Ideas Ark Non-formal education booklet
Hi! I am Emilia Radu, co-founder and learning designer at
This is the foundation of this booklet, a collaborative initiative of
Monomyths Association! For the past 7 years I have create
European Youth nonprofit organisations, implemented with the
learning experiences for youth workers, youth and teachers on
support of Erasmus+ Programme.
topics such as creativity, storytelling and entrepreneurship
This selection of methods are great for you, if you are:
education through learning through play, in non-formal education
• Youth worker,
environments. Exactly like you, I feel that the role of youth
• Trainer
workers is different now and the young people need our help in
• Learning designer
finding or creating their career path based on their inner
• Project coordinator
motivations. So, here I am, sharing a selection of experiential
• Teacher
methods on entrepreneurship education that my team is using in
interested in entrepreneurship education and innovation
training course about creativity and entrepreneurship education..
processes in the youth field.
I strongly believe that entrepreneurship education is more
I will guide you to discover, step-by-step, interactive and
complex than simply guiding youngsters how to start a business
experiential methods that are easy to follow, contains engaging
or write a business plan. It is more about developing in learners a
activities with clear instructions so you can start facilitating
sense of initiative and entrepreneurship which will help them with
starting tomorrow meaningful learning experiences for young
their own initiatives, companies and associations, but also at
work and in their everyday life. This involves fostering creativity and innovation and giving youngsters the chance to define, plan
Are you ready for our learning journey?
and manage their own projects.
Let’s start!
Emilia Radu
Head of Learning
Experiential Methods The Indian’s dreamcatcher Stranded on a Island Sailor’s log Myths about entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship education & youth work Start-up ecosystems in Europe Ideas Ark Journey Raise Self-Awareness Explore the world
Make a change Ideas Ark Exchange feedback Generate ideas Make decisions Create your business Design Value Plan your project
Building resilience Prototyping Present your idea Celebrate Genius hour The Wish Market Entrepreneurs Friends Letter from the future
The Indian’s dreamcather
He told me about the cycles of life and how we begin our
If you believe in the Great Spirit, the web will catch your
lives as infants. We then move on to childhood and in to
good ideas, and the bad ones will go through the hole."
adulthood. Finally, we go to old age where we must be
Good dreams are captured in the web of life and carried
Learning objectives: Ice-breaking and teambuilding
taken care of as infants, thus, completing the cycle.
with them „ Dreamcatchers are, a symbol of unity
"But," the Indian said as he continued to spin the web of
among Indians and I hope, will be a symbol of unity
Duration: 60-80 minutes, depends on the group
his catch dreamer, "in each time of life there are many
among us. I invite all of you to create your own
Materials: Harder wire, colored marbles, feathers,
forces - some good and some bad. If you listen to the
dreamcatcher and think what are your dreams, why you
colorful thread, several scissors, a box for the materials,
good forces, they will steer you in the right direction.
are here and how this group can help you achieve your
candles, lamps, cardboard
But, if you listen to the bad forces, they will hurt you and
dreams and you can help us achieve our dreams. The
Activity Room: The participants are sitting in the circle
steer you in the wrong direction."
trainer give to the participants the materials needed for
while the trainer share the story. In the middle of the
He continued, "There are many forces and different
them to create their dreamcatchers. They can take it
room there’s the box of materials
directions that can help or interfere with the harmony of
with them and always keep it close to remind them their
nature and also with the Great Spirit and all of his
dreams and to give them strengths to follow them.
introduce to participants the story of the Indian:
wonderful teachings."
Debriefing: Not needed. The activity until continue the
“Long time ago, when the world was young, I’ve met an
When he finished his dreamcatcher he told me "See, the
next days
old Indian in a harbor in the mountains. He was old, with
web is a perfect circle, but there is a hole in the center of
long hair, calm and his hands where creating a
the circle."
dreamcatcher. It was the first time when I’ve seen such a
"Use the web to help yourself and your people ... to
thing so I’ve asked him, with curiosity, what is it. And so,
reach your goals and make use of your people's ideas,
de started to tell me the story of the dreamcatcher.
dreams and visions.
After an warm welcome, the trainer
Stranded on a Island Learning objectives: How to work as a team; Develop
“Unfortunately, you will be relocated and stranded on
a deserted island for an indefinite amount of time. You
may only bring one item to the island, and you only
Duration: 60 min
have a few minutes notice. What will you bring? Share
Materials: Paper with instructions, envelopes, papers,
with your group your object, why you chose it, and
what you plan to do with it.” Have each person briefly
Debriefing: Questions: How you have decided for the
Activity Room: Chairs in a circle and then small circles
share their item, why it is important to them, and what
items? How could we work as a group during these
Description: A teambuilding activity that asks people
they plan to do with it. After everyone has shared,
weeks? What do we need to be as efficient as
to identify what object they would bring if they were
instruct the groups to figure out how they can improve
possible? What were the difficulties? How did you
to be stranded on a deserted island. Each person
their chances of survival by combining the items of all
solve them? Who felt nobody was listening to them?
discusses why they brought the object. Within groups,
the groups in creative ways. Allow ten to fifteen
Why? Who was the leader? Does everyone agree?
people decide how to improve their chances of
minutes of brainstorming time, and then have each
Where they chosen or self proclaimed? Was the leader
survival by combining various objects. Stranded on a
group present their ideas. Extra: ask each team to have
the loudest? Did the leaders empower the people with
Island is a useful team building activity to help people
a name and a dedicated song. Ask the participants to
solutions? Ask the participants to tell you in a circle a
get to know each other better. Form groups of about
create altogether the rules of the group and what is
word that describes what is the most important for
five to ten people and give the following instructions:
happening if people don’t respect them.
them to happen this week in the sailors team.
Sailor’s log Learning objectives: to guide the participants to
formats and can be used in a variety of ways. The main
can carry their journals with them during the
create a personal journal to become aware of the way
idea is to give learners a tool to describe their learning
activities, make notes and use those notes when
they learn the best and to keep track of their learning
and how they have learnt. The greatest value in
talking to their peers. Invite learners to write their
process; To give words to what they have learn; to
writing a journal is the fact that they sit down, think
journal online, as a personal blog.
reflect on their learning by writing. To create a mind-
about what they have experienced and give words to
map with their main interests connected to the topic
it. It helps them to become aware of what they’ve
and to set their learning objectives
have learnt. Another benefit of keeping track of their
Duration: 20 min
learning is that they can refer back to previous
Materials: Notebooks and colorful pens for each
experiences and thoughts. It is a good way of
remembering their learning. The learning journal can
Activity Room: Chairs arranged in circle
be a nice-looking notebook that you give to
Description: A learning journal can have different
participants at the beginning of the training. People
Sailor’s log A blog can be kept strictly personal, or the participants
write one category: creativity and develop sub-
Youthpass certificate that it is provided in any
can invite a selected group of readers, or they can
categories such as brainstorming techniques, active
Erasmus+ training course to all the participants.
share their learning with the whole world through a
listening, offering feedback and so on.
Debriefing: Not needed
public blog. Each day, when the activities are
A daily 20 minutes self-reflection time should be
completed, offer them the time and to write in their
enough, however, if some of them request more,
learning journal.
suggest them to use their free time to think in depth
How to use the journal in a more structured way? Ask
at their learning process and if they feel the need, to
your group members to create a mind-map that will
share with one or two of their peers his or her
contain symbols and key-words that reflects their
learning journey.
learning objectives and interest regarding the topic of the training course.
