Mini tering in a number of E.M. churches in Manitoba and Saskatchewan is Rev. Don P. hidler, pre ident of t h e Gospel l\fissionary Union. Chm·che already visited are Winnipeg and Portage la Pntirie. wift Cuuent and Wymark are on for later thi month.
Challenge of Teaching Cont'd.
There are of course many other areas of service waiting. In summer there is a need for D.V.B.S. and Bible Camp workers. There is a great need for Christian leadership among the young people, to plan and direct various needed activities. The countless
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Box 1447 teinbach, Manitoba

bush trails, and the iweb of innumer- representatives have visited the school able lakes and rivers offer a golden recently. Among these were Melvin opportunity for the more casual con- Koop of Flin Flon, Mr. Otto Derksen tacts with young people in healthful of the West Indies, Rev. Elwyn Davies recreational activities such as hikes of the Bible Christian Union, and Mr. and canoe trips. Stewart Gunzel of the Evangelical
What I have said about the oppor- Alliance Mission. The latter two also tunities for service in Lynn Lake can, lectured in the Comparative Religions I believe, in general be said of any ,and Mission classes. Mr. Gunzel also similar t01Wn of the North, ones I portrayed the work of their mission have mentioned and the many I have by means of slides, giving the students not named. an idea of activities of a misssionary
In conclusion, may I remind you that the practice of being a self-sup1,orting missionary is not a new idea. It is a principle of missions established at the very beginning of the Christian Church. Acts 18:3; I Cor. 4:12; I Thess. 2:9
When the advertisements begin apP aring in the papers soon, asking for school teachers, will you prayerfully ask yourself, "Is God opening the door for me to become a self-supporting missionary in the North?" * **
(Continued from Front Cover)
202 students have registered for the second semester at the institute. Of these twenty are new students.
Several missionaries and mission
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society on the field as well as behind the scenes.
An event that has already proved a. blessing to the five Mennonite Churches of the Wymark, Sask. area is the formation of a Ministerial Association. The organization meeting was held in November of last year. At this meeting Arnold Fast (E.M.C. Chortitz) was elected president and Hans Dyck (Emmaus Mennonite Church) became the secretary.
The three other churches participating are: Reinland Gospel Fellowship Church (J. J. M. Friesen), Blumenhof Gospel Mennonite Church (E.M.M.C. Jake Froese), The M. B. Church (Henry Klassen).
Some of the immediate aims are: Trying to get into the schools for religious instructions, a united campaign with George Brunk (1964).
A united week of prayer alternating in the five churches, has already been conducted.
Meetings olf this newly formed body will be held monthly.
Coming Events
March 2 & 3, E.M.C. Sunday School Conference at Rosenort.
April 3, 4, 5, Missions Conference of Steinbach Bible Institute
April 7, 1963 Graduation Exercises, Steinbach Bible Institute