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Nicaragua: My key memories? Of dedicated pastors

My key memories? Of dedicated pastors!


Most guys like an adventure, whether sledding in the mountains, rock climbing or cliff-jumping. On February 18 to March 3, 2010, I got to be a part of an adventure I won’t soon forget.

I was a part of the EMC team that went to Nicaragua and helped out at Camp Maranantha with Lester and Darlene Olfert. Being in a different country and different culture was only the beginning.

After the first week, I joined Ken Zacharias and two local pastors in travel into the more mountainous region and visited villages and churches.

We traveled by Jeep on the first day and then for the next two and a half days we took rocky mountainous trails on mule. Now that’s what you call a guys weekend out of town.

From Friday to Monday we visited five mountain communities and worshipped with our brothers and sisters, hearing of what God is doing

in their communities and learning of their needs.

We traveled almost 10 hours on mule, being very thankful for these amazing creatures that carried us through difficult terrain under the hot sun. However, it did feel good to jump off once in a while and stretch the legs a bit.

The memories that will Juan Salgado, pastor of San Antonio church stay with me forever are of pastors I met and of their stories. sisters in Christ in Nicaragua in our We met humble men that love Jesus prayers. Many of those in the mounChrist and love people. These men do tain villages were so thankful that not receive a salary or mileage as they we came to visit them, and even said travel to communities they serve. that at times they feel like they are

Many of these pastors either walk “forgotten people.” or ride mule for two to three hours Pray that the gospel of Jesus one way, to get to the village where Christ will continue to be shared and they pastor. They do this, not just received and that their physical needs on Sundays, but two or three times will be met as they call out to the a week. These men travel anywhere Lord. from 12 to 24 hours a week out love I want to thank EMC Project for Christ and His bride. What a Builders for sending me on this trip. testimony of perseverance and comProject Builders has been involved in mitment to serving the Lord! helping many ministries in Nicaragua

A verse that became more prefor many years. cious to me is Isaiah 52:7: “How They have helped many of the beautiful on the mountains are the churches that I visited, and I am feet of those who bring good news, grateful for all of you who have who proclaim peace, who bring good supported your brothers and sisters tidings, who proclaim salvation.” in Christ in Nicaragua through your

Let’s remember our brothers and support of EMC missions and Project Builders. Jared Schroeder

Jared Schroeder is the associate pastor at Mission Heights Community Church (Grande Prairie, Alta.).

Len Barkman, PB staff member, adds: “Over the years Project Builders has provided funding for church construction, built and renovated Camp Maranatha facilities, built new homes for families whose houses were destroyed by hurricane or earthquake, and assisted with the buildings of the Gethsemane Orphanage. To become a member of Project Builders go to www.projectbuilders.ca or contact the EMC office.

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