Sju dow addendum ibafo activities not awarded

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Addendum Descriptions of Work for Activities not awarded in the 1st IBAFO Version 1.0

Released 08/07/2009

Table of contents Introduction & Purpose ............................................................................................ 4 Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 3.2.1 .................................................... 5 Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 3.2.2 .................................................... 6 Ground Industry Contribution for Project 3.3.3 ...................................................... 7 Airborne and Ground Industry Contributions for Project 4.2 ................................ 8 Airborne and Ground Industry Contributions for SWP 4.5.................................... 9 Ground Industry Contribution for Project 4.7.4a .................................................. 10 Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 4.7.6 .................................................. 11 Ground Industry Contribution for Project 4.7.7 .................................................... 12 Ground Industry Contribution for Project 5.3 ....................................................... 13 Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 5.6.1 .................................................. 15 Ground Industry Contribution for Project 5.6.5 .................................................... 16 Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 5.6.6 .................................................. 17 Work Package Management for SWP 6.0 .............................................................. 18 Ground Industry Contribution for SWP 6.2 ........................................................... 19 Ground Industry Contribution for Project 6.3.3 .................................................... 20 Ground Industry Contribution for Project 6.5.5 .................................................... 21 Sub Work Package 6.6 ............................................................................................ 22 Project Manager for Project 6.6.1 .......................................................................... 23 Project Manager and Service Provider Contribution for Project 6.6.2 ............... 24 Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 6.7.1 .................................................. 26 Ground Industry and Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 6.7.3.............. 27 Sub Work Package 6.8 ............................................................................................ 28 Project Manager for Project 8.1.7 .......................................................................... 29

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Contribution to Work Package Management for SWP 9.0 ................................... 30 Ground Industry Contribution for Project 10.2.2 .................................................. 31 Sub Work Package 10.9 .......................................................................................... 32 Project 10.12.1 ......................................................................................................... 33 Contribution to Work Package Management for WP12.0..................................... 34 Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.1.9 .............. 35 Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.3.4 .............. 37 Project Manager, Service Provider and Ground Industry Contributions for Project 12.4.9 ........................................................................................................... 39 Project Manager for Project 12.4.10 ...................................................................... 41 Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.5.2 .............. 42 Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.6.7 .............. 44 Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.7.5 .............. 46 Contribution to Work Package Management for SWP 14.0 ................................. 48 Project Manager for Project 14.1.3 ........................................................................ 49 Project Manager, Airborne Industry and Ground Industry Contributions for Project 14.1.4 ........................................................................................................... 50 Project Manager and Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 15.2.4 ............ 52 Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 15.2.6 ................................................ 54 Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 15.3.1 ................................................ 55 Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 15.3.2 .............. 56 Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 15.3.6 ................................................ 58 Project Manager plus Aircraft Manufacturer Contribution for Project 15.3.7 .... 59 Project Manager for Project 15.4.1 ........................................................................ 61 Ground Industry and Airborne Industry Contributions for Project B.5 .............. 62

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Introduction & Purpose This Addendum should be read in association with the Descriptions of Work (DOW) for the sub-work packages and projects referenced herein. Following the recommendations of the Proposal Analysis Board (PAB) from the 1st IBAFO (Invitation to Submit a Best and Final Binding Offer), this document contains descriptions of work for activities that were not awarded in the 1st IBAFO, and for which the SJU Members are invited to submit their best and binding offer. In the case of a description covering more than one item, for example a project manager and a ground industry contribution, offers may cover one or multiple items.

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Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 3.2.1 Title: Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 3.2.1 (Validation Infrastructure Inventory Project)

R 3.2.1

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP03 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Good knowledge of ATM validation exercises;

Insight in the potential availability of various types of airborne vehicles (simulators) for SESAR validation purposes;

Access to sufficient details (capability, availability) of such equipment.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Airborne Industry.

Description of Work

SWP/Project 3.2.1 will complete and maintain the SESAR inventory of available validation infrastructure. The work requested here will address, in particular, contributing to the inventory with information about airborne vehicles for SESAR validation exercises.

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Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 3.2.2 Title: Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 3.2.2 (Validation Infrastructure Specification Project)

R 3.2.2

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP03 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Functional and technical knowledge of validation and verification infrastructure, in particular of airborne vehicles;

Expertise in writing technical specifications.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Airborne Industry.

Description of Work

SWP/Project 3.2.2 will define criteria for selecting the appropriate validation and verification infrastructure and provide additional specifications for bringing selected infrastructure up to the level of the validation and verification requirements. The work requested here will cover the airborne vehicles aspects of the aforementioned work.

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Ground Industry Contribution for Project 3.3.3 Title: Ground Industry Contribution for Project 3.3.3 (Validation Platform Acceptance, Deployment and In Service Support)

R 3.3.3

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP03 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Knowledge of system engineering and validation and verification practices;

CNS/ATM expertise necessary to understand validation infrastructure requirements, with particular focus on (prototypes, simulators, parts of) ground ATM systems;

Provision of ATM validation infrastructure for validation exercises.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Ground Industry.

Description of Work

SWP/Project 3.3.3 will manage the acceptance and deployment of the validation tools and platforms as defined by 3.3.2 and will deliver support services for use of these platforms. The work requested here will assure that there is a maximum coverage of available expertise in ground ATM systems to address all acceptance and deployment work.

