Messenger The
Caring for
The Least of These The King Will Reply, p. 4 No Room in the Inn, p. 17
What would we have done?
EDITOR Terry M. Smith ASSISTANT EDITOR Rebecca Buhler THE MESSENGER is the publication of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. It is available to the general public. Its purpose is to inform concerning events and activities in the denomination, instruct in godliness and victorious living, inspire to earnestly contend for the faith. Letters, articles, photos and poems are welcomed. Unpublished material is not returned except by request. Views and opinions of writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the position of the Conference or the editors. THE MESSENGER is published twice a month (once a month in July and August) by the EMC Board of Church Ministries, 440 Main Street, Steinbach, Manitoba. Subscriptions: $12 per year (Manitoba residents add 7% PST, total: $12.84). Subscriptions are voluntary and optional to people within or outside of the EMC. Subscriptions are purchased by the Conference for members and adherents. THE MESSENGER is a member of Meetinghouse and Canadian Church Press. Second-class postage paid at Steinbach, Manitoba. ISSN #0701-3299 PAP Registration #9914 Publications Mail Agreement #40017362 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs. Mailing information: Undelivered copies, change of address and new subscriptions, should be addressed to: 440 Main Street Steinbach, Manitoba R5G 1Z5 Phone: 204-326-6401 Fax: 204-326-1613 E-mail: or On-line edition available at
MESSENGER SCHEDULE: No. 4 – February 21 (copy due February )
editorials n January 21, 1525, a few people gathered at the home of Felix Manz. Pressured by the council of Zurich to support infant baptism, they held, instead, an impromptu baptismal service for believers. It was a step involving both strong conviction and tremendous danger. Roman Catholic and magisterial Protestant leadership would object. That did not dissuade them from their decision (and some would be killed as a result). George Blaurock was the first to be baptized, then others. The Anabaptist movement dates itself from this event in Switzerland. It would be another 84 years before the first Baptist church was established in 1609 on Dutch soil by persecuted English Separatists who sought the Church of England’s reform. (Baptists would take another 75 years before settling on
immersion as their standard mode of baptism.) Part of that first Baptist church would later be absorbed into a Mennonite congregation; a second part would return to England to continue its reforming efforts, and suffered for it. I salute the courage of early Anabaptists and early Baptists. What would we have done in those situations? Intriguing speculation is all it is. We are not raised within the mindset of those times, nor do we face their dangers and pressures. Canada in the 21st century is safer and more tolerant than 16th century Zurich or 17th century England. The harder questions are: What do we learn from the example of earlier believers, and how does this show in what we are T doing now for Christ? M Terry M. Smith
Table Talk and dead Anabaptists
mong the massive writings by Protestant reformer Martin Luther is Table Talk, bits of conversation as recorded by colleagues and students who dined with him. While Luther faced dangers in his work, the very existence of this book shows that he at times enjoyed a degree of safety and stability. No equivalent book has come from conversations with Anabaptist leader Menno Simons. In fact, Menno sometimes signed his letters with initials to protect those who read them. He wrote of people who suffered for welcoming him or for renting a room to “my poor sick wife and her little ones” (Complete Writings, p. 634). Has this difference in the degree of safety influenced how we Anabaptists write or view theology? Anabaptism has been described as a lived faith, almost inherently unsystematic. How accurate, though, is this separation between action and thought?
Anabaptist leaders gathered in Schleitheim and Augsburg in 1527 and discussed (and wrote about in Scheitheim’s case) their convictions. Within two years of the Augsburg gathering many were killed for their faith; it’s since been called the Martyrs’ Synod. It’s tough to write a lengthy, systematic theology while fleeing for one’s life! Who knows what these leaders might have produced had they been given time. Some Anabaptists have, however, produced lengthy confessions of faith. Menno Simons’ own volume of writings shows he was not opposed to putting his faith into print; his theology reveals itself both in his thought and in his life. Christians are called to a thoughtful, lived faith. Peter said, “Always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have” (2 Peter 3:15). Our reason can involve a single Bible verse or it might require a lengthy, detailed, systematic response. T Each has its place. M Terry M. Smith THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
coming events
Vision in a changing conference Two items in The Messenger [December 20, 2006] brought back memories to me: PEC Building renovations continue and Merry Christmas! from the EMC office staff. The year was 1959 and my wife and I were asked to help plant a church in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. We consequently moved there with a family of five children. Our oldest boy stayed back in Steinbach. Initial services had been launched that spring, likely under the leadership of the EMC Board of Missions. Services were conducted in the Orange Hall, I believe on Sunday afternoons. After we came we also started Sunday services in our house which had a fairly large dining and living area. To begin with we were maybe some six couples who took part. But I think we all had a mind to work. This pioneering spirit was evident when the next year a building lot was purchased and we began the construction of our own church. Much voluntary labor went into it, also by volunteers from other EMC churches. And by Christmas we were worshipping in our own church. Today, according to The Messenger article, this church has outgrown its space and provisions are being made for more room. Again voluntary labour is mentioned. Even though none of the original members are there anymore, the pioneering spirit is still evident. The needed space speaks well of the health of this church. The Lord be praised! And what memories does the Merry Christmas! from the EMC office staff invoke? This picture serves to remind me of the humble beginnings of our EMC office in Steinbach. Being very frugal and money conscious, our Conference so far had no national headquarters. Elected officials might work out of their homes or churches. Maybe our missions secretary was the only person who had an office in the area where he lived (Morris). As a part-time employee of the EMC Board of Education and Publication, under whose auspices The Messenger was printed, I did my work first from Portage la Prairie and later from our house where we lived in Winnipeg.
THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
In 1966 when we located back to Steinbach, my board saw fit to establish an office. Office space was rented in downtown Steinbach for me in the basement of the Evangel Book Shop. From this small basement office then, 40 years later, has evolved what today we call our national headquarters at 440 Main Street in Steinbach with its lovely staff pictured in the December 20, 2006, Messenger. Looking back today I think I can venture to say that this vision and foresight was a good move by our EMC Board of Education and Publication. A step of faith. As well, today we can give credit to the EM Conference for seeing the needs of a growing Conference and to provide adequate and efficient office staff to supervise its far-flung work. So there you have a little vignette of EMC history of which you might not have been aware of heretofore. Dave Schellenberg (Rev.) Steinbach, Man. Executive Secretary/Editor (1963–1987)
March 16–17 Follow the Lamb: Revelation and Worship SBC Leadership Conference Speaker: J. Nelson Kraybill Steinbach Bible College Steinbach, Man. 204-32 - 4 1, ext. 222 March 16–17 MEDA Mini Conference Calgary, Alta. Details to follow! March 28–29 SBC Discovery Days Steinbach Bible College Steinbach, Man. 204-32 - 4 1 or April 12 Prophets and Profits U. of M. professor Fred Starke MEDA, Winnipeg chapter Bergmann’s on Lombard at noon Winnipeg, Man. Cost: $20 (lunch included) 204-4 7-232 , ext. 22 May 18–21 Abundant Springs 2007: The Anointed EMC Youth Conference Caronport, Sask. 204-32 - 401
May 29 On letter writing: “The views and Graham and Treena Kerr opinions of writers are their own and do Evening Event not necessarily represent the position of MEDA, Winnipeg chapter the Conference or the editors” (from The Bergmann’s on Lombard Messenger’s masthead). Winnipeg, Man. “Letters that do not represent official Cost: $12 /person (dinner included) 204-4 7-232 , ext. 22 Conference positions can be published in The Messenger. Within a Conference comprised of various voices, the magazine is to encourage the ‘community hermeneutic’ toward responsible Christian belief, teaching, and practice. Readers and official bodies of the EMC can reply to material in The Messenger…The Leadership Conference focus of letter writing March 16-17, 2007 is to be on issues, not on personalities” (Part Speaker: Dr. Nelson Kraybill, President of Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary of Board of Church Ministries policy on Two courses running parallel to the conference— Friday, 7-9 pm & Saturday, 9 am - 3 pm Contemplative Youth Ministry with Professor Garth Friesen Letters to the Editor, The New Face of Women’s Ministry with Professor Janice Rempel January 2002). For more information or to register online: or contact Christal 204-326-6451 •
A string of stories
THE KING WILL REPLY... Pastor Jerry Plett
The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40).
THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
he movie Radio is based upon the true story of a high school football coach and a developmentally challenged young man, known as Radio, whom Coach takes under his wing. The coach invites Radio to team practice sessions, drives him back to his home and invites him to school, to be a part of the class. In one scene, Radio’s mother and Coach Jones are seated at her kitchen table having a talk. She said, “You know, Coach, it wasn’t that long ago, I see you drive up in that truck of yours and be wonderin’ why you’re doin’ what you’re doin’. So, why are you doin’ what you’re doin’?” Coach says, “I figure it’s the right thing to do.” Radio’s mother replied, “But there’s a whole lot out there that’s right. Don’t mean we always do it” (Radio, Touchstone Pictures, 2003, directed by Michael Tollin; submitted by Van Morris, Mount Washington, Kentucky).
The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40).
apocalyptic New Orleans, the sports arena was tense with dangers and full of vulnerable people, especially the aged. Hours after the Sheppards arrived, nine-day newlyweds Shane and Shelly Cole of Pasadena, Texas, entered the arena. On Wednesday night, the Coles had heard through the news about the problems at the Astrodome. Shane, 35, who came to Christ 10 years ago after serving in the first Gulf War, said he grieved for children living amid the Astrodome chaos. The Coles were using just one of their home’s two bedrooms and could house a family. “We’ve got to go down there,” he told Shelly, a Messianic Jew originally from Wisconsin. “I know there’s babies in there.” The first two families Shane approached in the Astrodome said loved-ones in Houston were picking them up. Then Shane saw Jackson and asked the Sheppards if they would like to come and stay with them. They gratefully accepted. The Coles believe they were just following God’s leading. “We were obedient. That’s all he required of us,” Shelly said. “God will put the puzzle together. We were the link because God works through people. He wants willing vessels” (Deann Alford, “I Was a Stranger,”
any stories have emerged in the wake The King will reply, “I tell you the of the devastation caused by Hurricane truth, whatever you did for one Katrina. One of them is the story of of the least of these brothers Christopher and Monika Sheppard. of mine, you did for me” (Matthew They arrived at Houston’s Astrodome in T-shirts and pyjama bottoms that they’d worn for four days and in 25:40). shoes caked in New Orleans sludge. In one arm was a cardboard box that held all they owned and that the ary Waddingham, rector of St. Luke’s rising waters had not snatched before they escaped. Episcopal Church in Billings, Montana, In another arm was their 16-month-old son, Jackson, tells of how several years ago, when quiet with fever, clutching a baby bottle. he was ministering in a small rural They joined an ever-growing number of those community, they had extra food left over from their made homeless when levees broke following Christmas basket. He happened to think of a poor Hurricane Katrina’s rampage through Louisiana. family who lived at the edge of Although the family owned a car, like many town. Gary packed up the food residents of the below-sea-level city who weathered and drove to their house. the storm in their homes, they stayed because He writes, “I am never sure they had no place to go outside New Orleans. They how one goes about ‘doing thought they could ride it out. charity’ while preserving the For more than two days they waited with hundreds of other I asked, “Do you know anyone who could use storm survivors as the city around some extra food?” them plunged into bedlam. They ate pilfered food and drank pilfered “You bet,” she said and got her coat, water that looters unloaded in piles headed toward her car saying, “Follow me.” to share. Finally, the Sheppards were airlifted to a bus that transported them to the Astrodome in Houston, Texas. Though dignity of those who receive the Astrodome provided shelter and at least some the charity. When the woman, measure of safety compared to the anarchy of surrounded by her several
THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
children, answered the door, I thought of a subtle way to offer the food to her. I asked, “Do you know anyone who could use some extra food?” “You bet,” she said and got her coat, headed toward her car saying, “Follow me.” She took me to people who were poorer than she, people who desperately needed food. Even though she herself needed food, I remember clearly that there was absolutely no hesitation on her part. For some people, giving is second nature (
The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40).
nna had never felt so alone. Her husband Herman needed minor surgery to repair a hernia, but the fact that he also suffered from Alzheimer’s made it anything but minor. The doctor had just visited Herman’s room and informed her that after surgery they would have to put her husband in arm and leg restraints. They were concerned he would wake up disoriented and pull out his I.V. or harm himself in some other way. They didn’t have enough staff to keep someone at his bedside throughout recovery. Anna tried to envision the restraints that would hold her husband immobile. The image tormented her. What could she do?
That night more than a dozen people volunteered for aroundthe-clock shifts at Herman’s bedside while he recovered.
A few moments later, Anna turned when she heard a knock at the door of her husband’s hospital room. Mike and Carol were 30 years younger, but over the past few years they had become good friends through their involvement in the same home fellowship group. Carol noticed the stress in Anna’s eyes and was finally able to draw out the cause for her concern. Mike and Carol had no idea what could be done either, but they were on their way to meet with the group and promised Anna they would share her
concern and pray about it. Almost an hour later the phone rang and Anna grabbed for it before it awakened her husband. “Oh good, you’re still there.” It was Carol. “After we prayed for you tonight, someone asked why they couldn’t just have the nurses keep an eye on Herman. When I explained that the hospital didn’t have the staff to do that, she asked if group members could do it. Everyone thought that was a great idea, and people started volunteering to take time slots. Anna, would Herman have to be restrained if we had someone in the room with him every moment during recovery?” “I can’t ask you people to do that,” Anna said, overwhelmed by the offer. “You haven’t asked—we’re offering. Can you find out?” Anna put down the phone and walked out to the nurses’ station. When she returned she told Carol that as long as someone who was awake and alert was with Herman, he wouldn’t need to be restrained. Before she could add, “But I don’t want you to go to all that trouble,” she heard Carol relay the information to the group. The cheers in the background were all she needed. That night more than a dozen people volunteered for around-the-clock shifts at Herman’s bedside while he recovered. When family members heard what Herman and Anna’s friends were doing, they volunteered for shifts as well. For the next three days someone was at Herman’s side. As a side benefit, Anna had constant companionship through her long hours at the hospital. A few weeks later Anna tried to thank the group for their incredible demonstration of kindness. Every time she began to speak she was freshly overcome with gratitude. Though everyone in the room appreciated how deeply it had touched her, no on felt like it had been a great sacrifice. They simply had wanted to help a friend through a tough spot (Quoted in Authentic Relationships by Wayne Jacobson and Clay Jacobson (Baker, 2003); submitted by Marshall Shelley, Wheaton, Ill.).
