Messenger Time to listen to the Native heartbeat? page 6
Messenger EDITOR EDITOR Terry M. Smith
More steps after 60 years
ANY EMCers, of Native and non-Native ancestr y, are involved with Native ministry in Canada. Some names are Fred and Charlotte Evans, David and Mildred Pashe, Venus Cote, Elvira Cote, Fred and Stella Neff, Arlyn and Richard Twiss: “Is it any wonder many Annette van Enns, Ken and Heidi Fast, Kent Native people view and Sandy Dueck, Mel Christianity as the White and Marlene Friesen, man’s religion and Bill and Anna Penner, blame Christians for the Andrew and Amie loss of their own culture Reimer, Ang Thiessen, Kevin and Jodi Friesen, and identity?” (One and Chris and Church Many Tribes) Rebecca Eidse. Many EMCers served or serve as schoolteachers, pastors, VBS and camp workers. But this is not all the story. Richard Twiss, a Sioux Christian leader, says “an authentic Native American cultural expression of Christianity has not been allowed to develop; the very idea has been rejected. Is it any wonder many Native people view Christianity as the White man’s
religion and blame Christians for the loss of their own culture and identity?” (One Church Many Tribes, p. 56). John Webster Grant, a historian and United Church minister, said in 1984, “If the measure of success is that most Indians have become Christian, the measure of failure is that Christianity has not become Indian” (Moon of Wintertime: Missionaries and the Indians of Canada in Encounter since 1534, University of Toronto, p. 262). Grant says that “more conservative churches…have yet to demonstrate a will to understand Indian culture or an appreciation of the significance of Indian movements.” Twiss and Grant express hope that, if the non-Native church is more careful about how it gives and receives, hostility by some Natives to Christianity can be changed. Within the 470-year history of the Church and Natives in Canada, the EMC’s involvement is about 60 years; we are quite new in the journey. It’s likely that some EMCers named in this editorial will guide us in our next steps. For another step, consider the article by Doris Penner on page 6. Terry M. Smith
Ascension Day and the patience of Christ
WO thousand years have passed since the ascension of Christ. How patient He is! We can walk through the Bible’s history and overlook that it occurred over thousands of years. We might scan Judges and miss how the book covers hundreds of years. We ponder the counsel of God to the exiles through Jeremiah and then skip how he spoke of their staying for generations—of living and dying in exile (Jer. 29). In the age of e-mail and cell phones, we can overlook God’s patience in time. We speak of the Lord’s return and think, Surely, this is the time He will come back. In saying this we become one more in a long list of generations that is expectant. Yes, the Lord is coming back and we need to be found living faithfully, though his perspective is of a longerterm than is ours (2 Pet. 3:8–9). Be grateful for the patience of the Ascended Christ. His patience allows the gospel to reach 2
where it has not been heard before or heard well for many years. It gives the Christian Church time to purify itself for examination (2 Pet. 3:14). It allows us, individually and together, to be ready. Christ’s patience shows wider concern for global humanity than is often permitted within a North American viewpoint. Before Jesus ascended, the disciples asked, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” He replied, “It is not for you to know the times and dates that the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses…” (Acts 1:6–8). While the disciples had questions, Jesus reminded them of their task. Our Ascended Lord will return in open glory (Acts 1:9–11). Until his patience ends, let us be patient, faithful, and grateful. Terry M. Smith
EDITORIAL ASSISTANT ASSISTANT EDITOR Rebecca Buhler THE MESSENGER is the THE MESSENGER is the publication of the Evangelical publication the Evangelical Mennonite of Conference. It is Mennonite Conference. It ispublic. available available to the general Its to the general public. Its purpose to purpose is to inform, instruct is and inform, instruct and inspire: inform inspire: inform concerning concerning events and activities in the events and activities in the denomination; instruct in godliness denomination; instruct in godand victorious living; inspire to liness and victorious living; earnestly contend for the faith. inspire earnestly contend for Letters,toarticles, photos and poems thewelcomed. faith. are Unpublished material Letters, is not returnedarticles, except byphotos request. and The poems welcomed. Unpubviews andare opinions expressed by the lishedare material notdoreturned writers their ownisand not necessarily the position of the except represent by request. The views Conference. and opinions expressed by the THE MESSENGER published writers are their ownisand do not twice a monthrepresent (once a month in July necessarily the position and August) by the Board of Church of the Conference. Ministries of the Evangelical THE MESSENGER is pubMennonite Conference, 440 Main lished twice a month (once a Street, Steinbach, Manitoba. month in July and August) by Subscriptions: $12 per year the Board of Church Ministries (Manitoba residents add 7% PST, toof $12.84). the Evangelical Mennonite tal: Subscriptions are volunConference, Main within Street, tary and optional440 to people or Steinbach, outside of theManitoba. EMC. In cooperation $12.00 Council, per year withSubscriptions: the EMC Conference members and adherents pay7% through (Manitoba residents add PST, their total:church. $12.84). Subscriptions are THE MESSENGER is atomember voluntary and optional people of Meetinghouse Canadian within or outsideand of the EMC. Church Press. Members and adherents pay Second-class postage paid at through their church. Steinbach, Manitoba.
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MESSENGER SCHEDULE: No. 13 - July 14 (copy due June 30 note change)
Lest any man should boast
Part Three of Three
Paul and the Christian Boast Arley Loewen, Ph.D. Where then is boasting? It is cancelled! HAT place does boasting have in the Christian life? First of all, the gospel cancels or puts an end to all boasting. A person who shows off achievements in order to gain public recognition is completely contrary to the gospel. In Romans, Paul presents his great discourse on the universality of sin and the manifestation of the righteousness of God. No one is righteous or honourable. No one has any excuse before God. Every mouth is closed. Every head is bowed and ashamed. In the divine court before the Holy God, there is no defense. No one can boast about any human endeavour. In that state of utter despair, God has opened up a new arena—the arena of grace. Here, God has manifested his righteousness by showing a new way for man to achieve recognition and acceptance, without human effort. This is the way of the cross, the way of Jesus Christ. We are forgiven and accepted. God personally and very specifically recognizes us and makes us honourable. It is His gift to us. Paul, then, asks the question, “Where then is boasting? It is excluded…by the law of faith!” (Rom. 3:27). When a person experiences God’s grace, he cannot boast about himself anymore because grace comes from somewhere else. It is not his own. The person does not deserve grace and can only receive it and delight in the Giver of Grace, Christ Himself. It would be blasphemous to boast about oneself, then, because boasting is based on the idea that acceptance before God and society comes through human performance and achievement. In Romans 4, Paul cites Abraham as an example. Abraham would have had something to show off if spirituality was through human effort. For example, the labourer or office worker may demand a raise in wages. He delights in promotions and seeks higher degrees in the point system. In the final end, he hopes to receive a plaque of
June 9, 2004
recognition. In the human scheme of things this kind of recognition and reward seems to be good and natural. However, if the ultimate value of the human is based on human achievements and performance, it is the same “struggle for recognition” as the warriors of old. Life is simply a battle where everyone seeks to be recognized in public. In this way, boasting continues! However, Paul says that we are saved (accepted) by grace, through faith, not of works (public performance), lest any man should boast (Ephesians 2:8–9). No more boasting! To the Corinthian church, Paul decries the culture of boasting. The church was taking pride in prestige, sensationalism and even in spiritual achievement. They were still following their pagan, non-Christian culture. They were no different than Jews who sought to win recognition through religious achievements and sensational spirituality. Similarly, Greeks sought superiority through wisdom and philosophy. As for Roman aristocrats, they extolled political justice and military might. In many ways these three systems reflect our world today: Some boast in religion, others vaunt their intellectualism, and still others, military power. But Paul says, “So, then, no more boasting about men!” (1 Cor. 3:21). Jew, Roman and Greek boasted about themselves and their leaders. Paul says that this practice of boasting and showing off one’s greatness is actually foolish because it classifies people. It makes some people more valuable and superior and consequently degrades others, making them less valuable. Paul asks, “For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?” (1 Cor. 4:7). Boast in Christ! Paul knows that the gospel completely changes a person’s life and perspective. Indeed, it will challenge one’s culture. The gospel cancels pagan boasting. Yet Paul says Christians must still boast! The followers of Jesus boast in Christ because He has changed their lives.
