Portfolio2014, Extended version

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Emanuele Faccini mArch Milano in 2012atdi Politecnico

extended architecture, design, graphic

Works are shown by categories and from the most recent to the oldest one.

personal works


plasmastudio mecanoo

university 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 1 2

politecnico di Milano

extended version

for an online digital version check Emanuele Faccini’s profile on ISSUU (http://issuu.com/emanuelefaccini )

p.4-5 Curriculum

and skills


urban design 2013 waterfront Urban and park design for the west expansion of the Chinese City. design p.10-11 JIB’s JOB urban 2010

Competition for the re-qualification of the industrial south of Graz.


design, architecture Dharavi urban 2010

Design laboratory about the biggest slum in Asia. architecture 2010 New transport Hub, and mixed use spaces in Varese’s city center.


p.16-19Terschelling student housing architecture 2013

Competition for a Sailoìs school’s dormitory on a Dutch island. architecture 2013 From competition to construction, design of a professional school.


College, Leiden


architecture 2013 Expo pavillon Competition for the entrance pavillon of the Whuan fair. p.26-27Leo Kanner school architecture 2013

Institute for autistic kids in Leiden.


architectural representation 2013 museum Competition for the expansion of the car museum in Stuttgart. p.30-31Echocourt architecture 2010 Competition for a music center in Wien. p.32-33Humi architecture 2007 Student housing and public playground in Milan. architecture, interior design p.34-37Music Warehouse 2012 Re-qualification of an abandoned warehouse in the south of Milan. detail p.38Campus cabin architectural 2011 A two parking lots big studio in the Politecnico’s Campus. detail p.39Shading leaves architectural 2011 An eco-friendly facade for an existing building.


forniture design 2011 Glass modular table for architects. forniture design 2011 Modular bridge/transport system for Belgrade. forniture design 2012 Wooden shower unusually comfortable. forniture design 2011 Economic poor-postmodern chair.

p.40Splav p.41Lying

rain p.41Post chair p.42-45Visualization architectural representation Collection of images for representing projects. p.46-47Graphic design graphic works Some graphic projects done during the years for various purposes. p.48-49Drawings artworks Selection of drawings done by hand and digitally elaborated.

4 First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender

curriculum vitae

Emanuele Faccini

3, via Gravellona, 27029, Vigevano (PV), Italy 39 0381 312080 Mobile(dutch):+31 0626263229 Mobile(ita):+39 3285536046 emanuele.faccini@virgilio.it Italian 30/04/87 male

Since the end of my university career, that in the Milan tradition gave me a solid cultural background, I have improved skills in space organization, design in various scales, and management of complex programs. I’ve got also excellent skills in representation, from classical technical boards, to hand-drawing (certainly one of my favorite things and also the one in which I’m more capable), to diagrams and schemes and realistic renderings. Most important of all, on the human side, trough my two years of experience abroad I developed an attitude for adaptation to different situations. I like people, and I’m very good in team working and pressure-resistant, friendly and in genre in good mood and difficult to unnerve. I’m curious about everything I don’t know how to do, and willing to spend time and effort to learn, usually capable to do it with good results in a short time. My objective is to find an environment both stimulating on a creative level and on the human one, to grow even more and to test my acquired skills with other people.

March-August 2013--

- Intern Plus at Mecanoo, Delft, Netherlands, following two main projects as a designer (Id College and Leo Kanner school, in Leiden) and involved in several

September-February 2013--

- Intern at Mecanoo, Delft, Netherlands, involved in competitions for public buildings, mainly in the Netherlands (Id College in Leiden, Terschelling student housing,

February-June 2013--

November-January 2012-2013--

competition (Csmart formation center in Almere, Howest university in Kortijk, Barbican library in London..) as design support or representation support. - designer on several levels, playground, special forniture, interior solution, stairs and flows definition, graphical solutions, facade details. - competitions support, helping in the final phases before the submission, to increase the general detail of concepts and to define both explanatory images and appealing ones. - Special presentation works, such as interactive panoramas, videos and animations. - Post-production and graphical works on rough images and project materials. Leo Kanner school in Leiden...) -designer, mainly increasing the detail of sketched projects, special furniture, opens spaces, facade details, graphical projects. -Production of renderings and visions, starting from existing models and post-production phase of images, graphical development for boards and booklets, -Production of explanatory and conceptual plans and diagrams.

- Assistant architect at PLASMASTUDIO, Beijing, China.

involved in the creative process of project in various scales, from urban design to architectural scale. Following the phases from schematic design to DD and CD for several works (Mercedes museum competition, Shenzhen waterfront and park system, Suzhou waterfront urban design, Wuhan expo pavilions, Beihai expo’s pavilion concepts, Wuxi urban museum...). - Technical draftsman starting from rough models, to obtain precise quantities and measures. - Rendering work from Rhino to Artlantis to Photoshop, from conceptual model to post-production, to obtain both realistic view and diagrammatic or conceptual images. - Graphic designer of schemes to explore and explain the projects in the design phase and in the presentation phase. - New interns’ trainer in Rhino, Artlantis, Photoshop and illustrator

- Intern at PLASMASTUDIO, Beijing, China. -

2009-2012-September-June2011/2012-February 2012 -October-January 2010 --

involved in several ongoing projects, starting from rough models, to reach an indicated detail level and to obtain precise quantities and measures. 2d designer of plans and section for competitions and conceptual stage projects. Rendering work from Rhino to Artlantis to Photoshop, from conceptual model to post-production, to obtain both realistic view and diagrammatic or conceptual images. Graphic designer of schemes to explore and explain the projects in the design phase and in the presentation one. Researcher of sources and references for projects, from large scale design to technological details.

Freelance designer for posters fliers and labels for several organizations Italian language teacher, in courses for foreign people for the volunteering association “Ero forestiero” Partici pant at the contest “Vienna house of music”, organized by ArchMedium, finalist Freelance draftsman and designer, 3d modeling starting from 2d designs from H bau studio and interior design for

Dr.Thomas Jorn Schultz as project’s buyer.