The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” T (Matthew 25:40). M Jerry Plett is senior pastor of St. Vital EMC in Winnipeg, Man. This material comes from his opening at EMC Conference Council on July 8, 2006. THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
by the way Dave K. Schellenberg
We need to pray!
n writing about prayer I feel incompetent. I concur here with Philip Yancey in his 2006 book Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? when he says: “I write about prayer as a pilgrim, not an expert. I have the same questions that occur to almost everyone at some point. Is God listening? Why should God care about me? If God knows everything, what’s the point of prayer?” Where do we as Christians place prayer in matters of importance? Prayer events are usually not the best attended church functions. We may have unanswerable questions about prayer, yet one thing is certain: Jesus, by command and example, believed in prayer and encouraged it. And, as a result of a request by a disciple, he taught it (Mark 6:46; Luke 6:12, 9:28, 10:2, 11:1–4, 18:1). This is enough of an encouragement to me. Not only is prayer enjoined in the Bible, it has great promises of reward (Jeremiah 33:3, Philippians 4:6–7, Luke 18:1–8). Elton Trueblood credits Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship’s flourishing to being “definite in its requirements, especially in regard to daily prayer.” The closing prayer in our church one Sunday included something we do not often do: The congregation was asked to repeat The Lord’s Prayer after the leader. The question may arise, what about corporate prayer or responsive readings? I think corporate prayer can be beneficial because it may remind us of things we would not have thought about. For this, The Lord’s Prayer can be useful. Then there are “ready made prayers” as C. S. Lewis calls them. For my own devotions I find these “ready made” prayers extremely helpful. I make use of William Barclay’s book, More Prayers for the Plain Man. These written prayers remind me of many things I
should include in my prayers. Leslie D. Weatherhead (1893–1976) in his book Discipleship says this about written prayers: “Another method I have found of great value is to use the rich collections that are available in the prayers of others.” And then he goes on to mention some eight helps he is referring to. We live in a world which woos our attention almost constantly. And thus it becomes difficult, even in our quiet time, to concentrate on matters which should call for our intercession. Consider the following: “Help me so to live today that I may make this world a happier place wherever I may be.” How often, without prompting, would we think of a request like that? Don’t know what to pray for or how to pray? Go to the Book of Psalms. “Throughout the Psalms, David and the other writers poured out their hearts to God expressing honest feelings of anguish and desperate pleas for protection” (God Listens to Us: Prayers in the Psalms, p.1). Many times we may find ourselves in similar circumstances. Is it any wonder that the Book of Psalms has been called “The Prayer Book of the Bible”? According to one source it contains some 73 prayers. I can see where there would be rich material here for our prayers: Psalm 40:5, 145:1–3, 40:11–12, 86:1, 31:1–3, 86:15–16. A new unique angle to praying, which would take considerable dedication, is a suggestion from Christianity Today (September 2006) in Reflections: “Sprinkle a seasoning of short prayers on your daily living. If you see something beautiful, thank God for it. If you are aware of someone’s need, ask God to help… You can toss up many such prayers all day long. They will help you in your meditation and in your secular employment as well. Make a habit of it” (quoted from Francis De Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life). If Jesus the Son of God found it necessary to pray and if in the Bible men and women are found to call on God in prayer (Acts 1:13–14, 9:10–11, 20:36), how much more T should we find it necessary! M
Where do we as Christians place prayer in matters of importance? Prayer events are usually not the best attended church functions. THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
with our churches
Baptism flood results in nine deaths Lorette, Man.: They are dead. Their lives are no longer bound to this world. They saw what this world has to offer, and decided that they would rather be dead to it than live by it another minute. And their pastor helped facilitate it all. There’s no need to notify next of kin. They were all gathered right there, friends and family alike. Watching. Even clapping. Cheering on the public display of death to the world. They all came from different places. Karolyn grew up Lutheran and as a child thought that all Italians were Catholic. Xenia enjoys prayer. Cam was more concerned about being a Christian than the act of becoming a Christian. The birth of his son helped Chris to realize that there is more to life than himself. Shannon never doubted God, but didn’t really know him. Kim saw the love of God pour in her life because of her family. Dawn has felt strengthened by God during tough times. Ryan hit rock bottom on the streets of Winnipeg, and Kyla struggled socially since her father was a pastor. Nine very different people, with one very common need: Jesus. So, on November 26 and December 3 (since there were too many to fit into one service) these nine people, in obedience
They are dead. Their lives are no longer bound to this world. They saw what this world has to offer, and decided that they would rather be dead to it than live by it another minute.
Pastor Darnell and Emily Plett with Cam Dueck, Xenia Gallardo, Karolyn Bradley, Shannon and Chris Ireland, and Kim Koop
Pastor Darnell and Emily Plett, Dorothy and John Reiger, Kyla Plett, Ray and Joelle Roeland, Ryan Pfleuger, and Dawn Pfleuger
to their Saviour and Lord, publicly died to the world just as Jesus had done before them. By publicly declaring their rebellion to the fallen world, they are now freed up to live life as it is meant to be. Ironically, it was only through death that they found life. At the same time, four people transferred their membership from other
churches to Prairie Grove Fellowship Chapel, publicly stating that they want to be a part of that fellowship and family. Dorothy stated that the youth group at PGFC has welcomed their children in ways they have not before experienced, while John feels that Pastor Darnell has a heart for God and wants to be a part of that team. While Ray was on his way to get baptized, his truck caught on fire; and his wife Joelle has been discovering what it means to have a personal relationship with God. They both feel that Jesus had a direct hand in bringing them to PGFC. Thirteen is an unusually high number of people to have their names added to Prairie Grove’s membership at one time. Pastor Darnell Plett attributes it to “the extraordinary and everyday work of God.” He also says that he’s excited to see what more God has for the church and for the community of Lorette as a whole. Alan Fehr
THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
Trusting God in Brandon
Brandon, Man.: “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence” (Jeremiah 17:7 NLT). Greetings to all of you, brothers and sisters in Christ! We pray that the Lord will be sending a shower of blessings to all of you and that this letter finds you all well. We give the glory to God and we praise him for all the wonders in our lives. The Lord has been teaching us throughout our journey with him to trust him and to depend on him. Fighting the great fight and racing the great race has never been easy and is not going to be. We thank the Lord for the many things he has been working on in our church and for the peace he has been giving us during times of struggle.
that will help them in their personal relationship with God and a prayer support. There have also been many spiritual attacks on the members of our church, but these are the times when we come together as one body of Christ and pray for one another. We have been learning to be accountable to each other, which is very important in our daily walk with God. The second main area that we can see God making a difference in lives here in Brandon is in events where we had the opportunity to go out and reach out for more people and share the gospel. One was given to our pastor to speak at Brandon University. The invitation was given through Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship university students. Some
Spanish church there at Braeside, and we have also had the privilege to fellowship with English churches as well. Trusting God and his own timing can be challenging, but seeing him bring newcomers to our church from all over the world, Spanish countries, English countries, and even from Japan, has been very encouraging. It is amazing to see how God helps them to understand the message even though some of them do not speak Spanish. The most encouraging thing for many members of the church in the experience of getting to know these newcomers, who do not speak Spanish, is that they still get the message from God and to hear their comments on how they can feel God’s presence in the church.
Trusting God and his own timing can be challenging, but seeing him bring newcomers to our church from all over the world, Spanish countries, English countries, and even from Japan, has been very encouraging. Sioux Valley leadership couple David and Mildred Pashe, Faye Barkman, Brandon pastoral couple Antonio and Esther Pitta, General Secretary Len Barkman, Rosey and Travis Zacharias, and Janet Pitta met in Brandon in early summer 2006.