In the last day of the training course, they will have a
In the center of one double journal paper they will
very complex and detailed mind-map that will help
write their name and afterwards, starting the center
them to check if their individual and group learning
will expand 3-4 categories or learning objectives and
objectives were reached. This activity will definitely
develop it as much as possible. For example, they can
guide them through the process of completing the
Myths about entrepreneurs Learning objectives: To familiarize the participants with
Description: To understand how entrepreneurs think,
How does it work: You create 2 teams: the YES team
the entrepreneurs career path, to give them the space
the participants first need to drop a few myths or
and the NO team. 2 people will enter in the fish battle:
to reflect regarding the entrepreneurship ecosystem
stereotypes built around them. Given the media's
1 from the Yes team and 1 from the NO team. As
and the profile of an entrepreneur
ongoing love affair with entrepreneurs, it shouldn't
facilitator of the battle , you will read the myths one at
Duration: 90 min
surprise you that these myths have grown up around
a time. The participant from the YES team will have to
Materials: List of 8 myths about entrepreneurs
them and influence the decisions of the young people.
bring arguments why the myths are true and the
Activity Room: A big circle of chairs and 2 chairs inside
For this activity, I suggest you to use the fish battle
participants from the NO team will have to say why the
the circle
methodology. If you are already familiar with the
myths are false. I recommend 2 minutes for the initial
fishbowl activity, think that, Instead of the typical 3-6
arguments of each side and then 1 minute for final
seats in the middle for the talking participants, I
remarks. Afterwards you move on with the next myth
propose a 1-on-1 debating the pros and cons of the
with new participants in the fishbowl.
given subject. Participants outside the dueling group
This is a great opportunity for the participants to
tend to take one side and when they want to enter the
practice active listening, to think from different
battle they gently tap the shoulder of the duellist –
perspectives and to bring logical and emotional
civilised fishes we are!
arguments to the other team.
Myths about entrepreneurs The list of 8 myths about entrepreneurs.
1st question: What have we discovered today about
Myth 1: Entrepreneurs are high risk takers
Myth 2: Entrepreneurs are born
2nd question: How the myths around entrepreneurs
Myth 3: Entrepreneurs are mainly motivated to get rich
can influence the young people?
Myth 4: Entrepreneurs give little attention to their
3rd question: How can we contribute to share the
personal life
reality of entrepreneurs with the young people?
Myth 5: If my product or service is good, I’ll be
Resources: not needed
successful. Myth 6: Entrepreneurship will give me back complete control over my schedule. Myth 7: Early on, I need to do it all myself. Myth 8: The more clients, the better. Debriefing: I share with you my top 3 questions to be used in the debriefing:
Entrepreneurship education & youth work Learning objectives: to allow the participants to reflect
learn, social and civic competences, initiative-taking,
on the subject of entrepreneurship education; To
entrepreneurship, and cultural awareness. Is important
encourage them to generate ideas through mind-
to make sure that we speak the same language: the
mapping and to share their experiences; To explore the
entrepreneurship language. So let’s start by having a
concept of entrepreneurship education and other key
common understanding of the following terms:
related concepts.
entrepreneurship education, entrepreneur, start-up,
Start-up= a company that it’s in the first stage for its
Duration: 120 min
social entrepreneurship, start-up accelerator, incubator,
operations. Early stage in the lifecycle of an enterprise
Materials: flipchart papers, markers, colorful sticky
unicorn, business angels.
where the entrepreneur moves from the idea stage to
notes and pens
securing financing, laying down the basis structure of
Activity Room: working station
Entrepreneurship education has the purpose to equip
Description: If young people are to succeed in the
the youth with functional knowledge and skill to build
global job market, there needs to be a stronger focus
up their character, attitude and vision.
Social entrepreneurship= the use of start-up companies
on entrepreneurship education.
Entrepreneur = (the purest sense) an individual who
and other entrepreneurs to develop, fund and
identify a need – any need – and fill it by founding and
running business, assuming all the risks and rewards.
environmental issues.
environments for the young people having a focus on soft and core skills, including: problem-solving; teambuilding; transversal competences – such as learning to
the business, and initiating operations or trading.
Entrepreneurship education & youth work Start-up accelerator= fixed-term programs that
concept on flipchart papers.
Step 2. Next, they should draw lines out from this
includes seed investment, connections, mentorship,
Most probably you are already familiar with the mind
circle as they think of subheadings of the topic or
educational components and culminate with a public
maps, however a short reminder can not hurt: Mind
important facts or tasks that relate to their subject.
pitch event or demo day to accelerate growth.
Mapping is a useful technique that supports learning,
Encourage them to label these lines with their
Incubator = facility established to nurture young
improves information recording, shows how different
startup companies during their early months or years.
facts and ideas are related, and enhances creative
Step 3 Time to dive deeper into the subject to
Unicorn = a privately held startup company valued at
problem solving. Mind Maps are more compact than
uncover the next level of information (related sub-
over 1 billion dollars.
conventional notes, and often take up just one side of
topics, tasks or facts, for example)
Business angels = an independent individual who
paper. This helps the participants to make
provides capital for the development of a business.
associations and to generate new ideas. How the participants can create a Basic Mind Map in
Now, that you have with the participants a common
5 steps
vocabulary, form 4 groups and give to each team 2 of
Step 1. Ask them to write the title of the concept that
the key-words mentioned before and they will have
they're exploring in the center of a page and draw a
30 minutes to create mind-maps for each of the
circle around it.
Entrepreneurship education & youth work Step 4: Repeat the process for the next level of facts,
First Station 1: Brainstorm concrete knowledge provided
and add remarks if they have any in other 10 minutes
tasks and ideas. Draw lines out from the appropriate
by entrepreneurship education
per station. They will travel through the other working
headings and label them.
Second Station: Brainstorm concrete skills that are
stations until the return to their initial station and read
Step 5. As they discover new information or think of
improved through entrepreneurship education
all the remarks left by the previous teams.
additional tasks, ask them to add them to their Mind
Third Station: List concrete Attitudes and values that
Debriefing: Time for debriefing, don’t you think? I have
Map in the appropriate places.
promote entrepreneurship education
1 suggestion for debriefing that could cover this activity,
At the end of the activity, the participants will add the
Fourth station: Explain the role of youth workers in
but feel free to be creative and come up with new ones
mind maps on the walls of the activity room and the
entrepreneurship education
or even with questions. Offer to the participants 3
other groups can check them out and add new key-
Fifth station: Understand what can be the impact of
minutes to think about the lessons, concepts, new ideas
words or symbols if needed.
entrepreneurial education programmes in local
identified during the activity and one by one, in a circle
After they understood even better the entrepreneurship
will have to say a phrase with his or her AHA moment,
universe, it’s time to focus on entrepreneurship
Sixth station: Imagine how can entrepreneurship be
the learning peak of this activity for him or her.
education for youth workers.
more than a career choice, but a way of life.
Resources: not needed.
For this you will create 6 brainstorming stations in the
The participants will spend 30 minutes in their initial
activity room and you will distribute the participants in 6
station, discussing on the topic and writing on their
groups. On each table, they will find a piece of flipchart
flipchart paper and afterwards they will move clockwise
where it is written one of the following tasks:
to the other stations, read the task of the other teams
Start-up ecosystems in Europe Learning objectives: The learning objectives of this
international group, why not exploring how does it
discover the resources we have in our countries.
activity are: We explore the situation of youth
look like the entrepreneurship ecosystems in their
Divide the participants in national groups to identify
entrepreneurship in each country and find differences
countries? What better way to find out what is
learning, development and funding opportunities for
and similarities Moreover, we understand the
happening in Europe in terms of entrepreneurship
young people who want to launch their start-ups or
dimensions of youth entrepreneurship and dedicated
education? Start the activity with an energizer and
social projects. For the purpose of mapping, the
programmes, while we provide space for sharing and
with the projection of the 3 min video called City of
entrepreneurial ecosystem is defined as a product of
learning from best practices;
Entrepreneurs. A quick search on Youtube and you
three elements:
Duration: 180 min
will be ready to watch it together with your group.
1.the surrounding environment, more precisely the
Materials: Flipchart papers, markers, plenary room for
Make a quick session with questions about their
business environment and investment climate, 2. its
small group work, connection to internet and a device
learning discoveries. Most of the times, many things
interacting actors, and 3. the evolving culture and
for each international group, the Kauffman
are happening in our cities or countries, however,
Sketchbook video- "City of Entrepreneurs"
caught in our daily tasks we can neglect valuable
Activity Room: working stations, with tables and
information, resources, competitions and funding
opportunities that can be gold mines for young
Description: If you enjoy the presence of an
people. So, let’s join forces together and dig deeper to
Start-up ecosystems in Europe The questions the participants should answer in their
Question 5: What are struggles that youth
national team are the following:
entrepreneurs from your country face?
