Is float therapy really good for brain

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Is Float Therapy Really Good For Brain? Do you recall being calm or serene during floating around in the pool? Most probably you do because floating can be a very calming experience for you. Have you ever wondered why floating is so relaxing? Some recently done research may put some light on this why floating is so relaxing and it all comes down to how it affects the brain. BRAIN WAVES & SENSORY DEPRIVATION Floatation therapy is used by many as a way to reduce stress, relax and improve anxiety. Float spa therapy, because it alters brain signals, that’s why so effective at curing mental health problems so easily.

The human brain is basically a bunch of nerves. Using a series of chemical and electrical signals, these nerves communicate with each other. These signals occur in different frequencies, known as Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gama waves. Theta and Delta waves are the lowest frequency of brains waves and they usually only occur before or during sleep. When you begin to relax, lower frequency Alpha waves take over. Beta waves occur when you’re awake and active. It is these lower frequency waves, especially Theta waves, which are responsible for the deep relaxation that occurs during float therapy. SENSORY DEPRIVATION: THE KEY TO FLOATATION THERAPY Float spa therapy occurs in a setting that is free from distractions, such as sound and light. A person’s senses are therefore deprived, which is the key to float therapy’s success and its effects on the brain Therapeutic massage technique has grown in popularity in recent years, where float spa therapy has been around for a while. Float Spa therapy is also known as sensory deprivation. This is due to the environment in which float therapy occurs. THE HEALING POWER OF THETA WAVES It has also been proven that when the brain is relaxed, the body can better heal injuries. This has made the sensory depriving therapy popular among professional athletes. Float Spa therapy makes it easier for a person to reach the theta state without actually falling asleep. Being relaxed instantly reduces stress and feelings of anxiety. These alone are beneficial for those who suffer from anxiety disorders or clinical depression.

Theta waves allow the body to go into a deep state of relaxation. When induced by floatation therapy, this state of deep relaxation can help with creativity, blood flow, swollen joints, and muscle pain.

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