Messenger essenger The
losses other than death
The Lord’s return is our Blessed Hope, but nowhere does Scripture say our Lord’s return is to be the Church’s escape from our responsibilities in a needy world. Given the world’s troubles, sometimes Christians hope that the Lord will come soon. The Lord’s return is our Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13), but nowhere does Scripture say our Lord’s return is to be the Church’s escape from our responsibilities in a needy world. What about many people who aren’t spiritually ready for His return?
Felt any donor fatigue this year? This year’s string of disasters can disturb, overwhelm, and perhaps numb us. It can be tough to pace ourselves. Still, the Christian Church’s presence is a long-term response to long-term needs. While awaiting the Lord’s return, we are to seek by Christ’s grace to bring a measure of healing to individuals, communities, and our planet. In line with that, every denomination and local church does well to periodically assess its priorities, programs, and finances. The EMC national meetings ahead in early December are times to help with this. The world is wounded, Christ is coming, and his people are responding to needs. May Christ, in whose name we serve, guide T and bless our efforts. M Terry M. Smith
Hurt by the Church?
ver been hurt by the Church? You have company. “O brother Reyn, if only I could speak to you half a day and make known to you a little of my affliction, sorrow, and sadness, and also of my great solicitude which I bear for the future of the church; what a pleasing soft poultice that would be to my sorrowful soul.” Ever fear that pain caused by the Church might drive you mad? “But now I must sit here and choke it all down. If the omnipotent God had not preserved me last year as well as now, I would already have gone mad.” Ever love the Church and yet fear for it? “For there is nothing on earth which my heart loves more than it does the church; and yet I must live to see this sad affliction upon her.” Ever struggle to know what to say about this? “I think much, yet I write and say but little.” The writer was Menno Simons, the 16th-century leader from the Anabaptist movement’s early years. 2
EDITOR Terry M. Smith
A long-term response
ean Vanier tells of a couple who decided not to revisit India because of its poverty. Yet for Vanier poverty is a reason to go to India: There are needs to be met.
Early Anabaptists were often wounded by the Church; they were killed by Reformed, Lutherans, and Catholics. They also struggled with internal disagreements; here, Menno Simons grappled with the proper use of church discipline. More than once Menno asked leaders to pray with him for the church’s well-being. The Christian Church of the 21st century is larger and more diverse than that of the 16th century. We can see its flaws, strengths, and recent steps of reconciliation. Consider this: Even when hurting, Menno Simons reached out. He wrote a letter on September 1, 1558, to Reyn Edes and other leaders in Waterhorne. How they responded is unknown, but they thought enough of Menno to preserve the letter. In dealing with his personal pain, Menno asked to be treated sensitively: “I pray you for Jesus’ sake, keep my sorrow to yourself; but if you should speak about it to anyone, then know with whom you speak” (Complete Writings, pp. 1051-1052). Today, people wounded by the Church T seek no less. M Terry M. Smith
ASSISTANT EDITOR Rebecca Buhler THE MESSENGER is the publication of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. It is available to the general public. Its purpose is to inform, instruct and inspire: inform concerning events and activities in the denomination; instruct in godliness and victorious living; inspire to earnestly contend for the faith. Letters, articles, photos and poems are welcomed. Unpublished material is not returned except by request. The views and opinions expressed by the writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the position of the Conference or the editors. THE MESSENGER is published twice a month (once a month in July and August) by the Board of Church Ministries of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference, 440 Main Street, Steinbach, Manitoba. Subscriptions: $12 per year (Manitoba residents add 7% PST, total: $12.84). Subscriptions are voluntary and optional to people within or outside of the EMC. In cooperation with the EMC Conference Council, members and adherents pay through their church. THE MESSENGER is a member of Meetinghouse and Canadian Church Press. Second-class postage paid at Steinbach, Manitoba. PAP Registration #9914 Publications Mail Agreement #40017362
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs. The magazine and its publisher, the Board of Church Ministries, are obligated to work within the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. Mailing information: All correspondence, including undelivered copies, change of address and new subscriptions, should be addressed to: The Messenger 440 Main Street Steinbach, Manitoba R5G 1Z5 Phone: 204-326-6401 Fax: 204-326-1613 E-mail: On-line edition available at
MESSENGER SCHEDULE: No. 22 – December 22 (copy due December 9)
Higher education amalgamation under EFC A new level of partnership and shared vision Christian Higher Education Canada (CHEC), the Association of Bible Colleges in Canada, and Christian Higher Education Enrolment Association are forming a new CHEC association, bringing together close to 30 evangelical educational institutions in Canada—including Steinbach Bible College. CHEC was launched on October 26 in Nova Scotia. Dr. Paul Magnus, president emeritus of Briercrest College and Seminary, will serve as chair to the new council. Discussion took place regarding marketing initiatives and a national forum for Christian higher education in 2007. “The formation of Christian Higher Education Canada,” says Magnus, demonstrates a heartfelt desire for a
new level of partnership and shared vision for the impact of Christian higher education in this country.” CHEC will function under the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. Bruce Clemenger, EFC president, says, “We are extremely pleased to provide support for this new initiative—one that will significantly enhance the cause of Christian higher education in Canada and around the world.” EFC SBC president Abe Bergen says, “SBC played a leadership role in the merger, in that I served as the president of ACBC for the last two years, was part of the transition team and serve on the newlyformed CHEC Council.”