Question 1: What is the national strategy of your
Question 6: Name few private companies that support
government regarding start-ups and youth
entrepreneurship education through Corporate Social
Question 9: What are the industries who have the
Responsibility programmes, hackatons, accelerators.
biggest potential to develop? Or the ones that
Question 2: What is the strategy of the
Question 7: List 1-5 start-up hubs from your country
developed in an accelerated way?
Education/Labour Ministry regarding early
and what type of services they provide for new
Question 10: Which are the top 3 cities who have an
entrepreneurship education?
encouraging climate for entrepreneurs? Why?
Question 3: Who are the main providers of
Question 8: List 5-10 successful startups developed by
Question 10: Which are the top 3 cities who have an
entrepreneurship education in your country? List 3 to
young entrepreneurs under 30 years old based on the
encouraging climate for entrepreneurs? Why?
10 public, private and non-profit entities actively
following structure:
Question 11: List 3-5 projects/programmes initiated
involved in creating learning contexts for young
• Name of the founder
by non-profit organisations with the topic: social
• Industry
entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education
Question 4: What public/private grants are available
• Aim of the startup
for young people to launch their start-ups at national/
• Products/Services
international level?
Start-up ecosystems in Europe Allow to participants to make their research up to 2
No 3: What is the one idea/project/action that you liked
hours and each team will sum-up their discoveries in a
the most and why? If the times allows it a short round
10 minutes presentation so they can learn from one
with answers from all participants will be great.
each other. Will be necessary to offer a 3-4 minutes
Now that we understand better what resources we
time for questions at the end of each presentation.
have as youth workers, trainers, facilitators of
Debriefing: I share with you 3 questions to ask them:
entrepreneurship education, it is easier to find
No 1: What differences you have noticed between
inspiration and maybe join forces with other nonprofits
or companies with a strong focus on providing learning
No 2: What similarities have you noticed?
environments for young people.
Resources: Not needed
Ideas Ark Journey Learning objectives: To understand the whole process
based on the time you have to guide the young
of creating a start-up
Duration: 40 minutes
Land 1: Inner journey
Materials: Flipchart papers, markers, stickers,
Land 2: Ideas ark
handouts with Ideas Ark challenges for the
Land 3: The ark is ready
Land 4: Faraway we sail
Activity Room: Chairs in the circle
Ideas Ark journey will have several challenges that
Description: Are you ready for the next challenge?
guide participants from self-assessment to idea
Have I heard a Yes from you? Ok. Now that we have
generation, teambuilding, prototyping, and more.
the same vocabulary with the participants, we have
These will push them towards starting their
identified the available resources from our
entrepreneurial journey by expanding their mindset,
environment, it’s time to play and let our creativity
testing business ideas, generating value and impact
work for the benefit of our community.
for their local community, and finally creating real-life
The activity contains 4 phases – 4 lands that can be
projects. For each one of the challenges I have
implemented starting from 4 days up to few weeks,
prepared a short video with step-by-step instructions.
Ideas Ark Journey Start the activity by asking these main questions:
Tips & tricks to make your life easier, with models and
1. Are you young and creative?
structures to follow.
We’ll guide you through the four lands and help you
2. Are you passionate about your ideas?
Let’s check the challenges:
acquire the tools that will give you most of the skills
3. Do you love collaborating with other brilliant minds?
1st Land – Inner Journey: 1.Raise Self-Awareness /
you need for your entrepreneurial journey.
4. Do you have what it takes to make change happen?
2.Explore the world / 3.Make a Change
These are based on the experiences of successful
If they answer yes, then allow me to guide you through
Land no 2 – Ideas Ark: 4.Work in teams / 5.Exchange
entrepreneurs. The more you play, the more you
an amazing journey and turn you into an Sailor on
Feedback / 6.Generate Ideas / 7.Make Decisions /
prepare yourself for the journey.
entrepreneurship education seas. We’re not going to
8.Create your business
Debriefing: not needed
ride horses, fight dragons or wear magic rings. We’ll
Land no 3 – The ark is ready: 9.Design Value / 10.Plan
Resources: not needed
simply focus on turning great ideas into great projects.
your project / 11.Build resilience / 12.Prototype your
What does each challenge consist of?
idea / 13.Exchange feedback
A short presentation of the challenge structure, what
Land no 4 – Faraway we sail: 14.Present your idea /
you need, what you’ll achieve, and trainer’s advice, the
information you need to start playing. Clearly defined
I suggest you to print the instructions for each
tasks to complete, either alone or in teams. The
challenge or to draw nice posters, if your graphic
number of steps varies depending on the challenge.
facilitation skills helps you. How it’s convenient for
Raise Self-Awareness Learning objectives: to raise self awareness regarding
you want it to be in the future. Nor is it a report card
5. Idea generation – creating and developing new
their role in the community, their competences and
on how well you’ve performed or what you’ve
project ideas
their life objectives.
achieved. The emphasis is on your level of satisfaction
Duration: 120 min
in each area today.
Materials: Instructions of the challenge for the
The ten areas on the wheel are:
participants, the notebooks, papers, sticky notes
1. Opportunity seeking – finding and taking up
Activity Room: The participants stay in a circle or they
opportunities to improve things in your surroundings
can sit comfortable in the activity room wherever they
2. Problem solving – defining a problem, generating
Description: Welcome to the first stop of our journey,
solutions, evaluating and selecting alternatives, and
on the first land. The first step of the challenge is to
implementing solutions
create the Entrepreneurship wheel.
3. Working in teams – working collaboratively with a
The Entrepreneurship Wheel contains ten sections
group of people in order to achieve a goal
that together provide a snapshot showing how bumpy
4. Exchanging feedback – an evaluation given to a
or smooth your entrepreneurial journey could be. It’s
person or a group, based on previous actions in order
not a picture of how it has been in the past, or what
to help them improve
Raise Self-Awareness 6. Decision making – weighing the pros and cons of
Remember, it’s not about getting 10s! It’s about
model, which lets you understand, measure, and track
different options and selecting the best
understanding your strengths and development needs.
your goals in a relevant and timely manner.
7. Planning – developing plans to achieve optimum
The recommended time to complete this step is 20
»Set your first SMART goal! Choose one that you want
results given the resources, needs and demands of the
to reach in the coming months. The objective here is
The next step of the challenge: Set Smart goals
practicing, so feel free to choose anything from your
8. Resilience – taking risks and using failure as a learning
Now that you know more who you are and your
personal or professional life.
strengths and weaknesses it’s time to set some goals. I
20 minutes are enough for them to set your goal. It
9. Prototyping – validating your ideas by building and
know that this can be difficult, but I am here to help you.
should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and
testing products or services
Let me tell you a little bit about goals. If you say you’re
in a time framework.
10. Pitching – presenting your idea in front of an
going out, but not where you’re going, how do you know
Now that you have set your first goals, shall we move to
audience. Rate how satisfied you’re with your
when you’re there? But if you say you’re going to the
a development plan?
entrepreneurial skills. Zero means not satisfied and 10
park, you can plan the best route – perhaps the
means highly satisfied.
prettiest, the fastest, or the safest.
In the end, you’ll have created a matrix that represents
What this means is that a specific goal works a lot better
the current state of your skills.
than an unspecific one. We’ll use the SMART goal
Raise Self-Awareness Your goal is to create a self development plan to gain
Allow the participants 30-40 minutes for this part.
a clear picture of how you need to grow in order to
I hope this gave you an idea where should we start
achieve your goals. The next step is developing
the process of guiding the young people. It always
from within, from their inner motivation. Once they
This will happen naturally within the journey, but it’s
know what makes them thick, time to move to the
always a good idea to have a plan.
next challenge called Explore the world
A good self-development plan includes:
Debriefing: not needed
• Your main goal, clearly defined
Resources: not needed
• Why you chose it • Which skills you need to reach it • How you’re going to develop these using activities • When you’re going to perform the activities • Time to reflect on what you’ve done. You should adjust and update the plan constantly as you grow.
Explore the world Learning objectives: to guide the participants to
remain unsolved?
analyze the local context and understand people
• Are people active citizens?
around them.
• What does the city’s cultural life look like?
Duration: 90 min
• Do people feel safe?
Materials: pens, A4 papers, sticky notes
They should gather insights as follows:
Activity Room: Each participant can find a spot for
1. Discover - As you try to remember, make a list of
things that people are satisfied and dissatisfied with.
