Messenger The
Risking the Journey
Because of Christ
Immanuel, God with us
EDITOR Terry M. Smith ASSISTANT EDITOR Rebecca Buhler THE MESSENGER is the publication of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. It is available to the general public. Its purpose is to inform concerning events and activities in the denomination, instruct in godliness and victorious living, inspire to earnestly contend for the faith. Letters, articles, photos and poems are welcomed. Unpublished material is not returned except by request. Views and opinions of writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the position of the Conference or the editors. THE MESSENGER is published twice a month (once a month in July and August) by the EMC Board of Church Ministries, 440 Main Street, Steinbach, Manitoba. Subscriptions: $12 per year (Manitoba residents add 7% PST, total: $12.84). Subscriptions are voluntary and optional to people within or outside of the EMC. In cooperation with the EMC Conference Council, members and adherents pay through their church. THE MESSENGER is a member of Meetinghouse and Canadian Church Press. Second-class postage paid at Steinbach, Manitoba. ISSN #0701-3299 PAP Registration #9914 Publications Mail Agreement #40017362 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs. Mailing information: Undelivered copies, change of address and new subscriptions, should be addressed to: 440 Main Street Steinbach, Manitoba R5G 1Z5 Phone: 204-326-6401 Fax: 204-326-1613 E-mail: or On-line edition available at
MESSENGER SCHEDULE: No. 1 – January 10 (copy due December 29)
editorials ob Miller of Caroline, Alberta, was an old-time wolf hunter and trapper. He never married because a horse had smashed his jaw; Bob thought no woman would want him. A tough man, he was also tender. He delighted in taking boys on horseback trails in the Rocky Mountains. I got to know Bob after he moved into the seniors’ residence in my hometown. He told me stories, including how he helped to search for a lost hunter. It was published in Outdoor Canada, the small piece of his life that I got into print. Though I thought of writing his life story, it never happened. Even if it had, words alone couldn’t capture Bob Miller. I wish you could have met him.
When God wanted our attention, words alone weren’t enough. As the Apostle John said, “The Word became flesh and lived for a while among us.”
When God wanted our attention, words alone weren’t enough either. As the Apostle John said, “The Word became flesh and lived for a while among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). The Christian faith’s centre is Jesus who lived, died, and rose again—right where we live. Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see. Hail the incarnate deity. Born as man, with man to dwell. Jesus our Immanuel. Though the language is stiff, the Good News is shared: Immanuel means God with us. John Wesley, the Methodist leader, said, “The best of all is, God is with us.” How did Wesley know this? He studied Jesus. This Advent season, dust off a Bible and read from the openings of Matthew or Luke. Focus on Jesus’ birth and then follow the story to see his effect on people—and T on you. M Terry M. Smith
What teenagers have to teach us This magazine often carries positive reports of how EMC teenagers are involved in local churches, national events, and mission trips. We’re glad to. Teenagers are involved in many fine activities that go under-reported. Still, in Canada there are young people who are cynical or who despair. Part of the Christian Church’s task is to understand why and to respond to this. Fred Craddock, a professor of preaching, says pastors might be tempted to speak on The Trouble With Young People Today. However, if ministers move toward understanding and responding, he says the sermon could end up being closer to What’s It Like Being 14 Years Old? Maybe, on the surface, cynicism and a lack of hope don’t seem to make sense. For Canadians who recall the Dirty Thirties (1929–1939), is it ironic that some young people lack hope in a time of relatively expanded opportunities?
Canada is a stable, wealthy, resource rich, big country with a low population. Only a few generations of time have taken many people from near pioneer conditions to middle class wealth. But that, evidently, isn’t what some young people experience, see, or need. This editorial isn’t about Canada’s benefits or how accurate are the perceptions of young people or seniors. It’s about how the Christian Church is to be a community of hope. Hope gives strength in life! During Advent, how are we communicating a Christian message of hope to today’s cynical or despairing young people? What if some teens see the gospel message as shallow, cliché-ridden, and missing them? How do we reach them? Maybe that’s part of What Teenagers T Have to Teach Us. M Terry M. Smith THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
letters On letter writing: “The views and opinions of writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the position of the Conference or the editors” (from The Messenger’s masthead). “Letters that do not represent official Conference positions can be published in The Messenger. Within a Conference comprised of various voices, the magazine is to encourage the ‘community hermeneutic’ toward responsible Christian belief, teaching, and practice. Readers and official bodies of the EMC can reply to material in The Messenger…The focus of letter writing is to be on issues, not on personalities” (Part of Board of Church Ministries policy on Letters to the Editor, January 2002).
Redemption through Christ alone
Thanks for the three lead articles November 15, 2006, on the balance between Evangelical and Mennonite. Nelson Kraybill helpfully reminds us to learn from other Christian faith communities without compromising the essential beliefs and practices of evangelical and Anabaptist faith. Daryl Climenhaga helpfully reminds us to focus our lives without reservation on Jesus in response to his self-sacrificing giving of his life for us. Pierre Gilbert helpfully reminds us to focus on Christ as Saviour, not as a Super Gandhi. Sadly, some Mennonites have excessively focused on George W. Bush and the American political right wing as defining evangelical. Sadly, some American evangelicals have added credence to this caricature by their excessive patriotism and militarism in the name of Christ. On the other hand, sadly some Mennonites have excessively focused on our peace witness and humanitarian efforts to the virtual eclipse of the gospel of repentance for our sin and faith in the atoning death and resurrection of our real divine-human Saviour as the most basic need of all humans. Such an accommodation to the liberalism of our times is not true to our Mennonite heritage, regardless of which Mennonites in the past century have embraced it. Gilbert is right to warn us not to fall on the side of “the extreme left-wing catechism” of “some sectors of contemporary Anabaptism.” As he did in his day, so Menno Simons still exhorts all his followers today that “Salvation is found in no one else [than Jesus Christ], for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). As Christians we need to dialogue with Muslims, and adherents of every nonChristian faith, every non-evangelical self-professed Christian faith, and claimed non-faith. But in so doing, let us
THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
not compromise the essential beliefs and practices of evangelical Anabaptist faith. In our peace-loving generosity, let us not fall into the politically correct myth that all cultures and religions are equally good. Those outside of Christ still need redemption through Christ, who alone is “the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through [him]” (John 14:6). Al Hiebert Steinbach, Man.
Anabaptists serve others
Kudos to Wally Doerksen for his thought provoking article, Is the Price of Peace too High in the EMC? You reminded us that as Anabaptists we follow in the tradition of Jesus’ approach to serving others. Thank you. One comment, the Christian Peacemaker Teams members we know are deeply committed Christians. Finally, your article challenged me, “What am I willing to do to reflect the Peace of Christ?” Wendy Dueck Winnipeg, Man.