Arley Loewen, Ph.D., is a Literature and Persian culture specialist with Caravan Project, Central Asian Development Agency. CADA is a branch of OP Mercy. CADA is registered in the country and runs numerous projects: Kabul English Education Project, cultural research and literature projects, relief, reconstruction and community development in northern Afghanistan, and public health in rural northern Afghanistan.
our testimonies and achievements, “so as to be seen by men.” Paul could have done this because he had really been devout and pious. But he says, “we glory (boast) in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh, although I myself might have confidence even in the flesh. If anyone else has a mind to put confidence in the flesh, I far more…but what things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ” (Phil. 3:3–7). Paul realized that if a person “glories in the flesh,” he is still relying on his own performance instead of throwing himself completely into the grace of God.
Do we boast in Christ or boast of our spirituality? They glory in this: Christ has taken their “nothingness,” sinfulness, weakness and emptiness (which people normally would despise, hide and deny) and has changed them into completely new people. This is the arena of grace, not the arena of public performance. We enter this arena, with weakness and shame instead of boasts and insults, “so that no one may boast before God.” Here we become new people and live as victors and experience honour. “Christ Jesus has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written, ‘Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord’” (1 Cor. 1:30–31). In another context Paul discusses the religious boast. Religious people who keep the law like to show others what they do, so they wear religious clothes, have a “sign” on their forehead, pray and fast in public “so as to be seen by men.” And as intended, others will observe them and say, “Look how pious and religious they are!” Indeed, “they have their reward in full.” Followers of Jesus often fall into this same trap. We tend to show off our spirituality, 4
aul teaches us something else about boasting. Frequently he boasts about other people. To Christians in the young church at Thessalonica he says, “You are our glory, our joy, our crown of boasting” (1 Thess. 2:19; see Phil. 2:16, 2 Thess 1:4). In these passages Paul expresses his delight when he hears or sees spiritual success in other people. He boasts about this unabashedly. Paul desires that others will flourish in their faith and his greatest joy on earth—after his boast in what Christ has done for him—is to see others also experience the wonderful arena of God’s grace. Finally, we see Paul boast about his own weaknesses. In the early church other leaders became jealous of Paul and criticized him. He has to defend himself against accusations. When he does this, he realizes how foolish it is to try to defend himself. He says, “I am talking as a fool” (2 Cor. 11:17). In fact, he finally says that there is no validity to boasting. Indeed, the only thing he can really flaunt and boast about is his own weakness and that the grace of God is sufficient for him: “If I must boast, I will boast of things that show my weakness” (2 Cor. 11:30). The very thing for which the critics were accusing Paul—his weakness—is that which Paul uses to verify his apostlehood. They boasted about qualifications; Paul boasts about his weaknesses. This is opposite to the pagan man. A pagan man must strive for public recognition. To boast about one’s weakness is to strip oneself of masks of superiority. It is to actually unveil oneself of any kind of public name and performance. To say, “I am weak, I am wrong, it hurts” is an admission of defeat and death. But Paul does so because he knows that when he is defeated, God’s grace is there to accept him instead of condemn him. “[God] said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Cor. 12:9–10).
hen the Christian boasts in his failures and weakness, God honours him by filling him with grace. God makes him strong. To “boast in one’s failure and weakness” means to acknowledge that the only way to acceptance and recognition is God’s grace. How delightfully liberating to be able to throw off one’s masks of performance and fall into the arena of God’s grace. Here in utter abandonment the believer cries out, “I do not have to act anymore. I have failed in life. I do not have to be afraid to admit it. God loves me.” It is only through such an admission of failure that one can move forward and receive true honour from God. THE MESSENGER
Letters Talk needed about depression and suicide I read your statement in the March 10, 2003, issue of The Messenger about The church’s response to suicide. I totally agree with you, Irma Janzen, and I am glad that you and others point out things like this to the public. I’m especially thankful that the topic of depression has been acknowledged more over the last few years already in public, or to the public. I myself have been through a major depression in my life. There have been many times I’ve been longing to share my story simply to help someone else out there to know that they are still okay. No they’re not healthy, but neither are they crazy or dumb or just plain ignorant about life. A person with a depression does not need a kick from behind to get him or her to focus right again. When I went through my depression and, especially when my Dad went through his depression, that seemed to be the main idea: Just give us some harsh words and if someone had dared to give us a kick then that, too. I’m not saying this, though, to make anyone feel bad about what they did or didn’t do for me or for my Dad. I would simply like to share that listening is often more important than giving ideas, though I believe once a person is in a deep enough depression, someone loving and kind needs to decide for them a way of dealing with this, so they can get help and get out of it. After my daughter was born I went from depression into post-partum depression. I have never fully shared this experience from my life, neither will I now (it would take up too much space), but there were a few things I went through. My Mom had planned to come and help me, but was unable to come in the end. Most people around me did not understand depression, including myself, though I knew something was drastically wrong with me. Our daughter was wished for and was the most beautiful baby. But the main thing I remember was: How will I ever take care of this child? With her lying beside me, I cried in the hospital all night, not knowing how I could handle this. Somehow I managed for a few months, but life simply got harder. From two months after her birth to five months after her birth, suicide was on my mind every waking moment. Not only was I planning to end my own life, but also that of our two children. I have never in my life spent so much time in serious praying and crying and begging to Jesus, to hear me, and help me as at this time. And never have I felt so much that the June 9, 2004
line between me and God was not working as at this time. I went and talked to lots of different people, but it seemed no one understood. As a matter of fact, meetings were held without me to see what I needed to change so I would be happy. I was told to give my children up for adoption since I didn’t love them anyway. How that cut! Finally one morning I made one phone call to my family doctor. That phone call was the start of a change for me. He prescribed some medication for me and sent me to psychiatrist who was able to help me deal with some other issues in life that I was never before so much aware of and how they affected my life in relating to others. I am today a happy woman, with two healthy and happy children and a very loving and understanding husband. I believe that my own prayers were heard, though I believe that especially my Mother’s prayers were constantly holding me before Jesus at that time, and also many other prayers. But why do people commit suicide? And why some whose mothers have also prayed for them? I have attempted suicide two times, though God both times intervened before anything serious happened. Praise the Lord! I believe depression is crying out to be heard. And no, it is not just self pity. Some people say a depressed person is just trying to get attention. Oh yes, they are! And they had better get it. But loving, understanding attention, please! I want everyone to know out there, if you feel there’s nothing more to live for, you’re wrong! Because I love you. And so does God! Don’t give up. You are special. Make that one phone call. Someone out there will hear your cry. God bless you. Hilda Loewen Aylmer, Ont. AN ACCURATE DEPICTION OF CHRIST’S SUFFERING? In Mo Friesen’s article, (More guts than waving a palm branch, March 10, 2004) about the movie The Passion of The Christ, he writes in the fifth paragraph: “It very graphically but accurately depicts ‘The Passion,’ the death of Christ.” How can any person “depict accurately” the agony, the suffering that Jesus, the Son of God, paid for our sins? Once for all, O sinner, receive it. Once for all, O brother, believe it. Cling to the cross, the burden will fall Christ hath redeemed us, once for all. Mary Reimer Winnipeg, Man.
FLN launches two new Low German programs In April Family Life Network, the Mennonite Brethren media agency, launched two programs in Low German in response to a plea from Trans World Radio in Bolivia. A children’s program with songs and a dramatised story is called Come, Look! (Komm Kjikje!). A women’s cooking show is called With Helen in the Kitchen (Met Helen en de Käakj). Jake and Dorothy Fehr of Trans World Radio in Bolivia report, “Our radio station is flooded with callers from the Low German-speaking colonies. Many are poor, addicted to alcohol and drugs, sexually broken…Suicide is rampant…Mennonites aren’t supposed to own radios but many have one and listen faithfully….We urgently need programs for children and for women.” Both programs are produced by Helen and Jacob Funk (Jacob is FLN’s German producer) with recording engineer Dan Klaue, who holds a degree in linguistics and speaks Low German. Helen, a professional cook, hosts both programs and says, “My heart just went out to those kids and women! I’m excited yet overwhelmed. I’ve been fasting and praying.” There’s no fasting, though, on the program itself! Recorded in the kitchen of Funk’s Winnipeg home, the program offers a new recipe each week along with spiritual reflection. HCJB Radio in Ecuador responded to the children’s pilot program with, “This is exactly what we need for our listeners!” A Low German station in Aylmer, Ont., wrote, “ We aired the new cooking program ‘Met Helen en de Kjäakj’ for the first time and that same day 10 people called us to say they loved the program and asked us to play it again!” Dorothy Siebert, FLN
Don’t miss the point! They also serve who hold the bags (May 5, 2004) was printed missing a line. The final paragraph should read: Everyone is important in the Kingdom of God. Each person has a role to fulfill. No service for Christ is insignificant. God looks for faithfulness (emphasis added). Our apology. Editor
Native ministry in Canada
Grand Rapids: time to listen to the Native heartbeat? Doris Penner The afternoon sun streams into the south window of the chapel as the small congregation sings All the way my Saviour leads me. A baby cries above the melody and a fire crackles in the wood-burning stove. Outdoors the mighty Saskatchewan River—nearing its passage into Lake Winnipeg—flows by, visible through the screen of poplars just beginning to leaf out. All is serene at the Grand Rapids Bible Chapel—a little island of calm in the town of 1,000 people of mostly Cree descent, located 400 km north of Winnipeg. The townsite is divided into three distinct sections—the treaty Indians occupy the south bank of the river while the nontreaty natives live along the north bank. Over a knoll—quite apart from the rest of the town—is an area occupied by government employees. Grand Rapids is the home of Fred and Stella Neff who moved here two years ago as missionaries under the EMC and Continental Mission to re-open the Bible chapel. So far, numbers at their Sunday afternoon worship service and weekly prayer meeting remain small. While it appears the couple is well accepted in the community—this is where Stella grew up—and there is a handful of faithful Christian believers who attend services regularly, the work seems to be an uphill battle.
