Your Northside 2015 Christmas Edition

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Photo By Carol Randall

Feed the Lions The Feed the Lions program began at Leo Hayes in 2013 when it was recognized that many students did not have access to food and without food for fuel how could they be expected to learn or reach their full potential. The initial purpose of the program was to ensure that students who didn’t have a lunch would be provided with a free nutritious lunch five days a week. After the community kitchen received a major donation by 100 Women Who Care, the program was launched. The partnership between the community kitchen and LHHS has continued to grow and now the program prepares and delivers 120 healthy lunches to Leo Hayes High School each and every school day.

In addition to the lunch program, Feed the Lions has started a Backpack Program with community support. Students in need are provided with a backpack filled with non-perishable food items that they can take home for the evenings and weekends. The student then returns the backpack to the school to be refilled. A community fundraising initiative is underway, in which tickets on a $4000 vacation package are being sold for $10 with proceeds going to Feed the Lions. Tickets are available from LHHS students, staff, SRC and at local businesses. Please show you support and purchase a ticket or if you would like more information on how you can help contact LHHS.

Word from the Wards Marilyn Kerton City Councillor Ward 6

Mike O’Brien City Councillor Ward 3

As 2015 comes to an end I think back over the events of this past year, some with happiness and some mingled with tears. Change is difficult and no matter how old you are it doesn’t seem to get any easier as you age. I had a lot of changes in the past year but the most significant was saying a final goodbye to my mother, Mary Dean who passed away in June. She taught me a lot about life and fostered my desire to serve our city as a city councillor. As a young mother she lived in Devon then Barkers Point. In her last few years she moved to Nashwaaksis and then her final home in Douglas, her loyalty was always to the Northside. She never missed watching a council meeting on television and sharing her opinions and comments. This past year was difficult as we had many “firsts” without her. I sympathize with any of you who have lost your loved ones and hope that you find peace and joy by seeking comfort through your families and friends. In May of 2016 Municipal Elections will be held and you will see changes in our ward boundaries - Ward 6, the area that I represent, will be expanded to include most of South Devon, Barkers Point and Lower St . Mary’s. This is an exciting change as these 3 communities are united, it will also be challenging to assist them with this transition. I do plan to reoffer for councillor in Ward 6 because Devon was my childhood home, I lived in Lower St. Mary’s as a young adult, grew up and am spending my senior years in Barkers Point. It seems like a good fit for me - kind of like coming home. Christmas is a special time of year to remember those who are close to our hearts , even if they are no longer with us. May love be in your life Hope in your heart and Peace be in your world - Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.

Another fall has come and gone, the holiday season has begun, and soon...we will all have to deal with impending winter storms. City crews have all the necessary equipment and budget to keep our streets safe. They do their absolute best to have most streets and sidewalks passable for the beginning of each workday, but sometimes the conditions and ferocity of a storm simply won't let that happen. On those days, drive slowly and allow yourself enough advance time to safely get to work. Feel free to check my Facebook page, at MikeOBrienFredericton, for ongoing storm updates. For your information, here are some projects planned for Ward 3 in 2016: 1. Park Street curb renewal (along with addition of catch basins and storm sewer enhancements) 2. Longwood Drive sidewalk renewal 3. Extension of sidewalks on Two Nations Crossing I am actively visiting the homes in Ward 3 to say "hello". Expect a visit soon. If we miss each other, then a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, from my family to yours. Mike O'Brien @mikeobrien_fton

NB Seniors’ Home Renovation Tax Credit If you are a senior, 65 or older, or a family member living with a senior, for the 2015 and subsequent taxation years, you may qualify for up to a $1,000 refundable tax credit on home renovations that are aimed at making your home safer and more accessible. If you qualify, you can claim up to $10,000 spent on eligible home improvements on your income tax return. On those expenses, you could get up to 10 percent back. For example, if you spent $9,000 you could get $900 back. The maximum is $1,000. To be eligible, on the last day of the year you must be a senior or a family member living with a senior who is a resident of New Brunswick. The credit is not effected by income levels. The renovations must have been to your principal residence even if you are renting as long as you paid for the expenses. Eligible renovations must improve access to the home or land; improve mobility and function within the home or land; or reduce the risk of harm within the home or land. The main purpose of the renovations cannot be to increase the value of the property Some examples of eligible expenses include: • certain renovations to permit a first-floor occupancy or secondary suite for a senior • grab bars and related reinforcements around the toilet, tub and shower • handrails in corridors • wheelchair ramps, stair/wheelchair lifts and elevators

