#dthcnpr Twitter chat (digitalis temahet 2018)

Page 1

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

13-Apr-2018 18:07

@im_teka Thank you, Imen! Really appreciate it! ͽ#dthcnpr

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 18:05

RT @EmeseCimpean: #Digitalistemahet Q1: Why use Web 2.0 tools to teach about Sustainable Development Goals? #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek…

Kevin Sait (@kevin_sait)

13-Apr-2018 18:01

RT @im_teka: #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek #TeachSDGs #MicrosoftEdu #MIEExpert #MSFTEduChat #etwinning #etwiam @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningE…

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 17:57

RT @EmeseCimpean: @aniturribhi @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @im_teka @ImenMarzouk @bar_zie So complex and true…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

13-Apr-2018 17:54

@im_teka @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @abfromz @OneNoteEDU @Buncee @Mentimeter… https://t.co/gjilG3IN1G

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 17:52

RT @EmeseCimpean: Indeed, #TeachSDGs is learning to collaborate and we can achieve that through amazing online tools. #dthcnpr #digitaliste…

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 17:52

RT @EmeseCimpean: #dthcnpr #dthpetrik #digitalistemahet #digitalthematicweek @evatoth84 Digital skills are very important! #TeachSDGs https…

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 17:52

RT @EmeseCimpean: #TeachSDGs #digitalistemahet #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek Check out this digital education action plan. @TNavracsicsEU h…

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 17:51

#dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek #TeachSDGs #MicrosoftEdu #MIEExpert #MSFTEduChat #etwinning #etwiam @DigitalisTema7… https://t.co/5RTsAay3zh

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

13-Apr-2018 17:50

@im_teka @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @ImenMarzouk @bar_zie Awesome! Voice and visibil… https://t.co/hktsbw3lis

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 17:47

RT @EmeseCimpean: One more day to take part in our slow Twitter chat... csatlakozzatok ti is! #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet #digitalthematicwe…

Kevin Sait (@kevin_sait)

13-Apr-2018 17:46

RT @im_teka: #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek #TeachSDGs #MicrosoftEdu #MIEExpert #MSFTEduChat #etwinning #etwiam @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEu…

Kevin Sait (@kevin_sait)

13-Apr-2018 17:45

RT @im_teka: @EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @ImenMarzouk @bar_zie #Digitalistemahet #dthcnpr #di…

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 17:45

#dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek #TeachSDGs #MicrosoftEdu #MIEExpert #MSFTEduChat #etwinning #etwiam @DigitalisTema7… https://t.co/Jqn700UE5N

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 17:37

RT @im_teka: @EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @ImenMarzouk @bar_zie #Digitalistemahet #dthcnpr #di…

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 17:37

@EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @ImenMarzouk @bar_zie #Digitalistemahet… https://t.co/nreUXmr5CO

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

13-Apr-2018 17:20

RT @EmeseCimpean: @CorneliaMelcu Wow! You are collaborating and creating amazing things. Congratulations, Cornelia for the outstanding #eTw…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

13-Apr-2018 17:18

@CorneliaMelcu Wow! You are collaborating and creating amazing things. Congratulations, Cornelia for the outstandin… https://t.co/bhMfwks3Ah

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

13-Apr-2018 17:14

@CorneliaMelcu #eTwinning is perfect, safe and collaborative. I like the drive because of its utility (I have with… https://t.co/MTtBnV42Qo

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

13-Apr-2018 17:12

RT @EmeseCimpean: #digitalistemahet #dthcnpr #TeachSDGs #bethechangetakethechallenge #SDGsKidsAvengers @eTwinningEurope @EdChatEu https://t…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

13-Apr-2018 17:12

RT @EmeseCimpean: Global learning is easier. Thank you, Cornelia. #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet @EdChatEU https://t.co/0wZVVSwbJo

Cornelia Melcu (@CorneliaMelcu)

13-Apr-2018 16:52

#dthcnpr @EmeseCimpean Q3. Have a look at our #etwinning project ”So that we're not afraid”. Learning about hazards… https://t.co/xKwflePsq0

Cornelia Melcu (@CorneliaMelcu)

13-Apr-2018 16:49

#dthcnpr @EmeseCimpean Q.2 Google drive tools because they allow collaboration. I will add online educational platf… https://t.co/cC6nY65e5V

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

13-Apr-2018 16:49

Global learning is easier. Thank you, Cornelia. #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet @EdChatEU https://t.co/0wZVVSwbJo

