The Messenger
50 years of challenging the EMC!
Volume 50 No. 9 September 2012
If the Spirit and the Church call,
are you prepared to go? p. 9
Celebrating the past
page 6
We celebrate a faith
page 12
Abraham Thiessen, Mennonite Revolutionary page 14
Christ and the EMC today
hy do people join a local church? The central reason is that they are attracted to Christ. Other factors include being invited by people, seeing members as friendly, receiving effective pastoral care, activities for family, and the meeting place’s location. Do most people carefully compare church origins and histories? It’s unlikely. And while we pose the question, “Do you accept the Statement of Faith of our church?” it’s also unlikely that the full statement is understood, let alone accepted. However, central matters can be refined: are you committed to Christ and to being a part of his Church with us? What is most important is to know Christ, “the Word became flesh” (John 1:14). In light of this, Peter counsels us to “grow in the grace and
knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen” (2 Peter 3:18). Are togetherness and sound teaching critical? Absolutely. When Peter speaks of “our Lord,” both our and Lord matter. What does this have to do with our bicentennial celebration? Without Christ, there would be no EMC today. The decisions to follow Christ in Russia, to move to Canada, to widen our boundaries and to expand our horizons—these have led to what and where we are as the EMC today. Because of Christ, history bears gifts for which we are indebted. Because of Christ, we must share these gifts widely. – Terry M. Smith
Without Christ, there would be no EMC today.
Caring for the mind
he scandal of the evangelical mind is that there is not much of an evangelical mind.” Dr. Mark A. Noll, an evangelical, made that daring statement in 1996. U. S. Evangelicals, he said then, displayed “an extraordinary range of virtues,” but often failed to display a Christian mind “across the whole spectrum of modern learning.” They have good theologians, but are ineffective in working with science, history, economics, politics, the arts, and philosophy (The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, 3, 6–7). Does this apply to Canadian evangelicals? Noll said both no and yes. To assist all EMC churches, our boards and committees work hard to produce educational materials. Most recently, Becoming Neighbours: Three Conversations on Bridges between Aborginals and EMC Churches, was produced by the Social Concerns Committee. Earlier the Bicentennial Committee produced a study of our identity and theology: What’s in a Name?
2 The Messenger • September 2012
Has your church benefitted from the materials below (the first three sent to pastors)? • Going Deeper: Guidance on Six Key Themes in Anabaptism • Peace and Discipleship Sermons by EMCers 2011 • Peace Sermons by EMCers 2008, 2007 • Follow Me: Exploring More of Our Calling as Christians, a study guide on social issues • Theodidaktos: Journal for EMC theology and education, which looks at questions in depth • Are you aware of our Christian Education Update? It’s a pamphlet on resources produced by the EMC and elsewhere. In my administrative role, I serve part-time in Christian Education through publishing (including The Messenger), planning, and pulpit ministry. Together we are to care for “the evangelical mind.” – Terry M. Smith
Table of Contents Features
Pontius’ Puddle
With Our Missionaries
With Our Churches
In Memory
Shoulder Tapping
Celebrating the past
Our forebears were committed to the Bible, advocacy, concern for the poor, and more – Harvey Plett
If the Spirit and the Church call, are you prepared to go?
To decide who should go, we rely on the Spirit’s direction confirmed by the local church – Ernie Koop
12 We celebrate a faith
We’re celebrating a spiritual journey, not a story of migration – Darryl G. Klassen
14 Abraham Thiessen, Mennonite Revolutionary Though not well received in Manitoba, Thiessen helped the landless in Russia – Henry Fast
Columns 16 Archives Alcove
Helping the needy and oppressed – Terry M. Smith
26 Writings Shared
Through Fire and Water: An Overview of Mennonite History and God and Me: 365 daily devotions
34 Here and Far Away
Waiting and gardening – Jocelyn R. Plett
35 Stewardship Today Needed: life specialists – Sherri Grosz
36 Kids’ Corner
A good beginning – Loreena Thiessen • The Messenger 3
The Messenger
Volume 50 No. 9 September 2012
The Messenger
Applauds writer for article
Submissions to The Messenger should be sent to The Messenger is the monthly publication of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. It is available to the general public. Its purpose is to inform concerning events and activities in the denomination, instruct in godliness and victorious living, inspire to earnestly contend for the faith. Letters, articles, photos and poems are welcomed. Unpublished material is not returned except by request. Views and opinions of writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the position of the Conference or the editors. Advertising and inserts should not be considered to carry editorial endorsement. The Messenger is published by the EMC Board of Church Ministries, 440 Main St, Steinbach, Man., and is a member of Meetinghouse and Canadian Church Press. Subscription rates 1 year $24 ($30 U.S., $45 foreign) 2 years $44 ($55 U.S., $85 foreign) 3 years $65 ($82 U.S., $125 foreign) Manitoba residents add 7% PST. Digital only subscriptions: $15 per year. Single copy price: $2 Subscriptions are voluntary and optional to people within or outside of the EMC. Subscriptions are purchased by the Conference for members and adherents. Change of address and subscriptions Undelivered copies, change of address and new subscriptions should be addressed to: 440 Main St, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z5 Phone: 204-326-6401 Fax: 204-326-1613 E-mail: Second-class postage paid at Steinbach, Manitoba. ISSN: 0701-3299 Publications Mail Agreement Number: 40017362 We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage for our publishing activities. Advertising The Messenger does not sell advertising, but provides free space (classified and display) to enhance our Conference, its churches, boards, and ministries; inter-Mennonite agencies and educational institutions; and the wider church. Ads and inquiries should be sent to THE Messenger schedule: No. 10– October 2012 issue (copy due September 21)
4 The Messenger • September 2012
I want to applaud Rick Bettig for his article In the Beginning: Why I believe in a literal six-day creation [July]. I enjoyed his testimony, but even more appreciated the questions at the end of the article and his gentle and timely conclusion where he encouraged us to listen to worthy voices— those who are advancing the creation sciences. A valuable contribution to the discussion! – Dave Field Waukesha, Wisconsin
Are you kidding me?
A recent article, In the Beginning: Why I believe in a literal six-day creation [July] was, I suppose, a follow up to Ray Hill’s earlier articles that sparked several responses. Are you kidding me? Is this such an important and burning issue that this time, effort, pros and cons need to be given to elevate its prominence? It makes me mindful of Nero fiddling as Rome burns. As these types of discussions continue, we can ignore and isolate ourselves from the weightier aspects of “doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with our God.” As a suggestion, issues raised by S. Claiborne in The Irresistible Revolution; the most recent issue of Sojourners; Nice Girls Don’t Change the World, L. Hybels; Falling Upward, R. Rohr; and The Gospel According to Peanuts, R. Short, would provide, I believe, greater benefits. As St. Leonard said, Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack in everything That’s how the light gets in That’s how the light gets in – Brad Nance Winnipeg, Man.
50 years of connec
Volume 50 No. 7 July 2012
ting the EMC!
in the beginning
Why I believe in a
literal six-day creati
p. 6
Also inside: Reconciling our faith
and heritage page 9 Braeside: the powe r of Pentecost is on display page 12/Braeside— poder de Pentecostés el en exhibición! page 14 Anabaptist church nearly triples, chan ging in composition page 17 Messenger 50 07.indd
12-07-04 4:33 PM
‘Literal’ is according to genre
In interpretation, the word “literal” is used in reference to what a text means and intends to communicate using the conventions of its genre. A literal reading must also take into account the meanings and nuances of the language in which the text was originally written, the cultural background in which the text was written, and the frames of reference the writer was most likely to have. To take this one step further, an ancient text is not required to answer the questions we bring to it from the perspective of a different language, culture, and worldview. “Literal” does not refer simply to what a text says. If such was the case we would have to conclude that creation actually took place within the space of one single day (not six) since this is what the words of Genesis 2:4 actually say (see the Hebrew text, NASB, and KJV). When people read Psalm 91:3–4 they aren’t required to think that some of us are trapped in bird snares and that God is a big bird who is going to wrap us up in his wings.
When Jesus is referred to as “the rock,” we don’t set in to establish if he is igneous, basalt, or sedimentary. To say that these examples are “poetry” and “metaphor” only establishes the point. We do not understand Genesis correctly if we do not understand that this text is an ancient Israelite cosmology. The word “literal” cannot be co-opted as the exclusive domain of six-day creationists. – Corey Herlevsen Steinbach, Man.
It boils down to attitude
Ward Parkinson wonders why Nate never felt comfortable in the church [What about Nate? July] and speculates whether something might be lacking in the church that causes this discomfort. Partly he answers his own question by saying that the church used to exist outside the margins of society and did not care about its reputation, because it had none. Yancey, in his latest book has a chapter titled “Why I would like to be an alcoholic.” It is because of the AA meetings where people recognize
their weakness, knowing this will be with them always. When troubled they call a buddy, even though it might be at two in the morning. Not a common practice in the church. Everybody introduces himself by his first name along with the admission that he is an alcoholic. Good thing to practice in the church too: “Hi, my name is Wally and I am a sinner and a hypocrite.” At AA they cheer when a person drags himself into the meeting late and disrupts everything. In church, not so much. So it seems to me it boils down to attitude; how we see the church and ourselves. Perhaps church people need to feel more comfortable in Nate’s environment than he in ours. If enough of us did that we might be able to shift the church ever so slightly in a very positive growth direction. By heeding the admonition of James and becoming greater doers we can help ourselves move in that direction. – Wally Doerksen Giroux, Man.
Guidelines for letters
Within a Conference comprised of various voices, the magazine is to encourage the “community hermeneutic” toward responsible Christian belief, teaching, and practice. Letters published are generally to comment on issues raised in The Messenger. The magazine reserves the right to edit letters for length, style, legality, and taste. Letters by regular mail and by fax must contain a handwritten signature with at least the writer’s first and last names and an address. For letters by e-mail, the writer’s name and e-mail address are deemed to be an electronic signature. The writer’s regular postal address is to be included in e-mail correspondence. The writer’s name and general address are to be published In sensitive matters, names may be withheld. Letters to the editor should be 250 words or less.