• walk-in bathtubs • wheel-in showers • comfort height toilets ...and others Starting with your 2015 personal income tax return, the credit is claimed for work billed in that year. You must retain documentation to support your claim, including receipts from suppliers and contractors. You do not have to submit your receipts, however you have to keep them in case Canada Revenue Agency asks to review your claim. You can share the credit with your spouse as long as the $10,000 maximum eligible expense is not exceeded. If you have a maximum of $10,000 of eligible expenses, the maximum refundable credit for the tax year will be $1000.00. If your refundable tax credit is higher than the taxes you owe, you will receive the difference as a refund. For further information, contact your tax consultant or the Province of New Brunswick at 1-800-669-7070 or online at o/renovation.html Karen Hayes and Kim Flanagan are Senior Tax Consultants, with Tax Pros Inc, Brookside Mall , 435 Brookside Drive, Fredericton, N. B. E3A 8V4 Telephone 457-1050

Northsiders Making A Difference Written by Trina MacDonald

Perley “The Magician” Palmer

The spirit of Perley Palmer is a bright light that shines on everyone he comes in contact with and those that do are blessed by the joy he brings with him. Perley was born in Doaktown in 1943 and when he was five years old his family moved to Marysville. He grew up in Marysville and attended school there. However at the age of fourteen, Perley’s parents divorced and moved away, Perley found himself on his own and had to go to work to support himself.

In addition to his work life, Perley spent time on the ballfield. Playing fastball for many local teams and making a name for himself as a pitcher. He played many other sports locally such as hockey, tennis and badminton and notes he was a fair player but it was fastball that had his heart. He was a strong competitor and top notch player when it came to fastball.

At the time, Perley was babysitting for a local family and the father was the manager of the local Sobeys store. One night after the man returned home, Perley remembers asking him where he could find a job and the gentlemen told him to come down to the Sobeys store on Monday morning with a white shirt and a black bow tie and he could start work. He started as a clerk carrying out groceries and continued in this position until he was sixteen. Then was transferred to work down the aisle with the men. Perley stayed with Sobeys working his way to produce manager by 1969.

But it was magic that captured his interest about 30 years ago. He remembers how it started, he was always doing a little coin trick for kids and when he was done they would always ask, “Do you have any other trick?”, and he would say no that is the only one I got. Then on a trip to Las Vegas, he came across a magic store and he couldn’t believe all the magic tricks they had for sale. He purchased 5 or 6 little tricks and began perfecting them. It was then a friend asked him to come to his daughter’s birthday party and do a magic show, it was then he realized no one in Fredericton was doing children’s magic shows and that he had the right personality to do this but would need some more magic tricks if he wanted to do it right. He wrote a company called, Morrissey Magic in Toronto who sent him a magic catalogue for $10, he spent a month going through the book noting all the tricks he wanted, he placed his order for $1900 worth of magic tricks and started to get his show together. It was almost immediately the phone started ringing at Perley’s, everyone wanted a magic show for their kids and word spread like wildfire, 30 years later the phone hasn’t stopped ringing. He never thought he would be doing shows for the children of the children he performed for, he says it is a fantastic feeling knowing you have touched so many lives in a positive way. Where ever he goes people want to stop and talk, to tell him how he has made them so happy with his magic. He does his magic everywhere he goes and says it is a wonderful feeling knowing you mean so much to people of all ages.

In 1969, the Dominion Store a new competitor to Sobeys arrived in Fredericton, they were aggressive in attracting quality employees and came knocking on Perley’s door. At the time, he recalls he was making $45 a week with Sobeys and Dominion offered him $65 a week to come work for them as an assistant produce manager. This was a big jump in pay that he certainly could not dismiss, so he joined Dominion and worked for them for the next five years. But as fate would have it Sobeys opened a second Fredericton location and when they did they came looking for Perley. They offered him an assistant manager position at the new store and another increase in salary, so Perley returned to the Sobeys team for the next five years. In 1977, Richard Tingley approached Perley about coming to work at his new store on the Northside, Tingleys Save Easy. Perley was a little hesitant he recalls because he didn’t want to lose his 3 weeks’ vacation that he had built up at Sobeys, but Mr. Tingley told Perley he would start him out at 3 weeks’ vacation if he came to work for him. Perley left Sobeys again and started with Tingleys Save Easy that year where he stayed for the next 25 years. After Tingleys sold to Superstore, Perley left after St. Mary’s Supermarket made him a good offer to work at their new store where he spent the final 10 years of his career.