MCC joins call to aid world’s poor How can we achieve economic justice? Robb Davis, executive director of Mennonite Central Committee, joined a transatlantic gathering of Christian leaders in London in late June to call upon wealthy nations to do more to help the world’s poorest people. Davis joined leaders of Christian denominations and organizations in the United States, Great Britain and Ireland for a Transatlantic Forum on Global Poverty. The forum was hosted by Rev. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury; and included Rev. Jim Wallis, executive director of Sojourners; and Rev. Ron Sider, president of Evangelicals for Social Action. The forum called specifically for a greater commitment to ending poverty from the Group of Eight major industrialized nations, which was preparing to meet. The Group of Eight met July 6–8 in Gleneagles, Scotland and pledged to cancel the debts of 18 of the world’s poorest countries and provide $50 billion U.S. in aid to impoverished countries by 2010. “While we are excited about the aid and debt forgiveness being offered by the G-8, we must continue to educate ourselves and advocate for just implementation of the promises made,” Davis said after the G-8 summit. Davis added that MCC would like Christians to reflect on how economic
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justice can be achieved in the relations between wealthy and poor nations. Too often, wealthy nations use their power to impose harmful economic policies and unfair terms of trade on poor nations, Davis said. The current plans for debt cancellation may include some of these unfair economic conditions, he added. The G-8 summit did not approve a proposal to slow the flow of conventional weapons from wealthy countries to conflicts around the world, Davis said. “Violence at all levels of society in resource-poor nations acts as a brake on economic development efforts,” Davis said. Focusing on the needs of the world’s poorest people should lead Christians in wealthy countries to reflect on the great disparity between their lifestyles and those of many of their sisters and brothers, Davis added. “We are excited at MCC about the possibility of partnering with Mennonite World Conference to create a broad dialogue about these issues,” Davis said. “We hope to learn from our brothers and sisters in the global South about how we can better partner with them to confront poverty and examine how consumption choices here affect them.” MWC/MCC
coming events December 6 Jesus Came for Me Christmas story in song Braeside EMC Winnipeg, Man. Keenager bake sale follows Phone: 204-667-2970 January 27–29, 2006 Break Forth Canada Equipping and Renewal Conference New Creation Ministries Shaw Conference Centre Edmonton, Alberta 780-417-5082
Holiday Travel presents 7th annual
Mennonite Heritage Ukraine and Historical Russia Tour 18 days in Kiev, Zaporazhye, Moscow and St. Petersburg
Departure date: May 29, 2006 For more tour details contact Tour host: Len Loeppky 204-326-2613 14 Springwood Bay Steinbach, MB R5G 2E8 or Sylvia Bartlett at Holiday Travel Clearspring Centre Unit 23, 178 PTH 12N Steinbach, MB R5G 1T7
EMC Women’s Hockey Tournament Arena at Landmark, Man. January 20–21, 2006 (Friday evening and Saturday)
Interested teams or individuals contact Meghan Storey at Entry deadline is November 18, 2005.
Grieving John was a gifted 18-year-old. He was active in his church youth group, in sports and music. He was valedictorian at his graduation. But that summer everything changed—another car swerved into his lane while he was driving to work. After weeks in a coma and months in rehab, he came home in a wheelchair, needing help to get in and out of bed, and knowing he would never walk again. For weeks it felt as if he would never stop crying, and amid the tears he often called out, “Why, God? Why?” Jim and Susan were excited at the birth of their second daughter, cute brown-eyed Jessica. The family watched with delight as she began to develop. Gradually it became obvious that while darling Jessica responded warmly to touch and to familiar faces, she did not respond to their voices. Her parents reassured themselves that nothing was wrong, but in time their fears were confirmed. 4
losses other than death
Irma Janzen Jessica was deaf and they could see nothing but hard work and disappointment ahead of them. They tried to put on a brave front, but at night they asked hard questions and wondered how their lives and Jessica’s would be different than they had anticipated. Brett and Sharon and their three teenage children were a wonderful church family on whom everyone had learned to count. Then one fall Brett came down with a serious depression. He hardly had the energy to get out of bed in the morning and missed a lot of work. Everyone in the family felt the extra stress. There were sharp words, more little accidents, and less homework done. Absolutely nothing was right in their home anymore. Their happy family was gone.
hese stories are the reality for many individuals and many families. Long-term illnesses and disabilities and the losses that come with them are traumatic experiences, and people respond to them in ways similar to how they respond to the death of a loved one. Many of us have experienced the death of a loved one and understand what happens when a loved one dies. We may remember the initial shock and perhaps our denial when we first heard about the death. We may remember how the next weeks, months, and maybe even years, were an emotional roller coaster. We would get upset at small irritations, or be scared if we discovered symptoms similar to the ones experienced by the person who died. We might have burst into tears at times when it didn’t seem appropriate, and sometimes we felt too discouraged to get up in the morning. We may remember the questions we asked, more times than we can count: Why God? What do we November 16, 2005
do now? How do we go on? We may remember not sleeping well or not eating well. We may remember things we said or did that were not the normal for us. We may remember how we forgot important things and how hard it was to make decisions. We may remember being sensitive and hurt by what normally would not have affected us. These responses are normal in dealing with a loved one’s loss. They are also a significant part of grieving and of eventually coming to accept the loss so we can go on with life. Acknowledging losses All significant losses create similar feelings and questions, and need to be grieved just as we need to grieve the death of a loved one. While these losses may not be as final as death they can be very traumatic. Think again about Jim, Susan, and little Jessica. Likely, they will often ask why. They will probably 5
spend a lot of energy trying to find someone who can help. When other toddlers begin talking, they will need to grieve that little Jessica will never be able to hear and that her talking at best will be delayed. As other children play with playmates, Jessica may often be on the fringe. No matter how good her teachers are, school will be a challenge; at each stage Jim, Susan, Jessica, and her sister need to grieve the losses they experience. Think again about John. His friends go on to college, become actively involved in their congregations, move into good jobs and get married. John will always need help with basic everyday needs. He will never live independently. Likely he will never have children, and Jim and Susan will not become proud grandparents. He and his family will need to grieve these losses many times. Feeling the pain The Psalms are a good source for grieving people. David records many of his feelings of grief in Psalm 22. He tells us how terrible he feels and he asks the big question of God, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” David was feeling forsaken by God. He suffers a loss of trust in God and a loss
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, and am not silent. Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the praise of Israel. In you our father puts their trust; they trusted and you delivered them. They cried to you and were saved; in you they trusted and were not disappointed. Psalm 22:1–4 6
of confidence in himself. He is being pursued by enemies—loss of safety, security, and purpose. He was aware of his questions and feelings and spoke of them clearly. Many Psalms express feelings and ask the big questions. So do the writing of some of the prophets. They model for us something about how to grieve. They show how it is important to do so; and sometimes, when we don’t know how to articulate our grief, we can use their words. On occasion some people do not grieve in healthy ways. They deny the need to grieve and stuff down their thoughts and feelings by doing things. This can be done unconsciously. Others try to be what they think is strong and try to hide their feelings and their questions. Those responses are unhealthy, and it is possible that the feelings and questions will resurface later in inappropriate ways. Some people never deal with their losses and get stuck in self-pity or resentment, becoming unhappy people. In worse cases they die bitter and unhappy. David grieved well and his writings have inspired people who are grieving. Often it is as people grieve and come to accept their losses that they become a strength and an encouragement to others. As that happens we sometimes say that the person has been healed in spite of the fact that the illness or the disability has not disappeared; we say that because the person is at peace within and able to enjoy both God’s presence and his or her own life. Imagine a John who grieves the losses and, rather than getting stuck, by age forty has written several books about faith and suffering. Imagine his parents opening their home to foster kids with serious disabilities. Imagine Jim and Susan and their daughters hosting a picnic in the park for other families affected by serious disabilities. Imagine Brett, Sharon, and their family going on in the darkness, learning to affirm each other, and to be a family that sticks together and keeps on trusting. Healthy grieving of losses brings about the T possibility of joys that can follow the grieving. M Irma Janzen is an associate pastor at Fort Garry EMC (Winnipeg, Man.) and director of MCC Canada’s Mental Health and Disabilities Program.
