The Best Uses of Synthetic Turf | You might only think of artificial turf as a playing field in sports stadiums—but turf has its uses in a wide variety of settings. In this blog, the synthetic turf experts at will help you imagine the possibilities of turf in residential and commercial spaces.
Businesses There are a lot of expenses to deal with when running a business—do you really want lawn care labour costs to part of those expenses? Synthetic turf allows businesses to pay a one-time installation and materials cost, and ditch the lawn care teams altogether, helping them focus on the expenses that matter most.
Gyms What do you mean gyms? Yes, synthetic turf has made its way into gyms across the country. Why, you ask? Well, while many gyms cater to those looking for a muscle pump or a six-pack, other gyms are catered toward high-performing athletes—many of which play their sports on grassy surfaces. Bringing synthetic turf into the mix allows these athletes to train on the surfaces that they’ll be playing on, helping them achieve better gains in speed, strength, and agility. Plus, the unexpected look or artificial turf in an indoor gym space can give gyms a unique look that sets them apart from the competition. Whatever the case, turf is moving indoors, and it’s helping athletes and gyms perform at their very best.
Residential Spaces We’ve talked about this at least once, maybe twice before in our blog—we love turf so much in residential spaces, we put Turf in our business name. For a parched state like California, artificial turf can help eliminate your residential consumption of water for lawn use (obviously), while ensuring that your lawn looks beautiful year-round. While there’s more of an upfront cost with turf than natural grass, turf eliminates the recurring costs of fertilizer, lawnmower maintenance, and all the other expenses that come with taking care of a natural grass lawn. With artificial turf, you save water, save money, and you still get a nice lawn to enjoy all-year long—no mowing needed. Why haven’t you switched to turf already?
Sports Fields Artificial turf isn’t just being used on sports fields on the professional level—turf has made its way down to the collegiate and high school levels as well. Turf fields offer much better drainage and traction than natural grass fields, especially during rainy and inclement weather, and the smooth and steady surface prevents the development of potholes and puddles—one of the leading causes of ankle injuries on natural grass fields for soccer, football, and lacrosse players.
Balconies If you live anywhere in the Los Angeles area, it’s easy to feel like you’re stuck in a lifeless, concrete jungle. That’s why many owners of apartment complexes are looking to add artificial turf in small patches to their balconies, courtyards, and other outdoor spaces. While the initial setup costs can be expensive, there are zero maintenance costs, and the welcoming, green aesthetic of turf in an otherwise inorganic space could be just enough to attract new residents—and raise the rent just a touch. It’s almost like the turf would pay for itself.
There’s obviously a financial benefit here as well. Spend the money upfront for turf, and spend less money down the road for college and school district maintenance crews. Schools across the country are already experiencing a lack of funding for things that matter much more than watering football fields and keeping up appearances—artificial turf can pay for itself over time to help schools manage academic costs more effectively.
Talk to Our Turf Team! If there’s one thing we’re passionate about at—it’s definitely turfs. Stop by one of our landscape supply centres to see how you can implement turf in your residential, commercial, or school space!