November-January 2010-July-August 2009-July-August2008-July-August2005/6/7/8/9/10/11/12 -February-August2008 -July 2007--


University stage for design and representation at the Mario Giorcelli study, Vigevano Partici pant at the contest Urban design fest Pavia, received a mention by the jury Freelance visualizer, production of renderings, starting from 2d designs, for the study “Digit & associati”, Milan Freelance graphic designer for the literary festival for the municipality of Vigevano Graphic designer for a language teaching text for the volunteer association “Ero forestiero”, Vigevano Winner of the contest for the designing of the logo for the association of blood donors “Avis”, Vigevano

Education and training July 2012-July 2011-Year 2010-2012-Year 2009-Year 2008-2009-Year 2004-2005-2006-Year 1997-2002--

Received master degree, 110/110 in architecture Participated at the international workshop, “water-living” in the city of Belgrade, Serbia, at the Megatrend private university. Attended the courses of the first year of the master degree at the faculty of architecture Received bachelor degree, 110L/110 in architecture of constructions, at the Polytechnic of Milan, Bovisa faculty Attended and completed the courses of the third year at the faculty of architecture of constructions at the Polytechnic of Milan, Bovisa faculty Attended courses of creative writing whit professional writers ( Margherita Oggero, Raul Montanari and Jadeline Gang-bo), publication of a tale in an anthology published by the Vigevano’s municipality Attended the night school of drawing and picture at the Roncalli institute, Vigevano, whit courses of pencil drawing, dry pastels, oil picture, incisions on zinc Inscription at the scout group AGESCI, Vigevano section

Titles and qualifications awarded July September July July


Principal subjects/occupational skills

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Personal\ skills and competences Languages

Master degree, 110/110 in architecture Bachelor degree, 110L/110 in architecture, at the Polytechnic of Milan, Bovisa faculty TOEIC certification of knowledge of English language, whit a score of 915/990 High school di ploma of classical maturity whit a score of 100/100, best student in the 2005-2006, Free hand drawing and painting, 3d cad drawing and rendering, use of graphic programs Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture of construction, Bovisa faculty

whit a scholarship for university

I’m a fast learner, with a very good general culture, I’ve got a wide range of interests from classical culture, I’m quite a good reader, to pop culture, art, comics, movies in particular whit a certain expertise in the field. I’ve got a real passion for drawing, illustrations,short stories, graphical works, and also for story telling in genre, I can be defined as a very communicative person. People in workplaces as always recognized me as friendly and kind, I’m indeed very accustomed to work in group, during the university time and various stages is happened often enough to made of my an expert team worker, both in following directions and in playing a leading part in the work organization, whit also a good attitude for teaching, improved by volunteering and coaching work whit student interns in my Chinese period. Italian - Native English - Proficient in speaking and writing

Software Skills basic Archicad 17 Revit 2014 Rhino 5 v-ray 2 for Rhino Artlantis 5 Lumion 4 Photoshop CS6 Illustrator CS6 InDesign CS6 PowerPoint 2014 Autocad 2014 Office pack 2014




6Emanuele Faccini,

urban design 2013

3. General masterplan,

extracted from the first phase before all the modifications derived from studying the detailed solutions

Shenzen waterfront

4. Public space functional diagram. 5. General functional diagram. 6. Bird-views of the first phase project,

Urban and park design for the west expansion of the Chinese City.

the built part want-s only to underline some basic density principles.


nside PLASMASTUDIO I’ve been part of a team to develop the design of public space for the expansion of Shenzen, I’ve had various duties, from urban design to architectural design, from 2d representation to rendering, following the project across three phases, from the concept to the development of a single unit. The starting point was the plan of James Corner for a main system of parks in the new city expansion. Our first task was to create a secondary park system. In our work we have produced a variety of strategies to create a relationships between buildings, roads and green, first as a catalogue and diagrammatic design then as a general design, and in the third phase as the design of a proper unit. The project has requested to use various skill to menage general design and a proper architectural design at the same time. 1. Conceptual schemes for the green grid,

the project steps are disposed in a hierarchy depending on the importance of task and the weight of physical sign in which it’s translated.


2. Extracts from the typology catalogue,

solutions for the public space-buildings relationship.







7. Sample of a public park in a residential zone,

in each functional zone parks have a different combination of soil uses and spatial strategies. A catalogue was done to show how a branch of park with a fixed perimeter can be used in different ways.

8. Birdviews of the detailed unit,

a single unit crossed by a significant variety of green fingers is been developed in detail in order to show a possible system of rules for the buildings development and an architectural address for the whole intervention.



666b 8.b

8Emanuele Faccini,

urban design 2013 8. Masterplan of the detailed unit,

that part of the masterplan shows at least four different ways of designing the public space.

9. Public paths hierarchy diagram,

a special attention is been given to the creation of a park system that could create a continuous network and a soft gradient between public and private, in order to avoid the well known problem in china of massive public spaces underused for the lack of connections to the rest of the urban tissue.

10.Birdviews of the central park,

the central green finger is the main green lung of the unit. A wide land-bridge introduces to a commercial area and hosts and connects various public transport stations.


10.b 11. Density studies,

with a given amount of square meters we have designed the suggested eights for buildings according to ground design, functions, and green features.

12. Elevation of the unit,

the skyline reachts not only at the need for square meters but also at the distance from the river and the green fingers.





9 13. Water reusal diagram,

grey water from the buildings are collected and regenerated naturally by a system of wetlands.

14. Definition based on water quantities of macro-zones of water collection,


according to the topography (difference of height exaggerated to make the flow more clear in the diagram) and the necessary exposed surface for a wetland, each block refers to a specific park for the water reuse.









14 15. Typical sections, extracted

from the catalogue of strategies for parks with different functions

16. parks’ renderings,

a. north park, leisure and artistic

exhibitions. b. south park, sport courts c.d.e.f. central park, open market on hard squares. g.e. commercial square, a slope connects to the ground an continuous terrace over the first level of shops, it can be organized in different way along is path, like a public space, an entrance space for the residential buildings or a commercial space.


10Emanuele Faccini,

urban design 2010


3. Starting concept,

the different existing roads are redesigned to substitute the parallelism with a more complex weaving, that encloses spaces with different functions

Competition for the re-qualification of the industrial south of Graz.

4. General masterplan,

significant kinks are showed through small axos.

Inside at 10th edition of the EUROPAN contest, I’ve worked with three university friends to a proposal for the Austrian city of Graz. The brief asked to find a recreational-sport usage for the partially unindustrialized south-west bank of the river, involving in the project the opposite riverside and an old railway that is gonna be restored. We thought at a system of paths which allows the interaction of work spaces, hard paved plazas for temporary happenings and green parks. A red path will play the role of leading line and horizontal landmark, a system of red cranes interacting with the path will represent vertical characterization of a flat landscape. The cranes are also the instruments by which is gonna be possible to download both materials for the industries and for the recreational areas from the trains, that, with a proper timing strategy , can also be used as public transport.