with our missionaries Mexico
Five couples join in Oasis When the LORD brought back the captive ones of Zion, We were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter And our tongue with joyful shouting; Then they said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” The LORD has done great things for us; We are glad. Restore our captivity, O LORD, As the streams in the South. Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting. He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, Shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him (Psalms 126:1-6). The words of Psalm 126 express some of what we have been experiencing here in Oasis, Mexico. The Lord in His great mercy has freed captives from the clutches of Satan. The devil has done his best to hinder the work of the Lord, to stop the growth of the kingdom, but with God’s help we have prevailed and we will continue to do so. The LORD has done great things for us; We are glad. The atmosphere in our church has been one of encouragement and hope. Recently we have seen funds for our building project go way beyond our expectations. On Sunday, October 30, we accepted five more couples into our membership. We heard their testimonies, each of them sharing of what the Lord has done and is doing in their lives. We would like to share the testimonies of Diedrich and Helen. Helen grew up in a home where she
was not told about Jesus and how to have a personal relationship with him. Their family did not attend church on a regular basis. It was not until she was 20 years old that, during an evening service, Helen learned she could know she was saved. She went forward at the pastor’s invitation and prayed with him, asking forgiveness of her sins. She did not have opportunity to fellowship and, when she did attend, felt the condemnation of others because she was not living a perfect life. She met Diedrich and they were married… Diedrich grew up in a home where they did attend church and where his father read the Scriptures to the family. He did not make a decision to follow Christ until after he and Helen were married. Through a series of wrong decisions and actions, he was imprisoned. It was here, through speaking personally with a prison chaplain, he realized he could know personal forgiveness through Jesus Christ, and he did just that. As a couple, they prayed that God would lead them to a church where they could grow and find fellowship. Helen says that they are so thankful for the church body--never before have they felt so loved and accepted. Diedrich says that, although he has done many bad things in the past, that now he is forgiven. Praise God! Both Diedrich and Helen read
their Bibles daily and are seeking to train their five children in God’s ways. Approximately seven months ago, one son prayed to ask Jesus to be his Saviour, and more recently the other two sons also knelt and prayed that prayer, together with their Dad and Peter. Both Diedrich and Helen recognize the forces of Satan, seeking to bring to naught what Christ has done. But, along with your prayers, they are learning to rely on the amazing power of God to hold them in His power. Please lift them and their five children in prayer daily to our Heavenly Father. Peter and Martha Doerksen
Martha and Peter Doerksen (Grande Prairie) give pastoral leadership at Oasis church, Chihuahua state, Mexico.
Used German Bibles Sought
Diedrich and Helen (left) are among members received at Oasis EMC in Mexico.
November 16, 2005
A German-speaking Mennonite church in southern Manitoba needs used 100 German Bibles for their Sunday school classes. The Bibles should be in good condition and have the Latin script (not old Gothic). Please bring them to MCC Canada office, 134 Plaza Dr., Winnipeg, Man., (Mary Friesen); or contact Rev. Abe Rempel, Winkler, Man., at 204-325-4693.
Kenya, Africa
The street preacher
I may never process how I found myself standing in a street market in Thika, Kenya, my shoes sinking into an oozing mass of rotting fruits and vegetables mixed with various combinations of dirt, water and mud. On one side of me were street kids carrying posters with messages such as Protect Yourself, Protect the People you Love, 1 Partner, Get Tested, Abstain. Everywhere else curious bystanders, including average market shopkeepers, guys looking for American wives, customers, and drug dealers waited for some profound word from their resident foreigner. It was my first AIDS awareness campaign and it seemed rather
successful. After trekking through the entire marketplace we gathered a crowd and our team performed a few skits— one on AIDS and the other regarding sin. Kenyans seem to expect great speeches or sermons and somehow assume that foreigners have a vast store of knowledge and ability to produce such discourses. This left me in an interesting spot: They waited for me to make a moving speech combining AIDS, sin, and salvation spontaneously through a translator. Thus began my career as The Street Preacher (okay, maybe career is a bit strong). Ironically, two days later I found myself in a different market and town with a new translator and a new group of fascinated drug dealers listening to me weave the tale of the Prodigal Son. This incident occurred during an evangelism seminar we were helping with at another church. This was the beginning of six intense months in East Africa leading a team of four college-age missionaries. No single story could represent our time there completely. Though I laid my street preaching aside after these incidents, I later found myself speaking in churches in remote villages and huge cities, sharing hope with jobless Ugandans in a bar, building fences in the desert, playing London Bridge with traumatized children in a war zone, carrying wet cement on my head, doing numerous children’s programs,
and learning more about leadership and dependence on God than I could have ever imagined. God was faithful at every step and continued to develop in me a passion for knowing him and building His kingdom as He took us on a pilgrimage to what felt like every corner of Kenya and Uganda. Was it easy? Never. Was it worth it? No question. Joanna Plett
Joanna Plett (Morweena) is a 21-year-old who spent December 2004 to May 2005 in Kenya and Uganda with a team from REACH (part of Rosedale Mennonite Missions, Columbus, Ohio). There were three months of training in Ohio before leaving for Africa. A year previously she served with REACH in a Middle Eastern country, returning in August 2004.