South Texas, here we come! Enjoy some winter sun and see the ministries of
Rio Grande Bible Institute Experience the history of San Antonio and spend time on the campus of RGBI. You’ll meet the students, you’ll get together with the winter workers, and you’ll see some sights of the area. Tour dates are February 21 to March 4, 2013. Contact Freida Johnson at 204-254-3639 or for more details. • The Messenger 5
Convention 2012
Message two of four
Celebrating the past by Harvey Plett
He restarted footwashing, an ordinance still affirmed in the EMC Statement of Faith and practiced by some churches (John 13). Another example of the biblicism of our forebears is the commitment to the teaching of the way of peace, the way of love, returning good for evil, overcoming evil with good. This included non-participation in war (Romans 12:17–21). Russian authorities were looking for pledges Biblicism of support for the Napoleonic War. The bishop First, we celebrate the commitment of our of the Colony told the administrator to simply forebears to biblicism (2 Tim. 2:15). This pass the book around and let people pledge supwas demonstrated in Klaas Reimer’s taking a port. He did, but opposition from public stand against mistreating the Kleine Gemeinde (KG) and servants. To Reimer’s suggestion NG 2 0 0 Y AT I R others stopped this. that beating servants was against B Another peace issue to the Bible’s teaching, the response which the KG responded was was, “Come to my house and I’ll the colony’s responsibility to apshow you the stick I used to beat prehend and transport criminals. my servant. After the beating the Heinrich Balzer, an educated servant behaved.” 1812 ~ 2012 and articulate KG member, said Another case to which Reimer such authority was given to the spoke was where two brothers government to maintain order held a third brother while a among the children of this world, fourth one beat him severely. but children of the peaceable Kingdom of Jesus Reimer persisted, saying the Bible teaches, “Do could not participate in this duty. violence to no one” (Luke 3:14 KJV; Eph. 6:5-9). Here we find a clear expression of the biblical Reimer studied the Scripture diligently and teaching of the two kingdoms: the kingdom of came across John 13 and footwashing. He noted this world under the lordship of Satan and the in his study that the wording of the biblical text Kingdom of God under the lordship of Jesus. talking about footwashing was similar to the Balzer also taught that the follower of Jesus wording about communion. is to live by Jesus’ ethics. By this, he rejected the In his studies he discovered the Mennonite dual ethic concept, held by many evangelicals church had once observed this ordinance but, then and today, that killing as a soldier is not sin, in his view, had stopped it because of pride. RS
Corinthians 3:10 says, “ For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” As we celebrate our past we remind ourselves of key events that were significant in our beginnings, were built on the foundation of Christ, and still are significant today.
6 The Messenger • September 2012
Convention 2012
but killing for personal reasons is. According to this concept, the one is not wrong because the government, which we are to obey, has authorized it. The single ethic says, according to the Bible, taking the life of another is sin regardless. This single ethic spoke and speaks to many issues, including the police force and their carrying of guns. The dual ethic is based on a flat Bible—involvement in state issues is based largely on the Old Testament. The KG followed the teaching that the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old. It followed a christocentric interpretation of the Bible, including the Old Testament. That is, the Old Testament was and is to be interpreted in light of the New Testament. Jesus is the clearer revelation (Luke 16:10–13, Acts 5:29; Hebrews 1:1–2).
Advocates for the Mistreated
We celebrate the KG serving as an advocate and mediator for those wrongly treated (Romans 14:17–19; Matthew 18:15–20). Several examples bring this out. When the Mennonite Brethren church was born in 1860, the colony was going to remove them. KG leaders stood up for them and forestalled such action. This did not mean they accepted the MB’s encouragement to teach the millennium or pietistic emphasis on emotionalized conversions. The KG pleaded for the release of Franz Thiessen and his daughter Anna who were arrested for incest by Russian authorities at the request of
“The single ethic says, according to the Bible, taking the life of another is sin regardless. This single ethic spoke and speaks to many issues, including the police force and their carrying of guns.”
– Harvey Plett • The Messenger 7
the Grosse Gemeinde. The intercession failed.
Thiessen died in prison and Anna was exiled to Siberia. Michael Makowski had converted to the faith and joined the KG. He and his family were put under house arrest, for this violated the Mennonites’ promise not to proselytize. If the Grosse Gemeinde had requested the Makowskis’ release, they would have been released, but they refused. Finally, the KG requested the family be released into their care. This was done, but not before one of the children had died in the detainment centre.
We celebrate the KG serving as mediators for resolving conflicts (Romans 14:17–19). The Grosse Gemeinde brought a complaint against the KG, and Russian authorities investigated the KG and the Grosse Gemeinde; the KG was exonerated. The Russian authorities recruited the KG to be mediators in various conflicts.
The KG also had the writings of Menno Simons and the Martyrs Mirror published in Prussia and then imported to Russia. After they had made contact with John Funk in Elkhart, Indiana, they ordered books from him.
Difficult events
Finally, we also take note of some difficult events that affected the KG. First, there was the humility movement of 1829. Some of the members insisted in showing one’s humility and spirituality by crying, lying sparsely dressed in the ditch in the cold. This came to a head when at a meeting the brotherhood was asked whether they wanted Reimer to continue as leader. The brethren said yes. Reimer then took back his leadership role and brought things under control. The second event was the Holdeman split of 1881. Bishop Peter Toews invited John Holdeman to come and preach a deeper spiritual life. In the process Holdeman decided the Kleine Gemeinde members had an invalid baptism because the elder officiating had been baptized in the Grosse Gemeinde. The result was that six KG ministers and some 165 members were rebaptized and joined Holdeman, and the Holdeman church was born in Manitoba. Lessons we can learn from these difficulties are: First, don’t go looking for experiences as the members of the humility movement did. Rather, obey God and He will manifest himself to you. Second, test the speakers you invite to speak in your churches (1 John 4:1). As we celebrate our past, let us rejoice and affirm the biblicism of our forebears and follow their example of seeking the biblical truth and then following it. Let us allow the authority of the Bible to continue to guide us.
We celebrate the Kleine Gemeinde’s concern for Christian literature (1 Timothy 2:15). As one reads the early KG leaders one finds sprinkled throughout references to early Anabaptist leaders
Support of the Poor
We celebrate the KG concern and support for the poor (Romans 12:20; Hebrews 13:16). Because of the many landless in their midst, the KG decided to start a new colony to help them. As a result, the Borosenko colony was founded. When they migrated to Canada, they helped those who didn’t have adequate funds so all who wanted to emigrate were able to. This also happened when the KG moved from Jansen, Nebraska, to Kansas.
Christian literature
We celebrate their concern for Christian literature (1 Timothy 2:15). As one reads the early KG leaders one finds sprinkled throughout references to early Anabaptist leaders such as Menno Simons, Peter Peters, Dirk Philips, Georg Hansen, Peter Janz-Twisk, Claas Gangloff, Thieleman J. von Bracht and Jan Philipsz Schabaelje.
8 The Messenger • September 2012
Harvey Plett, BA, MDiv, MA, PhD, has served, and continues to serve, the EMC in many capacities. He is a member of the EMC Bicentennial Committee. He spoke on Saturday evening at the EMC national convention.
If the Spirit and the Church call, are you prepared to go? by Ernie Koop
o carry out Christ’s mission in the world, we need people prepared to go. To decide who should go, we rely on the Spirit’s direction confirmed by the Church. If the Spirit and the Church call, are you prepared to go? Don’t be too quick to disqualify yourself. Often in Scripture we see that God’s purposes are not dependent on the person’s gifts and abilities. God frequently chooses the weak and insignificant. Abraham was old and childless, Israel was “the least of all the nations,” and the disciples were uneducated fishermen. Why does God choose the insignificant? It’s that his glory and power might be demonstrated through us. The New Testament Church is God’s chosen instrument for the furtherance of God’s kingdom. We are to actively participate in God’s missional purposes. However, because God frequently works through weakness, the Church dare not focus only on giftedness and ability. God’s call is not limited only to the most able or gifted. The Church has an important task: to determine whom God sends and how he chooses those he sends. • The Messenger 9
The Book of Acts
The Book of Acts gives us a great glimpse of the working out of God’s missional purposes in the Early Church. However, much of Acts describes what happened rather than tells us what we are to do. Caution must be exercised in the search for principles and directives relating to church life and mission.
The Spirit and the community work together to set apart some Christians for special service. Remember, too, God is not bound by the Church. God has chosen the Church as an instrument of his salvific purposes, but he is not limited to the Church’s obedience. God is infinitely resourceful and, although he invites us to join in kingdom work, he is capable of furthering his kingdom through many other means. In Acts 1:8 the “witnesses” are to be guided by the Holy Spirit and they are to be missional. Just as God’s call to Abraham, and Israel, had been particular in method and universal in scope, here God’s “commissioning” has the larger purpose in view. Acts 1:8 could be a model for the church’s involvement in the world, both local and foreign. Acts clearly reveals the Holy Spirit’s central role in calling, initiating and sending. However, this does not preclude human responsibility and initiative in hearing the Holy Spirit and acting upon his call. In Acts 6:1–7 it was the church that chose, prayed, and then “laid hands on” (commissioned) the seven. In Acts 9:15–19 God chose Saul and Ananias; “laid hands on” him (compare Jeremiah 1:5). In Acts 11:25 Barnabas “chose” Saul and brought him to Antioch, and in 12:25 Saul and Barnabas “chose” John Mark to serve with them. Then, in Acts 13:1–3, the Holy Spirit “chose” Saul and Barnabas for a special assignment. The believers at Antioch fasted and prayed and, in obedience to the call of the Spirit of the Lord, laid their hands upon the two men, a sign both
10 The Messenger • September 2012
The Holy Spirit and Recruitment
of their recognition of God’s anointing and of their responsibility as a church. Whereas the advance of the gospel from Jerusalem seems to have resulted from visitors to Pentecost (Acts 2:1–12) and persecution (Acts 8:1–8; 11:19–26), the extension of the gospel outward from Antioch seems to have resulted from the Holy Spirit’s direction as the church worships in obedience, and potentially the “encouragement” and teaching of Paul and Barnabas. As we expect in Acts, nothing begins without the initiation of the Holy Spirit. Barnabas and Saul are “set apart” for a new stage of mission, but they are not “free agents” moving at their own initiative. This new step in outreach has been declared by the Spirit and is now confirmed by the church through prayer, fasting, and the laying on of hands.
The Spirit and Community
The Spirit and the community work together to set apart some Christians for special service (pastoral, missions, leadership, etc.). Luke does not tell us how the Spirit’s will was made known (Acts 13:2), although we can assume that it might have been through a revelation given to a believer. Neither does he tell us the nature of the special ministry for which the two were set apart, though from what follows it is clearly a mission to Gentiles. The Holy Spirit not only initiated, called, and sent the missionaries into the Gentile mission, he also continued to direct the mission on the field (Acts 13–14). The Holy Spirit is still the agent of initiating, calling, sending, and directing the unfolding of the mission of God just as in the life of the Early Church.
The Local Church
It is in the context of the local church, while they are worshipping, fasting, and praying, that the Holy Spirit gives direction regarding the ones he has called. The laying on of hands, or commissioning, binds the entire church as participants and supporters of the work to which Paul and Barnabas are being called. In Antioch, missions grew out of the local church, rather than being grafted onto it; and the first missionaries received their call in their church, not at a “missions conference.” The call came through prayer, not persuasion; and the church claimed responsibility for mission by laying hands upon the missionaries before releasing them. The church at Antioch worked in partnership with Paul (he had received a missionary call already on the Damascus road) in a new missionary venture and Paul, in turn, recruited coworkers from other churches (Acts 16:1–2). What is key here? The local church has a role in confirming, if not explicitly articulating, the will of God that a person enter missionary service. Paul received his call in person, but Ananias and the church at Antioch confirmed it. Timothy was recommended by the church at Lystra (Acts 16:1–2). Finally, the missionaries were commissioned by the laying on of hands and prayer (Acts 13:3; 1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6), showing a special anointing of the Spirit, a setting aside for
ministry, and a public recognition of the person’s gifting and spiritual role. In this case, God calls those among the most gifted out from the larger community. These two are an integral part of the community, having ministered there for at least a year. Who are you (or your local church) prepared to send forth for this ministry? Those sent are qualified to plant new works on the basis of their previous contribution to the church. The logic of Romans 10:14–15 is irresistible: just as Paul and Barnabas were sent out by the church of Antioch (Acts 13:1–3), the need remains today for sent ones (missionaries) to bring the message of Christ to those who have not heard. The Spirit sometimes calls the weak and insignificant. He sometimes calls the most gifted who are actively serving in the church. Are you prepared to listen to the Spirit and to the Church? Ernie Koop (EFC Steinbach), BTh, MDiv, DMin, is professor of mission and Bible at Steinbach Bible College, and has experienced crosscultural ministry in Mexico and Nicaragua.