Stella and Fred gather firewood for the woodburning stove in the chapel. (photos by Doris Penner)
Fred and Stella Neff entertained church members in their home, included Stella’s sister Ellen Cook (left).
Grand Rapids has the same sort of problems that characterize most northern communities which are partly the result of isolation and a poor economic base. Youth and older residents have nowhere to go, and frequently they are unemployed, at least for a greater part of the year. They turn to VLTs, alcohol and drugs to kill time and boredom. Fred tells us hard drugs (cocaine and the like) have made a huge inroad into the town over the past few years. It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out where money is going, leaving less for wholesome meals and home investment. Upheavals in the past Although it’s not the whole story, the endemic problems can at least partially be blamed on two upheavals in the past. They surface again and again as reasons why the community has fallen on hard times. One is the construction and operation of the Grand Rapids Generating Station which went into full service in 1968. There is no doubt members of the First Nation—not only in Grand Rapids but also in Moose Lake, Cormorant and The Pas—were affected by changing water levels which did away with traditional pursuits such as fishing and trapping. Another sorry chapter in Canada’s past which affected First Nations across the country and also touched Grand Rapids is the abuse in the residential school system run by the government in partnership with four mainline church bodies. While the sexual abuse is well documented and has received the most press, it is the idea of total assimilation of Indian culture lying behind the system that is so abhorrent. These types of infringements on the First Nations people and their way of life has eroded relationships between Indian and white and without doubt affect the way Natives view the “whiteman’s God” and those who bring His message. “Thanks to the residential school legacy and Indian Affairs’ ongoing patronising, we are challenged with a mindset which expects us as well to be colonial,” says Arlyn van Enns, an EMC missionary at Fort Chipewyan, Alta. Build the church While the Neffs are not discouraged with the work at Grand Rapids, they sometimes feel very alone. With the town being only five or six hours by car from the EMC hub of southern Manitoba, I wonder why that is the case. Is there something more you and I can do to help build the church at Grand Rapids and help keep this pastoral couple zealous to carry on the task of reaching the town for Jesus Christ? “Pray,” says Stella Neff. “Pray that Native people will turn to God—to have hope and peace.” THE MESSENGER
Anna and Bill Penner, missionaries in Thompson under Continental Mission, also put prayer at the top of the list. “Truly it is a spiritual battle for man’s souls and the victory will be won as Christians pray,” they write in an email. They suggest praying for Native Christians who are “at the front of the battle every day,” for workers who are serving the Lord in native missions and for more young people to commit themselves to this type of service. Study the history But if one is really serious about being a support for Native ministries, prayer is only the beginning. To fully understand the work with First Nations, one should study their history and become informed about dealings between government and the Canadian Indians. Stella suggests reading the Indian Act, for example. To really care as we should, we need to be informed— otherwise we are prone to make snap judgments and perpetuate age-old stereotypes. Step number one in becoming informed is to get to know some Native people and those who work alongside them in Christian ministry. Why not take a drive out to Grand Rapids one Sunday, take in the 2 p.m. worship service and have a meal with the Neffs? Or visit another EMC Native outreach post such as White Dog affiliated with Blumenort EMC, or the Dakota church in Sioux Valley that has a link to Kola EMC.
thought, Anna and Bill Penner suggest listening to television and radio programs produced by Native people. “When Fred Evans (with Continental Mission) says ‘listen’, he makes a good point,” says Anna. “Whiteman has for years given answers to questions that Indians are not asking. Maybe it’s time we listened and heard their ‘heartbeat’.” One effective means of outreach in any community is children’s ministry in the form of Vacation Bible School and camps. In Grand Rapids, for example, the Neffs say they could have a hundred children attend a VBS program in summer at the drop of a hat—if they had the workers. A few weeks ago when I spoke to Ang Thiessen, director of Steeprock Bible Camp—which is attended mostly by Native children—she said their slate of workers was not nearly filled for the summer. And I imagine that may be true for Midway Bible Camp in Thompson and CSSM camps attended by Native kids (perhaps true because they are located in more isolated places). Could some of our churches mobilize teams to fill these spots? Perhaps churches could do more to encourage young people—and older ones too, for that matter—to take up jobs in northern communities and help with ministry as time allowed. “It would be great to have one or two Christian teachers at the school who might attend the chapel and work with us,” say the Neffs. There is always a need for teachers in the North, but other jobs could well be in the medical field, in carpentry, or as consultants. Could the Saviour be leading you to pick up any one of these challenges?
Doris Penner, M.Sc., is chairperson of the EMC Social Concerns Committee. She and two other members of the committee—Wally Doerksen and Terry Smith— travelled to Grand Rapids on May 16 to attend the worship service and visit with pastoral couple Fred and Stella Neff. Doris is a member of Prairie Rose EMC and a reporter with The Carillon, a newspaper serving southeastern Manitoba,
Makes a good point To get further acquainted with Native
With Our Missionaries Mexico/Texas
Remembering our George
George and Elma Janzen (La Crete) served as hosts at the EMC Missionary Guesthouse in El Paso, Texas, and were members of the Iglesia Evangelica Missionera church in Juarez, Mexico. Sadly, George died on May 3 after being injured in a fall from the roof of the guesthouse. June 9, 2004
Here is how other EMC workers in Mexico described George Janzen: •A man of few words, but when he spoke you did well to listen. •A man with a sense of humour. •Often spoke of his “senior moments.” •Good times of fellowship even at Dairy Queen, the Golden Corral, The Clock and many other places. •Famous for his humorous one-liners. •You could joke with him. •George in his quiet way contributed to opening doors for sharing the Gospel. He wasn’t easily flustered by the various responses encountered when going door to door. •Often heard around the guesthouse: “Let George do it,” and it was done. He was a more than willing schekj benjel collecting car parts, music, oil, insurance, pesos, groceries, mail, etc. If he could do
it, George did it! Going above and beyond the call of duty. •From a missionary child: “George always teases me because he loves me.” •Took the time to develop significant relationships with whom he did business in El Paso. •Generous in sharing: material possessions, time, rules for the game Nuscht (Nothing), vehicle. •George needed more than a handshake; he also needed that hug. •George never wanted to retire. He being a soldier of the Lord, a Mennonite soldier, laid down his armour with honours and was promoted to glory at the William Beaumont Military Medical Center. George died with his “boots on.” A tribute from his fellow soldiers in Mexico Submitted by Peter Doerksen
Burdens and long-distance grief Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest for your souls (Matt. 11:28–29). I wish that I could say I have been experiencing this rest. However, being out of my comfort zone makes it more difficult to deal with burdens. I do not have the people or objects or activities that I had in Canada to turn to for help. It throws one into a new dimension of self-reflection and should force me to rely more heavily on God. I wish that the latter were truly the case. It has been difficult to be in Zambia these past few months. The lack of direction at the school continues to be a struggle. Knowing how to respond to fellow staff and various circumstances is a challenge and a stress. Coming to terms with feelings of inadequacy has been hard. But the most difficult burden to deal with has been the death of my grandmother and uncle. Had I been at home, I could have attended the funerals, been there to comfort my family members and in turn, been comforted. I could have helped and supported, encouraged and prayed, hugged and cried with my family. Yet, this distance has separated me from the people I long to be with. I thank God for the emails we have received, the prayers of others and for His strength during this time. I praise God for a friend who sent a magazine article entitled Long-distance Grieving. Here is a quote, which helps to explain how I feel: “Lunch is ready, so we eat. Work demands are before us. We return to work. I think, ‘Something is wrong with this!’ I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be going on with the activities of life as if nothing has happened. My family is grieving. We can’t be with our family to comfort, mourn, and share memories. And we can’t just sit and do nothing. Nor can we get on a plane and go home. Nothing seems right, so we let life go on. “I feel rather disconnected from this tragedy. It seems surreal, impossible, too
Karlene Thiessen (La Crete) serves in Zambia with her husband Anthony under MCC.