Description: Ask them to think about their cities or
2. Unpack data - After gathering the information, it’s
villages and to use their “habitat” and explore a wide
time to collate it. Take thirty minutes to transform
range of aspects. Here are some guiding questions:
your notes into headline quotes, using a different
• How do people get around?
sticky note for each headline. Summarize and organize
•How are elderly people’s lives improved by
information in groups of related sticky notes.
3. Extract insights- For each group of sticky notes, find
• How are kids spending their time?
deeper connections that lead to insights. Go from
• What challenges do adults face when shopping?
things like “education” to conclusions such as “Young
• What businesses exist and why? What problems
people are unhappy because of the lack of
opportunities to practice what they learn.”
Explore the world The second step: Prune the future tree. Share with
3. Use sticky notes to define your desired reality.
the participants that their goal is to visualize the
Write down all your aspirations and dreams about
current state of the community and shape they
what a better future for your local community should
desired reality.
look like.
1. Start by drawing a large tree on a A3 poster. Draw
4. Bonus: Collaborate! Ask people from your country
at least five big branches that represent major
to write their desired features on the tree, defining
challenges faced by local people. The inner branches
the next phase of its growth. Reflect on the following
that improves the lives of the people in it.
represent the current state of the challenges, and the
I recommend you to offer at least 60 minutes time to
outer ones their future state. Don’t forget to draw a
What new features appeared?
complete this last task.
trunk and roots, as you’ll need them in the next step.
• Does one branch – perhaps a core feature of the
We end this challenge by knowing the reality of our
2. Read more about the challenges you found and use
future state of the world – get the bulk of the growth?
community and with hopes and some planes for our
the patterns you discovered to define the branches.
• Did an underused aspect (the inner or outer
desired community. Not bad I would say. We are
Use sticky notes as leaves to write features of the
branches) become stronger?
ready to move to the next challenge where we focus
current state on the inner branches - both positive
After completing this step, you’ll have a clear image of
on what can we do with our know-how and skills,
and negative.
how your community can grow into an environment
competences, attitudes.
Make a change Learning objectives: To map the personal strengths of
To complete the roots, analyze and map the personal
satisfaction. Write them on sticky notes.
each participant and the resources they have to make
strengths that can help you create your own future.
Third root: Personality - Your personality completes
a change. To empower them to understand and
Keeping in mind the results of the Raise Self
who you’re. List descriptors, such as emotional,
visualize their purpose statement that enables them
Awareness challenge, use differently colored sticky
intelligent, calm, thoughtful, energetic, detail-
to take action and make a change
notes to write the following on the roots of the Future
Duration: 180 min
Tree. First root: Your abilities and skills - Abilities are
The fourth root is about Personal and professional
Materials: the handout with instructions
talents that emerge effortlessly, such as spatial
connections - List the people who have an impact on
Activity Room: They can occupy the activity room as
orientation, group facilitation, empathy, and
your personal and professional path - friends,
they feel more comfortable or stay in small groups
teachers, family, anyone who is influential and can
Description: What better time to make a change is if
Skills, on the other hand, are talents you’ve become
contribute to your growth.
not this one? In the previous video we took a closer
better at through practice and study, such as project
On the fifth root add relevant Past experience - You
look at our community, now let’s return to ourselves
management, piano playing, and fundraising.
might have professional or volunteering experience, a
and our network. Do you remember the tree? We
Second root: Your interests - Interests are the things
professional reputation or be recognised as a young
have worked on the branches, and now we will define
that excite you. They’re your most precious resource
leader in a specific field.
the roots and next, the trunk.
because they give you personal and professional
Make a change The last root should be about Other tangible and
Now, branches – checked, roots, checked. But what is
your purpose statement: “I would like to help THESE
intangible resources - These include any personal
a tree without the trunk? The trunk is about your
assets that are potentially useful to your work. Think
purpose statement. Many of us have goals in life:
5. Fill in the following table with the verbs and nouns
about tools, clothing, money, property or anything
short, medium or long term. But how many of us have
you wrote in the previous points. Put your favorite
else you own that can be used as an investment in
a real purpose?
verbs and nouns first. See Russell’s purpose statement
your career.
Keep in mind the elements that define your tree’s
for a good example.
roots and define the trunk. To design your purpose
6. And now the acid test: can you confidently and
statement, do five simple things:
proactively share your statement with others? If you
1. Write down three to four activities you very much
lack confidence or feel embarrassed, you’ve got more
work to do.
2. Use another sheet to describe the people or groups
I will give you an example: I would like to empower
you like spending time with.
young people to unleash their potential by guiding
3. On another piece of paper, write down how you
them in their first entrepreneurial journey.
intend to help others, using three to four verbs. 4. Use the following sentence as the foundation for
Make a change Let’s become all together gamechangers. Because the
from left to right. This creates a different impact-effort
and their purpose statement on the wall and they can
goal of the young people is is to decide on the
combination in each quadrant.
go and check the other trees of the participants.
problem in your local community you can best
• High Impact, Low Effort: The best ideas go here!
Resources: Not needed
contribute to solving. In order to choose it, you have
• High Impact, High Effort: Further study is required.
to discover which leaves are best nurtured by the
• Low Impact, High Effort: Better avoid these.
roots – which challenges in your community you can
• Low Impact, Low Effort: Further study is required.
best build solutions for, to make your desired reality
Write down on sticky notes the challenges that keep
come true.
you on the track defined by your Purpose Statement.
Your personal statement may lead you to solve
Then place ideas on the matrix.
challenges, but how do you know which ones? Map
Now it’s time to commit to your GameChanger! You
possible paths according to two factors: their
need to answer one more question: Which local
potential impact and effort required to implement
challenge do you commit to solving, given your
them. After this exercise, you’ll choose a challenge to
purpose statement and personal strengths?
get the most effective results.
Draw a 2×2 matrix with the impact level increasing
from bottom to top and the effort level increasing
Debriefing: Ask the participants to stick their trees
Ideas Ark Learning objectives: to learn how to create strong
From the people in the group, who do you think
of them present the idea they would like to work on
teams with aligned purposes
would like to join you on this journey? Invite between
the following days, ask them to approach the people
Duration: 180-240 min
three and eight. Any fewer would be less enriching,
with similar ideas or topics and see what they can
Materials: handout with instructions, pens, A4
and any more might complicate teamwork. Maybe
develop together. They have an extra 30 minutes to
papers, sticky notes
their reason for joining you is different to what you
share more of their action plan to make sure they are
Activity Room: working stations
thought, but at this point, anyone that’s interested is
in the right team.
Description: Welcome to the second land where the
ideas are born, and strong teams are created. You
Getting people together can be hard, but I highly
have a purpose statement and you know you want to
recommend that you do that now. It’s important and
make the change in your community and you need
helpful to connect a group around an idea from the
help to achieve your High impact, Low effort ideas.
start. By doing this, you’ll make the challenges and
So get your team together! Gather most suitable
your entrepreneurial journey more fun, valuable and
people for your team. This challenge is pretty clear.
enriching. Go for it!
During the previous ones you mapped out who you
As facilitator, ask the participants to make a short
know, right? Now is the time to actually reach your
round of ideas that they would like to work on. Ask
network and activate it.
them to take notes from each participant. After each
Ideas Ark Once the team is set up, the goal is that the
The surprise question (Highly suggested because is
survive as a group. You can’t change the chosen
participants get to know their teammates better.
faster) Everyone writes on paper at least three
They’re probably now working with people you’re
questions they want to know about everyone on the
And a classical, yet efficient one: Have you ever
already familiar with, but don’t underestimate this
team. Collect the papers in the middle of your group.
Hold up five fingers, and every time you’ve done
part of the challenge. There’s always more to learn
Sit in a circle, and take turns to pick up questions. If
something that your colleagues mentioned, put down
about one another!
you pick a question, you have to answer it.
a finger. When all five are down, tell everyone the
Here are four examples of “getting to know you”
Stuck on a desert island
most embarrassing story about yourself you can think
activities. Each team should pick one, and do them
The scenario: everyone is stranded on a desert island
of. The game ends when everyone has lost, and the
with your team.
and can choose one item to bring with them. They
last player has shared their embarrassing moment.
