The Messenger Vol. 44 No. 1 January 11, 2006

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Messenger The


A Theology for Hopeless People

in Hopeless Places




The Magi and our vision


he Magi revealed the Christ Child as the Saviour of the world. Today the Christian Church exists in many countries. There remain people groups with no established church; workers are needed. Still, within a complex history the Church has expanded marvelously in 2,000 years. Recently it was suggested that EMC should become a stronger partner in Mennonite World Conference. I agree. MWC’s cultural mix upsets the faithculture fusion assumed in many Germanicbased conferences. MWC’s broad presence through its members within many social systems challenges the physical withdraw of the early EMC. MWC members’ varied stances on political involvement challenges our social withdrawal. MWC links our 7,200-member body to a 1.4 million-member world fellowship. Compared to our tiny group, that might

seem to be a marvelous expansion of our vision. One question is, though: Why stop so abruptly? The Christian Church is much wider than MWC’s small Anabaptist presence around the world. For further steps, what about identifying with 65 million Lutherans, 80 million Baptists, 70 million Anglicans, and 75 million Reformed Christians? What about recognizing that we are, in fact, part of 335 million Evangelicals connected with World Evangelical Alliance? The EMC is part of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, which is part of WEA. Yes, not all who claim to be Christian hold beliefs or live in a way we are comfortable with. But we also face that challenge, for example, within the Germanic portion of our Anabaptist family (shown by, at least, some on-going internal discussions). T Yes to the MWC—and much more. M Terry M. Smith

Grappling as a covenant community


n July 2005 the Conference Council approved new pastoral salary guidelines. Both the guidelines and the vote represent the practical grappling we need to do as a covenant community. Strictly speaking, no local church needs paid leadership. Churches can structure themselves through unpaid leadership (ministers and elders). However, if a church chooses to have full-time leaders, it can equally decide to fairly compensate them for time they would otherwise use to provide for their family. There are good, sad, and mixed stories among our conference churches. A pastor-presenter recently reminded the EMC ministerial that a pastor is to be prepared to sacrifice financially. Perhaps, but such an expectation can be misused by churches. “A labourer is worthy of his hire” (Luke 10:7) and “double honour” is to be given to those who work is sharing the gospel (1 Timothy 5:17).

As one pastor’s wife asked, why should a pastor’s family live on a lower level than those they serve? That’s a fair question. If the congregation’s average or common lifestyle isn’t wrong, for it to expect a lower lifestyle of its pastoral family becomes a double standard disguised as piety. It can be difficult for pastors to talk about financial matters; they don’t want to be mistaken as greedy. Yet in a covenant community there’s a need for openness. A Christian’s first responsibility is to provide for their family (1 Timothy 5:4, 8); such discussion by a pastor, who is often a spouse and parent, is a fitting spiritual act. Are congregations really prepared to have pastors preach without fear or favour and to lead them into uncomfortable paths? That seems curious if, at the same time, they struggle to talk openly about T providing for a pastor’s family. M Terry M. Smith

EDITOR Terry M. Smith

ASSISTANT EDITOR Rebecca Buhler THE MESSENGER is the publication of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. It is available to the general public. Its purpose is to inform, instruct and inspire: inform concerning events and activities in the denomination; instruct in godliness and victorious living; inspire to earnestly contend for the faith. Letters, articles, photos and poems are welcomed. Unpublished material is not returned except by request. The views and opinions expressed by the writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the position of the Conference or the editors. THE MESSENGER is published twice a month (once a month in July and August) by the Board of Church Ministries of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference, 440 Main Street, Steinbach, Manitoba. Subscriptions: $12 per year (Manitoba residents add 7% PST, total: $12.84). Subscriptions are voluntary and optional to people within or outside of the EMC. In cooperation with the EMC Conference Council, members and adherents pay through their church. THE MESSENGER is a member of Meetinghouse and Canadian Church Press. Second-class postage paid at Steinbach, Manitoba. PAP Registration #9914 Publications Mail Agreement #40017362

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs. The magazine and its publisher, the Board of Church Ministries, are obligated to work within the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. Mailing information: All correspondence, including undelivered copies, change of address and new subscriptions, should be addressed to: The Messenger 440 Main Street Steinbach, Manitoba R5G 1Z5 Phone: 204-326-6401 Fax: 204-326-1613 E-mail: On-line edition available at

MESSENGER SCHEDULE: No. 03 – February 8 (copy due January 27)


Rosenort EMC wins consecutive EMCups The 21st annual EMCup hockey tournament was in Steinbach area on the weekend of November 11–13, 2005. A total of 20 teams, nearly 300 players, and hundreds of fans participated. Teams came from Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario. First time participants included teams from Good News Community Church (Steinbach) and Oak Bluff Bible Church (Oak Bluff). As well, Braeside returned after a number of years of not icing a team. We hope all enjoyed the weekend and will return next year. The four teams advancing to the semi-finals were Blumenort, Ridgewood, Fort Garry, and Rosenort EMC. On Saturday night Ridgewood defeated Fort Garry and Rosenort advanced past Blumenort. The final on Sunday afternoon provided over 200 fans with an entertaining game in which Rosenort defeated Ridgewood 6–3. It was Rosenort’s second consecutive tournament win. Other teams participating were Fort Frances, Morweena, Morris, Kleefeld, Rosenort Fellowship/Pleasant Valley, Grande Prairie, Portage la Prairie, Steinbach EMC, Prairie Rose, Mount Salem, and Steinbach Bible College. Four teams participated in the recreation division: St. Vital, Oak Bluff, Good News Community Church, and Steinbach EFC. The tournament raised $1,500 for Hockey Ministries International.