Several messages raise concerns in mind
I believe Michael Zwaagstra served us well and deserves our thanks for the article he produced for the April 5, 2006, issue of The Messenger on Evaluating the Emerging Church. I personally appreciate that he drew our attention to an important issue we need to grapple with. The numerous letters that came as a response clearly indicated a need to address the topic. In a letter in the November 1 issue Mr. Carl Heppner makes a number of points and I wish to respond to a few of them in limited space here available. If the pendulum illustration applies to how various philosophies have caused theological imbalance over almost twenty centuries, does it not follow that emergent church theology is likely creating an
imbalance today? Should we not rather examine Scripture to achieve a balance? Perhaps we need to heed Ephesians 4:14 about being blown about by winds of doctrine. On the authority of Scripture: Our statement of faith states that Scripture is infallible and our supreme authority. How can we believe that and then say that we border on idolatry when we accept Scripture as our guide and take it to mean what it says? The charge that evangelicals “slam the door” of heaven and leave a trail of broken people is a strong charge indeed. No doubt there have been cases where there has been some truth to such a charge. I agree that at times we have not shown the love of Jesus in our zeal to protect our theology and perhaps our cultural trappings from being eroded. I do, however, have a problem seeing such occasional failings as a general description of the evangelical church. In his letter Mr. Heppner refers to evangelicalism by name five times. The references are all negative. In the last paragraph Mr. Heppner has the emergent church restoring the beauty of Christ to a “sadly stained and faded image of the bride of Christ.” I take this as another reference to the evangelical church. We name our conference the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. I feel I am getting several messages that raise concerns in my heart and mind. Abe Rempel MacGregor, Man.
coming events January 13, 2007 Bullying in the Church Workshop, 9 a.m. to 12:30 Melissa Miller Cost: $45 Canadian Mennonite University Winnipeg, Man. 204-487-3300 or 877-231-4570 January 13 New Lenses? A Mennonite Look at Human Rights, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Canadian Mennonite University (south campus), Winnipeg, Man. Sponsors: MMHS, MCC, CMU, CFGB Cost: $20 204-489-6044, January 14 EMC Day of Prayer Your home congregation 204-326-6401
The Wise Men were aliens in Bethlehem, representatives of a people long hated in Israel. They were members of a foreign religion, speakers of a strange tongue.
Risking the Journey
Because of Christ
agan astrologers from Babylon—from the region of modern Baghdad—were the first to worship the Christ child. In their journey to Bethlehem we see the crosscultural nature of salvation in Jesus Christ, and we learn something about our mission in the world today. We cannot prove the Wise Men were from Babylon. But that is the most logical place in “the East” where foreigners would have come into contact with Jews expecting a Messiah. A substantial 4
Dr. J. Nelson Kraybill number of Jews remained in Babylon for centuries after the Exile and developed a great tradition of Torah study. Rabbis in Babylon may have told the Wise Men about prophecies of a long-awaited Jewish Prince of Peace.
ow, 2,000 years later, followers of the Prince of Peace have been captives in the land of ancient Babylon. Norman Kember, who served as secretary of the Baptist Peace Fellowship in the United Kingdom, was kidnapped Nov. 26, 2005, along with three other members of a Christian Peacemaker Team. Kember often visited the London Mennonite Centre during my years in England, and his commitment to the way of Jesus was evident. He risked everything to retrace the journey of the ancient Wise Men because of obedience to the same child they came to worship. We might have expected that the first persons from Babylon to bow at the manger would have been Jewish sages. Instead, the Wise Men were Gentiles, members of an imperial culture that destroyed Jerusalem in 587 B.C. In that year, Babylonian soldiers destroyed Solomon’s temple and executed sons of the THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
Jewish king. For centuries thereafter, Jews lamented: O daughter Babylon, you devastor… Happy shall they be who pay you back what you have done to us! Happy shall be they who take your little ones and dash them against the rock! Psalm 137:8–9 The cycle of violence, which again seduces my country into war, is thousands of years old. What did the Wise Men know about a better future? The Wise Men were unlikely role models for Matthew to feature. They practiced astrology, a pseudo science that Jews despised. Isaiah ridiculed astrologers in Babylon “who study the heavens…and at each new moon predict” the future (Isaiah 47:13). The Wise Men were aliens in Bethlehem, representatives of a people long hated in Israel. They were members of a foreign religion, speakers of a strange tongue. But the genealogy at the beginning of Matthew gives clues as to why the author thought the Wise Men mattered. It is not surprising that Abraham is the taproot of Jesus’ family tree, or that David is the trunk. What astonishes is the appearances of four unlikely women among Jesus’ ancestors. Two of the women were foreigners. All acted in decisive or scandalous ways that affected the course of Jewish history:
Tamar, a widow who conceived a child by her father-in-law after he mistook her for a prostitute; Rahab, a Canaanite women who harboured Hebrew spies; Ruth, who married a Jewish immigrant to her native Moab, then followed her mother-inlaw back to Judah when her husband died; Bathsheba, with whom King David had an affair, whom David married after orchestrating her husband’s death. THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
In an act of subversive genealogy, Matthew simply names these women along with the men—some of whom behaved outrageously themselves. The Saviour of the world had a hefty dose of scandal in his background. But in a twist of irony, the whole family tree at the beginning of Matthew’s Gospel leads not to Mary, but to Joseph—who had no biological connection to Jesus. Matthew turns genealogy on its head, raising questions about the function of family and bloodlines in the faith community.
t a gathering of Anabaptist missiologists in November 2005, Stanley Green of Mennonite Mission Network spoke on the role of the Anabaptist tradition in a missional church. Green allowed that ethnicity and genealogy can create hurdles for Mennonite outreach. “With a surname like Green,” the South African native said, “I sometimes feel like an outsider in my own denomination.”
I am grateful to find Anabaptist contemporaries kneeling at the manger, and rejoice that many have genealogies different from my own. I have learned about following Jesus, and about my own Anabaptist faith, from people with surnames such as
Ahn Barrett McKay Finger McPhee Boers Schipani Francisco Green Green’s comments made sense to this 12th-generation Mennonite. They also surfaced some tension for me. I remember the thrill of discovering, as a teenager, that my family had a history. I filled out genealogy charts, tracing ancestral lines back to 18th-century Swiss Mennonite immigrants. But during my years of pastoral leadership in Vermont and mission work in England—far from Mennonite ghettoes— genealogy seemed a liability. I avoided the “Mennonite game.” I downplayed the Swiss-German character of my heritage because it seemed to exclude those of other ancestry who might find a home in my denomination. Even if I could trace back my ancestry 2,000 years, it almost certainly would not intersect with the Jewish roots of Jesus. Somewhere back through the centuries, someone had the courage and vision to speak the gospel across cultural and ethnic boundaries to my ancestors. My Gentile DNA can only be grafted into the promises of Israel through the cross of Jesus Christ. This Christ I kneel at the manger alongside Babylonian Wise Men and other Gentiles 5
who have come to worship the Jewish Messiah. I am grateful to find Anabaptist contemporaries kneeling at the manger, and rejoice that many have genealogies different from my own. I have learned about following Jesus, and about my own Anabaptist faith, from people with surnames such as Green, Finger, Barrett, McPhee, Boers, Ahn, McKay, Francisco, and Schipani. People across the globe who recently were outsiders to the Anabaptist movement now are teaching fellow Mennonites and many others how to know and follow Christ. Matthew would understand the significance of a faith community breaking out of ethnic boundaries. He begins his Gospel with a lengthy pedigree that turns out to be biologically irrelevant to the story of Jesus. He ends his book with Jesus telling his disciples to “make disciples of all nations.”