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Airborne and Ground Industry Contributions for Project 4.2 Title: Airborne and Ground Industry Contributions for Project 4.2 (Consolidation of operational concept definition and validation including operating mode and air-ground task sharing)

R 4.2

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP04 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

The following specific expertise is required: •

Operational Concept analysis and development expertise;

Good validation expertise (methodology, tools capabilities, practitioners);

Detailed understanding of the future En Route concept as described in the SESAR Concept of Operations [DLT-0612-222-02-00];

Good knowledge of current ATM En Route operations with special attention to links with complex TMA;

Good knowledge of airspace users needs and pilot/aircraft capabilities and constraints;

Comprehensive understanding of the ATM Network (operation and architecture, actors, business drivers);

• •

Good understanding of airspace and final users requirements; Good knowledge of the specific environment/context of the Operational Work Package and of its relationship with the other operational contexts and with the relevant system involved.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: • •

Airborne industry Ground Industry

Description of Work

SWP/Project 4.2 will develop, refine and update as required the ATM Target Concept for EN ROUTE operations (SESAR CONOPS), and will undertake the overall coordination of the validation activities conducted within WP4 sub-work packages, the validation within projects remaining under projects responsibility. The ultimate goal is to provide a validation strategy derived top down and bottom up from the detailed concept description to drive its validations through the appropriate scheduling and execution of individual validation exercises. The work requested here will provide expert support from Ground Industry and Airborne industry to the achievement of the tasks and deliverables described in SJU DOW WP04 V4.0.doc.

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Airborne and Ground Industry Contributions for SWP 4.5 Title: Airborne and Ground Industry Contributions for SWP 4.5 ( Trajectory management Framework in en-route)

R 4.5

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP04 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

The following specific expertise is required: •

En Route operational ground and airborne expertise, expertise on interfaces between TMA and En-Route operations, including impact of UAS/UAV operations, Human Factors, Safety, Economic, Security and Environment expertise, Airspace structure, Route design and Approach procedure design, System Engineering and Information modelling, in particular, ground systems and aircraft Architecture and Prototyping;

Mainline aircraft operators and supply industry.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: • Airborne industry supporting in particular main line aircraft • Ground Industry Description of Work

SWP/Project R 4.5 will define, consolidate and validate the operational needs relating to trajectory management, including military aspects (definition of the trajectory information content, performances and access), in close cooperation with the TMA, Airport and Network sibling projects. The work requested here will provide expert support from Ground Industry and main line aircraft Airborne industry to the achievement of the tasks and deliverables described in SJU DOW WP04 V4.0.doc.

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Ground Industry Contribution for Project 4.7.4a

R 4.7.4.a

Title: Ground Industry Contribution for Project 4.7.4.a (ATSA-ITP Pioneer Trials)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP04 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

The following specific expertise is required: • Data communications This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Ground Industry

Description of Work

Project R 4.7.4.a will progress with the operational definition and validation of the ATSA-ITP, which is expected to enable a reduction of separation minima based on use of ASAS. Most of the lessons learnt from this experience in terms of ATM procedures (e.g. impact on PANS ATM), controller and pilot acceptance issues will be transposable to the domestic environment. The work requested here will provide expert support from Ground Industry to the achievement of the tasks and deliverables described in SJU DOW WP04 V4.0.doc.

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Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 4.7.6

R 4.7.6

Title: Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 4.7.6 (En Route Trajectory and Separation Management – ASAS Separation (Cooperative Separation))

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP04 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

The following specific expertise is required: • Airborne ATM system (data link, ATM tools, automation systems, ASAS), civil and Military; • Human Factors, civil and military; • Prototyping and Real Time Simulation; • Safety; • System Engineering. This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: • Airborne Industry Description of Work

SWP/Project R 4.7.6 will assess the introduction of ASAS separation application in the SESAR context (taking into account all platforms, including military and UAS). The project will be focused on the possibility to delegate in specific and defined conditions the responsibility for traffic separation tasks to the flight deck of suitable equipped aircraft. The work requested here will contribute to the identification and assessment of aircraft related elements, both for civil and military aircraft and operations. This work will support the achievement of the tasks and deliverables of P 4.7.6 described in SJU DOW WP04 V4.0.doc.

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Ground Industry Contribution for Project 4.7.7 Title: Ground Industry Contribution for Project 4.7.7 (Implementation of the Dynamic Capacity Management in a high density area)

R 4.7.7

DOW reference: S SJU DOW WP04 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

The following specific expertise is required: • En-route and TMA operational; • Ground ATM system expertise (data link, ATM tools, automation systems); • CFMU; • HMI; • Safety; • System Engineering, Architecture, Prototyping, together with Real Time Simulation and Fast Time Simulation capability. This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Ground Industry

Description of Work

Project 4.7.7 will enable the development and implementation of a Dynamic Capacity Management process in a high density area. This process will enable detection of imbalance between predicted traffic demand and available capacity, alerting ATM partners and proposing solutions. The process will be integrated within the Network Operations Planning process, and will be iterative, and applicable all the way through to the day of operations. The work requested here will provide expert support from Ground Industry to the achievement of the tasks and deliverables described in SJU DOW WP04 V4.0.doc.