The tournament committee would like to thank all the players, referees, timekeepers, arena staff, and fans for another successful tournament. See you next November! Russ Dyck

coming events January 27–29 Break Forth Canada Equipping and Renewal Conference New Creation Ministries Shaw Conference Centre Edmonton, Alberta 780-417-5082 January 27–29 Changed: 2 Corinthians 3:18 Youth Encounter 2006 Providence College 800-668-7769 March 13–15 Revive Your Soul! Tyndale Pastors and Leaders Conference 416-226-6620

Holiday Travel presents 7th annual

Mennonite Heritage Ukraine and Historical Russia Tour 18 days in Kiev, Zaporazhye, Moscow and St. Petersburg

Departure date: May 29, 2006

Gilbert Fehr is a long-time EMCup supporter and timekeeper.

For more tour details contact Tour host: Len Loeppky 204-326-2613 14 Springwood Bay Steinbach, MB R5G 2E8 or Sylvia Bartlett at Holiday Travel Clearspring Centre Unit 23, 178 PTH 12N Steinbach, MB R5G 1T7

Note on December 28, 2005, edition: Thanks go to Pastors Angel Infantes and Luis Antonio Pitta for their reports; Cathy Thiessen for her double work as translator and editor of the Spanish reports; Gerald D. Reimer for his work with us in planning, preparing, and editing the issue; and Lester Olfert for providing us, on short notice, with a replacement lead article in two languages. Finalists: Rosenort EMC and Ridgewood

January 11, 2006

The Editors

A look at Mark 5:1-20

A Theology for in Hopeless Plac


he account of the demon-possessed man in Mark 5 is the story of a hopeless person who lived in a hopeless place, and given up as hopeless by all but one. This is one the oddest narratives in the gospels. It is so strange that some simply avoid it, and for good cause: The naked lunatic, the screaming, the legion of demons, the pigs that commit suicide. Let’s face it. There isn’t a lot of material here for easy meditations. In spite of the odd feel of this text, I believe there is something here of earth-shaking significance for all of us. Hopelessness (5:1–5) Jesus’ arrival is no accident. He appears because a man is in great need and because there must be no doubt that Jesus’ power extends beyond the limits of his own backyard. Jesus’ surprising appearance in this unexpected setting loudly proclaims that God’s offer of salvation is not limited to the Jews or any particular class of people. The worst pagan can be the object of God’s love.

Verses 3–5 symbolize the extent to which a human being can be affected by evil. They describe a man who is alienated in every possible way—from himself, his family, and the rest of human society. He is completely out of control; no one can do anything for him. Confrontation (5:6–13) Four actions (vv. 6–10) show that the man regains some measure of control at the sight of Jesus. He sees Jesus, runs to him, falls on his knees in front of him, and shouts at the top of his voice. The royal title the demons use for Jesus, “Son of the Most High God,” underlines their utter powerlessness in his presence. The lie that they have overwhelming powers is being unraveled. The demons, knowing this game is over, are simply negotiating terms of surrender. Jesus asks the demon to identify itself (v. 9), not so much to gain control as to demonstrate the extent of the creature’s control over this man. The demon’s immediate response further underlines Jesus’ absolute authority. In contrast to popular belief of the time, Mark emphasizes the spirits’ limited range of freedom (vv. 11–13). They need permission to enter into the pigs, unable to take possession on their own authority. This text confirms the existence of such evil disembodied spirits, but their power is extremely limited. A “legion” of demons, possibly 6,000, is not sufficient to completely strip this man of his dignity. The pig-demon ratio—2,000 pigs to 6,000 demons—sends a subtle message about these demons’ real power. For an audience that believed in the overwhelming power of demons, in this situation three demons are insufficient to keep one pig from drowning itself and the demons with it. The pig incident is indeed strange, yet important. How else would people know this man was under the influence of real demons? Jesus was more than just a good psychologist. The drowning of the pigs demonstrates Jesus’ astonishing power: Not even an army of demons can stand in his presence.


Hopeless People aces

Dr. Pierre Gilbert Village idiots never get it! (5:14–17) Jesus’ intervention does not meet with a grateful response from the community. That the “demoniac” is sitting, clothed and in full control of himself is irrelevant. The village idiots want Jesus to leave. They are upset by the economic cost of this good deed. At a herd of pigs for a man, salvation is just too expensive. The village idiots just don’t get Jesus. They never do! Mark reminds us that Jesus is powerless in the face of human stupidity. As for the man, he is back to normal. Jesus and the liberated man (5:18–20) Jesus leaves, not as a concession to the village idiots, but because his mission is completed. The man wishes to go with Jesus, but Jesus does not January 11, 006

let him. The village idiots will call for an inquiry. There will be questions. The man must stay behind to tell the truth about the healer. He must go back to his family, reenter the social fabric of his community. This man is given a new lease on life, a new identify, a new purpose to live as God’s partner. Elements of biblical theology A few elements of biblical theology will suggest how this text can be relevant for us today. Something is wrong with human beings. The debilitating impact of sin on human nature is absolutely beyond self-help books and pop psychology. Alienation. Sin and evil always result in alienation from ourselves, others, and God. The universality of salvation. The story of the demoniac man teaches that salvation is available to all men and women, regardless of their condition. Jesus did not wait for the demoniac to come to his neighborhood, he actively sought him. The social cost of redemption. God provides the foundation for redemption, but human participation in the furtherance of the Kingdom will sometimes be costly. 5

God works in partnership. God never does by Himself what He can do in partnership with men and women (1 Corinthians 3:9). Redemption. Redemption affects every aspect of a person’s life, but first and foremost, it affects the inner person. True redemption begins in the heart and extends outward into the community. Hidden truths In conclusion, this story reveals two fundamental truths, which the “world” has hidden and still attempts to hide at all costs. Seen plainly, these truths would transform every person touched by them and, in time, transform the whole world. Truth 1: No one is beyond the reach of God. Regardless of the grip evil may have on a person, God has an infinite ability to reach into the human soul and bring redemption. No one is beyond the reach of God!