stewardship today Mike Strathdee
Berries, cold gravy and generosity
he power of example is a much more potent influence than is generally understood. Several incidents involving the Strathdee children have reinforced that principle for me. We had a bumper crop of raspberries this year, the most abundant crop during the 15 years that Carolyn and I have had a house and a patch to pick. Ella, our 10-year-old daughter, is keen to help with outside work, but less excited about the scratches or the mosquito bites that accompany berry picking expeditions. When the bite count went past her tolerance level and when she realized that the job was not nearly done, she apologetically headed for the house,
became the consensus on how the cash should be spent. They made good choices in their purchases. But their excitement around the experience of buying sparkly logos, and their persistent questions about when the next trip will be leaves their parents somewhat ill at ease. Thankfully, the social epidemics that such emotions can spawn isn’t restricted to the consumer realm. A few years ago, Sam, a young boy who lives a few houses away, decided that for his birthday party, instead of bringing gifts, guests should make a donation to a local men’s hostel. When Ella heard about that, she decided that for her party, kids should bring materials for MCC school kits.
Ella saw enough veggie sharing that the idea stuck with her, even after our practice had lapsed. taking along what we had harvested together. Some time later, she returned to the edge of the patch, carrying the same berries in a series of plastic containers, and explaining which neighbors she had chosen to bless with the first fruits of these seasonal treats. Humph! I muttered under my breath. Couldn’t she wait until the picking was done, so we could see the bountiful yield all in one place? And where did she come up with the crazy idea of giving away everything, anyway? Further reflection provided the answer. Up until a few years ago, when the combination of regular varmint raids and the demands of a high-needs younger child led us to abandon vegetable gardening efforts, we routinely passed on tomatoes, beans and zucchini to neighbors. Ella saw enough veggie sharing that the idea stuck with her, even after our practice had lapsed. That’s a much happier influence than another scene witnessed recently. Both of our five-year-old daughter Kate’s therapists, young women in their mid-20s, are fond of colourful, flashy clothes purchased from a retail chain that rhymes with “cold gravy.” For months, every time that we drove past a certain plaza, Kate would ask when we could go shopping there. When their grandfather gave Kate and Ella birthday money, clothes shopping at a certain store quickly
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Her friend Beth, for a party a couple months later, asked for donations to help an environmental charity save the tigers. How can we, as parents, grandparents, mentors or friends in the church community, help to channel excitement and the enthusiasm of the next generation in the life-affirming direction of good deeds, as a counterbalance to the deadening consumerism that is all around us? It’s an important question, and certainly worth a few T boxes of berries. M For stewardship education and services, contact your nearest Mennonite Foundation of Canada office. Abbotsford – Dave Kroeker, 1-888-212-8608; Calgary – Gary Sawatzky, 1-877-7170708; Niagara – Darren Pries-Klassen, 1-888-212-8731; Kitchener – Mike Strathdee, 1-888-212-7759; Winnipeg – Edwin Friesen, 1-800-772-3257.
with our churches
Welcome, Richard and Kathy Klassen! Straffordville, Ont.: God has blessed us with a new pastoral couple. Richard and Kathy Klassen from High Level, Alta., arrived here the last week in August. On Sunday, September 4, 2005, we had our annual Sunday school picnic and a welcoming for Pastor Richard and his wife Kathy. We look forward to working together with them, and feel blessed to have them. On October 2 we had the installation service for Pastor Richard and Kathy, as well as prayer of blessing for Pastor John and Lorna Wall. John and Lorna left us on October 10 to go serve in Camp 67 in Mexico. They will be closer to their son Steve and his wife Debbie, who moved to Mexico last September and are helping in Camp 306. We wish them God’s blessing and will miss them. On Thanksgiving weekend the church enjoyed a turkey dinner and had an offering for our building fund. We have much to be thankful for. Margaret Berg
VBS at Straffordville We had a great VBS again this year, with 50 to 70 children almost every evening. Our kickoff was held on Sunday evening, July 10, with a skit, songs, and announcements. Our VBS was held July 11 to 15, from 6 to 9 p.m. We started off each evening with singing, announcements, and, of course, an interesting skit. Then it was off to various activities, including crafts, sports, and Bible stories. We had a snack, which was made to look according to our theme from the evening’s Bible story. Then it was back inside for more singing in closing. Our songs and actions were performed by The Jubilees (a young girls choir). We even got some adults to try the actions, which was awesome. A lot of performing and practicing goes into VBS, and we did great. The Jubilees get pretty tired of all the songs and all the hard practice, but they’re great once they are ready to perform. It’s neat to see all 10 of them going
through the same actions. Two of them were visiting in Mexico this summer, so we were left with eight and still had a good performance. Mrs. Anna Sawatzky has done an awesome job in leading and organizing VBS for a few years already, despite keeping a cucumber machine busy in the field during the day with her children. On Friday we wrapped it up with a chili beans, watermelon, and rollkucken supper. Parents were invited. After supper, we had a program of skits and singing for the parents, basically going over in short what we had learned throughout the week. God is great and our prayer is that the children, along with the adults and parents, would come a bit closer to Jesus and that the joy of Christ would dwell in us all. Hilda Loewen
Vacation Bible School was great again this year.
Richard and Kathy Klassen were welcomed by Straffordville.
What is a sister church? Portage la Prairie, Man.: We were in Grande Prairie, Alta., on September 25 and attended Mission Heights Community Church. Imagine opening your bulletin and reading: Prayer Calendar: Sister Church: Portage Evangelical Church, Portage la Prairie, MB. Glenn and Mary Loewen. Our home church! I told some people about this and reactions were different. One person replied, “I didn’t know we had a sister church. Another asked, “What does a sister church do?” What does the term sister church mean to you? To me, it means being a part of a family—the EM Conference. Together we can make a difference for our Lord. We also met the youth pastor and Messenger reporter Pastor Jared and Jen Schroeder. They were presented with a Bible for the occasion of the arrival of their baby boy. Also in a recent Messenger (Aug. 17, 2005) Dave Schellenberg had an article on the beginning of Portage Evangelical Church. Note the changes from his picture of Portage’s building to the current picture with a For Sale sign. We will update you on our new location when we move. Catherine Epp
The congregation is moving ahead, and so Portage’s church building is for sale.