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Ground Industry Contribution for Project 5.3 Title: Ground Industry Contribution for Project 5.3 (Integrated and Pre-Operational Validation & Cross Validation)

R 5.3

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP05 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

The following specific expertise is required: •

Expertise with experience of developing and implementing ATC working procedures and associated functionality and the whole process of validation;

Comprehensive expertise in all areas relating to the validation process e.g. operability/usability, performance, safety, economics, and the environment;

Comprehensive expertise in validation and verification techniques, identification/ development of validation platforms and/or prototypes and modelling tools (validation infrastructure);

Comprehensive expertise in conducting validation sessions.

This work requires a complementary contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Ground Industry

Description of Work

Project 5.3 will refine the concepts defined within WP5 projects and initially integrated in a concept description produced within SWP5.2, focusing on the concept elements to be addressed in the pre-operational validation. The objective of the project will be to develop integrated validation scenarios and perform validation activities adapted to meet the needs of consolidated and comprehensive pre operational validation activities for TMA operations. This should demonstrate and verify the cohesiveness and the compatibility between the various elements built in WP 5 projects. The output of P5.3 activity will then be submitted to 5.2 as appropriate, to ensure the consolidation of the overall integrated deliverables, e.g. Integrated Validation activities, Integrated Validation Strategy, etc. In addition and in close collaboration with SWP4.3 validation scenarios will also be developed and adapted to meet the needs of consolidated and comprehensive En route and TMA pre operational validation activities. The work requested here will complement the currently available contribution and expertise of the Ground Industry to the project activities, in particular in contribution to development of an additional validation prototype or prototype functionality. The work will assure that there is a maximum coverage of available expertise in ground ATM systems to address all acceptance and deployment work.

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This work will support the achievement of the tasks and deliverables of P 5.3 described in SJU DOW WP05 V4.0.doc.

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Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 5.6.1 Title: Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 5.6.1 (QM1 – Ground and Airborne Capabilities to Implement Sequence)

R 5.6.1

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP05 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

The following specific expertise is required: •

TMA/En-route aircraft operational expertise, avionics expertise, system engineering, architecture, prototyping, safety, human factors, together with fast and real time simulation capability;


FMS CTA function;

Datalink applications on board aircraft.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Airborne Industry.

Description of Work

SWP/Project R5.6.1 will investigate procedures and tools based on ground system support and airborne capability to implement sequences by issuing and applying one/multiple CTA’s. The work requested here will contribute to the identification and assessment of aircraft related elements. Specifically it will include contributions to: •

Identification of the most efficient way for the airborne system to meet the CTA (best time and phase of flight when to issue CTA constraints, and best location(s) of the CTA point(s) will be studied and validated);

Assessment of the impact of CTA use on the airborne side, including improved CTA algorithms and tools required for the pilot to monitor the progress towards the CTA point(s);

Development and validation of procedures for sending, receiving and acknowledging the CTA via datalink;

validation of performance requirements communications and FMS CTA function;





Assessment of the impact from applying CTA on the aircraft, e.g. fuel consumption and engine wear. This work will support the achievement of the tasks and deliverables of P 5.6.1 described in SJU DOW WP05 V4.0.doc. •

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Ground Industry Contribution for Project 5.6.5 Title: Ground Industry Contribution for Project 5.6.5 (QM-5 – NOP Maintenance and Transition Queue Management)

R 5.6.5

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP05 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

The following specific expertise is required: •

Ground ATM system experts (data link, ATM tools, automation systems);



OPS Centres Systems of airspace users (civil and military), operational planners and air defence.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Ground Industry

Description of Work

SWP/Project 5.6.5 will address the components and inputs for the NOP related to the execution phase in the TMA/en-route environment (including climb-out and descent from/to TMA exit/entry points). It addresses the operational aspects and potential requirements for achieving the “Common Vision” (i.e. a shared/common knowledge available through the NOP) through integration of Conflict Management, Queue Management, Complexity Management and Network Management tools with an end objective of providing continuous NOP maintenance in the executive En-route phase. The project will also define how the introduction of the NOP changes the roles and responsibilities of existing and new actors in ATM. The work requested here will provide expert support from Ground Industry to the achievement of the tasks and deliverables described in SJU DOW WP05 V4.0.doc.

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Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 5.6.6 Title: Airborne Industry contribution for Project 5.6.6 (QM-6 – ASAS Sequencing and Merging (TMA-8))

R 5.6.6

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP05 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Aircraft manufacturing including military aircraft.

The following specific expertise is required: •

Airborne ATM system (data link, ATM tools, automation systems, ASAS), in particular Military ;

Human Factors, in particular Military;


System Engineering;

Prototyping and Real Time Simulation.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Airborne Industry.

Description of Work

SWP/Project R 5.6.6 will progress with the operational definition and validation of procedures and tools taking advantage of airborne capabilities to adjust spacing between aircraft (ASPA S&M functions). Some key issues will be the definition of the required performances of such procedures for beneficial operations (e.g. requested spacing accuracy, operational safety analysis, human factor analysis including workload for both civil and military flight crews), the definition of back-up procedures (e.g. when ASPA S&M is no longer possible due to loss of aircraft capabilities or due to weather conditions). The work requested here will contribute to the identification and assessment of aircraft related elements, including those relevant to military aircraft and operations. This work will support the achievement of the tasks and deliverables of P 5.6.6 described in SJU DOW WP05 V4.0.doc.

