1 minute read
Do’s and Don’ts
It is important that you have your own domain name and hosted site, whether this is
a blog or an html site doesn’t really matter, you will not be considered a viable
affiliate to any network if you do not have and own your own web presence.
Do not be tempted to cut corners and use a free blogger account or free hosted
space, most of these companies, do not allow any kind of affiliate promotion to be
run from these kinds of sites.
If you are serious about earning money as an affiliate marketer you really need to
invest the few dollars required to have your own domain name and hosting account.
It doesn’t matter if your source this from the cheapest domain registrar and the
cheapest hosting provider, but you must be in control of your own site. Imagine the
heart break of waking up one morning and finding that your free host has deleted all
your hard work, just simply do not let yourself be at the mercy of others.
With the plethora of templates available to work with, hosting your own wordpress
blog is the quickest and easiest way to set up a web presence. If you have no idea
how to set a blog up, there are lots of people on http://www.fiverr.com who will do
this for you. Here is a link to a free download on how to set up your blog on your
own hosting account http://www.24hourwordpressguru.com
Try and stay away from ready made templates provided by some affiliate programs,
this is where the vendor provides you with your own affiliate page. What you really
need is for your site to be unique, not a clone of the original. If possible stay away
from flashing and rotating banners too.