Mission Heights Community Church in Grande Prairie, Alta., and Portage Evangelical Church in Portage la Prairie, Man., are sister churches—part of the EMC family.
October 16, eventful Sunday Steinbach EMC (Man.): Sunday October 16 was an eventful Sunday for Steinbach EM church. A new youth pastor was installed and five persons were taken into membership. Chris and his wife Karissa Derksen and daughter come to us from Roseau, Minn., where they served in a Baptist church. The installation service for Derksens was conducted by Pastor Tom Warner of our church. Assisting him were Henry Klassen (search committee chairman), Jasmine Epp (youth) and Craig Brandt (youth sponsor). The pastor expressed his pleasure at being able to install the Derksens. He thereupon asked several questions of Chris and Karissa. After this the congregation responded. Henry Klassen in his prayer thanked God for this occasion, and prayed for Karissa. This was followed by the prayers of Craig and Jasmine. Dave Schellenberg
November 16, 2005
Chris and Karissa Derksen (with daughter Eden) are now part of the ministry team at Steinbach EMC.
faith in action Doris Penner
Are Christians missing out?
he more I look at Scripture and think about the issue of poverty, the more I am inclined to believe in the concept of enough set out by MCC in a study guide a few years ago. In a nutshell it says ideally it is possible that every person on earth has enough to live not luxuriously, but with enough to eat and some measure of security. This means those who have too much (more than enough) work to bring all people into that place of enough. It seems that’s what the Bible teaches: In the Early Church those who “had much did not have too much and those who had little did not have too little” (2 Corinthians 8:15). In Philippians, Paul says “I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation” (4:11). For Christians in Canadian society, this means bucking a system based on consumption. We have lavish homes, gasguzzling cars, kitchen gadgets and electronic gizmos of every type. We are led to believe that buying and ownership is
We are led to believe that buying and ownership is imperative to a fulfilled life. This is a far cry from the “state of contentment” the Bible encourages Christians to adopt. imperative to a fulfilled life. Advertising is clever enough to keep us constantly wanting more and better so we work longer hours to boost our bank accounts. Even though we rarely feel satisfied, we keep on getting sucked in. This is a far cry from the “state of contentment” the Bible encourages Christians to adopt. There are several things that are immoral about this. First, if all people lived like this, we’d need five more planets to provide resources we use and absorb the waste we expend. What gives us the audacity to think we can waste the earth’s resources by luxurious living while others sit by with nothing? This is greed in its ultimate form. Whatever
happened to sharing such things as rides, books and lawnmowers? Do 10 families really need 10 mowers? Secondly, by living a consumerist lifestyle, we are missing the most important things in life. How much time would we gain if we worked until we had “just enough,” rather than adding overtime to our jobs to buy those extras. That’s time that could be spent with family and friends, and yes, the lonely and underprivileged. How often do we sit and enjoy the beauty of the landscape or eat a leisurely meal with friends without constantly feeling we need to get up and do? Would we be less stressed if we stopped pursuing bigger homes and computers, the latest fads and fashions, and simply gave away excess money to needy people? In addition, in living a lifestyle based on materialistic impulses it is easy to begin putting security in our riches. We become “at home” in this world which is not our home. Matthew 6:19–21 tells us where our treasure is, that’s where our heart will be. The prophet Isaiah points out it is preposterous to “spend money for that which is not bread, and labour for that which satisfies not” (55:2). Thirdly, in living a lifestyle based on the acquisition of things, it is easy to forget the plight of the poor. If we occasionally have simple meals or maybe even fast the odd time, decide against buying expensive Christmas gifts or join a carpool instead of driving solo even though it’s inconvenient, perhaps we will get a glimpse how many people live. And it frees up money and resources that can buy medicine for someone in pain, provide education for an illiterate child, or put of bowl of soup into the thin hands of a man weeping for want of food. This, of course, is only the beginning of exploring what Christians can and should do to help solve the problem of T poverty. M Doris Penner (Prairie Rose) is chair of the EMC Social Concerns Committee.