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Work Package Management for SWP 6.0 Title: Work Package Management for SWP 6.0 (Global Coordination & Management)

R 6.0

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP06 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

For general expertise please refer to overall WP description, section “Generic typology of expertise” of SJU DOW WP06 V4.0 Specific expertise: •

Programme Management;

Multi cultural management experience;

Comprehensive understanding of SESAR Programme and of the ATM Network, in particular regarding airport operations. This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Service Provider.

Description of Work

WP6.0 “Global Co–ordination & Management” will be responsible for the management of the whole of WP6, in particular ensuring consistency and aligned teamwork among WP6 sub-WPs. The work requested here will provide complementary work package management effort on behalf of a service provider. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a Sub Work Package Manager.

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Ground Industry Contribution for SWP 6.2

Title: Ground Industry Contribution for SWP 6.2 (Coordination and consolidation of Operational Concept Definition and Validation)

R 6.2

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP06 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

For general expertise please refer to overall WP description, section “Generic typology of expertise” of SJU DOW WP06 V4.0 The following specific expertise is required: •

Good knowledge of the airport ATM operational environment and its interfaces with TMA operations and Network Management;

Good knowledge of airport ATC procedures and systems and airport landside processes, and their interrelation;

Broad experience in concept and operational validation of airport developments;

Comprehensive understanding of the ATM Network (operation and architecture, actors, business drivers). This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Ground Industry.

Description of Work

SWP6.2 (Coordination and consolidation of Operational Concept Definition and Validation) is responsible for concept definition at operational airport context level through co-ordinating appropriately and consolidating the various contributions of the “projects”. The work requested here specifically includes: •

The consolidation of the overall concept description for the Airport Operations, co-ordinating the contributions from the various SWP and Projects;

The management of the validation process by ensuring, the effective application of the E-OCVM, the consolidation of the Validation Strategy, and establishing a Validation Framework which will allow the integration of the validation results and the construction of the necessary system level view;

Maintaining the high level operational overview/business architecture, by consolidating the operational inputs from all WP6 projects to guarantee a consistent and coherent approach to operational validation.

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Ground Industry Contribution for Project 6.3.3 Title: Ground Industry Contribution for integration of Airport Planning & Execution)

R 6.3.3




DOW reference: SJU DOW WP06 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Planning and execution of human in the loop validations;



ATC ground systems.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Ground Industry.

Description of Work

Project 6.3.3 (Full integration of Airport Planning & Execution) will address the full integration of both airport planning applications (sub-WP 6.5 and 6.6) and operational applications in the (sub-WP 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 and 6.9). The work requested here will provide the ground industry participation to these validations (including expertise and facilities, as appropriate). Specifically it will include contributions to validation of the combined planning and execution of airport activities using a “Total Airport Management” Mock-up or prototype linked to ATC Tower simulator and HMI.

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Ground Industry Contribution for Project 6.5.5 Title: Ground Industry Contribution for Project 6.5.5 (Integration of MET Data into APOC processes)

R 6.5.5

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP06 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Airport CDM;

Airport Planning;

Aerodrome ATC operations (including runway sequencing);

Airport Capacity Calculation;

Meteorological reporting, forecasting and influences on Airport Operations.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Ground Industry.

Description of Work

Project 6.5.5 (Integration of MET Data into APOC processes) will focus on the influence and usage of weather data in the collaborative airport operation and planning procedures and processes. The work requested here will provide ground industry expertise and facilities. Specifically it will include Ground Industry contribution towards: •

System Definition (Baseline operational requirements, human factors, and safety aspects);

Report on the procedural Analysis;

Interoperability requirements (derived information needed to provide the HMI with data);

Requirements on the tests and validation platforms;

Validation report.

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Sub Work Package 6.6 R 6.6

Title: Sub Work Package 6.6 (Airport CDM)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP06 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

Refer to expertise required for Sub Work Package 6.6 in SJU DOW WP6 V4.0.

Description of Work

Refer to description of work for Sub Work Package 6.6 in SJU DOW WP6 V4.0.

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Project Manager for Project 6.6.1 Title: Project Manager for Project 6.6.1 (Operations in adverse weather and/or exceptional operating conditions / recovery management)

R 6.6.1

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP06 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

The following specific Project Management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM including ATC operations

Description of Work

Project 6.6.1 will develop specific methods and generic procedures, roles and protocols (rules) for airport operations in adverse and/or exceptional operating conditions that could impact on their operational performance. The work requested here will provide the project management for this Project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a Project Manager.

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Project Manager and Service Provider Contribution for Project 6.6.2 Title: Project Manager and Service Provider Contribution for Project 6.6.2 (Integration of airport – airline/ground handlers – ATC processes [incl. Turnaround] in ATM)

R 6.6.2

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP06 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

Service Provider expertise

The following specific Project Management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM including ATC operations

The following specific Service Provider expertise is required:: •

Good knowledge of Operational Concept development, and in particular of the SESAR Concept of Operations Document (D3 - CONOPS);

Detailed knowledge of harmonised CDM processes and procedures and their interfaces and operational impacts;

Detailed knowledge of the airport ATM operational environment and its interfaces with TMA operations and Network Management;

Expert knowledge of airport ATC processes and procedures and airport airside/landside processes and procedures, and their interrelation;

Understanding of the ATM Network (operation and architecture, actors, business drivers);

Good understanding of user requirements and service provision.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Service Provider.