The Lord has been working in many different areas in our Ebenezer Christian Church. One of the main areas we can see God’s work in our church is in the different groups, such as youth on Saturdays, small groups on Tuesdays, Bible studies on Fridays, different prayer groups, and the ministry of the kids. God has given these groups to us as support for our spiritual life. It has been particularly encouraging to see how some of the youth have been seeking mentors
of the members of our church came to support the event and, even though most of them speak only Spanish, the language barrier did not stop us from praising God and understanding about his Word. We have also had the opportunity to go to Winnipeg to fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ from the
The last main area, but not least, is that as a church we experience the power of God and see how trusting him is helping us to make things better. It is in seeing how in church we support one another, especially the newcomers to Canada. The love of Christ has been reflected in the leaders of our church, many members and our pastor. Many of these newcomers feel that church is like their family here in Canada, and this love has reached many of them who in their past had never heard of God. The Lord has been working in many ways in our church and it is a privilege to share this experience with all of you, and we hope that our sharing will encourage all of you to keep on trusting God. Gabriela Ardila
Ebenezer Christian Church held a supper on December 31.
THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
MacGregor busy in 2006!
MacGregor, Man.: Our church was deeply saddened at the sudden loss of a sweet baby girl, Kylee, who died as a result of SIDS. She was only about three weeks old. Her young parents Scott and Larrissa Stuart were overwhelmed at her death, which also affected the whole church. Our annual Sunday school picnic was once again held at Valley View Bible Camp. We planted some shrubs at the front of our church this spring. Many thanks to all who helped with the beautification of our building! Our church ladies had a blast at our annual year-end wind-up. We went bowling in Brandon and the “older” ladies scored the high points. Congratulations to all our graduating students: Joey Sawatzky, Tyson Unrau, Ashley Unger, and Danny Jonasson. May God go with you! Fiesta DVBS was held at our church with the help of the Westend Community Church. Many children enjoyed the celebrations. In September 2006 we had a special treat for the youngsters of our congregation and those of the community. Uncle Harold come out and hosted a Kid Adventure Week. The children were enthralled by his presentations. We shared in the joy of George and Lydia Giesbrecht as they celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary, and also shared in the 50th wedding anniversary of Glen and Tena Sawatzky. This fall began a new Sunday school
Baby dedication was held in October 2006 with three young families dedicating themselves to raise their children for the Lord. The children dedicated were Rhianna, daughter of Adam and Rochelle Young; Carly, daughter of Leonard and Pam Braun; and Julia, daughter of James and Sheryl Friesen.
class just for teenage girls. They have a special room all decorated, and enjoy hot chocolate while they talk about girl stuff. Our youth room received a makeover this fall with new paint and some newer furniture. Wall murals are in the plans.
The adults had a social at a local Hutterite Colony. We collected shoe boxes once again for Operation Christmas Child. This year our church collected 128 boxes. Elizabeth Sawatzky
SBC provides opportunities for you to put classroom learning into practical hands-on experience. out love is a vital component in any program you may choose to take at SBC. Consider joining us to explore what it means to follow Jesus into your world. Log on...
During our picnic we had a baptism for John Moore (right). Pastor Bill McCaskell stands with him.
THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
CSB receives awards, historian unveils book
Henry Fast did extensive research to put together his book, Gruenfeld (Now Kleefeld): First Mennonite Village in Western Canada.
Pastor commissioned and ordained
Steinbach EMC: The first Sunday of the New Year, January 7, 2007, was the formal installation and ordination of our new lead pastor, Mr. Garry Koop, formerly of Toronto, Ont. Questions prior to the ordination and installation were directed to both Mr. Koop and his wife Kimberley by David Thiessen, EM Conference Pastor. After the official ceremony, with the couple kneeling, a number of the congregation participated in a laying on of hands observance. A commitment of response also came from the gathered congregation.
Mr. Henry Klassen, chairman of the proceedings, also read the responses of two Steinbach pastors as well as the Steinbach Ministerial Association to our observance this morning. In his response the new pastor, speaking for himself and wife Kimberley, read from the first chapter of Joshua as well as Philippians 3:13–14 as their commitment and confession. This was followed by prayer with the congregation standing and holding hands. Koops have two children, Raechell (nine) and Shantal (six). Dave K. Schellenberg
David Thiessen, EM Conference Pastor, performs the installation and ordination ceremony for Mr. Garry Koop, seen here with his wife Kimberley.
THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
Kleefeld, Man.: The Battalion division of the Kleefeld EMC Christian Service Brigade distinguished themselves by winning an award. Gord Banman, CSB Regional Director for the Prairies Region, was on hand November 26 to present the group with the Top Achievements Award for 2005-06. Boys individually work on achievements to complete levels in their handbooks. This award is based on the highest average number of completed levels per boy for a group in all of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. At the same service, Dennis Friesen was surprised to be honoured for 30 years of working with Christian Service Brigade. CSB Committee Chairperson Bruce Peters presented Dennis with an engraved Canadian-made specialty hunting knife. Dennis became a battalion leader when the program began in the Kleefeld EMC in 1973 and in subsequent years served in almost every capacity: Leader with both battalion and stockade, captain, committee member and chair. On November 25 at the Kleefeld EMC local historian Henry Fast unveiled copies of his new book, Gruenfeld: First Mennonite Village in Western Canada. Research for this historical document was partially funded by the Kleefeld Historical Society. In 1874 Kleine Gemeinde members from the Molotschna Colony in Russia decided to move to North America in search of more religious freedom. Gruenfeld, now Kleefeld, was the first village established. Currently little remains of this original village settlement except for a small cemetery. The village was later reestablished two miles south, while the Kleine Gemeinde church (Kleefeld EMC) is now situated one mile south of the original village. Henry has extensively researched the names, locations and occupations of these early pioneers, and the resulting book is an invaluable historical document, as well as a pleasant read for anyone with interest in the area. We congratulate Henry on his efforts and gratefully appreciate this valuable documentation. Louella Friesen
window on missions Len Barkman
GMF and the compelling love of God
n September I had the privilege of participating in the Global Mission Fellowship (GMF) Conference in Kazakhstan. The GMF, officially formed in Zimbabwe in 2003, is an association of Anabaptist mission leaders, most of whom also have membership in Mennonite World Conference. Ninety-one delegates from 36 countries participated in the event. Another 300 Turkic and Kazakh church leaders met at the same place and time with all 400 meeting together for worship and plenary sessions. For the business and most of the eight workshops the two groups met separately. Each day began and ended with an hour or more of enthusiastic corporate worship. The people love to sing and perform, and all of us were inspired and enriched by the music, singing and testimonies. After the conference a number of us had the opportunity to visit the Nur church, an indigenous Kazakh church of approximately 400 members. Following a lively
God is at work in powerful ways in many countries closed to traditional missions. We are being challenged to consider creative ways of encouraging and walking alongside our Christian brothers and sisters so that the world may know the compelling love of God.
