Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Leader

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Leader

Becoming a leader is not easy for some people. The position often comes with self doubt and lingering uncertainty, which can be daunting. If you feel like you are overwhelmed by Imposter Syndrome, follow these steps to take back your confidence and feel great about the position you’re in.

Step 1: Identify Your Strengths

When you’re feeling down about your abilities, it can be hard to focus on any positives. You may need help to remind you of your capabilities. Once you know, keep a handy reminder by writing these skills down in a list that you can easily reference.

Step 2: Capitalize on Your Talents

Just knowing what skills you have is not enough; you must now find ways to use your skills to your advantage.

Step 3: Understand Your Weaknesses After some time of using your strengths to your advantage, it is time to face up to something you may fear: your weaknesses. By recognizing your flaws, you take power away from Imposter Syndrome.

Step 4: Plan Out Growth Of course, it’s not great to ignore your weaknesses as they are. You should always strive to improve, even if it is slowly. How you do that is dependent upon your role and your weaknesses, but luckily, your mentor or boss can help you brainstorm methods that will be effective.

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