7 Things to Consider While Choosing the Best Artificial Grass | ToughTurfSocal The growth of the artificial grass market is expected to grow by nearly 7 percent year on year until 2022. Do you suspect that the grass is actually greener on the artificial side? If you’re considering switching to artificial grass, there are many different things to take into account. In this article, you will discover how you can make sure you choose the best artificial grass for you. 1. The Usage of Your Lawn It’s important to consider how much usage you’re going to get out of the artificial grass. Are children going to be playing on the turf? Do you have pets treading on the grass? There are different types of artificial grass which are designed according to the amount of usage. You need to make a decision about whether you want your turf to withstand intensive use. 2. Quality of the Product Do you know what the best artificial grass is made from? It’s usually polyamide, polypropylene, and polyethylene. It can even be a mix of all three materials. You need to look out for artificial grass products which show a consistent color and no tears or rips. If you want a high-quality product, you need to be prepared to pay more. However, it’s a good investment because it’s likely to last longer and be more robust. 3. The Length of the Blades You also need to decide the length of the blades of synthetic grass. You may be tempted to get a long blade. However, it’s important to be aware that even though they look great, they’re more vulnerable to damage over time. If you select a shorter length blade, you can ensure that it’s maintained better over time. That way, you have beautiful synthetic grass for longer. 4. The Weight of the Grass The greater the weight of the synthetic grass, the better the quality of the product. If you’re installing the grass on a roof-top or patio, it’s important to make sure the structure underneath can support the weight.
5. What Kind of Infill? You also need to determine the infill. You can decide between sand or gravel usually. However, sometimes, other materials are available. This supports the synthetic grass and provides greater support and resilience. 6. Grass Doesn’t Need to Be Green Yes, of course, you want your artificial grass to be grass. But, green comes in many colors. What about dark green? Why not bright lime green? Be careful what decision you make. If you change your mind, it’s expensive to install artificial grass twice. Choosing the Best Artificial Grass There are so many different things you need to consider when choosing the best artificial grass. After reading this article, are you still struggling to choose the right synthetic grass is for you? ToughTurfSocal.com will help you through all of the difficult decisions about choosing the best artificial grass for your backyard.