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Buitenveldert / Cordaan
AMSTELRING Woonzorgcentrum
Address: Plantage Middenlaan 52, 1018 DH Amsterdam
(see next page)
Architect: Peters en Booger, 1973 - 1982
Original building 1881, now demolished (except for chapel). Between 1973 and 1977 new residential wings of studios replaced previous hospital typology.
Total no. of units: 275 Total no. of inhabitants: 240+ Level of care: ZZP 4-10
COMMON SPACE > ground fl oor > courtyard & chapel > studio lounges
STUDIO APARTMENTS No. of units: 217 Area of private unit (m2): 26 Area of common space (m2): 64 (1 lounge for 24 units)
PRIVATE ROOMS No. of units: 42 No. of inhabitants: 42 Area of private unit (m2): 14 Bathroom (m2): 4
TWO-BED COUPLES' ROOMS No. of units: 16 Area of unit (m2): 24 Bathroom/ kitchenette (m2): 10
FOUR-BED ROOMS No. of units: Area of unit (m2): 39.2 Bathroom/ storage (m2): 16.2
10x HOSPICE PLACES SPECIALISTS (para) medical care and counseling, neurologist (LUMC), a psychologist (PsyQ) and other specialists.
OOST-POORT (new site) new development of private homes for seniors (55+) living independently & Amstelring facility (due for completion 2016)
GROUND FLOOR: Primary paramedic treatment (physiotherapy, occupational therapy) - 24-hour care
1ST FLOOR: Huntington’s disease apartments. No. of units: 12
2ND-5TH FLOOR: Two-room apartments with common space on each fl oor No. of units: 48 Area of private unit(m2): 62 Level of care (ZZP) 4-10
Fig. 54. Sint Jacob will be replaced by 325 deluxe free sector rental housing for seniors
https://www.amstelring.nl/oostpoort.aspx http://www.koophuis-oostpoort.nl https://www.amstelring.nl/sintjacob.aspx