Description of Work

Project 6.6.2 will develop harmonised procedures, sets of data to be shared between actors involved in the CDM process.

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Project Manager The work requested here will address the management of the project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a project manager. Service Provider Contribution For Service Provider Expertise this work will comprise appropriate contributions towards: •

The development of improved integration of airport landside and ground handling processes with the ATM network by means of the definition and validation of an improved Turnaround Concept of Operations;

The development of means of integrating processes and information of: 1. A-SMGCS into/with CDM processes; 2. AMAN into/with CDM processes; 3. DMAN into/with CDM processes; 4. Network management into/with CDM processes; 5. User Driven Prioritisation Process (UDPP) into/with CDM processes;

The development of enhanced information exchange in a SWIM environment, with a view to identify the ideal networking solution;

The development of minimum required roles and responsibilities within an APOC.

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Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 6.7.1 Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 6.7.1 (Airport safety support tools for pilots, vehicle drivers and controllers)

R 6.7.1

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP06 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Aircraft manufacturing

The following specific expertise is required: •

Aircraft Flight Deck Integration

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Airborne Industry.

Description of Work

SWP/Project R6.7.1 aims at developing and validating operational concepts, requirements and procedures related to Safety Support Tools at airport for controllers, pilots, including Safety Nets and Conformance Monitoring function. The work will contribute to the development of aircraft related elements of these safety nets. Specifically it will include: •

Contributing to the development of operational concepts, ensuring that the aircraft related elements of such safety nets are adequately addressed.

Contributing to the validation activities (airborne facilities and expertise).

This project will need to be closely coordinated with Project 9.14.

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Ground Industry and Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 6.7.3 Ground Industry and Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 6.7.3 (A-SMGCS Guidance function)

R 6.7.3

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP06 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Ground industry

• Airframe manufacturing The following specific expertise is required: •

Airport ground systems technical expertise (including vehicles and visual aids);



Aircraft Flight Deck Integrration;

• Civil Avionics. This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Airborne Industry

Ground Industry

Description of Work

Project 6.7.3 aims to develop and validate operational concepts, requirements and procedures related to A-SMGCS Guidance function, including advanced aircraft functions to support flight crew in the ground movements and operations in adverse weather conditions. The work requested here will contribute to the development and validation of ground and airborne related elements of these safety nets. Specifically it will include: •

Contribute to the development of operational concepts for the ground elements of A-SMGCS Guidance (including vehicles and aerodrome visual aids);

Contribute to the development of operational concepts for the airborne elements of A-SMGCS Guidance;

Contribution to the validation activities (including ground and airborne related expertise and facilities). This project will need to be closely coordinated with relevant projects in WP.9 (e.g. Project 9.13). •

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Sub Work Package 6.8 R 6.8

Title: Sub Work Package (Runway Management)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP06 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

Refer to expertise required for Sub Work Package 6.8 in SJU DOW WP6 V4.0 Description of Work

Refer to description of work for Sub Work Package 6.8 in SJU DOW WP6 V4.0

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Project Manager for Project 8.1.7 Title: Project Manager Surveillance Domain)

R 8.1.7

for Project

8.1.7 (Information Modelling

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP08 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

The following specific expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM including Surveillance Information Management.

Description of Work

Project 8.1.7 will perform the information modelling for the surveillance domain. The work requested here will cover the management of the project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a project manager.

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Contribution to Work Package Management for SWP 9.0 Title: Contribution to Work Package Management for SWP 9.0 ( Aircraft - Global Co-ordination and Management)

R 9.0

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP09 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

The following specific expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources , progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM;

Description of Work

For the work to be undertaken, refer to DOW 4.0 SWP 9.0. The work requested here will complement the currently available management effort from the airborne industry.

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Ground Industry Contribution for Project 10.2.2

R 10.2.2

Title: Ground Industry Contribution for Project 10.2.2 (Trajectory Management Exchange Formats Definition)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP10 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

The following specific expertise is required: •

Expertise in ATC system design, system engineering, and more precisely in Trajectory Management;

Prediction and Air-Ground data link and Ground-Ground interface definition.

This work requires a complementary contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Ground industry

Description of Work

SWP/Project R10.2.2 will propose and validate a way to encode and interpret the necessary exchanges of trajectory management information. This proposal will be consolidated with proposals from other WP10 projects and then coordinate its integration into the overall SWIM design with WP14. The work will complement the currently available contribution and expertise of the Ground Industry to the project activities. The work requested here will assure that there is a maximum coverage of available expertise in ground ATM systems. This work will support the achievement of the tasks and deliverables of P 10.2.2 described in SJU DOW WP10 V4.0.doc.

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Sub Work Package 10.9

R 10.9

Title: Sub Work Package SWP 10.9 (Queue Management and route optimisation)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP10 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

Refer to expertise required for Sub Work Package 10.9 in SJU DOW WP10 V4.0. Description of Work

Refer to expertise required for Sub Work Package 10.9 in SJU DOW WP10 V4.0.