This implies that we should never give up on anyone or on Christ’s ability to redeem even the most unlikely candidates for salvation. Whether it’s a drug addict, a hardened criminal, or a child born with Down Syndrome, God can reach into their souls. Truth 2: We are Free. Here is the second truth that the “world” and countless human ideologies seek to hide from us, that intellectual elites say is a lie, or at best an illusion: We are free! We are free to turn to God and be healed. No demon, no evil, no amount of abuse, nothing can keep us from turning to God and crying for help. Hope can shine through in the darkest places. Christ can overcome all obstacles. Only one thing stands in the way of our redemption: Human free will—our own unwillingness to accept His T invitation. M Pierre Gilbert, Ph.D., is ������������ director of ���� the Winnipeg Centre for Ministry Studies (formerly, Evangelical Anabaptist Seminary program), of which EMC is a partner. Gilbert is an ordained Mennonite Brethren minister.

December 2

Mennonite-Catholic dialogue explored by EMC ministerial

Nearly 500 years after the Radical Reformation’s separation from the Roman Catholic Church, the EMC ministerial met on December 2, 2005, to grapple with ancient perceptions and modern developments. Members gathered at Evangelical Fellowship Church in Steinbach, Man., to study a 48-page report Called Together to be Peacemakers, on the five-year international Mennonite-Catholic dialogue sponsored by Mennonite World Conference (of which EMC is a part) and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. In speaking of his own journey in relating to the Roman Catholic Church, moderator Ron Penner recalled how surprised and concerned he was years ago to be told that a commentary he appreciated was by a priest. After the international dialogue’s report was published, some EMC “academics” he consulted with thought it was helpful and to be shared, he said. The dialogue’s only representative from the Mennonite church in North America was present: Dr. Helmut Harder.

Harder, a former professor of theology at Canadian Mennonite Bible College (now part of CMU), presented and responded to other presentations and to questions. Dr. Harder explained that the dialogue focused on three periods in history (the Reformation, the Constantinian era, and the Middle Ages) and four topics (the church, the Lord’s Supper, baptism, and peace). He reported no sense that Roman Catholics welcomed the dialogue in order to draw Mennonites under the Pope’s authority. Mennonites are viewed as separated brethren, rather than as unbelievers. Layton Friesen, senior pastor at Fort Garry EMC, looked at the section on The Nature of the Church. He said, “My hope is that we can practice a kind of critical hospitality— not gullible or naïve, not hostile or suspicious.” The Catholic representatives described the church as the People of God, the Body of Christ, and the Temple of the Holy Spirit. “It seems to me that from a Mennonite perspective there is much here to celebrate,” Friesen said.


Where Friesen had ongoing concerns, however, was in the relationship between Tradition and Scripture—which went “far beyond merely interpreting scripture, into replacing scripture, superseding scripture.” However, he suggested that the Mennonite church also grapples with who has authority to interpret the Bible: “No church that I know of gives everyone equal authority in interpreting Scripture.” And while “we Mennonites tend to have genetic suspicion of authority, a distrust of David Funk stands to ask a question of the panelists. He is senior pastor at Abbeydale Christian Fellowship strong leaders,” Friesen said, “the authority in Calgary. vested in Catholic clergy is coupled with a vow of obedience and submission to their superiors.” “I have never been told that as a minister of the gospel I need to be obedient to anyone,” he said. We can learn from “this system without imitating its abuses.” Dr. Arden Thiessen considered Sacraments and Ordinances. He looked at sacramental thinking, the development of Catholic sacramentalism, the “Reformed or Anabaptist” view of sacraments or ordinances, and the practices of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Then he reflected on the “value of signs and symbols today.” Conjugal love is a mystery and a wedding ring is a symbol of that love, he said. A Canadian flag is a symbol that elicits feelings; a highway sign does not. “A symbol is not just a sign; it is its own reality,” he said. Thiessen said, “I suggest therefore that if, in our churches, we could somehow renew the sense of mystery when we think of the Christian life and of our union with Christ Jesus, then baptism and the Lord’s Supper might

Dan Sawatzky, deacon at MacGregor EMC, introduces their new pastor, Bill McCaskell.

again be experienced as symbols, as involving us in the reality that they represent, rather than merely being reminders or things that need to be done because Christ ordained them.” Dr. Harvey Plett looked at Our Commitment to Peace. He highlighted that the Catholic statement repents of using the “civil arm to suppress religious dissent, and she begs God’s forgiveness for these violations.” Plett responded, “This is an exciting confession and we gladly forgive where their actions have touched our forebears.” Some members said “Amen!” The Catholic Church has taken a new direction, considering war as part of the culture of death, said Plett. At the same time, he remains concerned that a “general anti-war attitude is modified by the acceptance of the Just War theory.” He is also wary that dialogue contains the “subtle danger” to minimize or push aside differences. Plett wondered if the change in Mennonite language from non-resistance to non-violence has “shifted” meanings and “added others that were not included before?” He asked, “What can we do to become better

Panelists were Layton Friesen, Dr. Helmut Harder, Dr. Harvey Plett, and Dr. Arden Thiessen.

January 11, 2006

peace churches? What can we do to move from the idea that peace, spiritually and ethically, is optional to seeing it as at the heart of the gospel?” Panelists and members asked questions, commented, and responded to others. Why is the Council of Trent not repealed? (Councils are not repealed, though they can be reinterpreted.) Some people are uncomfortable with viewing Catholics as fellow Christians. Persecution by Catholics still occurs in some countries. It was wondered if it’s accurate to say that Anabaptist theology allows baptism to go from a memorial to “effectual change.” The dialogue’s report was available in advance of the meeting; papers by EMC presenters were distributed at the meeting. No ministerial decisions resulted from the discussion. The BMD did not suggest any further steps to be About 115 people attended the ministerial held December 2, 2005. taken by the conference regarding the dialogue, and the ministerial did not give any formal instructions to Dr. Helmut Harder regarding Mennonite participation in it. Story: Terry M. Smith Photos: Becky Buhler

December 3

Council approves new directions and identifies issues to address A national budget was passed, expansion of a board’s mandate was approved, and issues to be grappled with were identified at the EM conference council meeting held December 3, 2005, at Ridgewood EMC near Giroux, Man.

