The Messenger Vol. 45 No. 3 February 7, 2007

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Messenger The


Wedding Host When the is




Jesus, a risk worth taking


EDITOR Terry M. Smith ASSISTANT EDITOR Rebecca Buhler THE MESSENGER is the publication of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. It is available to the general public. Its purpose is to inform concerning events and activities in the denomination, instruct in godliness and victorious living, inspire to earnestly contend for the faith. Letters, articles, photos and poems are welcomed. Unpublished material is not returned except by request. Views and opinions of writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the position of the Conference or the editors. THE MESSENGER is published twice a month (once a month in July and August) by the EMC Board of Church Ministries, 440 Main Street, Steinbach, Manitoba. Subscriptions: $12 per year (Manitoba residents add 7% PST, total: $12.84). Subscriptions are voluntary and optional to people within or outside of the EMC. Subscriptions are purchased by the Conference for members and adherents. THE MESSENGER is a member of Meetinghouse and Canadian Church Press. Second-class postage paid at Steinbach, Manitoba. ISSN #0701-3299 PAP Registration #9914 Publications Mail Agreement #40017362 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs. Mailing information: Undelivered copies, change of address and new subscriptions, should be addressed to: 440 Main Street Steinbach, Manitoba R5G 1Z5 Phone: 204-326-6401 Fax: 204-326-1613 E-mail: or On-line edition available at

MESSENGER SCHEDULE: No. 4 – February 21 (copy due February )


editorials hat’s a risk worth taking? A friend once practiced with a 300 Winchester Magnum rifle without hearing protection; he said his ears needed to get used to the blast. Some people work in underground mining or in a smelter. In one-industry communities some folks think: Work hard, play hard; the results can be to die hard. Some people have the motto Live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking corpse. Ever see how good a young corpse looks smeared over a highway? People sometimes turn to street drugs and alcohol. Sadly, suicides happen. Jesus knew about risk taking. He said, “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?” (Luke 9:25, Matthew 16:26, Mark 8:36). Our Lord says risk-taking behaviour can result in a terrible deal. Gutsy, bold people can turn out to be short-sighted, wrong, and ever so foolish. How can Jesus dare to say that? As Raymond E. Brown reminds us, Jesus dared to say that our destiny depends on relating to him (Luke 12:8–9; Matthew 7:21–

23), that entering the kingdom depends on accepting his demands (Mark 10:15), and that he is more important than family ties (Luke 14:26; Matthew 10:37). These are risky words.

Jesus dared to say that our destiny depends on relating to him, that entering the kingdom depends on accepting his demands, and that he is more important than family ties. These are risky words. As a result, Jesus was seen as dangerous; his critics knew that serious issues were at stake. Jesus was accused, tortured, and executed. But His critics greatly misjudged Him, as Easter reveals. Jesus is declared “with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 1:4). What’s a risk worth taking? Following T Jesus! M Terry M. Smith

Suicide bombings and Samson


any of us are appalled at frequent suicide bombings in Iraq. Some (only some) Muslims believe those who sacrifice themselves in a suicide bombing go to Paradise. While Christians in North America might react against such thoughts, such thinking isn’t new.

Given our concerns about suicide bombers who kill dozens, are we concerned about nuclear weapons that can destroy millions? A book about Second World War Japanese suicide pilots (kamikaze means divine wind) contains a painting of a pilot being taken into heaven. In the Middle Ages, Christians were told by Pope Urban that if they fought in a

Crusade their sins would be forgiven. What about within biblical history? Samson was a judge who ruled Israel for 20 years. He prayed, then pushed on a temple’s pillars to be “avenged…of the Philistines,” and died, killing all the people with him (Judges 16:29–30). Samson wanted to die and to kill as many enemies as possible. Samson’s activity happened long before Christ’s coming. Divine revelation within history has progressed. In what way does Christ’s coming affect our perspective? If old thoughts are behind suicide bombings, how do we as Christians reflect on our history and perspective? And given our concerns about suicide bombers who kill dozens, are we concerned about nuclear weapons that can destroy millions? Should the coming of Christ motivate us to reject suicide bombings and nuclear T weapons? My answer is yes. M Terry M. Smith

THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007

coming events March 16–17 Follow the Lamb: Revelation and Worship SBC Leadership Conference Speaker: J. Nelson Kraybill Steinbach Bible College Steinbach, Man. 204-326-6451, ext. 222 March 16–17 Integrating Faith and Business in a Fast-Paced Economy MEDA Mini-Conference Calgary, Alta. 800-665-7026 March 28–29 SBC Discovery Days Steinbach Bible College Steinbach, Man. 204-326-6451 or March 29–30 Breakaway Providence College Otterburne, Man. 800-668-7768 or April 12 Prophets and Profits U. of M. professor Fred Starke MEDA, Winnipeg chapter Bergmann’s on Lombard at noon Winnipeg, Man. Cost: $20 (lunch included) 204-487-2328, ext. 228

Dr. Ron Sider speaks at Steinbach EMC on March 9 to 10 Dr. Ron Sider, the founding president of Evangelicals for Social Action, will speak at Steinbach EMC on March 9 to 10, 2007. His messages will include An Introduction to a Holistic Gospel (Friday evening), Biblical Discipleship (Saturday morning) and Ministry in the 21st Century (Saturday afternoon); on Sunday morning he will be involved in a worship service in Winnipeg. The meetings are sponsored by the Evangelical Anabaptist Fellowship. The meetings are open to anyone interested in the issues of Christian discipleship. Sider was the EMC’s 2006 convention speaker. He is the author or co-author of more than 20 books, with The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience: Why Are Christians Living Just Like the Rest of the World? being recent (2005) and Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: A Biblical Study being the best known.

Corrections In the Jan. 24 tribute to Val Loewen’s husband Randall, it should read: I embrace and cherish the continuance of the profound depth of our eternal love. In the Jan. 24 tribute to her parents a correction is needed: I will unite my heart with the heart of God and believe that I will receive the strength that I need. Our apology to Val Loewen for the errors. – Editor

57th Annual EMC Convention July 6, 7 and 8, 2007 Keynote Speaker: Arley Loewen Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium 205 - 20th Street Brandon, Manitoba

THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007

Val Loewen requests a change: One based not on physical presence, but on memory, spirit and love…” A copy of the corrected page is available from Val Loewen.