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Project 10.12.1

R 10.12.1

Title: Project 10.12.1 (ATC system analysis for availability and reliability)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP10 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

Refer to expertise required for Project 10.12.1 in SJU DOW WP10 V4.0

Description of Work

Refer to description of work for Project 10.12.1 in SJU DOW WP10 V4.0

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Contribution to Work Package Management for WP12.0 Title: Contribution to Work Package Management for WP.12 (Global Coordination & Management)

R 12.0

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP12 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

For general expertise please refer to overall WP description, section “Generic typology of expertise” of SJU DOW WP12 V4.0 Specific expertise: •

Programme Management;

Multi cultural management experience;

Comprehensive understanding of SESAR Programme and of the ATM Network;

Broad experience in international projects with the participation of different companies.

Description of Work

WP12.0 “Global Co–ordination & Management” will be responsible for the management of the whole of WP12, in particular ensuring consistency and aligned teamwork among WP12 sub-WPs. The work requested here will complement the currently available management effort.

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Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.1.9

R 12.1.9

Title: Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution Project 12.1.9 (ATC Systems Supervision)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP12 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

Ground Industry

The following specific project management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM.

The following technical expertise is required: •

ATC Systems

System Engineering

Software Architecture

Supervision Systems

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Ground Industry

Description of Work

Project 12.1.9 will produce a set of requirements related to the supervision of the airport operations systems. Project Manager The work requested here will address the management of the project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a project manager. Ground Industry Contribution The work requested here will complement the currently available contribution and expertise of the ground industry to the project activities, in particular in contribution to

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the development of an additional prototype or prototype functionalities.

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Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.3.4

R 12.3.4

Title: Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.3.4 (Enhanced Surface Guidance)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP12 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

Ground industry

The following specific project management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR.

Knowledge of ATM.

The following technical expertise is required: •


Systems Engineering

Good knowledge in System Definition and Architecture Analysis

Good knowledge in System and Interface Specification

Good knowledge in System development

Good knowledge in Technical Validation and Safety Analysis.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Ground Industry

Description of Work

Project 12.3.4 will develop improvements to the A-SMGCS guidance function by means of the development of advanced tools to support the controller in this function. Project Manager The work requested here will address the management of the project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a project manager.

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Ground Industry Contribution The work requested here will complement the currently available contribution and expertise of the ground industry to the project activities, in particular in contribution to the development of an additional prototype or prototype functionalities.

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Project Manager, Service Provider and Ground Industry Contributions for Project 12.4.9

R 12.4.9

Title: Project Manager, Service Provider and Ground Industry Contributions for Project 12.4.9 (3D Modelling for remote tower operations

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP12 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

For general expertise please refer to overall WP description, section “Generic typology of expertise”. Specific expertise: •

Project management;

Expertise about satellite borne very high resolution optical and SAR sensors and on technologies for 3D modeling.

The following specific project management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder categories: •

Service Provider;

Ground industry

Description of Work

The development of techniques based on remote very high resolution optical and SAR data for the 3D modeling of the airport will be performed trough the complex activities of definition, development and validation. These activities will address: •

Identification and analysis of techniques for 3D modelling of airport from satellite data;

Definition of the procedures for the validation of developed algorithms and system prototypes;

Validation/verification of developed algorithms and system prototypes;

Development of Processing techniques for 3D airport modelling (including development of a model for an airport);

Study and contribution concerning the integration of the 3D virtual reality

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prototype in the framework of the Remote/Virtual Tower system; In addition, the project will assess whether the regular sampling grids produced by the satellites can on their own be the basis for models of a visual quality of virtual reality type, or if a complementary approach based on 3D terrain data and 3D CAD-data is necessary.

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Project Manager for Project 12.4.10

R 12.4.10

Title: Project Manager for Project 12.4.10 (Remotely Operated Tower Computer Augmented Dynamic Vision)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP12 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

The following specific project management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM.

Description of Work

Project 12.4.10 will evaluate the technical systems for the provision of augmented dynamic vision to controllers as well as some of the operational impacts of using these systems. Project Manager The work requested here will address the management of the project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a project manager.

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Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.5.2

R 12.5.2

Title: Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.5.2 (Airport Safety Nets and wind-shear detection and alert for Controllers

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP12 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

Ground industry

The following specific project management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM.

The following technical expertise is required: •

Good knowledge in related System Definition and Architecture Analysis

Good knowledge in System and Interface Specification

Good knowledge in System development

Good knowledge in Technical Validation and Safety Analysis

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder categories: •

Ground industry

Description of Work

Project 12.5.2 will define and validate airport safety nets and wind-shear detection and alert for controllers. Project Manager The work requested here will address the management of the project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a project manager. Ground Industry Contribution The work requested here will complement the currently available contribution and

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expertise of the ground industry to the project activities, in particular in contribution to the development of an additional prototype or prototype functionalities.

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Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.6.7

R 12.6.7

Title: Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.6.7 (AMAN, SMAN and DMAN fully integrated into CDM processes)

DOW reference: S SJU DOW WP12 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management:

The following specific project management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM.

The following technical expertise is required:

Good knowledge in System Definition and Architecture Analysis

Good knowledge in System and Interface Specification

Good knowledge in System development

Good knowledge in Technical Validation and Safety Analysis

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder categories: •

Ground industry

Description of Work

Project 12.6.7 aims to enhance interaction and information flow that improves CDM related business process around the airport, particularly focussing on the possibilities of AMAN, SMAN and DMAN systems. Project Manager The work requested here will address the management of the project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a project manager.

