Emerald Kwok - Graphic & Web designer, mainly works with brand building and rebranding projects. It includes researching, marketing, positioning and creating brand solution etc. Emerald believes in “A great brand designer is a doctor of a brand” which can help a company or organization becomes healthy, efficiency, valued and high profits.
“A great brand designer is a doctor of a brand.”
Guide To
Barcelona 巴塞羅那
This is a travel guide book showing the dynamic of Barcelona. Azure color represents energy, relaxation and vitality. The typography grid serves as an armature on which I can organize text and images in a rational, easy to absorb manner.
Software: Adobe Illustrator, Indesign Method : Hand Bookbinding
“Through the Hok Tau Village” is a project work with
鶴 藪 穿
Hulu Culture to discover the value of the old village in Fanling. This project is start from zero to discover Hok Tau Village existing history and Hong Kong value. Emerald in charge of the photography, typesetting and publishing.
Cover publication.indd 1
28/06/2013 6:20 PM
但 村 民 思 想 並 不 傳 統 的 鶴 藪 村 。
細 味 一 下 這 個 古 樸 生 活 、
能 帶 領 讀 者 穿 越 鶴 藪 村 ·
希 望 藉 著 這 本 書 · 透 過 不 同 的 角 度 ·
有 著 這 樣 一 埋 藏 著 歷 史 價 值 的 樂 土 。
在 新 界 的 北 部 郊 區 ·
想 不 到 在 這 個 香 港 的 大 都 會 ·
城 市 中 的 一 片 綠 洲 。
鶴 藪 村
目 錄
序 保 建 生 歷 育 築 活 史
歷 史 條小村, 有二 百 的一 多 粉嶺
publication.indd 2-3
28/06/2013 6:20 PM
劉 氏 祠 堂
史, 當
時村 民以 種水 稻 為 生 ,故
環山, 四面 亦因 此吸引 了很多鶴。
時 清朝
集地, 賊收 地為 仔 示此 張保
賊的 收集 當時
稱之 地方
故以鶴藪命名。 為藪 ,
村中有兩個祠堂,一個劉氏、一個鄧氏,但劉氏的祠堂因風 水關係被封了數十年,據說內有很多蝙蝠 簡陋的房子, 只用一條木柱子把它封起來, 相信, 就算很 容易進入, 應該都不會有人會亂闖此地。
publication.indd 4-5
28/06/2013 6:20 PM
另一鄧氏祠堂位於鶴藪村的最前排。 每逢年初二,於世界各地的子子孫孫 也會聚守一堂祭祀祖先及開年會於祠 堂前大排筵席其他中國傳統節日也會 有拜祭儀式。 村長姓鄧, 年約70歲,身體健康, 於二十歲時移居英國,在他鄉開枝散 葉, 及後回流,現在他會獨個兒住在 村裡, 閒時會到海外探訪兒女, 生活 十分安逸。
publication.indd 6-7
28/06/2013 6:20 PM
燒 柴 人 家
柴又稱為薪,是一種燃料。一般先砍 伐樹木的主干或枝條,然后把它們劈 成適合爐灶大小的條狀木材,就是 柴。柴是古人日常生活必需品、「開 門七件事」“柴米油鹽醬醋茶”中排 首位;這裡的柴泛指炊用燃料。 柴火煮食在現今香港的確少之又少, 但想不到在這隱世的鶴藪村裡仍然有 住戶以燒柴煮食, 而居民也會以石油 氣用作生火及煮食燃料。
新 新蔟的樓房建 於八十年代。
共 P.11 publication.indd 14-15
28/06/2013 6:20 PM
石 油 氣 戶
publication.indd 10-11
publication.indd 8-9
28/06/2013 6:20 PM
石油氣戶 石油氣用途廣泛,既可以用於室內,也 可以用於室外,更可以用於取暖、熱 水、煮食、戶外燒烤和泳池。 家用石油氣蓬勃於七、八十年代, 現在 已經息微。但是在鶴藪村的家家戶戶也 是用石油氣煮食的。
舊 P.9 破舊的屋子 有著一百多 年歷史。
融 P.12 28/06/2013 6:21 PM
publication.indd 12-13
P.10 28/06/2013 6:21 PM
“Land Expropriation: Rights Defense and Law” is publish by
Land Expropriation: Rights Defense and Law
China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group. It includes
Published by China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group
76 pages book and in black and white printing. Emerald mainly in charges of the typesetting and drawing.