Perley is truly humbled to be given the honor of having July 13 proclaimed as Perley Palmer Day in the City of Fredericton. He loves children and his personality sparkles like no one else, you can’t help but be happy when you are around him. He has been married for 30 years to his loving wife Valerie and now spends time at Franks Finer Diner where he helps out when needed and visits with the customers. Perley has been recognized by numerous people and organizations for his contributions to making people happy over the years. He is the ultimate optimist, focused on living life to the fullest and enjoying his 3 beautiful children, step children and grandchildren. Perley “The Magician” Palmer is truly a Northsider who has made a difference in the lives of countless people and for that we are all grateful!

Word from the Wards Steve Hicks City Councillor Ward 5

Eric Megarity Deputy Mayor Ward 4

Well, that crazy time of year is now well underway and in a few short weeks, it will be a distant memory. The hustle and bustle that is Christmas can be quite overwhelming to many of us. Crowded stores, cranky shoppers and diets gone bad are just a few things that can overshadow what should be a wonderful time of the year. Did I mention those endless Christmas songs that you can't get out of your head no matter how hard you try? Yes, I think it's fair to say that the season has different meaning for all of us.

The year is coming to an end and Christmas is now upon us. The new Ward boundaries will go into effect for the Municipal Elections in May 2016. Picaroons Brewery has now completed or is very close to completing its transformation of the old Roundhouse on Union Street to its new home. The York Arena reopening has once again been delayed, due to a lead paint issue and clean up. City staff have now stated the York will be reopening for the Fall/Winter 2016 skating season. Trail work has begun on extending the trail up Cliffe Street. Work will continue next spring. Thanks to our Provincial Government, the Nashwaak bridge repair work is now completed and traffic will now be normalized. The new Francophone school opened its doors this September. The Master Plan for Carleton Park RFP will be complete and some public consultations will hopefully begin. Thanks to all ward residents that took time to come out to our Ward meeting on November 26th. If you have any questions, please call me at 471-7101 or email me at And, from my family to you and yours, have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year/ Joyeux Noel and Bonne Annee! And if you have to travel, safe travels. Take time to give to the those who are in need.

For those who are fortunate enough to be surrounded by family, friends and cheer, Christmas is an exciting time. Watching a child's eyes light up on Christmas morning is a gift in itself. But for many families in our community, Christmas is not a memorable time. Struggling day in and day out, Christmas adds another level of stress and uncertainty. Please, if you have the means to help a family or a friend in need over the holiday season, please do so. If you don't know where to start, there are several service groups in and around Fredericton that can make sure your contribution goes to a deserving family this holiday season. If you're in Marysville and want to help a family, you can contact the Marysville Y's Men or one of the many churches in our community. Finally, I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season. Have fun with family and friends and if you drink, please drink responsibly and do not get behind the wheel.

Eric Megarity Councillor Ward Four, South Devon Deputy Mayor

Mackenzie Allain Geldart Mackenzie has been a lifelong resident of Fredericton, she has lived in the McLeod Hill area with her parents and younger sister all her life. She attended Royal Road Elementary, Nashwaaksis Middle and is now a grade 12 student at Leo Hayes High School. In earlier years, Mackenzie was a peer mentor at Royal Road and a dance captain at Nashwaaksis Middle, helping with the glee club and show choir. Her love of dance started at a young age, she has been teaching dance since she was twelve years old and competing since the age of nine. She has been a member of the Bonnie Kilburn Dancers for many years and recently finished her last competitive dance competition. Mackenzie’s love of dance has carried over to LHHS and she has taken on the role of choreographer for the LHHS musicals. In grade’s 9 and 10 Mackenzie was in the Strings Program, playing the violin. She was also a part of a 5 person fiddle band that played at the Boyce Farmers’ Market and other events. She plays guitar, piano, banjo and ukulele as well as sings in the coffee houses at Leo Hayes. Mackenzie is able to speak to large groups of people, get things accomplished and take charge when needed which has paved the way for the leadership skills needed to transition into her role on the SRC. She was elected the Co-Vice President of SRC this year and is in charge of general SRC duties including interacting and talking with other students who are not engaged to encourage them to get involved in their school and make new friends. She also works with the general student body to create positive school spirit and she is responsible for school festivals throughout the year to encourage student bonding. Mackenzie notes the lack of time and number of people are always a challenge in her role with SRC but she always does her best to get things accomplished. In addition to SRC, she works as a cashier and a cook at McDonalds and she also enjoys playing ultimate Frisbee on multiple teams when she has free time. The biggest inspiration in Mackenzie’s life is her mother. Her mother has shown Mackenzie what hard work and determination can accomplish. Mackenzie lovingly notes how her mother got her university degree on her own, how she got numerous scholarships, how she has her own business and works across the province all while taking such wonderful care of Mackenzie and her sister. Mackenzie would like to follow the example her mother has set. She has already looked to the future and plans to apply to Renaissance College for fall 2016. The leadership, travel and transferability of their undergrad attracted Mackenzie to Renaissance College and after her undergrad she plans to continue on to law school. Mackenzie will certainly be a strong future leader with a bright future.