Delegates from EMC churches across nine regions and five provinces gathered. Here are key items from that meeting (more information is available from your church delegates): Board of Church Ministries The Evangelical Anabaptist Committee’s ministerial survey is yielding interesting results, with more church surveys yet to be received. The board is moving ahead with both a Follow Me! study booklet on social justice and an educational theological journal.

Sid Reimer (right) and other Region 7 representatives encouraged delegates to spread the word about EMC’s 2006 Convention in Winnipeg.

Board of Ministers and Deacons Council approved the transferring of Canadian church planting responsibilities from the Board of Missions to this board, which is to be renamed as the Board of Leadership and Outreach and enlarged in members to reflect its wider mandate. Canadian associate missions, such as Continental Mission, remain under the Board of Missions. THE MESSENGER

General Board Council formally accepted Good News Community Church (Steinbach, Man.) and Oak Bluff Bible Church (Oak Bluff, Man.) as members in the conference.

George Toews, EMC representative for the Evangelical Anabaptist Seminary Program, announced that it is now called Winnipeg Centre for Ministry Studies.

Board of Trustees Council approved the 2006 budget of $1,878,000, a 2.7 percent ($50,000) increase from the 2005 budget of $1,828,000.

Martha and Peter Doerksen, EMC missionaries, shared about exciting opportunities in their work among Low-German Mennonites in Mexico.

Board of Missions The board continues its activities and seeks more workers for Paraguay and Mexico, said Ken Zacharias, foreign secretary. An increasing number of applicants with associate mission status presents a challenge, since the BOM’s budget has a 20 percent cap for such financial support, said general secretary Len Barkman. Steinbach Bible College The college grapples with issues common to Bible colleges, president Abe Bergen said. This year it has a lower number of first-year students, but anticipates a record graduation class. Moderator Ron Penner told delegates that SBC is “our college,” not just one choice among many, and encouraged people to go there.

January 11, 2006

MCC Canada MCC Canada received $9 million in donations (includes matching government funds) to the tsunami appeal, said EMC representative Harold Barg. Mennonite Foundation of Canada MFC is adding another consultant in southern Ontario and a full-time worker in BC, and welcomes more grant applications from EM churches, said Harold Penner, MFC staff person. Mennonite World Conference “Fellow Mennonite brothers and sisters around the world” are “part of the suffering church,” Host pastor Travis Thiessen reads one of many reports presented at the December 3 Council said representative and moderator Ron Penner, who meeting. He also presented the opening devotional. listed Vietnam, Zimbabwe, and Congo. They “desperately need the support and the prayers of fellow believers in other parts of the world as they stand for Christ.” The next General Assembly is in Asuncion, Paraguay, in 2009. He suggested that the conference consider a greater financial commitment. Issues facing us What are the theological or social issues our churches are facing today and how do we need to move forward in addressing them? • How do we respond to a growing “ethnic variety” in our conference?

Delegates voted on a number of motions, including a transfer of the Canadian church planting portfolio from the Board of Missions to the Board of Ministers and Deacons (renamed Board of Leadership and Outreach).

Ron Penner, EMC Moderator, welcomed Oak Bluff Bible Church (left), represented by Troy Selley and Ed Wolowich (hidden), and Good News Community Church (below), represented by Glen Koop.

• What are the non-negotiables in our faith? • First Nations in Canada. More time is needed for Social Concerns Committee, which can serve as a resource to ministers. • The issues of pacifism and the authority of Scripture. • A conference-level pastoral protocol is needed on marriage. • A faith statement is needed on the area of marriage. • Singleness and their incorporation into church life. • The need for a theological journal. • The role of women in ministry needs to be revisited. Such revisiting is to be done “thoughtfully, kindly, prayerfully and in such a forum that it need not divide us, but rather that it will build up the body of Christ,” Ron Penner said in response. He invited ideas on how this might be carried out. • An on-line forum for discussion of issues. • Women delegates are needed. “I miss the voice of women.” • How can we ensure a balance between Evangelical and Mennonite? • Council members supported sending a letter of request that four members of Christian P eacemaker Teams be released in Iraq. Prayers were said about neo-Pentecostalism concerns in Nicaragua, the current and coming governments in Canada, the CPT hostages in Iraq, our conference’s wellbeing, and the Venezeulan government’s attitudes toward missions. Story: Terry M. Smith Photos: Becky Buhler

with our missionaries Paraguay

HIV/AIDS ministry is busier than ever As we look back over the year, so many things have happened starting with our being there in Canada until the beginning of February. We enjoyed so many good times with many of you, and were very encouraged to return to Paraguay and continue both in the Roque Alonso church, as well as in the AIDS work. It is fortunate that we do not know ahead of time what is waiting for us, because the bubble soon burst at the AIDS centre. Small things led to bigger things, and all of a sudden we were faced with the need to take serious action after a six-month absence. The centre nearly closed down for a few


months until a provisional board could be formed. Eventually a membership meeting was called in November 2005, where Alto Refugio (High Refuge) was re-organized and a new board was elected. Now the place is buzzing with more activity than ever, because the HIV/AIDS problem is growing at an incredible rate in Paraguay. We are thankful for a good staff of volunteers and the positive spirit that is evident every day that the centre is open. We are constantly being reminded that the place is too small for what we are trying to do and what we are only dreaming about. On September 13 we celebrated the

