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The final presented work for graduation of the Architecture and Urbanism degree, analyzes the reasons that led to the implementation of the maternal and child healthcare model, named Centre of Natural Birth in Brazil (Centro de Parto Normal). The objective is, through analysis, to present a physical space solution as an alternative to the current cesarean scenario, the medicalization of childbirth. The project seeks to present as a result, concepts and elements applied to the enhancement of natural childbirth, based mainly on the guidelines of the agencies responsible for health in Brazil and on studies of comfort and humanization in similar structures existing in other countries. In Rio de Janeiro, the creation of the existing CPN was regulated by the Municipal Health Secretariat through Resolution No. 1041, which establishes that these Centres must mandatorily act in partnership with a Reference Maternity and with the Programmatic Area Health Units they belong to.


This project aims to create conditions for the normal, natural and humanized childbirth, proposing through the elements of Architecture the expansion and popularization of a place that refers to the home environment to give birth, but with safety and technical supervision of health professionals in an appropriate environment, including methods for eventual emergencies.

The project suggests easily reproducible guidelines, such as the “SARAH” hospitals from the architect João Figueiras da Lima, LeLé, presenting a low maintenance cost for the State. This Normal Childbirth Center is a project for all people who are born, for all women who want and can choose this form of giving birth.

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