Mailing List Secrets

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Of the following profit centers we have discussed earlier: 1 Profit Center #1: One Time Offer 2 Profit Center #2: Advertisements and Recommendations in Your Free Viral Report 3 Profit Center #3: Back-end Links in Your Thank You Page 4 Profit Center #4: Links in Your E-zine Issues 5 Profit Center #5: Sending Your Endorsement E-mail Messages 6 Profit Center #6: Selling Advertising Space in Your E-zine You have to decide which profit center you want to build into your E-zine. Note that you do not necessarily have to include ALL of the above mentioned profit centers although the more profit centers you build into your E-zine, the more chances you can get in making your money. In this guide, I describe to you step-by-step on how you can create and run your own E-zine with all of the above mentioned profit centers incorporated into your E-zine.

Mailing List Profits Plan Overview (Lead Capture Page)

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