second anniversary of the AIDS centre. We planned a praise service at a nearby church, followed by refreshments and sharing at the centre. It was good to be with nearly 100 people celebrating and expressing gratitude for many evidences of God’s faithfulness. On December 1, 2005, World AIDS Day, we were planning a big program in the plaza. Over a month of planning and preparation was coming together with a full day of activity when a huge thunderstorm blew over, and the man who brought the sound equipment, folded up shop and left. We had no choice, but to get our things together and leave. We had no


sooner pulled stakes than the sun came out again, and the lovely evening only made everyone feel worse that we were not taking advantage of the opportunity. Chalk it up as a learning experience. A few weeks ago four of us who work at the centre participated in a medical congress on clinical treatment of HIV/ AIDS. A lot of it was technical language beyond our understanding, but it gave us a better grasp of that aspect of AIDS which can help us in counseling people who come to us. It also gives us better acceptance among the professional staff at the hospital across the street. On December 27 we held a wonderful Christmas year-end program at the

centre. Children and young people who had prepared a Christmas program at our church were invited to present it again, and they did again to an audience of nearly 100. This time there were many children, and a large percentage of the people were either living with AIDS or accompanying someone who does. It was a special day, with gifts for children and people living with AIDS. We are encouraged and also want to encourage you to be about the things of the Lord. He is coming soon and it will be good for Him to find us each being faithful in that which the Lord has entrusted to us. God bless you. Dave and Judy Schmidt

Judy and Dave Schmidt (Rosenort EMC) serve in HIV/AIDS ministry with High Refuge centre in Asuncion, Paraguay.


Manitoba work team sees God at work

From November 4 to 25, 2005, seven We heard encouraging reports of Men worked long, hard hours and a little couples from Manitoba were on a three- outreach ministries and of counseling better than 10 work days later the team’s week work team/missions exposure opportunities in the local high school. goal was reached. trip to Paraguay. Frank and Marg We traveled to Tres Palmas, arrived at Ladies were busy. Three prepared Kroeker were our tour guides and trip dusk, and settled in for the next two food for 19 people, while three more coordinators. We left Winnipeg in 12 to weeks. varnished, painted, sewed, and did 14 C weather and were hit with a humid The Upper Room project consisted of laundry. They cleaned the rubble piles. 35 to 37 C. constructing a second level on Chris and We praise the Lord for protection, health, Two days in the city of Asuncion gave Revita Kroeker’s side-by-side bungalow and guidance throughout the project. All us a whirlwind tour of EMC ministry home. We removed the roof, and then were kept from serious injury—though through churches and the HIV/AIDS hurried to place the floor and plywood two men fell through the roof, there were ministry at Alto Refugio (High Refuge). before the rains came. We didn’t quite some bad cuts, and one lady stepped Dave and Judy Schmidt’s love and make it. The house was flooded, but the on a rusty nail. God’s hand was on us in compassion moved them to start this cleaning and the work proceeded well. answer to many prayers. ministry two years ago. Also involving missionary Joanne Martens and many volunteers, this drop-in centre is a lifeline for people of all ages. Through a meal, a bed, medication, counseling, or a hug, this ministry affects many lives and gives them hope. Three or four people shared their stories— some praising God, others not yet acknowledging God. We were privileged to visit the Spanish church in Roque Alonso, where Dave and Judy, and Joanne fellowship. Tim and Bonnie Friesen joined missionaries Hernan and Landis Benitez in their church in Ytororo. The churches’ enthusiasm and joy in the Lord was evident— though most of us couldn’t understand Spanish. On Monday we traveled with Chris Kroeker to Caaguazu, where we met missionaries Benny and Esther Goertzen and Erna Plett at the Christian bookstore Team members were Frank and Marge (missing from photo) Kroeker, Ed and Anne Loewen, Larry and Sandi Eidse, Alvin and Diana Rempel, Ken and Esther Loewen, Tim and Bonnie Friesen, Elmer and Anne Brandt. and mission training centre.

January 11, 2006


The team worked hard to complete an upper addition to Chris and Revita Kroeker’s house in Paraguay.


been given hope both physically and spiritually there, and God has blessed the compound with gifted, dedicated workers. We now have a new, improved vision of missions in Paraguay. We met wonderful people, saw amazing sights, but most of all we saw God at work. Each team member experienced a deeper growth as

expressed in Paul’s prayer (Colossians 1:9–10) and we praise God for it. The names of the team members were Elmer and Anne Brandt, Ken and Esther Loewen, Tim and Bonnie Friesen, Ed and Anne Loewen, Alvin and Diana Rempel, Larry and Sandi Eidse, and Frank and Marge Kroeker. Bonnie Friesen and Sandi Eidse

SBC Leadership Conference 2006

Church Planting in Canada

Pre-registration Preferred

In Tres Palmas, we met many wonderful people. Ladies dropped off food and invited us to the ladies fellowship banquet; we went to Bible studies, and were invited for meals. We were blessed to hear a choir, attended the school’s closing picnic and auction, toured the hospital where Anton Schmidt practices medicine, and had a meal at the home of retired mission workers Ann Braun and Sarah Martens. We had a barbecue with Radio Mensajero staff families, where we heard encouraging stories of listeners whose lives were changed, and were encouraged to pray for the staff. Berthold Friesen travels many miles to visit people who need counseling. Many ministries are extensions of the radio work, and thousands of people are being reached with the gospel. The Indian village of Santa Teresa is unforgettable. The village’s many shanties have dirt floors, and metal sheet roofs laid over poles. There’s a small store, a school, a medical station, and a church. Children ran to meet us and laughed at the pictures we took of them on our digital cameras. They were happy, loving children entertained by a soccer ball and marbles. We visited the Itapu Dam and Iguazu Falls. What a sight! During our return trip to Asuncion, we stopped at the hospital in Campo Nueve, where a doctor was doing three days of eye surgeries; and also at Kilometer 81 to see the leprosy hospital started by Dave Schmidt’s father in 1951. Thousands of people have