First method: Life story in a minute
should choose something that represents them and
Sharing is caring!
With paper and drawing materials, everyone in the
can help everyone else understand them better. After
Up to them to decide which method they prefer, but
team draws and tells their entire life story. You have
everyone shares what they brought and why, it’s time
they have only 30 minutes for this part.
fifteen minutes to draw and only one minute to
to work together. The next step is using the items
present it. At the end, share what caught your
together to survive. Even if the items weren’t
attention about others’ stories.
essential for survival, join forces and make a plan to
Ideas Ark Next, we know our ideas and individual purpose
Keep these simple – they might include things like
Remind the participants to keep their learning
statements, we know each other better, so they need
making money, having fun, or learning about
journals close to them and write down in the coffee
to create a team purpose.
breaks or whenever they have some free time some
Tell them that: Their goal is to define a common goal
2. Affinity Mapping* - Everyone places their sticky
insights about their AHA moments, new concepts,
with the team.
notes on the wall. Next, arrange them into clusters of
ideas, even things they have discovered about
Many organisations define themselves in terms of
similar reasons. What motivations fit together? Can
themselves on this journey.
their vision, mission and values. This is because teams
you create a main theme for this group?
In the end, they will have a crystal-clear image of their
must agree on a shared identity that represents them
3. Group Purpose Statement* - Ask them to write a
learning process.
all, and a common goal that ensures everyone is
clear, inspiring and memorable purpose statement,
Debriefing: Ask each team to share with the whole
working towards the same purpose.
one that connects the group members and makes
group their team purpose statement at the end
1. Get to the WHYs - Give everyone a few sticky notes
sure everyone is working in the same direction. A
Resources: not needed
and ask them why they’re joining this team and the
simple way to do this is to fill in the following model:
We would like to help THESE PEOPLE by carrying out
Each person writes down all their reasons, one on
THESE ACTIVITIES. They can always come back and
adapt this, to keep it up to date with your
development as a team.
Exchange feedback Learning objectives: to develop the abilities to offer
One method that I use and works well is START - STOP
constructive feedback and to accept feedback easier
– CONTINUE. What is the structure of this model:
Duration: 30-40 minutes
There are 3 questions they have to answer:
Materials: cards with tips&tricks in giving feedback
»» What should they start doing?
and receiving feedback, pens, A4 papers, sticky notes
»» What should they stop doing?
Activity Room: working stations
»» What should they continue doing?
Description: In this challenge the goal of the
Remember to be open: explain your feedback in more
participants it to exchange individual feedback with
detail if necessary. They can use this method during
their teammates. This should be an ongoing process
the challenges every time when they feel they get
rather than happening at pre-set times. After they’ve
stuck or the group harmony is in danger.
had the opportunity of working closely with their teammates, ask them to pick a moment and give them some individual feedback. Remember, this should be positive as well as negative!
Exchange feedback Tips & tricks. Giving feedback
working together”, and not “You’re not interested
attention onto positive behavior and results. A
1. Keep the goal in mind and be constructive.
in being a part of this team”. This can avoid
good way of ensuring this is to start with the
Feedback can become emotional and it’s easy to
positive feedback.
lose track of the main goal. The aim is not simply
7. Pick your moments and protect your team. Not all
to externalize frustrations, but to provide valuable,
4. Be precise and objective. Give real examples and
constructive advice on how others can improve
concrete ways in which the recipient can improve.
their performance and behavior.
If they don’t understand, use clear examples
2. Be honest. It’s easy to cushion feedback and hide
5. Speak your feelings, don’t accuse. “When you do,
feelings, for fear of hurting others. What actually
X, I feel Y” is a nice model to follow, because it
happens most of the time is that the feedback not
creates valuable dialogue. This makes the
given hurts the most..
recipient think about how their behavior affects
3. Focus on the action, not on the person. Say better: “When you were late for three meetings in a row, it made me think you were uninterested on
others, and focus on improving that. 6. Feedback
important part of it is praising people and focusing
feedback needs to be given in front of everyone. It may be better to do this privately.
Exchange feedback Tips & tricks. Receiving feedback
3. Ask questions: If you don’t understand the
as you are open to hearing about it again later on.
1. Be proactive in seeking feedback from those you
feedback, ask the person to elaborate
5. Take notes. It’s easy to get lost with feedback,
work with. It shows that you value their opinion
4. Feedback is a gift, and you can do what you want
especially if it’s in a group. If you have a written
and are focused on improving your performance
with it. Use it as an opportunity to improve yourself.
record, you can get back to it later on.
2. Be open to others feedback. It’s never easy to
You’ll often receive feedback you don’t agree with,
Debriefing: What you would like to improve starting
listen to criticism, but remember: its purpose is to
but don’t take it badly. If you disagree, it’s ok to tell
today on the way that you offer and accept feedback?
improve the team, not to offend you
your teammates and let it go, as long
Resources: not needed
Generate ideas Learning objectives: to learn how to effectively
Three things - Divide the team into pairs, each person
generator tool. Ok, I admit, almost every time. I
brainstorm, to become familiar with fast ideas
facing the other. In each pair, one person asks the
simply love it.
generator methods
other: “Name three things that…” followed by the first
Round table story - Say the first sentence of a story,
Duration: 90 minutes
thing that comes into their mind. The other comes up
then ask each team member to continue it one
Materials: pens, A4 papers, sticky notes, sailor’s log
with three answers as quickly as possible. Switch roles
sentence at a time. This should last a maximum of ten
Activity Room: working stations
and repeat at least ten times during a five-minute
Description: The part I love the most is to facilitate
period. For example, if I say: “Name three things that
After the warm-up, let’s get started with the real job:
creative processes and to make use of brainstorming
are yellow,” you have to tell me the first yellow things
generate as many solutions as possible for the
and creative activation tools. I have to admit, from all
that come to mind, without overthinking and
problem each team want to solve. In order to start
the challenges, this is my favorite part and I hope you
worrying about right or wrong answers. Just respond
brainstorming, the participants need a guiding
and your participants enjoy it.
as fast as you can!
question. A good example would be: “How is the
session ready to start in 3…..2…..1
Object jam - Bring a random object into the
team going to realize this specific objective?” Focus
STEP 1. Warm-up
brainstorm and give the team five minutes to come up
on practical ideas at this stage.
Their goal is to warm up for a brainstorming session.
with alternative uses for it, perhaps if it were bigger
In order to generate valuable solutions, begin with
or smaller. I use a lot in my trainings 20 ways to use a
one of the creativity-boosting activities:
spoon activity and it’s funny and a great idea
Ideas generation
Generate ideas They should spend 30 minutes coming up with ideas
innovative solutions, so embrace them without letting
that answer this question, and make sure someone
criticism break the flow.
writes them down. Avoid discussing them, and aim to
4. Combining and develop ideas - Brainstorming
have around a hundred ideas by the end of the
should be a 100 percent collaborative process. Any
session. Your brainstorming session should be guided
member of the team can combine, adapt and
by the following principles. Write these down, and put
transform ideas, and split them into many others.
them up somewhere visible.
The participants probably generated already dozens of
1. Quality through quantity - The quality and
ideas. So it is important to refine and conclude. You
effectiveness of the ideas partly depends on their
can instruct them to:
quantity. The more you generate, the greater the
1. Cross out the ideas you don’t like: those that you all
chance of coming up with good ones.
find unfeasible or require too many resources to do.
2. Refrain from judging ideas - Criticism should not
2. Choose a maximum of ten that seem to have real
hinder the creative process and the generation of
potential. I suggest you continue straight to the Make
bold ideas. Focus on producing and developing them,
Decisions challenge, where I’ll guide you towards
and leave the evaluation until later.
picking the idea you’ll work on with your team for the
3. Be bold - New ideas and perspectives lead to
rest of your journey.
Make decisions Learning objectives: to learn who to evaluate ideas
You can try 100$ test* - Put all of your ideas in a
make a decision accordingly.
and to make logical decisions
matrix with a space for a potential investment in each
Or the last option is: if you are not convinced with
Duration: 180 minutes
one. Give each team member a hypothetical $100 to
your suggestions, they can build their own criteria!