book print.indd 1
23/04/2014 4:13 PM
Cover Promote Adequate Housing Rights by International Standards
Promote Adequate Housing Rights by International Standards
Promote Adequate Housing Rights by International Standards
standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions.” The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’ “General Comment No. 4 (1992), paragraph 8(a) regarding the right to adequate housing reads, “all persons should possess a degree of security tenure which guarantees legal protection against forced eviction, harassment and other threats.”4Paragraph 18 states, “instances of forced eviction are prima facie incompatible with the requirements of the Covenant and can only be justievant principles of international law.”
Chong Yiu-kwong, Executive Member of the China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group On June 9, 2012, the China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group convened a seminar entitled “Land Expropriation Rights : Rights Defence and Law” at which scholars, legislators, and social movement activists from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan presented. The common feature refrained among participants was that the governments have the power to expropriate land easily. The Chinese and Taiwanese governments, for instance, can con-
porary removal against their will of individuals, families and/or communities from the homes and/or land which they occupy, without the provision of, and access to, appropriate forms of legal or other protection.”5 It is directly or indirectly attributable to the State.6
‘public use’ as a basis for its decisions to requisite land. This means that it is very easy for governments to abuse power, and indeed, compensation is frequently far below the market value of land. The primary focus of this piece is to investigate international human rights standards regarding forced evictions, hence to safeguard adequate housing rights.
Adequate Housing is a Human Right
The types of activities that constituting “exceptional circumstances” include the following: “(a) racist or other discriminatory statements, attacks or treat-
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing stated that the right to land is a human right.1 Furthermore, various human rights bodies of the United Nations have already declared that forced evictions constitute a serious violation of human rights,2 and that they have caused grave and disastrous harm to the basic civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights of individuals and collectivities.3
destruction of rented property; (c) the persistent non-payment of rent despite lord to ensure dwelling habitability; (d) persistent antisocial behavior which threatens, harasses or intimidates neighbors, or persistent behavior which by law, which threatens the rights of others;
The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights” (ICESCR) applied to Hong Kong and Mainland China in 1976 and 2001 respectively. Taiwan implemented the ICESCR on December 12, 2009, as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 11 of the ICESCR states: “the right of everyone to an adequate 1 2
(f) the illegal occupation of property which is inhabited at the time of occupation; (g) the occupation of land or homes of occupied populations by citizens of an occupying power.”7 According to the UN’s “Basic Principles and Guidelines on Development-
Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing (A/HRC/4/18): February 5, 2007; p. 12 Paragraph 33(e)
4 5
Ibid., p. 6; 12 E/1992/23; Appendix 3 ments Program, “Human Rights Fact Sheet No.21 (1st Revised Edition), Geneva,
Human Settlements Program (HABITAT), “Human Rights Fact Sheet
Human Rights, February 1997, pp. 4-5. Ibid., (E/CN; 4/Sub. 2/1993/8; Paragraph 21)
See note 2, p. 5. See note 2, p. 6.
6 7
book print.indd 4-5
23/04/2014 4:13 PM
Land Expropriation: Rights Defense and Law Promote Adequate Housing Rights by International Standards
Promote Adequate Housing Rights by International Standards
Based Evictions and Displacement,”8 evictions can only take place under dural safeguards.9 Paragraph 21 of these standards states: “Any eviction must be (a) authorized by law; (b) carried out in accordance with international human rights law; (c) undertaken solely for the purpose of promoting the general welfare; (d) reasonable and proportional; (e) regulated so as to ensure full and fair compensation and rehabilitation; and (f) carried out in accordance with the present guidelines. The protection provided by these procedural requirements applies to all vulnerable persons and affected groups, irrespective of whether they hold title to home and property under domestic law.”