The Evangelical Anabaptist Fellowship is a network of Christians from various Mennonite churches and conferences in Canada Dr. Ron Sider and U.S.—and not to be confused with the EMC’s national Evangelical Anabaptist Committee. EAF/EMC

A note to untapped writers The Messenger’s readers can benefit from a wider range of writers. There are many topics: The agricultural industry and stewardship of the Earth, health and ethics, history and social change, being single, raising children and grandchildren, teens, youth stresses and challenges, mission work, pastoral concerns, human trafficking, and many more. There are many experts: Farmers, doctors, parents, teachers, cross-cultural workers, professors, pastors, and more. Often EMC writing and discussion focuses on national staff, ministerial, and delegates; that mostly means male, middle class, and ministers. Does this fit an Evangelical Anabaptist emphasis on our need to both study Scripture and walk together? This is your invitation. No magazine guarantees publishing an individual piece, but material is welcome. Expectations vary by category. Material is to be Christcentred.  Back Page: 500 words  The Personal Touch: 500 words  Reader’s Viewpoint: 500 words  Lead article: 1,200 words  Poetry: short Terry M. Smith Editor

Matthew 22:1–14

When the

Wedding Host



he Parable of the Wedding Banquet by Jesus judges religious leaders for rejecting the invitation to repent and enter the kingdom (vs. 1-7), describes those who are invited to replace them (vs. 8-10), and lists requirements for kingdom participation (vs. 11-14). The parable highlights two opposite choices, shown by the first and last groups of people invited to the marriage banquet. Religious leaders are challenged by Jesus to make a choice and the consequences are coming into view. In the parable the king is God and the wedding feast for the son represents the messianic banquet. The ones sent to invite the guests are God’s prophets and missionaries. The king sends out the invitation three times. The first invitation was probably more general, and it was a normal Jewish custom to invite a second time those already called (A.T. Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament, Vol. 1, Broadman, 1930, 172). However, Jesus highlights what is absurd and unthinkable: People openly reject the king’s invitation, one that comes three times! Obviously the allegory’s theme is Israel’s rejection of God’s messengers and the consequent rejection of Israel by God (D.R.A. Hare, The Theme of Jewish Persecution of Christians in the Gospel According to Matthew, Cambridge, 1967, 121). To reject God’s invitation is a deliberate insult against his dignity (C. S. Keener, A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, Eerdmans, 1999, 518). Wedding attendance was a social obligation in Palestinian Judaism, and attendance at a patron’s banquet was incumbent on social dependants. Clients owed patrons primarily honour. Guests as well as hosts distributed honour and shame. For invited guests to refuse to come would shame the 4

host, with absurd excuses barely disguising what looked like a deliberate plan to insult the host (Keener, 520). This is an unthinkable breach of social order; refusal to come would declare a rebellion. Killing messengers takes the story to a worse level. The parable would elicit disbelief, shock, and anger. What’s frightening is that the ones condemned are insiders. Commitments to their institutions blind religious leaders from seeing truth in Jesus’ summons (M.J. Wilkins, NIV Application Commentary: Matthew, Zondervan, 2004, 734). The parable describes people more concerned with their own affairs than with God’s. Rejecting God’s invitation leads to their exclusion from the eschatological kingdom (Margaret Davies, Matthew, JSOT Press, 1993, 151). The response of religious leaders and of Israel results in the loss of privileged position for Israel (Donald Hagner, Matthew 14–28, Vol. 33b, Nelson Reference, 1995, 630). The Father-son relationship is at this parable’s centre. The key word is invitation, call. For the first invitees their legitimate occupations became sinister as preoccupations taking precedence over the more important. This parable indicts all Jews who respond negatively to the king’s invitation. The king’s response to public insult is harsh and quick. He sends his army to destroy the murderers and to burn their city. Many commentators say this is Matthew’s hindsight reference to the temple’s destruction in A.D. 70. In the parable’s spirit, suffice it to say that there are severe consequences for those who reject God’s authority and refuse the kingdom’s invitation. The king then issues another invitation to substitute guests, often seen as the universal mission of the church (E.J. Schnabel, Early Christian Mission, THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007

Snubbed Professor Ernie Koop

For invited guests to refuse to come would shame the host, with absurd excuses barely disguising what looked like a deliberate plan to insult the host.

Vol. 1, IVP, 2004, 343). When God’s people reject his Messiah, he rejects them and turns to others. What about the man not wearing wedding clothes? Was his arrival without clean clothes an insult to the host? Did he refuse clothes given by the host to his guests? Keener suggests this man responded to grace with political insult (C.S. Keener, A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, Eerdmans, 1999, 518). This is a warning to us. We are happy to take to ourselves Israel’s honorific titles (1 Peter 2:9), but slow to realize the same danger of presumption that awaits us. We dare not overvalue our own image, appearance and worth, and undervalue the honour and importance of the king’s banquet. Instead of being humble and grateful (accepting free grace as THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007

grace) we tend to be proud, unappreciative, and shameless in the king’s presence (W.B. Schaap, The Character of the King: Studies in the Parables, Baker, 1994, 100).


his parable touches on indifference and active hostility, which are not harmless. Being caught up in this life’s affairs (our own personal and material pursuits), instead of focusing on Christ’s kingdom, leads to tragedy (G.A. Buttrick, The Interpreter’s Bible, Vol. 7, Abingdon, 1951, 515). Matthew 22:14 closes: “many (all) are invited but few chosen.” The elect or chosen had been Israel and her leadership, but even their privilege is lost through unresponsiveness to Jesus’ invitation to the kingdom of heaven (M.J. Wilkins, NIV Application 5

“Does anyone have the foggiest idea what sort of power we so blithely invoke? Or, as I suspect, does no one believe a word of it? The churches are children playing...with their chemistry sets, mixing up a batch of TNT to kill a Sunday morning.” Commentary: Matthew, Zondervan, 2004, 718). Jesus demonstrates that it is not really He who is on trial but the religious leaders themselves! (Wilkins, 729). What insights can be harvested from this parable? We need to focus on our responsibility of producing the kingdom’s fruits. Although we might point to good we’ve done or progress made, Jesus’ concern is for the lost (Matthew 18:10-14). God does not complacently recount the ninety-nine sheep in the fold, but yearns to save the one that is lost. The parable lambastes Israel (and the leaders who shape its course) in no uncertain terms: Israel has spurned the offer to feast in God’s kingdom. Whether one sees hope or despair in Israel’s future, there is no room for Gentile arrogance. Only if we stand firm and exhibit the righteousness that God sought from Israel will we experience life in the kingdom (R.B. Gardner, Matthew: Believer’s Church Bible Commentary, Herald Press, 1991, 323–324).