Materials: pens, A4 papers, sticky notes
invest as they prefer – either everything into one idea
This is difficult, but it can be the most effective
Activity Room: working stations
or divided between more than one. Get them to write
decision making technique. Pick a set of criteria that
Description: Still on the second landland with more
down why they made this decision, since it can be
your team would take into account when making this
than 100 ideas on the sticky notes of your
great input for decision making. After doing this
decision. Is money an issue? Is time? Are you more
participants. What you and them should do next?
individually, share your investments with the group,
focused on learning, maybe? What about fun? All you
Take decisions, of course. We don’t have the
see which idea has the most money and go for it!
need to do is agree on a set of criteria and start your
resources, nor the time and energy to focus on all the
Impact & Effort Matrix* - Create a matrix with two
own matrix to achieve clarity and make your decision.
amazing ideas they have generated. Painfully, but yet
axes: Impact (the potential payoff of the action) and
necessary to say goodbye to most of them. But how
Effort (the cost of taking it). Place your idea in the
to make this process smoother. There are several
matrix according to the impact and effort involved.
options that I am going to share in the next minutes:
This is a good way to see if your effort is worth it, and
Make decisions After using one of these methods, you should have
Label the quadrants as follows:
offer feedback to the groups.
now up to 10 strong ideas that your team is crazy
NOW - Blue ideas: easy-to-implement ideas that solve
Resources: not needed
about. Hard to choose which one with all the
problems and result in incremental benefits.
creativity adrenaline pumping in your veins.
HOW - Yellow ideas: those that are a breakthrough in
So I will give to you another efficient tool called HOW-
terms of impact, but impossible to implement right
now given your current resources.
Your goal is to rank your ideas in order of feasibility
WOW - Green ideas: those that have the potential for
and originality.
orbit-shifting change and that you can implement
During the last challenge you listed a maximum of ten
given your resources.
interesting and potentially successful ideas. Now it’s
Next, take a look at the WOW ideas. If is only one,
time to rank them and take a decision. The How-Now-
then your decision process is made.
Wow matrix is a selection tool in which a group
participants don’t have yet a WOW idea, they can
weighs up each idea based on two parameters.
focus on the blue Now ones.
Draw a 2-by-2 matrix like the one I draw right now.
Debriefing: Make a round where each team share
The horizontal axis represents the originality of the
their Wow and blue ideas. If you have more time, you
idea; the vertical one how easy it is to implement.
can exchange leaders from teams in between and
If the
Create your business Learning objectives: to create a business model canvas.
A business plan may be sixty pages or more, filled with
3. Channels describes how a company communicates
Duration: 150 min
assumptions about every aspect of your future
with and reaches its Customer segments to deliver a
Materials: the business model canvas handout, sticky
value proposition
notes, pens, markers
resources, organisation. The problem with business
4. Customer Relationships – this refer to the types of
Activity Room: working stations
plans is that they’re often static and unvalidated, which
relationships a company establish with specific
Description: I encourage you to use Alex Osterwalder’s
means they can be completely wrong. This happens
Customer segments. I can give you as examples:
Business Model Canvas,* a chart with nine blocks
because it’s extremely hard to predict what will happen
personal assistance, self-service, automated services,
representing the fundamental aspects of a business. In
when you actually launch your business.
communities or co-creation
his book you can find many instructions and you can
The participants should complete each of the blocks in
5. Revenue Streams – this block represents the cash a
download the canvas from his website.
this order:
company generates from each customer segment.
A business model describes how an organisation
1. Customer Segments – This block defines the
Either asset sale, usage fee, subscription fees,
creates, delivers and captures value. In other words, it
different groups of people or organizations an
lending/renting, leasing, licensing
shows the major components of a business or project,
enterprise aims to reach and serve
6. Key Resources – the most important assets required
how they interact to deliver good things to clients, and
2. Value Proposition – This block describes the bundle
to make a business model work. Think at physical,
how it makes money in the end. A business model is
of products and services that create value for a specific
intellectual, human, financial,
not like a business plan.
customer segment
Create your business 7. Key Activities – in this block the participants should describes the most important things a company must do to make the business model work. 8. Key Partnerships is about the network of suppliers and partners that make the business model work 9. Cost Structure it is self-explanatory – all costs incurred to operate a business model. This will be their first business model canvas. I recommend that they create more than one because, as I said, most initial business models are not very accurate. They won’t know how people react to their product or service until you’ve launched it. Debriefing: Not needed Resources: Not needed
Design Value Learning objectives: to get acquainted with the Value Proposition Canvas and draw their first customer profile. Duration: 120 min Materials: The value proposition canvas printed on A3
• Pains describes outcomes, risks and obstacles related to the customer jobs. • Gains describes the specific outcomes customers want to achieve.
validate. Ask them to list any doubts they have about the profile and they could include everything they want to learn about the customer and create an interview format with specific questions. Afterwards, give them
papers, sticky notes, markers, pens
Once they have the canvas ready they will continue with
time to Interview five to ten people in their customer
Activity Room: working stations
Description: Starting from Value Proposition Canvas,
Their goal is to meet their potential customers, and
2. The second method is to Observe the customer’s
they should fill in the Customer Profile, the right-hand
collect insights about them to enrich their customer
world: Invite them to shadow their customers from their
part of the canvas, based on assumptions. Guide them
profile and validate their initial assumptions.
local community for a day when they return home, and
to dig deeper into what they have drafted in the
Here are two exercises they can do to complete the
note down in detail everything that is relevant to their
Customer Segment section of their Business Model
profile. The main difference between observing and
profile. They should write down times, activities, pains
Canvas. To complete this section, they should exercise
interviewing is that observation shows you objective
and gains they observe and insights that come up and
empathy and put yourself in their customer’s shoes.
reality and not the customers’ perception.
put all this information in their profile. Encourage them
• Customer Jobs describes what customers are trying
1. Interview the customers:
to use affinity mapping to find connections and patterns
to get done in their work and lives, expressed in their
The teams will look at their assumptions and write
in what they’ve observed, and use sticky notes to
own words.
down aspects of their customer profile they need to
represent their customers.
Design Value We move on with 3rd step of this challenge. VALUE MAP
As a result, they will be motivated and excited by the
with the integrated customer profile they’ve built, and
product or service and hopefully persuaded to buy it.
look for connections. Ideally, the map will have sticky
In this part, the participants’s goal is to define their idea
There are three levels of fit to take into account:
notes that address important and specific customer
in the Value Map on the left-hand side of the canvas and
• Problem-solution fit: when they gather evidences of
pains and gains, helping them to get jobs done. Register
ensure it fits with customers’ needs.
they customer segment’s jobs, pains and gains and
your fit with checkmarks on the sticky notes.
1. Design your value map
design products or services to address them.
Congratulations, they’re almost done! Now it’s time to
• Products and Services should be a list of what your value proposition is built around. • Pain Relievers describe how your products and services help with customer pains. • Gain Creators details how they create customer gains. 2. Look for fit
• Product-market fit: when their customer segment
write down their value proposition in a clear way. This
gets excited about their value proposition and buys
exercise will help them explain what they ‘re building
their product or service, bringing traction to their
and make sure they’re aligned with the team.
Ask the participants to fill in the following model and
• Business model fit: when they can create a functional, profitable and scalable business model around their value proposition.
Fit happens when the value proposition addresses the
For this exercise, ask the participants to focus on
customers’ real pains and gains.
Problem-solution fit and to compare their value map
adapt it to their needs. This will be their project explanation!
Plan your project Learning objectives: to learn how to plan efficiently a
value for your customers.
4. Write the tasks to be discussed in the first column.
Duration: 120 min
While defining the projects, check the Tips & Tricks card
Materials: Sticky notes, A4 papers, sailor’s log, markers,
to be sure you don’t miss any important elements.
flipchart papers, pens
5. Go through every project and agree on the action
Activity Room: working stations
required to accomplish it, recording this on sticky notes.
Description: 1. Organise a meeting with all your team
6. Based on the projects and action you have listed,
agree a timeline and write the milestones in days,
2. Beforehand, ask each member to think of all the
weeks, or months along the top row.
actions that will be required to create the value you
7. Assign responsibility for projects and actions to
have defined for your customers, in your value
individual team members.
