Emilie Diers/Portfolio2013/Architecture+Interior Design

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Emilie Diers / Portfolio 2013 Architecture + Interior design emiliediers@gmail.com Israel + 972 (0)5 48 14 34 85 France + 33 (0)6 45 69 59 82

Curriculum vitĂŚ

EMILIE DIERS / ARCHITECT PART III + INTERIOR DESIGNER French nationality / emiliediers@gmail.com / ISR + 972 (0)548 143 485 / FR +33 (0)6 45 69 59 82 Work experience 08.2013 - Today

Project Position

BARANOWITZ + KRONENBERG ARCHITECTURE / Tel Aviv, Israel. W Hotel, Amsterdam / 266 Rooms - 20 000m² - Amsterdam, Netherlands Senior Architect - Project documentation, coordination with consultants, site supervision, project and team management.


Project Position

VINCENT CALLEBAUT ARCHITECTURES / Paris, France. Agora Tower / Luxury housing tower LEED - 40 000m² - Taïpeï, Taïwan Project Architect - Documentation, client presentations, coordination with consultants, site supervision.

12.2009 - 12.2010

Project Position 02.2006 - 07.2009


B.E.D. BUREAU / Tel Aviv, Israël. Boutique Hotel 4* / 150 rooms + Spa - LEED certified - 10 000m² - Eilat, Israël Design Architect - Project research, conception, documentation. VASCONI ARCHITECT + PARTNERS / Paris, France. • New Princess Grace hospital / 482 beds - 80 000m² - Monaco • Research center Michelin / offices & laboratories - 120 000m² - Clermont - Ferrand, France • Graduate school for automotive industries / 34 000m² - Toulouse, France • New Law courts / 19 000m² - Aix-en-Provence, France • Dexia bank head quarter / Offices - 80 000m² - Luxembourg city, Luxembourg


Junior architect + Interior designer - Assisted with the conception & development of several large scale projects of various typologies.


Project Position

SHIGERU BAN ARCHITECTS EUROPE / Paris, France. • Pompidou Centre Museum / 8 000m² - Metz, France Junior Interior Architect - Design research, Project documentation, selection and specifications of materials & finishes. • Temporary office of Shigeru Ban / 100m² Pompidou center museum, Paris, France Intern - Worker on the construction site in a team of 30 international students.

Latest Personal projects

• Silent Tales : Photographic research - Publication & Exhibition - Bezalel Academy of Art of Jerusa lem, Israel. • Construction et architecture en acier 2012, French syndicate for metal work, « I

KB», 2nd prize

collaboration with Architect: Youssef Anastas & Engineer: Etienne Albenque. Education

Architecture degree + HMONP ( RIBA part III equivalent )

2009 - 2012

Ecole d’architecture de la ville et du territoire, Marne La Vallée, France

2000 - 2005

Interior design diploma with honors, Master grade. ESAG Penninghen, School of graphic design and interior design, Prof. Jean Lelay

Software Languages Hobbies

Autocad 2D & 3D, Rhino, 3DS max, Artlantis, Sketchup, Adobe suite, Microsoft office French - mother tongue / English + Hebrew - fluent Ceramics, sculpture, photography, surfing and running 1/2 marathons.

In offices

Workshop SBA Collaboration with Shigeru Ban Architect Location Pompidou center, Paris Project Construction of a temporary office for Shigeru Ban. The aim of this temporary structure was to host the Metz Pompidou center team for the duration of the project won a few months before. The studio has a paper tube arch structure. Arches are covered with OSb panels and a waterproof PTFE membrane. The same material used to cover the Centre Pompidou Metz. Besides the electrical installation, the whole construction was carried out by our student team over a period of four months. Phase Building Construction Team A group of 30 international students Surface 100 m²

Pompidou center Metz Collaboration with Shigeru Ban Architect Location Metz, France Project New Pompidou center museum The museum is made of three rectangular concrete tubes (the galleries) stacked and oriented towards the main symbolic buildings in Metz. An hexagonal wooden mesh forms the structure of the roof covering the galleries. To optimize the building strategy of the roof; this study involved numerous scale models to test resistance, patterns, and scale of the wooden canopy. Phase Tender documentation Team Marc Ferrand Copyright image Arte Factory

Michelin headquartert Collaboration with Vasconi architects & partners Location Clermont Ferrant, France Project The building acts like a bridge-building above Michelin’s circuit. Offices are splitted in units of 100m² including 25 work stations. Each unit can be compare to a glass brick module. These bricks are stacked on 4 levels along a covered inner street which constitutes an informal working area, a link between all research units. Modules are accessible by catwalks and have their own gardens. Phase Competition Team Jiaoyang Huang, Vincent Callebaut, Jean Michel Chartiel Copyright image L’autre image Surface 120 000 m²

New law court Collaboration with Vasconi architects & partners Location Aix en Provence, France Client French ministery of justice AMOTMJ Project The building is located in the historical center of the city. The main facade is opened and transparent. A patio garden offers an outdoor continuity to the waiting room behind the facade. Audience rooms are next to each other along the west façade of the building. Phase Competition Team Thomas Schinko, Florence Mauny Surface 19 000 m² Copyright image Arte Factory

D2 tower Collaboration with Vasconi architects & Partners Location Paris, La dÊfense. Client Axa - Bouyghes immobilier Project Office building. The geometry of the plan is directly linked to the physical constraint of the site and the building foot print. The project includes in its lower levels two floors of retail, services and offices. The base, including several flows of circulation, has been particularly studied to create a welcoming hub and a smooth transition between the outdoor public space and the tower ground floor. Phase Competition Surface 55 000 m² Copyright image Guy Bez