hat does faithfulness to God’s call mean for us today? Israel’s failure as a “kingdom of priests” led to exile and dispersion; what about our failure? Ralph Winter suggests that “the greatest scandal in the Old Testament is that Israel tried to be blessed without trying very hard to be a blessing” (Four Men, Three Eras, via Internet). We will need to be diligent, and focused (Hebrews 12:1–2) so that we don’t become lazy, disobedient, distracted, or rebellious like the undeserving wedding guests. We will need to ask the hard questions about what we (individually and corporately) as the body of Christ focus on, spend our resources on, and spend time training for. God’s heartbeat is unmistakable; is it ours as well? Do our church and denominational budgets reflect 6

God’s heart? Do our programs and activities match up with his passion? If we were in line to receive a report card, like the leaders of the Jewish religious establishment did in this parable, what would Jesus be saying to us? Annie Dillard draws us uncomfortably into the light when she says: On the whole I do not find Christians, outside of the catacombs, sufficiently sensible of conditions. Does anyone have the foggiest idea what sort of power we so blithely invoke? Or, as I suspect, does no one believe a word of it? The churches are children playing on the floor with their chemistry sets, mixing up a batch of TNT to kill a Sunday morning. It is madness to wear ladies’ straw hats and velvet hats to church; we should all be wearing crash helmets. Ushers should issue life preservers and signal flares; they should lash us to our pews. For the sleeping god may wake someday and take offense, or the waking god may draw us out to where we can never return (The Annie Dillard Reader, HarperCollins, 1994, 38). May we be found faithful and may the master say, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” T (Matthew 25:21). M Ernie Koop, D.Miss. (cand.), is professor of missions at Steinbach Bible College. He has previously served in Mexico and Nicaragua.

Information Evening February 22, 2007 7:00 p.m.

Complete Grades 7–12! All interested parents and students are invited to tour the school and interact with the staff. Have all your questions answered and find out all you need to know about our

Quality Education with a Christian Perspective. THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007

with our missionaries Grand Rapids

From one backyard in Manitoba

What’s in your backyard? Our little church building’s backyard faces the Saskatchewan River as it enters Lake Winnipeg. The church’s original name was The Gospel Tabernacle. Betty Warkentin, Swan River’s reporter, referred to our ministry in the January 10 issue. Thank you, Betty! It helps to be reminded of what’s in our backyard. Native people have lived in Grand Rapids for thousands of years, living off the land. For centuries they waited for messengers to come from up river with good news about the Saviour. Anglicans and then Catholics arrived in the late 1800s and they built churches. In 1948 Edwin Brandt arrived by steamboat from southern Manitoba to establish an evangelical church. He built the chapel and a house for his family. The Tabernacle joined other churches

Grand Rapids Bible Chapel where I serve as pastor is no exception. Please pray for revival. A core group of believers always kept praying for someone to minister at the chapel. These believers are still here and faithfully attend. Our church building has seen better days. It was vacant for years, and it became neglected and deteriorated. Its concrete basement is severely cracked, and the building has no waterworks or washroom. We use a wood stove and on some cold days it takes three or four hours to properly heat the building. Sunday school is held in a home. The manse was torn down a few years ago. Housing larger groups such as visiting youth groups and workers is a challenge in winter. In the summer they can camp in our backyard and swim in the river or lake.

Though a building is important, building His Church is of far greater priority. As Betty pointed out, prayer and financial support are needed. One gentle clarification: Community Bible Fellowship is appreciated as a strong supporter of our ministry (in prayer, in giving, and sending people), but we are grateful as well to other churches, members, and supporters who assist us with their finances, prayers, and VBS workers. Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, and promoting Bible camps are an important part of ministry here. We want to reach children while there is still time. Many children (60–70) attend VBS in summer. They also go to Bible camps. There are 16 going to winter camp in February at Eagle Bay Bible Camp at Hilbre, Man. We hope to have Inner City Youth Alive from Winnipeg come here more often to reach young people through gym nights. ICYA was here last summer.

The building of the hydro dam in the 1960s changed Grand Rapids forever. Few teachers attend church now. In fact, few people attend church services. Grand Rapids Bible Chapel where I serve as pastor is no exception. Please pray for revival.

as an important part of community life. Almost everyone attended church at that time. Churches were the most important places in the community. Missionaries and priests came and went. Mennonite teachers with Low German names like Klippenstein, Klassen, Penner, Rempel, Reimer, Enns, Koop, Hamm, Loewen, and Kehler ministered to people while teaching school. Times and priorities have changed. The building of the hydro dam in the 1960s changed Grand Rapids forever. Few teachers attend church now. In fact, few people attend church services.

Fred and Stella Neff serve as pastoral couple in Grand Rapids, Man., under Continental Mission.

We face spiritual warfare, and it is real! We can see it every week. In the school, where native spirituality is encouraged, the expression and promotion of Christianity is discouraged. The enemy weapons are false religion, gambling, drugs, and alcohol. Violence is increasing and drugs have a lot to do with it. Children and youth are the main targets. But there is hope. People are reaching out and want to be set free. Please pray for us to be faithful proclaimers of this Hope. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace,” Jesus said in John 16:33. “In this world you will have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world.” Fred and Stella Neff

THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007

with our churches

Are we ready? Leamington, Ont.: Hello, my name is John Friesen. I was born in Durango, Mexico, in 1971. We moved to Langton, Ont., in the winter of 1980. I met my wife in Leamington, Ont., in 1996. We got married on April 5, 1997. We have four handsome boys: Cordell (8), Travis (6), Tobias (4) and Colton (2½). Colton was born with brain damage in June 2004.

We became members of LEMC in 1999. God has truly blessed us with our LEMC family. God has also blessed us with our new pastor couple, Bill and Helen Friesen. My wife and I have been involved with the program committee, fundraising committee, and usher; for 2007 we accepted camp director and food coordinator. Abe Klassen is a good friend of mine and we are planning to start a men’s ministry for 2007. Our first task was to get men out to the church, so I thought what a better way to start than to have a LEMC First Annual

Abe Klassen. The winner was John Friesen. After supper I talked about what the men thought about starting a men’s ministry in the Region 9 area. I opened the Lord’s book to Acts 6:1-4, the choosing of the seven. I would just like to thank all the men that came, and with God’s grace and love I would just like to say yes, we are ready. John and Katie Friesen and the boys Reporter: Helen Boschman

With God’s grace and love, yes, we are ready!

LEMC held a barbecue steak cook-off to get a men’s ministry started for 2007.

