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Annie…Through it all, Betty Barkman (Derksen Printers, 2008). 108 pp. $10.95. No ISBN. Reviewed by Mary Bueckert, retired nurse and educator (St. Vital EMC).
Annie Barkman Reimer was born in 1916 and is now approaching 94 years. Her autobiography as told to Betty Barkman is one to challenge and stimulate the reader.
She has had her share of challenges, heartaches, and sorrows. Through all a gradual growth to a solid faith is seen developing.
Annie looks for the silver lining behind each happening in her life, from many moves to the loss of a number of children because of illness, birth anomalies, and crib death.
Her husband Abe Reimer, whom she married at 18 and a half years women!
This is the story of God’s Holy Spirit at work, transforming lives one by one, through the love of one of His servants. If you would like a dose of inspiration for proclaiming the truth of the Gospel among your neighbours right here in Canada, you ought to read this book.
Although the examples and stories are all about Joy Loewen’s experiences with Muslim women, the principles can be applied to our relationships with any immigrants of age, was at times supportive and at other times distant. Finances were a constant concern during their children’s growing up years.
Also, Abe’s distant relationship with the Lord was a cross that Annie had to endure. It was just hours before he died that he seemed to make peace with God.
This is a book that adults would benefit from. It is thought provoking and brings one to the point of counting his or her blessings.
Also, if I had young people in their late teens or early 20s, I would or people of other ethnic and language groups who live in our country.
Joy understands Muslims well from years of living among them and has great respect for them. This love and understanding, combined with a passionate desire for all people to hear about Jesus Christ, translate into exciting friendships and lively discussions.
Could you feel at home with a Muslim friend? The author couldn’t at first, but God gave her a love for Muslim women. This eventually
encourage them to read the book while contemplating marriage. She was married for 59 years and was a loyal and faithful wife in challenging times.
Annie has lived her life avoiding the blame game, and she is thankful for God’s grace and forgiveness in
Woman to Woman, Sharing Jesus with a Muslim Friend, Joy Loewen (Chosen Books, 2010), 202 pages. $14.99 USD. ISBN 978-0-8007-9483-5. Reviewed by Paul Thiessen (Blumenort), linguist and Bible translator, Burkina Faso.
Don’t let the title fool you. This book is about women, by a woman, but not just for
her life.
developed into close friendships that made it possible for her to feel at home with them.
If you have neighbours, friends or colleagues who come from another culture, and you have a desire to welcome them with God’s love, I recommend this book to you.