Cornelia Melcu (@CorneliaMelcu)

13-Apr-2018 16:47

#dthcnpr @EmeseCimpean Q1. Using web tools is...global. It is easier to share and lern together about SDG

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

13-Apr-2018 16:46

#digitalistemahet #dthcnpr #TeachSDGs #bethechangetakethechallenge #SDGsKidsAvengers @eTwinningEurope @EdChatEu https://t.co/1b3xSoBpno

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

13-Apr-2018 16:28

#dthcnpr #digitalistemahet https://t.co/cne0ZVtxt7

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

13-Apr-2018 16:26

@aniturribhi @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @im_teka @ImenMarzouk @bar_zie So complex an… https://t.co/5Q5RICUnq3

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

13-Apr-2018 15:15

#digitalistemahet masodik napja - interjuk #dthcnpr https://t.co/j9QmKMObyR

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

13-Apr-2018 15:00

@aniturribhi @TeresaRughi63 @bar_zie @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @im_teka It became s… https://t.co/KSnQO2yczr

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

13-Apr-2018 14:58

@bar_zie @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @TeresaRughi63 @im_teka Great tools! Thank you,… https://t.co/xeQFKGGIfq

aniturribhi (IdoiaZ) (@aniturribhi)

13-Apr-2018 14:56

RT @EmeseCimpean: @bar_zie @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @TeresaRughi63 @im_teka #bethechangetakethechallenge…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

13-Apr-2018 06:44

RT @GeorgianaBolbos: #dthcnpr #dthpetrik #digitalistemahet Mobile devices allow collaboration. The team from "Petru Rareș" National College…

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 05:43

RT @EmeseCimpean: @bar_zie @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @TeresaRughi63 @im_teka Infographs are a great way to…

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 05:43

RT @EmeseCimpean: @bar_zie @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @TeresaRughi63 @im_teka #bethechangetakethechallenge…

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 05:43

RT @EmeseCimpean: @TeresaRughi63 @bar_zie @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @im_teka My students seem to love it to…

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

13-Apr-2018 05:43

RT @EmeseCimpean: @marias301 @EdChatEU @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @bar_zie @TeresaRughi63 @im_teka Very well…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

13-Apr-2018 01:33

RT @EmeseCimpean: #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet #bethechangetakethechallenge @TeresaRughi63 https://t.co/AYXDKcmKxe

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

13-Apr-2018 01:31

RT @EmeseCimpean: @DianaForrai @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka Very well done, Diana! Two of your project…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

13-Apr-2018 01:31

RT @EmeseCimpean: @DianaForrai @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka Proud of you and thankful! Caring for the…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

13-Apr-2018 01:30

RT @EmeseCimpean: @marias301 @EdChatEU @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @bar_zie @TeresaRughi63 @im_teka Very well…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 21:53

@TeresaRughi63 @bar_zie @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @im_teka My students seem to love… https://t.co/MVYfunZs3R

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 21:32

@Zeynepoztoprak2 You are so right, @Zeynepoztoprak2 If you can show the students and help them reflect on the… https://t.co/hkPsq7UuZT

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 21:26

#dthcnpr #digitalistemahet #bethechangetakethechallenge @TeresaRughi63 https://t.co/AYXDKcmKxe

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 21:25

@TeresaRughi63 @eTwinningEurope @TeachSDGs @LiceoMazzatinti Thank you, @TeresaRughi63 #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 21:07

@bar_zie @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @TeresaRughi63 @im_teka Infographs are a great w… https://t.co/TMSNCgTORy

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 21:20

@marias301 @EdChatEU @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @bar_zie @TeresaRughi63 @im_teka Ver… https://t.co/Niy58CdY82

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 21:02

@bar_zie @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @TeachSDGs @TeresaRughi63 @im_teka… https://t.co/ewpG4Gx28c

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 21:00

@DianaForrai @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka Proud of you and thankful! Caring fo… https://t.co/pwJyhfqu7c

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 20:59

@DianaForrai @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka Very well done, Diana! Two of your p… https://t.co/Vdwvuy2Jig

Kevin Sait (@kevin_sait)

12-Apr-2018 19:00

RT @EmeseCimpean: #digitalistemahet Q3: Tell the world about your project/activities on SDGs. #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek #TeachSDGs #Mi…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 18:56

