How To Highly Benefit From Your Content In Only 5 Steps
Achieving business results from content marketing is the first and important aim for all bloggers; and as you receive certain gifts from your content marketing in a shape of increasing your sales and rate of conversion, you then will have a great mettle in updating your content and publishing frequency a high valuable content, a matter that will help you much to rank in different search engines with a good number of long tail keywords. The question that we will try to answer in practical steps in that article is how to get benefit from your content marketing and achieve your content marketing goals?
After reading that article, you'll learn specific steps to achieve your desired aims and benefits from your content. Let's begin with the first steps which are:
1 – Determine Your Goals
Before promoting any content you should have a clear vision of your desired goals that you want to achieve through your content; if you have a focused direction and clear plan you'll then achieve the best results, and you should know that making a directive long term content increases your traffic 3 times than traditional content. Achieving SMART content goals will help you much in getting great benefit and achieving progress through your content. SMART stands for the intelligent strategies for content marketing which are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Attainable, Relevant and Timely. Your content should be SPECIFIC with certain questions as who is involved in it, which tools you use to make it, what you want from it or what your potential benefits from it. Your content should be MEASURABLE with certain questions such as how you will know that your content achieves your goals, how much or how many goals will your content achieve to you. Your content should be ACHIEVABLE/ ATTAINABLE through certain questions as: are the goals that you want to achieve through content are achievable or attainable. Your content should be RELEVANT, and also you can know that through certain questions as: are the goals that you want to achieve through you content meets your needs, and are they consistent to each other. Your content should be TIMELY, and that is achieved by determining a limit to your content; that you'll complete a particular article in a specific time. Achieving SMART strategies helps you a lot to get benefit from your content.
The more you add content to your blog, the more you receive rapid benefit from your content, you should keeping writing for a period between 7: 10 months to start seeing the fruits of your content.
2 – Identifying Your Audience Persona
Knowledge of your audience nature enables you to achieve the content that they want to find in your blog and ensure your success through content marketing; knowing your audience includes many aspects: age, gender, interests, attitudes, locations, and yearly income. Actually, that knowledge is fulfilled by knowing many aspects begin with knowing who are they? For example, if you write about impotence in a certain location, you can know the nature of your audience in that location, a matter which enables you to know how to compose your solution according to your audience persona. Further than that, you can know their pain points by using FAQfox, which get you from specific forums the most popular questions asked by your audience concerning certain keywords. FAQfox gets you from certain forums like Reddit, or according to your keyword or problem you are searching for and gives you the traffic discussions of that problem Here are kinds of articles which deals with a keyword like "SEO resources" which suggested by FAQfox from different forums and sites:
The next step after identifying your audience pain points is examining the top 10 results of your target keyword and composing a persuasive content in a format which is not found in these 10 results. You can use Buzzsumo to know the most shared content on social media of your target keywords and repurpose it or compose a piece of article which is better than them. Here are the different types of content you can create:
A last and very important step in identifying your audience persona is building your mail list; it is your fruit when your customer trust in your content as he desires in more. When being a brand name for your target audience in your target keywords, you'll turn to be the number 1 source for their knowledge and will attain you and take your advice and recommendations.
3 – Building SEO content You should put in mind the importance of evergreen content, as it continues rewarding your site with organic traffic from search engines. Actually evergreen content is one of many steps of "many essential steps to make SEO content", but crafting the evergreen content is the first important step.
The evergreen content should be made professionally from the title to the conclusion of the article passing with the target keywords. We can sum up building SEO content in the following steps:
A – Building evergreen content There are many kinds of evergreen content you can promote within your site and other social profiles, here are about 24 types of evergreen content you can choose what is suitable for your content and what isn't found in the other sites
As we mentioned it is the first step in creating SEO content. It begins with testing the strength of your title and you can acquire that by time. Your title should be attractive and with less competition. After choosing the title, the second step is to choose the keyword that you want to target with your title and manage to spread it professionally through your content. Finally, your article should be prolonged and valuable in the
same time and deal with live subjects, you should know that the prolonged articles with more than 1500 words is the most preferred by Google. This shape is showing you simply the essential difference between evergreen content and other content:
B – Increase the relationship with your customers The important of that steps lies in the fact that more than 90% of customers trusted a recommendation from individuals even if they don't know, so, you should increase an effective relationship with a number of your customer who will be good recommenders for your business. You can grow a good relationship with your customers through the little sum of money in the social platform such as Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter or even if 7search.