Steak Barbecue Cook-off. The turnout was great. We have 38 men come out. Three of them were cooks and three of them were judges. The three cooks were George Wiebe, John Fast, and myself. The judges were Bill Wiebe, James Friesen, and

Parent-child dedication: Nick and Lisa Neufeld with their son Austin and new baby girl Abigail Elisabeth (born September 26, 2006). Pastor Bill and Helen Friesen stand with them.

Parent-child dedication: Nick and Mary Teichroeb with daughter Mikayla Anne-Marie. Pastor Bill Friesen is in the background.

Baptism at Leamington on August 6, 2006: (front) Lena Dyck, Jessica Dick, Judy Wall, Annie Froese; (middle) Christine Berry, Allie Klassen, Jake Braun; (back) pastoral couple Bill and Helen Friesen, Billy Boldt, George Berry, Jake Klassen, and Frank Fehr.

THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007

Community event celebrates birth of Christ Pelly, Sask.: The Pelly Fellowship Chapel held its annual Christmas program on the evening of December 22. For the first time we chose to have a live outdoor nativity re-enactment and invite the community to share in the celebration of the birth of Christ. The program, called The Newborn Hope, took place on the church lot and started out with a group of shepherds, and their dog, driving their sheep down the street and into a small corral. There was Mary, riding on a gray donkey, and the miracle birth in a small stable, in the company of goats. Abigail Abrahamson sang the solo More than a child for the manger scene. Angels appeared to the shepherds in the form of a video clip that was projected onto the church wall. Shepherds, as well as women and children from the Inn (church building), visited the baby in the manger,and went out to spread the Good News among all

Manger scene: Twyla Johnson, Dan Johnson

the visitors: “We have seen the Christ Child, He is our hope and our salvation!” When the Wise Men arrived on their horses, time had passed and the baby had grown into a two-year-old child. Young Jesus was helping his father with the carpentry when the wise men arrived to honour him. Gifts, representing gold and incense and myrrh, were presented to the child with the wise men bowing down to worship him. The program was completed with narration from the Scriptures and music. The unusually mild weather for the event was an answer to our prayers. It took everyone from the church, and then

some extra friends and family members, to make this all happen. In the play alone there were 23 actors involved, including nine children, as well as 12 different animals. Weeks of preparation had gone into this event to make it a memorable Christmas, in the true meaning of it all. The play was shown three times that evening, each performance lasting about twenty minutes. A total of nearly three hundred people attended, many from the surrounding communities. Afterwards, everybody was invited to warm up inside the church with hot chocolate and coffee. There was a kids’ activity table, where the children decorated cans and filled them with Christmas treats to take home, and a Christmas video was played upstairs on the overhead screen. We also had a book table offering free literature. Some of our elders, including Pastor John, had been preparing themselves in prayer for the evening. They had the task, or rather the privilege, to visit with and greet the visitors, many of whom had never before set a foot in our church. From the beginning, we had planned and prayed that we might not just entertain people, but to show them the true story of Christmas, and to be able to personally reach out to them by serving then and building relationships and trust. The outcome of the evening exceeded our expectations by far, and we have to give thanks to God. He took all of our imperfect efforts and fears and used them for his own glory. Lotti Prokott

Wise men

Cast and directors: Left side, from left: Verna Lanoway, Silvia Abrahamson, Helen Hamm, Erin Millier, Vivian Anfinson, Dale Cassidy, Abigail Abrahamson, Rod Abrahamson, Eugene Prokott (kneeling, director), Ed Hamm (narrator), Lotti Prokott (director). Centre back row, from left: Miles Abrahamson, Micah Johnson, Dan Johnson, Twyla Johnson, Hannan Johnson, Sharmyn Abrahamson, Zane Abrahamson. Centre front sitting, from left: Levi Reader, Colten Abrahamson, Wyatt Reader. Right side, from left: Clifton Abrahamson, John Dyck, Rodger Abrahamson, Josh Cassidy, Jarred Armstrong, Darren Frampton, Fred Veer

THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007

Discipleship is a passion for Portager Portage la Prairie, Man.: Lori Plett is in New Zealand working with Youth With a Mission (YWAM). Her parents Reynold and Anna Plett went to spend Christmas with Lori. They left December 19, 2006, and returned January 6, 2007.

weekly journals, participate in small groups and work duties, volunteer with local ministries and get mentored oneon-one. When the lecture phase is over, students break into outreach teams and head off to influence the world with what they have learned.

“Being a staff person on DTS is the most fulfilling thing I have ever done. I get to live 24/7 in an intense discipleship environment and see people’s lives changed as they grow closer to God.”

Lori Plett on the Mount Cook Glacier, New Zealand.

We from Portage Evangelical Church sent gifts, treats, and wants she couldn’t get in New Zealand. She will be coming home for four weeks, June to July sometime, and has made a commitment to return for another full year doing the same work. I also requested that she write an article for The Messenger: In recent years I have discussed that I have a passion for discipleship—seeing people grow in their knowledge of God and their love for God. That’s probably one reason God has called me to Youth With a Mission. I’ve served with this ministry in the past in different capacities, but after a year and a half spent at home, God asked me to return to staff a Disciple Training School (DTS). DTS is a program ran by many YWAM bases around the world. It is five months long and includes a 12-week lecture phase and a six- to eight-week outreach phase. Students aged 18–35 from many parts of the world come together to know God better and to learn now to make Him known to others. During the lecture phase, international speakers teach the students on various topics such as The Father-Heart of God, Spiritual Warfare, Relationships, Evangelism, and Missions. These weeks of teaching are designed to bring the students into a closer relationship with God and instill in them the desire and ability to share God with others. To this end, students also complete


Being a staff person on DTS is the most fulfilling thing I have ever done. I get to live 24/7 in an intense discipleship environment and see people’s lives changed as they grow closer to God. And people’s lives do change! I have

been continually amazed as I have watched God transform our students. It is humbling that He would allow me to have a small part in that transformation. The DTS I am staffing is located in New Zealand, and from November to December 2006 I co-led an outreach to the Philippines. It is such a joy to see these transformed lives step out of their comfort zones and reach out to the lost and needy of a Third World country. The task in discipling is not always easy. It can be stressful. Difficult situations arise and questions come up that I don’t have the answers to. I often feel weak and inadequate. But these things just teach me to rely on my powerful God, who is constantly in the business of discipling me. At the end of the day, it is His power that changes people and causes them to grow, and I am just His instrument. I would appreciate your prayers as I continue to be part of this ministry. Lori Plett Reporter: Catherine Epp

