Emerick patterson portfolio

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Emerick Patterson 2016 MDesS Portfolio

Table of Contents: Architecture Overview


1Introduction to Site (Handshake Project)


Program #1 - Cathedral Ice Cream Shop


Working with Forms & Modules


Sartorial Architecture


Garment Re-Creation


Garment Impact Analysis


Negative Space Analysis


Program #2 - Narrative Architecture


Other Creative Work


The subsequent architecture work stems from a 5-week intensive at the Columbia GSAAP Architecture Program. All of the analytical and phenomenological studies are endemic to the structure and site of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, located in the Upper West Side of New York City.



Project #1: Ice Cream Parlor Creating Form in the North West Corner of the Cathedral

Handshake Project (Entire City Block)

Hybrid space created within the NW corner of the Cathedral utilizes the elements of an Ice Cream Parlor in Brooklyn.

Cathedral Introduction: an exploration and experiential consideration of the site and structures. The handshake project requires the distillation of the site’s strongest subjective qualities into an analytical diagram.

Program: Integrate and over-lap the retail and cathedral sites while considering the relationships between the two. Material: Chip Board Dimensions: 48’ x 36’ x 36 Scale: 1/2” = 1’-0”

Diagram (right) illustrates the juxtaposition of the openness and the obstruction of each building. Dotted line represents the pathway taken through the site.

Result: Spatial fusion allows for an exploration of human experience within the new site.

NW Corner of Cathedral



Creating a Module: Considering Conical Form

Slicing Form: Working in Parts

Circular module proposed for Ice Cream Parlor. Module derived from torquing material in various ways.

Self-imposed limitations include using only the circular modules with 0,1, or 2 cuts.

(Ice Cream Parlor)

(Ice Cream Parlor)



Floating Forms (Ice Cream Parlor)

Interplay between walls provide the framework for the structure (right).



(Ice Cream Parlor)

Exploration of scale and spatial qualities.


Retro-Active Axon: (Ice Cream Parlor)

Sartorial Architecture: Experience of a Garment Inside Cathedral Ice Cream Parlor Part 1: Creating a Garment Form from Muslin Original Garment Construction: Consistent with the “Cathedral theme�, monk garments were created based on a chosen sect. The Sohei Monk had an interesting garment designed to be mobile enough for battle; their attire was about movement rather than austerity. Analysis: Recorded subjective experience while wearing the garment in and around the Cathedral.

Axon drawings derived from the model formation.



Analysis of daytime walk through and around Cathedral while wearing Garment (Not to scale) Walking inside the Cathedral (in garment) requires a slower pace due to the reverent atmosphere. As such, the awareness of garment sensations and irritations are heightened. While walking around the perimeter of Cathedral in public (also in garment), attention is drawn more to the clamorous movements and sounds of the city block, which substantially reduced conscious levels of irritation. Next, the garment is reconstructed to emphasize only the specific points of irritation inside the Cathedral (see next page).

Original Garment Construction Garment highlights structural elements of muslin; a material that lacks innate structure while maintaining flexibility.

Material Limitation: 3x1 Ft of Muslin


3000 ft walk outside Cathedral

5 4 3

Upper-Body Heat & Irritation

2 1 0 1 2

Lower-Body Irritation (Itchy & Scratchy)

3 4 5

1000 ft walk inside the cathedral


Phase I: Reconstructing garment to analyze specific impact points Part 2: Garment Re-Construction: Reconstructing Garment based on Public Walk Analysis Phase I: The garment is reconstructed to specifically emphasize where the irritation occurs (see next page). Results show that correct posture alleviates the majority of the garment’s irritation. By effectively positioning vertical stays within the garment (at strategic posture points), the garment encourages good form and eliminates irritation. Phase II: A further exploration evaluates the new garment’s levels of effectiveness at the points where the vertical stays impact the body/skin. Phase III: The final spatial analysis superimposes the impact of the garment at each different ceiling height of the Ice Cream Parlor.

17 16

Back of Neck Movement

Phase II: Evaluating the Reconstructed Garment

Analysis derived from the impact of posture points on the body at each impact point

Posture Enhancer apparatus is reduced to only the essential elements. Impact is recorded over two general movements: forward bending and side-to-side. The loss of posture provokes a range of sensations at the different posture points (hips, Adam’s Apple, back of neck).

Top 2/3’s of the diagram (right) displays the forward bending motion from picture (pg 18-top). Bottom 1/3’rd of the diagram (right) displays the side-to-side hip movement from picture (pg 18bottom). Lightest lines connect the impact points at each position to five different levels of effectiveness.

Adam’s Apple Movement

Hip Impact Movement







Primary Garment Impact Lines

Connection between corresponding impact points

Left Hip

Right Hip

Lines from Impact point to Effectiveness scale




Phase III: Negative Space Exploration of Garment in Ice Cream Parlor


Final analysis superimposes the spatial impact of the garment at each different ceiling height of the Ice Cream Parlor (actual space to left). 2.5’

Elevation Oblique 21

Program #2: Infusing Architecture with Narrative Tasked to Design an apartment in the NW corner of the Cathedral. Based on Short Story - “Cathedral” by Raymond” Carver. Client: (Narrator) Complacent, cynical, and habitual pot smoker. Problem: Narrator is in denial of his dis-satisfactory domestic situation. He is unhappy with his job and his spouse does not confide in him. Response: De-construct the narrators “domestic complacency” by slicing everyday elements in half (toilet, bed, sofa, cabinet; placing the one-half in the poché.

Cathedral Plan

Cathedral Elevation

Apartment Plan & Section

Outcome: The narrator is forced to confront this inconvenience, which subsequently creates a behavioral change; impelling him to reconstruct his apartment, his relationship, and his life.



Cathedral Apartment Plan Half of the elements (sink, tub, etc.)--representing one-half of the relationship--are placed inside the Cathedral Apartment. The other half, correspondingly, are placed in the buttress “poché” of the Cathedral. The 1/2 elements, like the narrator and his wife, are close enough for acknowledgment, but separated by a distinct wall.

Apartment Elements (1/2 Pieces) The lack of harmony between the Narrator and his spouse is evident in the short story “Cathedral”. The deconstruction of physical elements (sink, tub, etc), is representative of the separation in the relationship: each having 1/2 of the elements, representing discord.


The Section cut looks through the “poché” (NW buttress of the Cathedral) but not beyond the wall.




Exploded Axon of Cathedral Apartment (Diagram): Cathedral Apartment Section

Experimental explosion of detachable elements (1/2 bathtub, 1/2 sink, etc) creates a potential second level, causing additional inconvenience for the narrator. Cathedral columns and doors remain original height.

Section of apartment from “poché”, looking over sliced walls. Only included are the primary visible elements from section cut “1”.


A 26


Other Creative Work



Film Work: A Tale of Luxury (Creator, executive producer, interviewer) In my quest to understand what luxury is, this documentary series interviews six artists, designers, and creatives in New York City.

Jean-Michel Cazabat T.V. Series: (Creator, executive producer, interviewer, editor)

Question posed: What is luxury? Is it time and freedom of creation? Is it the elimination of the concern for finances? Or is it the passion of the process? These questions and more were explored with each creative.

Trailer for a series stemming out of “A Tale of Luxury�, highlights the sensibilities and character of one animated man, his luxurious shoe business and lifestyle.

Caroline Bergonzi (top) is a prolific artist from Monaco and founder of Crealab Studios; she paints a quick portrait after our interview. Klaus Saltzmann (bottom), a luxury design consultant, prepares for our conversation.



Thank you emerickpatterson@gmail.com

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