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Theme 2: Web 3.0 in 2022

2022 Snapshots Theme 2: Web 3.0 in 2022

▪ Web 3.0 (or Web3) is a vision for the internet based on blockchain and embodies decentralization and token economy concepts.


▪ Web2 and Web3 platforms that operate on different principles will inevitably vie for users’ attention and are headed for a collision course.

▪ Web3 companies will scale up their ecosystems and use cases beyond the early adopters to reach a global audience.


Total Ethereum address (Jan 2022)


Metamask Monthly Active User (Jan 2022)

Core thesis

Web3 is the next stage of the decentralized and open internet-enabled by blockchain technology. Web3 will have an irreversible impact as users demand greater transparency, control and ownership. Opposition for monetization of user data and censorship of centralized internet platforms has spawned a new vision for the internet void of control by centralized authorities.

Significance and Disruptive Impacts

Web3 will give rise to new decentralized use cases that intersect with multiple industries and disrupt the way consumers, industries and businesses operate. The competing visions of Web3 (decentralized) and Web2 (centralized) will inevitably lead to competition for users.

Expectation for 2022

1. New Web3 use cases, economic models, and infrastructure will emerge In 2022, new Web3 projects and enterprises will emerge, driven by significant investments into Web3 in the prior year. Robust, efficient and secure infrastructure will need to be developed in lockstep to provide seamless experiences. (See Interview with Bowie Lau, True Global Venturesand Interview with Zaf Chow, Animoca Brands)

2. Competing visions between Web3 pioneers and centralized entities Each participant has differing views about how decentralized the future internet ought to be. In its purest sense, web3 proponents believe the ecosystem is decentralized. On the other end of the spectrum, web2 wants to keep centralized control of user data and creations. (See Interview with Sébastien Borget, The Sandbox)

3. DAOs will proliferate as governance models DAOs will gain significant momentum as Web3 proliferates. DAOs enable communities with shared visions to coordinate their resources and serve

multiple purposes, including investing, coordinating communities and providing governance (See Interview with Kevin Loo, New Vision).

4. Web3 scales up Web3 companies will scale up their ecosystems beyond the early adopters to reach a global audience. (See Interview with Sébastien Borget, The Sandbox and Interview with Bowie Lau, True Global Ventures)

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