oday the Mennonite churches are growing rapidly in parts of the world where Mennonites of Swiss, German, and Russian descent have little or no presence. It is in calling others to know and follow Christ, not in genealogy, that God is giving Mennonites a future. Norman Kember, held captive in Babylon a year ago, retraced the route of ancient Wise Men back to Babylon. “It has always worried me that I am a ‘cheap’ peacemaker,” Kember wrote before making this trip. “Being in Britain talking, writing, demonstrating about peace is in no way taking risks like young servicemen in Iraq.” Members of Christian Peacemaker Teams generally do not think of themselves as missionaries. In some parts of the world, relationships between people of different religions are so tense that it is right for Christians simply to build trust and work for justice. But Christians who risk the journey for reconciliation will evoke questions from people in other countries and cultures. “Who is your king?” people 6
It is in calling others to know and follow Christ, not in genealogy, that God is giving Mennonites a future. will ask. “For we have observed signs of great hope and healing in your lives.” Then we must point seekers to Christ, not to ourselves. If astrologers from Babylon could kneel before the Prince of Peace, militiamen from Baghdad could someday do the same. Actions of the Wise Men so threatened King Herod that he lashed out, killing baby boys in Bethlehem when the Wise Men got away. Many who kneel before the Prince of Peace today will encounter hostility, too. Ancient Wise Men risked everything to leave Babylon because of Christ. Norman Kember and the other CPT captives in Iraq risked everything to go there because of Christ. They, T too, are wise men. M J. Nelson Kraybill, Ph.D., is president of Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Ind. He served under the Mennonite Board of Missions as program director at the London Mennonite Centre in England. This article originally appeared in the Mennonite Weekly Review (December 19, 2005), reprinted by permission. Dr. Kraybill will be the guest lecturer at Steinbach Bible College’s Leadership Conference on March 16-17, 2007.
Leadership Conference March 16-17, 2007 Speaker: Dr. Nelson Kraybill, President of Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary Two courses running parallel to the conference— Friday, 7-9 pm & Saturday, 9 am - 3 pm Contemplative Youth Ministry with Professor Garth Friesen The New Face of Women’s Ministry with Professor Janice Rempel
For more information or to register online: or contact Christal 204-326-6451 •
THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
with our missionaries Mexico
What’s happening at Oasis?
In a week or so, we will be celebrating Arnte Dank (Thanksgiving) here at Oasis EMC. As we look back over this year, many blessings come to mind. We had a super work team here in January and February. They did so much again in the construction of the church and we have been blessed with being able to use the sanctuary. In March we elected and installed two deacon couples: Henry and Agatha Rempel and Jake and Maria Peters. It’s been a blessing to see their willingness in letting God use them in the leadership of the church. We had a child dedication in May. Six couples dedicated their children and themselves, to bring them up in the ways of the Lord. In June we enjoyed watching eight young men and women follow the Lord in baptism and membership. Summer Bible clubs were well attended. It was so good, too, to see the participation of our own people in leading this. God continues to work among people here. Please lift them up in prayer, that they might fully follow His ways. Martha Doerksen
Baptism: (back) Pedro Doerksen, John Enns, Ferdinand Enns, Carlos Froese (front) Pastor Peter Doerksen, Betty Penner, Tina Enns, Sandra Peters, Margaret Penner (transfer).
VBS workers, our church people.
Newly elected deacons Jacob and Maria Peters, Agatha and Henry Rempel, church board chairman Abe Giesbrecht. The sanctuary is shown the first week-end after the work team was here. It is nearly completed.
Northern Manitoba
Paul Giesbrecht new Continental director
Who is this new fellow in the office these days? Haven’t we seen him before? Of course! Paul Giesbrecht, a graduate of Steinbach Bible College, served as Director of Camping Ministries here a few years ago. We praise the Lord that he has returned and is taking on the responsibility of Continental Mission leadership. It is good to see new enthusiasm in the office. The two Bible Camps, Midway and Lynn Lake, had about 340 children and teens attend this past summer. We thank Rich and Joyelle Sayer (from our home church in Ridgewood) and all the staff for making this possible. We praise the Lord for sponsors who generously helped out where families lacked the needed funds. In one village where we are trying to establish an indigenous church, this past year has been the “winter of our
THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
The drop-in centre is a flourishing part of Continental’s mission. People coming to the centre receive a meal and warm clothing through donations.
discontent” (Shakespeare), a mood that has lasted through summer and stretched into fall already. Please pray for a forgiving spirit for real and imagined wrongs. We praise the Lord for those who remained faithful. Who would intentionally look to minister in a small church after graduating from five years of study at Briercrest? Travis and Susan Vallinga felt the call to serve the Lord in Lynn Lake. This will relieve us of the responsibility of traveling (a four-hour drive) to Lynn Lake from Thompson once a month for a weekend of ministry. We really love the people there (we pastored that church from 1976–1983), but it is good for the town with a diminishing population to have a fulltime evangelical pastor. Someone recently said, “The DropIn Centre for street people is the most flourishing part of our mission’s work at this time.” It is sad that the need is growing, but it is good to know that with all the generous donations of meat and vegetables we can give a bowl of nutritious hot soup to these men and
women. They also appreciate warm sweaters and jackets. Because everything is donated and we receive no grants, we are free to share the Gospel and pray with them. They often tell us, “Thank all those people who send the food for us.” If this were a musical card, you would hear the video recording in the DropIn: “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow.” This lesson was grimly brought home last week. A young man had a seizure and suddenly fell over backward on the concrete floor. The others were taken aback and left their soup uneaten as they hurried out. The medics came to pick up the man and he will be okay. As the street people slowly drifted back one said, “That could have been me…I could be dead now.” We have weekly Bible studies in several communities one or two hours from Thompson. In between driving the long distances to each community, picking up folks for the meetings and preparing Bible studies, we visit the Drop-In Centre, homes, hospitals and jails. Also we are available for rides, counselling, and to serve as “go-fer boy” for our friends in
outlying communities who need things purchased (parts, formula, or whatever) and sent out by plane. Wherever we go, whomever we meet, we try to bring the Light of the gospel into people’s lives. It is very encouraging, in the midst of our busyness to receive a call: “We are praying for you every day!” Bill and Anna Penner
Anna and Bill Penner (Ridgewood) serve with Continental Mission in northern Manitoba.