RT @EmeseCimpean: #digitalistemahet Q3: Tell the world about your project/activities on SDGs. #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek #TeachSDGs #Mi…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 18:50

#digitalistemahet Q3: Tell the world about your project/activities on SDGs. #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek… https://t.co/UJadz5FF9w

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 18:44

RT @DianaForrai: @EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka A1 : Web 2.0 could allow for more collabor…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 18:44

RT @DianaForrai: @EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka A3 : This picture includes our T-shirt, ou…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 18:44

RT @Zeynepoztoprak2: Q1: You should use Web 2.0 tools to provide information on Sustainable Development Goals. Because it makes more concre…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 18:44

RT @Zeynepoztoprak2: Q3: With the SDGs project, students learn their development goals better. is trying to create awareness all over the w…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 18:44

RT @Zeynepoztoprak2: Q2: I would recommend the PixTone and Scratch tools to learn SDGs. Because it is suitable for both large and small stu…

Zeynep ÖZTOPRAK (@Zeynepoztoprak2)

12-Apr-2018 18:42

Q3: With the SDGs project, students learn their development goals better. is trying to create awareness all over th… https://t.co/F9dURdHo2k

Zeynep ÖZTOPRAK (@Zeynepoztoprak2)

12-Apr-2018 18:41

Q2: I would recommend the PixTone and Scratch tools to learn SDGs. Because it is suitable for both large and small… https://t.co/8WiJIfCz6B

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 18:37

RT @DianaForrai: @EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka A2 : In my opinion, Google has efficiently…

Zeynep ÖZTOPRAK (@Zeynepoztoprak2)

12-Apr-2018 18:22

Q1: You should use Web 2.0 tools to provide information on Sustainable Development Goals. Because it makes more con… https://t.co/cYDsxgRzHi

Diana Forrai (@DianaForrai)

12-Apr-2018 18:11

@EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka A3 : This picture includes our T-sh… https://t.co/05FzGa1Y3e

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 17:56

@DianaForrai @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka Do you use Google Drive? #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet

Diana Forrai (@DianaForrai)

12-Apr-2018 17:50

@EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka A2 : In my opinion, Google has effi… https://t.co/PtGtIbBpdX

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 17:47

Indeed, @DianaForrai. Very well stated. What is your favourite collaborative tool? #digitalistemahet #dthcnpr… https://t.co/bjfziuVnS0

Diana Forrai (@DianaForrai)

12-Apr-2018 17:27

@EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka A1 : Web 2.0 could allow for more c… https://t.co/Lqhb3JPZrt

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

12-Apr-2018 17:20

RT @sophiakouz: @EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka #dthcnpr #TeachSDGs A1: It is more interac…

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

12-Apr-2018 17:20

RT @CristNycol: @EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka #dthcnpr A2: I would use https://t.co/mti0…

imen tekaya (@im_teka)

12-Apr-2018 17:20

RT @CristNycol: @EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka #dthcnpr A1: Web 2.0 tools take collaborat…

Kevin Sait (@kevin_sait)

12-Apr-2018 17:16

RT @EmeseCimpean: One more day to take part in our slow Twitter chat... csatlakozzatok ti is! #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet #digitalthematicwe…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 16:39

#digitalistemahet Webinárium hamarosan kezdödik #dthcnpr #etwiam @attilafozo https://t.co/61yYDl0v41

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 16:15

One more day to take part in our slow Twitter chat... csatlakozzatok ti is! #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet… https://t.co/0LzWGGOHae

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 15:18

RT @EmeseCimpean: Thank you! Relevance for students life is so important and so often forgotten when planning. Very well highlighted! #dthc…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 14:52

RT @EmeseCimpean: Technology allows us to work together, luckily... to open the classrooms and learn in one global classroom. #dthcnpr #di…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 14:51

Technology allows us to work together, luckily... to open the classrooms and learn in one global classroom.… https://t.co/5AZ6wfISmm

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 14:49

RT @EmeseCimpean: Thanks for the suggestions. Both are great (I love Presentations too... so easy to collaborate globally) #dthcnpr #digita…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 14:48

Thanks for the suggestions. Both are great (I love Presentations too... so easy to collaborate globally) #dthcnpr… https://t.co/IhNWJKWZl3

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 14:46

I agree! To help them and ourselves think about the importance of acting responsible. Thank you for sharing our pro… https://t.co/FPIS8eV3Ca