worship service we were ushered into a traditional yurt and served a wonderful meal of ethnic foods. It is exciting to see the dramatic growth of the church in Kazakhstan. Muslims are coming to Christ in large numbers as evidenced by the 5,000-member host church at which the meetings were held. Not only is there growth in the number of believers, but also in the vision these new Christians have in spreading the gospel both to their neighbours and to other countries in Central Asia. Frequent references were made to taking the gospel along the Silk Road from China west through central and south Asia and “back to Jerusalem.” This extraordinary sense of mission characterized many of these first generation believers. For those of us from the West it was inspiring to fellowship with believers who have endured much hardship and suffering as a result of their decision to follow Christ. This was not only true of those from Central Asian countries, but also of the delegates from Ethiopia, Cuba, Colombia, Indonesia, Zimbabwe and elsewhere. Siaka Traore, from Burkina Faso and chair of the Africa Inter Mennonite Mission Partnership Council of which we are also members, expressed it this way in a closing communion service: “I discovered that I have much in common with you. I was educated to believe Islam was the only way. I thirsted for God. I tried to please God with rites and fasts. “In my thirst I found Jesus. Jesus is the centre of all my life. He wants to be in all aspects of our lives. His transformation in our lives will transform others. May God bless you in that pilgrimage,” he said. God is at work in powerful ways in many countries closed to traditional missions. We are being challenged to consider creative ways of encouraging and walking alongside our Christian brothers and sisters so that the world may know the T compelling love of God. M THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
stewardship today Darren Pries-Klassen
Credit Card Bondage
redit card usage is proving to be more temptation than people can resist. The practice of “buy now, pay later” has resulted in a current outstanding balance of $50 billion to VISA and Master Card in Canada alone. If everyone paid their card balance in full each month, the problem would diminish considerably, but many consumers carry a balance and are subjected to exorbitant interest rates. Credit cards may have started as a convenient alternative to carrying cash, but have become a pacifier for consumers and a cash cow for retailers. Many large retailers have admitted that a majority of their profits no longer come from the sale of retail goods found on their shelves but from the interest collected on the charge cards they issue. What makes credit card debt so bad is just that, it’s bad debt. Bad debt has two characteristics. First, it’s expensive. Most credit cards charge interest rates of 18 percent or
For example, you find the mountain bike of your dreams on sale for $999. You use your credit card to buy it. Before you can even put the card back in your wallet the bike begins to lose value. If you haven’t budgeted for it, and you can only pay the minimum monthly payment (2.5 percent of the balance owing or a minimum of $10 whichever is more), it will take you nearly 13 years to pay off the bike. Over the 13 years you will pay more than $1,100 dollars in interest in addition to the purchase price. The final cost of the bike will be more than twice the sale price and you will still be paying the bill long after the bike has become worthless or sold at a garage sale. Still happy you bought that bike? Add a few more purchases on the card during those years, continue making the minimum payment, and it will take much longer than 13 years to pay for the bike. How do you avoid paying the outrageous interest costs on your credit card? Use your card only for
If you can’t afford the full payment, stop using the card. Period! Cancel the account, cut up the card and start using good old-fashioned cash for all purchases. more. Some are nearly 30 percent! They may begin with no interest or with a single digit interest rate, but read the fine print of the contract. If you miss a payment or neglect to pay the balance in full the company reserves the right to increase the interest rate to nearly stratospheric levels. Credit card debt is also bad debt when it has been used to purchase a depreciating asset. Anything that begins to lose value the moment you purchase it such as clothing, furniture, electronics, and restaurant meals are examples of depreciating assets. THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
planned purchases, and be sure to pay your balance in full and on time each month. If you can’t afford the full payment, stop using the card. Period! Cancel the account, cut up the card and start using good old-fashioned cash for all purchases. At most, you need one credit card. Keep the one with the lowest annual fee and cancel the rest. Remember, a credit card is a tool, not free money. Proverbs 22:7 reminds us that the borrower is servant to the lender. If we use plastic foolishly, we become bound and trapped by our debt and the servants of the credit companies. Resist the trap. Be free to place your “interest” in things you most value T rather than worshipping the god of bad debt. M For stewardship education and services, contact your nearest Mennonite Foundation of Canada office: Abbotsford – Dave Kroeker, 1-888-212-8608; Calgary – Gary Sawatzky, 1-877-717-0708; Niagara – Darren PriesKlassen, 1-888-212-8731; Kitchener – Mike Strathdee, Sherri Grosz, 1-888-212-7759; Winnipeg – Edwin Friesen, 1-800772-3257. 13
Church responds to HIV in Ukraine Too weak to walk, Irina Anatolievna crawled to Second Baptist Church located just metres from her house in Simferopol, a city of about 360,000 in Ukraine. The day before she had been released from a women’s prison and sent home to die. Her drug addiction had not only resulted in prison; it had given her HIV. Two years later, her zest for life inspires people. “I’m experiencing the miracle of God,” said Anatolievna, 41, as she relates how the congregation helped her find the spiritual, medical, physical and financial support that she desperately needed. MCC supports the Second Baptist church program with a grant of $4,000 Can., as well as health kits, school kits, secondhand clothing, soap and other hygiene supplies. Yet, for Anatolievna there are challenges. Changes in her life are positively affecting her two younger sons who are now part of the congregation. But her eldest son has been in jail since he was 17 and remains at high risk. HIV is a pressing social, economic and political issue facing Ukraine. In
Irina Anatolievna, a mother of three sons diagnosed with AIDS, supports a program that provides a holistic response to HIV. (Photo by Melissa Engle)
the early 1990s an estimated 1,500 people in Ukraine were infected with HIV; today, reported cases are over 400,000, about one per cent of adults (jumping to seven per cent in prison). More awareness on HIV prevention is needed, says Anatolievna, wishing that her son could participate in
HIV is a pressing social, economic and political issue facing Ukraine. In the early 1990s an estimated 1,500 people in Ukraine were infected with HIV; today, reported cases are over 400,000, about one per cent of adults. the prevention program run by the Baptist church in a pre-detention institution for 60 young offenders. This project, supported by MCC, does more than provide medical information about HIV, says medical consultant Dr. Elena Filipieva. It focuses on self esteem, anger management, healthy relationships, the consequences of addictions, and God’s unconditional love. “We have to start the process with healing their minds and souls. The next step is to bring knowledge,” explains Filipieva. “We give them direct, pure information about AIDS, but that is just a small part of the whole program.” This holistic approach does more than reduce the spread of the virus. Helping young offenders adopt and maintain healthy behaviours is also viewed as a crime-prevention strategy. Anatolievna’s eldest son is visited in prison by program volunteers and plans are to assist him when he is released in 2008. Gladys Terichow, MCC
births ZILINKSKI – to Dan and Jodi Zilinski of Steinbach, Man., a daughter, Cassandra Denae, on May 24, 2006. BRAUN – to Leonard and Pam Braun of MacGregor, Man., a daughter, Carly Hannah, on June 1, 2006. BRANDT – to Craig and Angela Brandt of Steinbach, Man., a daughter, Ashley Ruth, on June 23, 2006. DERKSEN – to Chris and Karissa Derksen of Steinbach, Man., a son, Jericho Ephraim, on July 1, 2006. YOUNG – to Adam and Rochelle Young of MacGregor, Man., a daughter, Rhianna Jade, on August 11, 2006. FRIESEN – to James and Cheryl Friesen of MacGregor, Man., a daughter, Julia Jenna Mae, on August 15, 2006. KOOP – to Nolan and Roxanne Koop of Steinbach, Man., a daughter, Natalia Marie, on October 7, 2006. FRIESEN – to Kyle and Laura Friesen of Steinbach, Man., a son, Daniel Josiah, on October 8, 2006. KLASSEN – to Joel and Erin Klassen of Roland, Man., a son, Milo James, on October 13, 2006. REIMER – to Andrew and Amie Reimer of Winnipeg, Man., a daughter, Judith Olivia, on October 19, 2006. DeRYK – to James and Suzie DeRyk of Aylmer, Ont., a son, Gradin Hunter, on November 23, 2006. PETERS – to Derek and Heather Peters of Winnipeg, Man., a son, Tyler Reid, on November 27, 2006. GIESBRECHT – to Henry and Lisa Giesbrecht of Aylmer, Ont., a daughter, Emily Megan, on November 28, 2006. REIMER – to Rob and Jan Reimer of Kleefeld, Man., a daughter, Jadyn Mackenzie Brooke, on November 28, 2006. FUNK – to Tass and Jenni Funk of Steinbach, Man., a daughter, Kasia Alexis, on December 10, 2006. BERGEN – to John and Anna Bergen of Aylmer, Ont., a son, Wyatt Jamal, on December 12, 2006. MUEHLING – to Josh and Kimberly Muehling of Winnipeg, Man., a daughter, Katianna Joan, on December 14, 2006. WIEBE – to Dallas and Tara Wiebe of Kleefeld, Man., a son, Carter Isaiah, on December 22, 2006.
THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
A Tribute to a Friend, Ben Thiessen We have lost a friend, the EMC has lost a friend, and so have many others. Ben Thiessen went to be with his Lord in November 2006. He is missed by family and friends. We would like to pay tribute to him because of what his friendship meant to us. We met Ben and Judy when they were a newly married couple. We attended the EMC church along with them in the very beginning of the EMC in Winnipeg, first of all at Redwood Chapel and later on at Aberdeen Church. Those were wonderful years as we formed a friendship with them. We purchased our first vehicle at that time, a VW and a vehicle that was not meant to be driven during our cold weather. We didn’t know anything about motors, etc., but Ben did. The car had a tendency to stall when the
weather was really cold. We would call Ben and ask him to come and help us. He came and he knew how to get the vehicle going. Judy, we have never adequately thanked you for your patience and graciousness when we called Ben away from home. Thank you again. We appreciated the times we could spend with the Thiessens. Ben and Judy had so much move and respect for each other that it was a joy to be with them. Ben also helped us with our children’s outreach. We had a Chapel on Wheels at that time. Ben drove the truck and helped with policing the area when it was in a rough neighbourhood (and it mostly was). We appreciated his help and dedication so much. In the first years at Redwood Chapel and also at Aberdeen Church Ben and Judy were with us. We all knew when we could count on Ben if help was needed with things like running the projector or fixing it when it wouldn’t work. If anything at church needed repairing we knew that Ben would be one of the first on the job. We know that the Fort Garry church has experienced the same things with Ben. He was interested in the physical upkeep and also the spiritual part of it. He was a faithful attender at Conferences. In later years we have not spent much time with Ben and Judy, but we have kept in touch, and when we heard
weddings WIEBE – KLASSEN: Greg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wiebe, and Dana, daughter of Ernie and Noreen Klassen of Steinbach, were married on March 4, 2006 at Steinbach EMC. The couple lives in B.C. KORNELSON – DUDDRIDGE: Michael, son of Gordon and Rebecca Kornelson of Steinbach, Man., and Naomi Duddrigdge were married on June 11, 2006 in Winnipeg, Man. The couple lives in Gruthal, Man. SAWATZKY – PLENART: Sam, son of Dan and Sandra Sawatzky of MacGregor, Man., and Annemarie, daughter of Wayne and Delores Plenart of Dawson Creek, B.C., were married on June 17, 2006 in Dawson Creek. The couple lives in Dawson Creek. UNRAU – TAYLOR: Brett, son of Wayne and Valorie Unrau, and Ruth, daughter of Harold and Sharon Taylor, were married on August 5, 2006 in MacGregor, Man., with Bill McCaskell officiating. The couple lives in Brandon, Man.
THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
Bible Study Guides Available at SBC Foundations Bible Studies are written by SBC faculty and/or students. Ideal for adult Sunday school class or small group study.
Choose from the following:
The Church that Christ Builds by Arden Thiessen God, Money, and Me by Edwin Friesen Come Let Us Worship by Dr. Don Thiessen The Last Trumpet by Dr. Harvey Plett Living Truth by Dr. Terry Hiebert Radical Discipleship by Jack Heppner Hebrews (2nd printing) by SBC students with Leader guide by Dr. Harvey Plett Minor Prophets (2nd printing) by SBC students with Leader guide by Gord Penner
13 lessons 13 lessons 13 lessons 13 lessons 12 lessons 12 lessons 13 lessons 13 lessons
Call for new prices! For more information or to place an order contact SBC 204-326-6451 or order online
that Ben was ill, we were saddened. But we have many good memories of our time spent with the family. We pray that God will be with them all. God bless you, Judy, for being such a good friend. We trust that we can all benefit by the example that Ben left and be as ready to serve as he was. Alice and Linda Doerksen
ANDREW SIEMENS January 21, 1991– January 23, 2003 Memories surround me Sadness has found me We’d do anything for more time There is so much that we don’t understand But we know... You’re dancing with the angels and Walking a new life Heaven fills your eyes Now that you’re dancing with the angels! We love you, Andrew, and thank God for every moment we had with you! Love, Mom and Dad, Jeremy and Carly In our hearts special memories are kept Of a grandson and a special nephew we had And will never forget We can no longer hold your hand Embrace you in a hug Or share your dreams But in our hearts you will always be “Our favourite Andrew.” We miss you. Love, Grandma Charlotte Wiens, Uncle Dave and Uncle Paul
writings shared
Diaspora in the Countryside: Two Mennonite Communities and Mid-Twentieth-Century Rural Disjuncture, Royden Loewen, University of Toronto Press, 2006, 331 pages. $29.95. ISBN 0-252-03178-4. Dr. Royden Loewen is Chair of Mennonite Studies, University of Winnipeg (and has EMC roots). Reviewed by Henry Fast, recently retired from the EMC Archives Committee, retired school teacher, and a recently published historian.
r. Royden Loewen’s Diaspora in the Countryside is a valuable addition to our knowledge of the continuing history of two Mennonite communities. The southern community situated near the town of Meade, Kansas, was settled in 1906 by the Mennonite denomination known as the Kleine Gemeinde. This group first arrived in Jefferson County, Nebraska, in 1874. That same year the other branch of this denomination chose Manitoba as their home. Loewen uses these two easily identified communities as a basis for his study on how rural farm life was changed by the transformations occurring in North America during the mid- twentieth century. In his comparative study Loewen notes how the different national farm policies of the two countries, as well as the climatic environment, affected each of the two communities. The Kleine Gemeinde community situated in the semi-arid western plains of Kansas focused their economic livelihood on the production of wheat, while their counterparts in Manitoba moved more and more to the intensified production of dairy, poultry and hogs. Mechanization on the rural Kansas farm allowed an increase in the average farm size and made it possible for the grain farmer to move his family to the town of Meade. Larger farms also tended to disperse the nonagriculture population to surrounding towns and cities. Dispersion from farm to city also occurred among the Kleine Gemeinde in Manitoba. However, any similarities with their southern kinfolk were modified by the “critical mass” of the northern community and their close proximity to a large market for their produce. Loewen’s portrayal of the Kleine Gemeinde church in the two communities should have special interest for readers of The Messenger. He writes that “the Meade County Mennonites broke more radically with their past than did their counterparts in Manitoba” (p. 83). 1
Henry Fast
This book is well worth reading and should give insight into our past and hopefully give some thought and direction for the future.
The Meade congregation disintegrated in 1943 when a majority of the members left to form the Emmanuel Mennonite Church. The Manitoba churches reflected their newfound evangelicalism by renaming their church the Evangelical Mennonite Church (later, Conference). Both continue to wrestle with some of the distinctives associated with the name Mennonite. This book is well worth reading and should give insight into our past and hopefully give some thought T and direction for the future. M If any of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily, and follow me (Luke 9:23).