Speaker: Ewald Unruh, Director of Leadership Development and Evangelism Canada for the MB Conference Date:

March 24-25, 2006


Friday, 1 pm to Saturday 3 pm


SBC Chapel


$40 by March 15 / $50 after March 15

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December 3

Lester and Darlene Olfert honoured for 40 years of ministry Lester and Darlene Olfert, long-time EMC workers, passionate about his work, “sometimes to a fault.” were honoured on Saturday, December 3, 2005, at a lunch He’s an “obvious advocate of the people he serves,” Koop and program during the conference council meeting at said, and a clear communicator who strove for balance Ridgewood EMC. between “personal effort and humble reliance on God.” Len Barkman, general secretary, introduced the event. Lester is “really a practitioner trapped in an administrative Barkman said that Lester is careful in both administrative body…you can’t tie him down in an office.” duties and golfing. He “lives his life” as a thorough, Some deficiencies? He’s an eternal optimist, very loyal, deliberate, thoughtful “type of a person.” He’s shown and inconsistent at putting in golf. There are “a number good character and fostered good relationships between national workers and missionaries. Family members were represented by son Lyndon, daughter-in-law Bailey, grandson Todd, and Lester’s mother Mary Olfert. Daughter Elisa and family attended as well. Faith Krahn sang two songs in tribute. John Reimer, pastor at Swan River and a former colleague in Central America, spoke of arriving as rookie missionaries in Nicaragua only to discover how “accommodating” the Olferts were; their house was “grand central.” He joked Lester and Darlene Olfert were honoured for 40 years of ministry during a about how Darlene “liked special lunch on December 3. her coffee strong.” Olferts related to other workers of Lesters” (people named after him) “running around as “friends,” not from a Nicaragua, and that’s a tribute as well,” Ernie said. position or hierarchy. The Ruth Penner, a Board of Missions executive member, mission team became close, presented Darlene and Lester with a gift on behalf of with “powerful” strategy the BOM. She spoke of how she and her husband Ron meetings. He appreciated accompanied Lester and Darlene to Nicaragua, where Lester’s example and Lester’s hard work and good relationships with the people advocacy. showed. “And so may God bless you both and may God go John Fehr spoke of Lester with as you continue to serve him in the future,” she said. and Darlene’s service as Lester Olfert said it felt a bit like he was receiving an pastoral couple in Swift Oscar or an Emmy, with the shared meal being a tribute to Faith Krahn Current. “We also found out supporters. “But by the grace of God, I am what I am,” he shortly after he came that he was actually a bit too young read from Scripture, his voice breaking. to be a pastor,” he said wryly. “And, another thing was, He spoke of “the continual support of Darlene, my best he had a mustache. And that shouldn’t be either.” People co-worker” and how he could not have accomplished what laughed. he has without the help of office staff, church family, the “They had a very good ministry in Swift Current,” said Board of Missions, or the wider Conference. He thanked Fehr. Sadly, though, it was during this Cornie and Bernie Plett, Jake Leiding, time that Olferts’ son Dan died in B.C. Jake Funk, Arnold Fast, his parents and Olferts’ years of ministry: People laughed hard when Fehr spoke parents-in-law; and the congregations Weekes, Saskatchewan: 1965–1967 of how Lester “dressed like a drug lord and of Swift Current, Weekes, and Hudson Rio Grande Bible Institute: 1967–1968 had young people try to find him in the mall” Bay. Mexico: 1968–1969 and “he had policemen following him.” Studies at RGBI opened up “a world Nicaragua: 1970–1983, 1987–1989 Ernie Koop, who has also worked in of excitement to us, the world of the Swift Current, Saskatchewan: 1984– Mexico and Nicaragua, described Lester Hispanic people,” he said, “whose 1987, 1989–1992 as an organizer who worked hard to language and culture we have learned to Conference staff: 1992–2005 build relationships among leaders. He is love.” The years in Nicaragua were “very

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special,” with the country and people “becoming dear to us.” He thanked his mission field co-workers, highlighting Fred Friesen’s mentoring, John Reimer’s goal setting, and Wilbert Friesen’s humour. “The EMC has a wonderful constituency” that is hospitable, friendly, and supportive of missions, Olfert said, “but I challenge the churches to…renewed vision for outreach and for missions, and to help in the recruitment of

Ernie Loewen prayed for Olferts in their future ministry.

missionary personnel.” It’s been exciting to see ministries develop and the “greatest thrill” to meet transformed individuals and see churches reaching out, he said. “We are unworthy servants,” Lester read again from Scripture. “We have only done our duty.” While he said more might have been done if he’d been more faithful, he was thankful for God’s grace that enabled him to serve in this way. While retiring from this position, he expects to work for a couple of more years, “involved with Latino people somewhere.” Darlene Olfert also responded. She said, “This occasion marks 40 years of involvement with EMC ministries.” She expressed thanks for Ben and Henrietta Friesen who were influential in early ministry, and the Board of Missions for allowing her to accompany Lester on mission trips. “And over the years the Latin ministry has remained our heartbeat and will continue to be for us.” “As we look forward, it is with great anticipation, knowing that God who has gone before will reveal His help in many amazing new ways,” she said. Ernie Loewen, Board of Missions chairman, led in a prayer of thanksgiving and blessing on the Olferts and their future ministry. Story: Terry M. Smith Photos: Becky Buhler