far away. I have a whirlwind of emotions: guilt, sorrow, fear, frustration. I feel guilty, awkward, and even a bit relieved, that life can go on normally for us. At the same time, I feel like a coward. “Am I using the distance as an escape mechanism so I don’t have to deal with the grief? I feel confused by all of my conflicting emotions…like I need to feel differently. And when we go home, we will feel the loss. It will be different. It will be delayed. But, it will be real. And then, perhaps, our family will be comforting us!” (K.H., Women of the Harvest, March/April 2004). Nothing could have prepared me for having to deal with this burden. However, I know that I am not alone in my grief. Our Zambian brothers and sisters also lose loved ones. Family members die every day from deficiencies, sicknesses, malaria and AIDS. Just this week Anthony helped transport a body to a village for the funeral. Death is so commonplace here that one
almost becomes numb to the grief it brings. I feel that my own burden is causing me to see with new eyes the burdens of others. I pray that God will continue to show me how to reach out in love to those we have come to serve. I praise Him for making a way for us to find rest from our burdens. He lovingly pleads with us to give them to Him. Our reward is rest for our souls. Why then, do I still trudge through life on my own strength, tr ying to carr y my burdens, becoming so utterly worn, tired and discouraged? When will I learn that my first response, the best response, is to take my burdens to Him right away? My heart’s desire is to respond immediately to the loving call of my Saviour. I need more of His refreshing, more of His peace, more of His rest. I praise Him that He is patient with me as I learn to “Cast my burdens onto Him because He cares for” me. Karlene Thiessen
Southeast Asia
From anywhere to everywhere “Leave your husband! If he wants to follow his crazy notions of taking you off to China, just leave him!” When Lena started to get to know Diedrich she learned of his unusual notion to reach China for Christ. Diedrich had felt God’s call on his life when he was a young boy aged six or seven and he had never let go of his passion. At that early stage in their relationship, her love for him was deep and she found herself thinking “this too shall pass.” But it did not and at one point she was encouraged to leave her husband. Today they are studying Mandarin in China. It has been a joy for us to welcome Diedrich and Lena (not their real names) and their two small children to our Asian family. On their way to China they participated in an orientation in Chiang Mai. It was a privilege to meet them at the airport and have them in our home. We thank God for his protection of their marriage and their obedience to God’s call on their lives. What a joy it has been for us to be part of an international mission family for 30 years. Recently as I prepared our Central and South East China monthly statistics the names that popped up represented people from Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines, Korea, USA, Canada and Paraguay. Yes, I did say Paraguay—
Diedrich and Lena! A new slogan in our mission is A Highway for All Nations: From Anywhere to Everywhere. God is giving us joy in this role of helping to equip and encourage people involved in ministr y in Asia, and to challenge others to join us. But we cannot do it alone. We need partners! Thank you, EMC Board of Missions, and all of you our prayer and financial supporters for standing with us in this new venture. Elvira Warkentin
Elvira and Elmer Warkentin (Steinbach) are southeast Asia personnel directors for SIM.
Picture Butte, Alta.
Church planting and prayer walking Church planting and prayer must go together. Convinced that prayer is the essential tool that God uses to build His kingdom, we formed a prayer team to go to Picture Butte, Alta., for the weekend of April 23 to 26. God called this group to pray beyond the walls of our homes and churches, and in doing so He touched our lives as well. Listen to the reflections of the team members as they share with you this journey of prayer. John Barkman: I’m thankful the Lord gave me the opportunity to be involved in the Picture Butte prayer walk. To step away from the busyness of ever yday responsibilities and get involved in a weekend of prayer for this church start was a tremendous blessing. As believers, it is our opportunity to walk alongside one another. This weekend we could literally walk alongside Abe and Anna Bueckert and pray many promises and praises from Scripture with them, as they look to the Lord for great things. The Lord is using Abe and Anna in a wonderful way to build His kingdom in Picture Butte. To see the love that Abe and Anna have for these people and the burden to share Jesus with them was very heart warming. As we moved around the community, both on foot and by vehicle, we prayed at farms, churches, schools, and homes praising God for his love for people, and praying for the specific needs of the community. It was good to be there and see first hand what some of the struggles and some of the highlights of a church plant are. These are memories that I’m sure to cherish for a long time. These memories will help to be vivid reminders in my continuing prayer walk with the Lord. Ray Reimer: Although prayer walking was something totally new to me, I will never forget this weekend. This weekend
Peter and Trudy Dueck co-direct EMC church planting in Canada.
June 9, 2004
probably changed me forever. I sought to prepare my heart for this weekend. The prayer walk and our experience in Picture Butte was ver y eye opening and just absolutely amazing. Coming back home and having analyzed all we saw, felt, and experienced has greatly increased my burden and love for people Abe and Anna are working with. On Friday night when we arrived in Taber it was an incredible feeling to know that I was where God wanted me to be. To walk the streets, circle the schools, see where people live and work and see…where some of them go to church has left a lasting picture in my mind and heart. It was at these places that we brought people to the feet of Jesus. To see the love and burden that Abe and Anna had for this work also really touched me. They seem to be especially gifted for this work. We learned to love them so much in just two days! I find myself praying for them and the church plant every day. If you want to experience God in a new and unique way, and receive a burden for a mission like you never thought possible, prepare your heart before hand and go on a church plant prayer walk. When I got back home I was surprised how much of my heart I left behind. Lisa Wall: God touched my heart through the prayer walk. I could feel His presence and sensed He was going to do a great work. It was a really good day. Abe Bueckert: The prayer walk in Picture Butte was a great blessing. I believe that prayer is totally essential in doing God’s work. We had the opportunity to focus on a particular need that weekend. The experience of doing it as a group and on site was great. We were able to go to many different places in the community and area in order to bring specific needs before the Lord. The sense of community was special too. We felt oneness as a group. It was amazing how united and as a family we felt as the day went on and when the day was done. God brought us together and in that togetherness we implored God’s blessing on the work in Picture Butte and area. It was a great blessing and I encourage it again here and elsewhere. Anna Bueckert: For me personally I was really blessed and encouraged. It’s an awesome feeling to have a van full of people (seven to be exact) commit themselves to pray together in unity for the souls of Picture Butte. Another blessing was to physically stand on the grounds of schools, churches and other community places and pray for God to do His work.
Anna and Abe Bueckert have a burden for Picture Butte.
God also encouraged me and I felt humbled to think that people all the way from Manitoba, taking time off from work, had come to pray for people in southern Alberta. To God be the glory, great things He has done and we are praying for more great things to happen for His glory and His Kingdom! Flo Friesen: I have prayer-walked all over the world and even in my own beloved Winnipeg, but never outside Manitoba, in Canada. Trudy had asked whether I’d show her team how to do it in Alberta. What a joy it turned out to be! Prayer walking is simply “drawing nearer to pray clearer,” that is, praying close to the place where you desire the prayer to be answered. We did a fair bit of “prayer driving” and that was great as all seven of us were in one van, singing and praying as we drove by the many rural communities where people live who need to be transformed by Jesus. We praised God for what He had already done in opening the doors, and prayed that more hearts of people would be open to welcome Jesus into their lives. As we walked in the town, we prayed with our eyes open, and saw the needs. God’s Spirit moved compassion in our hearts. Together with Abe and Anna we envisioned what it would be like to see people set free to know truly in their hearts that Jesus is Lord. Prayer walking always results in God moving the pray-ers toward a surrendered heart to be involved in God’s answer to the prayers. So, while we anticipated praying for people, we perhaps anticipated less what God would do in our own hearts to fill us with compassion for people whom He desires to redeem. Trudy Dueck
With Our Churches
Swan River says, ‘See you in July!’ Swan River, Man.: We are anticipating and looking forward to hosting the EMC convention this July 2 to 4. Plans are coming together, but the date is approaching fast. Four out of the six churches in our region do not have a pastor, and as a region we are the smallest in numbers. These are some of the challenges facing us and yet God is more than able to provide for us. Swan River is approximately 500 kilometers northwest of Winnipeg and located between the Duck and Turtle Mountains; numerous lakes are nearby, and you will experience the warmth of this community when you arrive. See you in July! Starting in January, Pastor John Reimer was focusing on family and marriage. He presented the message series Marriage on the Rock, together with personal testimonies from couples in our congregation relating to his topic. Even the kids have enjoyed hearing these testimonies relating to the sermon topic. Our youth room has undergone some changes and we thank God for people who are passionate about reaching young people, the future of our church and countr y. We invest money in many uncertain things in life; the church is one place where your investments will always pay dividends either now or in time to come. Our youth workers are all volunteers and we are thankful that they are investing their time in this way. Our ladies get together every month and we call it Birthday Blessings—no gifts necessary. We celebrate our faith and take time to sit and get to know each other. On February 21 we had brunch at the Zinkiew residence and also included a baby shower for Kristen Cleaver and Morgan. Shannon Klassen titled her devotional You Were Chosen and reminded Kristen that God chose her to be the mother of this child; now it is up to her to choose how she can honour her Creator in the raising of her child. The best thing of all is that God is standing with us, and just waiting for us to ask for his help. A parent-child dedication was held on March 28. Pastor John explained that children are neutral in this; it is parents who are making the decision on how to respond to God in light of the gift that they have received. To give your children back to God is a confirmation of your supreme love for Christ, a clarification of ownership (God owns that child), a commitment to raise that child under the Lordship of Christ, and it is a claiming of God’s best plan and promises for that child’s life. Karen Peters
A parent-child dedication was held on March 28: Pastor John Reimer, Brian and Tracy Burick with Landon, Jay and Nerisa Gorchynski with Grayson, Willi Pot and Kristen Cleaver with Morgan, (front) Shannon and Dwayne Klassen with son Jaden and daughter Jasper. Parents and grandparents prayed a prayer of dedication for those involved.
