Emerald Gemstone Five Incredible Health Benefits
Emerald gemstone affiliates with the hopeful planet mercury. Mercury symbolizes vitality, longevity, nourishes heart and soul. The emerald stone brings mental, emotional and physical strength
Emerald gemstone is known to have a connection with the heart. It is associated with the heartchakra of a human being. Hence, wearing effective green emerald gemstone will prove adequate to resolve heart related ailments.
It is also worn to diagnose the stomach related problems. It is also proving panacea in solving liver problems, pancreas problem, gall bladder and kidney related issues
The emerald stone also proves benevolent for eyes related diseases. It is said that applying emerald water on your eyes will get you rid-off all eyes related problems.
The emerald gemstone emits green rays that improve the mental health of a person significantly. The incredible gemstone also bestows mental peace, mental clarity, emotional stability etc.
PPT Source http://emerald.org.in/incredible-healthbenefits-of-emerald-gemstone/
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