Ministerial changes at Morweena Morweena, Man.: Morweena EMC has had only two pastoral couples in its history: Henry and Elizabeth Friesen (1960–1984) and Glenn and Norma Plett (starting in 1984). So when our pastor Glenn Plett announced his resignation in January 2005, effective July 1, there were a lot of mixed feelings. Gratitude for Glenn and Norma’s long service to the congregation; anxiety over the loss of leadership; bewilderment over the search process; wondering what new things might be in store. A farewell event was held in the spring to honour and say goodbye to Pletts. In the fall, Glenn and Norma pulled up their stakes in Morweena and settled in Steinbach for a year of studies at SBC;

Pastoral couple Norma and Glenn Plett

the church began looking for pastoral couple number three. In the meantime, pastoral duties were split between the remaining members of the ministerial; the Conference pastor paid us a few visits; and our pulpit was filled with a succession of speakers, most of whom came from outside our church. John and Clara Koop spent several Sundays with us, and we also heard from Ron Favel, Harry Lehotsky, Glenn Loewen, Don Timmons, Terry Dueck and many others, as well as a few from our own congregation. Thank you for serving us. After much discussion, and several different attempts at resolving our pastor vacuum, it was decided that we should ask Glenn to consider returning as our pastor. Thus it was that on July 16, Glenn and Norma Plett were re-installed—as our “third” pastoral couple. Conference Pastor David Thiessen had the sermon and installation, and members of the ministerial prayed for them. The joy of this celebration was shadowed by the news of the recent diagnosis of cancer for Ramona Reimer, one of our young members. The last six months have been anything but typical for her and her husband Earl, as they’ve seen several doctors, lost and regained hope, endured chemotherapy, trusted

THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007

the Lord, been the object of several fundraisers, and became, in Earl’s words, “the most prayed-for couple in the church.” We invite your prayers as well. You can visit their blog at www.earlramona. to know more. More recent changes include the election of Peter and Trudy Dueck as a ministerial couple in December 2006, and the resignation of Willie and Elizabeth Dueck as a deacon couple in January of this year. Peter and Trudy bring their enthusiasm for church planting to their new appointment. Willie and Elizabeth undoubtedly need a rest, having served our congregation for the past 40 years. But as Stan Loewen, another deacon, remarked, “I don’t think you can ‘take the deacon’ out of them!” We appreciate the service, past and present, of our ministerial. Janet Hamm

weddings BERG – NEUFELD: Frank, son of John and Margaret Berg of Leamington, Ont., and Annie, daughter of Herman and Helen Neufeld, were married on September 9, 2006 at Leamington EMC with Bill Friesen of Leamington officiating. The couple lives in Leamington. ENNS – DUECK: Jon, son of Abe and Grace Enns of Mitchell, Man., and Lindsey, daughter of Gordon and Linda Dueck of Steinbach, Man., were married on December 16, 2006.

births ZELISKO – to Joe and Christina Zelisko of Rosenort, Man., a son, Cole John, on June 19, 2006. NEUFELD – to Nick and Lisa Neufeld of Kingsville, Ont., a daughter, Abigail Elisabeth, on September 26, 2006. TEICHROEB – to Nick and Mary Teichroeb of Wheatley, Ont., a daughter, Mikayla AnneMarie, on October 9, 2006. KRAHN – to George and Cathy Krahn of Tillsonburg, Ont., a son, Michael Damion, on October 19, 2006. NEUFELD – to John and Helen Neufeld of Courtland, Ont., a son, Noah Joel, on November 27, 2006. WALL – to Nick and Sheilagh Wall of Tillsonburg, Ont., a son, Demetry Samuel, on January 6, 2007. BERRY – to George and Christine Berry of Leamington, Ont., a son, Matthew George, on January 9, 2007. MARTENS – to Wendell and Michelle Martens of Kleefeld, Man., a son, Cadyn Jesse, on January 15, 2007.

THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007

Ladies Group is a blessing! Fort Frances, Ont.: For as the body is one; and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many: so also is Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12). On October 27, 2006, at 6 p.m., the Ladies Group of the church got together for a potluck supper. Invitations with the title Together is Better printed on them had been distributed among the ladies of the church and their friends, inviting them to this event. Stacy Gosman invited everyone and said the grace. After a meal was eaten by all, Kristy Sinclair shared her story with us. Kristy, who lives in Fort Evelyn Barker, Louise Barnard, and Stacy Gosman pick up desserts Frances with her husband at the ladies gathering. Steve, has one child, Courtney, who is five years old. Kristy at a potluck supper; putting on a baby told us that s he accepted Jesus into her shower; making greeting cards; and life when she was 14 years old and ever having a barbecue. since her walk with Jesus has been a In December the ladies got together learning process every day. for a Christmas celebration to exchange Her talk centred around several quits gifts, tell the Christmas story, do some which she had brought with her. She singing, and, of course, eat snacks. said the Body of Christ (the church) was These events have helped all the very much like the quilt she learned to ladies of the church and their friends sew. to grow in love and abound in good Sometimes there are blocks sewn works together with the Body of Christ. I together and stitched on the quilt that challenge other churches to do the same, were prettier or more colourful than if they do not already have a ladies group. the others; however, this did not mean You will be blessed! The Bible says, “Be they were more important. The church kindly affectionate one to another with is made up of many members, all with brotherly love; in honour preferring one different gifts to bring; however, none another” (Romans 12:10). are more special than the others. Evelyn Hicks The Body of Christ is the same way: Made up of the head, feet, and hands, and yet all are important and needed to do God’s work. Everyone seemed to enjoy the sharing time held after Kristy’s talk. Evelyn Hicks thanked Kristy for sharing her story and presented her with a small gift of appreciation. The ladies then continued the evening with desserts and fellowship. Psalm 133:1 says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” The Ladies Group of our church has been getting together once a month for about a year now. They have been doing fun things together and establishing a Christian bond. Some of the events held included speaker Nina Thiessen Kristy Sinclair from Steinbach, Man., share her story


stewardship today Dave Kroeker

Mutual aid is not an option


utual aid is not just something quaint that is practiced by the Amish and Old Order Mennonites. It is an integral part of what it means to be Jesus-followers. Our scriptures tell us that it is sin for someone to know to do good and then not to do it. Mutual aid became a lifestyle of choice and conviction for Anabaptist-Mennonites and their offspring communities long before governmentsponsored social programs came into vogue. Taking their cue from the Bible, they and other Jesus-followers soon institutionalized this conviction to begin hospitals, orphanages, and care facilities, among others, for the sick and unfortunate in society. When the Russian Revolution and

and with the conviction that those who have must help those who have needs we can meet. It really is not a choice for those who walk the Jesus way. It is an integral part of the commitment we have made, the journey we are on. A mutual aid lifestyle begins with the recognition that all I call my own is merely a gift to me—my abilities, my health, the knowledge and aptitudes I have gained, my time, and my financial resources. If I squander these simply to enhance my lifestyle and my comforts rather than employ them to assist others, I have violated my testimony of walking on the Jesus road. This is serious business; this is moral ground. Let us determine that our own lifestyle decisions and our convictions will meld into one grand whole that gives testimony that we are serious about mutual aid and accountability in our own lives, in the life of the congregation of which we are part, and in the worlds beyond.