5. Simple sections,

some meaningful spots for the heights strategy

1. Paths abacus,

typical interactions between different roads in the project.

2. Typical land division around a crane,

crane-railway interactions and the reflections in the surrounding space.

road canal green covered cycle track

cycle track footbridge river

3 1

4 2 5


6. General masterplan,

detailed park.









6 7. Renderings,

views of parks in the kinks;

a. bridge and industrial park, b. corner access to the system, c. sport facilities on the east bank d. sport arrangement for an hard-paved space, e. sport facilities on the west bank f. footbridge over the railway, g. footbridge over the main road, h. end of the system in the sport park

12Emanuele Faccini,

urb.des-archi. 2010

Re-qualifying Dharavi

Design laboratory about the biggest slum in Asia.


or my third year design course, I’ve been challenged with a group of other tree colleagues to face an open question in the Indian world of architecture, the re-qualification of the giant slum inside Mumbai, that is as much desirable for the real estates as is it’s logistically impossible to reuse since is filled with an uncertain number of people without the economic possibilities to find another place. The Lab. required us, of course with a conceptual approach since the real complexity of the problem is not something possible to face in less than an year, to arrive from the definition of an urban plan to a cheap living unity, passing throught a reinvented functional justification for the quarter. We faced the problem reinventing the city bit by bit, imagining small intervention delayed in time, starting from denser commercial arteries, and ready to embrace the formal disorder of the city as part of its identity.

3 3. Replacement steps for the commercial strip ,

core of the intervention is the main commercial strip that will be substituted with a step by step growing multistory open air mall, allowing to deal with the re-collocation of less people, that will be able to find an accommodation thanks to the increasing vertical development. following the existing path of the commercial strip it will be vitalized after every passage is finished by the existing people flow, will also reduce at minimum the weight of the change for the surrounding urban tissue.

vehicular roads public transportation only roads pedestrian-bikes roads

old roads new roads


4. streets diagrams,

on the left new roads hierarchy of different veicular access, on the right a comparison between the old and the new roads.

1. Masterplan,

maximum possible development of the re-qualification plan.

2. Masterplan birdview,

perspective of the main re qualified multistory commercial strip.

1 5. type quarter, axo, elevation and section,


aside of the new commercial strip, built in a second time, quarter modular houses upgradeable in height, with a second skin that can be differentiated, terraces as semipublic spaces and a small square as a buffer to separate those residences from the crowded strip.



6. university and student housing building,

asked to detail one building in our plan we worked on an university building thinking that an important public function can contribute to bring in the quarter a different kind of inhabitants winning the present isolation,


6 11.b

7. Open spaces concept,

a series of courts built aronud differnt functions get penetrated by a road that makes the city enter and reshuffles them.

8. ground floor plans,

under the main public functions open air covered spaces create a network of walkings for the rain season.

11.c 9. Cheap container apartments concept,

the student housing can be expanded during the years,.

10. University facade, 11. University renderings,

a. bird-view of the student housing portion, b. student housing double facade, c. classrooms court d. classrooms corridor






14Emanuele Faccini,

2. Masterplan, functions

urb.des-archi. 2009

1. stations : a.ferrovie nord

b. ferrovie dello stato


2. exhibition space 3. shopping mall 4. office tower 5. covered market 6. ateliers 7. music school 8. auditorium 9. movie theater 10. library 11. commercial spaces

new transport Hub, and mixed use spaces in Varese’s city center.

In my third year Urban design Lab having the possibility to choose a theme taking it from a real competition, my work group of four choose one organized in Varese, a city 50 km north of Milan, for a transport Hub and a multifunction center launched by the city itself. The direction chosen by the city was massive and not very ambitious: a series of big sized office towers, two small stations side by side, in the north a space for a covered market. We tried to point in a schematic way, the architectural definition was not our target, a different approach. a large platform, with a public terrace on top, and a bridge in the middle to use this elevated space as a connection between the two parts of the city separated by the railway. Instead of two station an unique one long and narrow, in the bridge, instead of medium rise office towers, an unique one, a landmark, instead of a covered market a large closed space under the platform, that can host temporary functions, and at the first floor more stable ones, like exhibitions and space for associations. The different flows were for us the main theme, imagining the new functions the challenge was how to connect each of them with the existing, shifting and changing paths levels in order to have the maximally permeability and at same time the possibility to close and protect single portions of the overall complex.


4 2




9 8

1b 3




11 7


1. Masterplan birdview, perspective from south.


3. Varese’s regional context, near cities inhabitants: >1m >0.5m, <1m


>0.1m, <0.5m <0.1m connection with Varese


city economy

environmental quality cultural value


15 4. Ground floor plan,

the station bridge provides a way to cross binaries, the central space is a large undivided hall for public events, with open air courts to provide natural light. City topography is characterized by a sudden change of height.

5. First floor plan,

the large hall is divided in its central part in lower heights spaces. To notice how the main bridge has to be still interrupted in the south part while it can be continuous in the north due to the peculiar ground condition..

6. zoom in of the bridge plan,

the station bridge has closed space for services and commercial activities and a central one always open as a public railway bridge. In the center double heights spaces give to the people passing by a view of whats happening in the main hall.


7. Renderings,

a. entrance to the north station, b. overall perspective from south-west, c. overall perspective from west





8 7.c

16Emanuele Faccini,

architecture 2014


Terschelling stundent housing

Competition for a Sailor’s school’s dormitory on a Dutch island.


he competition for this student building gave to the Mecanoo team that I have worked with the possibility to deal with a very peculiar landscape, an hilly pine forest on a sandy island. Within a very limited budget we arrived to design a loop building, that instead of following the landscape was floating on top of it, allowing to pass under the volume to go in and out a vast inner garden which evokes the exterior also if with more linear geometries, and that sees big part of the distribution solved in wooden bridges creating a strong connection between inside and outside. I’ve participated in the design of project in all his aspects, from landscape, to architectural part, interiors and representation, phase in which I was in particular responsible for the renders. Also if the competition was won on the architectural side, another competitor was chosen for money reasons.

3 2. Roof-plan in the context,

1. First floor plan,

the bridges are connecting all the first floors, the ground floor trough the internal stairs and the landscape outside.

even if close to town the building’s surrounding environment is still pretty natural, a thick pine wood with a hilly soil.