cratic and the rule of law, by “communicative rationality”, public discussion ,).12 However, society in reality lacks effective checks and balances. Thus, international human rights standards do not simply provide defence against forced evictions without cause, but also provide detailed standards that help affected persons to make spelines on Development-Based Evictions and Displacements” also lay out in detail the government’s responsibilities before, during, and after eviction, as well as information that residents must know.13 The UN also designed a questionnaire containing 84 questions in order to grasp the living situation of residents, assess the violation of rights, suggest meaningful proposals to various parts and assist in monitoring human rights situations.14
such vague terms, the above principles say that forced evictions must be “undertaken solely for the purpose of promoting the general welfare” (Para-
Unlike Taiwan, Mainland China and Hong Kong do not incorporate ICESCR into their domestic law. Hence, it fails to offer substantive legal protection.15 However, through the UN mechanism, Mainland China and Hong Kong can invite the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing to compile a report. Alternatively, when the UN human rights bodies consider state reports, civil society can submit shadow reports, and when the UN has contemplated the suggestions of both government and civilian actors, the UN can issue concluding observations to state parties and suggest measures to improve the human rights situation after consideration of the state and shadow reports.
States consistent with their international human rights obligations, in particular the need to ensure the human rights of the most vulnerable.”10 The UN also put procedural safeguard in place to reduce the number of forced evictions that violating human rights.
The Six International Principles of Eviction With regard to international human rights standards, the six basic international principles of eviction are: “(1) consultation and participation of administrative and legal resource; (4) prohibition on actions resulting in homelessness; (5) prohibition of actions resulting in deterioration of quality of housing and living conditions; and (6) the provision of adequate alternative relocation and/or adequate compensation before evictions are carried out.11 Admittedly, whether it is “public interest” or “general welfare,” these terms 8 9 10 11
See note 1, Appendix 1 See note 5, p. 9. See note 1, Appendix 1, Footnote d tions Assessment Questionnaire,” Revised December 2011, p. 2.
Design / Type-setting: Ash, Emerald Published by China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group info@chrlawyers.hk http://www.chrlawyers.hk ISBN 978-988-18813-3-5 First edition: April 2014
Concluding observations of the UN Regarding Mainland China and Hong Kong Promote Adequate Housing Rights by International Standards In 2001, the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights stated 16 in its report regarding Hong Kong, front to human dignity17 and roof-top structures constitute a grave risk to the “In the Committee’s view, bed-space apartments, or cage homes, are an aflife and health of their inhabitants.”
13 14 15
Debate concerning “general welfare” and “communicative rationality”, see 詹順貴、 李明芝「台灣土地徵收 浮濫的原因探討」載2011/10生態台灣第33期 With regard to Mainland China, the UN provided in its 2005 Concluding [06-07] Observations: See note 1, Appendix 1, pp. 20-25, paragraphs 37-68. See note 11, p. 1. Committee is concerned about the states reports of forced evictions According “The to Article 27 of the Vienna Convention, signatory cannot use
Sachar, Special Rapporteur of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimina housingoftoMinorities, those who removed from their in the tion and Protection Thehave Rightsbeen to Adequate Housing UN: Newhomes York and Geneva, 1996, p. paragraph 176. context of25, urban development projects as well as of rural developE/C.12/1/Add.58, May 11, 2011; paragraph 25
ment projects such as the Three Gorges Project. The Committee is 7 concerned about the number of forced evictions and demolitions that have occurred in anticipation of the 2008 Olympic Games to be hosted by the State party. The Committee further expresses con23/04/2014 4:13 PM cern about the lack of effective consultations and legal redress for persons affected by forced evictions and demolitions, including those of historic structures, buildings and homes in Lhasa, Tibet. vided on the extent and causes of homelessness in the State party.” (Paragraph 31)
6 book print.indd 6-7
“The Committee recommends that the State party take immediate measures to enforce laws and regulations prohibiting forced evictions and ensure that persons evicted from their homes to be provided with adequate compensation or offered alternative accommodation, in accordance with the guidelines adopted by the Committee in its general comment No. 7 (1997) on forced evictions. The Committee also recommends that, prior to implementing development projects, the State party should undertake open, effective and meaningful consultations with affected residents. In this connection, the Committee wishes to draw the attention of the State party to its general comment No. 4 (1991) on the right to adequate housing and requests it to provide information in its next periodic report on progress achieved in this regard. The Committee 17
Cage homes are made up of multiple beds, and the four sides of each bed are Council “Hot Place: Hong Kong Housing Rights Report,” (in Chinese) Step Forward Multi Media Co. Ltd., July 2000, p. 23.
