The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book

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The Ultimate Kettlebell Training & Fat Loss Book

Chapter 3: Healthy Nutrition and Its Benefits You would have heard lots of people saying that healthy nutrition is important for a healthy body but you need to know what the actual meaning of healthy nutrition is and why it is so important. Let’s define nutrition. “Nutrition is the process of giving your body all the important and necessary elements which can help it to grow in a proper and balanced way.” This is the simplest definition of nutrition which tells you that you need to eat proper food with good basic nutrients. Healthy nutrition can make your body strong and healthy, plus it can also help your body grow and repair itself. While an unhealthy nutrition plan can make your body weaker and can make you ill and you will not be able to fight against certain minor diseases.

Calories In - Calories Out Everyone who wants to lose weight has probably tried multiple diets, supplements and/or plans. There are hundreds of weight loss methods available to buy. All of them making wild promises. Here is the hard truth - there are no magical pills, diets or exercise gadgets that will make weight instantly disappear. It comes down to eating right, staying healthy and burning more calories than you take in. That is where the saying “calories in - calories out” comes from. You want to make sure you burn more calories (out) than you consume (in). Clearly, this is a simplistic view and a proper diet consists of taking more than calories into consideration. We will look at that in other chapters, but right now we want to talk about creating a calorie deficit. 30

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