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 14:43

In a global classroom (thank you, @aranza_itu ) #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet #TeachSDGs #bethechangetakethechallenge https://t.co/NuQ7vljTZe

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 14:38

Amazing job, Cristina! Thank you for sharing. What a great example of interdisciplinary approach! Love your Sway.… https://t.co/F29Lb4fCfX

Arantza Iturrioz (@aranza_itu)

12-Apr-2018 14:30

RT @GeorgianaBolbos: #dthcnpr #dthpetrik #digitalistemahet Mobile devices allow collaboration. The team from "Petru Rareș" National College…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 14:24

RT @CristNycol: #dthcnpr A3: "Etwinning project : What is weather-#eTwCitizen16?" | https://t.co/f6Q9stnfdI

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 14:22

RT @EmeseCimpean: Thank you, @CristNycol ! Web quests and collaborative presentations are great for working in teams and also, be creative…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 14:19

Thank you, Cristina! #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet You can use Web 2.0 tools to connect classes worldwide... And they… https://t.co/8vLHuk7L3i

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 14:17

Thank you, @CristNycol ! Web quests and collaborative presentations are great for working in teams and also, be cre… https://t.co/rBBh7PaskL

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 13:15

Thank you! Relevance for students life is so important and so often forgotten when planning. Very well highlighted!… https://t.co/bXph2t2sQY

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 12:44

RT @sophiakouz: @EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka #dthcnpr #TeachSDGs A1: It is more interac…

Sophia Kouzouli (@sophiakouz)

12-Apr-2018 12:43

@EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka #dthcnpr #TeachSDGs A1: It is more… https://t.co/zZaBXMfToc

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 12:43

RT @CristNycol: @EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka #dthcnpr A2: I would use https://t.co/mti0…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 12:43

RT @CristNycol: @EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka #dthcnpr A1: Web 2.0 tools take collaborat…

Cristina (@CristNycol)

12-Apr-2018 12:41

@EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka #dthcnpr A2: I would use… https://t.co/y835AIvMyx

Cristina (@CristNycol)

12-Apr-2018 12:34

@EmeseCimpean @DigitalisTema7 @eTwinningEurope @MicrosoftEDU @EdChatEU @im_teka #dthcnpr A1: Web 2.0 tools take co… https://t.co/7dj6Ctg7JS

maria teresa (@TeresaRughi63)

12-Apr-2018 12:10

#dthcnpr #TeachSDGs SDGs is the starting point to let students be into their future and present lives. An example… https://t.co/pQ0vtDFkJp

maria teresa (@TeresaRughi63)

12-Apr-2018 11:55

#dthcnpr A2: any tools is good, privided it fits the task! Google.presentstions and adobespark were our favourite!… https://t.co/CzMXEktfPA

Cristina (@CristNycol)

12-Apr-2018 12:42

#dthcnpr A3: "Etwinning project : What is weather-#eTwCitizen16?" | https://t.co/f6Q9stnfdI

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 11:40

Educational videogames are fun and also enhance learning #dthpetrik #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet #TeachSDGs @evatoth84

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 11:25

RT @EmeseCimpean: We advice everyone to use the Internet safely #dthcnpr #dthpetrik #digitalistemahet #EPAmbassadorSchools

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 11:19

We advice everyone to use the Internet safely #dthcnpr #dthpetrik #digitalistemahet #EPAmbassadorSchools

Bolbos Georgiana (@GeorgianaBolbos)

12-Apr-2018 11:18

#dthcnpr #dthpetrik #digitalistemahet Mobile devices allow collaboration. The team from "Petru Rareș" National Coll… https://t.co/z9dtI1dye7

maria teresa (@TeresaRughi63)

12-Apr-2018 08:42

#dthcnpr #bethechabgetakethechallenge #TeachSDGs A1:Technology allows students to share and collaborate with peers who live far away!