with our churches
Shannon Kornelsen revitalized by Laotians Riverton, Man.: Sabaidee! (Hello!) Laos is a country of mountains, forests, lowlands and rice paddies. Six million people live here and struggle to produce enough food for survival. Laos is the most heavily bombed country in the world, with many live ordinances. There is a shortage of clean water. Health care, education, agriculture, and income generation are the top priorities for MCC’s program in Laos. This includes crop growing, weaving, textiles, and a disabled women’s program. After spending 11 months in Laos with the SALT program, Shannon Kornelsen reports that the rhythm of life is laid back and relaxed. The people are gentle, kind, and generous. There is a genuine warmth and respect, and they honour their guests. Even in their struggle and hardships, they choose to celebrate life. Using a powerful PowerPoint presentation, Shannon introduced the country, her host family, and depicted her daily life in Donkoi Valley in the capital city of Vientiane. She shared that the Vivavong family, who for her
duration in Laos was her host family, treated her as one of their own, naming her their “diamond older sister.” Lives are to be shared, she said, for this is how you increase your appreciation for the people with which you live. As her host brother stated, “If I have to eat alone the food will not be delicious.”
Shannon Kornelsen (left) displays Laotian handicrafts with fellow SALTer Robyn Mueller.
Shannon’s time was divided. In her role as a teacher of English to speakers of other languages, she taught at Quest college, with students ranging in age from 13 to 40’s. Quest college offers bachelor and diploma programs in information technology, as well as English programs. Their purpose is to provide a high quality of education, and to assist the physically challenged in reaching their educational goals; this latter is through painting, sewing, and embroidery workshops, thus allowing the generation of income through skills learned. Often students are sponsored to study Information Technology and English as a result of their workshop environment. There are no official programs or resources for the mentally and physically challenged in the regular school system. The dominant religions are Buddhism and Animism, and less than two percent of people are Christians. Christians are required to meet in an approved place, and it is illegal to distribute religious material. Thus Shannon was excited
THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
to have her class request to celebrate Christmas. It allowed an opportunity to share the true meaning of Christmas to those she was in contact with every day. The portion of the assignment that stole Shannon’s heart was teaching children at the Donkoi Children’s Development Centre. The centre works together with the primary school, thus the same children go to the after school activities. Children seen here have often suffered drug abuse, poverty, dropping out of school, and child trafficking. The basis for the centre is the U.N.’s Convention of the Rights of the Child. The after school program was started by a
Vietnamese social worker, Madame Xuyen Dangers. Madame Xuyen has experience in working with poor and disadvantaged children in other countries and desires to work with them. She started the Dream Centre, the goals of which are to develop the children’s interests, talents, and skills. In doing so there is more opportunity for employment and income generation for families, and less attraction in being easily drawn to other countries for work. The Dream Centre was created to promote children’s creativity. Children designed the Dream Garden, which includes The Dream toilet/washroom
(which houses a proper latrine), the Dream Library, the Dream Recycle Centre (where children and people from the village bring recyclable items that are sold to make money for the centre). Much effort was also spent on teaching English to the coordinator and manager of the centre, who continue this challenge on their own. Shannon tells us that she learned how to receive from children at the centre through their laughter, humour, and joy. “My own life was healed and revitalized to go and experience the joyful life that God has for us,” she says. Carol Kornelsen
Region 3
Warm and jovial event held at Endeavour The air was crisp outside, but the atmosphere inside was warm and jovial as the churches of Region Three (northcentral Saskatchewan and Manitoba) gathered at the Ukrainian Hall in Endeavour, Sask., on October 29, 2006, for an annual event called a Family GetTogether. The featured speaker was Kent Dueck of Winnipeg’s Inner City Youth Alive, who spoke with power and grace on reaching out to the “least of these.” The official theme was God’s Heart for the Poor. Kent pointed out that our mission should match that of Jesus described in
Luke 4:18–19. Another key thought was that the hope we have in Jesus Christ is not meant to be hoarded, but shared and cultivated in our communities. The three sessions were couched around two meals: Lunch was picnic style and supper was prepared by the Endeavour hosts. Exuberant singing and praise was led by youth leaders and youth from Norquay Evangelical Covenant Church, together with Doug Wildman, pastor at Endeavour. I shared briefly in the morning session about Canadian church planting. My wife Janine and I enjoyed making
Ward and Janine Parkinson (middle) visit with John and Connie Reimer, pastoral couple of Community Bible Fellowship in Swan River, Man.
connections with folks from that region. She helped out with the Swan River special number in the evening session. At the close of the day, Doug announced that the offerings received during the sessions (going to ICYA) amounted to over $1,000. Also, participants brought vegetables for the soup kitchen at Continental Mission in Thompson, Man. This was graciously received by Bill and Anna Penner, who shared about their ministry in the afternoon session. Ward Parkinson Church Planting Coordinator (Photos by Kevin Penner)
A choir from Pelly Fellowship Chapel
THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
Missionaries of the week Pleasant Valley (Man.): Hot temperatures and no mosquitoes would account for the many vacations and camping trips this summer, but besides that, there were many interesting events in our midst. The annual church picnic was held at our local recreation centre on June 4. The Amazing Race proved to be hours of rushing—and fun. Also in June, our church brother Keith Loewen underwent a successful kidney transplant. Sandy Loewen expressed deep gratitude to the Lord, Keith’s sister as donor, friends, and church people. There are several other members with serious health problems and our compassion and prayers focus on them. July 16’s church bulletin read: Missionaries of the Week: Montana Trip Team! Leaders: Kerry Brandt, Jake
Winter Class Schedule January 8 – April 20, 2007 Monday 8:30
Biblical Anabaptist Themes Intro to Youth Ministry Intro to Church Ministries Intro to Mission
Tuesday 8:30
Counselling II Principles of Teaching Minor Prophets Greek II Theology II
Wednesday 8:30
Intro to New Testament Evangelism Ethics
Thursday 8:30
Church History Anabaptist History Pastoral Epistles Psalms Psychology II
1:00 7:00
FrIday 8:30 1:00
Life & Teachings of Jesus Greek II (lab) evenIng Class 7–10 PM Thursday: Psychology II
ConTaCT Christal for information 1-800-230-8478 or 204-326-6451 ext 222
Friesen, and Phyllis Rempel. In the group were the youth: Jackson Brandt, Lori Friesen, Danica Loewen, Kelsey Loewen, Tammy Loewen, Danae Plett, Tara Plett, T.J. Siemens, and Colton Siemens. Later in a missions report, Kerry Brandt expressed great enthusiasm among the youth working in construction projects
Kerry Brandt with singer Paul Brandt and Christmas Child project.
