Barrier gates India: 6 major benefits of parking barrier gates

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Barrier gates India: 6 major benefits of parking barrier gates Believe it or not but people are ordering barrier gates at their parking lots like never before. Gone is the time when such an enhanced security system was considered only appropriate for super stars or for installation at airports. Now, private car owners are increasingly installing Barrier gate China in order to give themselves impregnable security. Without further adieu, let us quickly go through its multiple benefits in brief: 1] Enhancing the security of your private car: Firstly, such a gate will intensify the security of your personal car or cars. If you have more than one car, then the installation of such parking gates becomes all the more important. Parking gates add another strong layer of protection to your premises and coupled with a CCTV camera, they can give you almost 100% security. 2] Data record: The automated barrier gates can record details and registration number of the cars that check in or check out of the place. Thus, the need for manual recording gets eliminated. It not only allows you to remove the man-guards from the check posts but also gives you access to past information whenever needed. They can often be handy when and if any crime has been committed in your colony. 3] Privacy: The barrier gates India security system not just gives you water-tight security but also the much-needed privacy. Sometimes, people think that the space is freely available for anybody to park their car and hence they may park their own car when your car is out on road. This can get annoying and it can be more frustrating if your own neighbour is doing so repeatedly since you cannot, out of general courtesy, refuse him such help every time. A parking gate automatically bars him from parking his car at your purchased floor, as simple as that! 4] Keeps the area neat and tidy: With no other car getting parked there, the parking space stays relatively cleaner. In the long run, this can be helpful as the floor stays healthy for a long time. Also, in the short run, it implies less cleaning and less sweeping the area. 5] Inexpensive: Contrary to what some people think, parking barrier gates are not expensive. They have become very much affordable. Besides, with different

sizes and varieties available in the market, one can buy one according to his customized need and budget. In fact, it often leads to a sharp drop in your maintenance cost as the cost of manning the area comes down heavily. 6] Scope for generating revenue: Even though this is a remote benefit, but there is always a scope for generating revenue with such a tight security system in place. If you have extra space in your parking lot then it can always be given on rent for parking (as many people do) and that will bring you good income. It is when you are negotiating the deal that the presence of the parking barrier will truly come to good use. People would be more than just willing to count on your security system and readily pay you fees for getting their cars parked.

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