Katrina clean up nets warm hugs Canadian MDS volunteers help out in Bayou La Batre, Alabama Fourteen Mennonite Disaster Services volunteers from Manitoba and one from Alberta returned recently from weeklong service in Bayou La Batre, Alabama, where they cleaned up and rebuilt homes in the wake of two hurricanes. Television images prepared them for the physical devastation, but not for the spirit of optimism, hope, warm hugs and gratitude. “I thought they would be more depressed and there would be more tears,” said Steinbach travel agent Marianne Sawatzky. “But they are so thankful and encouraging. I expected more people to be bitter and they’re not.” Bob Klassen, project coordinator, says MDS expects to be here for three years. MDS volunteers do more than physical clean up, said Manitoba team leader Ben Funk, a retired production manager. “We clean up the house so it can air out and dry properly. Second, when the people see us here it gives energy. We’re rebuilding people too,” he explains. Currently, MDS is focusing on the clean up phase of recovery. Most jobs include securing a tarp on damaged roofs as a temporary solution, cleaning yards and houses, and tearing out drywall and
the insulation in walls of flooded houses so mould can’t grow. Reola Owens had her house and yard cleaned up by MDS volunteers. “They helped me not only physically but morally and spiritually too,” she said. “They will always be in my prayers.” This small community on the Gulf Coast is known for fishing, oystering and shrimping. The community has weathered many other hurricanes, having suffered wind damage in the past. This time flooding added a whole new dimension to the damage. Hundreds of houses were swamped and torn apart by 200 km/hr winds and wave action, some beyond salvaging. The ones that can be salvaged are the ones MDS can work with, said MDS project leader Bob Klassen. MDS, he said, is the only aid agency in this area for the long term. He was thrilled with the workers who came from Manitoba. “They came here to work, and that’s great.” Ben and Tina Hiebert from Steinbach briefly left their jobs to help. Tina works at the Safeway bakery and Ben is fleet manager and trains new drivers for Steve’s Livestock in Blumenort. The team also included two Sommerfeld members:
20-year-old Jeff Reimer from Stuartburn, and his cousin Paul Martens, 18 and from Stephenfield. Reimer had just bought a new truck and there was a lot to do on the farm, but he started thinking, “God doesn’t call at a convenient time. And when He calls you should go.” Although the workers are volunteers, there are high costs to working in disaster recovery. Jack Schellenberg, an elder of the Cornerstone Bible Church in Steinbach, appreciated the spiritual atmosphere the leaders created. “Connecting with people is also part of the job. We are part of kingdom building,” said Schellenberg. Canadians have donated thousands of dollars to MDS for hurricane Katrina clean up. “Now I can see how important it is to donate money,” says Ben Hiebert. “And not just money. Without the people here to do the physical work, it wouldn’t happen.” More MDS teams from around the U.S. and Canada will come to the area for weekly sessions until mid-November. After a holiday break they will resume in the New Year. Learn more about Mennonite Disaster Service at MDS
Dialogue and joint action vital, says CWC The issue is too large for any one group to handle “The world would be surprised to see us sit around this table where we emphasize what we believe together. Could we come together in the contemporary multi-faith environment to say that Jesus is the Lord and Saviour of the world?” These words came from the Salvation Army representative at the annual meeting of the General Secretaries of Christian World Communion held near Geneva, Switzerland, in midOctober. Larry Miller, Mennonite World Conference executive secretary, was a leader of this group. Groups represented included Catholic, Orthodox, Seventh Day Adventist, Reformed, Disciples, Baptist, Quaker, Mennonite, Lutheran, Salvation Army, Anglican, Reformed and Presbyterian. The World Evangelical Alliance and the
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World Council of Churches participated. Despite diversity, leaders expressed similarity in mission and experience. Samuel Kobia, Kenyan Methodist and General Secretary of the WCC, spoke of the church’s centre of gravity shift from north to south. Anabaptists see a similar shift. Kobia spoke of the need for Christian communions to deepen and broaden their fellowship. MWC addresses this through dialogues, including with the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation. Secretaries talked about the importance of such dialogue and cooperation, but recognized (including MWC) that their constituencies often misunderstand their actions. A call for joint action to respond to HIV/AIDS came from the World Evangelical Alliance international
director. Geoff Tunnicliffe said “the issue is too large for any one group to handle” and is one that will “define ‘church’ for the next generation.” Rather than “doing together what we cannot do alone,” discussion suggested that “we should not do separately what we can do together” unless conviction compels us to do otherwise. Participants identified common challenges: difficulty in getting visas for African, Asian and Latin American leaders for meetings elsewhere; how to be a post-modern denomination; to develop new systems of theological education; divisiveness surrounding homosexuality; how to respond adequately to member churches’ needs; and how to do less, but do it better. MWC
MCC Canada supports ecumenical water campaign ‘Water will soon be moved around as oil is now’ Water: Life Before Profit is the title of a campaign launched in Ottawa on October 6 by eight national church leaders. The campaign is sponsored by Kairos: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives to raise public awareness of the growing water crisis and to press for better governmental policies. A fundamental principle is that access to clean water is a basic human right. Kairos’ background materials state that the right to water is being undermined in many parts of the world as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund pressure governments in developing countries to privatize their water services as a condition for obtaining debt relief. Multinational corporations take over those services, but, since their motive tends to be profit more than service, prices go up. Being unable to pay, many poor people then rely on contaminated water which, in turn, brings sickness and death to thousands every day. The international water industry has grown enormously. Its annual profits, according to Fortune magazine, are now nearly half as large as those of the oil
OTTO PLETT 1934–2005 Peacefully on Wednesday, October 5, 2005, Otto Plett of Arborg, Man., passed away. He is survived by his beloved wife of 49 years, Frieda, who walked with him through Dad’s recent heroic struggle with diabetes. Dad enjoyed childhood in Blumenort, Man., with his parents Cornelius R. and Mary Plett, seven brothers and two sisters. In 1950 the family moved to Mexico. Here Dad submitted his life to God and was baptized in the Kleinegemeinde church. His faith remained strong till death. Dad enjoyed an active young adult life with many friends and activities. In 1956 Mom and Dad were married. Both family and community responsibilities came quickly. Dad taught in several schools. He