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Ground Industry Contribution The work requested here will complement the currently available contribution and expertise of the ground industry to the project activities, in particular in contribution to the development of an additional prototype or prototype functionalities.

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Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.7.5

R 12.7.5

Title: Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 12.7.5 (Improved weather information systems)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP12 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

Ground Industry

The following specific project management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM.

The following technical expertise is required: •

A robust understanding of airport performance management techniques, practices and systems

Good knowledge of weather observation and forecasting systems and sensors

Good knowledge in System Definition and Architecture Analysis

Good knowledge in System and Interface Specification

Good knowledge in System development

Good knowledge in Technical Validation and Safety Analysis

Good understanding of users and other stakeholder requirements

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder categories: •

Ground industry

Description of Work

Project 12.7.5 will develop the systems and supporting tools for the deployment of advanced weather sensors at airports, including sensors that provide a detailed picture of the atmosphere along the airport approach and departure paths in order to detect the varying conditions that may affect flight operations.

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Project Manager The work requested here will address the management of the project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a project manager. Ground Industry Contribution The work requested here will complement the currently available contribution and expertise of the ground industry to the project activities, in particular in contribution to the development of an additional prototype or prototype functionalities.

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Contribution to Work Package Management for SWP 14.0 Title: Contribution to Work Package Management for SWP 14.0 (Global Coordination & Management)

R 14.0

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP14 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

For general expertise please refer to overall WP description, section “Generic typology of expertise” of SJU DOW WP14 V4.0 Specific expertise: •

Programme Management;

Multi cultural management experience;

Comprehensive understanding of SESAR Programme and of the ATM Network;

Broad experience in international projects with the participation of different companies.

Description of Work

WP14.0 “Global Co–ordination & Management” will be responsible for the management of the whole of WP14, in particular ensuring consistency and aligned teamwork among WP14 sub-WPs. The work requested here will complement the currently available management effort.

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Project Manager for Project 14.1.3 R 14.1.3

Title: Project Manager for Project 14.1.3 (SWIM Design)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP14 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

The following specific project management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM.

This work requires a contribution from one of the existing project members. Description of Work

Project 14.1.3 will define the SWIM design (SWIM application, SWIM Middleware, SWIM infrastructure layers) in terms of organisation of the software, its structural elements and the interfaces by which SWIM is composed. The work will address the management of the project.

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Project Manager, Airborne Industry and Ground Industry Contributions for Project 14.1.4

R 14.1.4

Title: Project Manager, Airborne Industry and Ground Industry Contributions for 14.1.4 (Interface Specifications and Service Technical Requirements)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP14 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

System engineering, prototyping,

System development,

System Architecture, SOA,

ATM tools (Airport systems, CNS, Flight Operations Centre, Network…),

Flight deck integration;

Information management,

Verification methodologies,

Understanding of SESAR Programme objectives and work breakdown structure, ATM Master Plan and Target Concept & Architecture,

Project management,

Quality management.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder categories: •

Airborne Industry

Ground Industry

Description of Work

SWP/Project 14.1.4 will specify and develop SWIM technical services using in particular material from WP8 and external developments of e.g. SWIM-SUIT as inputs. Project Manager The work requested here will address the management of the project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a project manager. Airborne Industry Contribution The work requested here will ensure that there is a maximum coverage of airframe manufacturer expertise.

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Ground Industry Contribution The work requested here will ensure that there is a maximum coverage of ground industry expertise. The work will assure the full coverage of foreseen services linked to ATM ground systems as well as the coverage of services linked to the aircraft.

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Project Manager and Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 15.2.4

R 15.2.4

Title: Project Manager and Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 15.2.4 (Future Mobile Data Link System definition)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP15 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

Airframe manufacturing

The following specific project management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM.

The following specific airborne industry expertise is required: •

Avionics architecture;

Airborne integration;

Airborne spectrum integration.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Airborne industry.

Description of Work

The objective of Project 15.2.4 is to lead the definition of the Mobile data link subsystem supporting the future needs for En route, TMA and Airports and enabling Communication services and Surveillance services. The resulting sub-systems shall be able to support the complete set of Airspace users including Airlines (Legacy, Regional, Low Fare), General Aviation, Business Aviation, UAV operators. Among the work to be undertaken, the Project 15.2.4 will assess the suitability of the two systems currently considered at the international level (i.e. LDACS1 and LDACS2) to meet the requirements as the terrestrial component of the future mobile communication infrastructure.

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The Project shall also provide recommendations for the selection of one of the systems. Project Manager The work requested here will address the management of the project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a project manager. Airborne Industry Contribution The work requested here will assess the on-board integration of the candidate systems in mainline aircraft. Specifically it will include: •

Integration of each system (LDACS1 and LDACS2) in the mainline aircraft communication avionics architecture;

Transition from the current architecture to the future architecture;

Spectrum integration of each system in mainline aircraft considering the CNS systems operating on board.

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Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 15.2.6

R 15.2.6

Title: Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 15.2.6 (Future Mobile Satellite Communication)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP15 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Airborne expertise

The following specific expertise is required: •

Avionics architecture

Airborne satellite system integration

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Airborne industry.