A mutual aid lifestyle begins with the recognition that all I call my own is merely a gift to me—my abilities, my health, the knowledge and aptitudes I have gained, my time, and my financial resources. If I squander these to enhance my lifestyle rather than to assist others, I have violated my testimony of walking on the Jesus road. World War I left many of their health compatriots knowledge in the Ukraine and elsewhere finances in dire straits, Mennonites in North America, knowing they were the privileged and that privilege brought with it an obligation, formed Mennonite Central Committee to gather and send food and other necessities to their kin—and to others—to help them survive. This fledgling organization—MCC—is still alive and well today and has been the chief agency through which Mennonites and other communities have provided aid and development assistance around the world for nearly 90 years. But mutual aid does not begin and end with MCC or other aid organizations. It begins with you and me time



And further, let us challenge each other to faithful use of our gifts in building a world that is sustainable, where healing is provided to those who suffer, and where hope reigns for all. As I conclude my work with Mennonite Foundation of Canada (as I near 67 I know it is time for others with greater energy to carry on this important work), my conviction about the positive value of the Foundation’s efforts to challenge its constituents to firstfruits (stewardship) living remains as strong as ever. I trust T that many more will catch the vision MFC promotes. M For stewardship education and services, contact your nearest Mennonite Foundation of Canada office. Abbotsford – Dave Kroeker, 1-888-212-8608; Calgary – Gary Sawatzky, 1-877-717-0708; Niagara – Darren PriesKlassen, 1-888-212-8731; Kitchener – Mike Strathdee, Sheri Grosz, 1-888-212-7759; Winnipeg – Edwin Friesen, 1-800772-3257.

THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007

European leaders face challenges in 2007 Future hope, public interest in Anabaptism, church growth, enthusiasm and challenges highlighted reports from seven countries when 20 Mennonite leaders from European conferences gathered in Germany in December 2006 for their annual meeting. While membership numbers declined 1.9 percent in Europe since 2003, leaders brought positive reports from Switzerland, The Netherlands, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, France and England. In Switzerland, where the first Anabaptists were persecuted, there is intense public interest and help is needed to respond. 2007 is the year of the Anabaptists, with International Days being on July 26–29. In 2006 Dutch Mennonites identified Switzerland as the country of the Anabaptist movement’s origin and a symposium in Amsterdam asked, “What is Anabaptist identity?” Some churches in the Netherlands are growing, while support is sought for declining churches. A seminary in Amsterdam offers a new master’s degree for church work and a weekend course for volunteers. Building up the church is important to the Association of Mennonite Churches (AMG—Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mennonitischer Gemeinden) in Germany. Its 6,000 members in 54 churches undertake publication and youth projects. The May 2007 Church Day on I will give you future and hope includes speakers from The Netherlands and Switzerland.

Since 1972, 110,000 people from the former Soviet Union with a Mennonite past, now called Umsiedler, have registered in Germany. People with a Mennonite past form only a small part of the new Aussiedler. Members of Mennonite churches in Russia now are mostly of Russian descent. During the Soviet Union’s collapse, Mennonites emigrated from Kazakhstan via Lithuania to Germany. Today six churches in Lithuania total 250 members because a Mennonite reading the Bible in a hospital interested his room-mate. The man became a Christian, other Lithuanians got saved, and they formed churches. Evangelism is important, but people work hard, with little time for church work. Six churches in Spain, founded by American Mennonite missionaries, met together first in 2006. The Mennonite European Regional Conference, in Spain in May 2006, enriched Spaniards and others. Spanish Mennonites have increasing contact with Protestant and Catholic churches and will contribute at a Protestant Congress in 2007 entitled Reconciliation and Peace. The Mennonite Conference of France is discussing the joining of two churches—African and Vietnamese— and a membership request from the French Protestant Federation. Many churches discuss leadership. France is heavily involved in the Francophone Network, aided by MWC. The London (England) Mennonite

Centre is known for peace work, involvement with a network of organizations with Anabaptist values, and work with African immigrants and Muslims. Werner Funck of the AMG, welcomed Mennonite leaders by quoting Isaiah 12:3: “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” Funck said, “As many exert much effort to find water, so we must strive to find faith. We who know the well can show others the way to the well of salvation.” The next meeting is in late 2007 in Switzerland. MWC

In Loving Memory of


who passed away suddenly on February 3, 2006: Dear Family: I love you and know that you are hurting. I am sorry you are sad—I see you cry. My call to come home was so quick and perfect. There was no time to say goodbye. I saw Him run to me and smile, Arms outstretched so very wide Amazing Grace was my welcome home From Jesus Christ who for me died. And now to all Family and friends alike, May the peace, grace, and love of Jesus Be with you till we meet again.

Participants in European conference:(front) Barbara Hege Galle (Germany), Anna Sorgius (MWC), José Luis Suarez (Spain);(back) Jakob Kikkert (MCC), Max Wiedmer (France), Doris Hege (Germany), Thijn Thijink (The Netherlands), Henk Stenvers (The Netherlands), Werner Funk (Germany), Simonas Kiela (Lithuania), Markus Rediger (Switzerland), Vic Thiessen (England, Church and Peace), Larry Miller (MWC).

THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007

Dearly loved and missed, by Gertie and family



My wife Katharina (nee Barg) was born March 6, 1924, in Marienthal, Molotschna, South Russia. She was the fifth child of Jakob and Elisabeth Barg, nee Kaethler. Her mother died when Tina was two years old. Her father eventually remarried, and Tina received two more siblings, Margarete and Gerhard. At age 14 the father was taken from the family and he died in a prison camp. Tina was 17 years old when World War II broke out. At age 19 she was with her stepmother and siblings in the largest trek of the refugees, heading towards Poland. They arrived at the Dutch border in 1945 and, at the moment the borders were closed, circumstances separated Tina from her family. She tried to get back to her family, but when she was finally able to talk to C. F. Klassen, the leader of MCC at the time, he could only tell her that they were on the ship Volendam, which had left

BEN H. KLASSEN 1924–2006

Ben Klassen was born on May 24, 1924, in Ekron, Man. As a young boy he spent only a few years in school, attending until the end of the third grade. Beginning in his later teen years and up to his early 20s, Ben worked at various farm jobs, usually near where his siblings lived. Further employment opportunities took Ben out west, working in western


the harbour 48 hours earlier. This news shook Tina up; she turned to Christ and accepted him as Lord and Saviour, and was baptized into the MB Church in Gronau, Germany. Even though she’d arrived too late for the ship, it was not too late for eternal life. Through MCC she was scheduled in 1948 for the second transport to Paraguay, where she was reunited with her family in Colony Neuland. Tina and I married in March of 1950 and lived on the mission station Yalve Sanga. In 1951 our first son was born, and soon after we moved to a new mission station, Laguna Porá. By 1960 we had a family of two sons and four daughters. In Laguna Porá a new church was planted among the Toba and Enlhit Indians. The American Bible Society assisted in the translation of the New Testament into the Lengua (Enlhit) language, and later the Old Testament could also be translated. During all these years Tina took care of the day-to-day affairs, so that I could concentrate on the translation. Through all the years, Tina was my helpmeet with various talents. Above all she was a praying wife. She was a competent and economic housekeeper. She was the mother of six children, and knew how to train them. She was a nurse to many sick indigenous people. She was the nursing mother to a few Indian babies and mother-away-from-home to numerous single Mennonite nurses and teachers. She cared for harmonious relationships among the personnel of the mission

station. For that I was very thankful. In 1990 we retired to Filadelfia. We gratefully spoke of the privilege of living in our “own private old folks’ home.” A broken leg, two hip joint operations, and a super-sensitive facial nerve often made her later years very difficult. Yet even in the pain-filled times she would usually say, “Es geht” (It’s okay). The visits of our children and grandchildren from Germany always were great times of joy for Tina. She loved to visit with the relatives from Canada and Germany. And in between she enjoyed talking and visiting with friends from the Chaco colonies. She loved to look back on the celebration of our 50th wedding anniversary in July of 2000. Tina went to be with the Lord in the morning of January 4, 2007, after a threeday hospital stay. Our thanks to the hospital staff for their exemplary and loving care. Tina enjoyed serving our Lord Jesus Christ. Left to mourn her passing are her husband Dietrich Lepp; her children, Jakob, Lena, Victor, Anneliese, Mary and Margita, with spouses; 12 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Dietrich Lepp

Manitoba, Alberta, and B.C. Just when the future looked promising, he had an unfortunate accident in which he lost a thumb and an index finger. This event was rather life-changing for Ben in that he had much difficulty finding employment and, as a result, money was always scarce. Very little is known about his stay out west, other than that he was a farm labourer. He was very thankful when he was finally able to receive his retirement pension. In 1986 he moved to Cedarwood Apartments in Steinbach. His stay there was pleasant for him. He had a bicycle and used that as a means of transportation around town, where he could go to various stores and see his friends. In 1997 Ben had a brain tumour removed. The result was that he was unable to ride his bike because he could no longer balance it. Determined not to be restrained by this setback, he then began to walk. On a daily basis he would walk to the post office to get his mail, and

then walk to the Green Tree restaurant for coffee. His mornings were usually capped off by a trip to Shoppers Drug Mart or Extra Foods, where he would indulge himself in some sort of a treat. Ben was a lifetime member of the Steinbach EMC. After coming back to Manitoba, he faithfully attended there until his health prevented him from doing so. His life of faith most certainly included the church. He prayed nightly, audibly praying for brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews. Ben’s salvation was made complete when he peacefully went to meet his Lord and Saviour on December 20, 2006. He is survived by two brothers, Peter and Abe, and two sisters, Marie and Helen. He was predeceased by four sisters, Katherine, Anne, Margaret, and Nettie, and five brothers, Isaac, David, Henry, Jacob, and John. Ben’s contented spirit and friendly smile will be missed by all who knew him. His Family

We have many great memories of Mom Lepp; she will be sorely missed. On the other hand, we are grateful she did not need to suffer long, and that she is now in a much better place. For this we praise God. Daughter-in-law Irmi Lepp

THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007

shoulder tapping HILLSIDE CHRISTIAN Fellowship (EMC) is looking for a part-time youth worker to work at developing a youth program. HCF is a small, rural church south of La Crete in northern Alberta. Applicant needs to be in agreement with Anabaptist/Mennonite theology. He will need to be highly flexible, selfmotivated, and able to relate warmly to youth and junior youth. Music skills would be a defi nite asset. It will be a six-month position starting on May 1, 2007, with the possibility of becoming longer term. For information contact Russell Friesen 780841-1747 or

is looking for a senior pastor. Contact Ernie Siemens at 204-746-8342 or e-mail siemensj@

BRIGHTWOOD RANCH Camp is connected with Hope Mission (Edmonton, Alta.) and provides a summer camp experience for underprivileged children from Edmonton. It requires paid summer camp staff (counselors, program directors, teepee village program director, training team leaders, head wrangler, maintenance assistant, assistant cook, assistant wranglers, nurse, and out-trip coordinator). Also needed are volunteers: junior counselors, kitchen staff, maintenance person and camp grandparents for a week or more. Email: or call 1-780-727-3840.

KENOSEE LAKE Bible Camp, a CSSM camp located in beautiful Moose Mountain Provincial Park in southeast Saskatchewan, is seeking a camp manager (CSSM missionary) as soon as possible and two permanent seasonal (May to early September) positions (program director and camp secretary) beginning in the 2007 camping season. Accommodation is available at the camp during the camping season. If you are enthusiastic about serving in a Christian camp setting, please forward your resume or inquiries to Marlon Klassen, 214 Doiron Road N., Regina, SK S4Y 1G4;; marlon.klassen@; phone 306-924-0129 or 306-8480393.