Jesus first and then were handed a Bible. Mary gave her Lord all the credit and glory for Kerry Brandt with Montana group. January 8 – April 20, 2007 the energy He supplied to and how much it was appreciated. accomplish all this. She would sing a song The spring preaching series on Healthy she hadThursday created whenever people would Monday Tensions8:30 in Scripture was defi nitely ask, “Where you get the energy…at Biblical Anabaptist Themes 8:30 doChurch History answering questions all have at times. your age?” She Anabaptist responded, “Not pills or Intro we to Youth Ministry History In Pastor DarrenIntro Plett’s words, “Many vitamins, but of Pastoral the Lord.” 1:00 to Church Ministries 1:00 Epistles Introthere to Mission Psalms church has had times in the Bible seems to be a Pleasant Valley Psychology II tension Tuesday between two sides of an issue. several7:00 Sunday school projects dedicated We look8:30 at the Counselling tension between grace to buying more Bibles for Mary to hand FrIday II and holiness, freedom legalism, out. Even evening Principles ofand Teaching 8:30at our LifeThanksgiving & Teachings of Jesus bondage and release, being busy and donations in. II (lab) 1:00poured Greek Minor Prophets being quiet. on Baptism Sunday we 1:00 AndGreek II In October Kerry Brandt went on Theology look at the signifi cance IIof baptism and another unique missions trip. He picked the routineness of baptism. up one of his dad’s semi-trucks in Wednesday evenIng Class 7–10 PM “Certainly intentionally gave us Calgary, then went on a western tour with 8:30 God Intro to New Testament His Word—the Bible—with a lot of areas Paul Brandt—the popular star Thursday: Psychology II western Evangelism of this type of ‘healthy’ tension. As we singer—promoting the Christmas Child Ethics allow these two sides to push and tug at shoeboxes. After two weeks on the us, it keeps us from going off the deep road, they stopped in at Kerry’s home ConTaCT Christal for information end in either direction. in Rosenort. Crowds of people stopped 1-800-230-8478 222• “It is exactly this kind or of 204-326-6451 healthy in ext that Friday morning, meeting Paul, tension that keeps Christianity relevant shaking hands, getting autographs, and and alive. It is also this healthy tension bringing stacks of Christmas Child boxes. that keeps us wrestling and interacting The big semi-trailer was slowly filling up with Scripture. And, finally, it is this and there were two more weeks to go on healthy tension that allows enough tour. Kerry’s wife Barb expects to meet room in the Kingdom of God for a wide the men as the tour winds up in Halifax. diversity of people.” Paul Brandt had a sign put on the On August 27 Mary Derksen brought trailer, In Memory of Paul Brandt, a an exciting report/testimony about her surprise to Kerry, whose dad passed one-year mission exposure experience in away in June of this year. The two Paul Africa. It turned out to be an unexpected Brandt families have bonded very service where she was able to hand strongly in the last years. This Christian out Bibles to spiritually hungry people. Child tour is very meaningful for all of It involved long bus rides, with stops Kerry’s family. where people gathered to hear about Elly Rempel
Winter Class Schedule
THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
window on missions Ward Parkinson
Walking By Faith: A Challenge for Planting Churches
oes your church ever dream? I’m not referring to what a few sleepy individuals might experience at a Sunday morning service. I’m thinking about when visionary people lift their heads from the daily grind of ministry and ask: What’s next? Every church has visionary people in their midst. That is how the Holy Spirit has arranged His gifts. He has given such people the gift of faith which enables them to see possibilities through His eyes and not merely their own. But here’s the thing: Spiritual leaders are responsible to ensure that visionary people have a voice and are listened to in the church (1 Thessalonians 5:19– 21). Not every idea is necessarily God’s leading. We are to test everything. But I believe many churches, even at membership meetings, are guilty of quenching the Holy Spirit rather than discerning His promptings. We seek to maintain what we’ve done in the past. New ideas
Every church has visionary people in their midst. That is how the Holy Spirit has arranged His gifts. He has given such people the gift of faith which enables them to see possibilities through His eyes and not merely their own. Spiritual leaders are responsible to ensure that visionary people have a voice and are listened to in the church. are pondered, then forgotten. We hear phrases like “too expensive” or “too much work” or “uncomfortable.” A colleague once commented to me in regard to church planting, “Most people in the church want to play it safe. Too many people want to do it when they can see their way through.” I wonder if Abraham could see his way through when, at the call of God, he left Ur “even though he did not know where he was going” (Hebrews 11:8). I wonder if Paul could see his way through when he got redirected by the Holy Spirit away from Bithynia toward Macedonia (Acts 16:7–10). I wonder if Peter could see his way through when he climbed over the side of the boat to walk on waves. I wonder if Mary could see her way through when she told the angel, “May it be to me as you have said” (Luke 1:38). It seems clear to me that when God calls us to step out,
THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
not everything will be clear. And if we wait for everything to be clear, we’ll wait forever. Scripture says we walk by faith, not by sight. That is true of churches as well as individuals. If your church is serious about outreach, and possibly planting a daughter church, it will mean a consistent flow of new ideas. Get used to it. Step One occurs at our council meetings and congregational meetings: Listen to the ones who have a dream. As Church Planting Coordinator, I work with a team called the Canadian Church Planting Task Force. These are dedicated EMC people with a passion for outreach. We want to help you as churches take steps to establish new churches in Canada. I am available to meet with churches or leadership teams about church planting. This can be in an evening meeting or a retreat setting. What are the questions to ask? What are the things to watch out for? Is there only one way to plant a church? What will the daughter look like? Who’s going to pay for all this? As churches are established, I seek to come alongside church planters with encouragement and support on behalf of the Conference. You can help us! We are presently looking to establish a Prayer Force for Canadian Church Planting. Those enlisting will get regular notice of prayer concerns and updates regarding EMC church plants in Canada. Sign up by emailing me at May the Holy Spirit keep giving dreams, and may His people walk by T faith! M
a womanʼs journey of faith Betty Koop
Memories decorating our Christmas tree
s we open boxes of tree ornaments that have been stored for a year, it seems we are opening stores of memories from over the past 40-some years. Who would have thought that this annual exercise would become a record of our family’s journey? I pull out a bag of blue and silver balls and can’t help but smile. These were on our first tree back in Winnipeg, when we decided to go “really modern” and limit our colours to blue and silver. We had a tall narrow tree that just fit between the bedroom doors of our first rental home. And how good are the memories of our first years of marriage. At the
Another box produces something that looks like woven straw bells. In reality they are small replicas of the traditional Basotho hats worn in Lesotho. Alongside are two crocheted snowflakes, which found their way into Christmas card envelopes that we received in Africa. It was a delight to hang them in the window, daring the scorching December sun to melt them. Obviously they remind us of two great years spent in another culture, learning from dear sisters and brothers in the church we served. Some tissue-wrapped ornaments are next. Angels represent newly acquired daughters-in-law, because, of course, they are angels. This was just prior to and during our La Crete years. Also during this time, our grandsons began to multiply, and shiny replicas of a locomotive, a rocking horse, and a fire engine represent three of them. Yes, they had the energy to match the more active figures. Other decorations remind us of dear friends whose
Our tree is not decorated with a new theme or new colour scheme each year. In fact, it doesn’t look particularly coordinated or stylish. But it reminds us of our dear family, many wonderful friends, and the many good years our Lord has given us. time we didn’t think it could get any better, but how little did we know! A yellowing envelope yields several hand-made felt shapes in bright Christmas colours. These remind me of a kind neighbour in Virginia who took our boys, along with her children, to a craft-making event. Our tree that year was a far cry from the lush Canadian evergreens of previous years, but it came from another gracious neighbor who “just happened to have an extra tree.” Since our budget was limited during those student years, we probably wouldn’t have had a tree at all but for his kindness. Here is a box of stained glass ornaments. This brings back memories of fun times in our Mitchell home. Our boys painstakingly filled metal frames with different colors of plastic beads. I remember how amazed I was at their patience and concentration in handling those tiny beads to create just the right effect they had in mind. After baking, this produced lovely transparent shapes to hang on the tree. To this day our boys look for the special ones they produced all those years ago, so I must be sure to hang each one.
