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Weight Reduction Drugs
It is shown in research that the percentage of healthy and fit people is reducing to the percentage of people who are unfit. The major cause of this fitness deficiency is caused due to the rise in obese people. More shockingly patient who suffer from obesity are not only from the adult sector, it includes children starting from an age of ten. The factor that causes such obesity issue varies from eating habits to genetics. What concerns the doctors is that, if children at an age of ten develop obesity it will become harder for that person to get rid of it in the later stage due to the slow down of metabolic rate.
Thankfully, due to the advancement in the medical science field it is possible to solve obesity issue in many ways. The patient has the choice ranging from surgery to changing eating habits, depending on the will of the patient. It is always favorable for the patient to use the fastest way out – weight loss drugs.
Started as early as 1950, drugs were prescribed for weight loss. These drugs work by increasing the level of serotonin making the brain believe that the stomach is full, effectively increasing the metabolic rate.
Soon after in 1990, side effects of these drugs were discovered, example heart valve disease. This led to the expulsion of the drugs. Since then newly developed drugs require the FDA approval, many of which are still in the waiting list. The way in which the drug works is simple, it changes the body with out need to change in diet or avoiding anything tempting to eat.
This industry has made large amount of profit from the consumer. The drugs are easily available either over-the –counter or simply prescribed by the doctor. However the side effects are still eminent. The patient can go through many unpleasant experiences such as diarrhea, vomiting even urinary problems, the most fatal being heart attack or a stroke. Overdose can even cause hallucinations or convulsions.
Depending on the habits of the patient, side effects vary. It is always worth to consult a doctor before any purchase of weight reduction drugs. These are just the physical side effects, research shows mental stability can also be affects, as the patient may go through mood swings, nightmares, depression and even severe irritation.
Clinical study shows that weight reduction drugs work efficiently with the help of a low calorie diet along with routine exercise. The diet must have food from all groups. Phytochemicals, micronutrient and enzymes from fruits and vegetable are essential. Other sources of food group such as the vitamins fiber and minerals are also important for the body to have a healthy diet and stay fit.
Exercising is also important, one could workout regularly at the nearby gym or just prefer to go for a long walk every morning. Doctor must be consulted to do the right amount and the right intensity of exercise everyday. The exercise must include cardiovascular (for the heart) and weight training (for the loss of weight). They help to reduce calories inside the body and reduce the percentage of fat in our body. By doing so, the amount of fat to muscle will reduce helping to increase the metabolism rate in our body and stay fit.