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Stewardship Today

Stewardship Today

By Pedro Luis Espinales

with Ken Zacharias, Director of Global Outreach

Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua and elsewhere and for our missionaries and their families.

What is Happening Now in Nicaragua?

Pedro Luis Espinales, a pastor in the FIEMN, our sister conference, and member of the Anabaptist Emergency Committee, updated us on the pandemic’s effects on Nicaragua and FIEMN within it. Here’s his report with additional thoughts. Nicaragua is vulnerable in health, economy, and environment. Since 2018 we have BOM been in an economic recession because of the 6. Neighbouring Costa Rica’s borders are socio-political crisis. Many companies have closed. Many people have gone there in the past closed and there are many unemployed people. for work and sent money home, but they cannot. Then COVID-19 arrived and it spread rapidly 7. According to the Central Bank of Nicarathrough Central America, affecting us with illgua, the minimum monthly wage in cities ranges nesses, deaths, and more unemployment. from $158 to $278 CAD depending on the

Except for Nicaragua, the Central American labour sector; a day labourer working in fields countries have taken prevention and containearns about $119 CAD per month. It is estiment measures. The Pan American Health mated that a family needs to spend much more Organization (PAHO) and the World Health on basic foods each month: in June 2019, it was Organization (WHO) have criticized our gov$556 CAD; now it is $794. ernment for ignoring recommendations given to The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization face this crisis. Other Central American coun(FAO) says that one effect of the pandemic will tries have followed the international guidelines be global food insecurity. and can receive donations or credits from interThere are positive outcomes in the life of the national financial organizations for medical Church: supplies and food. 1. As churches are closed, families meet

COVID-19 has affected the life of the Nicatogether; they read the Bible, meditate, and pray. raguan Mennonite Church (FIEMN) in these 2. As families meet together, this will result ways: in a revival among siblings and relatives who are 1. The National Council and the Pastoral not believers and others who know the Lord but Council recommended that congregations suswho have left the church. pend their church services. 3. When churches re-open there will be more 2. There is concern that if pastors do not give people present. good pastoral strategies during this crisis, peo4. The Church of Jesus is being redefined. ple will become discouraged and withdraw from Other countries are being similarly affected. the congregation or will change churches. Please remember the Global Pandemic Emer3. Many congregants are unemployed, have gency Fund. The EMC, MWC, MCC and other food insecurities, and have difficulty paying for global Anabaptist agencies are pooling resources basic services. to assist the global Anabaptist church. The 4. Schools have not been closed, although EMC invites contributions with the designation: most parents are not sending their children for Global Pandemic Emergency Fund. The fund fear of the virus. In schools children received a exists to assist people around the world, includsnack and at home there is a food shortage. ing in Nicaragua. 5. In the church communities they also feel Please continue to pray for our brothers and the food shortage, and those with land do not sisters in Nicaragua and elsewhere and for our have the seed to plant their crops because the missionaries and their families. Thank you. banks are not giving credit.

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