ENDEAVOUR FELLOWSHIP Chapel in eastcentral Saskatchewan, with a congregation of about 50, is currently looking for a pastor. Contact Tom Treen (Elders’ Chairman) at 306-547-3383 or MORRIS FELLOWSHIP Chapel, a church of 100 members located in the town of Morris, Man.,

THE EMC invites applications for the senior administrative position of General Secretary. Responsibilities: Serve as Executive Secretary for the Board of Missions, General Board, and Board of Trustees; provide management of conference finances; coordinate conference events; provide management role of national office. Applicants should have experience and training in areas of financial management and missions administration with strong communication skills. A job description is available upon request. Duties to commence September 1, 2007. Please request an application form from the office at 204-326-6401, fax 204-326-1613, The application and resume can be addressed to EMC Moderator Ron Penner and forwarded to the same addresses or to 440 Main St., Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z5.

FISH CREEK Christian Fellowship (EMC) is looking for a full-time pastor to begin this summer. We are a 10-year-old congregation that currently meets at a university in south Calgary and have about 40 people attending with great potential for growth. Our focus is on reaching south Calgary. Education and experience are flexible. For details and discussion please contact Garry Kornelsen. Phone 403-281-3747 or e-mail at

THE EMC Board of Church Ministries seeks two national board members (to be appointed by General Board), two education committee members (appointed by BCM) and five music/ worship committee members (appointed by BCM). BCM has national responsibilities in the areas of Christian education, youth, publication, archives, The Messenger and music/worship. The frequency of meetings depends upon the committee. For information, contact executive secretary Terry Smith at 204-326-6401 or; or conference youth minister Gerald Reimer at same phone number or emcger@ An

OPPORTUNITY OF a lifetime: Teaching English in China! Qualifications required: fluent English speaker, minimum of undergraduate degree, a living faith, teaching experience, TESOL training advisable but not required, cross cultural adaptability. Benefits: Accommodation and salary provided; making a difference in people’s lives; exposure to Asian culture and language; opportunity to be light, salt, and fragrance. For information, contact EMC missions, phone 204326-6401; fax 204-326-1613. GOING WEST, young man? Or woman, or couple, or family? Alberta is indeed a land of opportunity! If you are anticipating or considering relocation to Calgary, we invite you to join us at Fish Creek Christian Fellowship as we reach out to South Calgary with the love of Christ. This city is growing and we want to grow with it. We’re excited to see what God might do as you bring your creativity and gifts and offer them to Him with us. For information about our church, please contact interim pastor Ray Landis at 403-938-0063, or email RESERVE FELLOWSHIP Chapel (EMC), located in Sioux Valley (west-central Man.), seeks a fulltime pastoral couple to serve the church and to develop long-term relationships with people of the community. The smaller 50-year-old congregation is part of Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, a community that has a Christian history going back to 1879. The congregation is located about 45 minutes from Virden and Brandon. A strong sense of God’s call and a love for people are required. Direct inquiries to David Pashe, 204-730-0409, e-mail: pashed@westman.; or to Len Barkman, 204-326-6401, e-mail:

o Mexic y CitProject

THE EMC Archives Committee invites volunteers within driving distance of Steinbach, Man., to assist with organizing back issues of The Messenger (for distribution to other archives), typing of an index of vault holdings, entering descriptions of files onto a computer database, and more. The ability to type is necessary. Computer training is provided. Flexible hours. Contact Terry Smith at emcterry@; 204-326-6401.

Exciting Summer Mission for July 2007

Macedonia 2007

What are you doing July 13 to August 6? Check out this opportunity for young people minimum 18 years of age or high school graduate.

• cross cultural mission experience • ministries in various Mennonite churches in Mexico City • ministry to Indians in the mountains of Zacatecas • much more!

For more information go to: EMMC website at or call the Winnipeg Office at (204) 253-7929 *Team will be limited to 12 participants *Application deadline May 15/07 Project is sponsored and organized by EMMC Mission and Service Council. EVANGELICAL MENNONITE MISSION CONFERENCE

THE MESSENGER February 7, 2007


Refl ecting Reflecting on the blessings of


Irma Janzen


’m sitting in my hotel room in Beijing, reflecting on six months spent in China. I came with China Educational Exchange (now Mennonite Partners in China) in July and have completed a semester of teaching English at one of China’s many universities. These months have been rich, the kind of experience I wish everyone could have. The students were wonderful and eager to learn more English. I loved teaching. The CEEers are a great bunch of people and they helped me get orientated. They guided me in many ways and supported me. I enjoyed them. However, the highlight was to be part of the church in China. We spent part of an afternoon at a seminary in a bigger city. I was moved when a staff member talked about the growth of the seminary and church over the past three decades.

Prayer. However, it was good to worship with fellowChristians for whom faith was important. It was an extra gift that I was there on the first Sunday in their new church building with almost 1,500 people. It was a joyous event that came to be after years of praying, planning, and working hard. The Christmas season at church was exceptional. Our particular congregation had about seven weekend services, including a baptismal service, a concert of music, a dance and a short devotional, a Christmas Eve service and others. To see more than a hundred people walk across the stage to be baptized brought a flood of tears to my eyes. It was special, but even more touching because I knew personally several young women who were baptized. Services over the Christmas season had an outreach thrust and when the pastor invited people who wanted to believe in Jesus to come forward, dozens walked up. He prayed briefly with them, gave them a Bible, and sent them on their way. Some people were from community groups invited to perform during the concert. When a “foreigner” said to the pastor that this must be exciting, he replied, “We don’t even have the resources to teach the people who are already coming. How can we teach more?” This congregation had three people on the pastoral staff and an older man who preached on occasion. They have one class for children during the service and a Young Adult Fellowship on Saturdays. The other major outreach in this congregation was the English classes. Many people are eager to learn more English or to have their children learn more English. Several MPCers contributed by teaching. I leave good young friends as I leave China. Irma Janzen (middle back) is grateful for the opportunity to observe God at work in China. Several seem to be growing significantly in their walk of faith. They were people I could Several times during his presentation he said, “The communicate with reasonably well because they spoke older pastors prayed…the people prayed.” He saw what English. was happening today as evidence of how God had, in I leave grateful that God was at work in China long time, answered many people’s prayers. How grateful he before I came and that God will continue to be here as I was that they are able to send trained pastors to many leave. It is His work and I am grateful for the opportunity to congregations; the seminary has about 80 students and observe it for a period of time. graduates about 20 every year. It was a privilege to hear Mennonite Partners in China celebrated its 25th T this story firsthand. anniversary while I was here. M The local church I attend is another highlight. While I could not understand the services I followed some songs Irma Janzen is an educator and has served on the pastoral (especially ones translated from English) and The Lord’s staff at Fort Garry EMC in Winnipeg, Man.


THE MESSENGER Evangelical Mennonite Conference 440 Main Street Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z5 Publications Mail Agreement #40017 62 PAP Registration # 14

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