8 book print.indd 8-9
Promote Adequate Housing Rights by International Standards
further requests the State party to provide, in its next periodic report, detailed information on the number and nature of forced evictions and on the extent of homelessness in the State part, disaggregated by gender, age, urban/rural residence.” (Paragraph 61)
Good State Practice as Valuable Reference Are the UN’s standards too highbrow and no use? Besides the UN, there are actually a few countries whose examples are worth pondering and whose actions are above international norms, such as the Philippine’s 1986 democratic constitution. Article 13 (10) stipulates that “Urban or rural poor dwellers shall not be evicted nor their dwellings demolished, except in accordance with law and in a just and humane manner. No resettlement of urban or rural dwellers shall be undertaken without adequate consultation with them and the communities where they are to be resettled.”.18 Article 26 (3) of South Africa’s 1997 constitution contains a similar stipulation, stating that arbitrary evictions are not permitted, even by legislation. All kinds of demolition or eviction require authorization of court order.19
All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publishers.
All the European Union Members have laws to protect tenants from arbitrary eviction. The United Kingdom enacted the law to stipulate penalties for those responsible for carrying out illegal evictions or harassment against tenants, and a person responsible for punishing illegal relocation or disturbance of tenants.20 Kenya National Commission on Human Rights monitors the country’s forced evictions and informal settlements, works with the ministers and organizations responsible for housing to develop national guidelines for prevention, correction, and compensation.21 With reference to the UN’s Special Rapporto adequate housing, set up a national rapporteur who has the authority to investigate individuals or communities’ complaints of the viola-
dations to the government too.22 18 19 20 21 22
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) Sources: No. 4 Legal Resources for Housing Rights: International and National Standards. Geneva: COHRE, 2000, p. 55. Ibid., p. 58; See note 2, p. 15. See note 2, pp. 15-16. See note 5, p. 44. See note 5, p. 44.
23/04/2014 4:13 PM
book print.indd 76-77
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和軒 和軒
和軒 和軒 和軒 和軒 和軒 上海經典 名不虛傳
Shanghainese Cuisine Menu Design
Design concept: A superior Shanghai cusine create with Chinese traditional pattern, red is the most farvorite colour in China, which represented luck. Black color as a background can make prominent of the sharp color and the image of dishes.
A Aggee 00~~66ss
nB y: K wo k
Ho S h
ess Agge66 A ~ ~ 00
un Emerald
Kid始s Therapy Music CD Cover Design
Indo Market Brand Idea We emphasize shopping in Indo Market is an unique experience that cannot be found elsewhere. We adopt pineapple to associate with southeast asia. Convincing to the public that shopping in Indo Market is a trendy and fun action
by making the logo in smooth and using cute typeface. To let customers identify Indo Market at their first glance and at the same time make Indo Market outstanding, "Indo Market" is specially arranged in larger and energetic form.
