1 minute read
Kale, once used principally as garnish in restaurants, is enjoying a renaissance, and with good reason—it’s tasty, highly nutritious, and lovely when sautéed just until the leaves turn bright green. Buy—or, better yet, grow— the variety known as Tuscan kale, which is more tender and flavorful than the betterknown curly leaf type. Kale is a very good source of calcium and is a member of the cancer-protective cruciferous vegetable family. Perhaps everybody’s favorite vegetable, potatoes provide some vitamin C and potassium, and allow this to serve as a filling main dish. For a quick weeknight dinner, prepare the potatoes in advance and add the kale just before mealtime.
1 pound medium red potatoes
4 cups shredded kale (see procedure below)

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
Salt, to taste
1. Cover the potatoes with water and boil them until tender. Peel while hot, then cool in cold water and drain. Cut into thick slices. Refrigerate if you are cooking the potatoes in advance.
2. Just before serving, wash the kale, drain, and remove the stems and midribs. Stack leaves, roll up lengthwise, and shred crosswise.
3. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil and add the onion. Sauté over medium-high heat, stirring, until onion just begins to brown.
4. Add kale, tossing it about until it all wilts. Reduce heat to medium and stir-fry kale for 5 minutes.
5. Add the potatoes and cook until they are heated through. Season to taste and serve.