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Photo taken by Carolyn Emily Snyder

WHO’S INSIDE: graphic artist

Michelle Campbell


Whitney Justesen

Photographer and Poet

Carolyn Emily Snyder


Anna Gay

Fine artist

Andy Beauvais

Graphic artist

Rose Stark

Designed by Eric Albee

Michelle Campbell Graphic Artist

“I grew up in Andover and I’ve lived here all my life.When I was five, I saw my brother get attacked while on a camping trip and since then I have been afraid of dogs. That was also the year my family bought 80 acres of pure forest up north and since then I’ve been obsessed with nature. I’ve been drawing since I could hold a pencil, and am always trying to improve. I also love hollistic healing, and do tarot cards, runecasting, and am getting into palmistry. In my free time I sing, draw, write stories, and occasionally make crafts like dreamcatchers. I love music and my favorite band is Thrice. I hope to eventually get a job doing 3D modeling and CGI for videogames.”

Whitney Justesen Photographer

When did you first start photography and what made you continue on taking photos? I first started photography in April of 2009 when I picked up my mom’s old Sony point & shoot and tried to recreate some images I had come across on Flickr around that time. At first it really seemed like nothing more than just a fun hobby, but it’s really developed into something more very quickly. Before long, photography became an emotional outlet for me and a creative channel for my feelings.

Do you have any particular plans for your future?

I definitely want to graduate from college, be a mom someday, a world traveler, and just live every moment to the fullest.

What do you want to be? Why?

A mom and a commercial photographer, hopefully. I guess I never really made huge career plans for myself, I just want to have a simple life someday doing what I love.

How has photography changed your life? Numerous ways. It’s taught me that I should never be afraid to step outside my comfort zone in any aspects of my life, and that if there is a certain thing I am feeling, I don’t have to keep it locked up inside myself. It’s taught me to look at a sunset and appreciate the little things in life. It brought my first love into my life. It has taught me that beauty can be found in just about anything. Honestly, it’s taught me how to be a better person. Sometimes it’s hard to explain, but it’s done so much for me, really.

What faults do you see in your own work or how do you plan to improve them?

I don’t know if you could really call it a “fault”, persay, but I would really love to step outside self-portraiture and use models in my work. I’d like to see what I could do with a model that I could not do on my own. I also would like to maybe do some more landscape work, just for fun.

Do you have any crazy places you’ve traveled to? Well I’ve been to Mexico, England, France, Italy, Greece, and Germany, as well as many of the states in the US. I would probably say the craziest place I went to was Provence, France, where I visited some Medieval villages perched atop the mountains overlooking the Mediterranean. It was honestly like a fairy tale, it was so amazing. Do you have any animals or pets?: As of right now, my family only has one cat, but we have previously had two dogs, four cats, a rat, and 50,000,000 fish. Needless to say, we like pets in my family. What’s your favorite band and what type of music are you into? I don’t necessarily have a favorite band, but I really love the music of William Fitzsimmons, Bon Iver, Regina Spektor, Mumford&Sons, and Manchester Orchestra. I really love the more softer, indie music personally, but I also like a lot of the mainstream stuff out there as well. How do you continually improve your art?: I never stop trying new things. I try different editing styles, different concepts and different props as much as I can, and take inspiration from other photographers and their work.

What’s the hardest thing you’ve had to endure to get a photo? Laying in the freezing cold snow in a sleeveless dress. It was so COLD.

Like Whitney’s art so far?

Did you ever fit into a clique when you were in high school? Not really since I was homeschooled haha. I dunno, but if I actually went to a public high school, I don’t know that I’d fit into any kind of clique. Maybe I’d hang out with the artsier people, but sometimes even artists tend to annoy me, so I’m not really sure.


Do you like taking selfportraits more than taking regular portraits?

