My Current Resumé

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Emily Brown 403 896 3343 108 Barrett Drive Red Deer, Alberta, T4R 1J3 Email: E-portfolio:


Bachelor of Education The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta B.Ed. Major: Elementary Generalist B.Ed. Minor: French

June 2012

Diploma in University Transfer Studies Red Deer College, Red Deer, Alberta Bachelor of Education Elementary

June 2009

High School Diploma in French and English École Secondaire Notre Dame High School, Red Deer, Alberta


APT – Student Teacher École Camille J. Lerouge School, Red Deer, Alberta Grades 1, 2 and 4 – Mentor Teacher: Lorraine Koss • Taught 0.8 during this practicum. • Taught Grade 1 Music and Health, Grade 2 Health and all subjects in Grade 4 excluding English and Science. • Developed lesson plans and unit plans in conjunction with the Alberta Programs of Study curriculum outcomes • Evaluated and marked all student work. • Participated in school activities and meetings.

March – April 2013

IPT – Student Teacher Maryview School, Red Deer, Alberta Grades 2 and 4/5 – Mentor Teacher Associate: Courtney Jacobs • Observed my mentor teacher within the classroom. • Taught 0.5 by the end of this practicum (observing and aiding during the other time). • Taught Grade 2 Math, Science, Health, Music, Art and English. • Taught French as a Second Language for a 4/5 split class. • Evaluated and graded student progress, assignments and evaluations.


Tutor Private home tutoring, Red Deer, Alberta

Assisted French Immersion high school students after school and during the summer with Math 10C, Physics 20, Biology 20 and General Science 10.

AWARDS AND CERTIFICATES • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jazz Band Award First Aid Certificate Jason Lang Scholarship Alberta Motorcycle Training Open Water Diver Certificate Alexander Rutherford Scholarship Grades 10 – 12 Honor Roll Certificates Certificate of Achievement Scholarship Program Alberta Home Study Course in Food Safety Certificate Certificate of Completion for a SMART board workshop Certificate of Attendance for the Human Learning Library Certificate of Volunteerism for the Education Undergrad Society Certification of Excellence for Communication through Elementary Mathematics • Certificate of Achievement: RDCRSD successful completion of Teaching Effectiveness Seminars Practicum Teaching Placement

HOBBIES AND INTERESTS • Family, friends, traveling, skiing, kite boarding, rock climbing, swimming, yoga, gardening, cycling, music, singing, guitar, playing trombone (Red Deer Community Band) and cooking.

VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT • Volunteer for a Fundraiser for the SPCA in Red Deer - Dog Wash • Volunteer Construction Worker – Habitat for Humanity • Participant & Fundraiser – The Big Bike for Heart & Stroke Foundation • Volunteer and raising awareness bike tour – Chalice, Cycling for Children • Fundraising for various organizations: Festival of Trees; Children’s games and Activities; Ronald McDonald House; War Child Canada and Busking for Darfur

REFERENCES Lorraine Koss APT Mentor Teacher Camille J Lerouge School Red Deer, Alberta Telephone: 403 358 8455 Work: 403-347-7830 Dr. Jane Gannon Professor of Mathematics Education The University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Telephone (work): 780 492 3659 Judy Foret University Facilitator Red Deer Catholic School Division Red Deer, Alberta Courtney Jacobs IPT Mentor Teacher Maryview School Red Deer, Alberta Telephone: 403 347 1455

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