gifts of ornaments add both to the attractiveness and good memories our tree supplies. They are with us each Christmas in spirit and we love to remember them. Our tree is not decorated with a new theme or new colour scheme each year. In fact, it doesn’t look particularly coordinated or stylish. But it reminds us of our dear family, many wonderful friends, and the many good years our Lord has given us. As we turn on the tree lights, sit back and enjoy all its memories, we are again reminded of the Saviour who came so many years ago, to ultimately die on a very different tree. The Bible admonishes us to remember: “Remember your creator…” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). “Remember the wonders he [the Lord] has done…” (1 Chronicles 16:12). But the most fitting one for me as I write this final column of my nine-year stint, is to say to you, dear readers, who have been my constant encouragers: “I thank my God T every time I remember you” (Philippians 1:3). M As Betty Koop indicates, this is, by personal choice, her final regular column for The Messenger. She is thanked for her regular, gentle way of sharing stories from her life and that of others. May Christ bless her new involvements! Betty has been invited to write occasionally for The Messenger. A new woman columnist is being sought.
THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
Canada drops to fourth in global membership Anabaptist global membership stands at just under 1.5 million, with Canada dropping to fourth among countries with the most baptized members. The Mennonite, Brethren in Christ and Related Churches World Directory 2006 shows membership in the 217 churches now listed in 75 countries around the world is 1,478,540. The six countries with the most baptized members are the same as in 2003, but India and Canada have switched places. The six countries are: USA (368,280), Congo (216,268), India (146,095), Canada (131,384), Ethiopia (130,731), and Indonesia (72,624). Africa, with 529,703 members, continues to have the largest and fastest growing membership among the five continental regions. The Meserete Kristos Church (MKC) in Ethiopia is the largest national conference globally, with 130,727 members. All continental regions except Europe have shown increased membership. According to 2006 numbers, Africa has stretched its membership lead over North America by some 30,000, a 17.2 percent increase since 2003. Africa surged ahead of North America for the first time in 2003 with 451,959 baptized members compared to 451,180 in North America.
Membership in North America in 2006 has grown to just under half a million (499,664), an apparent increase of 10.7 percent. The increase is partly due to reporting changes, since the new number includes more independent groups. Another factor is rapid growth among Old Order groups. Until 2005, Mennonite Church USA was the largest national conference. It now numbers 110,696 members, more than 20,000 fewer members than the MKC in Ethiopia. Other national churches with 100,000 members or more include the Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches in India (103,488) and the Comunauté Mennonite au Congo (100,000). Second to Africa in growth rate among continental regions is the Caribbean, Central and South America (16.8 percent), with 155,531 members in 2006 compared to 133,150 in 2003. Close behind is Asia and the Pacific (15.9 percent) with 241,420 members in 2006, up from 208,155 in 2003. North America is fourth in terms of growth. Inclusion in the World Directory does not mean membership in Mennonite World Conference. Churches and conferences are included in the directory if they are rooted in the AnabaptistMennonite stream of church history or
Region 2 calls for a day of prayer EMC Region 2 churches have set aside Wednesday, January 10, 2007, as a day of prayer and fasting to focus on church planting in southern Alberta. Wherever you live, you can join with believers in Picture Butte, Taber, and other Region 2 churches as they seek the Lord’s direction for another church plant in southern Alberta. Peter and Anne Wiebe (former EMC church planters, now retired) are making plans to move to southern Alberta with the intent of planting another church among Low German-speaking people. Two places they are considering are the Vulcan/Arrowwood area (between Calgary and Lethbridge) or Redcliff (near Medicine Hat). They are trusting the Lord to lead them to the right area. Dan and Mary Wiebe (with EMC roots in High Level, Alta., and Vanderhoof, BC) have recently moved to Two Hills (near Edmonton) with the intent of establishing friendships and doing visitation. It’s
THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
ground work which could lead to a future church plant. Both of these couples desire the prayers of God’s people in order to sense God’s leading, and to know where and how to best serve Him. Please mark the date on your calendars and remember to intercede for this important work. For information or to let us know you’ll be praying, call Ward Parkinson at 204-3266401 or email Pray for • Direction for Peter and Anne Wiebe’s new location. • Spiritual barriers to come down. • Good friendship opportunities. • Others to join the church planting effort. • Good health and strength for these couples. • Wisdom and perseverance. Ward Parkinson, Director of Church Planting, for the Canadian Church Planting Task Force and Region 2 churches
have direct fellowship with churches that are so rooted. New listings in the 2006 directory include churches in Botswana, Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), The Gambia, Thailand, Bahamas, Romania, Ukraine, and a new conference in Haiti. The 2003 World Directory listed 200 bodies in 65 countries with a total membership of 1,297,716. MWC
Winter Courses January 3 to April 4, 2007
Preaching the Prophets Pierre Gilbert, Ph.D. Tuesdays, 6–8:45 p.m. Romans Gordon Zerbe, Ph.D. One-week intensive February 12–16, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Jews and Christians in Greek Society George Shillington, Ph.D. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4–5:15 p.m. Prophets of Israel Dan Epp-Tiessen, Ph.D. Mondays and Wednesdays, 4–5:15 p.m. Sixteenth-Century Reformations John J. Friesen, Ph.D. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:30–3:45 p.m. Systematic Theology Karl Koop, Ph.D. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1–2:15 p.m. The Church at Worship Irma Fast Dueck, Th.D. Tuesdays, 6–8:45 p.m. Homiletics Dan Epp-Tiessen, Ph.D. Mondays and Wednesdays, 1–2:15 p.m. $460 for credit/$150 for audit Registration form available on-line or call Anne at 204-487-3300
ELMER P. REIMER 1929–2006
Elmer P. Reimer began his earthly journey on August 26, 1929, at the family farm near Landmark, Man. He was born to David and Margaretha Reimer. As the oldest member of the family, which included many special needs children, he learned early to be responsible for others. He became a man who could make clear “black-and-white” decisions very quickly. He also developed a very strong work ethic, which served him well all his life. When Dad was about 13 years old, he came down with typhoid fever. He spent a long time in the hospital, and this effectively put an end to his schooling. All his life he struggled to read. He was,