C – Putting your cornerstone content The cornerstone content is foundational for your site, and to make your foundational content you should choose carefully many sections or types of content which lead or serve each other. This foundational content is appeared in "Guides" to your site sections. This cornerstone content is considered an essential step in increasing your lead roll and keeping the target audience in your site. My cornerstone in the time of publishing post looked like that:
Note This step will take a time to be achieved, you have to be patient and keep writing a highly valuable content.
4 – Watch out your content performance and changing your content marketing goals When starting writing your content, actually you choose to perform specific goals by the type of content you write and promote. You should observe after a precise time if you achieved your desired goals that you build your content to achieve, Google Analytics helps you with its statics to know which keywords work and which ones don't work and according to this you can promote the working keywords and more you can change your goals to meet the performance of your content after a time; and duplicate the type of content which work. According to Google Analytics statics, you can determine which type of content drove the most page views of your site and the type of customers involved in that type and causes more sales or high conversion rate, and according to so, you can promote that type of content and put your new content marketing goals. You can do that thing every 6 months. To get feedback from your audience is a highly demanding process to reach the most effective marketing goals which are so close and suitable to your customers; you should so build a sincere relationship if you capture their emails and keep touch with them to know what they want more and promoting them in your coming pieces. Building your e-mail list so is a precious step and it is number 5 in benefiting from your content.
You can observe and measure the performance of your content through three specific steps as shown in that picture:
5 – Building your e-mail list Building your e-mail list is the last and precious step which fulfills you the ultimate high benefit from your article and it gives you ever and green benefit from traffic coming to your site, otherwise, every visitor visits to your site and you couldn't capture his mail, you lose it and forever; so, you'll be very idiot if you don't begin building your email list and from the very beginning, don't wait for your site to be famous or don't wait for things to be perfect.
The results of ROI in e-mail list is the highest rate comparing with other marketing tools, like that, by investing only 1$ ROI rate is the highest with a percentage of 40%
That means if you spend 1$ in building your email list you'll gain 0.8 $ on return, and if your spend 10$ your earnings will be 8$ + 10$ = 18$ Here, we guide you through that step to how to build your email list and how to contact with it effectively, and to put in mind it will be nonsense and very foolish to purchase an email list. Let's begin on how to build your email list:
A – How to build your email list There are many ways and tools helping you and make things easy to build your email list, but before any intention to build it, your content should be very valuable, very persuasive and achieve a real benefit to your visitor, who will be your coming customer, because it will affect his tendency to your coming emails and trade messages First of all, you should make a pdf copy of every single article that the visitor can benefit from it offline, and, as we mentioned, your content should be highly valuable to urge your visitor to download your pdf sheet, and actually you will give the link of downloading after capturing his mail. It is and old way but it still works and depends as mention on the valuable content. Second, you'll use social media with its different platforms and we suggest your four types of them that will help you much, and they are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google plus; but how you'll use them achieving your goals. If your profile on this platform is strong you'll need any paid ways, but if you are in your beginning, you'll need to invest some money on that thing. Facebook ads is the first thing, you can make a Facebook ad which directs your fans on downloading very useful book or software with the only condition to register on your site or giving you their mail, the same thing with Twitter, you can create a Twitter campaign to promote an ebook or free software that requires an email address to be redeemed. With Pinterest you can also promote free offers that require sign up, by doing so you can grow more leads and increase your email list. On Google plus and by making usage of your Google
plus Google plus sections and Google plus updates, you can promote offers that require email sign up.
B – How to achieve the most benefit from your email list You shouldn't deal with your customer on your email list as they customers, it will be very idiot, they get your email, because they feel that they will get from your many free proposals (as you promise them) then you should be careful to achieve that and make them that you are actually very helpful and introduce them what they actually very useful and meets their needs either it is very or paid. Your groups in your email list should feel your interest on them to get them what is up to date on their field who give you their emails for its sake. And it is just the first step and the last on my article.
Conclusion Promoting your business depends on the first stage on promoting your content; and promoting your content enables you to promote your business; it is a co-relatives relation, you need a highly valuable content to promote your business, otherwise, you'll remain on the scratch, try to learn and give your ultimate efforts to your content and all things will be all right one day. Finally, let me know if you get any benefit from these five steps about achieving benefit from your content. Thanks for reading
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