Spa boutique hotel Collaboration with Building envirrenmental design studio Location Eilat, Israel Client Private client Project The main goal of the project is to offer to customers a desert experience. The hotel is embeded in the landscape. The project has been developed in partnership with a research unit from Bersheva University working on Solar Energy and Environmental Physics. It includes 40 luxurious suites and a spa. Phase Design development Team Yaniv Turgeman, Tal Kaufman, Keren Meir, Axelle Desaint, Oscar Vos Surface 6000 m² Copyright image Keren Meir

L.T bomb shelter • • • ••••• Staff acces

Eco pool

type 3 • • •• ••••••

Eco pool special

type 3 • • •• ••••••

Eco pool


type 2 • • •• ••••••

type 2 • • •• ••••••

type 2 • • •• ••••••

Treatment Room • • • ••••• Staff acces

Treatment Room • • • •••••

Indoor central spa pool 140 m2 Watsu • • • ••• • • ••••••••••

Shaded outdoor central spa pool 410 m2 Vichy Shower • • • •••••

Semi-outdoor Cave spa pool • • • • ••••••

Rasul • • • •••••


Eco pool

Indoor central spa 90 m2

+15.60m 'floating blocks' infi






Vichy sh. 15m² Men Chang.r. • • • ••••• Men Sauna

Light roof above shaded square

Women Chang. r. • • • •••••


Women Sauna


Outdoor spa • • • ••• • • • ••••••••••• +15.60m

infinity pool

Pool shop • • • ••••• Terrace

Pool bar • • • •••••

L.T bomb shelter • • • ••••• Staff acces

Kitchen storage • • • • ••••••

Technical area 120 m2

Gen. storage 20 m2 Workshop 30 m2

Laundry 40 m2

Parking 51 pk spaces

Staff acces

Technical area 180 m2

Delivery area 480 m2 +06.90m

Exit Acces

Williams House Gallery

Agora garden tower Collaboration with Vincent Callebaut Architectures Location Taipei, Taiwan Client BES engineering Project Housing tower The building includes a ground floor reception area, 40 apartments of 650 m² and a roof top ball room. Each apartment has a 200m² private planted outdoor terrace and a view on the 101 Tower : the landmark of Taipei. The tower makes a 90° rotation around its core, which becomes the structural spine of the building. The 20th level acts like an outrigger truss beam. The apartment levels are stacked like the steps of helicoidal stairs between the core and the two megacolumns running across all levels. Phase Technical design to construction (start in june 2012) Surface 50 000 m² Copyright image Frame images

W HOTEL AMSTERDAM Collaboration with Baranowitz Kronenberg Architectures Location Amsterdam, Netherland Partner architect Winhov Hovenier Architects Project W Palace hotel The hotel takes place in an exhisting emblematic industrial building in the earth of Amsterdam. It includes 170 rooms, bars and restaurants, an underground club and a multifunctional room. The entrance of the hotel is located on the ground floor and looks like a black box where only elevators are accessible. The lobby is located on the 5th floor and offers 360° panoramic views on the city. Phase Technical design to delivery Surface 50000 m² Copyright image Totem.




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tel aviv 65205 israel









Personnal works

I KB Location Paris, France Client Construiracier french syndicat for metal work Project Rehabilitation of the Kremlin Bicêtre metro station. The station becomes a landmark integrated in a green boulevard axis. The diversion of the traffic planned by the city-hall is an opportunity to create an open-air station in relationship with the city. Phase Competition, 2nd price Team Youssef Anastas, Etienne Albenque

Strate Office Location Boulogne, France Project Pilot project for new offices. The building is a five floors energy efficient office building including a public restaurant. All the workspace layout is oriented as an amphitheater, toward the Albert Kahn garden. Phase Design development Surface 2000 m²

Tracery Location Mobile Project Research for a pavilion facade. The goal was to use a thin and flexible module, easy to carry, which would become rigid once the modules were assembled. The rigid sample can be used vertically or horizontally. A curved surface can be created only by playing with the distances between the modules (screws). Phase Concept design

Tree house Location Port au prince, Haiti Project Small green architecture unit under tropical climate. This tree house lodge is built with local material and was designed in response to the 2010 earthquake and specific tropical climate data from the site. The project executed by an architect and local engineering team was made in collaboration with RFR engineering company during an Internationnal workshop held in Waterford, Ireland Team Samuel Kaiser, Thibault Dezellus, Sandrine Vignarath, Brendan Kiernan, Lee Hennessy

Petit + Caterer & Deli Location Paris, France Project Design concept and complete study of the first caterer and Deli ÂŤPetit +Âť wich will open in Paris. Team : Daphna Glaubert Architecte + Tatsumi Taeron Graphic design. Phase : Complete study & delivery

Porcelaine skin Location Paris Project Rehabilitation of the metro station Cité. Following a fascination for ceramic materials since an early age, this project was an opportunity to explore new potential use for technical ceramic in architecture. The technical properties of the porcelain, used to diffuse light in the station, are perfectly adjusted to respond to the constraints of a public underground place. Phase Concept design

Expression and experimentation

Ceramic for breakfast Location Kolding, Denmark Client Saxildhus **** Hotel Project Design of dish-wear and wooden furniture set for the wedding suite of the hotel. Phase From concept to realization Team Gal Shvekey

Silent Tales Publication by Bezalel Academy of Art and design - Jerusalem. on October 25th, 2013.

Photographic research project about urban and architectural scars, burns, prosthesis, etc...

ÂŤ Imperfections act like a quiet time machine. They belong to a bygone time, embody the persistence of memory as opposed to oblivion, and reveal the past as much as they remain in the present. They are conducive to daydreaming and give rise to emotion. They tell us life stories, remind us of the power of nature and the uniqueness of every minute, pushing us towards the future. Âť

Thank you ‫תודה‬ Merci

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