3. South elevation,

also if the initial temptation was to follow somehow the movement of the landscape, money reason suggested a different strategy, a shape bended in plan to require the minimum ground movement, but straight in elevation, to create a strong contrast with it.


4. Diagrammatic axo,


underlines the interactions between the landscape and the building in regards of the entrances and the internal hills and how the bridges are creating a network between in and out.


7. Exterior renderings,

a. visions of how the building would look like in the

middle of the Terschelling wood. close view of a bridge entrance, a different material and a facade recession underline in the corner the detachment of the clean straight volume of the building from the wavy ground. b. the main entrance from the road that drives to the beach, building concept of a rigid shape lying on a moved ground looks even clear in the main entrances, the access to the main ring happens passing under it. The general ground movement gives also the opportunity of creating a different relation between rooms’s windows and the landscape, detaching them from the points of maximum flows. In every corner of the building common roofs face the woods with big panoramic windows.

8. Building landscape interaction concept,

the ground model is been produced on the base of measurement token on place, a series of points is been converted in a mesh correcting a very approximative existing topographic map.




18Emanuele Faccini,

architecture 2014

9. Exterior renderings,

a. main terrace, core of the internal bridge system and

point in which they meet, the landscape is modeled to grant trough an hill a support to this spot. b. the bridges system from the ground level, the bridge system creates a lighter layer, also in a material way being realized in wood and metal, between the brick building and the ground, that also if remodeled in an artificial landscape with clean geometries,evokes the Terschelling typical one.

10. Physical model,

we decided to realize a very conceptual model, a multilayer piece of wood craved with a numerical control machine programmed on a 3d mesh, produces a nice effect of iso-curves defined by the darker layers, the building is realized trough layers of metal fusion, the wood is done with industrial rivets.





11. composition of an apartment block,

common areas like living rooms and showers are placed in the corners. stairs and elevated accesses, from the inner court and the outside woods. in the center of the rooms’s row.

12. block definition in the general plan,

the building had to be divided into units with the same number of apartments with a set of common functions.

13. tipical room ,

together with the building proposal we sent also a furniture proposal for the single room.

20Emanuele Faccini,

architecture 2013

Id College, Leiden

From competition to construction, design of a professional school.


competition that became a building. My first assignment in Mecanoo saw me in a team that presented this proposal for a technical high school in Leiden,occupying an area in the city center with a really large program of functions, with the task of producing a design strongly connected with the surrounding tissue. The answer is been a very compact block in which the possible heaviness is lighten by a division of the main volume operated trough very subtle changes of height and textures of several portions of the facades. A semipublic space is provided in an inner courtyard trough which is possible to have inner access to the proper school, the distribution of which happens all around this internal open space, and to the public functions in the ground floor. This project won competitions allowing me to see the entire process of design, from the concept, to the definition of the main internal solutions, to a large number of tiny design details, brickworks, benches, panels, gates, negotiated trough studies and options with the constructor and the client.



1. Schematic axo,

shows the programmatic continuity of the building with the surroundings, and the studied brake in this continuity with the internal change of material.

2. Roof plan in the context,

the mass proportion of the building has a strong continuity with the surroundings, the internal open space derives directly from the network of alleys and courtyards typical of Leiden.

3. First floor plan,

the distribution system describes a loop around the inner courtyard made continuous by bridges over the entrances.

4. First floor axo. 5. Functional scheme in exploded axo. 6. Unwrapped facade,

all the internal and external facades of the building showed as a continuous ribbon.

4 5

1 6




7.b 7. Exterior renderings, a. southern facade, together with the new in-

tervention the old post office survives integrated in the building. b. north facade on the canal c. brickwork detail from the north facade d. south facade from west

8. Facade concept,

facade height is defined by the rhythm of the close urban existing tissue in a series of steps that elevates the building over the others and back to join them. In a similar way also the windows rhythm breaks the building vertically in a series of areas with different windows solutions, and horizontally into plinth and facade. The purpose of the facade study is to give the building an identity and make it clearly readable as a unique mass, but at the same time make it interact in a respectful way with the city.




22Emanuele Faccini,

architecture 2013

10. Study for the inner courtyard floor and benches,

since the inner courtyard is covered and has a parking underground, making impossible to place a quantity of soil large enough to plant threes, the studied furniture was aiming to bring a bit of green and a short of more intimate sitting space inside the already intimate space of the courtyard.



11.b 11. courtyard rendering,

in both of them there’s still a previous furniture solution a. inner courtyard, beyind the benches the main hall with the reception bench. a. entrance trough the alley that crosses the scholl, from north to south, reproducing the usual structure of Leiden court but in a public declination. School corridors over the alley are transformed in glass bridges to underline the division of the building volume.


12. studies for the alley’s gates, 9. metal perforated panels study,

for the internal facade we developed a pattern to evoke the usually very green courtyards of the city .


studies for alley’s gates. A bigger folding one for the north entrance and a smaller pivoting one for the south. The graphical theme is the fingerprint, a reinterpretation of Id college symbol.


16.a 14



15 14. Main hall section,

the open spaces system is visually connected trough the double height of the hall.

15. Classrooms plan,

simple immage to show the visual relationship between corridors, classrooms and internal facade..

16. interior renderings, a. cafeteria,looking at the courtyard b. main hall from downstairs c. main hall and curtain wall facing the courtyard from

upstairs d. study area at the first floor, in the rendering also a graphical study based on the identity design of Silo for Id College.


24Emanuele Faccini,

architecture 2013

Whuan Expo competition Competition for the entrance pavillon of the Whuan fair.

1. Functional diagram,


distribution of the different functions, with a different grade of “exposure� inside the building.

2. Concept development,

from the initial bending to the volume articulation.