original shop
Attributes YOUNG
Alternative colour background
Colour Palettes Typeface
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890.,:;?!@#$%^&*()[]{}
C : 50 M:0 Y : 100 K : 40
C : 50 M:0 Y : 100 K : 20
C : 50 M:0 Y : 100 K:0
C:0 M : 70 Y : 100 K:0
Applications Paper & Envelope
Business Card
i les Lu icer ive Off Char Execut Chief
7-1502 omarket.c 2) 289 ind T : (85 rlesLui@ om.hk E : cha omarket.c W: ind
T : (852) 2897-1502 E : info@indomarket.com.hk
F : (852) 2558-1502 W : indomarket.com.hk
Charles Lui
Chief Executive Officer
T : (852) 2897-1502 E : charlesLui@indomarket.com.hk W: indomarket.com.hk
Chief Execu
tive Office
T : (852) 2897-1502 E : charle sLui@indom arket.com.hk W: indom arket.com.hk
Charles Lui
Chief Executive Officer
T : (852) 2897-1502 E : charlesLui@indomarket.com.hk W: indomarket.com.hk
Member Card
T : (852) 2897-1502 E : info@indomarket.com.hk
F : (852) 2558-1502 W : indomarket.com.hk
T : (852) 2897-1502 F: (852) 2558-1502 E : info@indomarket.com.hk W: indomarket.com.hk
T : (852) 2897-1502 E : info@indomarket.com.hk
F : (852) 2558-1502 W : indomarket.com.hk
C:0 M : 30 Y : 100 K:0
Applications Letter Chop
Stamps Collection Card T : (852) 2897-1502 F: (852) 2558-1502 E : info@indomarket.com.hk W: indomarket.com.hk
Paper Bag
Food Clips In
Indo Market
et ark
Indo Market
Indo Market
Indo Market
Indo M
Indo Mark
Applications Environmental protection bag
Staff Uniform
Have Fun Be amazed only in Indo Market
Applications Price Tag
咖哩雞 準備材料: 1)肉類切一口大小( 雞肉、豬肉、牛肉、 羊肉、海鮮)1.5KG 公斤 2)中的馬鈴薯2 個切塊 3)紅蘿蔔一條 4)南瓜1/4個(可以中和辣度 ) 5)洋蔥一個切丁 6)田師傅咖哩雞快煮醬一包( 人少可以煮 半包,材料減半) 7)椰奶或牛奶一罐 200cc
做法: 1)先把雞洗淨抹鹽與酒,燒一鍋開水放 入幾片蔥薑,待水滾後將雞放入川燙1-2 分鐘,拿出後用開水沖乾淨備用。 2)準備鍋子燒熱,放入1 小匙奶油或沙 拉油,放入洋蔥小火炒香;將一包咖哩 醬放入鍋中與雞肉、紅蘿蔔炒5 分鐘後 ,再將馬鈴薯塊放入同炒。 3)加入250~500cc 的水或高湯( 視個人
需求,要吃濃一點或湯一點 ) ,蓋鍋煮 15 分鐘至肉熟( 牛肉要煮久一些 ) 為止( 牙籤可穿透,無血水即熟 ) ,過程中適 時翻攪。 4)材料都熟了,加入200cc 毫升的椰奶( 低脂牛奶亦可,可以中和辣度同時讓口 感柔順 ) ,與材料攪拌均勻,煮開之後 ,完成了。
Applications Store Design
營多杯裝撈麵(原味) 75 克
Indo Market
Indo Market
Cloud Energy Managment Platform 云端能源管理平台
Go Online Do you Know? Do you know your energy consumption habit? Do you know when and where you used your energy? Are you sure your energy effectively used? Are you looking for energy saving solutions?
Business application: Hotel Shop factory School
Restaurant Office Property Management
Support Multiple Electrical Power
Product Introduction Cloud Energy management platform (CEMP) CEMP provides a comprehensive and innovative response analysis to institutions, residential, construction, industrial, and power infrastructure and data center energy remote monitoring and control services, as simple as possible to save energy growth.
Monitor energy usage
Company Profile CityTone Technology Ltd. is one of leading IT Technology company in Hong Kong. Our main services included R&D, Solutions & Systems Integration and IT Professional Services. And we focus technology on Cloud Computing, Green Technology and Mobile Solution. Our customers come from differences industry. They are including listed company or SME in manufacturing, education, retail and medical etc.
电子邮件: info@citytone.com.hk
3-Phase compression reports
Integrate to company portal
联系电话: +852 3171 2030 传真号码: +852 3010 8105
地址: 新界沙田香港科学园科技大道西6号集成电路开发中心212A室 中国销售/咨询
电子邮件: info@citytone.com.hk 联系电话: +86 131 4386 +86 1036155 4674 3901 地址: 深圳市宝安龙华新区民治街道工业东路南侧泰明科技工业区一栋三楼,邮政编码:518131
Typesetting, design and infographics are created by Emerald
23/04/2014 4:13 PM
“Cloud E nerg y Ma na g ement Platform�
CEMP So lutions / Ser v ic es The ma in p ur p os e - Inc rea se ene r gy e fficie ncy, red uc e op er a t ion c os t s a nd red uc e carbo n fo o tpr int. To r a lly t he bus iness se cto r of Ho ng K ong t o capture t he op p or t unit ies in c a rb on red uc tio n t hro ug h enha nc ing ener g y effic ienc y.
