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Instagram will ultimately be used to continue with the brand usual and successful marketing techniques. ‘Instagram has over 2 million monthly active users’ (CNBC, 2021), with 59% of users who login daily, 90% of users follow a brand, and it is recorded to be the fourth most downloaded app in 2021 (Chen, 2022). Statista, (2022) shows that 62.25% of Instagram’s users are under the age of 35, which fits Gucci’s target market as well as the campaigns target market, ensuring engagement from the intended consumer.

Grid Posts


To display the campaign as part of Gucci’s brand it is important that they post imagery from the campaign on their grid. Although stories are seen to have the most engagement recently, stories are only temporary unless saved to a highlight. Therefore, grid posts will be necessary to ‘Dance with Grandma’, allowing the non-profit campaign to sit alongside Gucci’s previous and future marketing campaigns.


The ‘Dance with Grandma’ fashion film will be uploaded on Instagram as a reel to further the consumption levels through different channels. 91% of active Instagram users watch videos weekly and 66% of consumers find that shortfrom videos are the most engaging type of social content (Chen, 2022).


To maximise the potential engagement of the campaign it is advised that a brand should post up to five stories a day, Chen, (2022) claims this leads to a retention rate of over 70%. Instagram, (2022) reported that “50% of Instagrammers have visited a website to buy a product/service as a result of seeing it in Stories.” Therefore ‘Dance with Grandma’ will post a variety of stories which will include imagery from the campaign, statistics on the social issue and short clips of the fashion film.



The hashtag #dancewithgrandma will be used to increase opportunity and visibility for the campaign, as well as boosting engagement (Sheikh, 2022). A study shows using at least one hashtag on Instagram can increase engagement by 12.6% (Hamilton, 2019).

It has been proven that the use of hashtags on TikTok has resulted in the most effective results than other social media. They can generate 4 times ad recall and 4.5 higher brand awareness which allows more consumers to be educated through the Dance with Grandma campaign (Sheikh, 2022).


Both the campaign images and fashion film will be uploaded onto Facebook to reach a wider audience. Facebook has reported to have 3 billion monthly active users in 2022, and ‘1.98 billion people on average log into Facebook daily’. Users spend on average 19.6 hours a month on Facebook and 33 minutes a day (Bagadiya, 2022).

Statista, (2022) shows 12.6% of the total active Facebook users globally are females aged 25 to 34. Although this is not the specific target audience for the ‘Dance with Grandma’ campaign it allows the social issue to be raised further. With content already made for other social media platforms, Facebook will also be used for market the campaign. Gucci is an active user on Facebook with over 20 million likes on their page, therefore this campaign will follow their usual marketing strategies by posting on Facebook.

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