Fond farewell to the Vellacotts Hudson Bay, Sask.: The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you And be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace (Num. 6:24–26). On Sunday, April 4, many friends gathered for a farewell to Pastor Lincoln Vellacott, his wife Marilyn, and their three children Nathaniel, Samuel, and Tabitha. After seven years in Hudson Bay, the Vellacotts are moving south again to the shores of Kenossee Lake. Pastor Lincoln will be the new camp director and Marilyn will help out in some capacity as well. Approximately 75 people gathered for a potluck supper and a short program with best wishes and gift presentations. After the wonderful supper, the congregation moved upstairs and was treated to musical selections from the children’s choir and several other members of the church family. It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and to illustrate this Fred and Irene Buhler performed a hilarious rendition of Lincoln and Marilyn conducting a regular church service at Pineridge. Irene posed as Lincoln in a tie and with a mustache, while the lovely Marilyn was portrayed by Fred with a guitar
and a flowing blond wig that he occasionally flipped back out of the way. An open mike session followed by many thankful Christians expressing their appreciation to Lincoln and Marilyn for leading them down the road to salvation. There were many grateful persons stating how the Vellacotts had encouraged their journey to the Lord in some way. A beautiful handmade quilt and a special memory photo album was presented to the Vellacott family. The youth group presented hooded bunny hugs for Lincoln and Marilyn. Then it was time for Lincoln and Marilyn to bid an emotional farewell to those present. An impromptu chorus of Victory in Jesus closed the evening’s festivities. Linda Erickson
Lincoln Vellacott thanks the congregation, while wife Marilyn holds daughter Tabitha.
On celebrating goodness FOR SOME time I mulled over a statement that intrigued me. It was nothing new, nothing unheard of. It was included in an article about an Edmonton church that started Saturday evening services with good success. “The theme in our worship,” said the pastor, “is celebration.” Nothing uncommon about that, is there? What hit me was what he said next: “We take the view that life is good and God is good and we need to take every opportunity that we have to celebrate goodness.” As if the New Testament hadn’t proclaimed that as a fruit of the Spirit already for centuries (Gal. 5:22)! But to me it became something I couldn’t get out of my mind. Was I really practicing this truth consistently? Or were there times that I withdrew into a shell rather than be celebrating goodness? Galatians 6:10 strongly emphasizes this concept when it says, “So then as often as we have the chance we should do good” (TEV). I do not always feel like celebrating or practicing goodness in the New Testament sense, and then it may well be left undone. But in thinking more about this statement, the words “every opportunity” stand out. That I think there puts a different light on the whole is a lot more matter. I had the occasion to potential remember this in goodness in something that happened the each one of other day. I felt I had been us than we taken advantage of. I was rubbed normally the wrong way. Now I could practice. choose to be morose and withdrawn or I could deal with the problem. Then I was reminded of what I had read, that goodness was to be practiced at every opportunity and I quickly had to do an about face and change my mind. You have to practice goodness! You see, I was well able to do that, but I had to be reminded. You might say, “I’ve known that for a long time.” True, but to really practice it is different. I think there is a lot more potential goodness in each one of us than we normally practice. Maybe that is saying too much, but I believe that of myself it could be true. I know a couple who I think take practicing goodness to heart. We met by chance, and they stopped to chat. They were on the way to lunch that was prepaid. June 9, 2004
By the Way
EMC Youth Leaders Retreat October 15–17, 2004 Wilderness Edge Pinawa, Manitoba Speaker: Jim Harms Phone 204-326-6401
Jim Harms
Nomination Correction Dave Schellenberg Could I join them? They proposed that one, the wife, would forego lunch and I could use one of their reservations. I thought that it wasn’t fair and too big a sacrifice, but they prevailed and I reluctantly accepted. But their goodness didn’t end there. I had to come to their apartment and visit, and we had a nice short visit. Then there was more to come: They gave me a tape of a family of Gospel singers to take home and enjoy (which I have since). Now we could have passed each other in the foyer with merely a greeting. But what they did, I believe, was to take the occasion to celebrate goodness, what I’ve been talking about, and in my favour. Celebrating goodness does not always necessarily involve a financial outlay. In fact, usually it won’t cost you anything. We can celebrate goodness with as little as a smile, a touch, or a friendly greeting. I speak from experience. I may show compassion for a bereaved person. I have experienced this. It may involve delivering soup to a family where death has struck. It may be writing a note of encouragement to someone on that blue card you will find in the church pew in front of you. The other day it was my friend Stan from Washington State who took me out and we enjoyed a bowl of porridge and an uplifting visit together. As we give it some thought I think that it will surprise many of us how many opportunities there are to celebrate goodness. Of Jesus it is said that “he went about doing good” (Acts 10:38). It was just as simple as that—“doing good.” Surely if we are known as people who follow his steps (1 Peter 2:21), we should also be known as people who practice goodness. In fact, in Ephesians 2:10 we are reminded that we are created unto good works. Paul boasted to the Romans that he was persuaded that they were full of goodness (Rom. 15:14). What a boast! Is goodness one of my characteristics? Is it yours? May God give grace that we will practice celebrating goodness where we have the opportunity.
Mennonite Foundation of Canada Burt Loewen, Box 1718, Steinbach, MB R5G 1N4 (Steinbach EMC) Burt is a semi-retired businessman. He is currently chairperson at Rest Haven Nursing Home, is chair of the finance board at Providence College, and leads a small group Bible study at his church. (He has not served as church board chair at Steinbach EMC and was not on the Eden Health Care Services board.) Note: Nominating information is not sent in by nominees.
Xplor.Israel with SBC The chance of a lifetime has just become available to you! From October 18 to November 5 you can find yourself Xploring the Promised Land with Professor Terry Hiebert of Steinbach Bible College. For $4,500 you will spend three weeks in Israel walking in the footsteps of Jesus, experiencing God in your spiritual journey, learning about the global church and serving God as part of His mission. This adventure is open to all SBC students, alumni and the general public. To save a spot, a down payment of $2,000 must be made by July 1 to pay for your flight. The remaining $2,500 is due in early October. Contact Christal Penner at 204-3266451 or 800-230-8478 to reserve.