Madison Burke Originally from Saint John, Madison’s family moved to Fredericton when she was six months old. Along with her parents and two sisters, Madison has lived on the Northside the majority of her life. She attended Barkers Point Elementary and Devon Middle School and is now a grade 12 student at LHHS. Madison attributes her interest in leadership to her first year at Leo Hayes, when the SRC President, Travis Daley came up to her and encouraged her to get involved. This sparked something in Madison and she jumped into student politics running for the grade 9 representative. She was unsuccessful that year but she was not deterred. She tried again in grade 10 and became the SRC representative for both her grade 10 and grade 11 class. This year, she wasn’t sure if she should go for the Presidency but knew she would regret it if she didn’t make the attempt. So with determination, she went for it and was elected the SRC President. She sees her role as President of SRC as a teacher and coordinator of the SRC team, her job is to make sure everything runs smoothly. Because the student council is only 9 members this year, Madison needs to make sure all 9 members are present and engaged. She notes the hardest job about being President is being on top of everything and balancing school, work and SRC. What Madison enjoys the most is seeing the entire student body getting involved in school activities both the high profile ones and the not so high profile. One of the events Madison is most proud of creating is the Safe Grad Ringette Game she started between the LHHS Ringette team and the Boys Hockey team. This event raises money for Safe Grad and in its first year raised $1000. Madison is extremely proud this was an event she created and it has had such a positive impact on the school. In addition to Madison’s leadership, she is also a supervisor at Dairy Queen where she works part time. When not going to school or working, she enjoys playing ringette on multiple teams including the Fredericton Stars and the LHHS team who won provincials last year. She is also a Peer Mentor, volunteer math and science tutor, yearbook editor and a part of numerous other clubs within her school. Amongst all the rest, Madison has found a way to achieve being recognized on the principal’s list for all her four years at Leo Hayes. An individual who has given Madison the added confidence to take on roles like those in the SRC has been Madame Cormier. Madame Cormier was Madison’s biology teacher and is now her homeroom teacher. She has always been a special person in Madison’s high school life. According to Madison, Madame Cormier has always offered encouragement, helped develop learning skills, helped reach her academic goals and always supported Madison’s leadership aspirations. When asked what she wants to do for the future, Madison says, “I don’t want to be limited to doing one thing in case I don’t like what I choose to do as a career, so I guess you could say I am not exactly sure yet.” With this in mind, Madison has decided to take a Business Degree at UNB so she has different options for the future, she has been accepted and will be starting fall 2016.

Word from the Wards Dan Keenan City Councillor Ward 1

Bruce Gandy City Councillor Ward 2

As we enter the Christmas season we do so with the realization that many parts of the world struggle to find peace. We should all take the time to enjoy the company of family and friends over the holiday season. 2015 has been a difficult year in many respects, but we continue to be blessed to live in a beautiful community full of opportunity and promise.

It has been an interesting time in Ward 2 these past few months. We are starting to see some developments on Main Street with a new drive through restaurant going in the old Canadian Tire parking lot and the clearing of the lots across the street from Peters Meat Market. The Main Street Urban Design Plan will change the look of Main Street; the plan was presented to the public at a meeting recently held at the Rugby Club. The plan has a number of great ideas and is being adopted by Council and we will start to see some of the ideas come to life over the coming years.

I look forward to an exciting year in 2016! There are some great projects underway or near construction for 2016 and we have exciting events to fill our leisure time. Winterfest, Harvest Jazz, Women's CIS basketball, Senior Baseball Championships and many more. Get out to support and enjoy them! So, from my family to all the residents of Ward 1, have a Merry Christmas!

As we head into the Christmas Season we all need to reach out and help others whether through your church, volunteering or by donating to those many organizations that help those who are in need. Finally, I want to wish all residents of Ward 2 and the City a Safe and Joyous Christmas!

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