Dr. David Weave
Forgiveness and Mental Health
A Stepping Stone to Recovery Mental Health Workshop Presenters:
Dr. David Weaver-Zercher Dr. Randy Goossen
Date: Oct 11, 2012 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (8:15-8:45 registration) Location: Bergthaler Mennonite Church, 252 6th Street, Winkler, MB Cost: $80 Eden Health Care Services Box 129 Winkler, MB (204) 325-5355 / 1-866-895-2919
American religiou in Grantham, Penn Zercher has co-au How Forgiveness T Grace explores th multiple murders in Mines, Pennsylvan beliefs that led the It examines forgive practices parallel and secular notion Zercher will discus mental health issu
Dr. Randy Gooss
of Community Me Professor at the Un his passion for ‘co a special interest a & mental health a forgiveness as it re Dr. Goossen has tr various third world Haiti, Belize and N who enjoys spend with his family. • The Messenger 11
by Darryl G. Klassen
NG 2 0 0
12 The Messenger • September 2012
My great-great-grandfather, David Klassen, along with another KG delegate and other delegates (about a dozen in all), came in 1873 to emc check out this new province. 1812 ~ 2012 One family story was that the group was chased by Indians. I had romantic images of men on horseback racing across the prairies with arrows flying over their heads. What actually happened was that the teamster who was driving their wagon saw an aboriginal youth ride too close and he reached out and smacked him. The youth went back to his family and told them what happened. A tribe of angry warriors came and surrounded the place where David and the delegates were staying. The teamster snuck off and alerted the North West Mounted Police and rode to the rescue with some constables. When the NWMP discovered the true nature of the disturbance, the teamster was arrested and the Indians went home.
Drama and locusts
anada was a new nation in 1867 and looking to stake its claim on the expanding West. As a result of Louis Riel’s failed rebellion in 1870, the Canadian government decided to take a largely undeveloped expanse of land and create a province. Three years later, a small group of Mennonite believers in Russia felt strongly that it was time to leave the Steppes (plains) of Ukraine and find a new home. Their primary motivation was to find a country that allowed them to practice their faith according to their understanding of Scripture. This small group was an offshoot of the larger Mennonite Church, which they had broken away from in 1812 in pursuit of a deeper spiritual life. This tiny church, the Kleine Gemeinde, chose Manitoba as their potential home.
A seed of faith
Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches” (Matthew 13:31–32). One of those mustard seeds was planted in Manitoba soil 138 years ago. Jesus has planted many of his seeds throughout the world, but this seed was planted in the prairie grass of a new province that needed settlers. Canada has been settled by a variety of peoples and cultures, but this was a seed of faith. What we celebrate this year as a bicentennial is not a story of migration. We celebrate rather a spiritual journey that God instigated and sustained through many joys and trials. A tiny
group of people sought to be faithful to what God had set before them. Like the tiny mustard seed, the faith of this unassuming people blossomed into something only God could grow. The original intent of the Kleine Gemeinde church in leaving Russia was to find a place where they could practice their faith in peace, teach their children in the German language, and freely declare their belief in non-aggression or say “no” to joining the military. Canada gave them this privilege in the beginning, though in time some of these freedoms eroded.
No longer quiet
What the KG pilgrims did not count on or even dream about was that their descendants would go on to be more than “the quiet in the land.” They might be shocked to know how loud we have become. Today, the 150 families now comprise nearly 8,000 members in 62 churches from British Columbia to Southern Ontario. There are thousands more who are no longer called EMC, but have a heritage link to us and fill many more churches, both in pew and pulpit. Even those who no longer call themselves Mennonite cannot deny that the faith passed down to them has shaped their present and future. The widening circle of the Conference now includes not just Dutch/ German/Russian descendants, but others of French, Ukrainian, Swiss, English, Aboriginal, Spanish, and African backgrounds, to name a few. The beauty of a faith like ours is that cultural walls are meant to be broken down so that all may come and know Jesus. We in the EMC have a particular perspective of Jesus and we want to share him with others. This is probably the biggest difference between our forebears and us: they wanted to live quietly in faith and peace, while we have heard the call of God to evangelize the world.
Despite the drama and the potential hostility of this land, the believers decided that they could maintain their peaceful ways in Manitoba. So in 1874 the Kleine Gemeinde left Russia. About 150 families of what we now call the Evangelical Mennonite Conference landed in two parties: at Scratching River (near Morris) and Winnipeg. They found marshy, stony fields and clouds of mosquitoes. The group set about to plant crops that first summer of 1875. But large clouds came on the horizon, not of rain, but of locusts and destroyed the crops. It took another three years before these pioneers could get a decent crop. They dreamt of the fertile lands back in Russia. Somehow, despite regrets and major setbacks, the pioneers remained steadfast. It is said that this determination was grounded in large part on faith. These pilgrims believed they were led to Manitoba by God and, therefore, God had a purpose for them staying. And stay they did. Eventually life got better for the little Mennonite group. They developed townships like Steinbach. If you look at a map of Steinbach you see a square with a diagonal main street running across it. This was designed in part because of where the creek, or Stony Brook, was, and in accordance with the Russian style of narrow farm tracts extending from the main road. Steinbach is what it is today thanks to these Kleine Gemeinde farmers.
Like the tiny mustard seed, the faith of this unassuming people blossomed into something only God could grow. • The Messenger 13
The riches of his glory
Since the 1950s the EMC has had a vibrant missions program that today carries 200 missionaries abroad. We have sent missionaries with the gospel of Jesus Christ to parts of Africa, to Germany, to Nicaragua, to Paraguay, to Bolivia, to Mexico and to several other locations through associate missionary agencies. A tiny conference is having a huge kingdombuilding impact. We do not boast in this, but give thanks to God that he has done great things with so humble a people and beginnings. As I represent the EMC here, I echo the apostle Paul on our behalf, “Now I rejoice in
A tiny conference is having a huge kingdom-building impact. We do not boast in this, but give thanks to God. what was suffered for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church. I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness— the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. “We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me” (Colossians 1:24–29). We invite you to visit our churches and share our journey with us. We welcome you. To the glory and praise of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Pastor Darryl G. Klassen (Kleefeld), BRS, MA, spoke at the EMC Community Celebration on August 21, 2012, held on the shared parking lot of the EMC national office and Steinbach EMC. This is shortened slightly from his presentation. 14 The Messenger • September 2012
Abraham Thiessen,
r. C. Krahn coined the description Mennonite Revolutionary for Abraham Thiessen, a member of the Kleine Gemeinde church in Russia, in an article he wrote for Mennonite Life in 1969. Others might have called Thiessen a troublemaker. It seems from letters and newspaper reports of the day that the KG people in Manitoba would have leaned to the latter description of Abraham Thiessen at the time of his visit here in 1877. Abraham Thiessen (1838–1889) was born to a former KG minister Peter and his wife Margaretha of Schoenau, in the Molotschna colony of Russia. Abraham, too, joined this congregation in his youth. In the 1860s Abraham with some other men became involved with advocating land reform in the colony. The colony had many acres of reserve land that, as the colony population increased, had been reserved for landless families. Meanwhile, well-to-do farmers were renting the land for their own profit and were reluctant to release the land for its intended purpose. Abraham led the fight against the colony administrators in support of dividing this land among the landless. Evidently because of Abraham’s aggressive involvement in administrative affairs (contrary to church practices) and some personal shortcomings, the church excommunicated Abraham in 1864. Disagreement on the procedure of Abraham’s discipline caused the church to split, and Abraham was reinstated into membership in the smaller group in 1866. However, Abraham continued to be involved in the land reform movement, which eventually led to his imprisonment and exile to Siberia in 1874. He managed to escape his exile and made his way to Switzerland in 1876. Likely he arrived in the U.S. that same year.
NG 2 0 0
Henry Fast is a retired schoolteacher, a historian, and a member of the EMC Bicentennial Committee. He served for many years on the EMC Archives Committee.
emc 1812 ~ 2012
Abraham continued to be involved in the land reform movement, which eventually led to his imprisonment and exile to Siberia in 1874. He managed to escape in 1876.
Abraham immediately continued his altruistic, yet sometimes doubtful, concern for the poor by visiting the Manitoba KG in the fall of 1877. His reception here was less than enthusiastic as indicated from excerpts of letters written by Jacob L. Dueck of Gruenfeld. (December 1877) The escaped Abraham Thiessen visited here in fall. He had been given a free ticket out there in order to act as a lumber agent here. When he realized that we were not interested in him and that there was no hope of gain he turned his back on us. In another letter Dueck adds the following information: (November 1877): Now dear brother I need to mention that Abraham Thiessen from Nebraska was here last fall. He wanted to take people along with him without cost as if he believed that people would accept him as a redeemer. I only saw Abraham Thiessen once during his visit here. On Sunday as we left the worship service in Rosenfeld we met Abraham walking toward Rosenfeld. In the afternoon he had tried to visit Johann Duecks but they were not home. After this he walked to Tannenau and arranged for a ride to Winnipeg. For a more detailed account of Abraham Thiessen’s life, see the GAMEO article on him and consult Delbert Plett’s book, Storm and Triumph, 259–265.
by Henry Fast
Mennonite Revolutionary
Abraham Thiessen, Petersburg, Russia (date unknown) • The Messenger 15
Columns • archives alcove
Helping the needy and oppressed
by Terry M. Smith
id Klaas Reimer and other KG leaders in Russia show concern for people beyond their church and cultural circles? Did they intercede with government on their behalf? Historians provide some information. Dr. Royden Loewen says the KG disciplined members who mistreated workers. Delbert Plett, the late historian, lists instances of how KG members were disciplined for striking a worker, for treating a servant girl “too harshly,” or for “revenge” against a worker (Plett, Sinners and Saints, 272). Klaas Reimer strongly opposed the beating of workers. In 1848 the KG contributed 483 rubles “to the Russian government for the support of lawful authority and order”—though an elder said later it had not “known the money would be used to purchase military horses” (Sinners, 273). During the Crimean War (1853–56), the KG held a collection for “the nursing care of wounded soldiers.” Some KGers cared for wounded soldiers, including Anna Wiebe whose teen son Jacob transported supplies to the front and brought back injured soldiers (Sinners, 273). This Crimean involvement was not beyond later criticism. Peter Toews (d. 1922) thought the KG had compromised its faith (Harvey Plett, Seeking to Be Faithful, 47).
During the Crimean War (1853–56), the Kleine Gemeinde held a collection for “the nursing care of wounded soldiers.”