with our churches

Leaders commissioned at Braeside prior to their arrival at RGBI. At Braeside, Angel assumes (among other tasks) responsibility for preaching at the monthly Spanish worship service, leading a weekly Bible study, and meeting with newcomers for Bible study. Together the Infantes follow a regular visitation program. Blanca is actively involved in teaching Sunday school, as well as mentoring young people in the work of assuming responsibility for organizing and running children’s meetings. Angel and Blanca celebrated their first wedding anniversary in November 2005. They say that Canadians are friendly, the winter is cold, and that they feel very much at home at Braeside. In September about 40 Hispanic members and adherents met for the annual retreat at Valley View Bible Camp near MacGregor, Man. The weather was ideal for outdoor activities (the hula hoop made at least a temporary comeback). Aside from the visiting, games and Kim and Gerald Stoesz (front) with pastor Carl and Kathy Heppner and sharing, this retreat also gave Helen and Arden Thiessen, a professor of Kim’s. the Hispanic community an Braeside (Winnipeg, Man.): In late August, Angel and Blanca Infantes were installed as our associate pastoral couple of Spanish ministries. David Thiessen, conference pastor, gave the commissioning message. Angel and Blanca arrived in Winnipeg in the spring of 2005. Both are graduates of Rio Grande Bible Institute. Angel grew up in the coastal city of Trujillo in Peru; Blanca was born and raised in the city of Hermosilla in the northwestern state of Sonora in Mexico. Both were involved in missionary work


opportunity to get to know Angel and Blanca in an informal setting. Angel led the devotionals and worship services. October marked another important event at Braeside. In the presence of members of the congregation, its ministerial and guests, Kim Stoesz was installed as a minister. In his message, Fred Stoesz, a brother-in-law to Kim, encouraged her to be “the feet that bring good news” (Romans 10:15). Kim is presently completing her studies at the local seminary. At Braeside she will teach, counsel, make visitations and preach. As a lay minister, Kim will be a member of the ministerial. Both Kim and her husband Gerald are very active in service at Braeside. Al Dueck

Blanca and Angel Infantes


shoulder tapping Executive Position

A church planting director is required for the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. The position requires a passion for church growth and development. The Director will work closely with regional churches to encourage and initiate new church plants. Strong written and oral skills are essential. This is a .5 position. For a job description and information, please contact the office at 204-326-6401 or e-mail EMC Missions seeks missionaries for Mexico and Paraguay. In both countries, church planters are needed to work alongside national church leaders and missionaries. The first year for new applicants would involve Spanish language study at Rio Grande Bible Institute in Edinburgh, Texas. This ministry would include evangelism in both new and existing church locations, discipleship of new believers, Christian education, and church leadership training. In Mexico, both English- and German-speaking teachers are need for elementary schools in German communities. A pastor-caregiver is needed for Hillside Church in May 2006. German is required. In Paraguay, a nurse is required for Lucero Clinic in East Paraguay. Contact Ken Zacharias, EMC foreign secretary, at 204-326-6401 or Endeavour Fellowship Chapel in east-central Saskatchewan, with a congregation of about 50, is currently looking for a pastor. Contact Tom Treen (Elders’ Chairman) at 306-547-3383 or Morris Fellowship Chapel (EMC) in Morris, Man., seeks a part-time youth leader to give direction to our senior high youth ministry. Time commitment and remuneration will be based on experience and availability. Contact Pastor Ward Parkinson at 204746-2424 for information, or email Crestview Fellowship (EMC) seeks a parttime youth director with a strong personal spiritual foundation who is able to build strong relationships with youth. Must have the ability to work alongside a team of youth sponsors in discipling youth, and be creative and energetic in planning regular Bible studies and organizing fundraisers. Contact Pastor Vern Knutson at 204837-9490. Resumes can be forwarded by e-mail to or by mail to Crestview Fellowship, c/o Christine Fink, 271 Hamilton Ave., Winnipeg, MB R2Y 0H3. La Crete Christian Fellowship in La Crete, Alberta, seeks a youth pastor for a new position as part of our pastoral team. LCCF is a forward-looking church of about 400 regular attendees. The youth pastor will work with the senior pastor to implement our ministry vision of helping people establish and strengthen their personal connection to Jesus Christ. The youth pastor will have a primary role in developing programs and working closely with youth and youth leaders. LCCF’s service to God is based on the core values of a commitment

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to teaching God’s Word and outreach to the community. The pastor will be people oriented and have demonstrated abilities in various ministries, including outreach, teaching, and visitation; and be able to train and develop a support network of lay ministers. This is a vibrant church with great potential for spreading the Word through men’s and women’s ministries, AWANA, youth ministry, and small groups. Send a resume with references to or LCCFC, Box 385, La Crete, AB T0H 2H0 Attention: Pastor Frank Winsor. Kleefeld EMC, a church of about 300 members in Kleefeld, Man., is seeking an associate pastor. The primary focus would be to work with the youth program in a discipling and mentoring capacity, involving youth and youth workers. This position would also include one other major involvement— depending on the applicant’s giftedness—such as Christian Education resource, music ministry, etc. We are looking for a leader to join us in catching the vision and excitement of a growing church community. Send resumes to Ron Harder, Box 4, Kleefeld, MB R0A 0V0; e-mail kemc@mts. net; phone 204-377-4248. Vanderhoof Christian Fellowship (EMC) in northcentral British Columbia seeks a half-time associate pastor of youth with a love for God and heart for youth. The leader will give mature leadership, work with church in moulding youth, guide them into becoming faithful followers of Jesus Christ, and work within the EMC statement of faith. Our Sunday morning attendance is 100. Our youth group (without a youth pastor for some time) is rebuilding, currently 12 to 20 people, with an average age of 14. There is potential for growth. Contact VCF, Box 377, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0; phone 250-567-9198; fax 250-567-2064; Taber EMC in southern Alberta seeks a senior pastoral couple to start September 2006, due to a retirement. The church is bilingual in Low German and English, and has an average attendance of 125 people. Applicants should contact Nick Enns, 403223-3386 (cell 634-0020); or Peter Wall, 403382-9184 (cell 382-9184). A full-time teacher is needed for three elementary school children of two families serving in Russia (school to start September 2006). Contact Dave and Kim Field at 204-482-6801 or dave-kim_field@; or Tim and Joy Watson at 541-485-9888 or Housing is paid for and support raising is required for $1,500 US per month. Steinbach Evangelical Mennonite Church in Steinbach, Man., is looking for a motivated, energetic person with organizational skills to fill a half-time position immediately as minister of music and worship. The minister would primarily coordinate and supervise all church music ministries. For a job description or to forward a resume, contact search committee chair Henry Klassen, 63 Donald Ave., Steinbach, MB R5G 2B5; phone 204-326-6068; or e-mail Mennonite Foundation of Canada, a charitable foundation serving seven Anabaptist conferences

