It will take resolve to stick to your diet. It may help to fill up on keto-friendly snacks before you sit down and eat. Enjoy some nuts, an avocado, or just a leg of chicken before you eat, and you will be less tempted.
Celebrate! Celebratory occasions, especially if you‘re the guest of honor, can be a huge hurdle. When the gang at the office or your parents enter a room with a cake yelling ―Surprise!‖ on your birthday, it‘s hard to refuse. So, try being a bit sneaky, instead. By all means gush over the offering. You are expected to do that. You can even help cut slices. Then, discover a sudden and irresistible urge for coffee, which you verbalize loudly and clearly. Gently remove yourself from the center of activity to get coffee for yourself and anyone else. By the time anyone notices, hopefully they‘ve missed the fact that you haven‘t eaten anything.
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