16 The Messenger • September 2012
In 1849 the KG were commended “for grain which was provided to the Jews” (Sinners, 273). The circumstances are unclear. Once when Klaas Reimer sought to buy land, a Russian official asked if he would take the serfs that came with it; he said yes. Then the official said it was wrong for Mennonites to own people, and Reimer backed off from the deal, knowing he had erred (Delbert Plett, Leaders, 125). There’s no indication Reimer suggested to the official that it was wrong for anyone to own people. Pieter Pieters, a Dutch Mennonite preacher (d. 1651) whose writings were popular among the KG, spoke against individuals who “tightfistedly seek to beat the labourer out of his remuneration even though he very well knows that it is impossible to subsist from such a miserly wage.” He held that those “who increase their empire” by eating “the flesh of the poor” fall under the judgment of God mentioned in James 5 (GAMEO and Sinners, 273). Delbert Plett says some KGers “were motivated by a faith which called people to a radically new vision of social justice within society” and that their efforts for the needy and oppressed came a century earlier than MCC, MEDA, and MDS (Sinners, 275). Historians give evidence that the KG in Russia did at times seek the well being of those beyond their church and cultural circles. This fits the first part of Gal. 6:10: “let us do good to all people.” If, though, some KG members in Russia did have “a radically new vision of social justice within society” as Delbert Plett held, how far did it extend or last? Did KG leaders intercede before government on behalf of Russian or Ukrainian people? More evidence would help us decide whether Delbert Plett’s interpretation is fair or a wellintentioned over-statement. Detail of Franz Roubaud’s panoramic painting The Siege of Sevastopol (Crimean War).
With Our Missionaries
A big challenge of a cross-cultural worker is being far away from family. Our family is currently spread around the world and regular get-togethers don’t happen. We also miss the church family, especially starting a church plant. Typically, in the first months the attendance is low and much of the ministry must be done by the workers. Further challenges are the differences of language and cultural norms and practices. The success and the survival for each of us is our ability to adapt to and embrace these differences. On the positive side, there is a rich opportunity for learning. In Guadalajara, the process of greeting each other is special. When people meet they always greet each other. Men will shake hands with other men and sometimes hug closer friends. Men with women, and women to women, will greet cheek to cheek, kissing the air. When both entering and leaving, it is important to greet each person. Younger men have a ritual of hand slapping, hugging, and a handshake or derivatives. It has been enriching to start the church plant here in Guadalajara along with two couples and their families. We have had several dedicated ministry teams join us to pray and serve. These experiences have been encouraging and rewarding. Our neighbours watch us. They know when teams and family members come. This gives a whole new meaning to neighborhood watch. They want to know who we are and what we are doing. This gives us
opportunity for meaningful conversations. Our presence makes a difference, and our testimony goes way beyond our words and conversations. The key for us is to use our weaknesses and our strengths as bridges into our neighbours’ lives. Being Canadian is a privilege in Mexico. Many ask why we would live here when many would prefer to live in Canada. Being humble and willing to learn their culture is a great door opener. We’ve had many occasions to invite people to a meal and they, in turn, introduce us to their favourite dishes. Many of our neighbors don’t have family close by; our friendship and that of our little community of believers is a great gift we can offer to wealthier yet lonely people. We sometimes explore the sites of Mexico, in the city or surrounding area. Recently we drove to Teuchitlan
to see ruins that date to Christ’s time. Mexico has much to offer, but so do we, as we allow the Spirit of Christ to engage the gospel with their lives. With family and friends far away, Jesus’ words become significant: “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life” (Mark 10:29–30). – John Reimer John and Connie Reimer (Community Bible Church, Swan River) serve in a church planting team in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco State, Mexico.
Strengths and weaknesses as bridges
EMC cross-cultural workers in Mexico recently travelled to see ruins at Teuchitlan (pictured are Connie Reimer, Tara Wiebe, and Faith Siemens with Emma. • The Messenger 17
With Our Missionaries
Seven years and a conference later MEXICO
In October 2005, my wife Lorna and I began work with EMC Germanspeaking churches in Chihuahua State, Mexico. We were sent to help them become autonomous in both personnel and finances. We soon found that they would need to take two major steps simultaneously: local leaders and local finances. The EMC Board of Missions had to a large extent supplied both of these since the founding of the churches. Since the BOM’s policy stated that they could not pay foreign workers, other avenues had to be explored to help pay local pastors, should they become available. That local pastors
would be found seemed a daunting task. The EMMC also had three churches here in Mexico, and they shared the desire to help their churches become autonomous; the two conferences soon joined forces. Negotiations, in which Peter and Martha Doerksen played a vital role, were started with mission boards to implement a subsidy program; this would allow churches to make a gradual change instead of a sudden one. This, in turn, would make it much more possible to make these changes. The mission boards accepted a five-year subsidy that has helped the churches tremendously on the road to autonomy. This year, 2012, is the last year of this subsidy plan, and many of
Service Opportunities with EMC DVBS/CAMP MINISTRY WORK TEAMS Bolivia: November 1–12, 2012 School construction project in Pailon Bolivia: January 2013 San Jose Ministry Centre
Summer 2013 Mexico ministry with the Mexican CEMM (Spanish-language Conference) including DVBS and camp ministry.
the desired changes have successfully happened. Early on, the decision was made to join the EMC and EMMC churches in Mexico to form a conference today known as the Conferencia Misionera Evangelica (CME, Evangelical Missionary Conference). Today the CME consists of seven churches: five in Chihuahua State and two in Durango State. These churches decided from the start to donate 10 per cent of their income to the CME, which uses this money to help churches with projects and to start a mission program. The mission program is still on a fairly minor scale, but the CME is heading in the right direction; we see this as positive and are thankful for it. One negative experience in the forming of the CME was the closing of the Camp 67 church. On behalf of the CME churches I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to both the EM and EMM conferences in Canada for their moral and financial support during this transitional time. Without your support these changes would have been much harder. May God reward you for, first of all, bringing the gospel to these people and for standing by these churches! – John Wall
A one-year internship beginning January 2013 in the city of Guadalajara, Mexico.
Paraguay: February 2013 Guadalajara: February 2013
For more details on these opportunities, contact Diana Peters at or 204-326-6401.
18 The Messenger • September 2012
Lorna and John Wall are part of Straffordville EMC in southern Ontario.
With Our Missionaries
Preparing to follow and go
excited to have copies of Scripture in their own language. Thank you for being a part of this new church plant team to the Pei. Thank you for praying for all of these new NTBI students as they dig into God’s Word and study it so he can change their lives and prepare them to pass on the learning. – Kim and Dave Field
“To Wisconsin in August”— this is what I saw on a student’s box as they unloaded their vehicle today. One hundred and nine new students are on their way here to New Tribes Bible Institute from all around the country. The beginning of a new school year is exciting for students as they meet roommates, sign up for classes, find their way around the building, and begin settling into their new life here. The dorm rooms are bursting at the seams, as enrollment is high. God has amazing things in store for all these students in these next two years as they study the Word and grow in their faith walk with the Lord. Let me tell you about some of our friends who have already studied at NTBI, taken the training, and are now overseas. Tony and Tara Sutton and their family work in Papua New Guinea (PNG) where they are involved with finding new people groups who are so remote they have never had the
God has amazing things in store for all these students in these next two years as they study the Word and grow in their faith walk with the Lord.
The Dinangat believers in Papua New Guinea are excited to have copies of Scripture in their own language.
opportunity to hear about Christ. Just recently, the survey team found a people group called the Pei who have no written language, no Scriptures, no “In the beginning God....” There are two families and one single lady who are new missionaries to PNG; they are ready to be allocated to this people group. They are right now in the process of moving there, building a house, starting relationships, and studying the culture and language. All of this so that one day they can see a new church being born who finally will know about what Christ has done for them. Ralf and Elli Schlegel, missionaries in the Dinangat people group in PNG, just finished translating Mark and 1 Corinthians and just began 2 Timothy. The believers are so
Dave and Kim Field (Steinbach EMC) serve at New Tribes Bible Institute in Waukesha, Wisconsin.
to the core FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2012 CALLING TO CONNECT GALA With Special GueStS Janet Stewart, Wilma Derksen & JJ Lavallee
Reserve your tickets and tables today to this annual, sold-out event by contacting Laurie at 582-8779 or laurie@icya • The Messenger 19
With Our Missionaries
Reading and hearing biblical texts EUROPE
Both the EMC and the Lovangai church, located in north-eastern Papua New Guinea, desire to use biblical texts to shape and influence the way they live. Both talk out loud in their gatherings and events in order to influence people towards right living. The books of the Bible were composed as individual texts and EMC church members are commonly taught to engage with them as individual readers and students. In the early Christian movement, however, the practice of oratory—speaking out loud to audience groups in order to influence or persuade—was an integral part of how the texts were designed to be used. When the New Testament writings were composed, an author would expect the text to be learned and studied by a trained reader-speaker for the purpose of performing it out loud to a group of hearers. “Let the reader understand” (Mark 13:14), for example, is not given to any and every individual reader, but is a signal to the one who reads out loud—the performer—to be careful to perform the text in the right way. It was hearers, rather than individual silent readers, that were supposed to be affected by the text. We can assume that for the earliest audience groups the text was a speaking and hearing event and not an individual experience of reading as we often know it. In the years that I participated in the Lovangai church I saw and heard church members continually speaking in groups of all kinds. Important 20 The Messenger • September 2012
“Let the reader understand” (Mark 13:14) is a signal to the one who reads out loud—the performer—to be careful to perform the text in the right way. matters were talked about and people were speaking to try to shape and influence the group to live in certain ways. I also saw soon how certain texts were highly esteemed in the church and in many homes. The Bible in Tok Pisin, Kuanua and English, and a church hymnal were used heavily. I also saw other texts being written and used for various purposes. Studies of “traditional peoples” have often made a sharp distinction between orality and reading and have tended to assume that “we in the Western world” are a literate society or a print culture while “traditional societies” are oral. I found, though, that Lovangais are both text people and oral people. In some important senses this was similar to what I knew from my EMC experience. Though there is a high education and literacy level among the EMC and texts are used for a variety of purposes, this does not preclude orality. It is absurd to imagine EMC events consisting only of texts being read silently—or even aloud. For we know the importance in our meetings and gatherings of prepared as well as spontaneous speaking. Imagine our funerals, worship
services, prayer meetings, Sunday School discussion groups, youth events and pastoral counselling sessions; and then consider how flat and lifeless—even impossible—these would be without the spoken and sung word. These gatherings, essential to our life of faith as a group of people, are constituted in a significant way by the continual speaking we do with and to one another about important things. Orality is alive and well among us, the so-called “print culture people.” – Lesley and Marianne Fast
Lesley and Marianne Fast (Blumenort) worked with the Lovangai church on a Bible translation and literacy project from 1986 to 2000. Currently Marianne works with Wycliffe Netherlands and Lesley works in Europe as a translation tutor and as translation consultant for Romani translation projects.