8. As you post the sticky notes, ask yourselves
3. Draw a picture similar to the following on a wide
challenging questions about your plan: Does this have
sheet of paper. Display it on a wall and tell team
to happen first? Can we combine these two actions? Do
members that the goal of the meeting is to reach
actions in one project affect the progress or outcome of
agreement concerning specific tasks, required to create
Building resilience Learning objectives: Failure teaches you the best
reality, may not be as efficient as the metrics suggest,
lessons in life”. To change their perceptions regarding
and hence goes undetected til the business is on the
failure and to see these chapters as natural learning
verge of shutting down.
II. Mentorship
Duration: 60 min
One key ingredient which most of the founders (first
No matter the reason, an important piece of the
Materials: not needed
time) miss in their journey of building a successful
Activity Room: circle or working stations
business is the right mentor. Somebody with segment
resilience, talk about failure.
Description: Failure is the most common occurrence in
Invite the participants to discuss in their team about
the world of startups and small businesses.
troubleshooting and building a successful business
FAILURE by answering this simple question: what was
could, at times, be the missing piece of the jig shaw.
the most epic fail you encountered? What did it feel like
I. Premature scaling — the silent predator
II. Other common reasons why startups fail:
to fail again and again? Did the fear of rejection go away
One of the biggest killers for startups, and something
• Lack of domain specific business knowledge
after the first few times? Did you get more comfortable
which is not often talked about, is premature scaling.
• Overestimation of the market need
with failure? Did you start to grow more bold, resilient
Premature scaling is often camouflaged by short-term
• Not having the right team
and self-confident?
spike in key metrics, when the business model, in
• Underestimation of the competitors
Debriefing: not needed
• Poor knowledge of the target group, resulting in poor marketing • Lack of passion and commitment in the founding team
Resources: not needed
Prototyping Learning objectives: to test, improve and validate
their business model canvas.
Keep it cheap | use materials you can find easily.
Duration: 120 min
Listen, don’t sell | most importantly, throughout this
Materials: A4 papers, cardboards, box cutter, markers,
challenge, always remember that the goal is
colorful pencils, sticky notes
improving your idea by aligning it with your
Activity Room: working stations
customers’ needs, not selling it to them
Description: Time for prototyping. We take our
First, the participants should establish their aim to
product out, to see the sun and our potential
prototype your idea by defining a scope and method
customers. How we create the prototype? Share with
to approach potential users. One question to address
the participants these four principles:
to the participants is: What will you show in your
LITTLE TIME | first of all, it should take you a
prototype? Which main features do you want to
maximum of one hour to build your prototype.
expose your users to? List two to three core
Not very pretty | don’t spend time worrying about the
functionalities that you’ll include in the prototype.
looks of your product. Invest your time wisely in
Use a simple table like the one below to list your
talking to potential customers, not in making it
Prototyping Next, guide the teams to define the method: How will
and find clever ways to use what you have.
dedicated to helping young people find their passions,
you show your prototype? What can you build quickly
start helping one person to do so.
that would help your users to deliver valuable
Your goal is to create your prototype and test it on
feedback? How could you display and test the
potential users.
concept, investing the least amount of resources?
1. Execute: How will you build it? Low-fidelity
To find the simplest method possible, keep asking: ”Is
prototyping is about not how sophisticated your
there a simpler way to show this?”
model looks, but the insights it generates.
The level of detail that’s right for your prototype will
a) If you’re prototyping a physical product, spend no
depend on a few factors:
more than one hour building the simplest version of
• What type of users will be exposed to it?
it, using easily found materials such as paper, sticky
• Will they be able to deliver insightful feedback
notes, and tape. You want to show people what your
based on the model that you are presenting?
product could look like, so it doesn’t have to work!
• Do they need to see a certain level of detail to
You’ll be there to tell them how it functions.
understand the concept?
b) If you’re prototyping a service, find the easiest way
• What resources are accessible to you? With low-
to test whether people need or want it. For example,
fidelity prototyping, agility is crucial: be resourceful
if you want to create an education programme
Prototyping 2. Test: How will you evaluate the prototype you are
your next step is to build a high-fidelity prototype that
showing? Avoid explaining the limitations of your
reflects the product’s look and feel in greater. Test it
prototype. Make sure users understand the aims of the
again and again! This challenge should be seen as part
project, and ask questions or prepare a short guide
of a cycle. You should always prototype, test and learn
before you present it. List a few of the questions that
from your users and improve your product.
you’d like to be answered during the session. If you
Debriefing: What are the main reasons we should
need inspiration, you’ll find suggestions on the Tips &
always include prototyping in the start-up process?
Tricks card.
What can happen with our business idea if we skip this
3. Learn: You’ve shown your prototype. Now what?
Collect your users’ feedback and build an affinity map
Resources: not needed
to find similarities in their evaluations of the concept. Incorporate their feedback and move on. From here,
Present your idea Learning objectives: to improve their presentation
4. Solution: your solution to the problem or business
and public skills, but also mathematical competences
Duration: 180 min
5. Product: how your product or service works
Materials: sticky notes, markers, A4 papers
6. Market: the size of your target market, and any
Activity Room: working stations
research results
Description: For this phase they should use the
7. Competition: alternatives to your solution that are
content they have developed with the Business Model
already on the market
Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas, together with
8. Your business model: how you plan to make money
the conclusions from prototyping and testing.
on the long term
Enter the information in the following format:
9. Resources needed: the money and other resources
1. Introduction: who you are and what is the goal of
you need in order to grow
this pitch
10. Contact: how people can contact you.
2. Team: who the team members are and their roles
We will continue with the phase of crafting and
3. Problem: what problem or business opportunity
pitching the business idea, using all the points
you are addressing
outlined in the business idea factsheet, and deliver it to potential investors, mentors or partners.
Present your idea We will continue with the phase of crafting and
pitching the business idea, using all the points outlined
3. Pitch!
in the business idea factsheet, and deliver it to
Find opportunities to pitch - either call people within
potential investors, mentors or partners.
your network or take advantage of pitching events.
1. Build the presentation
Make sure that your visual presentation and speech
Your presentation should include all the points
are adapted to your audience. They should always fit
outlined in your factsheet, in a simple, direct and
the context and the goal of the pitch: finding partners,
visual format. Ideally you should use presentation
investment or other resources.
software and have each point on a single slide. Don’t
Debriefing: What could’ve gone better in this process?
include too much text, make it visual and engaging,
What lessons you have learned?
and give your speech structure and flavour.
What are the 3 most important aspects when you
2. Write the speech
present your idea?
Based on the factsheet, write and rehearse a speech
and ask teammates for feedback. Your speech should
feel natural and engaging to the audience. Practice
different ways of delivering it to find what suits you
Celebrate Learning objectives: to learn to show appreciation to
Ask everyone to write a small thank you note for all
your team, to evaluate the process and to build self-
other teammates. The goal here is to show
esteem after completing the process
appreciation for something specific they achieved
Now, at the end, simply take all the teams and have a
Duration: 40 min
along their journey as a team. It can be as simple or as
lot of fun. Go out and do something to celebrate the
Materials: not needed
complicated as they make it. The notes should be read
journey you have been through together. You can go
Activity Room: Working stations and circle
later and are not meant to be shared with everyone.
out for a movie, dancing, attending or take part in a
Description: Here we are, at the last challenge, yet
Of course this can happen, but people shouldn’t feel
sporting event, whatever makes you happy as a team.
very important: to celebrate this amazing journey.
obliged to do so.
Having fun is an important part of working together,
What could be better if not showing appreciation and
2. Team appreciation
and can contribute to a positive team/organisational
recognition to the team for its achievement. The first
Now it’s time to appreciate collectively! Ask everyone
part of this challenge is simple, but extremely
in turn two simple questions:
Thank you for being part of this journey.
important: the participants should gather their team
• What are you thankful for regarding the team?
Debriefing: What is the most important lesson learned
and start appreciating! Divide this activity into two
• What are you proud of?
during this journey? Make a circle and each participant
Make sure you record this part on paper, since it’s
share briefly his lesson.
1. Individual appreciation
important for the second step of the challenge.