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

12-Apr-2018 08:36

RT @EmeseCimpean: Why #TeachSDGs and learn collaboratively about #SDGs ? What #Web2.0 tools you can use to enhance learning? #dthcnpr #digi…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 08:31

#digitalistemahet Day 2 - Interjúk #multiculturality #herritage @DianaForrai #dthcnpr #EPAmbassadorSchools https://t.co/h6F2G98Syb

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 08:13

Why #TeachSDGs and learn collaboratively about #SDGs ? What #Web2.0 tools you can use to enhance learning? #dthcnpr… https://t.co/p9YNaDj1tT

Barbara A.Zielonka (@bar_zie)

12-Apr-2018 06:17

RT @EmeseCimpean: #digitalistemahet Q2: What tools would you recommend for collaborating on learning about SDGs and why? #dthcnpr #digital…

Barbara A.Zielonka (@bar_zie)

12-Apr-2018 06:17

RT @EmeseCimpean: We started to use #Skype in the classroom @TheWorldsLesson How do you collaborate on @TheGlobalGoals ? #dthcnpr #digitali…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 04:26

We started to use #Skype in the classroom @TheWorldsLesson How do you collaborate on @TheGlobalGoals ? #dthcnpr… https://t.co/4ITrmpTflb

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

12-Apr-2018 04:16

Q2. What tools would you recommend for teaching about SDGs and why? #TeachSDGs #dthcnpr https://t.co/BOFEWweNWe


11-Apr-2018 19:14

RT @EmeseCimpean: #Digitalistemahet Q1: Why use Web 2.0 tools to teach about Sustainable Development Goals? #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek…

Arjana Blazic (@abfromz)

11-Apr-2018 18:48

RT @EmeseCimpean: #digitalistemahet Q2: What tools would you recommend for collaborating on learning about SDGs and why? #dthcnpr #digital…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

11-Apr-2018 18:47

RT @EmeseCimpean: Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” - candidat la titlul de „Școală-ambasador a Parlamentului European”: „#Digitalistemahet”…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

11-Apr-2018 18:46

RT @EmeseCimpean: #digitalistemahet Q2: What tools would you recommend for collaborating on learning about SDGs and why? #dthcnpr #digital…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

11-Apr-2018 17:01

Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” - candidat la titlul de „Școală-ambasador a Parlamentului European”: „… https://t.co/Fjaif1S2Ny

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

11-Apr-2018 18:46

#digitalistemahet Q2: What tools would you recommend for collaborating on learning about SDGs and why? #dthcnpr… https://t.co/uFPN2yHY3n

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

11-Apr-2018 13:14

RT @GeorgianaBolbos: A1. We use technology to learn about #SDGs because it is faster #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet @EmeseCimpean

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

11-Apr-2018 13:14

RT @EmeseCimpean: Why is it important for learning to be faster? #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet #TeachSDGs @eu_schoolnet #MicrosoftEdu #MIEExpe…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

11-Apr-2018 11:36

RT @EmeseCimpean: #TeachSDGs #digitalistemahet #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek Check out this digital education action plan. @TNavracsicsEU h…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

11-Apr-2018 11:35

#TeachSDGs #digitalistemahet #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek Check out this digital education action plan.… https://t.co/FLly2TQaJb

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

11-Apr-2018 11:33

RT @EmeseCimpean: #Digitalistemahet Q1: Why use Web 2.0 tools to teach about Sustainable Development Goals? #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

11-Apr-2018 11:31

RT @EmeseCimpean: We can choose what to expose, but it is tricky, indeed. #digitalistemahet #dthpetrik #dthcnpr @evatoth84 https://t.co/7nK…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

11-Apr-2018 11:30

We can choose what to expose, but it is tricky, indeed. #digitalistemahet #dthpetrik #dthcnpr @evatoth84 https://t.co/7nKzvDydyn

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

11-Apr-2018 11:28

RT @EmeseCimpean: #dthcnpr #dthpetrik #digitalistemahet #digitalthematicweek @evatoth84 Digital skills are very important! #TeachSDGs https…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

11-Apr-2018 11:27

#dthcnpr #dthpetrik #digitalistemahet #digitalthematicweek @evatoth84 Digital skills are very important! #TeachSDGs https://t.co/oBA7kskb2c

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

11-Apr-2018 11:24

RT @EmeseCimpean: Hours with benefits, for sure - thank to technology... Glad to see you online, @abfromz #digitalistemahet #dthpetrik #dth…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

11-Apr-2018 11:22

Hours with benefits, for sure - thank to technology... Glad to see you online, @abfromz #digitalistemahet… https://t.co/MD3bM2dVia

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

11-Apr-2018 11:17

RT @EmeseCimpean: The team from #dthcnpr #dthpetrik #digitalistemahet https://t.co/KtSudC6bmR

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

11-Apr-2018 11:17

The team from #dthcnpr #dthpetrik #digitalistemahet https://t.co/KtSudC6bmR

Bolbos Georgiana (@GeorgianaBolbos)