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With Our Missionaries
Working for justice and peace MEXICO
Being the church that works for justice and peace—that was the topic of a weekend in Matamoros, Tamaulipas State, when we joined workers from other conferences and parts of Mexico in a common goal and purpose. Justice and peace are relevant, as Mexico’s violence and unrest continues to be of great concern. Our speaker, Ricardo Esquivia, a renowned human rights lawyer and Colombian Mennonite, engaged us in discussion on who we are as Anabaptists and what our role is in society. What is the health of the Church? Are we in any condition to help society? We need to not only be willing to help, but also have training. Just as someone suffering a heart attack seeks help from medics and doctors, the Church needs to be trained to know
how to offer solutions of justice and peace to society. When the Church enters society in a positive, transforming way, society becomes aware and appreciative of it. Instead of critiquing or turning a blind eye to the darkness, the Church needs to light a candle in the darkness. The question is how. With great skill Ricardo guided us from the theoretical to the practical, saying the Anabaptist church needs to have an ethical and political presence in society. We were asked to list the critical issues the church is facing now. Among those were: victims of violence (Chihuahua State alone has over 16,000 orphans), the war over water (in Chihuahua), migration, Anabaptist identity, kidnappings, and others. We were asked to prioritize and chose one issue. A task force was formed to investigate, combat and
Ricardo helped us begin to see how the Anabaptist church in Mexico can influence society, promoting and initiating peace.
Ricardo Esquivia Ballest, Colombian Mennonite and human rights lawyer
give a voice for the Mennonite church in society. There is a desire for the church in Mexico to be proactive in seeking the peace of a nation. The vision is being caught, and people are having faith that God will do great things through the church. Using practical examples from his experiences, Ricardo helped us begin to see how the Anabaptist church in Mexico can influence society, promoting and initiating peace. Ricardo stated that the essence of peace is patience. With its more than 40 years of constructing peace in Colombia, Ricardo concludes that the Mennonite church there has become recognized by society and government as an important voice in bringing peace to a nation. It was amazing to see how the Anabaptist Churches of Mexico (IAMUM) desire to work together. Dutch/German/Russian-descent and other Mennonites were represented. There were leaders from six Mennonite conferences covering seven states. It was amazing to have times of worship led by each group, united by a common identity, both in Christ and as Anabaptists. To reconnect with many friends from Chihuahua region, and to engage and network with other pastors and congregations was a special blessing. May we have wisdom and unity as we seek peace and pursue it in the context where God has placed his Church! – LeRoy Siemens LeRoy Siemens (EFC Steinbach) is part of a church planting team in Guadalajara, Jalisco State, Mexico. • The Messenger 21
With Our Missionaries
Calls to prayer in France and Burkina Faso BURKINA FASO
Lois and I finally have arrived in Ouagadougou! Having my passport and vaccination booklet stolen at the Gare de l’Est upon our arrival in Paris on August 9 was traumatic. Friday and Monday (Aug. 10 and 13) were challenging days of getting a new passport in Paris, as well as a new visa for Burkina Faso and a new document to prove that I have had my yellow fever vaccination. God helped us accomplish all of those things. The people at the Canadian Embassy, the Burkina Faso Embassy, and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority were all extremely kind, helpful, and efficient as they helped replace my stolen documents. I must add Janet Oakley at Holiday
The call to prayer reminds me to give thanks to God for his guidance, protection, love, and care.
Travel—she rescheduled our flight. In between those busy days, we had Saturday and Sunday in Paris, where the unplanned weekend turned out to be enjoyable and uplifting. These were relaxing days where Lois and I strolled through the city, enjoyed meals, and attended a Catholic church service on Sunday morning; an enormous pipe organ helped us to worship God. On Monday, near the Burkina Faso embassy we were amazed by the flower display at the Jardin de Luxembourg: dalias, brown eyed susans, petunias, bachelors buttons, daisies and more (Lois knew their names) in a luscious bed of greenery. This garden was the background setting for a prayer time, where Lois and I talked to God about the challenges, needs, and goals of our new beginning in Burkina Faso. So here we are in Ouagadougou. We had supper with Anne and Daniel Kompaoré at their house last night, and then they left for Paris (on their way to Canada) probably on the same Air France jet that we arrived in. Today, Wednesday, is a national holiday (Catholic) in France and in Burkina Faso: The Assumption of Mary. So we can’t do official business till tomorrow.
Grendelbruch church
22 The Messenger • September 2012
Mosque near Tin, Burkina Faso
We plan to have lunch with Carol Bergen, a Mennonite Brethren missionary, and want to visit Sonde Augustin Coulibaly this afternoon. After a few days in Ouaga, we hope to take the bus to Bobo on the weekend. In France in every village, and on many street corners in Paris, we heard church bells ringing. We heard them every hour on the hour in Grendelbruch (the village where our son Jonathan and Cécile got married in July). In Burkina Faso you hear the Muslim call to prayer in every village and on most street corners in Ouagadougou. We heard that call this morning. The church bells and the call from the minaret are calls to prayer. At least I take them as such. All of these call us to pause and reflect on the Creator of Heaven and Earth. I would like to once again allow the Muslim call to prayer to remind me to pause and talk to my Father in Heaven. Today the call to prayer reminds me to give thanks to God for his guidance, protection, love, and care during the past hectic week. – Paul Thiessen
Paul and Lois Thiessen (Blumenort) recently returned to full-time service in Burkina Faso.
With Our Churches Roseisle EMC
Our CAMPOUT was CAPITAL! Roseisle, Man.—The weekend of July 20–22, 2012, those from our congregation who chose to gathered at Stephenfield Provincial Park for a summer retreat. Let me tell you about our CAMPOUT!
Campers, Coolers, Crowds of Children (and adults) Converged around the Campfire on Friday night. We were a Congregation ready to spend time in God’s Creation.
Air conditioning? Some thought they needed it, but most of us were happy to be out in the fresh Air enjoying the Awesome weather. Apparently the odd Air mattress went flat—but even with their Aching backs, Adults were Able to Amble out of their tents in the A.M.
The Music was Melodious, some of it led with lively Motion and Movement by Multiple Members of our Mighty army of camp workers! The Morning Muffins were oh so….MMM! and the Memories Made oh so…Memorable!
Hot dog roast
Our Pastor Preached without a Pulpit, we Played together, acted out Parables, sat at Picnic tables and ate Pie iron Pizzas. Pancakes? No, Roseisle EMC eats waffles.
The Outhouse was Often Occupied, but it was also a good spot to hang the schedule so Our weekend was kept Organized and in good Order. The Outcry of “Ouch” was Overheard when an Old hand at living in the bush and cooking Over fires, touched the Oven-hot end of the roasting stick.
Them in Trailers and pulled Them behind bikes. On Saturday night, our Thoughts were of joy and Thanksgiving, but we also shared Tears as Three members from our Roseisle EMC Tribe shared personal Testimonies of God’s faithfulness, Teaching, Tenderness and perfect Timing Through life. On Sunday, we Trekked back home, Tired but Thrilled we had been part of a Tremendous weekend. – Eleanor Friesen
Some of Us may have been exposed to UV rays while participating in an Unruly game of water polo that many were Up for and Unafraid of! Unsuspecting individuals also ended Up Under water.
Tiny babies Tented for the first Time, little Tikes Traveled about on Their Trikes or, if They were lucky, Their parents put
Lots of visiting was done during mealtimes around picnic tables.
Some of our Winkler Bible Camp workers teach us camp songs with motion and movement: Lucas Klassen, Kelby Friesen, Katelyn Friesen. • The Messenger 23
With Our Churches Abbeydale Christian Fellowship
Graduation, new members, and service Calgary, Alta.—June was In June, Family Camp an exciting month. On June was held on the shores of 9 we celebrated the high Sylvan Lake. Besides lots of school graduation of Jamie fun, games, visiting and eatAnderson, Felix Boateng, ing we were inspired by the Crystal Esau and Thomas stories of how God called Mann with a “red carpet” two of our members into evening to honour their His work. accomplishment and wish Jackie Kornelson, who them well as they move on. is in her fourth year of The next day we pre-med studies at the celebrated as five people University of Calgary, had became members of our just returned from a fivechurch. Aaron Mann, Nic week volunteer internship Esau, and Elizabeth Block in Ecuador during which shared their testimonies Abbeydale celebrated with high school graduates on June 9. she helped build houses and were baptized. Bruce and shadow doctors in two While people wait their turn to and Gail Falconer joined us by memmedical facilities. pick up food, they are offered the bership transfer. The next month she travelled to opportunity to enjoy coffee and conAnother June highlight saw the South Africa on an MCC sponsored versation with other volunteers. This launch of Community Cupboard, an trip to South Africa. She told us how, outreach ministry that provides free is a key part of this ministry allows us at age 13, she clearly became aware of food to the residents of Abbeydale to make real connections with those God calling her to become a doctor in and neighbouring Applewood, which who come through the doors. developing countries and how he has are two of the lowest-income areas At the beginning we were serving guided her choices. of the city. Every Tuesday evening a about 20 families (50 people), but we Gerald Mann told us about God’s have been pleased to see growth as group of about 15 volunteers help leading and guidance as he moved the numbers have almost doubled in host and distribute food. from being a school principal to a the three months it’s been running. hospital chaplain. I think many of us Mustard Seed is another foodwere challenged to slow down and lisrelated ministry our church is involved ten for the voice of a caring God who in. On July 31 a group of volunteers longs to give our lives direction. served over 400 plates of food to some – Brenda Dick of Calgary’s homeless and working poor.
Jackie Kornelson spent time in South Africa.
24 The Messenger • September 2012
Abbeydale’s Community Cupboard program serves nearly 100 people weekly.
With Our Churches St. Vital EMC
St. Vital is all about family
Winnipeg, Man.—St. Vital EMC is all about family. There are a number of events throughout the year that encourage time spent together as a church family. Our annual picnic was held on Sunday, June 10, 2012, on our church yard, with a potluck lunch and lots of activities for old and young. – Lorena Penner
Weddings FRIESEN – ELLIOTT: Joshua, son of Brian and Elaine Friesen of Roseisle, Man., and Natalie, daughter of David and Lisa Elliott of London, Ont., were married on Aug. 4, 2012, at Fort Garry MB Church with Terry Janke officiating. The couple lives in Winnipeg, Man.
Counselling Survivors of Abuse taught by Hali Reimer Living through a period of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can leave emotional wounds that are harder to heal than many physical injuries. Biblical counselling assists persons in gaining capacities for understanding, expressing, integrating, and letting go of the pain and confusion stemming from the abuse. This weekend course is open to all and will equip both the professional and lay person. Visit for information or to register. October 11–13, 2012 Thursday and Friday 7:00–9:45 pm, Saturday 9:00 am–4:00 pm
Births EIDSE – to Keith and Stacey Eidse of Winnipeg, Man., a daughter, Emily Jane, on Aug. 23, 2012. KROEKER – to Tyson and Diane Kroeker of Winnipeg, Man., a son, Todd Gerell, on July 24, 2012. HIEBERT – to Matthew and Rachelle Hiebert of Winnipeg, Man., a son, Hudson Micah, on Aug. 8, 2012.
save the date Leadership Conference 2013 March 1-2, 2013
with speaker Stuart Murray
author of The Naked Anabaptist Please note the date change for this year in order to accomodate Stuart Murray’s schedule. • The Messenger 25
Columns • writings shared Through Fire and Water: An Overview of Mennonite History by Harry Loewen and Steven M. Nolt (Herald Press, rev. 2010). 335 pp. $16.99. ISBN 9780836195064. Reviewed by Wally Doerksen (Good News), teacher by training, farmer by work, and former member of the Board of Church Ministries.
his is an easy to read and relatively complete history of the Mennonite church that goes all the way back to the Reformation. It covers all the great names like Ulrich Zwingli, George Blaurock, Conrad Grebel and, of course, Menno Simons himself. Whether we agree with how they did things or not, the fact remains they were dedicated people who acted out of conviction and they are, to that extent, very good role models to follow. It covers the familiar topics of how Anabaptism and non-resistance came into the belief system. It covers the search for peace and prosperity in the 1600s and 1700s. It looks at the North American Mennonites and the Brethren in
Christ stories. The last third of the book covers the Mennonite experience in Russia in particular, which is a fascinating read. There are stories about women, conversions of native Americans, about evangelicalism in general, and peace issues. Included also are chapters on the church expanding to Africa and Latin America, with additional material on racism and being a faithful witness in a diversified world in general. This book is well written, well researched, and highly readable. Perhaps it is not intended as a comprehensive work for scholars to pore over, but most of us do not find ourselves in that position anyway. So find the book in your library or pick it up at the bookstore and enjoy the read.