Susanna (Braun) Wieler was born to her parents Jacob and Aganetha Braun June 21, 1917. With her family she moved from Osler, Saskatchewan, to Carcajou, Alberta, in the summer of 1933. She was baptized in June 1937 in the Old Colony Church in La Crete. She still lived in Carcajou at that time and came to La Crete by canoe for the baptism service. She met her husband Abe Wieler on her move to Carcajou. He was the
however, determined to lead his family in devotions, so with Mom’s help, he learned to read after their marriage. Dad accepted Jesus as his personal Saviour as a young child and later was baptized and became a member of Prairie Rose Evangelical Mennonite Church. His faith was important to him, and he lived it in his daily life. Dad fell in love with our mother Helena Penner when she was working as a maid at his home. They were married on June 17, 1951. On the family farm they raised eight children. We so appreciate the happy and stable home they provided for us. This marriage lasted until September 4, 2000, when Mom passed away. Dad missed her so much. When he met Nettie Wiebe in the fall of 2003, he gained a new lease on life. They were married on August 29, 2004. They really enjoyed the two years they had together. Dad was admitted to St. Boniface Hospital on October 31, 2006, for surgery. Although he was recovering well, he had a massive heart attack at 10:20 p.m., and peacefully went to be with the Lord. Dad was predeceased by his parents; his first wife, Helena; two infant sons, Kenneth and Dennis; one brother and three sisters. He is survived by his wife Nettie; six daughters, Margaret and Gilbert Penner and their children
Stephanie, Christal, Michael and Heather; Clarise and Norm Plett and their children Aurelie (Chris Thiessen) and Holly (Scott Janvier); Elvira and Denver Kroeker and their children Ange (Dallas Hiebert) and great-grandson Trace, Cynthia (Mark Penner), and Ryan; Anita Reimer; Rose and Bill Kehler and children Destiny, Cole and Spencer; Lu and Lorne Reimer and children Janina, Emily, Tyler and Karalee; two sons, Arnold and Cheryl and children Faith and LeRoy Siemens (and their daughter Brooklyn), AJ and Lisa; Dave and Sharlene and children Corbin, Donovan and Derek. He is also survived by three step-sons, Allen and Cheryl and children Harley and Shelby; Gerald and Dyanna and children Virgina and Ray (and children Shayla, Savannah and Ethan), Steven and Crystal (and children Parker and Carter), Donna and Paulo (and daughter Isabella); Bryan and Carlene and children Madison, Tana and Samuel; two step-daughters, Dianne and Rob Friesen and children Josh and Martha Wall (and daughter Callie), Felicia (and son Hayden); Anita and Randy Penner and children Tiffany, Courtenay, Kendra and Caitlin. Funeral services were held on November 4, 2006, at Prairie Rose EMC. His Family
driver her father hired to drive their car from Saskatchewan for the move. They were married on December 19, 1937 at Carcajou. This was the first wedding in the area, with seven guests in attendance. In 1940 after several years of living on a trap line, they moved to Fort Vermilion area. Because of a shortage of work they moved to Edmonton in 1944 where Dad worked as a farmhand and carpenter. In 1952 homesteads became available and their move to their farm in west La Crete was made. Retirement came in 1978 and they started to build their house in La Crete. Before this home was completed Dad passed away suddenly on October 7, 1978. They were married 40 years, 10 months and 12 days. As a widow Mom spent many hours at her children’s homes helping where she could. She greatly enjoyed all her grandchildren and loved having them visit. In 1994 at the age of 77, Mom chose to transfer her membership to La Crete Christian Fellowship. Here she found much spiritual growth and fulfillment in her Sunday school and Bible studies.
Mom was a person who did not adjust well to change. She struggled daily with the changes she had to make due to her dementia and decline of her physical health. She always wanted to go home. On November 6, 2006, at 11:00 a.m., she went to her final home. She died peacefully surrounded by her sisters and children. We rejoice that here she will no longer struggle but be able to sing and praise God continually. She leaves to mourn her passing two sisters, Margaret and Mary Braun; her children Betty (Abe) Harder, Helena (George) Friesen, daughter-in-law Ruth Wieler, Anna (Jake) Teichroeb, Johnny (Joyce) Wieler; 21 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren, numerous other relatives and friends. She was predeceased by two children in infancy, her husband Abe, her son Carl, her parents, two brothers, one sister, two grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. The family wishes to thank the friends and caregivers who made her last days easier. Her Family
THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
shoulder tapping MENNVILLE CHURCH (EMC) seeks a part- or full-time pastor. Experience and education expectations are flexible. Mennville Church is a congregation of about 100, located in the Interlake area of Manitoba and close to Hecla Island, in a predominantly agricultural area. Contact Wes Barkman at 204-378-2778 ( or Roland Friesen at 204-378-2907 (rfriesen@riv. Conference pastor David Thiessen can also be contacted at the EMC national office (204-3266401). ENDEAVOUR FELLOWSHIP Chapel in eastcentral Saskatchewan, with a congregation of about 50, is currently looking for a pastor. Contact Tom Treen (Elders’ Chairman) at 306547-3383 or MORRIS FELLOWSHIP Chapel, a church of 100 members located in the town of Morris, Man., is looking for a senior pastor. Contact Ernie Siemens at 204-746-8342 or e-mail siemensj@ HAVENGROUP FOUNDATION board members needed for EMC-sponsored elder care organization in Steinbach, Man. Do you have a passion to serve the more vulnerable members of our society? Do you get excited about being a change agent and vision builder? Can you commit to four to five meetings per year, plus some additional minimal project development time? If you have answered yes to the questions above we want to meet with you and discuss our current and future plans and how you could fit into those plans. HavenGroup Foundation is the fundraising arm of all HavenGroup partners, which include Rest Haven Nursing Home, Woodhaven Manor, THE EMC invites applications for the senior administrative position of General Secretary. Responsibilities: Serve as Executive Secretary for the Board of Missions, General Board, and Board of Trustees; provide management of conference finances; coordinate conference events; provide management role of national office. Applicants should have experience and training in areas of financial management and missions administration with strong communication skills. A job description is available upon request. Duties to commence September 1, 2007. Please request an application form from the office at 204-326-6401, fax 204-3261613, The application and resume can be addressed to EMC Moderator Ron Penner and forwarded to the same addresses or to 440 Main St., Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z5.