EMC youth ministry is culturally relevant! I HAD the privilege of serving at both ends of our Conference recently. On March 27 I attended a Youth Leaders Training Event held at Mount Salem EMC. It was a Saturday dedicated to training and equipping our youth leaders from the five churches of Region Nine in southern Ontario. A total of 25 leaders attended the event, of which only two couples are salaried by their congregations and the rest are volunteers. This in itself spoke volumes to me, as I rejoiced in the Lord for the faithfulness of so many gifted people willing to serve Him in this exciting ministry! Throughout the day we held numerous seminars on the theme of Nurturing Development, led by local youth pastors Lowell Froese (Leamington EMC) and Ron Zacharias (Mount Salem EMC), Associate Pastor David Kruse (Fort Garry EMC) who joined us for the weekend, and myself. The teaching was valuable and so was the establishing of unity within the region. What was amazing about the churches in southern Ontario is that they reflect a very specialized form of ministr y in their communities, unique to this area of the country. Many of the youth come from homes where Low German language is still common and yet they themselves converse almost exclusively in English. The cultural identities they bring to the groups mean that the leaders need to understand the religious upbringing many of the youth have. But included in this mixture are the real temptations that come with the affluent society in which the teens now work and live. This balance is key to the success of the ministry as relationships are established and nurtured. While these churches seek to be culturally relevant to the youth in one area of the country, another model of ministry is taking place across the country in northern Alberta. This is where I found myself for a week in mid-April as I attended a weekend youth rally called Northern Youth Revived. The first of its kind, this inter-denominational event was planned and hosted by the youth leaders of our own High Level EMC, led by Ed and Cathy Blanchette. For two days students from churches in Alberta and the Northwest Territories came together to be challenged in their spiritual lives. Two altar calls were given and of the approximately 150 youth in attendance, close to two dozen came forward to make first-time commitments to Christ as Lord and Saviour of their lives. The focus of the weekend was evangelism and equipping, especially in the area of equipping the students themselves to do peer ministry with friends in their own communities. The main speaker was Lawrence Jensen, the assistant director and principal of the Bible school at Capernwray Harbour Bible Centre on Thetis Island, B.C. He challenged the youth to live genuine Christian lives instead of simply looking the part. He called the youth to allow Jesus to live his life through them.
ti era
Gerald Reimer
Conference Youth Minister
The ministry of our own EMC churches and others in this part of Canada is also unique in that the culture and lifestyle of the people demands youth workers establish trust in their relationships as the foundation for the rest of their work. The mixture of students goes from one end of the spectrum to the other,
AGANETA (AGNES) PETERS 1919–2004 Our mother Agnes, one of 18 children, was born Oct. 21, 1919, and raised on a homestead near Osler, Sask. On July 7, 1940, she married our father Jacob Peters. Three children were born to them before they move to Grassy Plains, B.C., in 1947, and the remaining five were added to the family thereafter. In 1967 they moved to Vanderhoof, B.C., where Mom lived her life happy as a homemaker and as a vibrant Christian. Many a family vacation took them back to Saskatchewan, with all of us crammed into one of Dad’s many new vehicles. Two of Mom’s special trips included going to Ontario and to California. In later years Mom enjoyed her many coffee friends and going out for their monthly seniors birthday bash. She loved baking buns for church functions and, also, doling them out to whoever would come by the house. Mom especially loved her grandchildren and great grandchildren— but, above all, her true love was for the Lord.
encompassing both poverty and crime to wealth and freedom. The youth worker needs to be wise and understanding of these cultural realities, while trying to avoid burnout from the limitless opportunity that exists all around them to do ministry. These are just two examples of the diversity within the ministries of our churches. The challenge to keep growing and learning is always before our leadership and their passion is always in conflict with the enormity of the task. May the Lord grant these and the rest of our youth pastors, leaders and volunteers the love, patience and tenacity to carry on this compassionate service!
Mom died on February 20, 2004. She was predeceased by her loving husband Jacob Peters in 1991, and she is survived by her eight children: Dan (Sarah) Peters, Verna (John) Teichroeb, Ernie (Maria) Peters, Doreen (Frank) Teichroeb, Betty (Jurgen) Schiemann, Corny (Donna) Peters, Marty Peters, Ed (Ruth Anne) Peters, 19 grandchildren and 17 greatgrandchildren. She is also survived by her brother Abe (Frieda) Peters, and sisters Helene Froese, Margaret (Jake) Loeppky, and Eva (Nick) Battaglini. A service for Mom was held at Vanderhoof Christian Fellowship Church on Tuesday, Feb. 24, with Pastor John Toews officiating. Interment was at Vanderhoof Municipal Cemetery. Many thanks to all who visited our Mom while she was in hospital, and for sharing in our loss. Her Family MEMORIES Grandmother, mother, sister and friend. Helping and sharing and lending a hand. You raised sons and daughters to follow His will. Now their children’s children Are a legacy fulfilled. Memories and moments we remember so well. You give us a lifetime Of stories to tell. A heritage of faith, hard work, and love. Rest sweetly in Heaven With our Saviour above. Brenda Heywood (Granddaughter)
BEN B. DUECK 1917–2004 Ben B. Dueck, born June 9, 1917 in Kleefeld, Man., died peacefully Sunday, May 9, 2004 in Steinbach, Man. He is survived by his wife Helena; sons Allan (Laura Sue) and Stanley; daughters Luana, Rosemarie, Lynnette; 13 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; sister Nettie and brother Neil. He will be greatly missed and loved. Ben was a well-known teacher at the Steinbach Regional Secondary School, Grunthal, Blumenhof and Clover Plains, working in the whole range of arts and music. He was happiest in his garden, spending time with his family, and interacting with people from every walk of life. Ben B. Dueck lived well—he grounded his life in Christ, worked hard at everything he did, cared for others, lived for learning, was a master teacher and leader in career and community and church, loved music and reading, and brought energy and enthusiasm to everything he did. A central preoccupation of Ben’s life was the conviction that God’s intention for us is to follow in Jesus’ footsteps, to love one another and build up the body of Christ. From serving as a CO during WWII to discussing faith with his wife Helena and the children, and from teaching Boys’ Brigade to longing for the salvation of others, Ben sought to live out his faith. As a child on a pioneer farm, Ben learned the meaning of work and developed many skills he used a lifetime. Tending to plants on the farm turned into a lifelong love of gardening, and learning how to hold a square and cut a mitre led to building several of his family ’s homes and renovating them from time to time. Ben embraced hard work—he always worked full tilt. In a little reflection on the meaning of love, Ben wrote that love “means respecting someone else enough to give unselfishly of myself, my goods, and my time to my fellow human being in such a way that we both get a warm, clean, tender feeling toward each other—and are June 9, 2004
both able to thank God for it afterward.” He showed tolerance and empathy, and had a talent for recognizing the good in all people. Ben was warm toward children, particularly those in special need or on the social periphery. Many a neighbour child visited Ben in his garden or while he was building the family’s boat “just to chat.” Ben’s profound passion for learning surfaced as a child when he studied perspective and colour with Mr. Gus Reimer in school and then completed his high school when most others in the Kleine Gemeinde didn’t. But he went further— normal school led to teaching and, over many years, Ben took summer school to complete a BA and MA while earning a living, gardening, serving the church and administering schools. Studies were a means to an end, yes, but much more they were the expression of an inquiring mind. Ben was a creative, colourful and inspiring teacher. Whether studying a Shakespearean drama or engaging in a speech arts warm-up, students found “Bambi” an authentic presence in the classroom. Over the years countless former students paid tribute to his gift for making school work interesting and relevant for their lives. He also served in leadership positions at the local and provincial levels of teacher organizations. On committees Ben was seen as a thoughtful presence, and his organizational gifts were valued where he worked, in churches, and in the family. Ben loved music and reading. Helena remembers Ben when he courted her: he was a “slender young man with music in his fingertips and love in his eyes. More often than not, he had his violin with him.” He pioneered changes in church music— serving as dynamic Vorsaenger, elevating choral music to a new level, introducing instrumentation, and encouraging singers. His deep appreciation of music and literature was infectious, and he inspired his children and grandchildren with these same loves. At times it was said of Ben that he was a Barkman—meaning he lived passionately. Things happened when he was around. He was passionately romantic about Helena and, to their credit, their marriage energized and renewed them both. His passion was also apparent in his artistic temperament. Throughout his years he painted, wrote poetry from time to time, and directed countless plays. And Ben passed on these joys intentionally to his students and family members. Yes, Ben was a man who lived well! We, his wife and family, remember him with appreciation and love. Part of him goes with us now in his diligence, integrity, love and care for others. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Mennonite Central Committee, 134 Plaza Drive, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5K9.