There are stories about women, conversions of Native Americans, about evangelicalism in general, and peace issues.
God and Me: 365 daily devotions by Penny Boshoff (Make Believe Ideas, 2005). 380 pp. $16.99. ISBN 9781905051786. Reviewed by Lisa Schau (St. Vital), mother of young children.
o you have a consistent devotional time with your preschoolers? Me neither. But when I did remember, my kids, aged three and five years old, really enjoyed this book. I had been using it (off-and-on) for three years. And I still liked it too. The hardcover book is divided into a page per day from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. Each page has bright colours and pictures of real kids in real kid settings. Each day’s devotion is in three parts. First, a brief paragraph describes or asks questions about a typical Western kids’ life. Some are about difficult situations, like arguing with siblings or visiting people in the 26 The Messenger • September 2012
hospital. Others are about appreciating what God has made, like water or toes. A quick prayer follows this, often with a blank for the child to fill in. The best part is last: the reference for a verse or passage from the Bible that relates directly to the topic for the day. How wonderful it is to open up a real Bible—not a Bible storybook, but the real Bible that I love to read myself—and to read it to my kids. The downside to this devotional book? The whining when I told them, “Sorry, kids, that’s it till tomorrow.” Sigh.
Each page has bright colours and pictures of real kids in real kid settings.
190 gather for launch of Light the World
Rev. Ben Eidse (right) and his daughter Faith Eidse pose behind their book Light the World.
STEINBACH, Man.—Question: who were the first foreign missionaries sent out by the newly-formed EMC Board of Missions in 1953? Answer: Ben and Helen Eidse. Nearly 60 years later their story is now in print. An estimated 190 people gathered for the book launch of Light the World: The Ben and Helen Eidse Story as told to Faith Eidse in the fellowship hall of Steinbach EMC on Aug. 12, 2012. “…Many of you are in the book” and all who supported the ministry of the Eidses are a part of it, said Dr. Faith Eidse, writer and eldest daughter, who outlined their history. Ben, from Rosenort EMC, wanted to be a teacher, but his father encouraged him to farm. During his farming period, many of his family came to know the Lord. He later attended (now) Steinbach Bible College where Helen Reimer, a high school sweetheart from Steinbach EMC, was also studying. Among Ben’s graduating class of 1948 were several people who became missionaries. He then served under the Western Gospel Mission in western Canada. Ben and Helen were married in 1952 and on the “next day” they met with a mission board. They began their service in Congo in 1953 under what is now Africa InterMennonite Mission (formerly Congo Inland Mission). They faced tribal conflict, political revolution, illness, and a serious accident. Their ministries were in evangelism, church planting, health care, and Bible translation. They had four daughters. Later, Ben became president of Steinbach Bible College and was involved in PhD studies
Ben and Helen Eidse faced tribal conflict, political revolution, illness, and a serious accident.
in Scotland; completion of the doctorate was interrupted by a decline in Helen’s health. (She passed away in 2010.) On Aug. 12, Faith, Hope, Charity, and Grace with their father led singing in five languages. Rev. Eidse, 84 this October, said that he was more certain than ever that the Lord had led them step-by-step. He sought to encourage those present in the Lord. He felt called to “empower the powerless” and told stories of confronting political officials. John Schellenberg, a son-in-law who with his wife Charity works in Congo, spoke of how the tradition of faith knows no boundaries. When Rev. Eidse and family members recently returned to the Congo, John faced bureaucratic obstacles to arranging a plane ride within the country. When another official overhead John talking about Ben as a Chokwe elder, he hurried over to say that Ben was dead and seemed to doubt if the stories he’d previously heard about him were true. John replied that Ben “is in my car.” After the official met Ben, they had “red carpet” treatment to the plane. A book launch was also held at Rosenort EMC on Aug. 11. Light the World is available from Faith Eidse (, Rev. Ben Eidse in Steinbach (eidseb@, and the EMC national office ( The price is $20 (with mailing extra). An e-book is available for $5.99 at various non-EMC on-line sites. – Terry M. Smith
Sixty years later God’s leading is recognized
Many people lined up for signed copies of the Light the World. • The Messenger 27
AIMM celebrates its centennial Pioneers and early principles were blessed GOSHEN, Ind.—In January 1912 a small inter-Mennonite mission board was created in the hamlet of Meadows, IL, and named the Congo Inland Mission. Before year’s end, Lawrence and Rose B. Haigh and Alvin Stevenson stood near the Kasai River in the southcentral region of the Belgian Congo. They believed that, with God’s help, they would plant a Mennonite Church. Living in tents, they cleared brush, felled trees and created simple shelters. They struggled to learn Tshiluba, the local language. Alvin Stevenson soon lay in an African grave, leaving a widow and three children in Illinois. In two years six recruits joined the remaining duo. By then, they were allotted an area of responsibility between the Kasai and Kwilu Rivers and home to six major tribes. They were the only evangelical witnesses in that region. Exhibiting vision and faith, they set goals and guidelines to: • Establish a resident missionary presence within each tribal group • Tell about Jesus in the tribe’s mother tongue
from the past... into the future
Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission Centennial Celebration Banquet Friday, September 28, 2012 | 6 p.m. Heartland Community Church Landmark, Manitoba Complimentary tickets available at the Evangelical Mennonite Conference office 440 Main Street Steinbach, MB 204-326-6401
28 The Messenger • September 2012
Offer children literacy through schools and materials in their tongue • Be holistic, ministering to people’s spiritual and physical needs • Whenever possible, provide Scriptures for each group in their language • Settle for nothing other than one inter-tribal Mennonite church, believing in Christ enemies can become brothers and sisters. • Africans will be the primary evangelists and church planters • Work with other Protestant Missions where feasible and beneficial. That the CIM, now Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission (AIMM), is celebrating its centennial is a tribute to how God honoured their faith and missiological principles. By the 1960s there were six groups involved within AIMM: the Evangelical Mennonite Church (US), the Evangelical Mennonite Brethren, the General Conference Mennonite Church, the Mennonite Brethren, the Evangelical Mennonite Conference, and the Evangelical Mennonite Missions Conference. Today there are three autonomous Mennonite conferences in Congo. Two stem directly from AIMM; a third has indirect ties. They total more than 220,000 members. In July two conferences celebrated their AIMM history. A highlight was the release of 100 stories researched and written by Africans about Africans of when the first witnesses to the gospel were unwelcome and frequently rebuffed and menaced. The stories’ standards of devotion and commitment remind us: “It is not by might nor by power but by my Spirit, says the Lord.” In North America, September is a time for celebration. For the EMC, it will be held on Sept. 28 in Landmark, Man. Call the national office (204-326-6401) for reservations. Two African brothers will participate: Rev. Benjamin Mubenga (president, CEM in Congo) and Rev. Siaka Traore (president, Mennonite Church of Burkina Faso). There will be a video of the July celebration in Congo, a PowerPoint overview of AIMM’s history, reflections of AIMM-related people, and the release of an English collection of stories about African Mennonites. In 1953 Ben and Helen Eidse were sent by the EMC to serve in Congo under AIMM, the first officially sent foreign workers. – AIMM and EMC
250 gather for bicentennial party in Region 8 One celebration of many intended for 2012 STEINBACH, Man.—The spiritual descendants of Christians content “to live quietly in faith and peace” are now “loud,” having “heard the call of God to evangelize the world”—so said Darryl Klassen, speaker at a recent EMC bicentennial celebration in Region 8. Klassen (Kleefeld) addressed about 140 people gathered on August 21, 2012, on the parking lot shared by the EMC’s national office and Steinbach EMC, one its earliest churches in Canada. Pastor Mo Friesen and Colin Friesen (both from Steinbach EFC) led in singing and provided background music through the midday event.
Left: Leonard Barkman (Pansy Chapel) winds up to “Dunk a Pastor.” Right: Steinbach EMC senior pastor Garry Koop gets wet—again.
Tim Dyck, the EMC’s general secretary, opened the gathering in prayer, thanking God for his “faithfulness through the generations” and “how you have led” the “conference of churches.” Klassen then spoke. The EMC story is one of faith, not migration, said Klassen. “We celebrate, rather, a spiritual journey that God instigated and sustained through many joys and trials.” Today, the original 150 families now comprise nearly 8,000 members and the Conference includes people of many backgrounds, he said. “The beauty of a faith like ours is that cultural walls are meant to be broken down so that all may come and know Jesus,” said Klassen. “We in the EMC have a particular perspective of Jesus and we want to share him with others.”
Henry Klassen, the conference’s first General Secretary, spoke of how the EMC has developed in organization. Former staff members and board members were recognized. Tim Dyck then read a letter from MP Vic Toews. Chris Goertzen, mayor of Steinbach, spoke appreciatively of the contributions of EMCers within Manitoba and wider. Kelvin Goertzen, MLA, encouraged those present to keep Jesus central in the church. Don Plett, the first EMC member to serve as a senator, brought greetings from the Government of Canada. Tim Dyck spoke of gratitude to KG pioneers for their faith and to the governments of Canada and Manitoba for religious freedom and land. The church’s “motivation” in moving here was for religious freedom, not “wealth or opportunity,” he said. Dyck said the EMC is “not the same group” as it was 200 years ago, and he hoped people “sensed an inviting spirit.” He said, “We are a church of people who are centred around the person of Jesus Christ, and we are committed to a life that is patterned after his example.” Moderator Richard Klassen (Straffordville, Ont.) said that while at times cultural matters were “too prominent,” earlier members would have said “their faith in God” was of “ultimate importance.” He led in a prayer of gratitude and dedication. A barbecue lunch and birthday cake followed, enjoyed by about 250 people. Activities included face painting and a dunk tank—where several EMC pastors and national staff members experienced what Garry Koop, a suddenly wet volunteer, called “reverse” baptism. The EMC is having a year-long celebration of God’s faithfulness; strategic planning is also underway. A national celebration was held in July at convention, and churches and regions are encouraged to celebrate locally. – Terry M. Smith
About 250 people enjoyed the lunch celebration. • The Messenger 29
Food crisis in Sahel deepens in rainy season People hope for a good harvest
NG 2 0 0 Y
Most projects are funded through MCC’s account in Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Donations can be made online, by telephone (1-888622-6337) or by sending a cheque to MCC designated for the “Sahel food crisis.” Till Sept. 30 the Canadian government is matching what individual Canadians contribute to registered Canadian charities. – MCC
Lebane (left) and Umale (right) are part of a community group in their village in south-west Niger that identifies families who need emergency food assistance.