THE MESSENGER December 6, 2006
Ashwood Apartments, Birchwood Apartments, Cedarwood Supportive Housing and Parkview Apartments of Steinbach. Inasmuch as you bless others with your passion, skills and time, you too will be blessed. Contact Marlin J. Roth at 204-346-5004 or for details. Together we can meet the needs of those we serve. A SMALL school based in Kabul, Afghanistan, seeks a Christian trained teacher (for international children whose parents work as volunteers to help the local people) from January to April 2007 for grades one and two. Must be a team player, able to cope in a challenging situation, and raise your own support. Contact RICHMOND PARK Mennonite Brethren Church, a congregation of about 300 people in the growing, mid-sized city of Brandon, Man., seeks a youth pastor who is passionate about leading and discipling youth. Please send in resume and three references to Reinhold Kramer, 43 Noonan Dr., Brandon, MB R7B 0V7. For information, email Kramer@brandonu.mca or phone 204-7277344. GOING WEST, young man? Or woman, or couple, or family? Alberta is indeed a land of opportunity! If you are anticipating or considering relocation to Calgary, we invite you to join us at Fish Creek Christian Fellowship as we reach out to South Calgary with the love of Christ. This city is growing and we want to grow with it. We’re excited to see what God might do as you bring your creativity and gifts and offer them to Him with us. For information about our church, please contact interim pastor Ray Landis at 403-938-0063, or email rllandis@ LA CRETE Christian Fellowship (La Crete, Alta.) is looking for a senior pastor to continue to nurture and spiritually grow this well established church of about 400 regular members. LCCF is located in Northern Alberta, and its service to God is based on the core values of a commitment to teaching God’s Word and outreach to the community. The senior pastor will lead the church to engage in a fellowship of worship, compassion, training, ministry and application. He will work well in a team environment to proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers, and to care for the church’s members and other persons in the community. The applicant must have a strong and growing relationship with God, as well as with his family. If you are interested, we invite you to prayerfully consider this opportunity. Contact the search committee by emailing billmel2@ or, or contact Bill Driedger at 780-928-2850.
OPPORTUNITY OF a lifetime: Teaching English in China! Qualifications required: fluent English speaker, minimum of undergraduate degree, a living faith, teaching experience, TESOL training advisable but not required, cross cultural adaptability. Benefits: Accommodation and salary provided; making a difference in people’s lives; exposure to Asian culture and language; opportunity to be light, salt, and fragrance. For information, contact EMC missions, phone 204326-6401; fax 204-326-1613. THE EMC Archives Committee invites volunteers within driving distance of Steinbach, Man., to assist with organizing back issues of The Messenger (for distribution to other archives), typing of an index of vault holdings, entering descriptions of fi les onto a computer database, and more. The ability to type is necessary. Computer training is provided. Flexible hours. Contact Terry Smith at; 204326-6401. WOULD YOU like to be a part of dynamic staff team that is changing our world one life at a time through Christian camping? Red Rock Bible Camp, located within Whiteshell Provincial Park in eastern Manitoba (about 150 kms east of Winnipeg) is looking for a program director beginning May 1, 2007. For information, call 204-326-9784. Resumes may be emailed to or faxed to 204326-1387 by January 8, 2007. RESERVE FELLOWSHIP Chapel (EMC), located in Sioux Valley (west-central Man.), seeks a fulltime pastoral couple to serve the church and to develop long-term relationships with people of the community. The smaller 50-year-old congregation is part of Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, a community that has a Christian history going back to 1879. The congregation is located about 45 minutes from Virden and Brandon. A strong sense of God’s call and a love for people are required. Direct inquiries to David Pashe, 204-730-0409, e-mail: pashed@westman.; or to Len Barkman, 204-326-6401, email: THE EMC Board of Church Ministries seeks two national board members (to be appointed by General Board), two education committee members (appointed by BCM) and five music/ worship committee members (appointed by BCM). BCM has national responsibilities in the areas of Christian education, youth, publication, archives, The Messenger and music/worship. The frequency of meetings depends upon the committee. For information, contact executive secretary Terry Smith at 204326-6401 or; or conference youth minister Gerald Reimer at same phone number or
archives corner
Terry M. Smith
Not interested in history?
once preached in a conference church and referred to historical events. Afterward, a church leader told me the congregation wasn’t interested in history. Yet preaching was central in the service and people brought their personal Bibles—that’s part of Protestant history. The minister didn’t wear a clerical collar—that’s part of Believers’ Church history. The church focused on its congregational life—which fits Believers’ Church history. The church was concerned about personal faith— that’s part of Evangelical history.
history. We leave behind our influence (our history) on other believers. We might reject a particular history’s influence, but even that involves a measure of historical analysis and response. Whatever our choice, we create another history. Like any segment of Church history, Anabaptist history is flawed, fallible, and incomplete. The focus of early Anabaptists was, though, on responding to Jesus in their time. I suspect the EMC leader was saying, similarly, that what is important to the congregation is to focus on responding faithfully to Jesus today. If so, the leader is
Preaching was central in the service and people brought their personal Bibles—that’s part of Protestant history. The minister didn’t wear a clerical collar—that’s part of Believers’ Church history. Not interested in history? The congregation is full of history!
The church practiced believer baptism—a connection with Anabaptist history. The church was one among many—a fact of local history. The church was grateful for what God had done and is doing—that’s congregational history. The people gathered from many backgrounds and with personal testimonies—that’s many histories. Not interested in history? The congregation is full of history! The leader was perhaps saying that the congregation didn’t care about Anabaptist history. Yet in its service style, teaching, and polity, it reflected Anabaptist (early evangelical) influences. Not all Christians enjoy focusing on history. As believers, local churches, and denominations, though, we are partly shaped by history. Further, we shape
right! A focus on faithfulness to Jesus today is much more important than understanding history. But the desire to be faithful today, and what that involves, is partly strengthened through the encouraging faith of Christians from the first century (recorded in Scripture) and beyond (including the 16th century Reformation). Early Anabaptists didn’t focus on writing history, but they created some of it. The men and women who lived and died for an evangelical faith in Christ defended—by word, deed, and sometimes in writing— their understanding of history. It was because they saw the Christian Church as having fallen in history that they were motivated to form an evangelical Anabaptist church to restore the Church to what it was and could be. Interested in history? Perhaps not. Indebted to it? Yes. Shaped by it? Partly. Making history? Yes. How will we treat our history? What will we pass on? Let’s draw from the past what we need. T Let’s pass on a living faith in Christ! M As Executive Secretary to the Board of Church Ministries, Terry Smith is involved with the EMC archives.
THE MESSENGER Evangelical Mennonite Conference 440 Main Street Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z5 Publications Mail Agreement #40017 62 PAP Registration #9914