To me, taking self portraits is not about there’s times I look at a picture I’ve take portraits as a way to express my innerm could say, so if I can look back on a phot then that is beautiful to me. Personally, r that’s not to say that won’t change in the

What other photographers and artists have influenced your style of photography and what about them was most impacting? I have a lot of friends who are also photographers, and I will often look at the way they edit their pictures or the subjects they shoot, and incorporate those elements into my work as well. I would never have taken self-portraits if it weren’t for them as well. I think, most of all, they’ve helped me figure out what style of photography suits me best by sharing their work with me.
 Where would you like to travel in the future? I would love to see all of Europe. I would also love to travel to exotic locations and see the untouched places of the world. Basically I just want to see everything; I’m a huge travel nut.

t boosting my confidence or showing off my looks or whatever. I mean, sure, en of myself and feel pretty, but that’s not my motivator at all. I use my selfmost feelings. A photograph can sometimes speak volumes more than any words to years from now and know exactly what I was feeling at the time it was taken, right now I prefer self-portraits to other people’s portraits for that reason, but e future.

What is the craziest thing you have ever done to achieve a great photo? During the summer I probably would’ve said going into the lake or a stream for a picture, but I would definitely say that getting absolutely disgusting playing in the mud on a recent shoot was the craziest haha. Do you believe there is a perfect photograph or perfect piece of art? Why or why not? Personally, I don’t. I think there is always, always room for improvement in photography. Sure, there are always going to be photos that come pretty close to perfection, as far as subject, composition, colors, etc are concerned, but I do not for a second believe anyone has achieved perfection with their photography yet, nor do I think anyone ever will. Do you like to take film photos? Why or why not? I like film photos when they are done well. Good film, good focus, good composition, etc. I think film has a very beautiful quality to it, and can often pull at the emotions in different ways than digital photography. To me, film can often have an almost nostalgic feeling to it, and I really like that about it. As for my own work, however, I much prefer digital. I’m all about instant gratification ;)

If you had five minutes of the world’s time to talk to everyone at once, what exactly would you tell them?

Don’t you dare settle for less than what you deserve.

Do you do art on any other mediums?

I’ve dabbled in just about everything art related in my life. I did painting and sketching for a long time, and even considered becoming an illustrator at one point. Photography is definitely my passion, but I also love to draw and create things with my hands.

Are there any reoccurring themes or ideas throughout your photography? I have a few different themes in my photography, I think. One would be in a set on Flickr that is titled “Maschera”. Maschera is the Italian word for mask, and to me, a mask of any kind presents the concept of hiding yourself from the world—living in your own perfect world, so to speak. Also, another set I did was called “Child of the Sea”, which involves me in various bodies of water, the concept being that of rebirth and cleansing.

What stopped you from comp School. I felt like I didn’t have the t to take pictures because I felt like I hit a very rough patch at one point that would produce from me. I didn just be best if I put the project on the project.

pleting your 365 project? Why? time or energy to do the project in a way that was pleasing to myself. I didn’t want I had to, and I definitely didn’t want it to become something that I resented. Also, I t in my life during the project, and honestly, I was just scared of what kind of work n’t want to do anything with my work that I would later regret. I figured it would hold for a while and restart it when I felt like I had the best of myself to devote to

Do you prefer urban areas or rural environments in general? Why? I personally prefer rural environments because I’m very shy about taking selfportraits in front of people, but I would love to do some urban street photography at some point. I also have a lot of gorgeous private locations within a short distance of my house, so that’s always nice. Is there anything that particularly inspires you? Why? I think music has always been a very strong inspiration for me. There’s just something about certain lines of a song that strike me and inspire me to create something from that thought or feeling. That, and just random little things I see or experience on any given day always inspires me. What’s your favorite non-art subject in school? Why? I go to a religious university, and we are currently studying the New Testament. I think there are so many incredible stories and lessons to be learned from those books. The bible has always been a big inspiration to me.

Have you ever been to any cool concerts?:

I’ve seen The Fray, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, Gloriana, and a few other lesser-known bands in concert.