Management Principles taught by David Driedger
WINNIPEG, Man.—More than 18.7 million people, including one million children, are affected by a food and malnutrition crisis in the Sahel region in West Africa, according to reports from a United Nations agency. MCC is providing emergency food assistance in Burkina Faso, Niger, and Mali. The harvest failed in 2011 and the crisis has deepened since the year started, says Mark Sprunger, an MCC director for West Africa. “The Sahel is in the rainy season and it is when food supplies are the most limited,” says Sprunger. “In some places the rains are better than last year. There is hope for a good harvest, but until crops are harvested food supplies will be low.” Sprunger says prices of basic food have increased dramatically. Vulnerable are small farmers who might be forced to use their seed grain or sell assets, like their animals. If something happens to the cow used for cultivation, they cultivate by hand. Conflict in Mali has resulted in families fleeing; and in Burkina Faso deforestation has led to conflicts between herders and farmers. Working through local partners, MCC provides food and grain to families, strengthens grain banks to give farmers a market, and supports food-for-work and cashfor-work activities.
emc 1812 ~ 2012
Convention 2012 Giving
SBC (Fri. evening) Convention expenses (Sat. evening) Missions projects (Sunday)
$3,161.35 $9,642.99 $18,763.58
Total offerings:
Thank you!
30 The Messenger • September 2012
– Board of Trustees
This course will initiate students to the management functions common to ministry and non-profit organizations. Topics include biblical foundations of vision, mission and values, governance and leadership, strategic planning, management theories, staff and volunteer resources, communication strategies, and finances. This weekend course is open to all and will equip both the professional and lay person. Visit for information or to register. October 18–20, 2012 Thursday and Friday 7:00–9:45 pm, Saturday 9:00 am–4:00 pm
Rain brings hope of good harvest in Mexico colony Food will be scarce until crops are harvested
DURANGO COLONY, Mexico—Green Food packages are being distributed fields of corn, oats and beans once again to vulnerable families. “Between now dot the landscape in Durango Colony, and October, when the crops are a community of Low German Menharvested, food will be scarce,” said nonites in Mexico. Hiebert. In a region reeling from drought, the MCC also assists families living promise of a good harvest is welcome in the villages and hills in the Nuevo news, said Peter Hiebert, a member of a Ideal area. Support outside the colony committee coordinating MCC’s drought includes food packets containing beans, assistance there. rice, oil, corn, lentils, noodles and sugar, Justina Braun, with daughters Maria and “We are very thankful that God sent MCC canned meat, and MCC blankets. Anna, poses for a photograph with Betty us rain and that we have seeds that we MCC has committed $105,000 Kasdorf of MCC Canada. Braun, a widow could put into the ground,” he said. to the drought assistance projects in with 11 children, received food assistance. To help families, MCC provided Mexico. To date, about $28,000 has been vouchers for the purchase of feed for animals and seed for received. Donations are welcome. Cheques should be made out planting new crops. to MCC and designated Mexico Drought. They can be mailed “The smallest farmers were hit the hardest,” said Hiebert. to your nearest MCC office. Contributions can be made by call“If there is a good harvest, they will buy calves and soon after ing the nearest MCC office in Canada at 1-888-622-6337. that they will be able to start milk production again.” – MCC
Levi Loewen Kroeker 1929–2012
Levi, the youngest of eleven children, was born on Jan. 17, 1929, to Bishop J. B. Kroeker and wife Helena in Rosenort, Man. Levi experienced the hand of God on his life at a very young age when he contracted diptheria and
In Memory
received a vaccine just in time to save his life. Although he had a dramatic beginning to his journey in life, he decided he could do best on his own. It, unfortunately, took losing his worldly possessions and his family to bring him to the point where Jesus Christ was his only hope for salvation. This brought about dramatic changes in 1961 as he was restored to his old job, his loving wife and family who embraced him, and a new direction for his life began. In 1965 this brought a move to B.C. where Levi and his family took an active part in the planting of a church in Chase, B.C. Although a mechanic by trade, Levi enjoyed trucking and this passion led them to move to
Armstrong, B.C. where they still have their home. Although far from his family and roots, Levi was very much connected to them. Many trips were made back to Manitoba where he enjoyed meeting with siblings, many nieces and nephews and cousins. He passed away on May 17, 2012. He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Lillian Warkentin (also of Rosenort); seven children, 12 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren; his brother Ben and sister Anne; and many cousins, nieces and nephews. Although we all miss him greatly, he was failing and very anxious to go home to Jesus. He is home now. – His Family • The Messenger 31
In Memory
Helen (Reimer) Eidse 1928–2010
Helen Reimer Eidse, 82, entered her eternal home surrounded by family on October 17, 2010. She is survived by her husband of 58 years, Ben Eidse, and four daughters, Hope, Faith, Charity, and Grace and their families. Helen was born on March 3, 1928, the daughter of Peter D. and Marie Reimer. She was one of eleven children raised in the Steinbach Evangelical Mennonite Church and one of five daughters who served in overseas missions. In 1952 she graduated as a Registered Nurse from Grace Hospital, Winnipeg, and married her high school sweetheart Ben Eidse of Rosenort EMC on March 30. While they were serving with Western Gospel Mission in Saskatchewan, the Eidses were asked by the EMC to be their first officially-sent foreign missionaries. During three decades in Africa, Helen established a medical work in southwestern Congo, training nurses and delivering the leprosy cure in the 1970s. Patients often sought her medical and spiritual care instead of going to the closest hospital. She later directed all the clinics in western Kasai province. Helen also helped her husband’s translation team complete the modern Chokwe Bible. She was fluent in several languages, often writing encouraging letters in French. While 32 The Messenger • September 2012
Calendar proofreading the Bible in Congo in 1987, she delivered Grace’s daughter Kajia. When the Eidses retired to Steinbach, and Ben became president of Steinbach Bible College, Helen made their home a sanctuary for the homeless, elderly and a foster child. She became president for Serving Seniors, launched Meals on Wheels, and earned the Governor’s Award for Caring Canadians. When Ben was accepted into the PhD program at the University of Edinburgh, Helen returned to nursing and in Scotland was charged with first contact for home health care delivery. The Eidses returned to Steinbach several months before Helen’s mother died in 1994. Five months later in March 1995 Helen suffered a major stroke. The Eidses sold the house on First Street and the family helped them move to an apartment at Woodhaven Manor. There Helen learned to transfer in and out of bed, and Ben took care of her daily needs. If asked how she was doing, she would say, “Excellent!” She encouraged her family to “Sink into God’s love.” She enjoyed reading and often borrowed 20 books a month from Steinbach Library’s Bookmobile. She received home care daily from dedicated workers and often greeted her visitors with jokes (search Helen Eidse on YouTube). Helen lived in her bed and wheelchair for almost 16 years, prolonging her listening, singing, laughing and praying with and for her beloved family and friends. Viewings and devotionals were held at Woodhaven Manor, Steinbach, and at Rosenort EMC on October 20, 2010. A funeral service was held at Steinbach EMC on October 21, 2010. – Her Family
Alberta Sept. 21–23 Discover Your Ministry Potential A weekend of self-discovery Westpointe Community Church Grande Prairie 204-326-6401,
Manitoba Sept. 28 AIMM Centennial Banquet Heartland Community Church Landmark 204-326-6401 for free tickets
Oct. 11 Mental Health Workshop: Forgiveness and Mental Health, a Stepping Stone to Recovery For details, see ad on p. 11
Oct. 12–14 TRU'12: EMC Youth Leaders' Retreat Wilderness Edge Retreat and Conference Centre, Pinawa 204-326-6401,
Ontario Sept. 29 MCC Ride for Refuge Waterloo, Niagara, Brampton Check website for more dates and locations
Oct. 13 MCC Ride for Refuge Markham Check website for more dates and locations
Shoulder Tapping Pastoral positions West Zion Mennonite Church, a rural church near Carstairs, Alta., is seeking an experienced full-time senior/lead pastor for a multi-staff growing congregation of 180–200 in a rural/urban setting 70 kms north of Calgary. We are a Mennonite church that is evangelical and outreach/missions oriented. The applicant should be a deeply spiritual leader gifted in preaching/teaching and one who is committed to doing pastoral work. Interested persons should send a resume, a brief biography and statement of faith to: James Miller, Box 1078, Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0. The Australian Conference of Evangelical Mennonites Church of Hope requires an enthusiastic pastor with a passion for Christ to come to Australia for a minimum term of two years to take over the spiritual leadership of the church. We are a small congregation wanting to continue the Mennonite/Anabaptist vision here in Australia, looking for a person(s) to help us in that work. For information on this position please contact: Anne McQueen ( or David Rouse ( Crestview Fellowship (, an Evangelical Mennonite Conference church located in Winnipeg, Man., is prayerfully seeking applications for a senior pastor. If you feel God calling you to this position or if you have any questions about the position, please call Alex Wiebe at 204-837-2516 or send resume and references either electronically to the Pastoral Search Committee, Attn: Alex Wiebe ( or by mail to Pastoral Search Committee c/o Crestview Fellowship, 271 Hamilton Ave, Winnipeg, MB R2Y 0H3. Picture Butte Mennonite Church, a young congregation of about 200 people, seeks a full-time pastor to begin as soon as possible. Picture Butte is a small town in Southern Alberta approximately twenty minutes north of Lethbridge, the closest city centre. As our congregation consists largely of Mennonites who have settled here from Mexico, the successful applicant must be able to speak and present their messages in both the English and Low German languages. Please forward resumes with references and all other inquiries to: Henry Krahn, Box 891, Picture Butte, AB T0K 1V0; 403-732-5994 or La Crete Christian Fellowship Church (EMC) seeks a fulltime associate pastor. La Crete, located in NW Alberta, offers rural lifestyle and a progressive outlook. With a range of familyoriented amenities, it’s a great place to raise a family. LCCFC is a vibrant church of approximately 500 regular attendees who desire to spread the Word through a variety of ministries. The associate pastor will provide direction to our care giving and outreach ministries as well as work closely with the pastoral team to strengthen the parishioners’ personal connection and commitment to Jesus Christ.