3. Masterplan. 4. Bird-view.


1 4











5. Elevations and sections. 6. Ground-floor plan. 7. Renderings, a. west corner of the building, b. north exit to the park, c. Bird-view to underline the general volume and the facade, d. Open-air theater structure, e. underground theater independent entrance, f. open air theater audience, g. first floor exit to the audience, h. passage from the outside to inside the park through the



26Emanuele Faccini,

architecture 2013

Leo Kanner school

Institute for autistic kids in Leiden


his school represented an interesting theme especially for the future users, autistic kids particularly gifted in mathematical sciences. While the handicap was removing from the table many design options and forcing to fit the special needs of the institution, such as for example clearly readable spaces, closed stairs, a particular attention to everything that can represent a potential danger, the mathematical theme was a funny source of inspiration. I’ve joined the team after the competition, collaborating in a phase of definition of design solution for complex details. Through a long study of alternatives I designed the playground, finding a compromise between the need of saving many existing trees on that area and many specific functions required, but also worked on the facade and several others interior solutions. Dealing with specific need a low budget and a simple volume a lot of the effort was in graphic ideas to make the overall look playful as a school should be. 1. The playground,

the required functions as the existing trees are closed inside thick borders, bubbles defining areas, often becoming volumes to offer benches or small tribunes. The running track around the building is done with the decimals of π, the coloured stripe tha crosses the building as well as the playground, changing his shape through the interaction with the interiors, translates π in a colour and shape code.

2. Exterior renderings,

the final solution is a combination of a brick pattern with a regular grid of bricks sticking out and a random grid of bricks on a plan and surfaces donve with concrete panels on which is carved a graphic evoking the binary code. a.the entrance b.the back courtyard




3. Facade study,

many different options were considered for the facade, starting from graphical compositions using a mosaic of different bricks to solutions exploiting only the positions of the single brick to create volumetric effects, to arrive in the end at the final that inculdes both the aspects.





4.a 4.d

5.c 4. Stair study,

the need of having stairs bringing separately to each plan,

and repaired from the view, tranformed the stair block into a quite peculiar object, evoked at the last floor also by a small circular library. a.axo of the stair block b.library at the top floor c.arrivall at the first floor d.elevation witouth the frontal sticks wall.

5. Interior panoramas,

to give the client a bigger control on the experience of the building we presented toghether with images for the advanced phase, also 360 panoramas linked among each other in html, here you can see them “unwrapped�. a.cafeteria b.entrance c.first floor

28Emanuele Faccini,

architectural representation 2012

Mercedes competition


The roof sheds are shown together with the metal fins that provide shading for the glazed facades.

Competition for the expansion of the car museum in Stuttgart, production of diagrams and technical drawings.


y first task at PLASMASTUDIO was about the representation of the almost finished project for Mercedes museum’s expansion. I’ve worked on boards capable of explaining the complexity of the project through very simple drawings, but also on a big exploded axo that at the contrary had the purpose of showing many different features of the design at the same time. The interesting challenge was properly to analyze a project, that I didn’t know, in order to make its principles clear, through images that, having to be inserted in different contexts inside the presentation, thing that pushed me to use several styles. The images were used for the booklet and the final presentation in Stuttgard. 1. Main plan concept,

diagrams showing the path from a simple functional definition to the final arrangement distorted by the main paths.

Walls and paths,

2. Exploded axo,

a path that crosses the area at a plus one level is shown together with the facades to underline how it affects their design.

the building is separated into: shell, walls and paths, ground floor and flows.

2 Ground floor and flows,


car and pedestrian flows are shown like surfaces with areas of different intensities, their concentration determines the transformation of some kinks in soft curves underlined by gradients.







3. Simple sections with corresponding views, the

main road is described like in a storyboard, human experience level and technical description are shown in parallel.

4. Interior schematic views,

some ambients shown in a non-realistic way to underline their interesting lines and the game of shadows in them. a. spaces under the main elevated path, b. entrance from under the path, c. curved glass of the exhibition space d. prototype’s show-room.

5. Circulation diagram,

the main loops in the circulatory system are shown in a style in the middle between the fake physical model and the scheme.


30Emanuele Faccini,

architecture 2010

Echocourt Competition for a music center in Wien.





efore the fourth year of the master degree, I’ve participated, in a team of four, to a competition for young architects proposed by ARCHMEDIUM, the task was to create a new conservatory for Wien in the area of an existing park. e answered the request of a building that preserves a continuity with the public space through a gulf-shaped block connected to the ground in its extreme points. The plan is a reinterpretation of the existing romantic design, the elevation appear tall and solid in the fronts facing the car road, short and permeable in the front that faces the park or the canal. The entire roof can be walked and lived like a part of the park, the design of the various slopes creates a variety of spaces for open air performances. We avoided right angles and we have distorted the building to underline his main functions,and to give the impression that all of them, also with their own character, influence each others.








b 1

1. Concept in the context,

diagrams are showing the accessibility, the permeability, and the connection with the ground of the building.


2. Mass study,

the articulation of the mass is shown together with the surrounding urban context.

toilets 10

Exposition hall /multifunctional

Thematic shops C l a s s r o o m s


Hall + ticket office Interior auditorium Instrument storage room

Dressing rooms

a b


Cafeteria-Restaurant Outdoor performance area

3. Masterplan in the context.


4. Plans. 5. North front,

-1 4

Facing a very busy road, the elevation acquires here a urban appearance.

5 1















6. Sections,

extracts from the section study showing the interaction between internal space and public roof.

7. Renderings, a. west independent entrance to the theater, b. south porch, c. open covered space, d. theater’s foyer, e. theater interior, f. music school hall, g. school’s roof exit, h. music school hall, i. school window, l. store, m. exhibition space. 8. South front,

facing the park the elevation in transformed in to a long porch to walk in the shade.


32Emanuele Faccini,

architecture 2007

Humi Student housing and public playground in Milan, . During the second year of my bachelor I’ve worked in a group of three on an area in Milan, with the task of creating a student housing building with a strong influence on the public space. The chosen approach, also because influenced by the original shape of the project site, was to create a landscape building. Keeping down the portions of the area crossed by the main people flows and granting a visual communication from the main road on the south and the park in the north, we lifted the corners. The west corner divided into two overlapping strips hosts the residential blocks, the east one a small auditorium. The internal function generate movements in the surface defining the image of the area. The whole surface of the roof-landscape is cover in rubber-asfalt a more resistant variety of tartan, and it’s characterized only by a strong color, nothing else is part of the permanent project. The space for conformation and position, and of course for the presence of many students, should be able to suggest different temporary projects, articulated in volumes or simply as lines on the surface.


1. Concept in the relationship with the existing,

decided the parts to remove from the building the structure was the reference to build the functional blocks, then the ones connecting the building with the park, the design of which is determined by internal functions..

2. Axo in the context,

the positioning of the high elevations is determined also by the attempt to create a continuity with the surrounding buildings.

