Packing On The Muscle

Page 29

Key Ingredients for Muscle Mass

There are various methods that different people implement to achieve an array of goals in weight loss and muscle building. The common denominator is that everyone in the weight room is inclined towards gaining muscles and getting rid of fat one way or the other. You have to find the best method of muscle building that goes with you. Dynamics of time, affordability and your core muscle strength have to be considered in your choice for the best and most feasible muscle gaining program.

There are three vital aspects of muscle building and fat loss. Needless to say any routine or diet you follow should be constructed or monitored by a health professional. Your diet needs to be rich in calories and limited in processed and refined foods. Carbs are known to give people energy, but if fat loss is your goal a happy medium needs to exist between how much carbs you consume daily and how hard you push yourself in the gym. Exercises damage the muscles to prepare for growth but diets nourish it. It is in this way that you can’t do one without the other so if you really want to see results you need to make sure both of those aspects are in order.

Every time you have a meal with protein you should be consuming a complex carbohydrate. Carbohydrates signal your body to produce insulin and when insulin is present nutrition is carried to your cells more effectively. That is why you NEVER want to eat carbohydrates unless it’s added with protein. If fat loss is your goal it is important to limit your carb intake as the day progresses. Your biggest carb meal should be immediately after waking when your body needs the pick-me-up energy. By the time bed time comes, you should have little to no carbs in your system. Un-used carbs are more likely to be stored as fat by your


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