industry. The corporations involved are building massive pipelines as well as ocean-going supertankers to transport water. A World Bank official has said, “Water will soon be moved around the world as oil is now,” meaning that it will go to the people who can pay. Kairos’ materials quote Christian organizations from many parts of the world about suffering caused by the privatization of water. Church leaders at the October 6 launch released a joint pastoral letter, signed also by Don Peters, Executive Director of MCC Canada, stating: “Assuring access to sufficient clean water is at heart not so much a commercial matter as a moral and spiritual one. Any denial of access to water represents a lack of respect for God’s creation and lack of concern for basic human needs. It is vital that governance decisions concerning water be made according to criteria of equity, sustainability, and meaningful community participation.” Kairos has prepared postcards which it invites people to sign and send to the Prime Minister. The cards state: “I
believe that water is a sacred gift that connects all life. Its value to the common good must take priority over commercial interests…I call on the Government of Canada, nationally and internationally, to ensure access to clean water for all, now and for future generations by, i) supporting publicly or cooperatively controlled water services that have genuine community participation; ii) opposing measures in federal, bilateral or multilateral agreements and policies that promote the privatization of water services; and iii) protecting and preserving natural sources of water.” The postcards as well as various background materials can be ordered by going to Kairos’ website which is www. or by calling Kairos toll-free at 877-403-8933. MCC’s Peace Packet for this year also focuses on water. Called, Like an Everflowing Stream: Water, Faith, and Justice, it can be obtained from or by calling 800-313- 6226. MCC Ottawa
loved books, learning and children. He also served as a congregational song leader and choir director for well over 20 years. Dad served in many ways, but his favorite community service seemed to include a songbook and a Bible. He heartily enjoyed singing practices and Sunday school teaching. As children we fondly remember Dad habitually studying his Sunday school lessons all through the week. In 1965 our parents moved to Arborg, Man. Dad’s employment included many years of working at Johnson’s farm and Hardware store. He enjoyed serving customers and working with his hands under the respectful management the Johnson family provided. Dad also farmed with hogs and chickens at home. In recent years Dad and Mom operated a greenhouse. Unfortunately Dad’s declining health was not a match for the rigorous requirements of this business. The pride and joy of Dad’s life was his family of 51. Dad lived for times of visiting, eating, working, playing and singing with Mom, the children and grandchildren. Dad’s treasure chest included: Henry (passed away in 2003) and Vivian Plett (Arborg), and their three daughters, Roshonna, Carlanna, Janessa; Alvin and Susan Plett (Arborg), and their children Danelle (Larry), Judith, Jonathon, Carla
Beth; Annie and Ted Friesen (Texas) and children Kimberly (Stanley Dueck), Kenneth, Kris, Kevin, Michelle, Kaylene; Gerry and Anne Plett (Arborg) and children Rachel, Melissa, and Jessica; Alvina and Tim Reimer (Arborg) with children Earl (fiancée Ramona Petkau), Jason, Lisa, Mikaela; Emily and John Loewen (Fisher Branch) with children Vangie (passed away in 1994), Shawn, Sherayah, Tammy; Lloyd (born in 1965 and died in infancy); Elaine and Rick Reimer (Arborg) with children Sandra, Michael, Savannah, and Robyn; Conrad and Rhonda Plett (Alberta); Laurie and Bob Kornelsen (Oklahoma) with children Cody, Justin, and Ryan. Dad is also survived by his sisters Gertrude (and Isaac) Reimer, Elizabeth (and Willie) Dueck, and brothers Henry (and Mary), Albert (and Tina), Richard (and Shirley), John (and Helena), Cornie (and Elma), and Elmer (and Tina). He was predeceased by his parents, and by his brother and sister-in-law Abe and Anna. We wish to express thanks to people in our community for the many acts of kindness shown to Dad and Mom, especially over these last few increasingly difficult years as Dad’s health declined. You blessed them and you blessed us. His Family
shoulder tapping Executive Position A church planting director is required for the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. The position requires a passion for church growth and development. The Director will work closely with regional churches to encourage and initiate new church plants. Strong written and oral skills are essential. This is a .5 position. For a job description and information, please contact the office at 204-326-6401 or e-mail MDS seeks project directors (preferably who served previously in an MDS leadership role) and construction foremen and crew leaders (experience ranging from contractors to construction helpers) to serve several months per year, especially during May to September, for the next several years. Training for these positions will be provided in Canada, likely in November, with travel costs provided. Project travel, room and board, and a stipend after initial period at projects are also provided. We seek a commitment of two- to threemonth terms per year. Also required are cooks and office managers (often spouses). Call or e-mail Lois Nickel to inquire and apply: 866-261-1274 tollfree or Anola Fellowship Chapel (EMC) seeks a full-time pastor to bring solid leadership and teaching to our church family of approximately 130 people. This person will help equip the people in our church family to reach out in their area of influence and lead others to Christ. AFC is a rural church located 25 minutes east of Winnipeg and is comprised of people from diverse cultural and church backgrounds. Contact Orville Friesen at 204-371-9922 or ofriesen@nutrihealthgroup. com. MCC Manitoba seeks a full-time material resources/activity centre coordinator (salaried or voluntary service) for the Winnipeg, Man., warehouse beginning early January 2006. Within the Resource Generation Team, the coordinator is responsibility for generating the Winnipeg material resources response to international relief efforts, including volunteer management, material procurement and fulfilling resource commitments. The coordinator participates actively in providing educational options for groups and individuals. All MCC workers are to have a Christian faith, be actively within a Christian church and be committed to non-violence and peacemaking. Forward applications to Janelle Siemens at, Sol Janzen at, or call 204-261-6381. Endeavour Fellowship Chapel in east-central Saskatchewan, with a congregation of about 50, is currently looking for a pastor. Contact Tom Treen (Elders’ Chairman) at 306-547-3383 or Morris Fellowship Chapel (EMC) in Morris, Man., seeks a part-time youth leader to give direction to
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our senior high youth ministry. Time commitment and remuneration will be based on experience and availability. Contact Pastor Ward Parkinson at 204746-2424 for information, or email jwpark@mts. net. Crestview Fellowship (EMC) seeks a parttime youth director with a strong personal spiritual foundation who is able to build strong relationships with youth. Must have the ability to work alongside a team of youth sponsors in discipling youth, and be creatvie and energetic in planning regular Bible studies and organizing fundraisers. Contact Pastor Vern Knutson at 204-837-9490. Resumes can be forwarded by email to or by mail to Crestview Fellowship, c/o Christine Fink, 271 Hamilton Ave., Winnipeg, MB R2Y 0H3. Christian Fellowship Church in Steinbach, Man., seeks a full-time senior pastor for a spiritually growing church of 450 people, with dual services. Our church has one youth pastor, one congregational care pastor, and runs Sunday school and the Awana program for elementary students. The pastor is to be of a mature nature, have a love for God and the Scriptures that is evident in their leadership, teaching and speaking. If your spiritual gifts fit and you feel God calling you, apply by e-mail,; or by mail, Christian Fellowship Church, Search Committee, Box 1784, Steinbach, MB R5G 1N4. Check our website at www. La Crete Christian Fellowship