Description of Work

The objective of Project 15.2.6 is to lead the definition of the Mobile Satellite data link sub-system supporting the future needs for En route, and TMA and enabling Communication services. The resulting sub-systems shall be able to support Airspace users including Airlines (Legacy, Regional, Low Fare), General Aviation, Business Aviation. The work requested here will assess the on-board integration of the candidate systems in mainline aircraft. Specifically it will include: •

Integration of the system in the mainline aircraft communication avionics architecture;

Spectrum integration of the system in mainline aircraft considering the CNS systems operating on board.

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Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 15.3.1

R 15.3.1

Title: Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 15.3.1 (Navigation technologies specifications)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP15 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Airborne expertise

The following specific expertise is required: •

Navigation systems

Avionics architecture

Airborne Navigation avionics

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Airborne Industry.

Description of Work

The objective of Project 15.3.1 is to analyse several navigation solutions, the potential combined capabilities of GNSS and non-GNSS Navigation Technologies in a way to establish a navigation infrastructure roadmap addressing the transition issues. The work requested here will assess the on-board integration of the candidate systems in aircraft. Specifically it will include: •

Integration of the system in the aircraft avionics architecture;

Spectrum integration of the system in aircraft considering the CNS systems operating on board;

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Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 15.3.2

R 15.3.2

Title: Project Manager and Ground Industry Contribution for Project 15.3.2 (Navigation Infrastructure Rationalisation)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP15 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

Ground Industry

The following specific project management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM.

The following specific Ground Industry expertise is required: •

General knowledge on navigation systems;

Acute knowledge on ILS, MLS.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Ground Industry.

Description of Work

Project 15.3.2 will address Navigation Infrastructure rationalisation, addressing the issues associated with the decommissioning, find solutions to minimise the associated risk, and develop a European-wide rationalisation planning methodology. Project Manager The work requested here will address the management of the project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a project manager. Ground Industry The additional work will perform the system level evaluation for ILS and MLS. Specifically it will address: •


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spectrum availability,


This complementary analysis shall be performed through simulations and performance assessment. The work specifically refers to the DOW 4.0 Project 15.3.2 Phase A1a Task A5 and Phase B1a Task B5.

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Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 15.3.6

R 15.3.6

Title: Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 15.3.6 (GBAS Cat II/III L1 Approach)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP15 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Aircraft manufacturing

The following specific expertise is required: •

Navigation systems

Avionics architecture

Flight deck integration

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Airborne industry.

Description of Work

The objective of Project 15.3.6 is to evaluate and validate the adequacy of the concept which uses GBAS CAT II/III based on GPS L1 to meet the long terms objectives of the SESAR programme for CAT II/III landing and airport surface taxi in all weather conditions. The Project will also develop and validate the necessary industry standards covering both the ground infrastructure and the airborne receiver. The work requested here will assess the on-board integration of the candidate systems in aircraft. Specifically it will include: •

Integration of the system in the aircraft avionics architecture and in the flight deck;

Spectrum integration of the system in aircraft considering the CNS systems operating on board.

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Project Manager plus Aircraft Manufacturer Contribution for Project 15.3.7

R 15.3.7

Title: Project Manager and Airborne Industry Contribution for Project 15.3.7 (Multi GNSS CAT II/III GBAS)

DOW reference: SJU DOW WP15 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

Aircraft manufacturing

The following specific project management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM.

The following specific airborne expertise is required: •

Navigation systems;

Avionics architecture;

Flight deck integration.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Airborne industry.

Description of Work

The objective of Project 15.3.7 aims at enabling CAT II/III operations based on multiconstellation GNSS for all CAT II/III aircraft in order to provide benefits to all low visibility users. Project Manager The work requested here will address the management of the project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a project manager. Aircraft Manufacturer Contribution The work will requested here will assess the on-board integration of the system in

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aircraft including: •

Integration of the system in the aircraft avionics architecture and in the flight deck;


Spectrum integration of the system in aircraft considering the CNS systems operating on board;

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Project Manager for Project 15.4.1

R 15.4.1

Title: Project Manager for Project infrastructure rationalisation study)



DOW reference: SJU DOW WP15 V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Project management

The following specific project management expertise is required: •

Project planning, leadership and coordination of project resources, progress reporting, organising deliverable reviews, risk management, change management;

Knowledge of SESAR;

Knowledge of ATM.

Description of Work

The work requested here will address the management of the project. Please refer to the DOW for the roles and responsibilities for a project manager.

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Ground Industry and Airborne Industry Contributions for Project B.5 Title: Ground Industry and Airborne Industry Contributions Project B.5 (Performance Analysis of ATM Target Concept)

R B.5


DOW reference: SJU DOW WPB V4.0 Necessary Expertise

This work requires the following expertise: •

Validation expertise (methodology, tools capabilities, practitioners);

Operational expertise;

Operational concept analysis expertise;

Performance Framework expertise.

This work requires a contribution from the following stakeholder category: •

Airborne Industry

Ground Industry.

Description of Work

Project B.5 - Performance Analysis of ATM Target Concept will: •

Assess the overall performance benefits of ATM Target Concept (and associated ATM Services) and analyse the results from performance assessments provided by SJU WBS Threads;

Compare performance levels with performance targets and identify performance gaps for the defined milestones of the ATM target concept(and associated ATM Services);

Report performance assessment results to B4 and recommend new activities or concept changes to fill identified gaps;

Coordinate with WPC concerning performance issues at the ATM Master Plan level.

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