3. Roof-plan in the context. 4. Ground floor,

the disposition of the apartment is quite simple, they are all aligned along a corridor with a double height space in the middle. Oversized distribution spaces can give occasion to casual encounters and common activities.


5. Ground floor in the context,

the auditorium at left also if widely involved in the design of the area has is identity has an independent building.

6. Elevations,

the facades are treathed with a simple continuos structure in order to underline further the tectonic movement.


1 5










7. Renderings, a. Possible playgrounds, basket a goal something to draw the lines and there’s a playground for every sport b. entrance to the underground parking from the roof c. auditorium sede from the north street d. building ground-floor from the inner space d. terrace on top of the residential building e. top of the auditorium, modified in such a way from the interior space to be usable itself as an open air auditorium f. entrance from the west street g. stairs inside the residence, internal terraces can be used like others socialization spaces h. interior of the auditorium, looking at the residence i. internal corridor first floor l. cafe’ in the inner conner of the residence.

8. Playground sizes,

tested sizes of regulamentar fields on the playground surface.




34Emanuele Faccini,

architecture, interior design 2012

Music warehouse Re-qualification of an abandoned warehouse in the south of Milan.


y final master degree thesis was meant to be a project focused on interior design, but together with two classmates in my working group we have decided to start facing the reuse of a quite big building in the south of Milan, to arrive at a detailed project as a last step. The big warehouse is been used by us like a flexible space that can be used by many cultural association in the quarter as a showcase through exhibitions, expositions, performances..etc. Having the various possible uses different requirements in terms of space and divisions, we planned series of movable partitions that can split the building in several parts, each one of them separately accessible and usable, leaving the empty space as a core for a building open to the unexpected, and around it many different block equipped for specific functions which can flow and mix together in the main hall and in the park. We also designed an expansion for the building keepin the rhythm of the existing one, in that are located functions related with culture production, atelier music classrooms, recording and dance studios.

1. Present condition of the building, 2. Renovation concept,

decided the parts to remove from the building the structure was the reference to build the functional blocks, then the ones connecting the building with the park, the design of which is determined by internal functions.


3. Function aggregation,

from this diagram appears clear the role of the central empty core, the other functions are built almost like a backstage for a stage in which the interaction among them can bring different results.

4. Masterplan and elevation on the park,

the small park is moved by small hills reacting to the red pavilions, functional cores and volumetric signs of the internal functions.






6. Elevation on the open space,

8. Long section,

7. Roofplan,

9. Rendering, a. bridge on the canal, the inner elevated path that connects the various functions at level 1, is brought

the red pavilions, trough the continuous variations on a theme play the role of the common theme between the park and the internal project, they bound together the old building with the new extension, a rhythmical dried up reinterpretation of the old one. They expose outside concept of an aggregation of block each one defined by a function, capable of working together in various combinations. the park is designed to interact with the red pavilions, set backs and small tribunes design depending on the inner functions, slopes or seating for an audience, small playgrounds that you can keep an eye on from inside, or seating in the shadow.

the inner space is enclosed in a double tribune facing the center. A small elevated theater reuses the shape in a smaller scale, the entire hall can be divide in tree separate and working part with a complete set of services trough movable panels hidden into the walls next to the bar. An elevated red path connects all the parts at level 1, it can be divided by movable hidden panels too. outside the building becomes a bridge that grants in case the building is open an access from the streets (the original facade has no doors) and that can be every-time used a normal bridge to cross the canal b. park from west, the third core can be used as an open-air stage c. north entrance, this access framed in blind facade is underlined by a wide opening in the two buildings, it’s also the entrance of the underground parking d. fifth red pavilion from the left, inside an information desk, a pedestrian exit from the underground parking and waiting spaces for the cultural production building.






9.d 8

36Emanuele Faccini,

architecture, interior design 2012

10. Small theater in the core,

all the building is been designed at 1.50 detail, a. short section a. long section a. first floor



11.a 11. Restaurant,

the restaurant can work separately from the rest, using the red pavilion as a porch and the space under the steps as an inner room, or can serve meals directly on the inners tribune in case of shows an happenings.a. first floor plan a. long section




13. Technical detail,

some details required for a complete explanation to be designed at 1:10. Here is represented the internal coat with a wooden surface that covers all the internal walls in order to provide acoustic insulation to the building.

13. Renderings, a. magazine library and behind the shelves computer area b. back entrance to the

theater, the red paths walks aside it giving the possibility of seeing whats happening inside like in a section c. view from the bar under the theater, on the sides are visible the binaries of the movable walls d. interior of the theater e. restaurant porch, acoustic bells can diffuse on every table a different music f. restaurant inner room g. tribune over the restaurant g. dance studio in the production building.







12.a 12. Production building entrance,

the pavilion in here contains stairs and servant spaces for the production space.a. first floor plan a. long section


38Emanuele Faccini,

architectural detail 2011

Campus cabin A two parking lots big studio in the Politecnico’s Campus.


uring the master degree I was required to do a small project for an architecture studio, not bigger than a single parking lot with the possibility to use another parking lot as free space, inside the university campus.One of the basic requirement was to do something eco-friendly, the real response to that, was to design the cabin in a way that allows to dismount it completely and to reuse the parts, so I have avoided the use concrete or other materials that cannot be recycled. The starting concept was to create something that would look like a section, I found intriguing for a university the idea of building a didactic example of some simple systems. Air machines, boilers, and solar panels are all exposed, railings, handles and all the small details are designed in a brutalist way to clearly show their assembling process.

1. Axo of the complete cabin.


2 2. Structural axo,

in orange the points in which the structure can be divided in parts to have an easier construction process.



3. Groundfloor plan and long section,


in the upper part a small zoom of the external material assembling method. 4. Renderings, a. ground-floor main working space, b. first floor, printing space and bathroom, c. open air space with shading device.


Emanuele Faccini,

architectural detail 2011


Shading leaves An eco-friendly facade for an existing building.


he challenge for another small technology project was to create, starting from an existing abandoned structure, a green facade system for an office. I’ve decided to do a ventilated corten facade, the passage of air allow s to use natural insulating materials, I’ve also combined it with a green layer articulated in different ways depending on the orientation of the single facade. The green screen is obtained trough a metal grid on which creeper plants can grow. On the west facade windows are smaller to avoid thermal dispersion, the screen covers only a part of them, the plants are evergreen, so the quantity of light during the season is more or less the same and only the quality of light is affected. On the south front windows are big and fully covered by the metal grid, plants are seasonal in order to provide shade for the building in summer, and allow the passage of more light in winter, contributing with at the lighting and thermal comfort of the space. 1. General structural plan,

zoomed-in sample point taken to develop the facade system.