in La Crete, Alberta, seeks a youth pastor for a new position as part of our pastoral team. LCCF is a forwardlooking church of about 400 regular attendees. The youth pastor will work with the senior pastor to implement our ministry vision of helping people establish and strengthen their personal connection to Jesus Christ. The youth pastor will have a primary role in developing programs and working closely with youth and youth leaders. LCCF’s service to God is based on the core values of a commitment to teaching God’s Word and outreach to the community. The pastor will be people oriented and have demonstrated abilities in various ministries, including outreach, teaching, and visitation; and be able to train and develop a support network of lay ministers. This is a vibrant church with great potential for spreading the Word through men’s and women’s ministries, AWANA, youth ministry, and small groups. Send a resume with references to or LCCFC, Box 385, La Crete, AB T0H 2H0 Attention: Pastor Frank Winsor. Kleefeld EMC, a church of about 300 members in Kleefeld, Man., is seeking an associate pastor. The primary focus would be to work with the youth program in a discipling and mentoring capacity, involving youth and youth workers. This position would also include one other major involvement— depending on the applicant’s giftedness—such as Christian Education resource, music ministry, etc. We are looking for a leader to join us in catching the vision and excitement of a growing church community. Send resumes to Ron Harder, Box
4, Kleefeld, MB R0A 0V0; e-mail; phone 204-377-4248. Vanderhoof Christian Fellowship (EMC) in northcentral British Columbia seeks a half-time associate pastor of youth with a love for God and heart for youth. The leader will give mature leadership, work with church in moulding youth, guide them into becoming faithful followers of Jesus Christ, and work within the EMC statement of faith. Our Sunday morning attendance is 100. Our youth group (without a youth pastor for some time) is rebuilding, currently 12 to 20 people, with an average age of 14. There is potential for growth. Contact VCF, Box 377, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0; phone 250-567-9198; fax 250-5672064; MacGregor EMC is looking for a youth pastor with a love for God and students to serve approximately 30 junior and senior high youth and their friends of our church family. This is a new, currently half-time position for our church; however, we would assist the leader in finding suitable complementary work. Contact Bruce Unger at or send your resume to Box 133, MacGregor, MB ROH ORO. Taber EMC in southern Alberta seeks a senior pastoral couple to start September 2006, due to a retirement. The church is bilingual in Low German and English, and has an average attendance of 125 people. Applicants should contact Nick Enns, 403223-3386 (cell 634-0020); or Peter Wall, 403-3829184 (cell 382-9184). MCC Canada seeks a director of human resources (Winnipeg) to give leadership to staff in the MCC Canada human resources department. Prefer candidates with a degree or diploma in human resources and relevant experience. Equivalent education and experience will also be considered. All MCC workers are expected to exhibit a commitment to a personal Christian faith and discipleship, active church membership, and nonviolent peacemaking. Contact Marsha Jones at 204-261-6381; E-mail: View job descriptions on the web at: First Mennonite Church, Burns Lake, BC, seeks a lead pastor. This established congregation of about 100 has been described by visitors as being “healthy, welcoming, and feisty” and is located in north central BC, just two and a half hours west of Prince George. We are an excited family, looking to discover what God wants to be doing through us in the next 10 years and beyond. Candidates may fax inquiries attention: pastor search at 250-698-7363 or e-mail FMC Pastor Search at A full-time teacher is needed for three elementary school children of two families serving in Russia (school to start September 2006). Contact Dave and Kim Field at 204-4826801 or; or Tim and Joy Watson at 541-485-9888 or timnjoy@bltconline. org. Housing is paid for and support raising is required for $1,500 US per month.
kids’ corner
Xin’s Music
hen Xin was 11 years old he lived in northern China. His family was very poor. Many days Xin did not even have a bowl of rice to eat. Sometimes instead of eating he would play his bamboo flute. He was always hungry and playing his flute made him feel a little better. Some days Xin left his village in search of food. Often he had to beg for just one bite. One day as Xin walked looking for something to eat he heard music. It was a plaintive sound and as he turned a corner he saw it was a funeral. Sad mournful music was being played by a group of musicians. Then he saw the food! A feast had been spread out under the trees. When the music stopped, the guests and the musicians went to the table and began to eat. Xin was hungry. He could not bear it. His stomach hurt and his mouth opened. Xin’s hunger made him brave. He walked over to the
Xin had to work in a charcoal mine. It was a hard time. The work was back breaking. There was little to eat. There was no music. A few times Xin dared to play his flute secretly for himself and for his friends. The harsh rules lasted for 10 years. Then the ruler died. Things changed. Once again Xin could play at concerts. This was all he wanted to do. One day Xin had a chance to visit a foreign country. It was a country of great freedom. Here, Xin felt, he could truly be himself. Xin brought his bamboo flute to his new country. A director called for auditions to play a special part. He wanted someone to play the saddest music in the world. Xin thought, “I can do this. I can play the saddest music in the world. Xin went to the audition. He got the part. On opening night Xin played the saddest music he could play. He played long low notes; they were slow; they wavered and fell. There were soft notes, quiet but clear. Then the notes ran up the scale, they trilled and fluttered. They hung in the air and filled the hall. As Xin played his heart sang. The people felt Xin’s deep sadness, and his great joy at being able to play. And even though their tears fell as they listened, they were happy. Just like Xin. When he finished playing the people clapped. They stood up and continued to clap. Xin smiled and bowed. He knew he would never stop T playing his music. He knew his sadness had turned to joy. M
Find the Music musicians at the table and said, “I haven’t eaten for many days. May I have some of your food?” To his surprise, they said, “Yes! But, you must learn to play this kind of music. Then you can play with us at every funeral, and each time you will have a feast.” So Xin played for food. Soon after this, the government made new rules. The rules were harsh. They were meant to control the people. Students could no longer go to school, and all music was banned. It was against the law to play or to listen to any music.
1. Number of choir members: __ __ __ (1 Chronicles 25) 2. 2 Samuel 22 is: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 3. “Daughters of music”: __ __ __ __ __ (Ecclesiastes 12:4) 4. Who sang “Glory to God in the highest?” __ __ __ __ __ __ (Luke 2:14) 5. In Matthew 21:9 the people sang __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 6. Deuteronomy 32 is called “The __ __ __ __ of Moses.” 7. Means “leap for joy” __ __ __ __ __ (2 Samuel 6:14) 8. Jericho fell at the sound of __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (Joshua 6:20) 9. Two words in Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ and __ __ __ __ __ __ (Revelation 7:12) 10. God wants us to __ __ __ __ to him (Psalm 8:11) THE MESSENGER Evangelical Mennonite Conference 440 Main Street Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z5 Publications Mail Agreement #40017362 PAP Registration #9914
Loreena Thiessen