Beauty is Natura

Support SOOC artists. Don’t know what SOOC stands fo SOOC means the photo comes straight out of the camer no photo editing to make people look more beautiful. Pe are born


not made beautiful.


or? ra, eople

Carolyn Emily Snyder Poet/ Photographer/ Artist

You’ll be sure to find her at her own webpage: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ insideeveryheartbeat/

Her Wings May Grow

And she has realized, The epiphany has come That her wings can grow From within her soul. She has realized That she can show the world Who she is, Who she has become And never feel ashamed Of the wings that grow And reveal her soul

I am far

And within our souls Is the truth, The veracity, That we are far from perfect, Far from what God intended And I find that I am just as fragile As the nature before me, And yet my soul is Far from what it should be, Far from what nature is. I am far, And I need to be near.

Anna Gay Photographer

When did you start photography and why do you continue to take photographs? I first picked up a camera in November of 2008, and have not been able to put down my camera since. I continue to take photographs because looking through the viewfinder really helps me appreciate the beauty around me, no matter how large or small it may be.

How has photography shaped and changed your life? Photography has definitely made me more aware of my surroundings. Whether it is seeing how light plays on an object, or noticing the way people interact on the street, I am much more aware of things than I used to be. And, through that awareness, I have begun to really appreciate this world.

When you were younger, did you expect to be doing what you’re doing now? Not at all! I have an undergraduate degree in theatre, and when I graduated college... Continued...

“Utterly Mesmerized”

“i photograph my dreams” “all that i’m after is a life full of laughter”

When you were younger, did you expect to be doing what you’re doing now?


I had every intention of pursuing an acting career. I pursued theatre for a while, but there was always something missing, deep down. It didn’t bring me true joy. So, when I started with photography, I found my true passion, and it felt as though all of the pieces fell into place for me.

What made you start your first 365? What made you start your second 365? Are you going to do a third 365? Honestly, I started my first 365 because I was going through some personal hardships, and I was very lonely and slightly bored at the time. I thought that maybe having a daily task that involved my creativity might not only give me a creative outlet and better my photography, but I hoped that it would help me examine my life and figure out how to make things better. And, it truly did! I took a month off before my second 365, and during that month, I felt like something was missing from my life, creatively speaking. I missed having that moment to myself to take, and the process, a photo every day. I think I will most likely do a third year, because I really enjoy the 365 project, and it is sort of like my journal – my way of documenting my life in a creative way. A 365 project is a project where a photographer takes a picture everyday for a full year, some people create strict rules about how the photo is taken, but Anna says “ I’m making the rules up as I go along. The only rule? A photo-a-day for another 365 glorious days!”

What is the most awkward situation you’ve been in while taking a photo? How has flickr brought you to the photo community? Meet any cool people? Oh, that’s a tough call. I find myself in a lot of awkward situations because I take self-portraits, and when you take photos of yourself in public, people always look at you funny. Especially if you’re wearing a wig or carrying strange props, as I often do. As for Flickr, well, I wouldn’t be where I am now if it weren’t for Flickr. So many of my opportunities have come to me because someone, somewhere, found me on Flickr and wanted to use my work. And, I have met a lot of really amazing people on Flickr. I am constantly inspired by the work I see on Flickr, and it really motivates me to keep improving. I have also made some really great friends on Flickr, and have met people who have mentored me in photography. Do you speak any other languages fluently? If so, what language(s)? If not, do you wish you could fluently speak a language? What language? I spoke French fluently until a few years ago, but lately, in my free time, I have been trying to brush up on my French, because I love the language so much.

Do you have any pets? What are their names?

Have you ever missed a day during your 365? If so, what did you do to make up for the loss? I have never missed a day, no. There have been days when I really didn’t want to take a shot. Some days, I had to take a shot when I lost a loved one, or when I was extremely sick, but I still managed to take a shot, and I was always happy that I did.

I have two very spoiled, but adorable, kitties. Their names are Elphie and Fat Cat.

Do you have any suggestions for people just starting out with photography?

Take more photos than you feel you should! Carry your camera with you at all times, and just click away until your memory card is full. Read as many books and online tutorials as you can, and find photographers who inspire you. Practice, until you develop your own style, and then keep practicing until you evolve into a completely new style.