across Canada, seeks a full-time stewardship consultant for its Kitchener, Ont., office. This person will provide charitable gift and estate planning services and promote biblical financial stewardship in Ontario and Eastern Canada. Needed: To communicate with viduals and for presenting in group settings, understand charitable gift and estate planning; be creative, organized, and selfmotivated; incorporate MFC’s stewardship mission in personal life; be part of an interdependent staff team; and be a member of a participating conference. Submit applications by January 15, 2006, to Erwin Warkentin, general manager, 121325 Markham Rd, Winnipeg, MB R3T 4J6; 1-800772-3257; fax: 204-488-1986; e-mail: ewarkentin@; MCC Manitoba seeks a full-time administrative assistant for March 2006. The assistant reports to the management team and provides administrative and logistical support to it and other administration staff, assisting with special events coordination and office management. Previous clerical experience is required; preference is given to those skilled in word-processing, minute taking, data-base management and knowledge of office procedures. Good PR skills are essential, as are flexibility and organizational abilities. Applicant screening begins in mid-January. MCCM also seeks a half-time Winkler family services program coordinator. The coordinator takes direction from the program team leader and a local committee. WFS mainly provides settlement assistance to newcomers, primarily Low German-speaking immigrants who seek Canadian citizenship, and works with volunteers to meet settlement needs. Fluency in Low German and English and good written English skills are essential. Candidates are preferred with experience in program coordination and/or knowledge of immigration documentation work. Applicant screening begins immediately. Qualifications for MCC positions include a Christian faith, active membership in a Christian church and a commitment to nonviolent peacemaking. Contact Janelle Siemens at jms@mennonitecc. ca or Sol Janzen at or 204261-6381. Written applications may be sent to them at 134 Plaza Dr., Winnipeg, MB R3T 5K9. Mennonite Heritage Village (Canada Inc.) seeks an executive director for its museum in Steinbach, Man. The museum is a recognized leader in preserving and presenting Mennonite culture and heritage, welcoming over 70,000 visitors annually (visit The director reports to a board of directors and ensures that a balance is maintained among the museum’s priorities: Collections and exhibits, visitor programs, fundraisers, personnel management, physical plant and promotion activities. The director will have a strong background in business administration, be adept at working with volunteers, and demonstrate an appreciation of our Anabaptist-Mennonite history and perspective. Museum or non-profit administrative experience is an asset. Application deadline: Feb. 10, 2006. Apply to chairman of the board, Mennonite Heritage Village, 231 PTH 12N Steinbach, MB R5G 1T8.


by the way Dave K. Schellenberg

A day for the church to highlight seniors


ow can churches help seniors to continue to be and feel useful? I have a suggestion. There was a time when still in the workforce when one was in a position to feel needed and useful. Suddenly this reliance is taken away from us. We find ourselves largely on the sidelines. But the problem is we find that we still have the need, the wish, and the capacity to do something useful.

province. Recently, the local 55-plus centre announced in the local paper: “October is Seniors and Elders month. We are excited to invite all seniors from the Steinbach and the South East region to celebrate Seniors Day on Friday, October 21.” I am not particularly aware that my church ignores seniors. We have usually monthly get-togethers with a program, fellowship and lunch. We have care groups where seniors are included. We have church staff conducting communion services at different senior homes, and volunteers do visit seniors. But I do suspect there is one thing missing. What is missing? More visibility for seniors in our churches. What we do for seniors usually is for seniors, period. It occurs primarily apart from the other age groups in

Our young people have every right to see in us, as seniors, that the gospel works!

Moses Slabaugh has said, “The worst experience of any human being is to feel unwanted and unneeded. For a person at the wheel to give his responsibility to another, especially to a rookie, is never easy…That feeling of uselessness is a plague to many an active useful senior.” If this is so, is anything being done about it? Yes. In 1991 the General Assembly of the United Nations globally dedicated October 1 as International Day of Older Persons. Seniors’ Day celebrations in Manitoba have been held on an annual basis since 1989. They are intended to honour all older Manitobans for their valuable contributions to the


church, and does not affect others. The church greatly misses out by doing it this way. If we are a family, shouldn’t we be more aware of each other? I believe that our seniors with their talents and abilities should come away from the periphery and be right up there in the limelight and make their presence known. We need to make our young people more aware of what a rich heritage they are a part of. And, in turn, we need to make our elderly aware of and to encourage them as role models to keep on praying for our young people. Our young people have every right to see in us, as seniors, that the gospel works! If various groups hold an annual seniors’ day, then what about a local church having such a day? It would be a grand day where our seniors would become visible to the whole church. Let me propose that such a day start in the Sunday morning service, where we would feature seniors for greeters, ushers, choir, chairing, song leading, special number, Scripture reading, sermon. Yes, sermon too! (There are at least 10 retired ministers in my congregation in Steinbach.) Did I leave something out? And we should clearly identify these people as they do their parts. Now it might create a minor revolution, but I think the result would be a Sunday morning worship service that T would long be remembered! M

THE MESSENGER Evangelical Mennonite Conference 440 Main Street Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z5 Publications Mail Agreement #40017362 PAP Registration #9914

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