2. Tecnichal plan. 3. Elevations,

left, the west front, right, the south front.

4. Technical section.


2 3


forniture design 2011

40Emanuele Faccini,



Glass modular table for architects.


his table was a school project done with a colleague.The task was to create an aluminum table with glass treated with a sophisticated craftsmanship. We chose a minimal design, with a particular leg that plays with the variations of joints between two plates. Several glass panels, treated on borders with a manual sandblasting, and divided like the ISO format, form the table top.


1.b 2

1. Renderings, a. renting center for boats,

b. boat-paths along the river.

1.The finished table. 2.Techincal details. 3.Exploded axo. 4.Renderings, a. table top corner detail b. resulting corner from two joined tables, c. boardroom disposition, d. working table disposition


4. exploded axo,

hidden equipment for sun shading, side protection and boats joints

2.a 3

5.sketch story of the design development.

2.b 4.a


5. exploded axo,

basic equipment to move the boat and transform it in to a raft.

2. Module axos, a. a family in a sunny day, b. just two adults. 3. Renting center axo,


around the renting center boats build a frame which is dismounted and remounted during the day.

SPLAV forniture design 2011

Modular bridge/transport system for Belgrade.

I 4.c



nside an international workshop in Belgrade, Serbia, on the theme “water-living” I’ve worked with other three people to develop a concept for a new use of the Sava river. Our idea, developed and designed in less than 4 days, was a modular system of pedal-boats that can be joined together to form paths and squares over the river, pedal boats that can also be simply rented and used to have little boats to enjoy the river.

design Emanuele Faccini, forniture



Lying rain

Wooden shower singularly comfortable.

1. Chair plywood elements without the wood cover.

1.Exploded axo. 2.Techincal details, a. size of opened and


design competition proposed By DNA, an American furniture company, asked for new ideas and concept for the bathroom, I’ve participated with a small modular-shower project. This particular shower hides behind a very minimal looking panel the possibility to transform itself in to a comfortable chaise-longue, to enjoy the gentle rain that comes from metal plates on the ceiling, seating or lying.

close wood elements, b. details of the opened configuration, the superior wood element is kept in position by the inferior one.

3.Plans and elevation.

2. Exhibition configuration for a chair collection.


4.Renderings, a. opening elements with

3. Seating instructions,

also if the chair is made of plywood the elastic element in its structure allows to use it in a relaxed way.

hidden shelf, b. closed chaise-longue, c. opened chaise-longue, d. shower smaller module.

5.different configurations, standing, seating, lying




2 4. Corner detail,

metal elements ensure a minimum angle width, rubber keeps all the elements together.





7. Detail,


5 7

the elastic is inserted with a simple hook, in order to easily remove it to unfold the chair, the foot is rounded to allow the chair to slide and stretch.

8 5. Side, front-back, top-down views of the chair. 6. Unfolded chair. 8. Basic chair.



Poor-postmodern chair. forniture design 2010

T 9. Cropped chairs, cut




away some parts the chair can become a funny imitation of famous pieces of furniture.


heme of this exercise was to develop the concept for a chair in one week only trough and drawing. I’ve conceived a piece of furniture made of plywood elements joined together by metal parts, a rubber surface and two elastics. This basic chair can be cropped to imitate shapes of famous design chairs, in a post-modern game, those shapes can be exposed unfolding the chairs and hanging them on the wall.

42Emanuele Faccini,

visualization 2012-14


2. Barbican library (2014, Mecanoo)

axo’s of the entire project to explain a system of double heights to the client, I’ve enriched the representation with a 3d visualization of the furniture.

Collection of images for presenting projects.

Rhino 5, V-ray 2 with toon materials, Photoshop CS5


ften in final work phases of projects I followed I’ve had the role of the visualizer for special images and renderings, I’ve also been required as a support for competition’s final phases, to provide appealing images that could help to explain or “sell” the project. That could mean modeling a quick study from a sketch, detailing a 3d model and render it, modify a model in order to produce specific drawings or simply render and post produce renders. Here’s a collection of some images I’ve made during this experiences. 1. Beihaiìs fair pavillon, concepts (2012, Plasmastudio)

trasposition in models and images of different concepts for a pavillon for an horticultural fair (on the last one is been modelled the actual building). Rhino 4, Artlantis, Photoshop CS3

2 1



3. Concept for a vertical farm in a parking lot near Amsterdam(2014, Mecanoo)

graphical elaborations to suggest a possible client the use of a parking lot as a temporary farm, the presentation involved “serious” renderings of the empty project, and more suggestive post-produced versions in which many activities are imagined. Here some of the most “over the top” images, the logo of the company is reinvented in printed graphics and neon signs, other graphics are just hipotetical. Revit 2014, Photoshop CS5

5. Competition for an University in Kortrijk (2014, Mecanoo)

high definition rendering to be printed on A1 panels for ready-to-build competition. The model was quite detailed, the challenge was to give some atmosphere to the overall, managing to use a consistent palette of color and weight of the image for exteriors and interiors, thinly particulars like exterior sculptures wet surfaces or plants are done in post-production. Post-production in been used also to move large surfaces, often recurring in this projects, flat in the original images with reflections, vegetation and light effects. Revit 2014, Photoshop CS5


44Emanuele Faccini, 6. Competition for a school in Culemborg(2014, Mecanoo)

renderings for a panel competition, trough a contact with the contractors toghether with the office in the competition the renders have been modified in day by day to reach a compromise in the general impact and the use of expensive materials.

Revit 2014, Photoshop CS5

8. Urban competition in Sungang, China (2013, Plasmastudio)

the concept model that we made for the urban competition, due to the small amount of time at our disposition, was really symbolic, but the client firmly insisted to have renderings, trough a combination of photocomposition and texturing in the 3d model I’ve obtained a quite convincing result. Rhino 4, Artlantis 3

7. Competition for a student housing in Den Hague (2014, Mecanoo) renderings of a quickly studied building for a short term competition Revit 2014, Photoshop CS5





11 9 9. Competition for a Pavillon in Whuan, China (2013, Plasmastudio) orticultural pavillon inside the Whuan expo. Rhino 4, artlantis 3, photoshop CS4

10. Competition for a Cruise-ship’s crew training center in Almere (2014, Mecanoo) a. Axo of the ground floor. b.after some

2d drawing and some axos, for this project I was required to produce a short movie, from a work of material definition and furniture disposition and details to defining camera paths and filters for a consistent and fluid sequence.