Shoulder Your Cross A student event for all EMC high school students Steinbach Bible College February 9, 2007 7:30 p.m.
Musical worship: Free Servant Creative Worship: New Creation Door prizes MissionX testimonies Refreshments RSVP: 204-326-6401 or
THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
faith in action Wally Doerksen
No Room in the Inn
erhaps you saw the small ad sponsored by the SCC in the December 20, 2006, issue: It showed a nativity scene and carried the caption: When it comes to a foster child, is there room in your inn? When we hear the words above we usually think of the Son of God, who was born in a stable, because the inn was occupied by more important people. In November of last year the same heading played out in Winnipeg. The Grey Cup game, one of the most important sporting events of the year was being held in Winnipeg, and all the hotel rooms were needed for the people who were coming to the city to watch and participate. This displaced over 70 children who were wards of the Winnipeg Child and Family Services organization. WCFS was keeping these children in hotel rooms because there were not enough families wishing to foster or adopt these children. There were some raised eyebrows at this situation and some radio talk shows tried to stir up some interest in this state of affairs. The Grey Cup game came and went, and the interest in the situation blew over. Two months after the fact things are back to normal. Over 60 children are back living in hotels. The question is not whether the inns have room. They do. The question is do the homes have room? Are there homes within the Christian community that could accommodate some of these children? Is there a place within EMC circles for them?
When it comes to a foster child, is there room in your inn? (Social Concerns Committee)
We could remember that Jesus talked about children being the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Someone who causes these children to sin might as well have a large millstone hung around his neck and be drowned in the sea. If we treat the least of these kindly, Jesus said, we are treating him kindly. So how do we want to treat Jesus? How do we think these children should be treated? Where is the preaching that we do or the healing? Jesus did both. Are we about to engage in our society the same way? At the end of the day I might pat myself on the back for seeing this injustice, for taking the time to bring it to the light of readership, and for trying to make a difference. But that does not let me off the hook. I need to ask myself one more question: What is it that Jesus T wants me to do? M Wally Doerksen is chair of the EMC Social Concerns Committee.
The question is not whether the inns have room. They do. The question is do the homes have room? We could question the system for failing badly here. We could rail at our socialist government for not being socialist enough. We could point at the terrible society we live in that fosters family break ups—one where children have no respect for adults. We could look all around for scapegoats or reasons for this tragedy, or we could look at ourselves. THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
In Loving Memory of my Husband, Best Friend, and Soul Mate
RANDALL PETER LOEWEN October 30, 1953–January 17, 2002
Dearest Randall, My Beloved Angel, It’s five years now that you’ve been gone, and my heart has simply lost its song. My soul, it aches in the depth of pain, but your nourished love sustains me still. Please know, my dear, it was never in vain. The fog has lifted and I don’t like what I see. Life without you is what it must be. And though I’m proud to wear your ring, My heart, forever, will bear the sting. For all the love that we have known is because of the seeds that we have sown. It’s through those deep roots, I know I am gifted, for out of the blue my spirits are lifted. The imprints of your life surround me with the labour of your love and soulful aspects of your character. The fact that you left behind a place that cannot be filled is a high tribute to the uniqueness of your soul. Just as your life did, so do the precious memories enrich my life with enduring connection. I embrace and cherish the continuance of the profound depth of our eternal love. So when those Heaven Gates swing open for me…it’s only then the healing will be. For, after all, you were my soul mate and I know it is there, that you will wait. Every day is one day closer to being Home. Together Forever, in all Eternity. With All My Heart, I miss you so. Love, Val
A Tribute to My Mom and Dad,
Despite my broken heart and crushed spirit, I’ll be forever grateful for my parents, George and Annie Kehler. They are saints, having been at Randall’s side in the hospital, at the grave, and with
me many, many lonely days and nights since I’ve been widowed. They have the patience to walk with me through the dark times and experience deep pain on my behalf. They are my soul friends, my burden bearers, and with me for the long haul. I want you to know that I thank God for you and how very much you are loved. Thank you for loving me through it all. Randall also, always felt loved by you. The four of us had a very special and close relationship. Thank you for that gift and comforting memory. I am being carried by your prayers and those of so many others. I will unite my heart with the heart of God and believe that I will receive the strength that I need. Love your daughter, Val Loewen “Death doesn’t end a relationship, it simply forges a new type of relationship. One based not on physical presence, but on memory, spirit, and love…”
On January 8, 2007, at 1:25 a.m. at 89 years 10 months of age, with all eight children around her bed at the Rest Haven Nursing Home in Steinbach, Man., Elizabeth Reimer took her last breath and met her Saviour in Glory. Mom was born to David and Elizabeth Plett of Blumenhof, Man., on February 18, 1917. In her younger years she faced some tragedies like the loss of her father and sister in the same night. One Sunday she and some of her siblings went to visit their brother David at a CO camp. There she met this handsome man, our father Erwin P. Reimer, whom she married on December 6, 1942. They shared 59 years of life together. Our Mother loved the Lord; the heart of God was shown through loving and taking care of hurting people. Her goal was to keep peace among people. An example was sharing a yard with three
daughters-in-law at one time. Her love and acceptance of people was expressed with each one that married into the family. Mom was an exceptional woman who stood by our father in building the farm with all the hard work she accomplished. We saw her at her best in spring and summer, growing her garden with a variety of flowers around the yard. She also served on many committees in her church, like being president of the sewing circles for numerous years and on the cradle roll. She taught Sunday school and gave her time teaching a knitting class in school. She enjoyed reading, which she kept up by reading her daily devotions and Bible until the day she found it too difficult and it seemed she replaced this with the Chapel services at Rest Haven. In 1978 they moved into a newly built house located just off the main farm acreage near Blumenort. This is where Dad built her dream: a green house, where many joyful hours were spent. During this time she often expressed her gratitude of having her daughter Connie at home with her. Connie was a great support to her. Then in 1993, just three years after Dad’s accident, they moved to Oakview Manor in Blumenort, where she lived until she was unable to take care of herself. It was neat that Mom enjoyed her last two years at Rest Haven. When we went to visit her we would usually find her in the aisle just inside the chapel. She was very appreciative of the wonderful care that she received from family and care givers. She was predeceased by our Dad, Erwin; grandson Harlyn Reimer, a grandson in infancy, grandson Casey Penner, three sisters and one brother. Left to cherish our Mom’s memory are Irene (Gilmer) Penner, Raymond (Lillian) Reimer, Milton (Janice) Reimer, Alice (Richard) Reimer, Delbert (Romelda) Reimer, Elizabeth (Brian) Plett, Valeda (Alvin) Esau, Connie (Roland) Penner, 52 grandchildren, 44 great grandchildren, two sisters, a brother, and a host of relatives and friends. We the family would like to thank the staff at Rest Haven and the relatives and friends that visited with our mother in her stay there. The funeral service was held Thursday, January 11, at 2 p.m. at the Ridgewood EMC, with viewing prior to the service. Interment was at the church cemetery. Her Family
THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
shoulder tapping ENDEAVOUR FELLOWSHIP Chapel in eastcentral Saskatchewan, with a congregation of about 50, is currently looking for a pastor. Contact Tom Treen (Elders’ Chairman) at 306547-3383 or MORRIS FELLOWSHIP Chapel, a church of 100 members located in the town of Morris, Man., is looking for a senior pastor. Contact Ernie Siemens at 204-746-8342 or e-mail siemensj@ FISH CREEK Christian Fellowship (EMC) is looking for a full-time pastor to begin this summer. We are a 10-year-old congregation that currently meets at a university in south Calgary and have about 40 people attending with great potential for growth. Our focus is on reaching south Calgary. Education and experience are flexible. For details and discussion please contact Garry Kornelsen. Phone 403-281-3747 or e-mail at KENOSEE LAKE Bible Camp, a CSSM camp located in beautiful Moose Mountain Provincial Park in southeast Saskatchewan, is seeking a camp manager (CSSM missionary) as soon as possible and two permanent seasonal (May to early September) positions (program director and camp secretary) beginning in the 2007 camping season. Accommodation is available at the camp during the camping season. If you are enthusiastic about serving in a Christian camp setting, please forward your resume or inquiries to Marlon Klassen, 214 Doiron Road THE EMC invites applications for the senior administrative position of General Secretary. Responsibilities: Serve as Executive Secretary for the Board of Missions, General Board, and Board of Trustees; provide management of conference finances; coordinate conference events; provide management role of national office. Applicants should have experience and training in areas of financial management and missions administration with strong communication skills. A job description is available upon request. Duties to commence September 1, 2007. Please request an application form from the office at 204-326-6401, fax 204-326-1613, The application and resume can be addressed to EMC Moderator Ron Penner and forwarded to the same addresses or to 440 Main St., Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z5.
