing. The ATM Information Reference Model is one of the key building blocks of SWIM. The AIRM core mission is to ensure semantic interoperability within ATM. To achieve this, the AIRM is used by operational experts, enterprise architects, information architects, service architects and system implementers. Given its central role in the SESAR and beyond, it is important to be engaged.

Further general information:

SESAR Joint Undertaking 100 avenue de Cortenbergh 1000 Brussels Belgium Email: info@sesarju.eu Tel: +32 2 507 80 00 http://www.sesarju.eu/


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