The funeral service was held Thursday, May 13, 10:30 a.m., at the Evangelical Mennonite Church, Steinbach. Interment was at Heritage Cemetery. Arrangements were entrusted to Birchwood Funeral Chapel, 150 Penfeld Drive, Steinbach, Man. His Family
Coming Events June 13 Eden Foundation and Big Brothers/Big Sisters 12th annual Charity golf event Winkler Golf Course Winkler, Man. Phone: 204-325-5355 June 13 Kingdom Ventures International HymnSing Calvary Temple 440 Hargrave St., Winnipeg, Man. Assisting Christian youth camps in the former Soviet Union Phone: 204-294-6041 June 17 EMC Golf Classic Steinbach Fly-in Golf Course Steinbach, Man. Phone: 204-255-8062 June 22 Eden Foundation Spring Event Fundraiser Edward Schreyer, speaker Musical family Barta Inspiration, celebration, dessert Bergthaler Mennonite Church Winkler, Man. Phone: 204-325-5355 June 22 President’s Golf Tournament Canadian Mennonite University Kingsway Golf and Country Club LaSalle, Man. Phone: 204-487-3300
July 3 EMC Conference Council Meeting Community Bible Fellowship Swan River, Man. Phone: 204-326-6401 July 7 MDS alumni gathering Information evening Winkler Berthaler Mennonite Church Winkler, Man. Phone: 866-261-1274 July 15 IronMan golf marathon Eden Foundation Winkler Golf Course Winkler, Man. Phone: 204-325-5355 July 21 MCC Manitoba Golf Tournament Driving Golf Balls to Ukraine Quarry Oaks Golf Course Steinbach, Man. Phone: 204-488-1985 Oct. 15-17 EMC Youth Leaders Retreat Speaker: Jim Harms Pinawa, Man. Phone: 204-326-6401 Nov. 12-13 Christians Responding to HIV/AIDS in Africa Dr. Allen Ronald Calvary Temple Winnipeg, Man. Phone: 204-452-1374 or 204-895-0608
July 2 EMC Ministerial Meeting Pineridge Fellowship Chapel Hudson Bay, Sask. Phone: 204-326-6401
Wondered about CO’s and World War Two? Check out
PRIVACY PROTECTION PLEDGE The Chortitzer Mennonite Conference, Evangelical Mennonite Conference, Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference and Mennonite Foundation of Canada have partnered together to work with a prominent Winnipeg law firm to develop a comprehensive privacy code. The privacy codes for each of the organizations listed above were developed to comply with the relevant portions of The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada) and to ensure that we are in compliance with this new legislation and to demonstrate our commitment to protecting your personal information. We have also developed the Privacy Protection Pledge. We want you to understand the purposes for which we collect personal information. We also want to make certain that we have your consent to continue to collect, use and disclose your personal information for those purposes. The objective of this notice is to specify our guidelines for the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information and to inform you of your options in dealing with personal information. Why we collect personal information. If you are a constituent of the any of the above listed organizations, we may have collected some information about you. We respect your privacy and only collect personal information to: •establish and maintain responsible relations with constituents •understand, develop, and enhance constituent needs, desires, concerns, or opinions •develop our ministry and provide services to our constituency •manage our operations, including personnel and employment matters •meet legal and regulatory requirements •advance the mission and goals of our organizations. When do we disclose personal information? The following examples describe some of the circumstances where we may disclose personal information about a constituent to other individuals or organizations. Any such disclosure of a constituent’s personal information to an outside organization is made on a confidential basis. We use contractual or other comparable means to protect the information and to make sure that the information is used only for the purposes for which it was disclosed. 1.We may disclose a constituent’s
personal information to a person who, in our reasonable judgment, is seeking the information as an agent of the constituent. For example, we may provide information about a constituent’s donations to their legal representative if we are satisfied that the individual is requesting the information on behalf of the constituent. 2. A constituent’s personal information may be shared with third parties involved in supplying authorized services. 3.We may disclose a constituent’s personal information to an organization engaged by us to perform functions on its behalf, such as direct mail processing. 4.We may disclose a constituent’s personal information to a third party in order to provide the constituent with information about developments in the Anabaptist church community. 5.We may disclose a constituent’s personal information to a public authority or agent of a public authority, if in our reasonable judgment, it appears that there is imminent danger to life or property which could be avoided or minimized by the disclosure of the information. 6.We may disclose a constituent’s personal information to a third party or parties, where the constituent consents to such disclosure or the disclosure is required or permitted by law. How do we protect your personal information? In order to protect your personal information, we will: •not collect, use or disclose your personal information for any purpose other than those identified above, except with your further consent •protect your personal information with appropriate security safeguards •protect the confidentiality of your personal information when dealing with other organizations •strive to keep your personal information as accurate and up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes identified above •honor any request you may make for access to your personal information What are your choices? We would like to have your consent to continue to collect, use and disclose your personal information for the purposes identified above. However, you do have choices and can refuse or withdraw your consent as follows: 1.You may refuse to provide your personal information to us. You may also withdraw your consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. However, this will limit
our ability to inform and serve you. 2.You may have your name removed from our telephone, mail or e-mail lists. We use these lists to inform you of relevant initiatives that we think may be of interest to you. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact the Privacy Officers at the phone numbers or email addresses listed below. Otherwise, we will assume that we have your consent to collect, use and disclose your personal information for the purposes identified above and in a manner consistent with our privacy codes. Chortitzer Mennonite Conference 204-346-6320 Evangelical Mennonite Conference 204-326-6401 Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference 204-253-7929 Mennonite Foundation of Canada 204-488-1985 For a copy of The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada) or to contact the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, please visit the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s Internet web site at:
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Shoulder Tapping The Archives Committee, under the EMC Board of Church Ministries, seeks a part-time volunteer archivist to work out of the Steinbach, Man., office. Tasks involve the organizing, filing and tracking of historical materials within the vault and over-flow areas in the building. Assets are an interest in history and a skill or willingness to operate a computer database; an exceptional asset would be the ability to read German. For information, contact Executive Secretary Terry Smith at 204-326-6401 or Mennonite Foundation of Canada (MFC) is a charitable foundation serving seven Anabaptist church conferences across Canada. MFC is seeking a full-time stewardship consultant to manage its new Calgary office and promote biblical stewardship in Alberta. Candidates for this position should be able to communicate effectively in group settings and with individuals; possess an understanding of charitable gift and estate planning; be creative, organized, and self-motivated; support MFC’s stewardship mission; be a contributing part of the staff team. Each candidate must be a member of one of MFC’s seven participating conferences. Submit applications by June 30, 2004 to Robert Veitch, General Manager, 12-1325 Markham Rd, Winnipeg, MB R3T 4J6.Phone: 800-772-3257; fax 204-488-1986; e-mail, St. Aidan’s Christian School seeks teachers for its inner city Grades 5 to 9 alternative Christian school, 418 Aberdeen Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Positions are open September 2004. Must have a missionary heart. Send resume and pastoral reference to Charlotte Holland, 240 Prichard Ave., Winnipeg, MB R2W 2J1. Fax: 204-5861416, e-mail Landmark Youth for Christ seeks an executive director to run its full-time youth drop in centre (Flatland Drop In). The centre is situated on Main Street. Its newly renovated and very cool building will hold up to 60 teens on any night. This exciting new facility is revving up and ready to go to work, but we are missing the most important person: the director. Is it you? Contact Janice Schultz at Do you feel called to work with children? Manitoba House, located in Winnipeg’s North End, has openings for summer staff, full-time workers and volunteers to form positive relationships with children aged five to twelve. The goal is to teach the gospel, instruct the children in life skills and to help them gain stronger academic skills. Applicants need to have a strong calling for inner city missions, have good communication skills and be wellorganized. It is expected that a full-time worker will be able to raise their own support with some help from the board. For information check ManitobaHouse. Please submit your resume to Steve Brown (204-2220797) at
communications and resource programs, this position is responsible for coordinating and supporting the resource generation and promotional activities of MCCM. Familiarity with MCC constituency and strong relational and administrative skills are required. Fundraising or marketing experience are an asset. All MCC workers are expected to exhibit a commitment to a personal Christian faith and discipleship, active church membership and non-violent peacemaking. Direct applications and inquiries to Janelle Siemens or Sol Janzen, MCC Manitoba. Phone 204-261-6381, or MDS workers needed in Newport News, Virginia (response to 2003 hurricane). Project directors Dan and Elaine Zehr, phone 757-884-9356, Jackson, Tennessee (response to 2003 tornado). Project directors Bob and Kathy Weichman, phone 731-664-5188, Julian, California (response to 2003 wildfire). Project directors Freeman and Verba Hershberger, phone 760-765-2345, Canadian volunteers, remember to connect with the MDS office in Winnipeg prior to making service arrangements directly with an MDS project. This will ensure that you receive a border crossing letter, travel assistance/receipting details and other important MDS information. Extension office: 866261-1274. Mennville Christian School (MCS), near Riverton, Man., invites applications from certified teachers committed to teaching the province’s curriculum from a Christian perspective for two full-time multi-grade positions: Kindergarten to Grade 3 (all subjects) and Grade 8 to Senior 2 (all subjects). For details contact principal Randy Hiebert at 204-378-5576. To enrich the program of the school through music or other specialization is an asset. MCS is an independent, government funded school with 45 students. MCS offers a competitive salary and benefits package. Various housing options are available. Send resume, statement of faith, and three references (including one pastoral reference) to Roger Friesen, MCS Board Chairman, Box 448, Riverton, MB, R0C 2R0. Applications may be faxed to him at 204-378-2594. MCS thanks all applicants for their interest. However, only those chosen for interviews will be contacted. Roseisle EMC, a warm, friendly congregation serving a diverse community, seeks a full-time pastor. Roseisle is a small rural town in south-central Manitoba. The church’s average Sunday morning attendance is 85. The applicant should be familiar with the Mennonite perspective and willing to be guided by the EMC Statement of Faith. Previous pastoral experience is an asset. Please submit resume and cover letter to Peter Dyck, Box 4, Roseisle, MB R0G 1V0, phone 204-435-2068; or Frank Peters, Box 94, Roseisle, MB R0G 1V0, phone 204-828-3571.
