10 seo tips for beginners by advertiserobot

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10 SEO Tips For Beginners by AdvertiseRobot

1. On Page - Off Page SEO Needed You will not achieve great success without doing them both. Many would argue on-page SEO and off-page SEO are just as important as each other. Your site can be optimized and ranking but off-page can sky rocket the traffic and make your site have authority (another key factor to ranking higher in the search engines). You can also hire an SEO Agency Los Angeles like Advertiserobot who can do it in the best way. 2. Never Do No SEO No SEO means very limited visitors to your website. If you do not implement SEO the search engines cannot rank your website with relevant keywords. They may not even index the website for months. Leaving you hanging around waiting for traffic that will never appear.

3. Know Your Competition Know where they are ranking and for what keywords. Knowing this enables you to compete with them. Without knowing this are blindly going about your business, use their work they've already done to boost your website higher. 4. Do Not Leave SEO For Another Day The quicker you start the better it will be. Leaving it for another time will mean more pages to optimise and less traffic hitting the website. No ALT tags / image tags / headlining's will spell disaster not to speak will takes days/weeks/months to go manually. 5. Blog If you blog you add value most importantly. But secondly it adds new content to your site. New keywords areas and give people a reason to visit your site. 6. Never Think Your Website Is Finished If you want it to rank higher in the SERPS you need to add new content and be improving the site each month. Creating new content means the Google bots will search the sites regularly and update their indexing. 7. Do Not Copy Content

If Google thinks (knows) your content is copied it will downgrade this page or worse the entire website. Most pictures nowadays are copyrighted so be aware when using these images as well (a big bill could come your way). If using content from elsewhere always acknowledge the original source. 8. Set Up & Ask For Reviews On Google Business Pages Google Business Pages can help you rank number 1, even if your website is not number one for a certain search. This is a crafty tool most SEO consultants / companies keep to themselves. Its easy to set up and great for local searches. 9. Know Why Websites Get Penalties Known issues are poor content, over use of keywords, advert heavy pages, low quality backlinks amongst a lot of other things. Research how to get rid of these penalties as the search engines will drop your site in the rankings and not allow it back until the problems are solved. 10. Use Google Search Console The search console enables you to find out what traffic you are currently getting and how many impressions you are getting and for what keywords. This is a very powerful tool to measure website traffic. It's all about doing the basics, then implementing your own strategy. Watching this carefully then adjusting what you are doing. SEO is very time consuming but the benefits far outweigh the option of not doing any.

You Can Get A Free SEO Website Review Here: https://www.advertiserobot.com/

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