THE MESSENGER January 24, 2007
N., Regina, SK S4Y 1G4; kenoseerocks@sasktel. net;; phone 306924-0129 or 306-848-0393. THE EMC Board of Church Ministries seeks two national board members (to be appointed by General Board), two education committee members (appointed by BCM) and five music/ worship committee members (appointed by BCM). BCM has national responsibilities in the areas of Christian education, youth, publication, archives, The Messenger and music/worship. The frequency of meetings depends upon the committee. For information, contact executive secretary Terry Smith at 204326-6401 or; or conference youth minister Gerald Reimer at same phone number or GOING WEST, young man? Or woman, or couple, or family? Alberta is indeed a land of opportunity! If you are anticipating or considering relocation to Calgary, we invite you to join us at Fish Creek Christian Fellowship as we reach out to South Calgary with the love of Christ. This city is growing and we want to grow with it. We’re excited to see what God might do as you bring your creativity and gifts and offer them to Him with us. For information about our church, please contact interim pastor Ray Landis at 403-9380063, or email THE EMC Archives Committee invites volunteers within driving distance of Steinbach, Man., to assist with organizing back issues of The Messenger (for distribution to other archives), typing of an index of vault holdings, entering descriptions of fi les onto a computer database, and more. The ability to type is necessary. Computer training is provided. Flexible hours. Contact Terry Smith at; 204-326-6401. OPPORTUNITY OF a lifetime: Teaching English in China! Qualifications required: fluent English speaker, minimum of undergraduate degree, a living faith, teaching experience, TESOL training advisable but not required, cross cultural adaptability. Benefits: Accommodation and salary provided; making a difference in people’s lives; exposure to Asian culture and language; opportunity to be light, salt, and fragrance. For information, contact EMC missions, phone 204-326-6401; fax 204-326-1613. RICHMOND PARK Mennonite Brethren Church, a congregation of about 300 people in the growing, mid-sized city of Brandon, Man., seeks a youth pastor who is passionate about leading and discipling youth. Please send
in resume and three references to Reinhold Kramer, 43 Noonan Dr., Brandon, MB R7B 0V7. For information, e-mail kramer@brandonu. mca or phone 204-727-7344. MCC ALBERTA invites applications for an accountant. Qualifications: professional certification or comparable experience; prior not-for-profit accounting experience using computer-based accounting systems; and experience with payroll and benefits. MCC requires a commitment to Christian faith, active church involvement, and non-violent peacemaking. This is a full-time position beginning on or before February 1, 2007. To inquire or submit resumes, contact: Heather Klassen, #210, 2946-32 St. NE, Calgary, AB T1Y 6J7; phone 403-275-6935; e-mail heather@ RESERVE FELLOWSHIP Chapel (EMC), located in Sioux Valley (west-central Man.), seeks a full-time pastoral couple to serve the church and to develop long-term relationships with people of the community. The smaller 50-year-old congregation is part of Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, a community that has a Christian history going back to 1879. The congregation is located about 45 minutes from Virden and Brandon. A strong sense of God’s call and a love for people are required. Direct inquiries to David Pashe, 204-730-0409, e-mail: pashed@; or to Len Barkman, 204326-6401, e-mail: HAVENGROUP FOUNDATION board members needed for EMC-sponsored elder care organization in Steinbach, Man. Do you have a passion to serve the more vulnerable members of our society? Do you get excited about being a change agent and vision builder? Can you commit to four to five meetings per year, plus some additional minimal project development time? If you have answered yes to the questions above we want to meet with you and discuss our current and future plans and how you could fit into those plans. HavenGroup Foundation is the fundraising arm of all HavenGroup partners, which include Rest Haven Nursing Home, Woodhaven Manor, Ashwood Apartments, Birchwood Apartments, Cedarwood Supportive Housing and Parkview Apartments of Steinbach. Inasmuch as you bless others with your passion, skills and time, you too will be blessed. Contact Marlin J. Roth at 204-3465004 or for details. Together we can meet the needs of those we serve.
corner Loreena Thiessen
Happy New Year!
t’s January and time for a new calendar. A new year has begun. We wish each other Happy New Year! The name January, as most names of the months, comes to us from Latin, the language of ancient Rome. January means gate or archway. In January we stand in the doorway of a new year. We can look back at the past year and forward to the New Year. We make resolutions to change or improve something in our daily life. Have you decided to try something new in 2007? Ask your parents if they have any New Year’s resolutions. Maybe you can help them keep them! People of ancient Rome worshipped many gods. Words can go horizontally and vertically either way, but Eight months of the year are named after Roman not diagonally. gods. January is named after Janus, the god of gates who looked both backwards and forwards. k n t h l m t y k g m v w n February is named after Februus, the god of riches. It was a month rich in feasts. c r l k m n t a g p n k k o March is named after Mars, the Roman god m e b l k d d m b t d w g v of war. So is the planet Mars. Mars is reddish in colour and looks fiery from Earth although really it c b f e b r u a r y t g b e is cold, colder than a Manitoba winter. April means to open. It is when buds grow and y m p y l m l w w j z k w m blossoms begin to open. May is named after the d e k k n a o c t o b e r b Roman goddess, Maia. June is from Januis, the name of Roman generals, and Juno, the queen d t l n w r k k l r y x k e of the gods. July honours Julius Caesar, the great uncle of Caesar Augustus. l p m l r c c m r g r k f r August is named after Caesar Augustus, Roman h e r n n h j u n e a g t j emperor when Jesus was born. September means seven. In the ancient Roman calendar September y s k m j k r g z l u q m u was the seventh month. Octo means eight in Latin. October was the eighth month. November means l i r p a r m k r r n l l l nine. It was the ninth month. December means ten. n f h g c x h p c p a d r y December was the tenth, the last month. Today December is still last, but now it is the twelfth h n r e b m e c e d j k y v month. Christians describe a year as 2006 A.D. Why k m w p q m b b t s u g u a A.D.? Anno Domini is also Latin and means “in the year of Our Lord.” Our Lord means Jesus. The january february march april Roman gods of years ago are long gone. Jesus is may june july august the true God and Ruler. Happy New Year as you T enter 2007 with Jesus! M september october november december PAGE 20
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Word Search: Months of the Year