Morweena Christian School, located near Arborg, Man., is seeking applicants for several split-grade classroom teacher positions. Teacher’s certificate not essential, but preference will be given to applicants with teaching experience and a Manitoba teaching certificate. Contact Tim Reimer, principal, Box 1030, Arborg, MB R0C 0A0 (204-364-2466/3008).
Inner City Youth Alive is an organization in the North End of Winnipeg, Man., that reaches youth and their families in the community. It seeks a community ministry coordinator that will work with adults from the surrounding community, and with volunteers and staff to be the hands and feet of Christ. It also is seeking a program director that should possess pastoral gifts and be ready to support and encourage the staff team. Phone: 204-582-8779. Email: Website:
MCC Manitoba seeks a resource generation team leader in Winnipeg, Man., office. Working with churches in constituency relations and with staff in material resources,
Wymark EMC is a congregation of about 130, set in a rural, farming community in southwest Saskatchewan. We seek a senior pastor willing to
June 9, 2004
serve the Lord by modeling and communicating an intimate relationship with God, His Word and His family. He must be able to equip and encourage local leadership, building them up so they can reach out and disciple others. For information, call Blaine Friesen at 306-627-3441; send a resume at Box 116 McMahon, SK S0N 1M0; or email Pelly Fellowship Chapel (EMC) is looking for a fulltime lead pastor. Pelly is a small rural community (300 people) in east-central Saskatchewan. The congregation averages 40 on Sunday mornings and is the only evangelical church in the community. Please forward your resume or questions to the search committee by mail at Box 70, Pelly, SK S0A 2Z0 or phone Eugene Prokott at 306-595-2287, Lewis Anfinson at 306-595-4743 or Dan Johnson at 306-594-2151, or email Riverton Gospel Chapel (EMC), a small rural town in Manitoba’s Interlake, seeks a half-time pastor. This friendly and loving congregation has an average attendance of 75–100, with a high percentage of young families. The area provides other employment opportunities in various sectors, including farming and construction, and has good schools. Contact Paul Peters, board chair, by mail: Box 356, Riverton, MB R0C 2R0, by e-mail:, or by phone: 204-378-2740 (home), 204-364-2442 (work). Endeavour Fellowship Chapel (EMC), a warm, friendly congregation with 50 to 60 in attendance on Sunday morning, seeks a pastor. It is located in a small town/ rural part of east-central Saskatchewan, between Yorkton and Hudson Bay. The church is flexible in standards for both candidate education and experience. As an evangelical church in town, it serves a wide range of people. Contact chairman of elders Neil Fenske at 306-547-4738 or Box 263, Endeavour, SK, S0A 0W0. Pineridge Fellowship Chapel (EMC), Hudson Bay Sask., seeks a full-time pastor. The town has a population of 2,000 and serves an additional 2,000 people in the surrounding area. The warm, friendly congregation averages 75 for Sunday worship, with a cross-section of age groups and an active youth program. Our church family is from diverse church backgrounds and we are very much a community church. We offer a good remuneration package that includes a manse with heat and lights included. Contact David Sparling, chair of the search committee, 306-865-2235 or e-mail Steeprock Bay Bible Camp, near Birch River, Man., seeks counsellors, handyman, cooks and speakers. Camp runs five weeks starting June 27. Some wages are available for counselors, lifeguards, and speakers. The handyman, who could start in June, receives free room and board. The camp is geared toward First Nations people. Contact Ang Thiessen at 204-238-4244 or or Walter Oberlin at 204734-4269. Thompson Christian Centre Fellowship (Mennonite Brethren), a small, caring, congregation of 60–80 people, seeks a senior pastor. Our ideal candidate will have the heart of a shepherd, and will possess skills in congregational care and discipleship. Forward your resume to Pastoral Search Committee, 328 Thompson Drive, Thompson, MB R8N 0C4 or email
The Personal Touch
Fred Padalec, the first man to love me Linda Erickson
WILL never forget the loving kindness and gentleness I learned from my father Fred Padalec. He was my mentor. He taught me to respect other people’s opinions while maintaining a sense of self. He was a wonderful example of tender fatherly love—protective, strong and yet fostering an independent spirit in me. I remember how bravely he managed his cancer, which claimed him in March 1997. He was so sick and yet he waited too long before consulting a physician, a mistake which cost him his life. He was trying to make light of his situation, especially after the first of many surgical procedures. Dad knew he was losing the fight with cancer, but he refused morphine for the pain. He had patience when it came to children. He and Mom had nine. Fred Padalec was the eldest He really loved being with my of four children born to daughter Hannah when she was Joseph and Anna Padalec. He a baby. One night when Harv and was born on August 30, 1929, and died on March 21, 1997. I stayed overnight at Mom and Dad’s farm, Hannah cried and fussed. By three a.m., I was exhausted and Harvey just tried to sleep, but my Dad offered to wait up with her. I fell asleep as soon as I heard Hannah settle down. When Dad took her in his strong arms, I felt a wave of relief because it was quiet enough to sleep. I was sad to realize that she would probably never remember how loved she was by this wonderful, gentle man. He was a godsend. My Dad and I sometimes fought; I was a difficult teenager. I always wanted my way. I miss the talks we had late at night about God and life, drugs and alcohol. He always treated me with intelligence. We curled together in the family league near the family farm at Weekes, Sask. We lost many games but we laughed and I learned how to curl and to lose graciously. The proudest day of my life was dancing with him at my graduation in 1984. I remember the last time we pulled weeds together. He said I should be prepared to do the garden by myself because, “Well, you never know, I might not be around next year.” He lasted another growing season, but he knew he was pretty sick because of the pain in his bones. After PAGE 16
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he went in the hospital for the last time, I felt some of that pain. Grief does strange things. At first all I could do was cry in his presence. I wanted to tell him I loved him, but I never did. My brain and my body went into automatic drive after he died. I looked after the eulogy, a note of thanks in the paper and choosing the casket. At the funeral there wasn’t a dry eye anywhere. I sobbed like a baby. After life was supposed to get back to normal, I was angry with God for taking the one person who really loved and understood me. I asked, “Why him, Lord? Why did he have to suffer the way he did? Why didn’t he get his prostate checked before it was too late? It’s not fair,” I pouted. “You took one of the best examples of a Christian I ever knew.” It seemed unfair. I will never forget Dad’s last words to me. He was in the palliative care wing of St. Paul’s Hospital in Saskatoon. He was at peace because he knew he didn’t have long to suffer and he had accepted morphine for the pain. He didn’t want any visitors because he couldn’t bother to be pitied. I sat all night in his room. He wasn’t sleeping peacefully. He woke up and looked at me trying to sleep in a chair. He closed his eyes again and stated that I should be home with my baby Linda (Padalec) Erickson is because she needs me. He had part of Pineridge Fellowship accepted that he was going to die Chapel in Hudson Bay, Sask. and he couldn’t understand why I Her husband is Har vey. Linda and Har vey have was wasting my time, waiting for him three children—Hanna, and to die. Yet I hoped that if I prayed twins Aleck and Anthony. hard enough that he would be healed. I have no idea why God lets people suffer with cancer for years. My Dad was a good person and he suffered a lot of pain. But God knows that the lessons taught by a patient, loving father are not soon forgotten. I try to pass on a love of dancing to my children. My daughter Hannah does not remember him, but she is old enough to understand the powerful impact of the first man to love me. Now she loves to do Ukrainian dancing. I hope to become half as good an example of loving kindness that was my father, Fred Padalec. Thank you, Dad. I’ll love you always. Until we meet again. THE MESSENGER Evangelical Mennonite Conference 440 Main Street Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z5 Publications Mail Agreement # 40017362 PAPMESSENGER Registration # 9914 THE