CityTone Technology Ltd.
Typesetting, design and infographics are created by Emerald
User : admin@citytone .com.hk Data Upload
Repor ts
System Setup
System Instr uction
Trend - Electricity
Total Ener gy Consumption Cost
From 10/1/2013 to 25/7/2013 Target: 1000 Compare with: Previous period
140,000 135,000 130,000 125,000
M e n u
Per Square Foot
120,000 Gauge - Electr icity 5
10/1/2013 10:30 PM-10:45 PM
Compare with Yesterday
9 1
110,000 105,000
10 0
Thur sday, July 25, 2005 ~ Friday, September 13, 2013
Information Site Name: Citytone Technology Limited Site Address: Unit 212A, 2/F IC Development Centre , No. 6 Science Par k West Avenue , Hong Kong Science Par k Shatin, N.T. Zip Code: 0000
Weather Thur sday, July 25, 2013
63ă‚œF Rainny 40% relative Humidity
Norheast Wind
CO2 Footprint
From 10/1/2013 to 25/7/2013 Tar get: 6 T Compare with: Previous period 22.6%
CO2 equivalents of total building
Enquivalency result:
Standard light bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps
Passenger vehicles, annual GHG emissions
Trees seedling grown for 10 year s
Address: 12/F, Hanway Commercial Building, 36 Dundas Street, Mongkok, Kowloon
Logo designed bu Emerald
z.o.d. Zhop of Delicacies
z.o.d. Zhop of Delicacies
Hong Kong Bright Medical Co., Ltd
Hong Kong Bright Medical Co., Ltd
Dabby Lo
Hong Kong Bright Medical Co., Ltd 九龍尖沙咀柯士甸路22﹣26號 好兆年行二樓6﹣8號 Rm 206-208, 2/F, Austin Tower, 22-26 Austin Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kln.
Registered Nurse
(+852) 63301791 dabbylo2007@yahoo.com.hk
Hong Kong Bright Medical Co., Ltd Bright mind, bright body, bright Medical Co.
Spread your love
路婉儀 Dabby Lo 註冊護士 Registered Nurse
(+852) 63301791 dabbylo2007@yahoo.com.hk 九龍尖沙咀柯士甸路22﹣26號好兆年行二樓6﹣8號 Rm 206-208, 2/F, Austin Tower, 22-26 Austin Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kln.
路婉儀 Dabby Lo 註冊護士 Registered Nurse
香港晉 賢醫療 中心
Hong Kong Bright Medical Co., Ltd
(+852) 63301791 dabbylo2007@yahoo.com.hk
Bright mind, bright body, bright Medical Co.
九龍尖沙咀柯士甸路22﹣26號好兆年行二樓6﹣8號 Rm 206-208, 2/F, Austin Tower, 22-26 Austin Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kln.
by L o
冊 iste 護士 red Nurs
晉 Hong Kong 賢 醫 九龍 療中 Brigh 尖 t Med 好兆 沙咀柯士 ical C 心 年行 甸 路 二樓 o., Ltd 22﹣ Rm 2 6﹣ 26號 0 22-2 6-208, 2 8號 6 Au /F stin A , Austin T venu e, Ts ower, im S ha Ts ui, K ln.
ad y our love
路婉儀 Dabby Lo 註冊護士 Registered Nurse
Hong Kong Bright Medical Co., Ltd Bright mind, bright body, bright Medical Co.
Dabby Lo
Registered Nurse
(+852) 63301791 dabbylo2007@yahoo.com.hk
(+852) 63301791 dabbylo2007@yahoo.com.hk 九龍尖沙咀柯士甸路22﹣26號好兆年行二樓6﹣8號 Rm 206-208, 2/F, Austin Tower, 22-26 Austin Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kln.
Hong Kong Bright Medical Co., Ltd
九龍尖沙咀柯士甸路22﹣26號 好兆年行二樓6﹣8號 Rm 206-208, 2/F, Austin Tower, 22-26 Austin Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kln.
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