11-Apr-2018 11:15

@evatoth84 #dthpetrik #dthcnpr https://t.co/ya4zuwEdAP

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

11-Apr-2018 11:15

RT @EmeseCimpean: #dthpetrik #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet @evatoth84 Our (my) first twilfie https://t.co/Yjg8l1AB8m

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

11-Apr-2018 11:14

#dthpetrik #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet @evatoth84 Our (my) first twilfie https://t.co/Yjg8l1AB8m

Kevin Sait (@kevin_sait)

11-Apr-2018 10:45

RT @EmeseCimpean: Why is it important for learning to be faster? #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet #TeachSDGs @eu_schoolnet #MicrosoftEdu #MIEExpe…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

11-Apr-2018 10:30

Why is it important for learning to be faster? #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet #TeachSDGs @eu_schoolnet #MicrosoftEdu… https://t.co/Yl2PifDPPe

Bolbos Georgiana (@GeorgianaBolbos)

11-Apr-2018 10:18

A1. We use technology to learn about #SDGs because it is faster #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet @EmeseCimpean

Barbara A.Zielonka (@bar_zie)

11-Apr-2018 04:51

RT @EmeseCimpean: #Digitalistemahet Q1: Why use Web 2.0 tools to teach about Sustainable Development Goals? #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

11-Apr-2018 01:11

RT @EmeseCimpean: #Digitalistemahet Q1: Why use Web 2.0 tools to teach about Sustainable Development Goals? #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek…

Kevin Sait (@kevin_sait)

10-Apr-2018 20:45

RT @EmeseCimpean: #Digitalistemahet Q1: Why use Web 2.0 tools to teach about Sustainable Development Goals? #dthcnpr #digitalthematicweek…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

10-Apr-2018 20:45

#Digitalistemahet Q1: Why use Web 2.0 tools to teach about Sustainable Development Goals? #dthcnpr… https://t.co/R7vTIuxFLT

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

10-Apr-2018 19:23

RT @EmeseCimpean: Our school received the #etwinningschool label. Thank you, #eTwinning @eu_schoolnet #dthcnpr @eTwinningEurope @eTwinningR…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

10-Apr-2018 18:06

Our school received the #etwinningschool label. Thank you, #eTwinning @eu_schoolnet #dthcnpr @eTwinningEurope… https://t.co/pu5gSpzKkG

Kevin Sait (@kevin_sait)

10-Apr-2018 12:15

RT @EmeseCimpean: Indeed, #TeachSDGs is learning to collaborate and we can achieve that through amazing online tools. #dthcnpr #digitaliste…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

10-Apr-2018 13:10

RT @EmeseCimpean: This week, our school goes digital. Join us for Digitális Témahét 2018! #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet #digitalthematicweek #…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

10-Apr-2018 12:11

RT @EmeseCimpean: Indeed, #TeachSDGs is learning to collaborate and we can achieve that through amazing online tools. #dthcnpr #digitaliste…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

10-Apr-2018 12:04

Indeed, #TeachSDGs is learning to collaborate and we can achieve that through amazing online tools. #dthcnpr… https://t.co/x1fpcpHL2C

Joanna Waszkowska (@joawaszka)

10-Apr-2018 07:19

RT @EmeseCimpean: The questions of our #digitalistemahet slow chat. Join us for a discussion about #TeachSDGs and digital tools.Waiting for…

Kevin Sait (@kevin_sait)

10-Apr-2018 07:15

RT @EmeseCimpean: The questions of our #digitalistemahet slow chat. Join us for a discussion about #TeachSDGs and digital tools.Waiting for…

Education in Europe ә (@EdChatEU)

10-Apr-2018 07:09

RT @EmeseCimpean: The questions of our #digitalistemahet slow chat. Join us for a discussion about #TeachSDGs and digital tools.Waiting for…

Kevin Sait (@kevin_sait)

10-Apr-2018 06:15

RT @EmeseCimpean: Join us for a Slow Twitter Chat. The topic is #TeachSDGs using #Web 2.0 tools #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet #digitalthematic…

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

10-Apr-2018 06:03

Join us for a Slow Twitter Chat. The topic is #TeachSDGs using #Web 2.0 tools #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet… https://t.co/0zN3beqM7G

Emese Cimpean (@EmeseCimpean)

This week, our school goes digital. Join us for Digitális Témahét 2018! #dthcnpr #digitalistemahet… https://t.co/ZDGAqA2PGi

10-Apr-2018 04:33

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