The applicant should be committed to a personal Christian faith, a disciple of Jesus Christ, a willing and teachable leader, and a person whose love for the Lord is reflected in their ability to work well with others. If the Holy Spirit seems to be inviting you to pursue this further, please contact Bill Neudorf at 780-8141439,, or First Mennonite Church, Burns Lake, a small body of believers in northern BC, is looking for a part-time or full-time servant leader pastor. We desire to find a person who shares our vision and will work with us to fulfill it. Our ideal candidate will have an exceptional ability to inspire discipleship, outreach, and a desire to embrace our community, while holding firm to sound biblical doctrine. Our candidate will agree with the Confession of Faith in the Mennonite Perspective. Please send your resume to FMC c/o Wilf Dueck wedueck@, phone 250-692-3455 or (cell) 250-692-6454. New Life Christian Fellowship in Stevenson, Ont., seeks a senior pastor who has a heart for people and loves the Lord. We are an evangelical church located in Stevenson, Ontario. The church is mostly young families with average attendance between 80 and 100 people. The majority of the people attending have a Low Germanspeaking background. We seek a pastor who has the heart of a shepherd and a desire to see our church grow. He should have strong preaching and teaching skills and ability to develop leaders. Pastoral experience is preferred. He must be in agreement with our constitution and statement of faith. Anyone who possesses these qualifications and is interested in this position can forward their resume to Rosenort EMC, in southern Manitoba, seeks a senior pastor who will prepare and preach sermons that inspire, challenge and convict, emphasizing spiritual development. He will equip members, teaching and modelling local evangelism and missions and oversee the Leader-In-Training program. His ministry team includes a full-time youth pastor, lay ministers, deacons, and 250 members. He will be a servant leader, modelling faithfulness and love for the Lord, caring for those with needs while guiding, directing, correcting and unifying the church with sound Biblical teaching. He views the Bible as the inspired and true Word of God, the authority for faith and action. Having a deep personal faith, strong convictions, and valuing family highly, he is a warm and loving person. He relates to us as a listener; not afraid to reveal personal pain and struggles; a compassionate and godly man. See for full ad. Contact: Arlin Scharfenberg,, 204746-6154. Ridgewood EMC is looking for a full-time senior pastor. This multi-generational family oriented rural church is located north-east of Steinbach, Man., with over 200 in attendance on Sunday mornings. As the spiritual overseer, the senior pastor is the shepherd and guardian of the congregation. This ministry is accomplished by studying and teaching, praying
and preaching, and visiting and visioning on the basis of the Word. Ridgewood EMC members strive to be a people that minister to the whole family, worshipping God together, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in love, responding to needs around, and cultivating a culture of Biblical discipleship, prayer and fellowship—all for the glory of God. Applications along with a cover letter should be sent to Stan Hamm,, or Stan Hamm, Box 140, Blumenort, MB R0A 0C0. Do you enjoy fishing? How about quiet community living? If you are God-fearing with a deep personal faith and seeking a full-time pastoral position, Treesbank Community Church (EMC) could be the place for you. We are a small country church located in southwestern Manitoba, between the Souris and Assiniboine Rivers. If you are interested in this position, please contact Leonard Plett at 204-824-2475 or at
Other opportunities The Morweena Christian School (MCS) is looking for a classroom teacher to serve on the teaching team in High School. Candidates with strengths in Math and Science will be given preference. MCS is a rural school about 90 minutes North of Winnipeg Man., serving about 120 students. The two-grade split classes range in size from 15 to 26 students. MCS was founded in 1966 by families of the local Morweena Evangelical Mennonite Church. The candidate needs to be certifiable in the Province of Manitoba, needs to embrace the Evangelical Mennonite Conference Statement of Faith and be active in congregational life. Send resume to Tim Reimer, Principal, Inner City Youth Alive in Winnipeg, Man., is looking to fill the position of director of programming to work closely with the Executive Director in giving oversight to all day-to-day functions and future endeavours of ICYA. Primary attention will be given to providing leadership and direction to the program staff of Inner City Youth Alive. Go to for details. Forward resumes to
The Messenger does not sell advertising, but provides free space (classified and display) to enhance our Conference, its churches, boards and ministries; interMennonite agencies and educational institutions; and the wider church. Ads are not to be for monetary benefit. To place an ad (150 words or less), e-mail or call 204-3266401 and ask for Rebecca Roman or Terry Smith. Ads will run twice unless other arrangements are made. • The Messenger 33
Columns • here and far away
Waiting and gardening
I by Jocelyn R. Plett
’ve found gardening to be a spiritual activity. Whether it’s in the tending of things I cannot grow on my own strength or because the Spirit speaks to me lessons of life through the plants growing and maturing in my front little patch of sub-tropical garden—all I know is, whenever I make time to get close to the plants I learn something anew about the Gardener. What I’ve grown to love about gardening is that, as my garden matures and fills the place it’s been given to grow, the seasons bring with it a newness and beauty all its own. Just like in my own life. In the front garden we have a Winter Tree. Not knowing the real name for it, I’ve taken to calling it this because it blooms a cloudy haze of mini petals in May and June when the cold begins to seep under our doors and around the cracks in our window frames. In July it begins to turn a marvellous shade of pink as the winter passes by. I love the Winter Tree’s blooms. I wait for it to bloom in the autumn despite the knowledge that the cold will cause my body to ache and create more work in the mornings because we must use the fireplace to warm the house. The pink buds of the jasmine vine sprawling over the arbour Josh built for me over our driveway catch my breath with anticipation, for I also love the jasmine blooms—sharing their pungent sweet scent all through August and
Now that I’ve learned that each season brings a new joy of its own, I’ve learned to sit back and enjoy each season for what it brings.
Winter tree
34 The Messenger • September 2012
September. They cast perfume onto the warming breezes like blown kisses. Now that I’ve learned that each season here in our little patch of garden brings a new joy of its own, I’ve learned to sit back and enjoy each season for what it brings. This reminds me to do the same in my own seasons of life: to wait expectantly—not anxiously—for that which will come in due season and the new mercies God will bring us. It’s definitely not easy. But I am learning the wisdom of enjoying the present rather than missing the past, or wishing I was somewhere else. I’m learning to enjoy the pleasures of a hectic household with small children instead of wishing I was free to go on trips to the bush with Josh in the plane. Resting in the time God has me in this moment, and enjoying it, taking the time to be near to what is right in front of me, that is contentment. It’s something I relearn constantly. If I yearn for what I don’t have—lake life with family in Manitoba, for example—I will miss out on what God is doing right in my front yard, and will not fully enjoy any place at all. “Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him” (Isaiah 30:18). Editor’s Note: We welcome Jocelyn R. Plett as our new columnist. Originally from Prairie Rose EMC and Landmark, Man., Jocelyn was called into overseas missions service at 16 while studying in Germany. She holds degrees in English and theology, and has taken master’s level theology courses while serving for three years each in Lithuania and at CMU. Since 2006 she has lived in Madagascar. To read more about the daily life of Jocelyn, her husband Josh (with Mission Aviation Fellowship), and their two boys, Judah and Asher, see writewhatyousee. Jasmine
Columns • stewardship today
Needed: life specialists much to offer—time, experience, knowledge, and wisdom. Many of the folks that pay close attention to my MFC travels are seniors. They let me know they are holding me in prayer Sunday morning for safe travels, clear words and a calm spirit. It’s wonderful to know that I’m remembered and held in prayer even when I’m away from my congregation. So how can churches help bridge the generation gap? You could interview your seniors and share the information with the congregation. You could hold intergenerational events where all ages are mixed together. Youth and seniors could cook together and share a meal, tie comforters, quilt, or can fruit and vegetables. Some congregations pair older and younger members of the congregation including youth, young adults and young families and help establish cross-generational friendships. The Bible is full of seniors that followed the direction of God and did surprising and wonderful things. Abraham and Sarah were seniors when they finally had a baby. Elizabeth and Zachariah were older when they gave birth to John. Moses was past middle age when he led the Israelites out of Egypt. What are the amazing things that seniors are doing in your congregation? What can these life specialists in your congregation teach you?
by Sherri Grosz
Sherri Grosz is a stewardship consultant at the Kitchener, Ont., office of Mennonite Foundation of Canada (MFC). MFC provides stewardship education and estate and charitable gift planning at no cost. Contact your nearest MFC office or visit
Some congregations pair older and younger members of the congregation and help establish cross-generational friendships. DESIGNPICS.COM
ccording to Moses Znaimer, “Everybody wants to live long, but nobody wants to be ‘Old.’” What do you think of when you hear the words senior or senior citizen? Seniors are a growing group in Canada. Our seniors are both older and younger than ever. Life expectancies are growing and people are living longer. Having residents in their 90s or 100s is not unusual in many care homes. At the same time, the word senior is applying to an ever younger group. A few decades ago, you would need to be age 60 or 65 to receive a senior’s discount; now sometimes even 50-year-olds qualify. Many institutions in Canada segregate by age and churches are no exception. We may all gather to worship, but we may not interact much during worship time. The gatherings, groups, and Sunday School classes are often broadly age defined—the children go here, the youth go there, the seniors meet in this space and the rest of the group meets somewhere else. I’m simplifying, of course. We can learn much from each other, both from those that are just a little farther down the road we’re travelling and from those that travelled that road many years before. Some details may have changed but the big questions often remain the same from generation to generation: • What is my purpose in life? • What does God want from me? • Will I get through this valley? • Where is God? Sometimes what we really need is assurance that this will pass, that God does love us and that those around us care and pray for us. Sometimes we need practical advice on dealing with loved ones, transitions, and the challenges that life can bring our way. Often we need both. Our seniors are life specialists and have • The Messenger 35
Columns • kids’ corner
A good beginning
hat would you like to achieve this year? Often when we begin something new we also look to its completion. We want it to go well, and we want to finish well. We call by Loreena this success. We want to be Thiessen successful. Success can mean different things. One is to complete what we have aimed to do, to reach our goal. Another is that when we are finished with something we want to feel satisfied. Different outcomes can each be a success. Did you watch the London Olympics? Think back to two different results, each one a success. One is the perfect routine of Rosie MacLennan, the Canadian trampolinist. She achieved her highest goal, to be the best, and she got a gold medal. Another one is the Canadian girls’ soccer team. They Activity: Learn from did not win a gold medal because they someone who is successful were not first, not second, but they It can be a family member, a were third best. They got a bronze friend, or someone you admire Find out how they became medal and they were very satisfied. In successful fact, they were overjoyed. Why were • What is their success? they so happy? • What helped them get First, they had a goal. Their goal there? was to win a medal. And they did. • What did they do? Second, they worked as hard as they • How long did it take? could. They were playing against • Who helped them? another very good team and they had • Have they helped anyone to play their best. Third, they did not else become successful? give up. Each player kept on believing Write a story about the person they could win. and their achievement. What do you want? Do you want Draw a picture about it. to work well in a group on a project? Share what you discover with Do you want good marks? Maybe you your family or a friend. want to excel in history or in biology. Or you might want to be a peer helper 36 The Messenger • September 2012
You need to be calm and patient; if your math assignment is hard ask someone for help who can explain it again. because you can explain things clearly. What do you need to succeed? One thing you need is to have a reliable character. Character is how you behave when no one can see what you are doing. Are you honest when no one is looking? Character is the real you. Second, you need a goal and you need to keep working toward it. If your goal is to clean your room, it means all of your clothes and all of your toys. Third, you need to be motivated. This means you need to want to do it. If you’re reading a book and you want to finish it you may have to give up something else, like talking on the phone. The fourth thing you need is to be calm and patient; if your math assignment is hard ask someone for help who can explain it again. Fifth, you need to make sure what you eat is healthy and that you get outside everyday for exercise. Sixth, never give up. Stay focused on what you want to achieve. You may fail some of the time, but you will reach your goal only if you keep at it. God talks about what you do every day as a race. God is everlasting, the creator of all the earth and he does not get tired. If you depend on him he will give you the strength and the ability you need to do it. Read about it in Isaiah 40:28–31. The Messenger Evangelical Mennonite Conference 440 Main St, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z5 Publications Mail Agreement #40017362