8. Wuxi urban museum, China (2013, Plasmastudio)

interior renderings and concept development diagrams for a design phase of the Wuxi museum, after participating in the design I’ve cured the representation both for working rendering to submit to the client and for the final presentation. Rhino 4, Artlantis 3

Revit 2014, Rhino 5, Lumion 4, After Effects CS5


46Emanuele Faccini,

graphic design

Graphic design Some projects of graphic design done during the years for various associations.


n parallel with architecture, I’ve always tried to develop also graphical skills, through the uses of various techniques and softwares. during the years I’ve done many small works for posters and logo design, many of them have been printed also in large number, some of them was just done for free for friends and I’ve allso done many logos just for personal pleasure, also if I always search to have commissions to challenge my self with a precise mission. The design of logos is always for me an hard but satisfying work because it forces to say a lot in a little space, an essential skill for an architect for which the training is never enough. 1. Posters for literature festivals,

a.2011 edition, about the multiplicity and ambiguity of the idea of Italy, I’ve had a short time to do that so I’ve decided for a very simple concept, a rain of Italy shaped glass elements, completed by 19th century’s typographical elements, to remind the period in which Italy became a nation, nice detail is the logo that deconstructs the elements of the national emblem, b. 2012 edition, about the eternity of words, playing with the theme, that is a joke about the Latin motto “verba volant, scripta manent”, words fly away writings remain, to say at the opposite that every word is eternal, I’ve tried to translate this concept in a crowd of people with no identity, which fights and struggle to reach nothing more than an abyss, but the words that they say during the journey, remain in the air, surviving to them. c. 2012 poster for the 15 anniversary of the association “Ero forestiero” in Vigevano, a non profit organization to teach Italian to immigrants.




2. Logos,

a. brand for an Internet company that sells plumbing material, called “I-draulica”, and two further development for another web domain for the same company. b. logo for the young pharmacist association of Genova. c. logo for the bakers association of Vigevano. d. logo for Lucks t-shirt, a brand of t-shirt designed by me and printed and sold together with some friends. e. logo for the association Creativamente ( trans. creative-mind) that operates in the sector of creative recreational activities for disadvantaged people.



4 5. promotional flyiers for a lectures-happy hours,


to promote those evening psychology lectures with drinks i did a series of fake beverages commercials with famous psychologist, the idea was to really produce labels for bottles but sadly we didn’t go that far.

3. Labels for I-taste,

a graphical project for a company that sells typical Italian products. The labels are for a line of aromatic oils, the client asked for small etiquettes that he can combine for the multi aromatic oils, the mood needed to be fresh and young, nothing to serious or done to look exclusive or prestigious, I’ve redesigned his logo and used a sketched style that was really appreciated.

4. bachelor degree book thesis,

a small portfolio in which the leading theme was the evolution of my capacity to observe in the first three years of university.





2.e 5

48Emanuele Faccini,

graphic design

Drawings Selection of drawings done by hand and digitally elaborated.


first passion is always been the free-hand drawing, in various forms. I’ve attended for the high-school years an night-school of art to improve drawing and painting skills, and during the university years I’ve started to merge those skills with the computer ones. I’m pretty good with pencils, markers and crayons, in the past I’ve used a lot oil painting and watercolors. I’ve done some competitions, but mainly I design just for the taste of it, short tales, comics, t-shirts, usually with a very complex use of lines for small details and shading, for a long period almost totally in black and white, but lately I’m trying to experiment ways of adding something to that defined stile through digital painting. 1. Cover for the “busta” design competition,

the theme of this competition for this culture and music free fanzine was “eating”, I’ve designed on the front cover this huge worlds’s-devourer and in the back a small sequence in which after devouring many suns, he implodes transforming himself in a star similar to the ones he ate.

3 2. Cover for the “la lettura” design competition,

the competition launched by a prestigious italian litterature magazine was without a clear theme. I’ve decided to send a drawing with the title “da prosa nasce prosa” a joke on an italian common sentence to say that small thing can in time generate a big one, my title meant that prose generates other prose, meaning that litterature is a living thing, and a concept can be analized, confronted, evoluted, in infinite way as in the illustration from a first book all the others take somthing changing and expanding the concept.

3. Lucks t-shirt,

this is an extracted from the first series of t-shirt printed under the brand lucks t-shirts. The theme of the series was “Sections”, in the meaning of a drawing that shows at the same time how something looks outside and what process produces this appearance. In this drawing the proud sentence “I AM VEGAN”, is distorted in an ambiguous way by the fact that a man is cultivating animals; I would be vegan if I could farm meat? I’m vegan but i dream about the possibility of eating meat? I eat meat just because I ignore the processes to produce it?

4. A recurrent thought,



a short story that was meant to be print, like many other I’ve drawn, on a paper ribbon with the end glued together with the beginning, in order to become endless.


Un pensiero ricorrente - Emanuele Faccini

49 5. The end of the beginning,

a design for the second serie of Lucks t-shirts. A model of creation following the Plotin’s idea of emanationism, God at the center of the universe is so overwhelmingly full that emanates the reality, from the most simple and abstract concept, the Platonic world of ideas, to the defined ideas of the everyday that we know, human history and evolutions are aspects of this path of definition and exile from the original core in which everything was one.

6. Propose for a Coca cola wall in Belgrade,

I was asked in 2012 to propose a sketch for graffiti sponsored by Coca Cola, after a long process of mediation from a starting idea,I arrived to this drawing, a closed evolutionary loop in which a gold fish evolves in several kind of creatures for then giving the start to the same evolutionary path that generated him. The final drawing was much appreciated, sadly it remained on paper for budget reasons.

7. Drawing for friends daughter,

Two friends of mine, both painters, had a daughter. I did this drawing for a t-shirt for the little one. Her parents are two tubes of paint kissing and mixing for doing something beatifull.




Thank you for reading.

to contact me: Emanuele Faccini’s profile Emanuele Faccini

for watching this portfolio in HD check

on ISSUU, http://issuu.com/emanuelefaccini

iand more space and details for Mobile(dutch): +31 0626263229 the main ones. Mobile(ita): +39 3285536046 Mail: emanuele.faccini@virgilio.it

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