How to identify the best keywords for your ppc campaign

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How to Identify the Best Keywords for your PPC campaign Quality Score is’s the perfect measuring tool as it tells you whether your content is relevant, how prospects for your landing page and the rate at which viewers click your ads. If all three factors are showing good results - you are rewarded with lower CPCs & success. Unfortunately, landing page optimization is a slog, ad rotation is unending, and expected CTR takes FOREVER to improve. And while this might sit alright with top-spenders, your average Joe can’t wait a fortnight for a one-point uptick in Quality Score. It isn’t sustainable. Given this frown-inducing reality, when it comes to immediate optimization you’re caught between a rock and a hard place, unless you shift your focus to Click-Through Rate. Why is CTR important to your AdWords Success? Because Click Through Rate (CTR) tells the percentage of visitors who view and click the ads. (Total Clicks on Ad) / (Total Impressions) = Click Through Rate If someone clicks on one of your search ads, they’re a step away from completing a desired action. An Action could be a purchase, a phone call, a form fill: whatever represents value within the context of your business and a given AdWords campaign. Provided your ad and landing page align with a given keyword and its searcher’s underlying intent, you’ll see an increase in Quality Score and a decrease in CPC. If the intent of a search query is met and satisfied - you’ve got a great chance of procuring a sale or lead. This is high value. but if you notice a keyword with a high CTR but you’re not seeing conversions, you’ve got a problem. It also can mean you’re not matching intent with an appropriate offer or your landing page is a friction point. Or maybe you're targeting the wrong keywords entirely. Finding your account’s most valuable keywords can be achieved easily by using custom filters. You need to use a broad enough date range to get a true understanding of performance - thirty days will work. From there, enter the AdWords UI, navigate over to the keyword tab, click the “Columns” button and select “Modify columns and pull up the custom columns interface. Arrange your field of view as follows and once your columns are ordered appropriately, apply them to your active UI by pressing the blue “Apply” button. Now it’s time to build your high-value high-CTR filter. However, an SEO Company Los Angeles like AdvertiseRobot can also help you in that. • CTR greater than account average is one of the two most important fields to include in your filter. Simply check out the dark grey row at the top of your view & it will also allow you to filter out a ton of riffraff. • Conversion rate greater than account average will help you separate the keywords that are already killing it from the ones that need work. Terms with high click through rate & low Conversion Rate are money pits so uncover your top-performers and invert this field and use a variation on the same filter to find your most costly pain points.

• Cost / conversion less than your target CPA - This is tied to the Conversion Rate parameter and isn’t explicitly necessary with a smaller account. If you’re targeting hundreds of keywords through bidding, though, this can help the cream rise to the top. • Impressions is necessary to filter out blips. If a keyword has a 100% CTR and Conversion Rate but has only seen two impressions, it’s probably statistically insignificant. You can use 100 impressions as a threshold but if you’re working with a more robust account, chooses a number that makes sense in context. Once you’ve got your filter’s parameters established, name it and save it. This will allow you to continuously stay on top of your account’s most valuable terms without any hassle.

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