How to make your business a household name

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How to Make Your Business a Household Name The rules keep changing in the world of marketing and today you need imagination & personality in order to make your business a household name. The difference between placed media and earned media is critical to understand - and adjust to it. To drive where your industry is headed, you first need to understand where it is right now. Actively seek out as much information as possible about your field, attending networking events, cold e-mailing professionals, reading blogs, and taking certificate courses & even listening to podcasts. Mastering social media is essential to the longevity of your business and effectively participates in the social networking and digital tools available across the internet. While this does require an investment of time, it's really mandatory in order to survive. Just make sure you have the facts to back them up! Now it's time to unleash your develop a clear stance on the important issues in your industry and understand where it is headed - make bold claims— Authenticity is an important part of this process - the people are your new PR agents, their Facebook timelines are your new ad placements. Work to craft trade content that's not only useful and informative but also engaging, entertaining, and thought provoking. Hire a quality content writer or a Digital Marketing Agency like AdvertiseRobot to draft stories on your behalf. It works great! There's a lot of really niche special interest groups forming now, so you must spend time knowing where your audience is. It's really simple to do a search on Google for blogs, and Twitter is also great way to find bloggers, and you need to know who's got the most important voice in your area. Find Your Audience - Start putting your thoughts to paper and self-publish it. Don't be shy about sharing these posts on social media. Content publishing resources like Facebook, Medium or LinkedIn are good platforms to publish your stories directly. Thought leaders do not live in vacuums, so get ready to hit the networking circuit & seek out ways to have a deeper involvement in community events. You can offer your expertise to the organizers of speaker series or industry panels. Be outrageously creative as the internet is like one million TVs turned on all at once - cut through is a meritocracy.

Because even if just 1% of top customers think this is so awesome they'll share it with their friends: they might re-tweet it, they might post it on their Facebook timeline. Shareabilty is engagement and that's very important. The name is very important - think why some products and services are successful - what makes Apple so good name? A brand is nothing more than a name but when your unique idea or concept of your company disappears - all that’s left is the difference between your brand name and the brand names of your competitors. It's important to keep in touch with everyone on your database, and the best way to keep them engaged is adding value to your customers with your communications. Running a joint campaign saves time, money and extends your reach, there's no business that can't do a fusion marketing campaign with someone else if you think outside the box. The key to this approach is to team up with partners of equal standing and quality to your business - so don't get caught up with spending all your time working out agreements and contracts. Advertise Robot can help create your Brand - contact us now -

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