Resources: not needed
Genius hour Learning objectives: Genius hour is an activity that
this creative time period. Ever heard of Gmail or
am I curious about? And write their name on it. Give
allows participants to explore their own passions and
Google News?
the participants time to check the other answers. 10
encourages creativity in the group. It provides youth
passionate developers that blossomed from their
workers a choice in what they learn during a set
their 20-time projects.
Step 2 – If there are common interest/areas, ask the
period of time.
The trainer provides a set amount of time for the
participants to form groups or they can join
Duration: 120 min
participants to work on their passion projects.
somebody else’s idea. They can also choose to work
Participants are then challenged to explore something
individually if they want.
templates to be created
to do a project over that they want to learn about.
Step 3 – Identify a problem that needs a solution
Activity Room: Free space
They spend several time together researching the
based on your interest / area of curiosity.
Description: The search-engine giant, Google, allows
topic before they start creating a product that will be
Step 4 – New way of thinking – Formulate an Inquiry
it’s engineers to spend 20% of their time to work on
shared with the group. Deadlines are limited and
Question based on the following structure:
any pet project that they want.
The idea is very
creativity is encouraged. Throughout the process the
1Question stem: What is... How can...Why can’t....Why
Allow people to work on something that
trainer facilitates the participants projects to ensure
has...Why hasn’t...Is it possible....What could....What
interests them, and productivity will go up. Google’s
that they are on task.
impact....What influence...What effect....
policy has worked so well that it has been said that
Step 1 – The trainer creates an wonder wall – Each
50% of Google’s projects have been created during
participant answer on a post-it at the question: What
These projects are creations by
Genius hour 2.Who is taking the action? Me - My family - My
Where are you going to seek information? List the
school - My community - A particular group - The
types of resources you will use.
nation - The world
How you are going to present your findings to your
3.What is the action?
Solve – Answer – Resolve – Reduce – Explain –
Step 6 – Investigate
Develop – Innovate – Refine – Upgrade – Impact –
1 .Brainstorm - What do I already know about the
Change – Educate – Invent – Influence – Teach –
topic? Underline or highlight key-words and phrases
5. Synthesize the information
Improve – Make – Build – Create – Design
appeared during the brainstorming
• Make connections between your key findings
4. What is the topic or area of concern?
2 .What resources I can use: Internet – Books –
• Organize the information in a way that makes sense
5. Who will be impacted?
Teacher – Librarian – Specialist – Interviews –
Me – My family – My school – My community – A
Photographs – Survey Data – Magazines
particular group – The nation – The world
3. Note-Taking - Use the research notes template to
Step 5 - Create an Inquiry Proposal based on the
record information about each source: eg. Title,
6. Present findings to your audience after you identify
following structure:
the best way to present your Genious Hour solution to
Briefly describe the topic of your Genius hour project
supporting details
Write out your inquiry question in full
4. Summarising and paraphrasing
• Use the research summary template to collate your notes • Identify the key-words and key points from each source
• Summarize your key findings, including any
important quotes
to you • Draw conclusions that answers your Genius Hour
your audience.
Genius hour Step 7 – Research time
Presentation Ideas: Coding, Presenting a Book, making
another chance?
Create your own templates: Research summary and
a short video, writing a report, delivering a digital
What did you enjoyed the most while working on this
Research notes.
Research notes contains the following fields: Details of
Step 9 – So What Now?
Debriefing: What have you discovered about you and
source (Title – author – Published date – Website/URL
Fill in the Self-reflection template
your main question during the Genius Hour?
Taking an honest look at your Genius Hour Project:
How could we use the method with the young
information, Summary
Research summary contains the following fields:
Inquiry Questions
Source Details – Keywords – Key Ideas – Statements of
Name the key point you learned from your project
Overall Findings
Was there anything you could have done better?
Step 8 – Unite
Would you present your findings differently if you had
The Wish Market Learning objectives: Linking the needs, wishes, ideas,
papers cut out in the form of a fish (one colour for
phase, the trainer team and the participants will add
and offers of expertise of all the participants. To
what you need, the other for what you can offer – one
an extra dimension to the Wish Market by offering
promote future co-operation and action.
separate fish for each wish or need). Participants hang
different consultancy offices where participants can
Duration: 120 min
their fish together on their wallpaper describing their
obtain extra information.
Materials: Colored paper (2 different colors), Post-It
home organisation in the “marketplace”.
Debriefing: Not needed
notes & pens for everybody-Rope, tape, scissors,
For the market, participants receive one pack of Post-
Resources: Not needed
Wallpaper describing participants organisations, a
Its. Then people begin to circulate through the
large room and several other small rooms or spaces
market, reading the offers and needs on the fish. If
nearby to hold workshops.
someone wants to respond to something on a fish,
Activity Room: free, open space
they write their name on a Post-It and stick it on to
Description: Preparation - the Fish: Participants list
the fish.
their wishes on paper. This can include anything that
While people are circulating, they also need to keep
they wish to have / anything that they are looking for.
an eye on who has put their name on their own fish. It
On the other paper they list anything they have to
is up to participants to meet with those people to
offer to others. These points are then written out on
discuss co-operation (in whatever form). In the next
Entrepreneurs Friends Learning objectives: To highlight some European
entrepreneurship opportunities, and will learn about
funding opportunities for entrepreneurs.
training and funding opportunities designed to
European programmes that offer training and funds to
Step 4 – The participants summaries the session by
support young entrepreneurs. By the end of the
young people interested in becoming entrepreneurs.
highlighting some useful websites or other resources
session participants will: gain a basic knowledge of
Hand out the answer cards and ask for a volunteer to
that may offer funding opportunities. We will also
European programmes that offer support for young
keep score.
invite a local young entrepreneur to share her
entrepreneurs; understand how the programmes
Step 2 - The trainer show the slide with the first
work and how they can apply in order to participate.
question and ask participants to hold up their answer
Duration: 60-90 min
(A, B, C or D). When the scorer has made a note of all
Debriefing: What are the advantages of each
Materials: A laptop, A projector; From the printable
answers, show the next slide with the correct answer
and additional information. Repeat until you have
What are the disadvantages of each opportunity?
Answer cards
completed the quiz.
Resources: Website: Erasmus+ / European Solidarity
Activity Room: circle of chairs
Step 3 - In mixed groups of 6 people, they will
Corps / Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
Description: Step 1 -- Welcome participants to the
research online the programme aims and the
session. The trainer explain to the group this is the
application process for one or more of the listed
last session before the final evaluation. They will be
taking part in a quiz about entrepreneurship and
Entrepreneurs, etc) or local or national training and
Letter from the future Learning objectives: visioning, creative writing,
revels in your success. It can be a family member or a
• Call for volunteers to read their piece to the entire
friend. The person can even be deceased.
group. As people read their pieces you will notice the
Duration: 20 min
• The object of this activity is to write a letter to this
energetic shift in the room to one of power and
Materials: Sailor’s log, pens
person from the vantage point of the time in the
Activity Room: circle of chairs
future you have identified. You have been successful
Tips: Be sure to stress the fact that the person’s
Description: This writing activity helps people throw a
beyond your wildest dreams and you are telling this
endeavor has met with wild success. Encourage
fishing line into the future and hook a clear image of
person all about it. What happened, what does it feel
people to use description in their writing.
positive possibility. It’s an excellent activity for both
like, what steps did you take to get there, and what’s
Debriefing: not needed
youth and adults. Tell people they will be doing a free
next. Just let your mind go and record the good news
Resources: not needed
write activity and provide appropriate instructions.
on the paper.
Ask participants to think of a time in the future, say, at
• Once everyone has written a page or so, call a halt
the end of the school year or at the completion of a
to the writing.
planned project.
• Invite people to read all or some of their writing to a
• Now think of person who is very supportive and
The booklet has been created during the Ideas Ark project, implemented by the Monomyths Association between August 2018 and January 2019, with the financial support of Erasmus+ Programme initiated by the European Commission. The partner organizations
are Ocean znanja u republici hrvatskoj (Croatia), Seiklejate vennaskond (Estonia), Neoi ellados se Eyropaiki drasi Greece), Younet (italy), Tarptautinis bendradarbiavimo centras (Lithuania), Association for sustainable development sfera macedonia bitola
(FYROM), Fundacja wspierania inicjatyw mlodziezowych 4youth (Polonia), Youth Eurasia (Turkey).