How have your family and friends supported your photography? They have been wonderful! I think that my photography has brought me closer to them. I am now the go-to gal when any of them need photos, so I get to spend more time with them than I did before. Also, since I post my 365 photos of Flickr every day, they get to see a daily image from me, and when I talk to them on the phone or see them in person, they always want to talk with me about my photos. I guess, since my photos are mostly self-portraits and of a personal nature, I have become more approachable in a way. I used to be very closed off to my family and friends, but now, I am much more open, and I think that has helped all of my personal relationships.

Do you have any particular photographer that you look up to? If so, who? Have you had any contact with them? How did it feel?

This is a tough question for me to answer, because I try not to let many outside influences get to me. I definitely have styles that I prefer – anything with vintage, faded tones appeals to me, and I love photos that utilize interesting props and scenery. But, I do not have any single photographer that I look up to. I love to browse the internet and just look at photos from different individuals. I think that inspires me more than a famous photographer and their work.

How has your life changed since you’ve become a freelance photographer? Do you enjoy it more than your previous job? Why? Being a freelance photographer has been a challenge. I really loved my previous job, mainly because I had amazing coworkers, so I have found that working as my own boss has been a very isolating experience. I am definitely happier now, though. I no longer commute 3 hours a day, and I can work at my own pace. I have more free time to spend with the people I love, focusing on the things that make me happy. So, while I am constantly working, being proactive and trying to book my next opportunity, I am happy in the fact that I am doing what I love.

What has developed and improved through your two years of photography? Definitely my post-processing and just my general knowledge of cameras and lenses. When I first started, I couldn’t tell you the difference between shutter speed and aperture, and I especially didn’t know anything about editing. At this juncture, I feel very comfortable with all of those aspects of my photography.

What other art do you do besides photography? What other hobbies do you have? Well, Van Gogh is my all-time favorite artist. I saw an exhibit of some of his paintings a couple of years ago, and literally wept – his work touches me that deeply. For hobbies, I love to draw, and cooking is something I do daily. I am a vegetarian, so I am always looking for new and fun recipes to add variety to my vegetarian lifestyle. And, of course, I watch a lot of movies. Movies are a huge inspiration to me.

What is your opinion on camera quality? Do you have to have a nice camera to take good photos? Why or why not?

Falling in love with Anna’s work already?

I truly b and flash no passio But, on t a small p don’t bel great ph

What is your taste in music? Have you been to any shnazzy concerts? I really love all kinds of music! Oldies, folk rock and classical are my favorites. I am a huge Beatles fan, too. I saw Paul McCartney in concert last summer, and it was such an amazing experience! I like to believe that, even though there were 60,000 people there, he was singing directly to me. A girl can dream, right?

Is there a mood or a thought you want your view to experience when looking at your photographs? If so, what is/are they?

It depends on my mood on the day I take the photo, honestly. Overall, I just want people to see that it’s okay to be yourself, and we should celebrate our individubelieve that the most expensive camera, lens ality, and try to improve in certain h on the market, in the hands of someone with areas. We all have good qualities, on for photography, are absolutely useless. as well as bad ones, and all of the other hand, if you have passion, but only those qualities should either be point and shoot, the sky is the limit. So, no – I celebrated or improved upon. lieve you have to have a nice camera to take hotos. http://www.flickr.com/photos/annagaycoan/

Andy Beauvais.

Art is from the mind and soul and heart. It’s what you feel and it’s your expression and takes on life in every form and shape. Whether the image is beautiful or terrifying, art is magnificent.

Dear Reader,

I want to thank you first, for going through all of my magazine: it’s been many long hours of designing and organizing the amazing artwork of these artists. Secondly I want to thank all the artists and contributors for their time spent on this magazine. Without their time I wouldn’t be anywhere and without their inspiration and support I wouldn’t have accomplished anything, thank you all for helping me on this project as it’s been quite the journey.

Eric Albee

Special thanks to Michelle Campbell! Without her I would be coverless and idealess, thank you so much for all of your help!

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